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JFL IT roasties get exposed to the Racepill for the first time. Asian women are not "beautiful" dear roasties, arab women fog the shit out of them!

In urban areas, most Whites can't even pick up on some hapas or mixed indians being non white, let alone arabs.

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Yeah, people should realize that most Normies won't be able to tell. On fact even I have a hard time telling if some white passing Arabs are white or Arab. If you don't have very noticeable ethnic features, it's hard to tell
That's the thing, I think she's actually an Arab and she's happy with what you wrote, but not for being told she fogs noodles, but because her ethnicity was mentioned like this. Remember, there's only one thing leftists actually want, and that's victim points:feelsthink::feelsthink::feelskek::feelskek:. For years, only noodles could claim that. Mainstream scholarship claimed that Asian women and black men are the principal victim of racial fetishization, guys here at incel forums pretty much agreed, even normies agreed with it and joked about it. Now, reading your posts and commenting on them, that chick can also finally claim to be a victim of le fetishization:feelsthink:
Yeah, spot on :feelskek: :feelskek:. Only dumb Normies will fall for their buzzwords, it's so retarded, women like being complimented doesn't matter if it's from chad or a subhuman. Only difference that when we do it, they act like it offended them lmao. Why would you feel fetishized when you're being complimented? It's like a tallfag saying he feels fetishized for being called "tall" all the time. Everyone knows that this whore was extremely happy and got wet when she read what I wrote. Women literally, compare their beauty to their daughters by the way. Fetishizing my ass.

anything, the virtue signalling part is her saying at the end how nasty the "racism" against noodles is. For years, those same people have been saying that it's being fetishized for your race, not rejected for your race, that's the bad thing. Just think of how nobody really give a shit about ricecels' struggles compared with, as I've mentioned, the number of articles written about ho bad noodles and black men have it for being fetishized by whites. Yet suddenly, she acts as if being rejected is bad to them all of a sudden
Lmfao exactly!:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I called noodlewhores ugly, why are they complaining now? Looks don't matter, they should Stop complaining and go to the gym.
Also, the bullshit about Arab women being worshipped for their submissiveness:feelskek:, when you've spent that entire thread saying that you find them more attractive due to their looks alone:feelskek:. Are they genuinely trying to claim now that "muh personaliteehee:soy:" matters to men:lul:, the same way they try to pretend that it matters to women:feelsugh::feelsugh::feelskek:
All of them know it's about looks, women care about and are obsessed with looks more then men. But they have to cope somehow. Make no mistake you disgusting Noodlwhores lurking, people find you repulsive, Because, of your slanted eyes, not because, arab women have better personalities. You can lie to us all you want, but I will always speak the objective truth.

And you know it's true hence, you get a million surgeries to look white, lighten you skin, hair and wear contacts. But all of this futile because, you can't give white men healthy chad sons because, you're flat and because, there's no suregry for you genes, you disgusting subhuman chingchongs.

It's really a bit obvious that you're not a Westerner, I don't think I've ever seen even a white supremacist from the US or WE daring to openly say something like this:yes::yes::feelzez::feelzez:. Which is even more hilarious since those retards commenting in that IT thread are so clueless that they 100% think that you're one of those:feelskek:.
I mentioned I'm Lebanese in that thread, but they're American so they probably, don't know where Lebanon is anyway.
this dumb cunt really trying to pretend like not even normies joke about how starved for white men noodles are and that they'll go for any even slightly decent ones:feelskek::feelskek:.
Most subhuman race of women. Yet, they are extremely arrogant.
This is true, Middle Eastern women are hands down the most beautiful on the planet(my opinion), Arabs, Assyrians, Persians, Azeris, Kurds, Maronites, Egyptians, Turks etc, even Jewish women with their curly brown hair, all of them mog even cumskin dog-fuckers if the world wasn't so White-washed, Asians look like underage aliens & are incel-factories

This obsession men have with White & Asian whores is absurd, considering other ethnicities mog them back to Caucasus mountains & Mongolian steppes
Just say Arab. Just because, assyrians, Turks, Iranian and kurds speak a different language doesn't mean they're a different race. We are genetically all the same.
only jews are distinctive, because, most of them have European ancestry now.
Bumping because, IT cucks still haven't screenshoted this. Maybe, the dosage is too high for them lol.
Why haven't the roasties screenshoted this?
Someone fucking post this on IT
They're too busy shagging animals
They were extremely shocked when they were exposed to the Racepill last time. These stupid whores are too stupid to check lounge.
Could any one of you post this on IT? I don't have a soydeit account.
@Cayden Zhang
@Made in Heaven
Could any one of you post this on IT? I don't have a soydeit account.
@Cayden Zhang
@Made in Heaven
Could any one of you post this on IT? I don't have a soydeit account.
@Cayden Zhang
@Made in Heaven
Neither do I unfortunately:feelsbadman:.
Neither do I unfortunately:feelsbadman:.
Brutal. I think I do have one, but I trolled IT before joining the forum and I got banned. I think I'm IP banned, I can't post from any account.
Bumping so this stays on top and Some IT roastie hopefully screenshots it.
Bumping again.
Is this dumb cunt really trying to pretend like not even normies joke about how starved for white men noodles are and that they'll go for any even slightly decent ones:feelskek::feelskek:
Exactly. When even normies are joking about a subject, whatever it may be, you know it's a mainstream opinion at that point. And normies are always joking about WMAF, they make zero attempt to be "racially sensitive to asian men" about it
arab women have big noses and masculine features and hairy af, that’s why they produce mogger sons since they look like men in the first place at least chink girls have cute soft flat features and upturned eyes but that’s why they produce incel sons
arab women have big noses and masculine features and hairy af, that’s why they produce mogger sons since they look like men in the first place at least chink girls have cute soft flat features and upturned eyes but that’s why they produce incel sons
ARAB women aren't ugly, if that's what you were trying to say
they’re much uglier and more masculine than noodlewhores, you even said it yourself they produce manly children because they’re manly themselves
they’re much uglier and more masculine than noodlewhores, you even said it yourself they produce manly children because they’re manly themselves
That has nothing to do with manliness lol. They're not flat unlike, noodlewhores
her point here is literally 'I hate well researched arguments'
she doesn't say they got it wrong. If any of the research was falsified or tangential she could easily say 'look at their research its not even accurate'
instead she reads the research and her emotional reaction is 'i disagree what can I do to say it's wrong, oh i can call them losers for having too much time'
why do you think we have so much time?
time and time again people deny that incels ever tried anything to ascend even though we talk so much about how brutal no sex is. That is called a motivation lol. They have no motivation to try because they get sex anyway. And women shower less than men. They just assume you didn't shower and make that their whole argument against you. They have no evidence it works, or evidence you don't, and most incels work real jobs so kind of have to.
Delusional af
I think there are some asian women who can look naturally attractive, since they sometimes have caucasion-adjacent features but yes, for the most part, arabs women are way way way better. But like I've said before, white men know arab women have higher standards for men, both in terms of money and looks, so they don't worship white guys thr same way asian women do

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That's cope..it's just that your religion is backward and gatekeeps them. Arabs women in the west are white worshippers too. Arab men love that blonde hair. Native Arabs don't have white features just like Hrithik Roshan and aishwariya Rai are not representatives of native Indians..

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