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JFL Japanese nationalist ricecel makes poster showing future of Japan with Arab immigrants.

Didn't happen

As if EU countries dont get aid lmfao. Southern Europe leeches off of North europe.

Natural resources don't magically give you the brain capacity to build 1st world, nearly crimeless countries. Holy fuck, it's like you fucks are so brainwashed by jews, even when you're AWARE of the JQ, you're still this delusional. Arabs having oil doesn't mean the oil is some magic potion that gave them the brains to run their country properly on their own.
eu aid is nothing in cmoparison to american aid

money does and eastern eu has low crime rates
arabs became advanced recently because their countries were built by ameirca u retard learn what iq is.
and jfl at crime rate arabs commit the most crime in the west and thats well known
Asian guys LMAO they have an entire country of asian guys and don't want them.

Japanese women want white guys, and Arabs look more similar to whites than asians do. I've said it earlier, but even pakis and indians have an easier time getting Asian GFs due to their caucasion features.

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FFS, my brother has a mix of Anatolid-Arabid features (pics above), and he had multiple asian girls ask him out, EVEN a hapa girl who was half european. My nigger, you're so delusional it's hilarious.
I do agree that they would like an arab guy over an asian guy, but I wouldn't say they like brown guys like that, they definitely like white guys way more. But yeah I do agree they hate their asian male counterparts, and would prefer arab males over them
They don't like indians or any other south asian. But yeah, they don't like black dudes, south asian dudes, middle eastern dudes, etc. They only care about white guys and east asian guys
Literally every race of men is more desired by asian women than asian men. Aside from black Indians.

When it comes to white arabs, brown arabs, african americans, brown indians, they ALL do better with Asian women.
The women want those features on them, not on their male partners.
What level of bluepill are you on? All chinks regardless of gender, want those traits. the main thing that attracts asian women to white men are their FACIAL BONES, not their eye or hair color, although that IS a bonus
I do agree that they would like an arab guy over an asian guy, but I wouldn't say they like brown guys like that, they definitely like white guys way more. But yeah I do agree they hate their asian male counterparts, and would prefer arab males over them
It's not that complicated, ALL races of men mog asian men, therefor, all races of men are more desirable to asian women. Even dating apps show Asian men and Black women get the least matches, meaning even pajeet men and pajeet women are better than the former two.

FYI, in Afghanistan, the Hazara people (who are mongolian descendants) look up to Pashtuns and even bollywood actresses as being more beautiful than them, this is DESPITE the Hazara being part-caucasion, meaning they are not as chinky as japanese, they have rounder eyes, thinner noses, and even occasionally colored eyes, yet they STILL consider south asians better looking because south asians are CAUCASION.

Literally every race of men is more desired by asian women than asian men. Aside from black Indians.

When it comes to white arabs, brown arabs, african americans, brown indians, they ALL do better with Asian women.

What level of bluepill are you on? All chinks regardless of gender, want those traits. the main thing that attracts asian women to white men are their FACIAL BONES, not their eye or hair color, although that IS a bonus
From my expierence, I've never seen an asian woman dating a brown guy, but yeah I do think they have a better chance than asian guys since asian guys have it rlly bad

Yeah asian women like white men because of their better facial bones, but the bones the white guys have are masculine, women don't want those masculine facial bones. But also eye color and hair color do matter, hair not that much, but light colored eyes have a huge halo.
It's not that complicated, ALL races of men mog asian men, therefor, all races of men are more desirable to asian women. Even dating apps show Asian men and Black women get the least matches, meaning even pajeet men and pajeet women are better than the former two.

FYI, in Afghanistan, the Hazara people (who are mongolian descendants) look up to Pashtuns and even bollywood actresses as being more beautiful than them, this is DESPITE the Hazara being part-caucasion, meaning they are not as chinky as japanese, they have rounder eyes, thinner noses, and even occasionally colored eyes, yet they STILL consider south asians better looking because south asians are CAUCASION.

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I'm saying arab men have a better chance with asian women than asian men but asian women dont really care that much about arab men, they only go crazy for white guys
eu aid is nothing in cmoparison to american aid
money does
Does what?
and eastern eu has low crime rates
Russia is a bigger shithole than Anatolia and Saudi. Probably same applies ot Balkans
arabs became advanced recently because
because they live in a desert with no rivers and an abysmally small population.
their countries were built by ameirca u retard learn what iq is.
The country's crime rates and social cohesion have fuck all to do with amerimutts.
and jfl at crime rate


arabs commit the most crime in the west and thats well known
That's because the west has cucked laws that worship criminals, even white criminals are given lenient punishments. I saw a news article of some white french guy who raped an 8 year old girl and he got a few months in jail, during which he was fucking the female prison guards.
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asian women dont really care that much about arab men, they only go crazy for white guys
I doubt they can even tell the difference between a white guy and a white arab guy, I've had multple asians think I'm white, even indians and blacks are more easily able to guess I'm arab compared to asians. But yeah, blue eyed blonde men make asian women lose their minds, never said that's not the case, but the point is, bones (face and height) matter more. I have seen MAAANY white guys with blue eyes or hell, I've even seen arab guys with blue eyes who still looked uglier than me, or were shorter than me.

Does what?

Russia is a bigger shithole than Anatolia and Saudi. Probably same applies ot Balkans

because they live in a desert with no rivers and an abysmally small population.

The country's crime rates and social cohesion have fuck all to do with amerimutts.


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That's because the west has cucked laws that worship criminals, even white criminals are given lenient punishments. I saw a news article of some white french guy who raped an 8 year old girl and he got a few months in jail, during which he was fucking the female prison guards.
muuh semnatics all of saudi arabia was built by america
and guess what? not all arabs are saudis or gulf arabs most are not and hteir countires are massive shitoles

daily reminder that ur turkish shitole recieved massive amounts of us marshal law aid the same aid that built western europe and yet ur country is poorer than Bulgaria

arabs remain the most violent race and commit the most crime in western europe and htat is a fact.
muuh semnatics
Not an argument
all of saudi arabia was built by america
Irrelevant to the crime rates. And not true regardless.
not all arabs are saudis or gulf arabs
Irrelevant tangent, as always. The point is that Arabs have demonstrated the capacity to build 1st world and safe countries.

If I were using your logic, I would say "not all whites are americans"
most are not and hteir countires are massive shitoles
Because of jews and mutts. Not due to their own inability to build proper socieities.
daily reminder
Holy soy. Never use that phrase here, faggot
ur turkish shitole recieved massive amounts of us marshal law aid
Practically every country recieves aid from America, so this is not an argument, and its especially not an argument when it has nothing to do with the topic.
the same aid that built western europe
Irrelevant to the topic
and yet ur country is poorer than Bulgaria
>m-muh money

Meanwhile, crime rates:


arabs remain the most violent race and commit the most crime in western europe and htat is a fact.
Get better laws, cuck.

Not an argument

Irrelevant to the crime rates. And not true regardless.

Irrelevant tangent, as always. The point is that Arabs have demonstrated the capacity to build 1st world and safe countries.

If I were using your logic, I would say "not all whites are americans"

Because of jews and mutts. Not due to their own inability to build proper socieities.

Holy soy. Never use that phrase here, faggot

Practically every country recieves aid from America, so this is not an argument, and its especially not an argument when it has nothing to do with the topic.

Irrelevant to the topic

>m-muh money

Meanwhile, crime rates:

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Get better laws, cuck.

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we can do the same thing we can get the richest eu country and compare it to the poorest one
and no arabs have never been advanced and u have zero history knowledge
ur country recieves aid and still fairs worse than a literral commie shitole and no eastern europe didnt get marshal aid learn history u dont have the capacity to built technology or to innovate.
we can do the same thing we can get the richest eu country and compare it to the poorest one
This isn't about wealth, clown.
and no arabs have never been advanced and u have zero history knowledge
KEK holy delusion. Arabs were ruling over Europeans in spain, and were so much more advanced to the point that many Europeans mimiced Arabs in their dress, and Arab books on science were taught in europe as late as the 1700s. Go be a dumb amerimutt somewhere else.
ur country recieves aid and still fairs worse than a literral commie shitole and no eastern europe didnt get marshal aid learn history
Not an argument.
u dont have the capacity to built technology or to innovate.
This is not true, lmao, keep crying

This isn't about wealth, clown.

KEK holy delusion. Arabs were ruling over Europeans in spain, and were so much more advanced to the point that many Europeans mimiced Arabs in their dress, and Arab books on science were taught in europe as late as the 1700s. Go be a dumb amerimutt somewhere else.

Not an argument.

This is not true, lmao, keep crying

iranians were not arabs
spain was a massive shitole same thing happened to byzantium and again arabs have always been violent savages like it shows to the arab neighborhoods in western europe.
ur arguments are just pure cherrypicking
iranians were not arabs
LMAO I saw this cope coming from 10,000 miles away

Iranians are genetically identical to Levantines (Syria, Leb, Pali), Iraqis, Anatolians, so it's still the same race.

spain was a massive shitole
The cope is unreal. Arabs ruled over the Spanish and created a civilization there that even impressed Hitler.
same thing happened to byzantium
What are you talking about?
and again arabs have always been violent savages
4/10 of the safest countries in the world are Arab countries, keep crying.
like it shows to the arab neighborhoods in western europe.
Refugees escaping war and being socially isolated will do that to you, has no relevance to actual reality.
ur arguments are just pure cherrypicking
You cherrypick war refugees Arabs isolated from wider society while ignoring Arab countries, the ONLY one cherrypicking is you, nigger.
LMAO I saw this cope coming from 10,000 miles away

Iranians are genetically identical to Levantines (Syria, Leb, Pali), Iraqis, Anatolians, so it's still the same race.
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The cope is unreal. Arabs ruled over the Spanish and created a civilization there that even impressed Hitler.

What are you talking about?

4/10 of the safest countries in the world are Arab countries, keep crying.

Refugees escaping war and being socially isolated will do that to you, has no relevance to actual reality.

You cherrypick war refugees Arabs isolated from wider society while ignoring Arab countries, the ONLY one cherrypicking is you, nigger.
keep cherrypicking and no the spanish call it the dark ages for a reason and u cant connect two dots together when i mentioned byzantium u have proven u have negative iq.

iranians have nothing in common with arabs and they will tell u this themselves.
japans inbreeding needs some genetic diversity
keep cherrypicking
Not an argument
and no the spanish call it the dark ages for a reason
Spanish being butthurt at it doesn't change actual academic opinions on the matter.
and u cant connect two dots together when i mentioned byzantium u have proven u have negative iq.
Not an argument. Say what you want to say and don't be vague about it.
iranians have nothing in common with arabs
Genetics disagree. Seethe, chimp.


and they will tell u this themselves.
Iranians being butthurt at being conquered by Arabs and wanting to be associated with Europeans doesn't change their genetics.
Not an argument

Spanish being butthurt at it doesn't change actual academic opinions on the matter.

Not an argument. Say what you want to say and don't be vague about it.

Genetics disagree. Seethe, chimp.

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Iranians being butthurt at being conquered by Arabs and wanting to be associated with Europeans doesn't change their genetics.
if u were geniune ud know that iranians have nothing in common with semitic bafoon arabs and no spanish academic opinion disagrees keep coping while israel keeps bombing ur utter shitole.
at iranians have nothing in common with semitic bafoon arabs
Already showed you PCA charts that show you're wrong. Even IF I accepted this cope of yours, Kurds, Levantines, Anatolians, and Iraqis are all closer to each other, unlike Saudis, Yemenis, and Omanis


and no spanish academic opinion disagrees
No they don't. Academics objectively point out that Andalusia was a highly succesful civilization. That's why they have kept the Mosques Arabs built there JFL


keep coping

while israel keeps bombing ur utter shitole.
Imagine being so assblasted you willingly choose to side with kikes:feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Already showed you PCA charts that show you're wrong. Even IF I accepted this cope of yours, Kurds, Levantines, Anatolians, and Iraqis are all closer to each other, unlike Saudis, Yemenis, and Omanis

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No they don't. Academics objectively point out that Andalusia was a highly succesful civilization. That's why they have kept the Mosques Arabs built there JFL

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Imagine being so assblasted you willingly choose to side with kikes:feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
nope every european academic states that it was the dark ages for spain and so what if they keep mosques? doesnt the arab world keep churches too? daily reminder that a church built 2k years ago is still better than 99% of sandnigger buildings. and again keep cherrypicking while the kikes keep bombing ur shitole to oblivion.

Cuck vibes from that pic tbh. "W-w-we need to close the borders, else those tall, masculine and imposing foreigners will dominate our small submissive asses:soy:."

Avi material. Imagine somebody choosing this and the low-effort posters just posting this in reaction whenever that person starts edgeposting with some shit like "Make newborn rape mandatory" or "Livestream shitskins getting cooked":feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

every single one of them looks better than average slav
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Pakistanis are curries. Not Arabs.
fake news JFL notice how there's no source for anything said here?

Must be why Saudi, Oman, and Qatar exist.

Russian whores are all immigrating to turkey cause it's a better country than their slaviv shithole and getting dicked down by Turkish men while russian men drink themselves to suicide.
Brutal Slavpills getting posted here, almost like you guys are planning to tek mah jerb:feelstrash::feelsclown:.

Work Job GIF by South Park

How true is this?

@WorthySlavicSaint @PolskiKartofel @To koniec
Really depends on the location. A couple of EE countries have decently-sized gypsy populations, whose fertility rates are falling but are still much higher than the national averages, and the immigrants have really started coming and being brought in recently, but compared to what the West gets it's obviously miniscule.
nope every european academic states that it was the dark ages for spain
source: my ass.
and so what if they keep mosques?
It shows they found value in the Arab's accomplishments
doesnt the arab world keep churches too?
Churches built by their fellow Arabs.
daily reminder that a church built 2k years ago is still better than 99% of sandnigger buildings.
Schizo cope. What are you even saying at this point? You went so off topic, it's actually hilarious. Your dumbass started by crying about crime, and you got BTFO, then you started crying about genetics, and you got BTFO, then you start crying about building, and you are going to get BTFO again


and again keep cherrypicking while the kikes keep bombing ur shitole to oblivion.

The only argument of a desperate faggot with nothing else to say
"W-w-we need to close the borders, else those tall, masculine and imposing foreigners will dominate our small submissive asses:soy:."
JFL that actually made me laugh out loud because of how true it is


Brutal Slavpills getting posted here, almost like you guys are planning to tek mah jerb
The point I was making when bringing up slavic countries is cause they are shitholes due to communism (socio-economics), yet whites will readily understand and accept that, yet point out that Arabs have it WORSE than that, and we get blamed somehow for what ameriniggers and kikes do, despite Arab countries that AREN'T being invaded being 1st world. Has nothing to do with me insulting slavs.
why do you HAVE to be in japan? if you're that much better than japs have something to show for it and stay home
The point I was making when bringing up slavic countries is cause they are shitholes due to communism (socio-economics), yet whites will readily understand and accept that, yet point out that Arabs have it WORSE than that, and we get blamed somehow for what ameriniggers and kikes do, despite Arab countries that AREN'T being invaded being 1st world. Has nothing to do with me insulting slavs.
True and a very good point. Also I remember you pointing out once that people love to shit on Arabs for supposedly only doing well because of oil, meanwhile there's a bunch of non-Arab countries like Venezuela, Russia and so on who are also awash in natural resources, yet are shitholes nonetheless, showing that you can't just automatically become and stay rich thanks to resources, but also need to know how to manage an economy, which Arabs quite clearly know how to do.
source: my ass.

It shows they found value in the Arab's accomplishments

Churches built by their fellow Arabs.

Schizo cope. What are you even saying at this point? You went so off topic, it's actually hilarious. Your dumbass started by crying about crime, and you got BTFO, then you started crying about genetics, and you got BTFO, then you start crying about building, and you are going to get BTFO again

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The only argument of a desperate faggot with nothing else to say
this post proves ur giga low iq ur sources come out of ur asses as per usual from an uneducated idiot. The initial post was about crime and iq and then u began deflecting as excpeted from a butthurt shitskin.
you can't just automatically become and stay rich thanks to resources, but also need to know how to manage an economy, which Arabs quite clearly know how to do.
This is such a basic SIMPLE fact of economics and race, that anyone with half a brain can acknowledge and understand this, but merely because of how badly Arabs are demonized by western propoganda, people like @hghcel have their brains shut down and can't accept such a simple fact. Russia especially is a good point to bring up cause they're all blonde and white and have resources, yet they still have worse living conditions in some ways than Saudi and Turkey.

That's all it is BTW, a refusal to give ANY credibility to Arabs for accomplishing anything, it's that same reason/hatred that motivates western people to try and detach Arabs from ancient egyptians/ancient sumerians/ancient phoenicians despite them being genetically the same. Or how they will pull out of their asses baseless claims like the gulf states being run by Europeans, when all the top governmental positions are held by Arabs
This is such a basic SIMPLE fact of economics and race, that anyone with half a brain can acknowledge and understand this, but merely because of how badly Arabs are demonized by western propoganda, people like @hghcel have their brains shut down and can't accept such a simple fact. Russia especially is a good point to bring up cause they're all blonde and white and have resources, yet they still have worse living conditions in some ways than Saudi and Turkey.

That's all it is BTW, a refusal to give ANY credibility to Arabs for accomplishing anything, it's that same reason/hatred that motivates western people to try and detach Arabs from ancient egyptians/ancient sumerians/ancient phoenicians despite them being genetically the same. Or how they will pull out of their asses baseless claims like the gulf states being run by Europeans, when all the top governmental positions are held by Arabs
what cant u understand? u have zero idea what ur talking about at all and its a fact that modern day sandniggers have nothing to do with ancient mesopotamians. Ancient assyrians built better countries than urs today. Its not about the top government positions but about how much money htey recieved from the west. Even incompetent governments do well when they get a huge inflow of money from a foreign country just look at corrupt nations like Monaco etc. Russians are mixed with mongol its a fact that arabs are criminals and deserve the bombings they get.
Or how they will pull out of their asses baseless claims like the gulf states being run by Europeans, when all the top governmental positions are held by Arabs
Kek, I think I saw that being claimed on Stormfront once or twice and it seemed like even the people there realized that that was bullshit:feelskek:.
That's the normal MENA skin tone. Curries are black.

Japan has the right to protect its borders and refuse immigration. Japan for the Japanese.
I'm saying arab men have a better chance with asian women than asian men but asian women dont really care that much about arab men, they only go crazy for white guys
Asian women hate all brown men including Arabs. They want white men but would take Asians over brown.
Holy strawman. The point is kurds have the features that japs wish they had, and Kurds sure as fuck are more white passing than Japs, that's for sure

that's why it's funny as fuck when some japanese incels are crying about Kurdish immigrants because its obvious their bitching comes from a sense of inferiority at getting mogged by Kurds, that's why IRL you have kurdish men with japanese wives, meanwhile, kurdish women are only seen with japanese men in movies like this JFL

Even in this movie you can see the kurdish girl is paler than the ugly japanese guy LMAO
Even Arabs who look brown/arab still mog chinks and gooks since they still have those precious round eyes, thin noses, and caucasion jawlines that chinks want so bad.
This isn't about looking white, but looking caucasion.
Sure arabs are on average better looking than Japanese men and physically "whiter", but that doesn't change the fact that arabs are inferior to the Japanese in every other regard and that the Japanese are 100% justified in hating arab migrants in their country. Also, OP complained about how dark the Kurds are portrayed in the propaganda cartoon, when in fact they are that way in real life with some exceptions.

I never said that the Japanese have no faults, and I admit that they have degenerated in many ways similar to the West, but compared to the Arab world, they have done a lot to distinguish themselves as a functioning and productive country. And inb4 muh Gulf States, Japan owes its prosperity to the fact that it was able to develop its own heavy industry that could compete with the West, in contrast to the Gulf States, whose development was completely dependent on the West consuming their natural oil reserves.
No one cares about that LMAO gay ass nonsense
And therefore you sand niggers will remain poor or dependent on the export of natural resources.
A mongoloid can never be white, JFL at this weeb nigger. Whiteness is about genetics and appearance.
I said "honorary" for a reason you illiterate sand monkey. I know arabs are closer to whites in terms of genetics and appearance, but Japanese will always be closer to whites in terms of mentality than arabs.
Anytime someone uses a crowd shot, you know they lost the argument, because crowd shots are never an accurate means of assessing someone's facial features due to things like exaggerated facial expressions, lighting, and improper focus.
I use pictures of crowds because they are a good way to show the general skin complexion of a population. Of course, they are not flawless for the reasons you mentioned, but they show that Kurds are generally very brown as they are depicted in the caricature.
We could say the same thing for your pics, especially when many of them could easily just have a tan.

I don't consider southern Europeans who are extremely dark, as in the photo, to be white either.
They're still genetically kurds, so they still represent the kurdish people. And it's hardly a minority when 25% of kurds in iraq carry the genes for blue eyes, 1 in 4, let alone if you're talking about Turkish Kurds or Iranian Kurds, who likely have a slightly higher percentage.
25% is a minority you idiot especially when you consider that carrying the gene for blue eyes doesn't mean you have blue eyes most of the time. About 50% of Albanians carry the gene for blue eyes, but only about 20% actually have blue eyes.
And those Germans would still be Germans genetically
Yes, they would be, I'm not disputing that. My point was that they are so often overshadowed by the lighter German types that they are irrelevant in the overall image of their ethnicity. Most people wouldn't use darker Germans as an example of typical Germans. The same applies to lighter Arabs, who are completely eclipsed by their darker brethren for good reason and therefore cannot be considered typical in the slightest, as you and OP like to believe.
stupid nigger
I have gray-blue eyes and pale skin. If anyone here’s a nigger, it's you with your shit colored skin.
The point is that japanese, as all other mongoloids, lack the capacity for creativity and can never do anything but mimic whites, so they also end up mimicing white nationalism tendencies when they have no basis for that behaviour. Whites being nationalistic makes sense since their blood is worth preservation due to their superior genetics, but nips are manlet, flat-faced, chinky eyed, scrawny subhumans who can't breed on a mass scale, so the fact that kurds are coming into their country is a genetic gift to them for them to escape their subhuman genes, so it's FUNNY as fuck that they're being antagonistic towards kurds since no kurdish woman wants to touch a rice cuck's shrimp dick.

It's not resentment, you projecting cuck, it's fucking comedic and hilarious as fuck to see, especially when you realize gooks have a LOOOONG history of killing ancient caucasions then seething and bitching about not having caucasion features. None of these guys look white, but they look caucasion, and that alone is enough to make nip whores wet their panties for them, that's why nipcucks are seething.
And the arabs get mogged by Europeans and got dominated by them for decades so hard that you savages are still seething about it to this day. Anyways, your claim that Japanese nationalism stems solely from whites falls flat, as all humans are tribalistic and xenophobic by nature, and East Asians are no exception, regardless of their supposed ugliness compared to whites. Japan is a cohesive nation with a distinct identity and culture that, combined with Japan's ability to modernize on its own, has fostered a strong sense of national pride for good reason. If you think that Japanese nativism and xenophobia towards the Kurds (less than 1% of the population) is based solely on the fact that some of them resemble whites and therefore mog them, you are dead wrong.
modern day sandniggers have nothing to do with ancient mesopotamians.

Ancient assyrians built better countries than urs today.
Assyrians are still genetically arab
Its not about the top government positions but about how much money htey recieved from the west.
they dont receive money like its some fucking charity, they sell oil and receive money.
Even incompetent governments do well when they get a huge inflow of money from a foreign country
Money has nothing to do with crime rates and social cohesion. Keep seething all you want.
just look at corrupt nations like Monaco etc.
Not an argument.
Russians are mixed with mongol its a fact
Theyre not . Russians are east european


that arabs are criminals and deserve the bombings they get.
Hate-filled and baseless comments like this is why I don't care about white genocide or whites going extinct
Sure arabs are on average better looking than Japanese men and physically "whiter", but that doesn't change the fact that arabs are inferior to the Japanese in every other regard
What is "every other regard" in this case? Arabs have lower suicide, lower depression, lower rates of getting cucked, and their countries are just as safe as Japan all without the degenerate inceldom killing their race off

Also, JFL arabs looking better than snd being whiter than japs isn't something small for you to just ignore. Looks and beauty are a MASSIVE factor in racial hierarchy, so arabs mogging the fuck out of chinks and gooks isnt something you just brush aside. If anything, looks matter more than IQ

and that the Japanese are 100% justified in hating arab migrants in their country.
No theyre not justified at all. Because its obvious these Japanese nationalists on twitter are simply chimping out at getting mogged by kurds. Even this Kurdish woman is taller than multiple Japanese guys, so imagine how much taller Kurdish men must be

Also, OP complained about how dark the Kurds are portrayed in the propaganda cartoon, when in fact they are that way in real life with some exceptions.
No, kurds are no where near that dark. And it's pathetic even moreso since the Japanese boy in the left pic looks more like a kurd than be does an IRL Japanese boy, further proving what I keep saying, that these gooks wallow in delusion and denial about their subhumanity
I never said that the Japanese have no faults
you talked about respectablity. Nothing to respect about that cucked, dying, race that copes with cock-sucking robot devices while their women get plowed by immigranfs lmao
compared to the Arab world, they have done a lot to distinguish themselves as a functioning and productive country.
so have the Gulf countries. And like i have said to other users before, Arabs in modern times have never been given an iota of time to breath, ever since WW2, its just invasion after invasion, sanction after sanction. We see however how good arabs can be with thr gulf states if kikes and ameriniggers fuck off
And inb4 muh Gulf States,
not an argument
Japan owes its prosperity to the fact that it was able to develop its own heavy industry that could compete with the West
japan got bombed to smithereens by whites and then america decieded to build the country back up and poured millions into it. And now its economic power is going down the shitter anyways.
in contrast to the Gulf States, whose development was completely dependent on the West consuming their natural oil reserves.
who cares how the success happened? The point is that the countries are still 1st world, safe and clean. M-muh oilrino is irrelevant to that aspect of societal function
And therefore you sand niggers will remain poor or dependent on the export of natural resources.
Work with what you've got
Japanese will always be closer to whites in terms of mentality than arabs.
Thats not a good thing JFL considering japs are degenerates as you yourself admitted.

also, even on a racial level, this still isn't true. Arabs and euros are genetically close so naturally will have closer mentality than japs
I use pictures of crowds because they are a good way to show the general skin complexion of a population. Of course, they are not flawless for the reasons you mentioned, but they show that Kurds are generally very brown as they are depicted in the caricature.
No theyre not. Because that still doesn't take into consideration lighting of the camera or like I said, the tans. Average skin tone in Kurdistan is no different than south europe, maybe slightly darker


I don't consider southern Europeans who are extremely dark, as in the photo, to be white either.
Theyre stil genetically european regardless. And this spanish people I posted obviously have a tan, I was drawing a comparison

@DarkStar thoughts?
25% is a minority
sure, but you are making it sound like its 3-5%.
especially when you consider that carrying the gene for blue eyes doesn't mean you have blue eyes most of the time.
Yes, but it does mean you have brown, hazel, amber or green eyes
About 50% of Albanians carry the gene for blue eyes, but only about 20% actually have blue eyes.
See above, most probably still have lighter eyes even if it's not exactly blue.
Yes, they would be, I'm not disputing that. My point was that they are so often overshadowed by the lighter German types that they are irrelevant in the overall image of their ethnicity.
we arent talking about thr image of the ethnicity, whatever that even means. Simply that some traits are common among kurds than nips wish they had
Most people wouldn't use darker Germans as an example of typical Germans.
This is irrelevant to the initial point
The same applies to lighter Arabs, who are completely eclipsed by their darker brethren for good reason and therefore cannot be considered typical in the slightest
No one said they're typical arabs, but if you're talking about kurds, a fuck ton of them are whiter than japs in terms of skin tone.

And keep in mind this isn't just about skin color. It's also about kurds having better facial features compared to japs. Even brown arabs like this still benefit from being caucasion and thus mogging gooks. Even if all kurds looked like this (none of them are kurds fyi) they would still mog the chinks to kingdom come. Yet many kurds look whiter than these four guys

6f554a5e 2542 4073 bf02 40852db63170
0c3943bb e5a9 4c74 9ae6 10f1ab3c230f
3967a454 580f 4eea b00a ef0f6e851e80
19a2cabd 1839 417d 88bd ac26049a9c3f

as you and OP like to believe.
Where did I say white arabs are the norm? Lmao
I have gray-blue eyes and pale skin. If anyone here’s a nigger, it's you with your shit colored skin.
I'm white
And the arabs get mogged by Europeans
why are you bringing europeans into this when that is not relevant to the topic?
you savages are still seething about it to this day.
like i said before, hate filled and baseless comments like this is why i don't care about whites going extinct and being replaced. The audacity to come into our countries and bomb us then act like that was our fault for not having developed countries


Anyways, your claim that Japanese nationalism stems solely from whites falls flat
thats not what I said , learn to read. I said they are baselessly mimicking whites without understanding the nuance behind it
as all humans are tribalistic and xenophobic by nature, and East Asians are no exception, regardless of their supposed ugliness compared to whites.
They can be xenophobic all they want, the point being made by me is that theyre too ugly to be acting that way
Japan is a cohesive nation with a distinct identity and culture that, combined with Japan's ability to modernize on its own, has fostered a strong sense of national pride for good reason. If you think that Japanese nativism and xenophobia towards the Kurds (less than 1% of the population) is based solely on the fact that some of them resemble whites and therefore mog them, you are dead wrong.
Their hatred is obviously fueled by sexual fear of more attractive races, like kurds, coming in. That's just a fact.

The fact that, like you fucking said kurds are 1% of the population yet you constantly see children of arab men/Japanese women speaks volumes to how they feel mogged to oblivion by these taller, whiter, caucasion kurds. That's why they don't cry and whine about SEAs or even indians in Japan as much, since the mogging isn't as brutal.

84f76374 4bee 46c5 ae46 e0408e7113d9
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View attachment 1257319

Assyrians are still genetically arab

they dont receive money like its some fucking charity, they sell oil and receive money.

Money has nothing to do with crime rates and social cohesion. Keep seething all you want.

Not an argument.

Theyre not . Russians are east european

View attachment 1257324

Hate-filled and baseless comments like this is why I don't care about white genocide or whites going extinct
View attachment 1257325
money through oil= ur absolutely retarded btw america literrally built their oil infrastructure jfl at ur iq
its turbo over for u if u actually think that arabs have anything to do with mesopotomians modern and ancient

cording to current genetic studies, Assyrians are not considered to be genetically Arab, despite sharing a geographical proximity and some overlapping genetic markers, with studies indicating that Assyrians have a distinct genetic profile more closely related to ancient Mesopotamian populations, separate from modern Arab populations; meaning they do not share the same primary genetic ancestry as Arabs.

Key points to remember:

learn russian history please before talking ur the most history illiterate user on the forum and ur people will continue to get bombed into oblivion because they are wild animals worse than niggers.

and remember poor shitoles like moldova are still better than all of NA, iran or lebanon or syria and u will pay a kidney to live there
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I don't consider southern Europeans who are extremely dark, as in the photo, to be white either.
Ye some of them, usually from the far south or "periphery" such as Greek islands, Sicily, Andalusia in Spain etc, can be pretty swarthy & some have MENA phenos such as Berid or Armenid.

If they're genetically European(ANF/EEF+Steppe/Yamnaya & HG) thus native to the region I'd say in a way yes, but not phenotypically & thus SMV wise.

A few Russians & Balkans I've noticed also could pass as North Kavkaz/Caucus.

The overwhelming majority of the populace of both regions overwhelmingly look White though & are classifiable as such.

Will re-read the rest of this thread tomorrow.
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money through oil= ur absolutely retarded btw
Not an argument
america literrally built their oil infrastructure jfl at ur iq
Irrelevant to the crime rates or social cohesion
its turbo over for u if u actually think that arabs have anything to do with mesopotomians modern and ancient

cording to current genetic studies, Assyrians are not considered to be genetically Arab, despite sharing a geographical proximity and some overlapping genetic markers, with studies indicating that Assyrians have a distinct genetic profile more closely related to ancient Mesopotamian populations, separate from modern Arab populations; meaning they do not share the same primary genetic ancestry as Arabs.
Assyrians are genetically identical to other modern northern arabs. Keep chimping out all you want


learn russian history please before talking ur the most history illiterate user on the forum and ur people will continue to get bombed into oblivion because they are wild animals worse than niggers.
not an argument

Your people will continue to miscegnate into oblivion with niggers and you will eventually become niggers yourselves


and remember poor shitoles like moldova are still better than all of NA, iran or lebanon or syria and u will pay a kidney to live there
theyre not, but whatever helps you cope.
How true is this?

@WorthySlavicSaint @PolskiKartofel @To koniec
OvER, I have no data for show, but our wykop.pl is totally anti JBW and there are so much memes about blacks (mokebe) and pajeets (they are confused often with sandniggers and meds, but it's about all exotic halo)
OvER, I have no data for show, but our wykop.pl is totally anti JBW and there are so much memes about blacks (mokebe) and pajeets (they are confused often with sandniggers and meds, but it's about all exotic halo)
So curries have this exotic halo? I heard of many Indian/Paki Polish couples there
Kek nah, i'ts been beneficial for them to remain homogenous, in reality the Japanese gene-mog the Chinks & Cuckreans alongside the based Mongols
Gooks are subhuman but chinks mog nips.
OvER, I have no data for show, but our wykop.pl is totally anti JBW and there are so much memes about blacks (mokebe) and pajeets (they are confused often with sandniggers and meds, but it's about all exotic halo)
No fucking way are slavs confusing indians for south europeans
Have, because they aren't regular dwellers here
Unbelievable curries have halo in one of the whitest, tallest and historically achieving country. Poland doesn't even have a shitty economy. Why do Slav whores hate their Slavic race this much and are open to racemixxing with anyone and everyone? :lul:
Or just they show least white med and show most white pajeet
Maybe not Indians, but Arabs and Persians with Spanish and Italians
I can understand mixing spanish/Italian with arabs/Persians, but I severely doubt even the lightest skinned indian looks anything like a south european. But pajeets do still seem to benefit from exotic halo in slavland
Unbelievable curries have halo in one of the whitest, tallest and historically achieving country. Poland doesn't even have a shitty economy. Why do Slav whores hate their Slavic race this much and are open to racemixxing with anyone and everyone? :lul:
It's actually so bizarre when I think about it because slavs look very beautiful. JFL now I wish my dad had immigrated to Germany instead. I probably would have gotten a slavic GF by now
said the arab. It's so funny how you project your inherent traits to the japs.

Japs are high IQ, high trust society, civilized, advanced , built their country out of ashes , one of the strongest economies in the world meanwhile arabs are inbred, low iq, violent, low trust society and the entire middle east is a shithole. You can't even walk in the city even as a man and not get raped by some horny goat fucker.

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