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Blackpill Intelligence Is Just A Substitute For Capability

le low iq is very painful much so
Females are basically biological machines, they are programmed by evolution to seek the sperm of the male with the most advantageous traits for survival. The problem is that their detection criteria for superior traits is outdated by tens of thousands of years. They are selecting for things which are basically irrelevant in modern society, while ignoring the traits which actually matter.

You seem to be confusing sexual success with survivability. Humans are social animals, we hunt and forage in groups. Intelligence is extremely beneficial in this type of hunting, because it allows for improved hunting tactics and development of hunting and foraging technologies. No matter how strong or how tall of a man you find he will never be able to beat a bear or a gorilla unarmed. The reason why we came to rule the animal kingdom was because of our large brains, in fact there were other subspecies of humans, such as the neanderthals, WHO PHYSICALLY WERE MUCH STRONGER THAN US, who we warred into extinction because we were smarter. Intelligence is a type of strength, the only reason why it seems different or invalid compared to physical strength is because females' mating strategies are based on millions of years of evolution from lizards, where the largest males were better, whereas humans evolved in only the last 40,000 years, so there hasn't been enough time for their brains to adapt to selection based on intelligence.
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It means you just memorize useless information

Education requires not just memorization but understanding, I agree that school as it stands today is mostly useless, but it requires intelligence to do well in, to say otherwise is ridiculous, its no a coincidence that people with high GPA's go on to be at the "top of their fields" once they go into the working world, intelligence is obviously required to do well in school

Also higher iq means you are more high inhib and get less pussy

Sounds like nothing but a stereotype, having a high IQ doesn't mean you'll have a high inhibition, inhibition levels are mostly due to personal choices (unless you have extreme cases of autism)

You seem to be confusing sexual success with survivability

No I'm saying genetic "physical" superiority = survivability

Being genetically superior in intelligence is useful, but it isn't the be all end all factor by which you can judge genetic superiority, no point being smart if a disease that specifically kills individuals with recessive genes pops into existence, your intelligence won't really do shit for you then. Of course you can work on a cure using said intelligence, but whose to say you will even have the time, it might be spreading too fast, it might be air born, your race might have to stay quarantined and will ironically have to leave it up to the "low IQ" races to help you solve the problem.

Of course at some point humans will use our intelligence to enhance our "physical" genes and that's the only case in which "mental" genetic superiority will be better than physical, only because you used it to circumvent physical limitations to begin with

The chinese are doing this with their CRISPR project, be prepared for a bunch of 6ft 200IQ big dicked asians to start popping up in the next 50 years or so lol
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Sounds like nothing but a stereotype, having a high IQ doesn't mean you'll have a high inhibition, inhibition levels are mostly due to personal choices (unless you have extreme cases of autism)
High iq is pretty much directly related to high social inhibition. For an example (couldn’t possibly care about being racist on here) black people from Africa are clearly lower iq. This makes them unaware of most social situations and be extremely low inhib. It’s the reason most blacks are low inhib in general, it’s because of their low iqs. Asian men are probably the most high iq race (I would argue whites are higher iq)and they are indeed the most submissive and high inhib race on earth. Also to answer your other part about schools being related to memorizing mor than actual intelligence,
You are so fucking bluepilled and delusional. You realize that intelligence ≠ doing good in school right? Getting good grades in school does not mean you’re intelligent. It means you just memorize useless information. Memorizing garbage means absolutely nothing in terms of intelligence. Also higher iq means you are more high inhib and get less pussy, it isn’t even a question that low inhib dumbass chads slay pussy while you cry on this forum to BlkPillPres about “muh high iq, hew hew hew”

Chads will use their genetics to pay women for access to their sexual and reproductive resources. Incels/Normies will use their Money/Status to pay women for access to their sexual and reproductive resources.

I'm not going to complain about Chad getting women using his high quality genetic resources whilst i cant get women because i lost the genetic lottery. Just because Chad is paying using his genetics doesnt mean that I'm also going to try and pay for sex using my genetics. From a genetic perspective, Chad and I are not on the same playing field. I have the intelligence to realise that I am deficient in genetic resources, so i will try to maximise resources which I actually have control of (Money and Status) which i will use to get women.

Also, higher IQ has nothing to do with being high inhib, there is no such correlation. Inhibition is more of a personality trait which is independant of intelligence. Someone who is high inhib is just too weak-willed to push the boundaries of their comfort zone, this has nothing to do with intelligence JFL.

Also whilst I agree that School is a big memory test, you cant argue that some low IQ retard will be able to get good grades just by memorizing, if that was the case then there wouldn't be special schools for those who are intellectually challenged .

Doing well in school is a combination of intelligence and the capability to memorize and store information in various parts of the brain.

What good is memorizing content if you dont know how to APPLY the knowledge in various situations/circumstances, as is the requirement in exams? You need a certain level of intelligence to process the information which you're memorizing, otherwise memorizing it is pointless because exams wont test your ability to regurgitate content but rather your ability to APPLY your understanding to demonstrate your knowledge.
Chads will use their genetics to pay women for access to their sexual and reproductive resources. Incels/Normies will use their Money/Status to pay women for access to their sexual and reproductive resources.

I'm not going to complain about Chad getting women using his high quality genetic resources whilst i cant get women because i lost the genetic lottery. Just because Chad is paying using his genetics doesnt mean that I'm also going to try and pay for sex using my genetics. From a genetic perspective, Chad and I are not on the same playing field. I have the intelligence to realise that I am deficient in genetic resources, so i will try to maximise resources which I actually have control of (Money and Status) which i will use to get women.
I already know this bro.
Also, higher IQ has nothing to do with being high inhib, there is no such correlation. Inhibition is more of a personality trait which is independant of intelligence. Someone who is high inhib is just too weak-willed to push the boundaries of their comfort zone, this has nothing to do with intelligence JFL.

Also whilst I agree that School is a big memory test, you cant argue that some low IQ retard will be able to get good grades just by memorizing, if that was the case then there wouldn't be special schools for those who are intellectually challenged .

Doing well in school is a combination of intelligence and the capability to memorize and store information in various parts of the brain.

What good is memorizing content if you dont know how to APPLY the knowledge in various situations/circumstances, as is the requirement in exams? You need a certain level of intelligence to process the information which you're memorizing, otherwise memorizing it is pointless because exams wont test your ability to regurgitate content but rather your ability to APPLY your understanding to demonstrate your knowledge.
This is where you’re completely wrong.
High iq is pretty much directly related to high social inhibition. For an example (couldn’t possibly care about being racist on here) black people from Africa are clearly lower iq. This makes them unaware of most social situations and be extremely low inhib. It’s the reason most blacks are low inhib in general, it’s because of their low iqs. Asian men are probably the most high iq race (I would argue whites are higher iq)and they are indeed the most submissive and high inhib race on earth. Also to answer your other part about schools being related to memorizing mor than actual intelligence,

See thread in response
Jesus this is an ancient thread, but I guess I’ll give my 2 cents since it’s still active.

Intelligence is just an aspect of ability.It’s a little disingenuous to say that foids are attracted to ability opposed to intelligence when intelligence is an essential component in ability.

To use the jar on the shelf for example:

X is the number of “ability units” needed to retrieve the jar for the female effectively.

Op’s assertion is that
Ability = X
Intelligence =/= X

When in reality it’s more along the lines of:
Intelligence + Height + Social Awareness = Ability

Ability = X
Females are basically biological machines, they are programmed by evolution to seek the sperm of the male with the most advantageous traits for survival. The problem is that their detection criteria for superior traits is outdated by tens of thousands of years. They are selecting for things which are basically irrelevant in modern society, while ignoring the traits which actually matter.

You seem to be confusing sexual success with survivability. Humans are social animals, we hunt and forage in groups. Intelligence is extremely beneficial in this type of hunting, because it allows for improved hunting tactics and development of hunting and foraging technologies. No matter how strong or how tall of a man you find he will never be able to beat a bear or a gorilla unarmed. The reason why we came to rule the animal kingdom was because of our large brains, in fact there were other subspecies of humans, such as the neanderthals, WHO PHYSICALLY WERE MUCH STRONGER THAN US, who we warred into extinction because we were smarter. Intelligence is a type of strength, the only reason why it seems different or invalid compared to physical strength is because females' mating strategies are based on millions of years of evolution from lizards, where the largest males were better, whereas humans evolved in only the last 40,000 years, so there hasn't been enough time for their brains to adapt to selection based on intelligence.
You’re completely mistaking natural selection for sexual selection. You should watch some joe rogan podcast on sexual selection. (Serious)
You’re completely mistaking natural selection for sexual selection.
That's literally what my point was, that natural selection and sexual selection are distinct mechanisms, and that traits advantageous for sexual selection are not necessarily advantageous for natural selection
That's literally what my point was, that natural selection and sexual selection are distinct mechanisms, and that traits advantageous for sexual selection are not necessarily advantageous for natural selection
I agree on that, but I disagree on the importance of intelligence. Too much intelligence makes you too high inhibiton which I beleive would have been terrible for the prehistoric humans passing on their genes. The dumbest and most low iq prehistoric humans were fucking like animals make them more sexually successful this passing on Their genres
I agree on that, but I disagree on the importance of intelligence. Too much intelligence makes you too high inhibiton which I beleive would have been terrible for the prehistoric humans passing on their genes. The dumbest and most low iq prehistoric humans were fucking like animals make them more sexually successful this passing on Their genres
It also makes you better at killing things, which is honestly the most important aspect. Inhibition doesn't matter if you win the fight before it even started using traps, poisons and ranged weaponry, the effectiveness of which depends primarily on your intelligence.
It also makes you better at killing things, which is honestly the most important aspect. Inhibition doesn't matter if you win the fight before it even started using traps, poisons and ranged weaponry, the effectiveness of which depends primarily on your intelligence.
Nah, being a lowinhib murder is much better than being a high iq person who fears the consequence of killing something and the repercussions that it would have in his tribe.
Just look at how society worships raw Chad violence in sports like football and rugby.

But when incels use weapons, techniques or strategies people shit on it as cowardice/cheating etc.
Nah, being a lowinhib murder is much better than being a high iq person who fears the consequence of killing something and the repercussions that it would have in his tribe.
why not be a high IQ murderer, they're the ones who get away with it
I think it should be asserted that creating something new using your bare intelligence can be incredibly rewarding.
I think it should be asserted that creating something new using your bare intelligence can be incredibly rewarding.
I dont understand people like you, reward for me is either money, respect or pussy

Chad gets 100x the validation and foid throwing themselves at him by simply posting a shirtless selfie with a cheesy quote about how he got there due to his hard work jf

If youre not gl nobody gives a fuck what you did for humanity
Chad would still get treated better than someone who invented cure to cancer..
I dont understand people like you, reward for me is either money, respect or pussy

Chad gets 100x the validation and foid throwing themselves at him by simply posting a shirtless selfie with a cheesy quote about how he got there due to his hard work jf

If youre not gl nobody gives a fuck what you did for humanity
Chad would still get treated better than someone who invented cure to cancer..
Except that is has nothing to do with validation and is simply something I've personally felt with projects I've done. I already know I will never be respected by society or have pair bonding/sex and will probably not become rich. And the incel forum helps me stay grounded to that reality. So why is it such a bad thing to cope with something else when I've accepted this fate? Of course nobody gives a fuck about what I create, but that genuinely doesn't matter to me. It would be cucked to expect my work to receive validation from society.
The premise here is invalid and nonsensical. It doesn't make any sense to say that it's better to be capable than intelligent.

Intelligence is an attritube that determines the degree to which to you are capable in a particular domain and the types of things that you're capable of in the domain, specifically intellectual. It means that you're more capable in matters that require intellect.

What does make sense to say is something like, "physical capability is more important than intellectual capability." To that I'd say, "more important for what?"
Intelligence has 0 bearing on sexual success with the exception of using intelligence to make money to fund surgeries.
Pseudo High IQ Post. Being smart is the end all be all.The need for certain abilities disappear over time while intelligence is a steady gradient which can be measured. Say there is a tribe of 6' 3'' chads that are reproducing and amass a population over 1,000 in 10 years. A neighboring tribe with mid tier looking men may be losing their population over that same 10 year period because their women are flocking to the nearby chad tribe, but in those same years all of the men from the tribe create sophisticated bows and arrows. They can now just easily go over to the chad tribe, kill all of the men and now take the women for themselves and the 6'3'' genotype is wiped out. Women only grade attraction based on what is available as a frame of reference. Chads only exist because they are an option in terms of a females frame of reference, if all chads were wiped out tomorrow, chadlites would become the new chads and hightier normies would become the new chad lites.
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Higher IQ= more efficient assesment of risks amd consequences = more cautious behaviour

Don't conflate understanding with behavior, understanding that something is high risk doesn't mean you'll just limit yourself from taking part in it, especially when you understand the worth of that thing. Men have higher IQ's than women on average yet its men who are the biggest risk takers, being high inhib is a choice, the difference between a high inhib person and a low inhib person is that the high inhib person tells themselves they can "do without" whereas the low inhib person tells themselves they will do whatever it takes to get what they want

If every man on the earth literally died if his dick wasn't in a vagina within the span of 365 days watch and see how many "shy guys" start approaching like its nothing, watch and see how many "I would never harm a woman" guys start raping, high inhib is a mindset people take on because THEY CAN AFFORD TO TAKE ON THAT MINDSET, low inhib people see the things they want as something they "need" and won't love without

Are some more inclined to be high inhib than others, yes, but if they saw what they wanted as what they "needed" inhibition, and pointless things like "feeling embarrassed", "being shy", etc would not even be a factor, if its life vs death all that shit goes out of the window
Education requires not just memorization but understanding, I agree that school as it stands today is mostly useless, but it requires intelligence to do well in, to say otherwise is ridiculous, its no a coincidence that people with high GPA's go on to be at the "top of their fields" once they go into the working world, intelligence is obviously required to do well in school
Working memory >> IQ. In terms of predicting academic success.
Working memory >> IQ. In terms of predicting academic success.

I agree, which is why I said education requires memorization and understanding, a subject like history is pretty much purely memory based so your intelligence won't matter much in that regard if its at least average, whereas with something like chemistry or biology you can't just memorize terms, you have to understand their functions and how they interact with eachother, that is a feat of intelligence, intelligence is required to understand chemical equations, comprehend the reactions that will take place, understand how to structure and create an experiment, etc
whereas with something like chemistry or biology you can't just memorize terms, you have to understand their functions and how they interact with eachother, that is a feat of intelligence, intelligence is required to understand chemical equations, comprehend the reactions that will take place, understand how to structure and create an experiment, etc
I've taken two uni level courses in Chem/BIO and broke the test curves when I have an average IQ at best. At some point I imagine it shifts like in graduate school, but for most undergraduate courses really it's heavily about working memory all-around.

Ironically English is the major subject where it was completely useless. I always struggled, but it was mainly due to my procrastination and lack of creativity than anything else. If I was able to actually write the paper it turned out good.
I can see your point
But it's important as it can exceed physical capability
I've said this before and i'll say it again, intelligence is nothing but a substitute for actual ability, so even from an evolutionary perspective one being high in intelligence is more of an indicator to females that said individual lacks the physical capability to take or attain what they want by force, which is likely why women aren't really attracted to intelligence and are actually somewhat turned off by it, a man with power doesn't need intelligence.

To make a simple example that you could all understand, lets say you're 5ft 7in and working in the storage room at a supermarket, there's something on a shelf out of your arms reach (even if you "tip toe"). There are females present watching and doing basically nothing (as always JFL). You do the smart thing and you go and get a ladder to give yourself a "height boost", before you can prop it up a 6ft 3in guy who also works in stock just walks up to the item and grabs it.

Your actions showed your adaptability and quick thinking but guess who looks better, exactly, the guy with the ABILITY to attain/take what he wants regardless of intelligence because that speaks to his genetic quality in its truest sense (physical capability).

Its pretty obvious when you think about it.

I think people (especially race obsessed whites) take too much pride in intelligence, intelligence is really just a substitute for "actual power".

Even in the Bible God didn't create the universe using intelligence and designing each facet bit by bit, he just said "let there be light" lol, he's just so powerful he can will his mental constructs into existence, there's no reason to assume God is intelligent, everything in the bible just alludes to him being powerful, intelligence is just a substitute for power. Humans crafted weapons for hunting because we lack claws, fangs and physical strength to kill efficiently, we created planes because we lacked the ability of flight.

Lets say we woke up tomorrow and all humans on earth had strong telekinetic psychic abilities, strong enough that we could effortlessly propel ourselves safely through the air at the speed of a jet engine, lift extremely heavy loads, etc, all with our minds. Do you realize how pointless planes would be at that point, would we even bother using machinery for construction, I doubt it, guns for wars..... complete waste of time, every person can deflect bullets. I hope you get the point I'm making.

Intelligence is just a substitute for actual power, we create things using intelligence ONLY BECAUSE we lack the abilities that would make such creations unnecessary.

Lets use an example more relevant to our pathetic lives, sex. Everytime I mention my penis size online (5 inches) people always say - "just get good at oral", so I have to now learn techniques for something (intelligence) because I lack the ability (capability) to be good at sex without them, if I had 10 inches there'd be no need to be good at anything other than hip thrusts.

Intelligence (knowledge) is just a substitute for ability

Like @chudur-budur said in a post that led to me creating this thread (I remembered I made a few posts stating this, and thought might as well make a thread)

Being genetically superior in intelligence is useful, but it isn't the be all end all factor by which you can judge genetic superiority, no point being smart if a disease that specifically kills individuals with recessive genes pops into existence, your intelligence won't really do shit for you then. Of course you can work on a cure using said intelligence, but whose to say you will even have the time, it might be spreading too fast, it might be air born, your race might have to stay quarantined and will ironically have to leave it up to the "low IQ" races to help you solve the problem.
Incredibly based and blackpilled.

As I keep on saying here and keep on saying, what you are born with >>>>>> what you can earn or work on. This is something normal people will never consciously accept because of their moral compass virtue signal whatever, but they know it too. People value raw capability over anything refined, because simple me Grunt me grub caveman tier thinking. Most people are cavemen monkeys.
Higher IQ= more efficient assesment of risks amd consequences = more cautious behaviour
Cope, low IQ if you value risk aversion above decent odds reward if you already suffer.

This thread is high IQ, and makes me respect @BlkPillPres in the usual way. Shame about that fear regarding the effects about narcotics, oh well, your loss brocel.
Insightful post. High IQ
I’m surprised that this got so few responses
Im not so surprised. High IQ threads usually get ignored or get few replies while low-effort, low IQ threads which are not interesting nor provide insight into any new knowledge or information, get like 2K views and 100 replies. That's the state of this forum.

I'd say the 80/20 rule applies on this site in terms of IQ. 80% of incels on this site are low to average IQ, while 20% of incels here are above-average to high IQ
True, i think intelligence and money are both substitutes for capability. Anyway, intelligence and money are connected. We need to utilize our intelligence in a way which creates monetary value, and then we can enjoy life
In my opinion, the appeal to emotion is highly effective as a rhetoric technique, to help make one's threads gain popularity, just like politicians do it.
I notice this disparity with my own threads that I post here.
Shame about that fear regarding the effects about narcotics, oh well, your loss brocel.

I don't see how its a loss when nothing is actually gained by "getting high", you get literally nothing

I like eating food (a lot), it triggers your brains reward system, but you actually get something (nutrition)

I don't like sleep (feels like I'm just wasting hours) but you don't really have a choice, it also triggers the "feel good" response of your brain, and you actually get something you need (energy)

When you get high, YOU JUST GET HIGH, its something you do for the sake of doing it, meaning its not necessary at all, so why even bother doing it, so that I can then become inclined to wanting to do it (why create a "new need" for my body to crave and control me with)

Do you get my point?, it would be like me GOING OUT OF MY WAY TO CREATE YET ANOTHER "NEED" MY BODY CRAVES

I think I have enough needs I can't properly satisfy as it is lol

This is why drug use will never make sense to me, from my perspective, drug use is for the EMOTIONAL and ILLOGICAL

You already have to deal with hunger, thirst, lust, fatigue, etc

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What is intelligence? It is an escape into one's self, into one's own mind. Instead of satisfying the physical and the external, which requires power, weak people retreat inside when faced with their inability to satisfy themselves in any other way.

When you get high, YOU JUST GET HIGH, its something you do for the sake of doing it, meaning its not necessary at all, so why even bother doing it, so that I can then become inclined to wanting to do it (why create a "new need" for my body to crave and control me with)

Do you get my point?, it would be like me GOING OUT OF MY WAY TO CREATE YET ANOTHER "NEED" MY BODY CRAVES

I think I have enough needs I can't properly satisfy as it is lol

This is why drug use will never make sense to me, from my perspective, drug use is for the EMOTIONAL and ILLOGICAL
I too always thought that I would lose control when doing narcotics.

Truth is, withdrawal is not that much of an issue if you only do it once per month and at low to moderate doses.
And people get something out of it, after all: It numbs their emotional pain for a while and gives them a nice high.
Not that this behavior is actually benefitting them in the long run, that's another story.

To each his own.
Thinking is for ugly people.

Only sub-lookers have to find SOLUTION to their life problems.
Subbies will have to find ways and metricate plans on how to attract women, pass their exams and test, navigate the job industry and learn how to interact and socialize with people.

Chads and Good geners dont have to think about anything. As a matter of fact, they can navigate the world syaing whatever comes out of their minds with no thought behind it, they dont even have to try or rationalize their decision since it will always be met with a positive outcome anyway. They tend to ace interview based uniquely on physical charisma, they will make girls wet just by standing there and wont have to learn the social game since people will flock to them automatically.

You see this everyday in real life and its the same for average women as well.

Hence why we say these people live on Tutorial Island (heck lets just call it Cutscene mode).
JFL exactly, things that require cunning and planning are seen as "cowardly" or "cheating" because its men violating the system and not letting their genetics determine their success

If you use your teeth in a fight (which is actually smart) that's "lame" because you are supposed to "fight like a man", in other words let the guy who is physically superior beat you "like he's supposed to", nah fuck that shit, I'm fighting dirty, teeth, going for the groin, I'll spit in your eyes to blind you even, I'm not fighting to "look cool", I'm trying to hospitalize anybody I'm fighting so I don't have to fight them in the near future


Lmao nah bro. Gl with your autistic posts tho. Reminds me of trp posters who write essays upon essays to jerk their own cock.

Your post is low iq and you should feel ashamed of it. Just cuz ppl on this forum agree with you doesn’t mean you are right. Ppl would litterly think you are retarded if they heard your theory irl. That’s how stupid it is.

“Intelligence is just a substitute for capability” jfl. That sounds dumb as fuck. Do you hear yourself? You are literally saying if you are not capable of something then you need to compensate for it by being intelligent.

Your whole theory can be debunked just by this example. If The 5’7 short guy is 10/10 chad and the tall guy is incel. The 5’7 chad will look good for his intelligence despise tall guys natural capability.

Another example:

Short guys are naturally able to lift more weight cuz of their Center of gravity so if tall guys want to lift more then short guys they need to come up different solutions like build more muscles or take steroids or try different forms.

Short guy was capable of lifting more weight but because of tall guys quick thinking and intelligence he is now also able to lift more weight.

Now who looks good in front of the society? Yes the tall guy cuz now he is tall and able to lift same as the short guy. Ppl will give him applause for his intelligence.

Anyways a low iq Autist like you won’t be able to understand this.

''' If The 5’7 short guy is 10/10 chad and the tall guy is incel.'''

The bluepill state of this forum JFL :soy:
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I mean being intelligent would be nice. Atleast I'd have some more complex copes like philosophy and shit available to me
chad is actually smart, there are studies showcasing that genes come in packages.
I too always thought that I would lose control when doing narcotics..

I don't see how you read what I said and saw that it had anything to do with "losing control"

I won't use drugs because of the next thing you said:
withdrawal is not that much of an issue if you only do it once per month and at low to moderate doses

This sounds like an addict, please try and be self aware and realize how ridiculous it sounds to try and rationalize withdrawal - "Its not that bad AS LONG AS YOU KEEP DOING IT"

JFL that's my fucking point, are you even listening to yourself :feelskek:

You ironically sound like your cliche addict, who loves the feeling the drug gives them so much, that they can't even admit that the craving is a problem, they always try to rationalize it


Simple question, and you can't answer it because you know the answer is, THERE IS NO REASON TO

Its just a pointless expense, I already have a drug craving hardwired into my biology, sex, so how about I take the money I would spend on drugs, and use it to pay to fuck women, that makes a lot more sense to me, there's no side effects, there's no withdrawal, and its a craving that already exists, no need to go add another one to the list that could be even more expensive

And people get something out of it, after all: It numbs their emotional pain for a while and gives them a nice high.

"Ignoring your problems" is not "getting something", its actually nothing but stagnation, you are right where you always were

Seriously think about this, nothing changed

Also notice how what you said falls in line with what I said:
drug use is for the EMOTIONAL and ILLOGICAL

The concept of using drugs to "escape my problems" sounds like a joke to me, I don't want to forget my problems, I want to focus on solving them, this is why most drug users amount to nothing in life, because they are so busy ignoring their problems that they never feel like facing them head on

Please let it sink in that there are incels who are depressed because they are virgins, but instead of spending their money to lose their virginity, they will spend money on drugs to temporarily forget about the troubles of being a virgin

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chad is actually smart, there are studies showcasing that genes come in packages.
That is bullshit. If that was the case there would be only chads running around in the university departments of physics, mathematics and philosophy. I do believe however that severe ugliness/deformities are correlated with being stupid. But being extremely intelligent is definitely not correlated with having the fuckboy/chad appearance women select for nowadays.

Also this thread is retarded. Women just do not select for intelligent men as strongly anymore because they don't see an advantage in doing so. They can now get a cozy bs office job themselves or just get pregnant and live comfortably on welfare. They don't need a smart provider anymore so they select for other more primtive traits. Once society collapses or reverts back to a more primtive state because we have become too stupid, there will be no welfare and bs office jobs anymore to enable their retarted behaviour.
Being pretty as a man is only becoming important for sexual selection in ages of decline. Not even 50 years ago one was called a faggot for obsessing about ones appearance as a man.
When you get high, YOU JUST GET HIGH, its something you do for the sake of doing it, meaning its not necessary at all, so why even bother doing it, so that I can then become inclined to wanting to do it (why create a "new need" for my body to crave and control me with)
I don't see how you read what I said and saw that it had anything to do with "losing control"
In the post above you said (why create a "new need" for my body to crave and control me with).
Also your own posts come off as highly emotional, just have a look at all the caps and red font when someone disagrees with you. Just saying.

I have no problem with being seen as weak and illogical by others because of my emotions.
In fact, psychiatrists really try to help me and I appreciate their help.
Also your own posts come off as highly emotional, just have a look at all the caps and red font when someone disagrees with you. Just saying

I can see that you're a greycel so you're new here and probably haven't seen much of my threads, the purpose of how I write is exaggeration, to make certain words or phrases stand out, it helps with the flow of reading too, and many users who say they have ADHD find my threads and posts easier to read

I have no problem with being seen as weak and illogical by others because of my emotions

Who gives a fuck about what people think

Your response to me sounds as stupid as saying - "I have no problem with people knowing I have aids"

You get the point?, other peoples awareness of your flaws isn't the issue, THE ISSUE IS THE FLAWS THEMSELVES?

The irony is what you just said is exactly the problem with being an emotional thinker, the first thing that comes to mind for you, is what people think of you RATHER THAN THE PROBLEMS IN LIFE SAID FLAWS COULD CREATE FOR YOU

In fact, psychiatrists really try to help me and I appreciate their help.

Its a placebo, they haven't helped you with shit, literally every "change" you've felt could have been achieved with intrapersonal conversations

All a psychiatrist does is guide you towards BEING HONEST WITH YOURSELF and BEING INTROSPECTIVE

Are you seriously telling me you can't do that on your own?
All you really need is average intelligence and not be born in a shithole country, if you have an internet connection you can pretty much torrent all the resources you need to teach yourself something or to create something
I lost at that part :feelscry:
I lost at that part :feelscry:

I mean its not like you live in liberia or something :forcedsmile: (if you do being incel is the least of your worries, leave your country then make inceldom be your priority)
I can see that you're a greycel so you're new here and probably haven't seen much of my threads, the purpose of how I write is exaggeration, to make certain words or phrases stand out, it helps with the flow of reading too, and many users who say they have ADHD find my threads and posts easier to read

Who gives a fuck about what people think

Your response to me sounds as stupid as saying - "I have no problem with people knowing I have aids"

You get the point?, other peoples awareness of your flaws isn't the issue, THE ISSUE IS THE FLAWS THEMSELVES?

The irony is what you just said is exactly the problem with being an emotional thinker, the first thing that comes to mind for you, is what people think of you RATHER THAN THE PROBLEMS IN LIFE SAID FLAWS COULD CREATE FOR YOU

Its a placebo, they haven't helped you with shit, literally every "change" you've felt could have been achieved with intrapersonal conversations

All a psychiatrist does is guide you towards BEING HONEST WITH YOURSELF and BEING INTROSPECTIVE

Are you seriously telling me you can't do that on your own?

You are desperately trying to keep up appearances here, like "I'm logical, level-headed and cool. Emotions are for complete and utter illogical losers. I'm way above that. I am so smart I just use appeal to emotion as a rethoric figure to cater to the retarded normies/lowiqcels.

Empathy seems not to be one of your strengths, that's for sure, might be an interesting read for you:
You don't seem to know much about drugs either, you must think I shoot Heroin or something like that. I'm not that stupid.

You are just scared to admit that you too have emotions and imperfections yourself.
Also you seem to be afraid of losing control and showing your true self to others on here.

But emotions and imperfections are what make us human, after all. Errare humanum est.
Also men admitting that they too have emotions is something to be frowned upon.
It's just that typical (teenager/early 20-something) edginess of this whole forum again.

Whatever floats your boat.
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You are desperately trying to keep up appearances here, like "I'm logical, level-headed and cool. Emotions are for complete and utter illogical losers. I'm way above that. I am so smart I just use appeal to emotion as a rhetoric figure to cater to the retarded normies/lowiqcels.

Emotions are pretty much involuntary, most of them, you can't magically stop yourself from ever feeling happy, from laughing at something you find funny, from being angered by something, but the difference between a black piller and everybody else is that they don't "think emotionally", emotions are something that HAPPEN TO THEM and they DON'T LET IT INFLUENCE THEIR DECISIONS

"Emotional thinkers" are people who decide their emotions are criteria for what decision is "the right one to make", they are illogical and they will usually end up ruining their lives

For example getting married in this era as a man with wealth because you "feel like you're in love"

Empathy seems not to be one of your strengths

This sentence just sounds weird to me because it shows you misunderstand things


it isn't one of anybody's "strengths"

Oh and before you say what I'm sure you're about to, you don't need to empathize with others to understand their emotions, I want understanding not empathy, empathy will make you handicap yourself

Also you seem to be afraid of losing control and showing your true self to others on here

Dude, please try and have some self awareness and realize how fucking stupid it is to say all this when you haven't even been on the forum long, if you've seen some of the threads I made you wouldn't even be saying this, like JFL the fact that you said this is proof you haven't seen much of my threads

But emotions and imperfections are what make us human, after all. Errare humanum est

You are literally doing the most normie thing right now: VAGUE PLATITUDES

I doubt you even know what the word platitude is at this point so I'll save you the trouble

Platitude - "A remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful"

Also who decided those things make us human?

Last time I checked what makes us human is the fact that were highly intelligent, self aware, utilize language and were bipedal (unlike a lot of other mammals)

All you are doing right now is literally spouting cliche normie garbage rhetoric, people love to use those kinds of statements because IT REMOVES ACCOUNTABILITY

Cheated on your significant other - "I'm only human, we make mistakes"

Sorry its bullshit, imperfections don't define a species, think about how retarded what you're saying sounds, its like saying

"Being a flightless bird is what defines Penguins"

Also men admitting that they too have emotions is something to be frowned upon.
It's just that typical (teenager/early 20-something) edginess of this whole forum again.

Everybody has emotions, they are involuntarily, whats pathetic and illogical is to be influenced by them, especially when it comes to decision making with respect to life choices, and you seem to be exactly that kind of person lol
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High iq is pretty much directly related to high social inhibition. For an example (couldn’t possibly care about being racist on here) black people from Africa are clearly lower iq. This makes them unaware of most social situations and be extremely low inhib. It’s the reason most blacks are low inhib in general, it’s because of their low iqs. Asian men are probably the most high iq race (I would argue whites are higher iq)and they are indeed the most submissive and high inhib race on earth. Also to answer your other part about schools being related to memorizing mor than actual intelligence,

This is true, inhibition is definitely linked to intelligence. Intelligent people are capable of being too aware of their situation. Whilst low inhib people can't analyse their surroundings or situation as good which make them more low inhib. Even as a black person I have to admit this. Although it did sting a little when you called us "low iq". But oh well,truth must be told!
High IQ, now we understand why Tesla and Newton died virgins
Tesla died a virgin voluntarily because of his semen retention spiritual beliefs. Idk about Isaac Newton thought.

Both were autistic and pretty intelligent I believe
JFL exactly, things that require cunning and planning are seen as "cowardly" or "cheating" because its men violating the system and not letting their genetics determine their success

If you use your teeth in a fight (which is actually smart) that's "lame" because you are supposed to "fight like a man", in other words let the guy who is physically superior beat you "like he's supposed to", nah fuck that shit, I'm fighting dirty, teeth, going for the groin, I'll spit in your eyes to blind you even, I'm not fighting to "look cool", I'm trying to hospitalize anybody I'm fighting so I don't have to fight them in the near future
This, the amount of times autismmode fighting saved my life.

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