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Theory Jewish bvlls are the battering ram of the Aryan american elite

Ci Jey

Ci Jey

Blackpilled Social Darwinist
May 23, 2022
Joe Biden & Donald Trump are both blonde WASPs with blue eyes, they both work for the same elite of aryans who control America with an iron fist since the founding fathers.

So in order to enslave brown arab bois and take their resources (oil) without American casualities, they sided with the state of Israel since Jews are infinitely superior to arab bois, that's why despite being virtually surrounded they've singlehandly desestabilized and submitted inferior brown arab bois through wars & democide

@RealSchizo @DarkStar
Inb4 10 page racewar
Aryans are cucks to the chosen people, no Israeli died in combat against Afghanistan and Iraq but 20,000 cuckmericans did so
im not reading all that

Whites are the carpenters of civilization, Jews are the termites who find their ways into the cracks & subvert

And jfl, both aren't Anglo-Saxons: Trump is of German descent & Biden is Irish, who were once persecuted by the Anglos

The wars the US wages for Israel & the money we send to them is a drain on Whites here, example:

20240506 222020

Which means all our work is sent to Israel, aka this doesn't work in favor of us.

Inb4 10 page racewar
OP is a master baiter, so we will see.
Aryans are cucks to the chosen people, no Israeli died in combat against Afghanistan and Iraq but 20,000 cuckmericans did so
Pashtun talibans are indo aryan bvlls, not arab bois lmao

Meanwhile when America actually fights the best of the best the arab world could've ever offered (1991 gulf war):
The government does not care one bit about goyim casualties. It's the other way around the Jewish lobby uses America as a vehicle to strengthen the position of the zionist entity.
Biden is Irish Catholic jfl
Ye jfl, Trump is German also -I think some Scottish but he looks very German(Noric id' say) to me.

WASPs used to hate both groups.
Pashtun talibans are indo aryan bvlls
Chadliban is based
-Keep outsiders out
-Keep foids in their place
-Stone fags, whores, & degens
-Hate Jews
The government does not care one bit about goyim casualties. It's the other way around the Jewish lobby uses America as a vehicle to strengthen the position of the zionist entity.

Whites are the carpenters of civilization, Jews are the termites who find their ways into the cracks & subvert

And jfl, both aren't Anglo-Saxons: Trump is of German descent & Biden is Irish, who were once persecuted by the Anglos

The wars the US wages for Israel & the money we send to them is a drain on Whites here, example:

View attachment 1270023

Which means all our work is sent to Israel, aka this doesn't work in favor of us.

OP is a master baiter, so we will see.
Anglos have never persecuted Germans, that's a blatant lie

Biden is a loyal celt to his anglo masters unlike JFK plus he's blonde with blue eyes

The wars America have waged have been an absolute success since they secured oil (the most precious resource) while suffering barely any casualities and killing a shit ton of arabs.
Anglos have never persecuted Germans, that's a blatant lie
In the Pennsylvania Colony during British America, Anglo-Americans held much anti-German sentiment. The sentiments against the Palatine settlers, commonly referred to as the Pennsylvania Dutch (or Pennsylvania Germans), were deeply rooted in cultural biases and economic competition. Anglo-Americans in the Pennsylvania Colony viewed the Palatines with suspicion and often derided their language, customs, and religious practices. The Palatines, predominantly German-speaking Protestants from the Palatinate region of present-day Germany, arrived in Pennsylvania seeking religious freedom and economic opportunities in the early 18th century.[4] Benjamin Franklin's complaints about the Palatine refugees in his work Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind (1751):
Why should the Palatine boors be suffered to swarm into our settlements, and by herding together establish their language and manners to the exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of us Anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs, any more than they can acquire our complexion.
In the 19th century, the mass influx of German immigrants made them one of the largest European group of Americans by ancestry. This wave of migration triggered the formation of nativist and reactionary movements which were similar to those movements which exist in the contemporary Western world.[6] These would eventually culminate in 1844 with the establishment of the American Party, which had an openly xenophobic stance. One of many incidents described in a 19th-century account included the blocking of a funeral procession in New York by a group who proceeded to hurl insults at the pallbearers. Incidents such as these led to more meetings of Germans who would eventually form fraternal groups such as the Sons of Hermann in 1840, which was founded as a means to "improve and foster German customs and the spread of benevolence among Germans in the United States".[7]
Biden is a loyal celt to his anglo masters unlike JFK
Pick one

It's Jews in control buddy, Anglos are an empty-shell of what they used to be.
plus he's blonde with blue eyes
Ok? Plenty of Celts have that & plenty of Anglos have darker hair:



The wars America have waged have been an absolute success since they secured oil (the most precious resource) while suffering barely any casualities and killing a shit ton of arabs.
Doesn't change the economic cost, which as per what I shared above(showing Whites collectively contribute the most to the economy here)is a net-negative for the average White here.

Oh, and remember the complete & utter failure of a "withdrawal" from Afghanistan? Yeah.

Pick one

It's Jews in control buddy, Anglos are an empty-shell of what they used to be.

Ok? Plenty of Celts have that & plenty of Anglos have darker hair:



Doesn't change the economic cost, which as per what I shared above(showing Whites collectively contribute the most to the economy here)is a net-negative for the average White here.

Oh, and remember the complete & utter failure of a "withdrawal" from Afghanistan? Yeah.
They were never persecuted for racial reasons unlike shitalians tho, they were never lynched nor burned on stakes let alone ostracized. It's ironic you point out ww1 despite the fact Wilson won the elections thanks to the strong midwest german population who believed his neutral stance.

Jews & Anglos are in control, and that's a good thing since the Anglo Sphere is made up of the richest, most peaceful, succesful and strongest nations on earth.

View attachment 1270026
Maybe by Mexican standards this is blond but here in America this is clearly medium brown hair lmfao

That's clearly a dirty blonde, muh brown hair JFL

Also that's nothing compared to the amount of japs & italians sent to camps
they were never lynched nor burned on stakes let alone ostracized. It's ironic you point out ww1 despite the fact Wilson won the elections thanks to the strong midwest german population who believed his neutral stance.
And then look what he did to them, jfl

"le eternal angloid" strikes again

But the point is, even beforehand they were despised

They in a way, also eroded the social trust somewhat: Since as per my previous communications, many of them introduced very Liberal elements into the country.

I can easily prove as such also.
Jews & Anglos are in control, and that's a good thing since the Anglo Sphere is made up of the richest, most peaceful, succesful and strongest nations on earth.
K, whatever helps you cope buddy
That's clearly a dirty blonde, muh brown hair JFL
Looks brown to me
Also that's nothing compared to the amount of japs & italians sent to camps
Point is, Germans also were treated quite poorly
They were never persecuted for racial reasons unlike shitalians tho, they were never lynched nor burned on stakes let alone ostracized. It's ironic you point out ww1 despite the fact Wilson won the elections thanks to the strong midwest german population who believed his neutral stance.
You’re a retarded spic
IMG 1024

Please refrain from voicing your opinions in the future

That's clearly a dirty blonde, muh brown hair JFL
Dirty blond in Oaxaca
IMG 1025
You’re a retarded spic
View attachment 1270049
Please refrain from voicing your opinions in the future

Dirty blond in Oaxaca
View attachment 1270048
That's nearly nothing compared to virtually any other ethnicity, who cares about the lynchings of some nobodies during ww2

The avg white american is german and the whitest places on america are mostly german populated

And then look what he did to them, jfl

"le eternal angloid" strikes again

But the point is, even beforehand they were despised

They in a way, also eroded the social trust somewhat: Since as per my previous communications, many of them introduced very Liberal elements into the country.

I can easily prove as such also.

K, whatever helps you cope buddy

Looks brown to me

Point is, Germans also were treated quite poorly
Sure some of them were treated poorly but again, german americans represent most of the white population and therefore no politician on their mind would dare to actively persecute them
Joe Biden & Donald Trump are both blonde WASPs with blue eyes, they both work for the same elite of aryans who control America with an iron fist since the founding fathers.
jfl presidents are just pawns with no real power

that means nothing, we all know (((who))) is pulling the strings from behind the curtains
jfl presidents are just pawns with no real power

that means nothing, we all know (((who))) is pulling the strings from behind the curtains
oi vey it's anuddah shoa
@faded how dare whitey enslave jews, this confirms that whitey is just an evil enslaving race whose only passion is oppression.

white genocide can't come soon enough
Jewish boulevards? :feelshehe:
Joe Biden & Donald Trump are both blonde WASPs with blue eyes, they both work for the same elite of aryans who control America with an iron fist since the founding fathers.

So in order to enslave brown arab bois and take their resources (oil) without American casualities, they sided with the state of Israel since Jews are infinitely superior to arab bois, that's why despite being virtually surrounded they've singlehandly desestabilized and submitted inferior brown arab bois through wars & democide

@RealSchizo @DarkStar
Then what is all this anti white discrimination in the name of charlie brown boy where white men arent hired?
jfl presidents are just pawns with no real power

that means nothing, we all know (((who))) is pulling the strings from behind the curtains
thats giga cope tbh

all american presidents except NIxon & Obama, came from powerful rich families who definitely have influence over power
thats giga cope tbh
nah presidents are just figureheads

they are all puppets

really powerful people wouldn't become presidents, because they have actual power already
nah presidents are just figureheads

they are all puppets

really powerful people wouldn't become presidents, because they have actual power already
jfl at thinking that jews have to toe the line because some white puppet is 'president'
@faded how dare whitey enslave jews, this confirms that whitey is just an evil enslaving race whose only passion is oppression.

white genocide can't come soon enough
Base fuck white race and republicann
Joe Biden & Donald Trump are both blonde WASPs with blue eyes, they both work for the same elite of aryans who control America with an iron fist since the founding fathers.

So in order to enslave brown arab bois and take their resources (oil) without American casualities, they sided with the state of Israel since Jews are infinitely superior to arab bois, that's why despite being virtually surrounded they've singlehandly desestabilized and submitted inferior brown arab bois through wars & democide

@RealSchizo @DarkStar
Reported hate speech
Based total arabboi death, jews and whites work together to exterminate arabbois. 1 struggle and 1 common enemy. Arabbois are the biggest abused dog race they keep getting submitted by the superior IDF and cucked by BWC american soldiers. If i was born arabboi I'd rope for sure.

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