Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.




Nov 7, 2017
At the end of the day he is a kissless virgin like me.
At the end of the day he is a volcel.
monthly stupid .co drama
quick rundown?
i'm too greycel to have an opinion on such intricate topics ngl
I suppose, if he isn't lying about being KHHV (despite lying about other things) he would have a place here. It begs the questions:
>How can we trust him?
>When he possess traits that are associated with better success in dating, why is here?
>Why would he feel the need to lie?
>What prevents him from answering any questions with clarity?
>And is his continued involvement a sign of the broadening of those included as incels, and if so, to what extent?
We've had decent looking forum members before and they were all pretty popular and had fans, because just like the rest of society .co is little more than a beauty contest. Which is why there's no photos rule.
monthly stupid .co drama

i feel like an out of touch boomer, because everytime theirs drama on this forum i have no idea wtf is going on
>How can we trust him?
no matter who you are, getting laid is not going to happen if you stay inside most of the time, don't socialize, and don't know any females.

>When he possess traits that are associated with better success in dating, why is here?
Traits like what? having no friends, having no clue about how to talk to females, and staying inside all day? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
>Why would he feel the need to lie?
>What prevents him from answering any questions with clarity?
what other questions do you have?
>And is his continued involvement a sign of the broadening of those included as incels, and if so, to what extent?
he's a volcel and therefore should be banned unless he's severely mentally disabled (which he isn't jfl)

and i got warned for low effort in ID jfl

sick joke this is
no matter who you are, getting laid is not going to happen if you stay inside most of the time, don't socialize, and don't know any females.

>>>>(Sorry my formatting is fucked)You're a great deal more attractive than most of us, and in a looks-based culture that's a distinct edge. One many of us feel is the only barrier between loneliness and popularity. Whether or not you capitalize on that is up to you, but you have the asset of looking good--and that's a start

Traits like what? having no friends, having no clue about how to talk to females, and staying inside all day? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
>>See above.

>>"Idk" is some seriously weak justification. Just because we are incels does not mean you can lie to us. I think it's just flat-out disrespectful.
what other questions do you have?
>>Are you lying about your other traits?
>>Why not be upfront about looksmaxxing? If you felt the need to photoshop yourself, you must have known you looked reasonably attractive.
>>>Small words: Seen the Incredibles? In the movie the bad guy says "When everyone is super, no one is." Well...if everyone is incel, then no one is.
>>Why not be upfront about looksmaxxing? If you felt the need to photoshop yourself, you must have known you looked reasonably attractive.
he's literally a tyrone, not just reasonably attractive

how mods didn't banned him yet but warned for my low effort thread doesn't enter in my head tbh
he's literally a tyrone, not just reasonably attractive

how mods didn't banned him yet but warned for my low effort thread doesn't enter in my head tbh
It seems the mods are in a state of flux over who they want to allow in the forums. My opinion is that they have already made up their minds, but want to see what the greater impact would be. I think the hope is that we'll let this go, but I don't see that happening. Especially if the vocal opponents leave.
i'm too greycel to have an opinion on such intricate topics ngl
this is a respectable stance ngl
I suppose, if he isn't lying about being KHHV (despite lying about other things) he would have a place here. It begs the questions:
>How can we trust him?
>When he possess traits that are associated with better success in dating, why is here?
>Why would he feel the need to lie?
>What prevents him from answering any questions with clarity?
>And is his continued involvement a sign of the broadening of those included as incels, and if so, to what extent?
1. he’s an active looksmaxx user so I’m pretty sure that if he ever had sexual experiences he would have mentioned them by now, that site is a dick measuring contest and people are really aggressive towards you if you have no sexual experience
2. maybe I’m just not good at rating but I don’t think he’s particularly attractive. he looks passable. not particularly ugly but in the range where you can end up being KHHV if you’re a sperg with no social contacts
3. tbh a lot of people on this forum exaggerate their ugliness. you can’t seriously tell me you think all the “I’m a deformed giga truecel, every time I go outside women vomit instantly upon looking at me” posts here are legit
4. the forum is kind of witch hunting him right now. of course he’s not going to respond to unwavering hostility in good faith

tbh you joined fairly recently so you may not remember this but there have been genuine malicious fakecels LARPing here, like @Personalityinkwell who openly bragged about his sexual experiences in discord calls and evaded ban for a long time by invoking plausible deniability, and @mylifeistrash who was a literal 6’5 basketball player and gleefully shared stories of women “treating him like a God”. I don’t think Colvin is comparable to users like that at all
he is htn max.
he could fuck tight pussy and thats what matters, fuck everything else

why he larped and rotted here with us is beyond my comprehension, he's dumbmaxxed probably
he could fuck tight pussy and thats what matters, fuck everything else

why he larped and rotted here with us is beyond my comprehension, he's dumbmaxxed probably
ntpill can make any normie incel imo with how bad hypergamy is
ntpill can make any normie incel imo with how bad hypergamy is
bro you can't be saying this

he's at least a high tier normie and you're saying that he's non nt and because of that he didn't had sex yet

he literally said on looksmax he never approached, he's a volcel


At the end of the day he is a kissless virgin like me.
he's a volcel, the only side i agree with him is in the blackpill nothing more
this is a respectable stance ngl

1. he’s an active looksmaxx user so I’m pretty sure that if he ever had sexual experiences he would have mentioned them by now, that site is a dick measuring contest and people are really aggressive towards you if you have no sexual experience
2. maybe I’m just not good at rating but I don’t think he’s particularly attractive. he looks passable. not particularly ugly but in the range where you can end up being KHHV if you’re a sperg with no social contacts
3. tbh a lot of people on this forum exaggerate their ugliness. you can’t seriously tell me you think all the “I’m a deformed giga truecel, every time I go outside women vomit instantly upon looking at me” posts here are legit
4. the forum is kind of witch hunting him right now. of course he’s not going to respond to unwavering hostility in good faith

tbh you joined fairly recently so you may not remember this but there have been genuine malicious fakecels LARPing here, like @Personalityinkwell who bragged about his sexual experiences in discord calls and evaded a ban for a long time by invoking plausible deniability, and @mylifeistrash who was a literal 6’5 basketball player and gleefully shared stories of women “treating him like a God”. I don’t think Colvin is comparable to users like that at all
Those are salient points. He hasn't, however, given anyone good reason to trust him as far as his sexual experience (or lack thereof) is concerned.
I'm also not a great judge of male looks. I know he looks better than myself, and the stereotype for users. Something he is conscious of, obviously.
The Witch Hunt has more to do (I think) with the impunity of his deception and the silence from the mods than anything else. We're all concerned about the integrity of the community, and we like to imagine that the issues we bring here are discussed by those who are actually incels.
And while I did join recently, I lurked for a while. I don't doubt there have been far more harmful users, but it's still disturbing to see some almost flaunt their immunity in breaking a soft rule about "volcels"
if you have to approach, it’s already over.

just fucking lol, only Chad and Gigachad doesn't need to approach, this doesn't mean that HTNs can't get GFs by approaching

jfl at defending colvin when he mogs 99% of the userbase

(probably 10% tho because defending him with these arguments show that you guys are volcels too probably)

jfl the OP said various times he's trucel but he defends colvin

you guys are fucking jokes :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
just fucking lol, only Chad and Gigachad doesn't need to approach, this doesn't mean that HTNs can't get GFs by approaching
no shit htns and even normies can get gfs, but like I said clearly he isn’t NT and doesn’t know how to talk to girls let alone ask one out.
but like I said clearly he isn’t NT and doesn’t know how to talk to girls let alone ask one out.
if he didn't get severely bullied and fucked up, he put himself in his situation and that's it. if he has some past trauma, i could think about him being a mentalcel.

good-looking autists can get GFs and good-looking guys with anxiety can too, just stop being a fucking volcel and talk to them

like i said before too, if he isn't severely mentally disabled he can get girls

he probably also can talk to girls but deluded himself to not to for some reason
just fucking lol, only Chad and Gigachad doesn't need to approach
Because they're the only ones physically attractive to females
All other men need something else (like social status or resources) and they end up in very unstable "relationships" with no future. There is really no point in being in a "relationship" with a woman today anyway. I'm gonna be honest and say I don't really desire a relationship in the society we live in. What's the point?
I know what you're gonna answer: sex. Yes, starfish sex with a used-up slut who doesn't care about you sounds great. Jesus Christ. This is really an american mentality I think. Because I've never felt that desperate for sex, to the point that I would desire such a pathetic arrangement. Maybe it's because you guys don't even have the option to visit prostitutes? They're very cheap here, I could have fucked prostitutes if I wanted to. But never did, because I wouldn't feel happy or fulfilled.
I'm not physically attractive (mediocre face, manlet, am in early stages of balding, etc.) so not gonna pretend I'm a "volcel" but I do largely have volcel spirit and disdain for almost all females

Colvin is a 5/10-looking dude, and isn't he also a manlet? And autistic? JFL at the people trying to get him banned, this witch hunt is really pathetic and sad. Just people getting triggered because some dude is slightly better looking than them. Pretending like he is a supermodel-tier tyrone, like he isn't autistic, etc.
Because they're the only ones physically attractive to females
All other men need something else (like social status or resources) and they end up in very unstable "relationships" with no future. There is really no point in being in a "relationship" with a woman today anyway. I'm gonna be honest and say I don't really desire a relationship in the society we live in. What's the point?
I know what you're gonna answer: sex. Yes, starfish sex with a used-up slut who doesn't care about you sounds great. Jesus Christ. This is really an american mentality I think. Because I've never felt that desperate for sex, to the point that I would desire such a pathetic arrangement. Maybe it's because you guys don't even have the option to visit prostitutes? They're very cheap here, I could have fucked prostitutes if I wanted to. But never did, because I wouldn't feel happy or fulfilled.
I'm not physically attractive (mediocre face, manlet, am in early stages of balding, etc.) so not gonna pretend I'm a "volcel" but I do largely have volcel spirit and disdain for almost all females

Colvin is a 5/10-looking dude, and isn't he also a manlet? And autistic? JFL at the people trying to get him banned, this witch hunt is really pathetic and sad. Just people getting triggered because some dude is slightly better looking than them. Pretending like he is a supermodel-tier tyrone, like he isn't autistic, etc.
Clap gif
no matter who you are, getting laid is not going to happen if you stay inside most of the time, don't socialize, and don't know any females.

Traits like what? having no friends, having no clue about how to talk to females, and staying inside all day? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:


what other questions do you have?

Hi Dad.
Because they're the only ones physically attractive to females
alr, i agree
All other men need something else (like social status or resources) and they end up in very unstable "relationships" with no future. There is really no point in being in a "relationship" with a woman today anyway.
I'm gonna be honest and say I don't really desire a relationship in the society we live in. What's the point?
so you are voluntarily celibate and shouldn't post here. this site is for people who desire a relationship but can't get.
I know what you're gonna answer: sex. Yes, starfish sex with a used-up slut who doesn't care about you sounds great. Jesus Christ. This is really an american mentality I think. Because I've never felt that desperate for sex, to the point that I would desire such a pathetic arrangement. Maybe it's because you guys don't even have the option to visit prostitutes? They're very cheap here, I could have fucked prostitutes if I wanted to. But never did, because I wouldn't feel happy or fulfilled.
alr, just don't larp as an incel if you just stated you're voluntarily celibate
I'm not physically attractive (mediocre face, manlet, am in early stages of balding, etc.) so not gonna pretend I'm a "volcel" but I do largely have volcel spirit and disdain for almost all females
if you do not want a relationship you are voluntarily celibate because it doesn't make sense for someone who doesn't want something to pursue it therefore that person is voluntarily not pursuing something to have that thing
Colvin is a 5/10-looking dude, and isn't he also a manlet? And autistic?
he's a HTN/Chadlite, stop coping

5'9 is not manlet, sub 5'9 is

HTN autists can get GFs
JFL at the people trying to get him banned, this witch hunt is really pathetic and sad. Just people getting triggered because some dude is slightly better looking than them.
not slightly better looking, he mogs me to oblivion and thinks he's in the same situation as me. the sad people here are people like you, who explicitly state that you do not wish a romantic relationship and still posts in a forum for incels
Pretending like he is a supermodel-tier tyrone, like he isn't autistic, etc.
ok, he isn't tyrone but he can get girls, and saying otherwise means you're gigacoping and that you probably can get girls too

which means you are at least a low-tier normie to begin with and not an incel

normie =/= incel therefore shouldn't post here, GTFO

he literally has a godlike jaw and people are faloing him just because he posts here for a while saying he can't get girls

you guys just reveal yourselves day by day, this is truly volcels.co
if he didn't get severely bullied and fucked up, he put himself in his situation and that's it. if he has some past trauma, i could think about him being a mentalcel.

good-looking autists can get GFs and good-looking guys with anxiety can too, just stop being a fucking volcel and talk to them

like i said before too, if he isn't severely mentally disabled he can get girls

he probably also can talk to girls but deluded himself to not to for some reason
344FCF6C FE1C 4B99 B82B 4C79C6D6F515

I think the meme is funny but there’s no way people are calling this incel or near incel tier are are being genuine about it. Right?
if you do not want a relationship you are voluntarily celibate because it doesn't make sense for someone who doesn't want something to pursue it therefore that person is voluntarily not pursuing something to have that thing
I do not call myself volcel because I am not attractive and never had girls interested in me. Simple as that. I don't pursue girls because I have no interest in a modern relationship. If you're gonna say I'm not an incel (despite me being a khhv that never received female interest in his life) then you would also call escort"cels" (a.k.a. guys who have had sex with prostitutes) non-incels, right? And those are allowed on this website.
And I do want a relationship. A relationship in a sane world. Which can not happen because we are living in the cursed timeline of clown world

Do you desire a modern "relationship"? Why? I really don't understand? Is it just for the starfish sex once a month? I don't get the obsession.
I do not call myself volcel because I am not attractive and never had girls interested in me. Simple as that.
if you never tried approaching and looksmaxing you're volcel. simple as that
I don't pursue girls because I have no interest in a modern relationship. If you're gonna say I'm not an incel (despite me being a khhv that never received female interest in his life) then you would also call escort"cels" (a.k.a. guys who have had sex with prostitutes) non-incels, right? And those are allowed on this website.
being an incel means not being in a relationship of reciprocate love and lust with a foid, and thats it. escortcels do enter in this category, they enter in the category of people who pay for transactional sex. people that claim that are incels and never approached are volcels, because if you're not chad or gigachad you need to approach to get a relationship
And I do want a relationship. A relationship in a sane world. Which can not happen because we are living in the cursed timeline of clown world
the sane world doesn't exist and fuck it, i just want to fuck someone who loves me, fuck the world
Do you desire a modern "relationship"? Why? I really don't understand? Is it just for the starfish sex once a month? I don't get the obsession.
just ignore your innate desires to reproduce and fuck pussy, bro

yes, i desire to have sex with a woman that is in love with me but thats not possible due to my ugliness

however my innate desires still make me want to fuck women and validation, that's why i still desire a relationship

Colvin76 is not incel, he never approached and is goodlooking, simple as that.
being an incel means not being in a relationship of reciprocate love and lust with a foid, and thats it.
So... I am incel after all? I've never been in a relationship and
>reciprocate love and lust
is impossible. Girls feel lust towards Chad. And whether they feel love for men at all is debatable - when it comes to Chad; "love" for other guys, in this soyciety? Forget it
i just want to fuck someone who loves me, fuck the world
That doesn't happen even to average normies jfl, good luck with that
Female "Love" is reserved for Chad (if you can even call it love)
just ignore your innate desires to reproduce and fuck pussy, bro
I just try to cope.
My ideal life would be marrying a kind girl and living with her on the countryside, and making like 10 kids. Both of my great-grandfathers had lives like that. That is not possible in today's soyciety, and most females are incapable of being wives and mothers; they're nothing more than filthy whores. I don't see the point in pursuing females. Putting in effort, time and money in order to maybe get starfish sex once a month from a soulless NPC doesn't sound like a good deal at all. Why would I do that when I could spend that time doing something enjoyable?
however my innate desires still make me want to fuck women and validation, that's why i still desire a relationship
If you work your ass off you might be able to betabuxx an old whore eventually. You'll finally be able to realize your dream of fucking a hoe, for the small price of your mental sanity!. Seriously dude just fuck a prostitute already if you're that desperate for sex
Colvin76 is not incel, he never approached and is goodlooking, simple as that.
I wouldn't say he is "good-looking". To me "good-looking" is +7/10. Have you seen his full picture?
this is a respectable stance ngl

1. he’s an active looksmaxx user so I’m pretty sure that if he ever had sexual experiences he would have mentioned them by now, that site is a dick measuring contest and people are really aggressive towards you if you have no sexual experience
2. maybe I’m just not good at rating but I don’t think he’s particularly attractive. he looks passable. not particularly ugly but in the range where you can end up being KHHV if you’re a sperg with no social contacts
3. tbh a lot of people on this forum exaggerate their ugliness. you can’t seriously tell me you think all the “I’m a deformed giga truecel, every time I go outside women vomit instantly upon looking at me” posts here are legit
4. the forum is kind of witch hunting him right now. of course he’s not going to respond to unwavering hostility in good faith

tbh you joined fairly recently so you may not remember this but there have been genuine malicious fakecels LARPing here, like @Personalityinkwell who openly bragged about his sexual experiences in discord calls and evaded ban for a long time by invoking plausible deniability, and @mylifeistrash who was a literal 6’5 basketball player and gleefully shared stories of women “treating him like a God”. I don’t think Colvin is comparable to users like that at all
There's no substantial difference between the three examples of banned users you gave.
You like Colvin better, so you're giving him a free pass.
If one of those users are banned, the other two should be as well.
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At this point I don't believe a single member of this forum legit belongs here.

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