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Blackpill It’s actually so weird, every single male in my blood family is a Chad except me. EVERY ONE.



Brother: 9/10 only slightly flawed Jorge Del Rio tier Chad
Father: 8.9-9.2/10 chad, modelled at university with Stacies.
Cousin 1: 10/10 White Aryan Gigachad
Cousin 2: 6’6 skinny fuck bit beautiful cheekbones and eye area, at least 8.5/10
Cousin 3: Bald, but hypermasculine jawline and beard, 8.3/10
Uncle: Manly Russian fighter type, a bit short but god tier eyes and cheekbones, 9.5/10

LITERALLY UGLIEST MALE IN FAMILY :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

This isn’t a joke btw, I’m dead serious. I am the most congenitally diseased and ugliest male in the family. I don’t fucking know why. I should have been a chad man. My parents had me at age 38 mom and 49 dad, I think that’s bordering on Down syndrome territory. I didn’t go retarded but had a heap of other conditions.

Little twin brother cane out fucking perfect tho....???

I don’t know how any of this was fair
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Go fuck yourself
You are at least tall so you got some good genes. Must be hell when you're surrounded by them like that though.
Brother: 9/10 only slightly flawed Jorge Del Rio tier Chad
Father: 8.9-9.2/10 chad, modelled at university with Stacies.
Cousin 1: 10/10 White Aryan Gigachad
Cousin 2: 6’6 skinny fuck bit beautiful cheekbones and eye area, at least 8.5/10
Cousin 3: Bald, but hypermasculine jawline and beard, 8.3/10
Uncle: Manly Russian fighter type, a bit short but god tier eyes and cheekbones, 9.5/10

LITERALLY UGLIEST MALE IN FAMILY :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
And what are your defects? Because you must be really fucking unlucky to get some shit genes if everyone in your family is chad, not that I don't believe you but I am suspicious.
same feeling with my cousins. all male cousins are/were studs who had multiple girls and fucked virgins too and had a social life outside of school and now all have good jobs and lives while i rot and slave away for scraps

curious though if any of ur family tried to help you. not even some side tail they didnt want?
Same applies with me, but what caused me to be like this is race mixing.
And what are your defects? Because you must be really fucking unlucky to get some shit genes if everyone in your family is chad, not that I don't believe you but I am suspicious.
View attachment 86489

Norwood 7 age 23 (had a shitty hair transplant which is virtually disappearing rapidly)

Sideways slanted asymmetrical nose (like grabbing a nostril, distorting the nose by pulling in one direction, and the nose set in that direction), different sized nostrils

Small mouth, thick pouty lower lip, nonexistent upper lip.

Zero cheekbones and facial structure

No chin and jaw, severe recession

Narrow curve of teeth, idk how to describe. Entire mouth and jaw and maxilla structure is significantly narrower than width of my temples.

I take reference to jorge Del Rio Romero, whose temples are exactly as wide as his lower, square jaw. I am severely, severely narrowed at jaw, mouth and face

NEGATIVE FUCKING CANTHAL TILT LOL LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, my dad had positive chad tilt, my eyes look exactly like his but dropped and ugly.

I look at myself in mirror and see a disgusting face melted retarded thing, this bloaty, swollen pig like face with no facial definition.

I said in a previous thread my facial features are vaguely resembling my dads, but the ugly version of everything he had.
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probably a late bloomer
Norwood 7 age 23 (had a shitty hair transplant which is virtually disappearing rapidly)

Sideways slanted asymmetrical nose (like grabbing a nostril, distorting the nose by pulling in one direction, and the nose set in that direction), different sized nostrils

Small mouth, thick pouty lower lip, nonexistent upper lip.

Zero cheekbones and facial structure

No chin and jaw, severe recession

Narrow curve of teeth, idk how to describe. Entire mouth and jaw and maxilla structure is significantly narrower than width of my temples.

I take reference to jorge Del Rio Romero, whose temples are exactly as wide as his lower, square jaw. I am severely, severely narrowed at jaw, mouth and face
Sounds terrible, whats your height?
I’m the same tbh. My dad and brother are Chads and my cousins are high tier normies.

Sounds terrible, whats your height?
Good height, 6’3

People on this site have seen pics. I really am a sub 4, ask anyone who has seen my pics. I’m twenty four in March, trust me, there is no “late blooming” from this. My mom is visiting me as an emergency because she thinks I’m suicidal. She flew to my city for a mere 48 hours and paid 1400 dollars for the flight. She cried yesterday thinking I would kill myself.

same. we are waste of sperm tbh
And what are your defects? Because you must be really fucking unlucky to get some shit genes if everyone in your family is chad, not that I don't believe you but I am suspicious.
View attachment 86489
The women aren’t all attractive. Only mother and her sister are attractive. All other women are ogres in my family.
Norwood 7 age 23 (had a shitty hair transplant which is virtually disappearing rapidly)

Sideways slanted asymmetrical nose (like grabbing a nostril, distorting the nose by pulling in one direction, and the nose set in that direction), different sized nostrils

Small mouth, thick pouty lower lip, nonexistent upper lip.

Zero cheekbones and facial structure

No chin and jaw, severe recession

Narrow curve of teeth, idk how to describe. Entire mouth and jaw and maxilla structure is significantly narrower than width of my temples.

I take reference to jorge Del Rio Romero, whose temples are exactly as wide as his lower, square jaw. I am severely, severely narrowed at jaw, mouth and face

NEGATIVE FUCKING CANTHAL TILT LOL LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, my dad had positive chad tilt, my eyes look exactly like his but dropped and ugly.

I look at myself in mirror and see a disgusting face melted retarded thing, this bloaty, swollen pig like face with no facial definition.

I said in a previous thread my facial features are vaguely resembling my dads, but the ugly version of everything he had.
do you also have upper eyelid exposure? I mean if you do then virtually every facial feature you have is incel tier, you must be the truest of the truest facialcels if thats the case
do you also have upper eyelid exposure? I mean if you do then virtually every facial feature you have is incel tier, you must be the truest of the truest facialcels if thats the case
What is upper eyelid exposure? Brb googling

Edit: it appears I do not have that nope.

But strong negative canthal tilt and visible sclera.
View attachment 86498
you can see the upper eyelid being invisible on the left one without squinting
Actually just checked again and yes I am indeed developing the look of the right guy it seems. I’m not full eyelid exposure but certainly not that of the left guy. Probably halfway between them.
Most of my family are GL. I’m the ugly one. The only ugly one. Proof that genetic recombination is a dice roll. I lost the dice roll. JFL.
It´s not possible to be incel when you are 6´3 and come from such good genetic stock. There is a good chance that you have body dysmorphia.
It´s not possible to be incel when you are 6´3 and come from such good genetic stock. There is a good chance that you have body dysmorphia.
Lmao nope, @SchrodingersDick just saw my picture, please publicly confirm I’m fucking ugly and truecel tier Schrodinger? :lul::lul:
It´s not possible to be incel when you are 6´3 and come from such good genetic stock. There is a good chance that you have body dysmorphia.
if what he said about his facial features is true then he might be one of the purest facialcels
send me a pic boyo, I´ll tell you if you are really ugly.
Lmao nope, @SchrodingersDick just saw my picture, please publicly confirm I’m fucking ugly and truecel tier Schrodinger? :lul::lul:
if what he said about his facial features is true then he might be one of the purest facialcels
@SchrodingersDick can confirm I’m truecel, he just saw my picture a minute ago

Yeah, I can confirm. Bad combo of bad features but fixable to a point where his face won’t failo his height and his height can start haloing his face
I guess I'm somewhat lucky that I don't have siblings.

It´s not possible to be incel when you are 6´3 and come from such good genetic stock. There is a good chance that you have body dysmorphia.
I think that it probably is, while unlike OP my parents are both unattractive, I'm 6'1. If he got unlucky with his facial structure, I don't see how being 6'3 would help him by itself.
Just get better genes bro
It's such an injustice, a crime even :feelshmm:
All the men in my family are subhumans so I can cope knowing i'm not the only one doomed in the family.
Am I the only one that knows the answer why? The OP is a genetic trashcan. Nobody likes trashcans but are glad they’re there to hold the garbage away.
Same here, kind of.

While I don't have any "Chads" in my family, all my blood relatives have definately slayed, married and reporduced with hotter femoids (I can only dream of) without resorting to prostitution like I do.

Only balding put a bullet in the head of one cousin who once dated an 8/10 femoid who could clean up as a high class, teen British escort.

@ordinaryotaku yes race-mixing can make or break you.

Me personally I am to much like my mother's side of the family and some of her relatives were subhuman and the authorities even suggested "sterilisation" would be preferential if it weren't outlawed since post world war 2 where the Allies had to pretend to not be racist or Eugenicists as hypocritical anti-Nazi propoganda.

An awesome podcast by The Spectator (UK) called "The Return of Eugenics" confirmed that in the 21st century women are conciously practising Eugenics without Government intervention and doing it independently via selective alpha male's sperm banks.
Where are the feminists trying to censor and shut-down this truth like they do with incels.is?

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