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Just a curiousity. Do you still have any hope for a relationship or have you definetly given up?



Feb 13, 2021
About myself I gave up many years ago and I have no intention to turn back. For somebody like me lighting off even the weakest glimmer of hope is the choice which fits the best. I decided for my own psychological sake to stay away from anything romantic and sexual, so no relationship, no one itis, no crush, no interest on any girl and I don't even want to hire any hooker. What about you?
Gave up indefinitely. Now I just hope for the courage to rope soon
i'm short, balding, and ugly, it's fucking over
It's ok to give up but rope for something like this, total misfortune with women, is pointless. There is so much more in life which is worther than women.
Given up. No point in torturing myself over the impossible. I'm just trying to move on with my reality.
I'm 29 years old. Lets say I get a 30 year old used up roastie. She will be my 1st and I will be number 50 for her. Does that sound like a good deal?

No. Never. If I can't have what Chad had, then I don't want any of it.
not sure anymore, deffo got no chance with any girl who has vision, even so they'd probs still sense chads energy and run off with him
I'm 29 years old. Lets say I get a 30 year old used up roastie. She will be my 1st and I will be number 50 for her. Does that sound like a good deal?

No. Never. If I can't have what Chad had, then I don't want any of it.
I really appreciate your idea and mindset. What's the point of hiring hookers for something we will never have the possibility to experience as "free". I know sex is never as free, but I couldn't find any proper term to define it.
I really appreciate your idea and mindset. What's the point of hiring hookers for something we will never have the possibility to experience as "free". I know sex is never as free, but I couldn't find any proper term to define it.
Chad gets it for free. All he has to do is send a text, "Hey wanna chill and Netflix?"
Gave up ten years ago.
About myself I gave up many years ago and I have no intention to turn back. For somebody like me lighting off even the weakest glimmer of hope is the choice which fits the best. I decided for my own psychological sake to stay away from anything romantic and sexual, so no relationship, no one itis, no crush, no interest on any girl and I don't even want to hire any hooker. What about you?
Hope is the last thing to die. Stop turning your back to God, recover your religion, marry a decent wife and make 20 children. If each person reading this managed to do that we could save western civilization, otherwise we will commit collective suicide and in the not too distant future the world will have 500 million slaves ruled by the billionaire maniacs, not to say something worse.
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Religion? Marriage? 20 children? I would rather shot myself...
Yes, I have hope. In fact i'm very hopeful this will be the year of my ascension.
Yes, I have hope. In fact i'm very hopeful this will be the year of my ascension.
It's all up to your appereance. Is it attractive or at the least average? You can have many chances yet. Is it unattractive? Just LDAR.
Ive given up on the idea of a healthy relationship with women these days in general. Just seeing what boomers and normies go through being cheated on, lied to, destroyed in court etc.. is enough to even be glad I never went into that world in the first place. Granted I am older now and not after foids primally like many young people are on here.
36 no gf. Yeah having hope at this point is just delusional.
Gave up long time ago, not entering an area where am severely out of my depth.
Ive given up on the idea of a healthy relationship with women these days in general. Just seeing what boomers and normies go through being cheated on, lied to, destroyed in court etc.. is enough to even be glad I never went into that world in the first place. Granted I am older now and not after foids primally like many young people are on here.
I sympathize with you, this is exactly the way I feel everytime I go around and see couples. This feeling that I was meant to be excluded by something everyone experience so easily is always persistent in my mind.
It's all up to your appereance. Is it attractive or at the least average? You can have many chances yet. Is it unattractive? Just LDAR.
I'm certain I can do it. Can't say any more than that. The only thing that's stopping me right now is the meme flu and lockdowns. The things that are under my control shouldn't be a problem.
I'm certain I can do it. Can't say any more than that. The only thing that's stopping me right now is the meme flu and lockdowns. The things that are under my control shouldn't be a problem.
Now my question is: are you considered attractive or not?
No. Never. If I can't have what Chad had, then I don't want any of it.
chad fucks virgins even, it is something I cant imagine... give your money to hoes for bad sex is pointless , is very farrrrrrrr away of chad gets
chad fucks virgins even, it is something I cant imagine... give your money to hoes for bad sex is pointless , is very farrrrrrrr away of chad gets
They've fucked multiple virgins most likely and they don't even think twice about it.
36 no gf. Yeah having hope at this point is just delusional.
bro, we have the same age , I am 36 too , we are oldcels , greetings for you
bro, we have the same age , I am 36 too , we are oldcels , greetings for you
and have teen love many many times, man is incredible that our lifes are so different to chad life ,The worst time of the day is to go out and see teenage couples, the older you are, the more it hurts to see them
Given up. No point in torturing myself over the impossible. I'm just trying to move on with my reality.
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My only hope is if the dating world changes due to the unrest in the social and political climate.

If it doesn’t change, then I’m single forever.
I have only some hope left but not much
I dont know man
can't give up hope completely yet, I'm too young
I dont know man
You don't know or you prefer not to know? Take a look at your face and then try to analyze how girls react in your presence or to one of you approaches if you still do or how they used to if you gave up.
I have only some hope left but not much
How old are you and how many girls have you kissed? If you are 25+ and never kissed any you'd better get rid of every hope left to you.
Given up. It will be sheer luck if it happens. Thus I've embraced the darkness. Fuck foids. Fuck this clown world.
That ship have sailed long time ago. I went on a huge self-improvement spree when I was younger. Didn't help much back then and nowadays, with me approaching my 30s, I don't even have time nor youth anymore.
I want to, but I'm too mentally fucked up to be in a relationship. My ADHD, Neuroticism and Incompetence would turn any women off.
It’s hard to explain but I would say that yes I still maintain some “hope” but I also understand I’m just coping and that it is most likely not going to happen.
I'm an INTJ mastermind personality, which is not common, and it rarely matches with others. I'm too thoughtful and data based for these simpletons.
I'm an INTJ mastermind personality, which is not common, and it rarely matches with others. I'm too thoughtful and data based for these simpletons.
I'm an INFP/INTP guy, I wish more females were intuitives.
I gave up decades ago.
given up completely and coping
I have absolutely zero hope or goals of ascending ( if anything such as " ascension " even exists that is ).

I only care about my copes and some other things now.
Gave up indefinitely. Now I just hope for the courage to rope soon
I'm 29 years old. Lets say I get a 30 year old used up roastie. She will be my 1st and I will be number 50 for her. Does that sound like a good deal?

No. Never. If I can't have what Chad had, then I don't want any of it.
I read it on ER's voice, it's what he'd probably say at that age ngl.
Nah given up pretty much. Sometimes I hug my pillow pretending it's a gf but nothing too serious.
Not only have I given up years ago, but I can't even imagine myself in one.
You don't know or you prefer not to know? Take a look at your face and then try to analyze how girls react in your presence or to one of you approaches if you still do or how they used to if you gave up.

How old are you and how many girls have you kissed? If you are 25+ and never kissed any you'd better get rid of every hope left to you.
Its over then
No point in longing for something that will never happen. It just makes me more depressed.

I've just learnt to cope.
Gave up a long time ago

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