Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.



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I’m new here and even though I’ve posted a little, I still don’t think I understand the whole thing since I had to figure it out myself. If anyone is willing to give the rundown, that would be great.
(rehab crowd) Heeeellooooo, goooneghooost!

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Hello everyone. 5'7 dumb, retarded, freak and annoying, whatever. It feels nice to post of forums again, I haven't really posted much since I just lurk, been like that since I'm too socially dumb and embarrassed to even post, I don't know how to speak properly or contribute much for that matter. Even looking at the alerts and notification box makes me cringe since social interaction seems so alien to me. It's just that I expect to be mocked or be bullied as always whenever I see someone reply or talk to me for that regard. But I guess it feels to be with people like me. I got banned from omorashi.org so I just don't care anymore.
18yo autistic KHHV 5'8 incel
Hi Im 19 y/o KHHV I don't even know what else to say I have no hobbies 2 friends. Besides being lonely I have nothing to talk about.
Hi everyone. I am a sophomore in college and don't have many hobbies or friends. I play dumb video games and sometimes cook. I didn't really wanna post here because I am incredibly awkward most of the time. I have been lurking the forum for a while before I finally made an account
22 year old college student. Don't do anything other than play video games and go to the gym sometimes. Have a few friends that I hardly talk to. Had hobbies and prospects that have since been extinguished. Used to be active on lookism.
Hey everyone, I'm a 5'8 23 year old MBA student that doesn't do jack shit but study, gym, and listen to shoegaze. I'm a long-time lurker but I finally got the courage to make an account and interact. I'm not much of a talker, but I like to read high quality posts about blackpill philosophy and shit like that in general. Hoping to contribute one day when I get the time.

Hey bro, Alatrist/wako from neets.net told me you said hi. So I'm saying hi back :feelsLightsaber:
So what's up, man? How have you been? How's life?
Same shit, different year. Life is monotony, punctuated by the occasional global event. Bunker is almost ready and now I just need to get back in combat shape for whatever happens.

You? That MA of yours come in handy at all?
Same shit, different year. Life is monotony, punctuated by the occasional global event. Bunker is almost ready and now I just need to get back in combat shape for whatever happens.

You? That MA of yours come in handy at all?
Wow, a bunker! That's really smart, world's looking quite unstable at the moment. A bunker stocked with food is a smart thing to have indeed. What I'm most worried about isn't even war but inflation, so burning money on a bunker and stocking it up isn't actually that bad of an investment in these uncertain times.

As for my MA nah it's useless, toilet paper lmao. But I did find an online job so I'm good for now. Looking into what online business I could start, hopefully something shady like a refunding business so I can make lots of money :feelskek:
Wow, a bunker! That's really smart, world's looking quite unstable at the moment. A bunker stocked with food is a smart thing to have indeed. What I'm most worried about isn't even war but inflation, so burning money on a bunker and stocking it up isn't actually that bad of an investment in these uncertain times.
Money will turn into monopoly money, once the nukes start flying and markets start crashing. (Not really, I'm coping.)

As for my MA nah it's useless, toilet paper lmao. But I did find an online job so I'm good for now. Looking into what online business I could start, hopefully something shady like a refunding business so I can make lots of money :feelskek:
What was the MA in again? Online business can be great, since the overhead is minimal.
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Money will turn into monopoly money, once the nukes start flying and markets start crashing.

What was the MA in again? Online business can be great, since the overhead is minimal.
International relations :feelskek::feelskek: In a third world country lmao. This degree is only useful if you're an extroverted bootlicking ass kissing brown nosing normie who networks and kisses ass and socializes all the time.

But idc I'm good without it, I don't want to wageslave at some shit job that I have to commute to, I want to work online out of my comfy bed. I hate leaving my room, I barely leave the house I rot all day. Can't get pussy no matter what so no reason to go outside anyway lmao.
International relations :feelskek::feelskek: In a third world country lmao. This degree is only useful if you're an extroverted bootlicking ass kissing brown nosing normie who networks and kisses ass and socializes all the time.
JFL, true.

But idc I'm good without it, I don't want to wageslave at some shit job that I have to commute to, I want to work online out of my comfy bed. I hate leaving my room, I barely leave the house I rot all day. Can't get pussy no matter what so no reason to go outside anyway lmao.
Facts. Remote work is an incel's dream. Beats NEETbuxxing.
Hello, brothers.
I'm a 29 year old virgin who never kissed, hugged or held hands with a woman. No friends, currently no job, living with my parents. I'm ugly, unfit, uninteresting, with 0 social skills. Very likely have some form of autism. Never received any sort of positive attention or compliments from a woman.

I basically play video games and watch capeshit all day. That's my entire life and personality.
The only reason I haven't an heroed yet is that I don't want to die a virgin. My grand plan is to work up the courage to go to an escort and finally lose my virginity. I also want to know what it's like to see a naked woman and touch her and be touched by her.
25 KHV, was NEETcel for 8 years. Now back to high school at age 25 jfl :feelsrope:
31 Old KHHV Aryan Auschwitzbodytype Manlet. Avoidance in all Forms is my Coping Mechanism.

25 KHV, was NEETcel for 8 years. Now back to high school at age 25 jfl :feelsrope:
Good luck with that retarded decision because i am doing exactly the same at 24, pray for a comfy white collar future
Hello brocels, i ama fellow pajeetcel and strong jbw supporter since I believe white people have more smv than ethnics and nggrs
Thank you for being this considerate!
Hello, I’m a 28 year old semi-attractive, juvenile looking incel, that has accepted his faith.
I have come very close once, just to be schooled the 101 of sexual selection like a little schoolboy. I have acknowledged female superiority in the pleasureful field of sexual reproduction and selection. It has helped me to accept that I’m not meant for that, but nature has given me another path.
In walking that path of acceptance, I’ve learned a lot of things about sexuality, and I’m trying to find a positive incel-sexuality. I admire females for their freedom in sexuality, we don’t share that freedom and we can’t free ourselves from the world; so we have to be free in our phantasy of sexuality.
I want to share my thoughts and experiences with the others, so we might find a new cope.
20 year old African muslimcel. Everyone I know irl is just a delusional bluepill cuck that can't fathom the beauty of the blackpill ideology. So I'm here to have relatable and meaningful discussions with like minded people and share my own thoughts and opinion. I'm currently rizzmaxxing as a hobby, not like I'm expecting any success. I have immense hatred for women and niggers and it's my life goal to start a second holocaust
Sup, I'm 21 and I'm a KHV. When I was younger and in school I had a handful of foids that approached me but my social skills and social anxiety are so bad that I messed it up horribly everytime, that's why I'm here. These days I look even worse and I aged horribly, all my collagen disappeared and now I'm just LDARing and waiting for my death.
Sup, I'm 21 and I'm a KHV. When I was younger and in school I had a handful of foids that approached me but my social skills and social anxiety are so bad that I messed it up horribly everytime, that's why I'm here. These days I look even worse and I aged horribly, all my collagen disappeared and now I'm just LDARing and waiting for my death.
damn nigga. What country are you from
25 KHV, was NEETcel for 8 years. Now back to high school at age 25 jfl :feelsrope:
Sup, I'm 21 and I'm a KHV. When I was younger and in school I had a handful of foids that approached me but my social skills and social anxiety are so bad that I messed it up horribly everytime, that's why I'm here. These days I look even worse and I aged horribly, all my collagen disappeared and now I'm just LDARing and waiting for my death.
how can this shit happen, you're not supposed to milkmire at 21
it happened for me now at 25 fucking garabage, wish to kms in 4 years cause 30 too much pain.
german too btw
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how can this shit happen, you're not supposed to milkmire at 21
it happened for me now at 25 fucking garabage, wish to kms in 4 years cause 30 too much pain.
german too btw
Probably due to very high stress, my son of a bitch father is a psychopath and he caused me alot of trouble especially in the last couple of years. Being anxious around other people definitely didn't help slowing down my aging process aswell jfl
Brazilian, 22 years old, manlet, depressive and paranoid
My names is Henry and I am inkwell
Im aproaching 30 and never dated, never held hands, never kissed, never had s*X. I spent my youth rotting in my shoebox apartment playing Runescape. I used photofeeler and people rated me 3/10. I dont think my situation is gonna get any better. It's only going to get worse. Im hedonismmaxxing until I die.
Feel free to introduce yourself to the group. Share your story, your background, your interests, whatever you want others to know about you.


Greetings, to put it short, my name says it all. It more than just incel stuff.
5'7ft, 3/10 face KHHV spergcel and bullied in high school
Pasting my reasoning from registration:
khhv since birth and am unable to share my thoughts with anyone I know. Been lurking without an account for a while and finally got around to making one

also im 22 and have crippling social anxiety
As of today I am 21 years old and a virgin.
Hello, I'm Dusk. I'm 21 years old and a KHHV.
I think 'abused dog syndrome' sums up my situation nicely. I feel like a mangled mutt at the best of times.
I don't have any friends, just sort of drifting about. I thought this would be a good way to pass time.
I was always the awkward kid in highschool and middleschool, I never had any friends. A Becky once played an unfunny prank in which she pretended to actually like me only to reveal that it was all an joke and she had no interest in me because I was ugly, Brads and chads would constantly egg me on to hit on girls in class because they thought it would be funny of course I caught on that they weren't looking out for me, I moved schools but the disgusting foids spread rumors about me that went far, Rumors that I was some stalker rapist type that was following women and jacking off, these girls in my class made me sit in the back of the class so there chad friend (who probably fucked them) could sit by them even though i was near-sighted and couldn't afford prescription classes yet. Society has rejected me at every turn, I am doomed to die alone isolated from a world i no longer belong in, The only woman worth a damn is my mom. Everyone else can rot in this decaying society.

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