Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


hey fellow special agents i just got a raise today because I've been spying on these domestic terrorists since august :cool:
@Med Amine did you introduce yourself

I’m 19 yrs old, 5’9, dark haired with grey eyes, and a KHHV.

I fucking despise femoids for ignoring me and for being proud of the fact that they are whores. No decent looking female has ever treated me in a friendly matter let alone has been attracted to me. In my ideal society, femoids are required to treat adult men with respect and submission or else suffer the consequences.

Anyways, it’s nice meeting you all.
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I'm a heightcel, socialatuismcel, and STEMcel. I'm here because of the bullying that I have had to deal with on reddit from the bastards at incelqueers. I'm pretty glad that someone is taking an incentive to try to create another forum for us to talk with, for a short period of a few months I actually found people I could bond with and shared a similar experience with
Social status maxxed HOW?
I'm a diagnosed schizocel (like no cap paranoid schizophrenia, can post diagnosis papers), have arthritis, morbidly obese, KHHV. I have zero real life activity with anyone outside of my immediate family so I have a lot of time to contribute. To be honest, I am so lobotomized by antipsychotics I no longer have a sexual drive, I have a longing for company sure but I am not sure I could even physically perform. I havent jacked off in a couple of months. I used to be a pol chud but nowadays I support incel-solidarity across national boundaries. I was active in the old incel reddits (I know, reddit), I sort of lost contact with the incel-o-sphere for a couple of years, until I completely randomly came across the forum while googling something completely random.

What else? I visit my dad and brother once in a while, that's my social life. Brother is ultrachad, has a family and daughter. I'm the mentally and physically failed specimen and black sheep of the family. Sometimes I'm immobilized in my bed due to arthritis so a new place where I can waste my infinite amount of time is very welcome. My hobbies are pretty much reading and chatting.

I used to be homeless and had a meth addiction for five years, nowadays I live in a halfway house for ex-addicts and "mental health recoverees". I think that pretty much covers my loser pedigree.
Joined today, sort of feel out of place but that I guess is like in the real world. I saw the film Meet Joe Black with Brad Pit and it's a story of how death takes on human form and wishes to see the world, and you can see how he is very awkward and stiff when meeting with people in the early stages of the film and openly says that, he has not quite developed, and somehow never feels at home around people. He utters those lines in the scene to actress claire Forlani's character, and she seems really cold and icy. As bitches can be. But wow that really rang true with me. Except I don't look like Brad Pitt, if I did I wouldn't be here.
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thoughts? @everyone

diagnosed sperg, bullied since childhood, never had any romantic experience, I have been migrated to western internet 1 and half year ago which caused me to decline in my native language skills while still not being good at english, so I have difficulty expressing my thoughts, I have BMI of 14.
27 years old.
Worst of it is that I feel I have nobody to blame.
It's not society, for it has treated me well. It's not that I've been bullied, since whatever picking there was on me it was short lived and mellow. It's not my parents' fault, since they didn't treat me that badly, albeit I do have my gripes with them. It's not the fault of women, either. I can't say it's even my fault, since I did try to approach people in general and women in particular.
I've been avoiding this forum for years, hoping to finally ascend, coping that it was just around the corner. It never happened. I guess I ran out of copium.
My name is Sugma
Hello. I'm 40. Zero romantic experience.

I gave up on trying to change my situation and have accepted things for what they are.
hello everyone. on a scale of conventional attractiveness, i am a 4/10 and thats HIGHBALLING. i am absolutely sick of females being so shallow, so surface level, and feeding into a gross amount of lookism in our society. why do girls and even just people in general only care about looks? what of a man's intelligence? creativity? well at least i will always have the bros. its good to meet you all.
27 years old.
Worst of it is that I feel I have nobody to blame.
It's not society, for it has treated me well. It's not that I've been bullied, since whatever picking there was on me it was short lived and mellow. It's not my parents' fault, since they didn't treat me that badly, albeit I do have my gripes with them. It's not the fault of women, either. I can't say it's even my fault, since I did try to approach people in general and women in particular.
I've been avoiding this forum for years, hoping to finally ascend, coping that it was just around the corner. It never happened. I guess I ran out of copium.
You can certainly blame your parents for passing on their bad genes to you, thereby ruining your life. You didn't ask for any of this. They brought you into this world out of their entitlement, selfishness, and ignorance.
Hello I decided to join this forum after my discord account was disabled two times. I was owner of a semi active German blackpill discord server. But apperantly that is over. I am going to be 23 in less than a month, brutal agepill.
23 yr old Aussie STEMcel here. Introverted and nerdy. Looking to participate more with the local community
25 yo 5'4'' framelet KHHV autist, feels good to have a place for people like us
I'm 45 years old and I have never been with a girl. Not even a kiss! Last time I got hugged by a girl was when I was probably around 8-9 years old. Yes, my life has been a brutal one and it was over a long time ago. I'm still hanging in there though. I won't give girls and women the satisfaction of braking me. I know that if they should have lived my life they would all have killed themselves by now anyway's. No girl or woman could EVER have endoured this life without sex, love, validation and affektion. Let them all burn!
Ok fakecel
I wish i was a "fakecel" in fact. At least it would mean that i actually had experienced female affection.
You are truly kicking a man that is already down.

I wish i was a "fakecel" in fact. At least it would mean that i actually had experienced female affection.
You are truly kicking a man that is already down.

Sorry man I didn't mean it seriously
Hey everybody I'm a Mid 20's Aussie ricecel and am a manchild that doesn't have any moneymaxx copes because i'm a NEET On autismbuxx. I'm a wristcel 5'11 , have neurodivergence asperger's and failed to get any girls at romantic relationships
I cope with escortmaxxing and eating good food. Hope we can have a chill time chatting
Hello everyone, I'm a 25 year old mentalcel (Dx: bipolar Type I, autism) with a pretty horrific skin condition since adolescence. Never had positive interactions with foids and the only thing stopping me from roping is probably pure hatred towards foids, bluepilled smoothbrains and simps. I'm disgusting to the point where some foids will say "gross" or "ew" outloud in front of me - full stop. I don't have any friends either on account of my medical conditions and just being a socially illiterate retard in general. The only thing I got going is STEMmaxxing (working on a doctorate) and my dream is to make a modest income, so I can just wait things out until quality sexbots with machine-learning AI become viable. I hope we can have a good time shooting the shit and I can give free homework advice for most subjects.
Hello everyone I am 23 year old muscular chadcel. I have so much autism I can't even look at stacies lined up for me. Autism is everything.
Hey, deepthroat here.. lost login details again, any idea why I can't access general chit chat room, but only a bunker.. I don't post much I rather chat there..
Hi im 22 5'6 and a Sub 3. I'm so socially inept it hurts. Glad to find a good forum
Hey everybody I'm a Mid 20's Aussie ricecel and am a manchild that doesn't have any moneymaxx copes because i'm a NEET On autismbuxx. I'm a wristcel 5'11 , have neurodivergence asperger's and failed to get any girls at romantic relationships
I cope with escortmaxxing and eating good food. Hope we can have a chill time chatting

Hello everyone, I'm a 25 year old mentalcel (Dx: bipolar Type I, autism) with a pretty horrific skin condition since adolescence. Never had positive interactions with foids and the only thing stopping me from roping is probably pure hatred towards foids, bluepilled smoothbrains and simps. I'm disgusting to the point where some foids will say "gross" or "ew" outloud in front of me - full stop. I don't have any friends either on account of my medical conditions and just being a socially illiterate retard in general. The only thing I got going is STEMmaxxing (working on a doctorate) and my dream is to make a modest income, so I can just wait things out until quality sexbots with machine-learning AI become viable. I hope we can have a good time shooting the shit and I can give free homework advice for most subjects.

Hi im 22 5'6 and a Sub 3. I'm so socially inept it hurts. Glad to find a good forum
Welcome to the forum!

Hey, deepthroat here.. lost login details again, any idea why I can't access general chit chat room, but only a bunker.. I don't post much I rather chat there..
Welcome back.

Hello everyone I am 23 year old muscular chadcel. I have so much autism I can't even look at stacies lined up for me. Autism is everything.
Welcome. You’re among friends now.
Just a 23 year old forced to live life online after being rejected by most society. Nothing crazy.
Hello I am autistic and love nigga word!
My negative canthal tilt is ruinning my life
22yo khhv who hate Jews and niggers, it is because I them I can't get laid
Feel free to introduce yourself to the group. Share your story, your background, your interests, whatever you want others to know about you.

Hi, i am a 22yo pajeet born trucel, extremely ugly, missed out on teenage love, fearful of interacting with women because they may accuse me of rape because of my looks.
Hi, i am a 22yo pajeet born trucel, extremely ugly, missed out on teenage love, fearful of interacting with women because they may accuse me of rape because of my looks.
Currycels supremacy
Good evening everyone. I am here to save you all and to help as many men as possible. I believe I can reach many men in this platform change the culture and prevent many men from making many mistakes.

My hobbies: working, reading, and going to church.
I’m new here and even though I’ve posted a little, I still don’t think I understand the whole thing since I had to figure it out myself. If anyone is willing to give the rundown, that would be great.
I’m new here and even though I’ve posted a little, I still don’t think I understand the whole thing since I had to figure it out myself. If anyone is willing to give the rundown, that would be great.
Failed normie moment

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