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LifeFuel .is visitor numbers and website rank growing back, the site may have gotten more visitors last month than at any other month in two years

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022

Last time I talked about .is' visitor numbers and website rank, as tracked by similarweb, the site seemed to be somewhat declining.

In december 2021, it had received 3.6 million visitors. This then declined into 2.1 million by February 2022, when it was the 16,926th most visited website in the world. Then, there's a lot of unsuccessful captures of the site by similarweb so we don't have the data to compare:feelsugh:, but by October 2023, the website was receiving just 1.2M visitors a month and was the 31,303th most visited website in the world.

Well, it seems that this had turned around:feelsYall::feelzez:.

As of the latest, February 2024 data, the site had very much bounced back to where it was two years ago. With 2.2M visitors, it is the 16,622th most visited website in the world (in December 2023 it was the 21,131st, and in January 2024 it was the 19,619th), while specifically in the US, while it was the 12,218th most visited site in February 2022, now, two years later, it's the 7,505th. Purely from that, it could seem that inceldom is becoming a more American thing (which many people believe it to exclusively be anyway,) but that doesn't actually seem to be the case when you take a closer look, since, currently, Brazil is the most common country of origin for visitors of this site, with 34.41% of visitors coming from there while 22.81% come from the US (the corresponding numbers from February 2022 are 6.25% and 29.51%), meaning that even though this site's popularity in the US had decently grown from two years ago, the percentage of American visitors has declined.

The percentage of female visitors has likewise declined to 23.65% as of now, compared with this:

Also, "dogpill" and "bleachbooru" (for those of you who don't know, bleachbooru is an anime image board for "bleached" images and animations showing white men fucking ethnic women and cucking ethnics) made it into the top five keywords associated with the site last month, the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:. @Retardfuel @AsakuraHao @KillNiggers @GeckoBus @Lv99_BixNood @wereq @Chudpreet @Stupid Clown @based_meme

the more traffic here the better imo

more notification-dopamine for me:feelshehe:

Last time I talked about .is' visitor numbers and website rank, as tracked by similarweb, the site seemed to be somewhat declining.

In december 2021, it had received 3.6 million visitors. This then declined into 2.1 million by February 2022, when it was the 16,926th most visited website in the world. Then, there's a lot of unsuccessful captures of the site by similarweb so we don't have the data to compare:feelsugh:, but by October 2023, the website was receiving just 1.2M visitors a month and was the 31,303th most visited website in the world.

Well, it seems that this had turned around:feelsYall::feelzez:.

As of the latest, February 2024 data, the site had very much bounced back to where it was two years ago. With 2.2M visitors, it is the 16,622th most visited website in the world (in December 2023 it was the 21,131st, and in January 2024 it was the 19,619th), while specifically in the US, while it was the 12,218th most visited site in February 2022, now, two years later, it's the 7,505th. Purely from that, it could seem that inceldom is becoming a more American thing (which many people believe it to exclusively be anyway,) but that doesn't actually seem to be the case when you take a closer look, since, currently, Brazil is the most common country of origin for visitors of this site, with 34.41% of visitors coming from there while 22.81% come from the US (the corresponding numbers from February 2022 are 6.25% and 29.51%), meaning that even though this site's popularity in the US had decently grown from two years ago, the percentage of American visitors has declined.

The percentage of female visitors has likewise declined to 23.65% as of now, compared with this:

Also, "dogpill" and "bleachbooru" (for those of you who don't know, bleachbooru is an anime image board for "bleached" images and animations showing white men fucking ethnic women and cucking ethnics) made it into the top five keywords associated with the site last month, the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:. @Retardfuel @AsakuraHao @KillNiggers @GeckoBus @Lv99_BixNood @wereq @Chudpreet @Stupid Clown @based_meme
now people think every incel is like red flagger from is
Very nice

Interesting to see foid percentage of traffic has gone down. It's still way too much but we're in the good path. :hax:
Interesting but im not convinced that these numbers mean anything since I assume the vast majority of visitors to this site are bots:feelswhere:
Interesting, but I suspect most of them are bots trying to ddos us or similar.

the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:
I don't get it, explain please :feelswhat:

Does that mean people search for these keywords and then end up here?
The percentage of female visitors has likewise declined to 23.65% as of now, compared with this:
Did foid visitors actually decline or did male visitor counter go up?
Also, "dogpill" and "bleachbooru" (for those of you who don't know, bleachbooru is an anime image board for "bleached" images and animations showing white men fucking ethnic women and cucking ethnics) made it into the top five keywords associated with the site last month, the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:.
I can guarantee it's most likely spics who are on that site.
Very nice

Interesting to see foid percentage of traffic has gone down. It's still way too much but we're in the good path. :hax:
I want to see data how many of those foid visitors actually create an account on here. Too bad there is no data for that.
Very nice

Interesting to see foid percentage of traffic has gone down. It's still way too much but we're in the good path. :hax:
Looks like we are going to have to amp up the sexist rhetoric or maybe post foids getting beheaded by arabros
I want to see data how many of those foid visitors actually create an account on here. Too bad there is no data for that.
Tbh most of the lurkers are bots, not humans

Looks like we are going to have to amp up the sexist rhetoric or maybe post foids getting beheaded by arabros
Based (in video game)
Interesting. I expect this trend will continue as inceldom continues to obliterate the lives of more and more men.
Although I expect some of these are due to the blackpill going viral with stuff like looksmaxxing. There's probably been an huge increasing amount of youngcel traffic due to this (possibly even some accounts), so maybe not all a good thing kek.
Wonderful news hopefully this website gains more good members for years to come.
Inceldom will only ever become a bigger and bigger societal problem. Naturally, the community will continue to grow as a result. That's guaranteed.
BrazilianSigma doing some heavy lifting:feelshaha:
The truest of all cels still doing his part to push the forum forward and up:feelsokman::feelsaww:.

I don't get it, explain please :feelswhat:

Does that mean people search for these keywords and then end up here?
Yup, seems to be what they are measuring with those. The description says:

The top keywords sending traffic to the analyzed website on desktop

For example, the other three keywords are @bkdreamkb (yup, his username is one of the five), "list of incel killers", and "incel co", so I can definitely see that actually being what they measured as sending traffic here, those keywords actually make sense (as does the dogpill one, it's reallyonly the bleachbooru one that's the weird one out.)

Did foid visitors actually decline or did male visitor counter go up?
Not really possible to say, it only shows the percentage breakdown, though given that the numbers are similar but there's way more men, I 39f say it's a safe bet that females are visiting less.

I can guarantee it's most likely spics who are on that site.
Definitely possible.
Still not appetising for advertisers
Holy shit. The thought that my posts are potentially being read by millions is kind of unnerving.

Ngl, I don't like the attention. It's already been proven that it doesn't help the vast majority of outsiders understand the challenges and difficulties of inceldom. They just see the vitriol (which is overwhelmingly warranted and justified) and the misogyny (also arguably justified, depending on your experiences and understanding of female nature), and then they simultaneously turn off their brains and empathy thereafter. We become otherized long before we're understood.
Bitches are skulking here for JBW content
Holy shit. The thought that my posts are potentially being read by millions is kind of unnerving.

Ngl, I don't like the attention. It's already been proven that it doesn't help the vast majority of outsiders understand the challenges and difficulties of inceldom. They just see the vitriol (which is overwhelmingly warranted and justified) and the misogyny (also arguably justified, depending on your experiences and understanding of female nature), and then they simultaneously turn off their brains and empathy thereafter. We become otherized long before we're understood.
it wont be read by millions jfl
Still not appetising for advertisers
That's why Looksmax exists


Last time I talked about .is' visitor numbers and website rank, as tracked by similarweb, the site seemed to be somewhat declining.

In december 2021, it had received 3.6 million visitors. This then declined into 2.1 million by February 2022, when it was the 16,926th most visited website in the world. Then, there's a lot of unsuccessful captures of the site by similarweb so we don't have the data to compare:feelsugh:, but by October 2023, the website was receiving just 1.2M visitors a month and was the 31,303th most visited website in the world.

Well, it seems that this had turned around:feelsYall::feelzez:.

As of the latest, February 2024 data, the site had very much bounced back to where it was two years ago. With 2.2M visitors, it is the 16,622th most visited website in the world (in December 2023 it was the 21,131st, and in January 2024 it was the 19,619th), while specifically in the US, while it was the 12,218th most visited site in February 2022, now, two years later, it's the 7,505th. Purely from that, it could seem that inceldom is becoming a more American thing (which many people believe it to exclusively be anyway,) but that doesn't actually seem to be the case when you take a closer look, since, currently, Brazil is the most common country of origin for visitors of this site, with 34.41% of visitors coming from there while 22.81% come from the US (the corresponding numbers from February 2022 are 6.25% and 29.51%), meaning that even though this site's popularity in the US had decently grown from two years ago, the percentage of American visitors has declined.

The percentage of female visitors has likewise declined to 23.65% as of now, compared with this:

Also, "dogpill" and "bleachbooru" (for those of you who don't know, bleachbooru is an anime image board for "bleached" images and animations showing white men fucking ethnic women and cucking ethnics) made it into the top five keywords associated with the site last month, the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:. @Retardfuel @AsakuraHao @KillNiggers @GeckoBus @Lv99_BixNood @wereq @Chudpreet @Stupid Clown @based_meme

mods explaining how they turned the numbers around:

Naturally my excellent leadership is responsible for the increase.
Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
I actually meant we need to know how many % of .is visitors are bots
Holy shit. The thought that my posts are potentially being read by millions is kind of unnerving.

Ngl, I don't like the attention. It's already been proven that it doesn't help the vast majority of outsiders understand the challenges and difficulties of inceldom. They just see the vitriol (which is overwhelmingly warranted and justified) and the misogyny (also arguably justified, depending on your experiences and understanding of female nature), and then they simultaneously turn off their brains and empathy thereafter. We become otherized long before we're understood.
you can always reset your posts
you can always reset your posts
True, but I've written some stuff I'd like to reference on occasion. If I do that, then all of the rage-inducing discussions I've had would feel like it went to waste all over again. :feelshaha:
inkwell revolution incoming, over for fedcels
Brootal at the users on here failing to realize it’s tiktok fags
True, but I've written some stuff I'd like to reference on occasion. If I do that, then all of the rage-inducing discussions I've had would feel like it went to waste all over again. :feelshaha:
Your posts don't matter and no one cares. This is the ultimate and final blackpill.

Last time I talked about .is' visitor numbers and website rank, as tracked by similarweb, the site seemed to be somewhat declining.

In december 2021, it had received 3.6 million visitors. This then declined into 2.1 million by February 2022, when it was the 16,926th most visited website in the world. Then, there's a lot of unsuccessful captures of the site by similarweb so we don't have the data to compare:feelsugh:, but by October 2023, the website was receiving just 1.2M visitors a month and was the 31,303th most visited website in the world.

Well, it seems that this had turned around:feelsYall::feelzez:.

As of the latest, February 2024 data, the site had very much bounced back to where it was two years ago. With 2.2M visitors, it is the 16,622th most visited website in the world (in December 2023 it was the 21,131st, and in January 2024 it was the 19,619th), while specifically in the US, while it was the 12,218th most visited site in February 2022, now, two years later, it's the 7,505th. Purely from that, it could seem that inceldom is becoming a more American thing (which many people believe it to exclusively be anyway,) but that doesn't actually seem to be the case when you take a closer look, since, currently, Brazil is the most common country of origin for visitors of this site, with 34.41% of visitors coming from there while 22.81% come from the US (the corresponding numbers from February 2022 are 6.25% and 29.51%), meaning that even though this site's popularity in the US had decently grown from two years ago, the percentage of American visitors has declined.

The percentage of female visitors has likewise declined to 23.65% as of now, compared with this:

Also, "dogpill" and "bleachbooru" (for those of you who don't know, bleachbooru is an anime image board for "bleached" images and animations showing white men fucking ethnic women and cucking ethnics) made it into the top five keywords associated with the site last month, the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:. @Retardfuel @AsakuraHao @KillNiggers @GeckoBus @Lv99_BixNood @wereq @Chudpreet @Stupid Clown @based_meme
inceldom is rising then ever before
Brazil is the most common country of origin for visitors of this site, with 34.41% of visitors coming from there
This just shows how wrong the statistics you are telling about are. No way Brazil is number one, when most Brazilians can't read and write English and the USA has larger population also.
better with less and be only incels than with more and be full with sex havERs and foids

Last time I talked about .is' visitor numbers and website rank, as tracked by similarweb, the site seemed to be somewhat declining.

In december 2021, it had received 3.6 million visitors. This then declined into 2.1 million by February 2022, when it was the 16,926th most visited website in the world. Then, there's a lot of unsuccessful captures of the site by similarweb so we don't have the data to compare:feelsugh:, but by October 2023, the website was receiving just 1.2M visitors a month and was the 31,303th most visited website in the world.

Well, it seems that this had turned around:feelsYall::feelzez:.

As of the latest, February 2024 data, the site had very much bounced back to where it was two years ago. With 2.2M visitors, it is the 16,622th most visited website in the world (in December 2023 it was the 21,131st, and in January 2024 it was the 19,619th), while specifically in the US, while it was the 12,218th most visited site in February 2022, now, two years later, it's the 7,505th. Purely from that, it could seem that inceldom is becoming a more American thing (which many people believe it to exclusively be anyway,) but that doesn't actually seem to be the case when you take a closer look, since, currently, Brazil is the most common country of origin for visitors of this site, with 34.41% of visitors coming from there while 22.81% come from the US (the corresponding numbers from February 2022 are 6.25% and 29.51%), meaning that even though this site's popularity in the US had decently grown from two years ago, the percentage of American visitors has declined.

The percentage of female visitors has likewise declined to 23.65% as of now, compared with this:

Also, "dogpill" and "bleachbooru" (for those of you who don't know, bleachbooru is an anime image board for "bleached" images and animations showing white men fucking ethnic women and cucking ethnics) made it into the top five keywords associated with the site last month, the latter actually being a part of the keyword that was the number one most often associated one (dogpill was the fourth), which, well, doesn't really need a further comment:feelskek::feelskek:. @Retardfuel @AsakuraHao @KillNiggers @GeckoBus @Lv99_BixNood @wereq @Chudpreet @Stupid Clown @based_meme
More reasons to ban 2024cels:feelswhat:

I’d assume it’s a bunch of bots and web scrapers collecting information on .is
Brootal at the users on here failing to realize it’s tiktok fags
its just a bunch of bots and faggots laughing at us, because unlike them, we didn't get invited to p diddy's freakoffs
my hands are filled with glue so i will only say it's as expected
Could maybe be a lot of infiltrators because of the BP becoming more popular?
I wish more local ricecels visit here, not only diaspora ricecels in the West.
Pretty sure most of them are bots or lurkers

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