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News [Kekfuel]Blind Recruitment Trial to Boost Gender Equality Making Things Worse, Study Reveals



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022

A measure aimed at boosting female employment in the workforce may actually be making it worse, a major study has found.
Ahhh, the irony. :feelsjuice:

Leaders of the Australian public service will today be told to "hit pause" on blind recruitment trials, which many believed would increase the number of women in senior positions.
Now, let's just imagine that somehow this negatively impacted men; really think that they would still "hit pause" on this?

Blind recruitment means recruiters cannot tell the gender of candidates because those details are removed from applications.
Considering the knowledge many of us hold, I am fairly confident even some of the most genuine low-IQ users on this forum could discern the difference between the application of a foid & male.

Not only that, but I would wage we would even have the ability to determine the actual

It is seen as an alternative to gender quotas and has also been embraced by Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Victoria Police and Westpac Bank.
Quite a bit disappointing that they had to scrap this, considering it would have served as both objectively better in hiring & more "egalitarian" by default, which is what these loonies want to push for. :feelsjuice:
In a bid to eliminate sexism, thousands of public servants have been told to pick recruits who have had all mention of their gender and ethnic background stripped from their CVs.

The assumption behind the trial is that management will hire more women when they can only consider the professional merits of candidates.
>Want to hire more women
>Only consider the professional merits of candidates

Professor Michael Hiscox, a Harvard academic who oversaw the trial, said he was shocked by the results and has urged caution.
I could smell the soy through my screen here...the second I saw the names "professor" & the naming of the institution, I immediately knew something along the lines of "urged caution" would popup.
"We anticipated this would have a positive impact on diversity — making it more likely that female candidates and those from ethnic minorities are selected for the shortlist," he said.

"We found the opposite, that de-identifying candidates reduced the likelihood of women being selected for the shortlist."
Well then, perhaps this provides us with an indicator that maybe foids naturally do not perform as well as men do.

And before any Redditor wants to try & use the argument of ":soy::foidSoy::feels:: Well, this just shows that wahmen are still disadvantaged in education!"

Well then, how about a nice look at some statistics shall we?

According to a report from NSC research center, these are some statistics for enrollment:

Around 8,336,338 Women enrolled for their first semester of college in the fall of 2023, compared to around 6,128,109 Men: Thus, a staggering 2,208,000 difference exists between enrollment of women & men.
(my own calculations based on the dataset appendix for download here: https://nscresearchcenter.org/current-term-enrollment-estimates/)

Women also outnumbered men in graduate programs — 1.8 million versus 1.1 million

Furthermore, it would appear that many Women also graduate at a higher rate in comparison to Men:
Graduating within 4 years after entry, females
2014 entry cohort51.3

Graduating within 4 years after entry, males
2014 entry cohort41.0
Now, let's also look at the degrees which men tend to get, as opposed to foids:

the more female-dominated a college major is, the lower the average IQ of the students studying in the major.


Hmmm, now who could have guessed that the more foids you have in a major, the lower-IQ the average is.

Another brutal observation I made in this article, is this factor:

The trial found assigning a male name to a candidate made them 3.2 per cent less likely to get a job interview.

Adding a woman's name to a CV made the candidate 2.9 per cent more likely to get a foot in the door.
So in other words, the study ended up proving a few things:
-Men are disadvantaged just for being men(water)
-It proves that this whole ideal of "egalitarianism" & (((diversity))) simply serves one side as opposed to the other
-This system of not stating gender not only proves men are more qualified, but also amounts to concede that their whole ideal is flawed, since it does not work in practice.

Oh, and of course:
"We should hit pause and be very cautious about introducing this as a way of improving diversity, as it can have the opposite effect," Professor Hiscox said.
@LeFrenchCel @TBIcel @Adolf Hitler @Uggo Mongo @PLA1092 @WorthlessSlavicShit @cvh1991 @Mortis @GeckoBus @Ron.Belgrade @SupremeGentleCel @Chudpreet @wereq @Puppeter @Ci Jey @Stupid Clown @Bianor @CruxGammata @Vlarke @xkcdCleftcel @ElTruecel @Grim_Reaper

Doesn't shit like this happen pretty much every time they try to do something "blind" like this:feelskek:?
Women will just end up miserable, especially when trying to compete with men in the workforce.
They Lack T, to persvere/push through and get shit done.
No wonder why the majority of them are on meds, and mentally unwell.
What a horrible society we live in. No use in trying.
"We found the opposite, that de-identifying candidates reduced the likelihood of women being selected for the shortlist."

Thanks for the kekfuel jfl, however it's unfortunate that white collar jobs are getting more and more occupied by foids while the more competent men are left in the gutter, what a sad state of affairs crapitalism has reached...
I find it so funny they just proved they're discriminating against men and somehow women are the victim. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Why can't people just collectively agree that men are better qualified and perform better in certain occupations than women instead of overdosing on muh equality and muh gender disparity in the workforce.
Women will just end up miserable, especially when trying to compete with men in the workforce.
They Lack T, to persvere/push through and get shit done.
No wonder why the majority of them are on meds, and mentally unwell.
Yup- meds have indeed made foids worse, not just mentally, but also physically.

Research has shown to us that the brith control foids are on literally alters their hormones, which is partially why they like feminine kind of guys.
What a horrible society we live in. No use in trying.
It is brutal boyo- I saw some stats about hiring recently, and that has made me even more unoptimistic for my future in this shithole country.
"We found the opposite, that de-identifying candidates reduced the likelihood of women being selected for the shortlist."
View attachment 1101793
Thanks for the kekfuel jfl, however it's unfortunate that white collar jobs are getting more and more occupied by foids while the more competent men are left in the gutter, what a sad state of affairs crapitalism has reached...
Yup- (((they))) want it to be this way though, as I pointed out, foids are easier to manipulate & control for many reasons; groupthink mentality is dominant amongst them.

This correlates heavily with that thread I made about foids choices being naturally dysgenic- they want foids to destroy civilization, so they may mold it how they wish.
I find it so funny they just proved they're discriminating against men and somehow women are the victim. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
:yes: :feelsjuice:

That was the peak-irony of this whole article, and it just goes again to prove that the notions of egalitarianism, feminism, etc. are nothing more than methods to advance one population, whilst keeping the other suppressed.
Why can't people just collectively agree that men are better qualified and perform better in certain occupations than women instead of overdosing on muh equality and muh gender disparity in the workforce.
Well, I think everyone knows it subconsciously, it's just the world in which we live has been twisted by these perverse notions in order to corrupt it.
Research has shown to us that the brith control foids are on literally alters their hormones, which is partially why they like feminine kind of guys.
Birth control is fucked the more you think about it.
Imagine you had to take spermicidal pills every month.
Then again, they brought it on themselves...
Why can't people just collectively agree that men are better qualified and perform better in certain occupations than women instead of overdosing on muh equality and muh gender disparity in the workforce.
So that the men in charge can get pussy.
Same thing on race no shocker
Mirin’ this thread :feelsokman: Nicely researched and argued, deserves way more reads and replies

Doesn't shit like this happen pretty much every time they try to do something "blind" like this:feelskek:?
Soys are curry nationalist-tier delusional, it’s actually fucking insane. It should be obvious to anyone with basic observational skills that picking applicants on qualifications alone will lead to workplaces being staffed primarily with straight white men plus some rice here and there
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Mirin’ this thread :feelsokman: Nicely researched and argued, deserves way more reads and replies
Thank you:feelsokman:

Admittedly, I am very disappointed by the lack of responses to this: Meanwhile, @Made in Heaven made a thread(well thought out & written will say that) and it made it to five pages because of the racebait. :feelsjuice:

Oh but hey, it's "le stormfrontcels" who are the ones running the forum. :society:
Soys are curry nationalist-tier delusional, it’s actually fucking insane. It should be obvious to anyone with basic observational skills that picking applicants on qualifications alone is going to lead to workplaces being staffed with mostly straight white men (with some rice and maybe curries here and there)

Truly, they epitomize delusion, groupthink, and the general hypocrisy which is plaguing our society,
Oh but hey, it's "le stormfrontcels" who are the ones running the forum. :society:
This seems to be a sentiment most commonly echoed by 2024cels, who are ironically the ones actually turning this forum into a shithole
This seems to be a sentiment most commonly echoed by 2024cels, who are ironically the ones actually turning this forum into a shithole
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Thank you:feelsokman:

Admittedly, I am very disappointed by the lack of responses to this: Meanwhile, @Made in Heaven made a thread(well thought out & written will say that) and it made it to five pages because of the racebait. :feelsjuice:

Oh but hey, it's "le stormfrontcels" who are the ones running the forum. :society:


Truly, they epitomize delusion, groupthink, and the general hypocrisy which is plaguing our society,
Race threads get more replies because they are controversial and various incels want to argue about who's race is better. Female threads get little replies because we all know and have seen the stats around how bad women are compared to men
Race threads get more replies because they are controversial and various incels want to argue about who's race is better. Female threads get little replies because we all know and have seen the stats around how bad women are compared to men
Alright, I see your point.

However, I would like to point out the hypocrisy of many on this issue: Also, this is primarily an Incel forum, and should primarily be focused upon hatred towards the other gender.

In many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines, women are outperformed by men in test scores, jeopardizing their success in science-oriented courses and careers
Oh well geez, perhaps it's simply due to the fact(as proven by the graph above) that foids are just naturally lower-IQ, and thus are unable to perform in these areas as well as men.

women earn lower exam grades and lower scores on standardized tests of conceptual mastery
Hmmm...again, it just correlates with basic male v. female differences in

In this randomized double-blind study, 399 students either wrote about their most important values or not, twice at the beginning of the 15-week course. Values affirmation reduced the male-female performance and learning difference substantially and elevated women's modal grades from the C to B range.
You can't even make this shit-up anymore: "Values affirmation reduced the male-female performance & leaning difference substantially"

Perhaps I misread and/or misinterpreted things here, but they literally asked students to state their "values" which ofc for the vast majority of them would be the usual egalitarian bullshit, and then they claim it somehow "raised" the scores.

Oh well geez, perhaps it's simply due to the fact(as proven by the graph above) that foids are just naturally lower-IQ, and thus are unable to perform in these areas as well as men.

Hmmm...again, it just correlates with basic male v. female differences in

You can't even make this shit-up anymore: "Values affirmation reduced the male-female performance & leaning difference substantially"

Perhaps I misread and/or misinterpreted things here, but they literally asked students to state their "values" which ofc for the vast majority of them would be the usual egalitarian bullshit, and then they claim it somehow "raised" the scores.
They’ll blame everything but nature, they’ll say “muh school system is designed for men, it’s misogynistic” “muh women are raised misogynistically” “muh the research isn’t correct” “muh the research unfairly favours men”
They’ll blame everything but nature, they’ll say “muh school system is designed for men, it’s misogynistic” “muh women are raised misogynistically” “muh the research isn’t correct” “muh the research unfairly favours men”
Cherry-on-top of their entire joke of an argument, is the fact that literally the entire education system has been designed to favor foids:
-Food is full of chemicals which has been proven to be harmful, but especially so towards men
-Foids are constantly given encouragement in schools, due to the history of foids being "oppressed" and thus need to feel empowered.
-As a result of the previous statement, many things which formally encouraged masculinity have been removed from schools as a whole
They’ll blame everything but nature, they’ll say “muh school system is designed for men, it’s misogynistic” “muh women are raised misogynistically” “muh the research isn’t correct” “muh the research unfairly favours men”
Feminist mental gymnastics are something else
Feminist mental gymnastics are something else
If mental gymnastics were an olympic sport, feminists would have the fucking record.
"We want to reach gender equality"

It's almost like hiring based on gender, rather than merit, is a terrible idea.
It's almost like hiring based on gender, rather than merit, is a terrible idea.
The massive irony, is that through them hiring on gender innately contradicts their principles: They claim to want "equality" which requires shafting men down, which also serves to make the economy & overall work-performance worse.
"We want to reach gender equality"

Yup, kind of a "Rules for thee, not for me" mentality.
I find it so funny they just proved they're discriminating against men and somehow women are the victim. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Doesn't shit like this happen pretty much every time they try to do something "blind" like this:feelskek:?

a while back in holland they changed the way awards were given to actors and actresses

instead of male and female segregation for prices (as example a prize for best female actress and a prize for best male actror) the foids didnt liked that idea and forced it to be one category of prices, so not divided in to genders

the awardshow ended with 0 foids winning any prizes because of it:feelskek:
It's almost like foids are useless low iq whores that are bad at everything they touch including raising children, actually they are killing them at rate worse than the death count of any war since Vietnam war every feminist foid is a war criminal and should pay for their crimes
a while back in holland they changed the way awards were given to actors and actresses

instead of male and female segregation for prices (as example a prize for best female actress and a prize for best male actror) the foids didnt liked that idea and forced it to be one category of prices, so not divided in to genders

the awardshow ended with 0 foids winning any prizes because of it:feelskek:
Not just a Dutch thing either:feelskek:.

a while back in holland they changed the way awards were given to actors and actresses

instead of male and female segregation for prices (as example a prize for best female actress and a prize for best male actror) the foids didnt liked that idea and forced it to be one category of prices, so not divided in to genders

the awardshow ended with 0 foids winning any prizes because of it:feelskek:
Not just a Dutch thing either:feelskek:.

You can't make this up. :feelskek:

Much needed lifefuel in this rough patch im having right now.

It literally just confirms many blackpill views:
-Men are inherently better at virtually everything
-The fucking irony of these methods attempting to ensure "equality"
-That in order to advance any kind of foid agenda, men will always be shafted as a group & suffer from it(unless Chad)
It's almost like foids are useless low iq whores that are bad at everything they touch including raising children, actually they are killing them at rate worse than the death count of any war since Vietnam war every feminist foid is a war criminal and should pay for their crimes
You mean abortion rates? Yeah, those are quite high in the US.
a while back in holland they changed the way awards were given to actors and actresses

instead of male and female segregation for prices (as example a prize for best female actress and a prize for best male actror) the foids didnt liked that idea and forced it to be one category of prices, so not divided in to genders

the awardshow ended with 0 foids winning any prizes because of it:feelskek:
I just love observing these correlations: Literally every single one of these "gender blind" researches, studies, etc. always just ends up with the same outcome of foids getting their just-desserts, and just highlights the hypocrisy against men in general.
Did they find an effect on ethnic minorities though? It seems there is none. Foids can’t complain and it is obviously just their own incompetence.
I remember when this was tested with an AI program to do the same. It selected hard for Indians and Asian men for technical jobs. :lul:
I remember when this was tested with an AI program to do the same. It selected hard for Indians and Asian men for technical jobs. :lul:
Can you provide a source for this?

And kek, proves many racial realist theories.

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