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It's Over Japanese “K-Pop style” male models brutally laughed at, mocked and made fun of for their lack of masculinity/testostERone in comments of YouTube Video

it's literally all men (mostly gymcels) in the comments doing that kek, it's out of jealousy probably.
these gymcels have to build up their "masculinity" by lifting heavy metal until muscle big
meanwhile these so called low t and feminine men were born with it, in form of masculine BONES.
these gymcels have to build up their "masculinity" by lifting heavy metal until muscle big
meanwhile these so called low t and feminine men were born with it, in form of masculine BONES.
I think K/Jpop & Pretty boy male artists/ bands in general prove you don't have to look or act masculine to be attractive to femoids. As long as your height & face is good it's fine if you're feminine. Some examples include BTS, One Direction, Justin Bieber & Backstreet Boys. Red pilled copers can't seem to understand this.
it's literally all men (mostly gymcels) in the comments doing that kek, it's out of jealousy probably.
gymcels are cringe, so are these pretty-boy fagmaxxers.
it's literally all men (mostly gymcels) in the comments doing that kek, it's out of jealousy probably.
No gym for your bone structure :feelskek: :feelskek: gymcels are hilatious bro
They aren't even that feminine looking smh these fucking comment faggots. Mogs me a thousandfold.
I think K/Jpop & Pretty boy male artists/ bands in general prove you don't have to look or act masculine to be attractive to femoids. As long as your height & face is good it's fine if you're feminine. Some examples include BTS, One Direction, Justin Bieber & Backstreet Boys. Red pilled copers can't seem to understand this.

Comment on the video proves this further.
it's literally all men (mostly gymcels) in the comments doing that kek, it's out of jealousy probably.
Gymcels can't seem to accept that asians have a smaller build frame than Americans.
They look faggot and low testosterone af. I don't care even they slayed.

atleast low estrogen toliet becky.
these gymcels have to build up their "masculinity" by lifting heavy metal until muscle big
meanwhile these so called low t and feminine men were born with it, in form of masculine BONES.
and yet they look immature
and yet they look immature

Yeah exactly, I don’t like the K-pop “look” at all, men aren’t meant to look so feminine, it makes them look weak and beta as fuck. Men are meant to be strong masculine alphas.

I bet all these women fawning over these dudes, would forget about these K-Pop fags and give their attention to some gym-maxed normie instead if they saw a gym-maxed normie beating any of these guys to the point of near death.

Don’t be fooled by womens words, follow their actions. Women tend to be drawn towards men who display dominance, and beating anothER man in a fight is one of the most primal ways to show dominance ovER anothER male, hence women become attracted to winnERs of fights and become repulsed by the losERs.

Only little girls and teenagER females are genuinely attracted to these K-pop males. Most adult females are just “pretending” to be attracted to such men to fool feminine men into thinking that they have a chance to attract women, so feminine men will continue to (hopelessly) pursue women while women exploit those feminine men for resources (money, status etc).

It’s all a massive psy-Op, and most incels hERe can’t even see it
They're literally faggots. Japanese male model agencies are controlled by ex-CIA agent and sodomite Johnny Kitagawa, it's an open secret he fucks his models in the ass.
I bet this Japanese dudes slay and youtube commentators are frustrated western men.
They look faggot and low testosterone af.
They still capable to kill high T beasts if they wanted. Killing is the ultimate mogging.
No more high T bullie scum.
Set bullies on fire. Impale high T bullie scum.
They wouldn't mog anyone if they are killed like dogs .
Fucking bullie scum.
True you can cuck those gooks easily
Shave their heads and all of the sudden they look unfuckable.
Gymcels seething in jealousy and frustration because muh gains mean absolutely nothing to foids lmao. This is proof that the only reason men gymmaxx is for female validation
The rise of kpop bull shit needs to be studied . Overnight millions of white women for the first time in history started craviny tiny asian weiner and moved to south korea by the thousands only because a couple of asian midgets with Justin Bieber haircut started singing pop songs???!!! This is like the rap psyop where millions of white women started banging negroid cause rap was cool 10 years ago. Women really are like programable robots. The jew media points at who to fuck and they sprint to it with glee
Anyone who says no women are attracted to the men in the video are fucking coping
Masculinity is cope
this is fuckin cope.

those guys could get high tier noodle beckies and stacies. as well as a lot of foreign latinas, indian foids, and slav foids.

fuck them. you can say that they look feminine and gay all you want meanwhile you got nothing and are shit posting on here.
Ngl it's basically the same as when troons are crossdressing to peep on toilets using toilets
I bet this Japanese dudes slay and youtube commentators are frustrated western men.
they are just a bunch of fags literally voguing on the streets of Tokyo
this is fuckin cope.

those guys could get high tier noodle beckies and stacies. as well as a lot of foreign latinas, indian foids, and slav foids.

fuck them. you can say that they look feminine and gay all you want meanwhile you got nothing and are shit posting on here.
why are they all hanging out together like a buncha fags then?
why are they all hanging out together like a buncha fags then?

Dude, thank you for pointing out the truth.

Most usERs hERe aren’t blackpilled about Asian subhumanity to anywhERe near the same extent as you.
Dude, thank you for pointing out the truth.

Most usERs hERe aren’t blackpilled about Asian subhumanity to anywhERe near the same extent as you.
all these kpop gooks, you never see them hanging out with bad bitches like ever. They are always either alone, or hanging out with other kpop gooks coping
they are in japan. not america. THEY can get foids.

Dude, their own Japanese foids would rathER get dicked by tall, wide-framed muscular masculine white chad with a big cock than to even look in the direction of these short, narrow-framed skinny feminine rice-cels with micropenises

Stop coping.
Those kpoop Mogs me
its gymmaxxed ogres the only one that mogs kpop maxxed nips are actually just chads
I mean personally I think they look like faggots and I would love to khabib maul them
ufc 209 GIF
as much of a best khabib is, basic respect starts at 205
Mannnn fuckkk thatttt. 205 not ready for the endurance, speed, and power of a 155 BEAST
Lol effeminate pretty boys are more desired than burly macho fags.

Gymcels know you get more compliments from men than women when you gymmaxx.

It's all about face. Lachowski could get his ass beat by Dwayne Johnson women will still prefer the former. Even if his face is black and blue.

Male gaze vs female gaze.

Women virtue signal to androgenic burly beta bucks "I need a real man" 6"2' skinny Chad already fucked her.

I can go on...
Face > masculinity

Women literally prefer gay men with attractive faces over straight high T men
Lol effeminate pretty boys are more desired than burly macho fags.

Gymcels know you get more compliments from men than women when you gymmaxx.

It's all about face. Lachowski could get his ass beat by Dwayne Johnson women will still prefer the former. Even if his face is black and blue.

Male gaze vs female gaze.

Women virtue signal to androgenic burly beta bucks "I need a real man" 6"2' skinny Chad already fucked her.

I can go on...
True, agreed
They can mock them all they want, they all slay in Nippon and could easily pull whites as well.
those boys are more feminine than jap hoes. the only ones they pullin are tranny ass niponjin and faggot korean monkeys
Face > masculinity

Women literally prefer gay men with attractive faces over straight high T men
not in Asia bro. foids there still chase the Henry Caville type
As long as your height & face is good it's fine if you're feminine. Some examples include BTS, One Direction, Justin Bieber & Backstreet Boys. Red pilled copers can't seem to understand this.

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