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Brutal Intelligent men have the same sexual success as mentally retarded men - Women like men with below average and average IQ the most



Genetically shackled to hell
Jul 15, 2019
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

Last December I passed a paper along to Razib showing that high-school age adolescents with higher IQs and extremely low IQs were less likely to have had first intercourse than those with average to below average intelligence. (i.e. for males with IQs under 70, 63.3% were still virgins, for those with IQs between 70-90 only 50.2% were virgin, 58.6% were virgins with IQs between 90-110, and 70.3% with IQs over 110 were virgins)

In fact, a more detailed study from 2000 is devoted strictly to this topic, and finds the same thing: Smart Teens Don't Have Sex (or Kiss Much Either).

The team looked at 1000s of representative teens grades 7-12 in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and The Biosocial Factors in Adolescent Development datasets, both of which include an IQ test, and include detailed sexual experience questions ranging from hand-holding to intercourse. As with the other study there was a curvilinear relationship: students with IQs above 100 and below 70 were significantly less likely to have had intercourse than those in between. Also like the other study, they found teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).
As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Depending on the specific age and gender, an adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5 to 5 times more likely to have had intercourse than a teen with a score of 120 or 130. Each additional point of IQ increased the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for females. But higher IQ had a similar relationship across the entire range of romantic/sexual interactions, decreasing the odds that teens had ever kissed or even held hands with a member of the opposite sex at each age.
Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ

While these authors leave off at grade 12th, it would seem plausible to expect that this relationship extends beyond high school. To explore this, plenty of interesting facts come from a 2001 campus sex survey by the joint MIT/Wellesley college magazine Counterpoint (PDF). Looking within and between colleges, IQ appears to delay sexual activity on into young adulthood.

By the age of 19, 80% of US males and 75% of women have lost their virginity, and 87% of college students have had sex. But this number appears to be much lower at elite (i.e. more intelligent) colleges. According to the article, only 56% of Princeton undergraduates have had intercourse. At Harvard 59% of the undergraduates are non-virgins, and at MIT, only a slight majority, 51%, have had intercourse. Further, only 65% of MIT graduate students have had sex.

The student surveys at MIT and Wellesley also compared virginity by academic major. The chart for Wellesley displayed below shows that 0% of studio art majors were virgins, but 72% of biology majors were virgins, and 83% of biochem and math majors were virgins! Similarly, at MIT 20% of 'humanities' majors were virgins, but 73% of biology majors. (Apparently those most likely to read Darwin are also the least Darwinian!)


I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average


Looking at this chart it would strongly appear that higher complexity majors contain more virgins than majors with lower cognitive demand. This paper (NOTE the link is dead now) provides me with GRE scores by academic discipline, and, in fact, the correlation between the percentage of virgins in each Wellesley major and the average 'Analytical' GRE score associated with the discipline is 0.60.
Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

Another idea is that smarter people are more risk averse, and delaying these activities is a byproduct of enhanced concerns about unwanted pregnancy and disease. While not avoiding sexual behaviors, per se, they are just less likely to seek it out or consent to it for fear of the potential consequences.

Another idea is that smarter people are more religious or more ethically conservative, and are trying harder to wait for marriage to have sex.

Another idea, consistent with popular media portrayals of geeks and nerds (males at least), is that intelligent people actually want to have sex, but are simply less likely or unable to obtain willing partners because they are disproportionately viewed as unattractive or undesirable as partners.

Another idea is that intelligent people have lower general sex drives. This shouldn't be confused with the first theory, where their sex drives would be normal and they have greater self-restraint.

Some insightful digging by blogger Half Sigma into the General Social Survey, which also includes an abbreviated intelligence test, has turned up a number of associations that speak to these theories. The relationship between sexual activity and intelligence found across adolescence and young adulthood appears to continue on into adulthood proper.

Not only do intelligent people have a delayed onset of sexual behavior, Half Sigma found that they also have a lower number of premarital sex partners throughout adulthood (18-39). While this is consistent with the above theory that high IQ people are more religious and conservative, this is, of course, not true. Religiousness correlates with lower IQ, and as HS shows in the same post, intelligent people were also more likely to say that premarital sex was not immoral. (Leaving those who did think it was immoral to participate in the bulk of it!) Most of the other theories are still consistent with this finding though.

Perhaps more revealing, HS, also showed that intelligence correlates with less sex within marriage for the same age range. While still consistent with pregnancy fears and competing interests, lower sex drive seems like a better fit. In fact another revealing finding from the Counterpoint survey was that while 95% of US men and 70% of women masturbate, this number is only 68% of men and 20% of women at MIT!
This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

Also the idea that more intelligent people are too busy for the opposite sex not just in 7th grade to college, but throughout adulthood and for their own spouse, seems unrealistic. In fact the GSS also shows (NOTE: dead link again sadly) that smarter people spend more time socializing with their friends, indicating their hours aren't spent as uniquely isolated and narrowly channeled as the theory would require.
"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

But lower sex drive and anxiety about sex's consequences can't be the whole story either. Half Sigma also showed that the smartest men in the GSS (approx. IQ >120) were also more likely to visit a prostitute. (Hardly indicative of cautiousness) This may suggest intelligent men are less able to find willing sex partners. Are smart men less attractive to women? Perhaps in some ways. For instance HS found that smart men were less likely to be athletic, and this paper shows, unathletic men and women have fewer sex partners. Athletic men, with more willing sexual partners are also less likely to visit a prostitute. Athletic activity gives men more masculine bodies, which are more attractive to women. A more masculine physique correlates with (PDF) an increased number of sex partners.
Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So intelligent people have lower libidos and less masculine physiques. What hormone is responsible for both sex drive and masculine builds? That's right: testosterone.

And two new papers suggest that testosterone may depress IQ. One team found that salivary testosterone levels were lower for preadolescent boys with IQs above 130 and below 70. (the same two groups most likely to be virgins in adolescence)

Another paper suggests that a gene responsible for androgen sensitivity and higher sperm counts may also create a tradeoff for intelligence.
So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

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HighIQcels on suicide watch


@SergeantIncel, pin THIS
JFL I laughed so hard at your crop :feelshaha:
Then i am a chad jfl
Well at the end the article tries to explain everything with testosterone: dumb-average IQ men are high t usually, and that's why they have so much sex. If you're low iq but aren't high t then you really got screwed.

It's like a fat chick who has small boobs, i'm sorry bro
Can confirm am math major and KHHV :feelsrope:

This should be pinned tbh @Master
Yes, because most Chads are average/below average in terms of intelligence. The top tier and mostly nerdy looking beta guys and the retards are well... genetical fuck ups. Nothing new to me.
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

Yes, high Iq doesn't equal high survival/sexual success. As it can backfire. (high iq people are more prone to mental illness, overthinking etc.) Some high iq people can be extremely successful, but it's not the norm.

This thread reminded me of this answer from quora, the smarter you are, the less chance you have of ascension...

Also it always surprised me how brutally honest this female was in her answer.
Damn that answer is amazing. Obviously she isn't acknowledging looks at all, but she does acknowledge the fact that many men are completely screwed and have either extremely low chances of getting laid or NONE. That line of thinking is very blackpilled, even if she's missing the core of the problem

When she talked about self awareness it reminds me of pic below. I think that we're very self aware, much more than incels in denial, bluepillers and redpillers. I think even the people here who think of themselves as dumb like @muharremabi probably self awareness mog most men.

Damn that answer is amazing. Obviously she isn't acknowledging looks at all, but she does acknowledge the fact that many men are completely screwed and have either extremely low chances of getting laid or NONE. That line of thinking is very blackpilled, even if she's missing the core of the problem

When she talked about self awareness it reminds me of pic below. I think that we're very self aware, much more than incels in denial, bluepillers and redpillers. I think even the people here who think of themselves as dumb like @muharremabi probably self awareness mog most men.

View attachment 348445
Interesting stuff not gonna lie, your threads and posts are always amazing by the way, keep it up.
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This thread reminded me of this answer from quora, the smarter you are, the less chance you have of ascension...

Also it always surprised me how brutally honest this female was in her answer.
" If you are a boy and your IQ is over 148 (three standard deviations), the alarm bells should ring. You are better to marry the first woman who even remotely appears matching because the chances are you will never meet another. "

:cryfeels: :feelscry::feelsrope:
" If you are a boy and your IQ is over 148 (three standard deviations), the alarm bells should ring. You are better to marry the first woman who even remotely appears matching because the chances are you will never meet another. "

:cryfeels: :feelscry::feelsrope:
Brutal. It's over
Damn that answer is amazing. Obviously she isn't acknowledging looks at all, but she does acknowledge the fact that many men are completely screwed and have either extremely low chances of getting laid or NONE. That line of thinking is very blackpilled, even if she's missing the core of the problem

When she talked about self awareness it reminds me of pic below. I think that we're very self aware, much more than incels in denial, bluepillers and redpillers. I think even the people here who think of themselves as dumb like @muharremabi probably self awareness mog most men.

View attachment 348445
We need more university foids like this. Also over for melvincels
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Mods need to pin this thread.
High iq men are just more likely to be physically unattractive. If chad is high iq than being smart is seen as sexy.
Well at the end the article tries to explain everything with testosterone: dumb-average IQ men are high t usually, and that's why they have so much sex. If you're low iq but aren't high t then you really got screwed.

It's like a fat chick who has small boobs, i'm sorry bro
This article is shit. It basically says high IQ chad has less chance of ascension than low IQ chad. It all comes down to good genetics.
Invest in rope stocks because they will be going up for the foreseeable future
I'm a biochemist :dafuckfeels: I took a psychometric test the 2nd year of uni because there were some guys researching IQ in campuses and were looking for volunteers. I scored 121, not too much, but definitely in the range of exclusion of the studies you posted.

I couldn't agree more. I used to be very social before 18 (being NT and bluepilled helps), even if I was a wristcel manlet with severe acne I had a relatively large group of geek friends. All of them were low-tier normies, normies and an eventual Chadlite and a Chad (and all the girls liked him, shocking!). There was an almost even number of girls in our group of friends. Now, who was the one who ended with no gf? You guessed it right...

Great post, as always. I think there are no threads in the must-read section addressing the issue of IQ related to inceldom, are there? This should go there.
You're more than one standard deviation to the right of average so it's already noticeably smart. Which isn't surprising since you're in STEM

And yeah I had the same experience. I got along best mostly with incels and low tier normies.

Interesting stuff not gonna lie, your threads and posts are always amazing by the way, keep it up.
Thanks bro. :feelsautistic:

Incels bc of iq :soy:, stop coping at least u won one positive thing in genetic lottery, foids arent able to determine and verify ur intelligence, for them chad is always confident and intelligent. Tbh i feel suicidal bc i prob dont have as high iq as i would like to have
It's not that high iq makes someone an incel. It's that it's correlated with low sexual success. The reason for this correlation is explained at the end of my post.

Obviously high iq is nice for stemceling, but stem doesn't mean much these days anyway.

And yes you're right, everyone sees chad as smart, or at least "street smart"/full of intuition
High iq men are just more likely to be physically unattractive. If chad is high iq than being smart is seen as sexy.
Chad can look cool playing videos games and doing stuff women usually hate tbh, like women "loving" the fact that henry cavill assembles a pc or paints warhammer figurines :feelsseriously:

But yes it seems that high iq men are at least lower t than low iq men



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bs . woman will prefer hight IQ chads over low IQ chads unless she doesn't have an option . but sadly most High IQs are ugly and the average and low IQs are happen to be chads .
IQ is cope . LOOKS > IQ unless someone is retarded and goodlooking .
This article makes quite a few jumps I can’t scrutinize since all the links are dead. If true, this really discredits the “looks” element of the blackpill considering uglier people tend to be less intelligent than attractive people within the same ethnic group at least. Threads exposing this relationship are in Must Read Content. It could just mean we spend too much time focusing on the high IQ, masculine Chad outliers who do have sex...
This article makes quite a few jumps I can’t scrutinize since all the links are dead. If true, this really discredits the “looks” element of the blackpill considering uglier people tend to be less intelligent than attractive people within the same ethnic group at least. Threads exposing this relationship are in Must Read Content. It could just mean we spend too much time focusing on the high IQ, masculine Chad outliers who do have sex...
Yeah I remember that post in the must read that links a study which says that beautiful people are smarter.

I wonder if smart good looking people still have less sex than dumb good looking people.

bs . woman will prefer hight IQ chads over low IQ chads unless she doesn't have an option . but sadly most High IQs are ugly and the average and low IQs are happen to be chads .
IQ is cope . LOOKS > IQ unless someone is retarded and goodlooking .
The article claims that there are more low IQ chads. Assuming that's true then low IQ chads are outfucking high IQ chads irrespective of whether or not there's a preference for high IQ chads

And yes looks will always mog everything, like i said in the opening of my post, this isn't meant to a circlejerk or a way to cope with our inceldom
In your dreams bro, most foids aren't interested in muh science, they only want Chad.
Brutal can't argue with that pill. But sho knows, if there one foid saying such thing on fucking quora, who knows where another can be
Brutal can't argue with that pill. But sho knows, if there one foid saying such thing on fucking quora, who knows where another can be
I wish you luck, hope you find one tbh.
This is suifuel if your oneitis attended community college.
Can confirm am math major and KHHV :feelsrope:

This should be pinned tbh @Master
Don't expect to find work after graduating. I got a math degree, still jobless NEET at 25. Learning to code at the moment
Don't expect to find work after graduating. I got a math degree, still jobless NEET at 25. Learning to code at the moment
Actuaries and statisticians can find work from what I've heard. Other math majors usually end up coding or in research tbh
Actuaries and statisticians can find work from what I've heard. Other math majors usually end up coding or in research tbh
Many of those supposed jobs math majors can get, require more advanced degrees. I've given up on finding a job related to my major, and am instead learning coding, which at least so far in my learning, has nothing to do with the math I learned in college
I wonder if smart good looking people still have less sex than dumb good looking people.
I think this might be the case. I think I may have also vastly overestimated just how intelligent I thought the average Chad to be. My line of thinking was intelligent men, ugly or not, become wealthy and can choose attractive spouses, intelligent or not, who will produce children that bear their traits. I thought these offspring constituted a significant portion of attractive people within a population. However, after seeing this, of course it makes sense that the average and dumb attractive men will have more children than the men I previously described. These guys will just pump and dump their one night stands without a care in the world and end up producing more kids
I think this might be the case. I think I may have also vastly overestimated just how intelligent I thought the average Chad to be. My line of thinking was intelligent men, ugly or not, become wealthy and can choose attractive spouses, intelligent or not, who will produce children that bear their traits.
Smart people reproduce far less than dumb people. But here's the catch: smart people raise their children better, leading to a higher survival rate which counterbalances the lower reproduction.

But in the west nowadays with modern medicine and technology? I doubt that high iq changes the survival rate much sadly ...

I think this might be the case. I think I may have also vastly overestimated just how intelligent I thought the average Chad to be. My line of thinking was intelligent men, ugly or not, become wealthy and can choose attractive spouses, intelligent or not, who will produce children that bear their traits. I thought these offspring constituted a significant portion of attractive people within a population. However, after seeing this, of course it makes sense that the average and dumb attractive men will have more children than the men I previously described. These guys will just pump and dump their one night stands without a care in the world and end up producing more kids
Yeah low iq means low inhib so I would expect a low iq chad to impregnate more women than the high iq chad.
Even if there was an equal amount of low iq chads and high iq chads i'd expect the low iq ones to come out on top in terms of reproduction
Physics and astronomy isn't even on the graph probably because it's 100% virgins jfl
Im going to study studio art ez laid
I always knew this.

High IQ = High inhibition, willing to wait longer for gratification, all around sophistication (even when it comes to coping), comes to accurate conclusions through own observations rather than learn them from peers, teachers, professors, etc... when non conformist and high IQ: likely to be a leader

Low IQ = Low inhibition, prefer instant gratification, into pop/top 40 radio hits, prefer drugs to cope, when non comformist and low IQ: ends up in prison.

Foids want Chad

No matter what his IQ is

I’m too dumb to read through your stupid OP and I’m still a KHV

Fucking bluepill post

Fuck Off :reeeeee:

Foids want Chad

No matter what his IQ is

I’m too dumb to read through your stupid OP and I’m still a KHV

Fucking bluepill post

Fuck Off :reeeeee:
Saying that the men who have sex more just happen to have X characteristic isn't the same as saying that X characteristic guarantees you to get laid or that it is the reason why those guys get laid

Correlation =/= causation, necessary condition =/= sufficient condition etc

I always knew this.

High IQ = High inhibition, willing to wait longer for gratification, all around sophistication (even when it comes to coping), comes to accurate conclusions through own observations rather than learn them from peers, teachers, professors, etc... when non conformist and high IQ: likely to be a leader

Low IQ = Low inhibition, prefer instant gratification, into pop/top 40 radio hits, prefer drugs to cope, when non comformist and low IQ: ends up in prison.
The leader also has to be decent looking or tall, CEOs and political leaders are tall af. But yeah i think you're right
The world is just out to destroy everyone who isn't a useful idiot.

That said, even if you fit the '70-90' iq range you might still fail for plenty of other reasons, I don't buy into the bs that all incels are mental, there are normal people on here, they're the considerable majority, actually. People become less normal (perhaps smarter?) and less social because other things can stigmatize you, whether just from girls, or from everyone.
I don't blame stupid people for being stupid. I blame stupid people for liking stupid people.

This thread reminded me of this answer from quora, the smarter you are, the less chance you have of ascension...

Also it always surprised me how brutally honest this female was in her answer.

" Yes, incels are incredibly misogynistic. But I do not blame them. Years and perhaps decades of futile approaches, getting rejected and getting stampled as a creep is certain to invoke misogyny and hatred."

Black pill.

" If you cannot attain sex by your appeal, then at least by money. "

Blue pill.
"women are improving the gene pool bro"
Incels who say that are so infuriating. Good thing it's been a while since I last saw that shit here, thanks OP for posting that and contributing for less of that retarded shit.
If you can't make it on your own appeal, then you can't make it at all. That's the true black pill.

It's one thing if incels or even normies suggest using money, for women to suggest using money is the greatest insult of all.

And yes, I fucking hate fucking toilets/foids/whores/bitches...whatever you wish to call these degenerate filth.
this is interesting (as well as not so interesting) because data also shows women are overwhelmingly unwilling to date men with a worse education than them/without at least a bachelor's degree, statistically. beta bux retard fux, i guess
Are these intelligent guys ugly? or do women just hate intelligent men? I think intelligence dries up pussy. Intelligence usually means reserved, analytic, etc women hate these things since they're subhuman thrill seekers with no foresight
Surprised to see the computer science ratio that low. Female/Male ratio is shit there also.

Also, mods, move this to must-read section.

Also, an explanation to those who wonder how looks play into this: These articles talk about correlation, not causation. No one is claiming that low iq > looks. The causal mechanism behind is that low iq = lower inhib and more extroverted.

Of course high iq chad > low iq chad.
High IQ is a cope
Men who look ugly cope with inventing stuff.

Jfl at women who don't appreciate makers of technology while using technology to fuck chad
High iq men are just more likely to be physically unattractive. If chad is high iq than being smart is seen as sexy.

Ugly men are just more likely to devote themselves to intellectual pursuits (since they can't get laid and have GFs like normal people). Most good-looking people are not going to waste their life studying for hours every day when they can go out and have fun and be treated well by the world because of their appearance.
Are these intelligent guys ugly? or do women just hate intelligent men? I think intelligence dries up pussy. Intelligence usually means reserved, analytic, etc women hate these things since they're subhuman thrill seekers with no foresight
Also there are very few high IQ females to begin with.
Teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).

Given that the average IQ of a Black person is 85, and Black people have the highest rates of criminality, this is an excellent argument in favor of BBC theorem, as I've pointed out before:

Consider in this regard that the most sexually active people have IQs between 75 and 90, those within this standard deviation being the least likely to remain virgins as adolescents.

So perhaps the study is largely just finding Black people to be ugly and stupid.

This hypothesis explains the seeming contradiction with respect to looks theorem:

While Blacks lack the attractiveness of neoteny and thus intelligence (these are correlated), they do have the attractiveness of sexual dimorphism and thus licentiousness (these are correlated), as primitive as this makes them.
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Nuclear Blackpill. Of course I could have told you this just by looking around but nice to have studies to back it up

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