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LifeFuel Undeniable Proof in the Bible itself(The Holy Book of God) that Asian Ricemen and maybe also Curry Men are the true chosen people of Israel!



Jun 10, 2024
This is the one of the world's oldest and most well kept secrets, that the Bible is true and that the children of god are not who you would actually expect.
I figured this out on my own when researching Christianity and the Bible

Right now I am going to post true evidence that points to ricemen and currybros being the true children of israel:

Part 1: The Jews in Israel are not the chosen[SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN]

Quotes from the King James Version[Bible]

Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold,I will make them of the synagogue of Satan,who say they are Jews and are not,but do lie;behold, I will make them come and worship before thy feet,and to know that I have loved thee.

Now, ask yourself,which is the only religion in the entire world that uses SYNAGOGUES?

Exactly. The same religion worshipped by a group of people who claim to be children of god,correct?

The modern day Ashkenazis do not fit the curses of Deuteronomy that God places on his lost sheep:

The Ashkenazis do not fit any of these curses, and if they do, its not necessarily only them.
However, another race does, which I will elaborate on later(keep reading)

Curse 1 is that the lost sheep of Israel will be enslaved and held captive. Were Ashkenazi Jews ever enslaved and brought all over the Earth on slave ships? No.
The next curse in the list (C u r s e 2 ) I will not even mention because I think it goes without saying, that that is b u 1 1 c r @ p.
(Curse 3)Okay yes Askenazis were sent to Egypt by ships, but the bible never says when or how, and that can be applied to people all over the world nonetheless.
(Curse 4) Ashkenazi Jews are not exiled anywhere in the land of their enemies JFL:feelskek:
(Curse 5) Obviously not true. Ashkenzais are very well represented and have an obviously top tier social status in modern day society and media JFL.
(Curse 6)Maybe this one is true, but it can be applied to all other races as well.
(Curse 8) This is the one that broke me. How can the Ashkenzais be the true lost sheep when they are confident in their own identity? God says his people will have lost knowledge of their true heritage and be scorned and shitted on in the end times. Obviously not the Ashkenzais.
(Curse 9)Obviously also false. Ashkenzais were NEVER packed EN MASSE into PRISONS and JAILS ANYWHERE in the world, not just the USA or Israel.
(Curse 10)Obviously not true, since Ashkenzais are notorious to be the opposite of "poor"
(Curse 11) This one needs no explanation that is is b u 1 1 c r @ p
(Curse 12)This one is a red flag also. How can the Ashkenzais be the true sheep when they only worship Judaism and no other religion in the world JFL:feelskek:

Part 2: Adam and Eve are not the same race as god's chosen race, and they are the progenitors of the negro race,the first race.

Now, I think this one goes without explanation that Adam and Eve were stated by the bible as being the first humans, and everyone knows this, so I wont even feel the need to post proof.


Serpent Seed Doctrine:

This bible verse shows us that God put a curse between the serpent and Eve causing hatred between her bloodline and the line of the seprent(Devil) and that Eves bloodline will be harmed by the Devil's people(Bite thy heel), and that Eve's descendants(Black people), will eventually strike back and destroy the seed of the Devil/Serpent.

The Forbidden Fruit(Apple in the Garden of Eden) was actually a metaphor for sexual intercourse:


Now think about it, it all makes sense now. Why did Adam and Eve specifically cover up their genitals and private parts(eg.breasts,genitals,etc) after eating from the forbidden fruit. Because it is not an actual fruit but a metaphor for sex. That is why before they gained access to knowledge of sex(the fruit) they already knew they were naked, but they did not feel embarassed because Adam and Eve did not know being naked had any form of sexual connotation due to their innocence. Only after having sex(eating of the fruit) did the pair then realize that they were nude, in a sexual manner, and then feel embarassed as a result, causing them to cover up.

Satan is a beautiful MTF Transgender,which is why Adam also had sex with "him":

Of course, the holy bible will only refer to characters by their cisgender biological pronouns in order to avoid being blasphamous. This means that when God in the holy book referred to Satan as "he", he implied that Satan is a biological man, but this does not mean that he would normally appear as one.

In the bible, Lucifer is seen as the highest and most beautiful of all angels. Now,this might seem like nothing at first, but think closely about the word usage. Calling a biological man female pronouns in the bible, such as "her" or "she" is obviously blasphamous for obvious reasons.However, this is nothing actually objectively blasphamous about calling a feminine beautiful man "beautiful", since it only describes mere physical appearance of a person and nothing more.

I mean think for a second, since when does anybody refer to attractive men as "beautiful"? Almost never, correct? We usually use the word "handsome" to describe very physically attractive men, not "beautiful". This implies Satan or Lucifer possesses a very feminine and womanlike but also attractive appearance.


This meant that in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, a cisgender black man and woman, had sex with this demonic attractive transexual demon named Satan, the fallen angel of light. This offended God, our creator, so much that he punished both Adam and Eve greatly for it.

This also explains why Adam, a man would be willing to have sex with Satan, another man, because Satan resembled a woman and tricked Adam into thinking he actually was one. He was also described as beautiful,which meant he would have been a very passing tranny,since if he wasn't, he would just look like a some feminist trans monster and Adam would never have sex with him.

This also explains why Adam was silent when Eve was eating the forbidden fruit(having sex with the Devil), because he was probably hiding and secretly admiring the sexual action between Eve and Satan before his own eyes and getting a hardon, and then running in to join in himself.

The Curse of Eve and her modern day black female descendants:

This is the curse stated in Genesis 3:16 in which God cursed Eve for eating the forbidden fruit. God states that the woman will have pain during childbirth, a curse passed onto her female descendants.


Black femoids have consistently aborted their babies at a far higher rate than noodlewhores, white, and hispanic foids over the course of years, both in countries such as the USA as well as Haiti.

God also stated that Eve's descendants will only desire men of Adam's descent(black men) and that Adam's descendants(black men) will rule over Eve's descendants(black femoids)

This is obviously true since black foids have a much higher attraction to Tyrone and Jamal than any other male race, and Tyrone and Jamal and Deshawn basically can beat and abuse their femoids in the hood or African mudhut village anytime they please, and the law enforcement basically cannot do anything about it because black USA communities are so poor and ghetto and unregulated, and Africa and Haiti are lawless shithole 3rd world nations.

Part 3:Evidence proving where the true Hebrew Israelites are right now.

Curses of Deuteronomy:

(Curse 1) Slavery and Captivity:

There are historical records that the Chinese and Indians, as well as other Northeast and Southeast Asians, were enslaved and taken to the New World, India and Portugal by Portuguese and Spanish slave captors.

"Spanish slavery was introduced to the Philippines through the encomienda system which was instituted throughout the Indies by Nicolás de Ovando, governor of the Indies from 1502 to 1509. This system rewarded Spanish conquerors with forced labor from the native peoples."

Battle of Shancaowan[Wikipedia Link]

I put this link here to a wikipedia article regarding how the Chinese Navy fought off Portuguese slavetrading attempting to enslave southeast asians, chinese, and malaysians during the ancient times.

Japanese enslaved by the Portuguese Empire:

The Portuguese used ships known as Carracks to enslave the Japanese and take them as far in captivity as India.

"After the Portuguese first made contact with Japan in 1543, a large-scale slave trade developed in which Portuguese purchased Japanese as slaves in Japan and sold them to various locations overseas, mostly in Portuguese-colonized regions of Asia such as Goa but including Argentina and Portugal itself, until it was ..."

Chinese slaves in the New World:

Meaning behind images from left to right:
Image 1: Photograph of chinese slave laborers in Latin America tricked under the guise of finding work only to be forcefully enslaved on cotton plantations by the Portuguese
Image 2: A photo of a artpiece made by the traditionalist Chinese-Peruvian community, the community comprised of Chinese slave descendants, not Chinese immigrants, in Peru.
Image 3: An image of Barrio Chino,Peru a Chinatown in Lima,Peru where the Chinese-Peruvian slave descendants still live to this day.
Image 4: An image of archaelogists excavating remains of brutally murdered Chinese slaves at a Peruvian historical pyramid site.

(Curse 2)Having no power to stand against thy enemies:
Okay,this one goes without saying that Asian men are the physically weakest, least intimidating, and most laughable of all races when it comes to being physically tough,sexy,masculine,or scary. We are literally smaller and less scary looking than ANY other male race. Even when we are tall, we still look like a joke due to our weak soy babyfaces. We also have zero political voice in western society or our homeland. Ricecels in japan are hikikomoris oppressed by a tyrannical gynocentric society that gives foids the right to date foreigners and leave them incel. Chinese men are literally forced into huge locked down iphone factories, one of which burned down recently, killing hundreds of innocent stemcel ricecels. South Korean men have no voice in America, and are clowned as homosexual bottom kpopcucks, while koreatown was literally destroyed by negro criminals in the 1990s LA Riots. Blacks especially have beaten the shit out of asian seniors during the pandemic, and ricemen literally were helpless to stop it. The city governments even gave out yellow safety whistles for asian elders to use as an emergency alert in case a Tyrone or Deshawn jumps them. This never happens on this scale to any other race, because they are all too far too large, scary, and intimidating to harass and bully and hatecrime or beat up en masse. Asians are literally the ONLY RACE IN THE WORLD that this even happens to. :feelswhat:

(Curse 3)Sent back to Egypt again by ships
Okay, the bible does not state when or how this happens. Chinese people have came back and forth from Egypt before in business settlements and economic colonies before and even now here and there once in a while, so it still counts.

(Curse 4) Exiled in the land of their enemies
This one is also true since many ricepeople have been forced out of their lands due to communism, poverty, war, or other globalist schemes and pushed into western dystopias such as the USA.

(Curse 5)Scattered among all nations
You can see evidence of this for yourself. Ricecels exist on almost every country/continent now due to immigration and migration.

(Curse 6)A Very sick and diseased stricken people
Yellow Fever,Malaria, and AIDS run rampant in SEA countries
East asia has china, (COVID19,Sars,the original country where the black plague came from) nuff said

(Curse 7) At the very bottom socially with other races high above them
Very obvious. The media and Western society as a whole views Asian men as a joke, and as weak losers, autistic nerds, weaboo creeps, iphone factory slaves, illiterate rice farmers, and as small dicked raging trucels who shitpost on incels.is all day about how they want to go ER on WMAF couples in minecraft and gtav
Nuff said :feelskek:

(Curse 8) Lost the true knowledge of who they truly are and will be called many scornful names other than Israel or Hebrew
Nobody nowadays even thinks, remotely, that ricecels have any relation to the true Hebrew Israelites, not even ricepeople themselves.
We are easily scorned and called offensive slurs such as small dick, homosexual, iphone builder, kpopfag, ladyboy, autistic, nerd, incel, rice nigger, chink, gook, zipperhead and all sorts of other non-Hebrew related offensive terms.

(Curse 9)Packed into Prisons and Jails
The Bible never says where such prisons and jails are located, so the fact that many ricemen are imprisoned in their own homeland could fufill this curse. Even though there are no ricemen imprisoned in foreign countries, due to our low crime rate. Most ricemen don't commit crimes because due to our small size we know we would get raped beaten and killed in jail, so we dont even bother taking the risk unlike other races. the same can be said for weak manlet currycels.

(Curse 10)A non-Prosperous people
Also again true. East Asians and Asian Americans may be decent in terms of the money they make, but there are many poor Asians in SEA jungle nations such as laos, cambodia, philippines, vietnam or thailand

(Curse 11)An oppressed people by their enemies
This one goes without saying. Ricecels get oppressed by all races who hate us, being Hispanics, Blacks, Ashkenzai Jews, Whites, Arabs, Etc.
Filipina maids get raped then killed in Saudi Arabia and their is no justice for them at all.
Whites need no explanation.
Blacks and Hispanic gangs oppress and terrorize rice and curry immigrants in their own neighborhoods and areas, which is the main reason why asians and curries tend to have resentment towards both those races. Rice especially resent blacks for all the hatecrimes committed against their grandmas and grandpas during the pandemic by negroes.

(Curse 12)Very religious and members of all religions:
ALL RELIGIONS. Which includes religions such as falun gong, taoism, caodaism, buddhism,judaism, christianity, islam, and shinto. Ricecels and Curries are the only people, when combined, worship these religions as a collective. Not to mentions curries also fit the other curses of being oppressed, imprisoned, enslaved,impoverished, losing their identity of being chosen by god, and being poor and impoverished as well.

The Moon Calendar:

The Jewish calendar is lunisolar.

"The Jewish calendar is lunisolar—i.e., regulated by the positions of both the moon and the sun. It consists usually of 12 alternating lunar months of 29 and 30 days each (except for Ḥeshvan and Kislev, which sometimes have either 29 or 30 days), and totals 353, 354, or 355 days per year."

Asian and South Asian cultures have traditionally always used a lunisolar calendar. Only western cultures have been known to use a solar one, which is why the Chinese and American New Years arrive on different dates.

The real name is not Jesus, but the Chinese name Yeshua

The name Jesus is literally a mistranslated version of Yeshua.
The Bible states Yeshua as being the real name, but it got turned into Jesus when the Bible was translated across different languages, such as Greek and Latin, and then to English. This caused the true name to be changed into Jesus, the false name today.

Go on google translate and set it to Detect Language-->English
Then type in "Yeshua"
It should detect the word "Yeshua" as a form of Chinese

Jesus, also known as Yeshua, was not only, Chinese, he was a blackpilled RICECEL born in China(Judah)

The bible states that Jesus himself will be born into China(Judah)
If the Lord Jesus, our savior descended from the tribe of judah, then judah must mean china since Yeshua is of Chinese descent. China is a country without Catholicism, since they are the tribe to which Moses said nothing about priests.

Jesus was also described as a trucel, with the bible even saying he was only 5'0 and ethnically dark :feelskek: (lifefuel for ethnics btw:feelsLSD::smonk::feelsdevil::panties:)

"In her 2018 book What Did Jesus Look Like?, Taylor used archaeological remains, historical texts and ancient Egyptian funerary art to conclude that, like most people in Judea and Egypt around the time, Jesus most likely had brown eyes, dark brown to black hair and olive-brown skin. He may have stood about 5-ft.-5-in.Feb 20, 2019"

Part 4: End Times and Babylon

"The story of the Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. God was concerned that humans had blasphemed by building the tower to avoid a second flood so God brought into existence multiple languages. Thus, humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another."

The tower of babel was located in Babylon and its builders were Babylonian citizens. The main fact alone that the babylonian builders of the tower of babel were seperated by god and given different languages indicated that they were not originally of the same ethnic and national origin, if you're following the logic correctly. This indicates that babylon was a place where all the immigrants from all over the world came to live. Sound familiar? It was also considered to be a place of great sin and degeneracy. Again, sound familiar?

"The Babylonian Empire was the most powerful state in the ancient world after the fall of the Assyrian empire (612 BCE). Its capital Babylon was beautifully adorned by king Nebuchadnezzar, who erected several famous buildings."


Babylon was the greatest empire, with the most powerful military, and was a center for immigration,degeneracy,and sin.

God referred to modern day America as the great whore of babylon in the end times.

Babylon(America) was also controlled by the Assyrian Empire during the End Times, which also controlled Judah(China), before Nebuchadnezzar overthrew Assyria


Exactly. Nuff said:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
what kind of crack pot conspiracy is this?
Kill all the round eyed devils and send them to he'll!
@Mecoja thoughts?
Lifefuel for DNRcels
Is Bible research a good cope?
@Mecoja thoughts?
Ufh, a lot to unpack here, i will read it later. I like conspiracy theories and digging deep.

What i know from the top of my head, nations divided after the flood, before that everyone spoke the same language, were they all the same phenotype? I dont know. Before that Angels involved with humans so some humans carried their giants genes. God flood the Earth to purge the corrupted humanity, which were evil because of their angel genes. But there were giants even later after the flood, when the Israelites came to conquer the promised lands and in the time of King Saul when David killed Goliath. Since Noah's bloodline was most likely clean, most likely one of his daughters in law carried those genes.

After the flood, God divided the land between the sons of Noah, bible scholars have theories in which they are pretty sure, that they trace todays nations back to Noah's sons. In those times people built the tower of Babylon and God divided people by languages, possibly by phenotypes also.

God chose his people much later, in the time of Abraham, then Chinese and Indians already existed on their own part of the continent. He was a Mesopotamian, from the town Ur. From the moment God chose Abraham and his son Isaac, genealogy can be traced all to the Jesus, and Jesus Himself never said that Jews arent the chosen people of God. Its opposite, He said it millions times. He said that salvation comes from the Jews, as HE was a Jew Himself.
Ufh, a lot to unpack here, i will read it later. I like conspiracy theories and digging deep.

What i know from the top of my head, nations divided after the flood, before that everyone spoke the same language, were they all the same phenotype? I dont know. Before that Angels involved with humans so some humans carried their giants genes. God flood the Earth to purge the corrupted humanity, which were evil because of their angel genes. But there were giants even later after the flood, when the Israelites came to conquer the promised lands and in the time of King Saul when David killed Goliath. Since Noah's bloodline was most likely clean, most likely one of his daughters in law carried those genes.

After the flood, God divided the land between the sons of Noah, bible scholars have theories in which they are pretty sure, that they trace todays nations back to Noah's sons. In those times people built the tower of Babylon and God divided people by languages, possibly by phenotypes also.

God chose his people much later, in the time of Abraham, then Chinese and Indians already existed on their own part of the continent. He was a Mesopotamian, from the town Ur. From the moment God chose Abraham and his son Isaac, genealogy can be traced all to the Jesus, and

Jesus Himself never said that Jews arent the chosen people of God. Its opposite, He said it millions times. He said that salvation comes from the Jews, as HE was a Jew Himself.
Cope, read it and youll understand.
Ashkenzais are not the actual JEWS, they are imposters.
Same with black hebrew israelites who claim that negroes are the creator(gods) chosen ones

The chosen ones arent black,white,hispanic,arab,abo,islander,native american, or ashkenzai :feelsdevil:

They are rice and curry:feelsYall:
Blacks especially have beaten the shit out of asian seniors during the pandemic, and ricemen literally were helpless to stop it. The city governments even gave out yellow safety whistles for asian elders to use as an emergency alert in case a Tyrone or Deshawn jumps them. This never happens on this scale to any other race, because they are all too far too large, scary, and intimidating to harass and bully and hatecrime or beat up en masse. Asians are literally the ONLY RACE IN THE WORLD that this even happens to. :feelswhat:
White elders get killed by tyrones everyday too. In fact someone posted a news article about it happening again this morning.

You just dont think it happens to white people because black on white crime doesnt get any media coverage. But asian victims of crime do get media coverage.
Very interesting read. There's also the theories of khazar Jews. A Turkic (mongoloid; rices) nation.
Cope, read it and youll understand.
Ashkenzais are not the actual JEWS, they are imposters.
Same with black hebrew israelites who claim that negroes are the creator(gods) chosen ones

The chosen ones arent black,white,hispanic,arab,abo,islander,native american, or ashkenzai :feelsdevil:

They are rice and curry:feelsYall:
Native Americans and pacific Islanders (some at least) are mongoloid or at least still somewhat related to them due to intermixing over time. They came from China.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hCJXFZ6hG7I

This what niggas do instead of curing cancer
You seem to really enjoy this word

Projection much? Reddit has support for people like you :D
Idk man, you seem to have a big problem with this word since you called me one first. So keep coping lil faggot and go back to soydit faggotposter
Curries have been always god's chosen saars there is no doubt about it
It’s something I came up with myself.Its true though you should look into it
Ufh, a lot to unpack here, i will read it later. I like conspiracy theories and digging deep.

What i know from the top of my head, nations divided after the flood, before that everyone spoke the same language, were they all the same phenotype? I dont know. Before that Angels involved with humans so some humans carried their giants genes. God flood the Earth to purge the corrupted humanity, which were evil because of their angel genes. But there were giants even later after the flood, when the Israelites came to conquer the promised lands and in the time of King Saul when David killed Goliath. Since Noah's bloodline was most likely clean, most likely one of his daughters in law carried those genes.

After the flood, God divided the land between the sons of Noah, bible scholars have theories in which they are pretty sure, that they trace todays nations back to Noah's sons. In those times people built the tower of Babylon and God divided people by languages, possibly by phenotypes also.

God chose his people much later, in the time of Abraham, then Chinese and Indians already existed on their own part of the continent. He was a Mesopotamian, from the town Ur. From the moment God chose Abraham and his son Isaac, genealogy can be traced all to the Jesus, and Jesus Himself never said that Jews arent the chosen people of God. Its opposite, He said it millions times. He said that salvation comes from the Jews, as HE was a Jew Himself.
Very interesting read. There's also the theories of khazar Jews. A Turkic (mongoloid; rices) nation.
I make it simple to understand.

Hebrew kingdom (Magog)

IMG 4336

Eber can also be considered the name of an area.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/j0WDzPBKfg8?si=97YSC256rMf1qVsI

Gog u-Magog

>Ancient Greeks called Georgia ‘Magogia’.
>Many of today’s Georgian people have the surname gog.
Last edited:
I'm very happy that this faggot got banned. He's using CI talking points but switching white for asian. Fucking chinks

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