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Blackpill Intelligence Is Just A Substitute For Capability



Feb 28, 2018
I've said this before and i'll say it again, intelligence is nothing but a substitute for actual ability, so even from an evolutionary perspective one being high in intelligence is more of an indicator to females that said individual lacks the physical capability to take or attain what they want by force, which is likely why women aren't really attracted to intelligence and are actually somewhat turned off by it, a man with power doesn't need intelligence.

To make a simple example that you could all understand, lets say you're 5ft 7in and working in the storage room at a supermarket, there's something on a shelf out of your arms reach (even if you "tip toe"). There are females present watching and doing basically nothing (as always JFL). You do the smart thing and you go and get a ladder to give yourself a "height boost", before you can prop it up a 6ft 3in guy who also works in stock just walks up to the item and grabs it.

Your actions showed your adaptability and quick thinking but guess who looks better, exactly, the guy with the ABILITY to attain/take what he wants regardless of intelligence because that speaks to his genetic quality in its truest sense (physical capability).

Its pretty obvious when you think about it.

I think people (especially race obsessed whites) take too much pride in intelligence, intelligence is really just a substitute for "actual power".

Even in the Bible God didn't create the universe using intelligence and designing each facet bit by bit, he just said "let there be light" lol, he's just so powerful he can will his mental constructs into existence, there's no reason to assume God is intelligent, everything in the bible just alludes to him being powerful, intelligence is just a substitute for power. Humans crafted weapons for hunting because we lack claws, fangs and physical strength to kill efficiently, we created planes because we lacked the ability of flight.

Lets say we woke up tomorrow and all humans on earth had strong telekinetic psychic abilities, strong enough that we could effortlessly propel ourselves safely through the air at the speed of a jet engine, lift extremely heavy loads, etc, all with our minds. Do you realize how pointless planes would be at that point, would we even bother using machinery for construction, I doubt it, guns for wars..... complete waste of time, every person can deflect bullets. I hope you get the point I'm making.

Intelligence is just a substitute for actual power, we create things using intelligence ONLY BECAUSE we lack the abilities that would make such creations unnecessary.

Lets use an example more relevant to our pathetic lives, sex. Everytime I mention my penis size online (5 inches) people always say - "just get good at oral", so I have to now learn techniques for something (intelligence) because I lack the ability (capability) to be good at sex without them, if I had 10 inches there'd be no need to be good at anything other than hip thrusts.

Intelligence (knowledge) is just a substitute for ability

Like @chudur-budur said in a post that led to me creating this thread (I remembered I made a few posts stating this, and thought might as well make a thread)
A high IQ ethnicity can be wiped out of some disease where a low IQ ethnicity might survive from the same disease, so in that sense, that low IQ ethnic group is genetically more superior to that high IQ people.

Being genetically superior in intelligence is useful, but it isn't the be all end all factor by which you can judge genetic superiority, no point being smart if a disease that specifically kills individuals with recessive genes pops into existence, your intelligence won't really do shit for you then. Of course you can work on a cure using said intelligence, but whose to say you will even have the time, it might be spreading too fast, it might be air born, your race might have to stay quarantined and will ironically have to leave it up to the "low IQ" races to help you solve the problem.
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good thread but I disagree.

we just live in a society that doesn't select for intelligence any more.

think about evolution in these terms: tigers are fucking huge. that's because in evolution speaking, tigers are selected for strength and brute force.

same with most predators.

humans aren't.

humans have no claws. relatively weak and fragile bodies.

no human is winning an unarmed, one on one fight with a wolf or a lion.

humans selected for group co-operation and intelligence.

except with the advent of agriculture, suddenly intelligence is bad because you need millions of stupid hamster humans who can pick fruit and veg all day.

in an intelligence based society, low iq tyrone rappers would be unsuccessful because they'd be culled.

people arent attracted to intelligence, but the results of immoral intelligence are very attractive
Insightful post. High IQ
High IQ, now we understand why Tesla and Newton died virgins
Giga IQ
Le IQ big brain meme is such a turbo fucking cope. I was tested in my teenage years and have high iq. Now if we factor in the fact that I am mentally deranged and an incel social pariah do you know what that high iq has done for me? Not a thing, in fact if anything it just makes me more of a high-inhib faggot who overthinks things. You can try to productivity cope all you want, but you can't skip steps in your hierarchy of needs, if you're a leper who has a fucked up mind that puts you into fight or flight mode constantly you aren't going to be capable of doing anything. All the epic MGTOW gang retards talk about fags like Isaac Newton and Nietzsche, sure maybe they accomplished quite a bit, but they lived lives of extreme anguish anyway, pretty sure Nietzsche ran around his village naked screaming at one point because that was his only cope in the 18th century jfl.
Le IQ big brain meme is such a turbo fucking cope. I was tested in my teenage years and have high iq. Now if we factor in the fact that I am mentally deranged and an incel social pariah do you know what that high iq has done for me? Not a thing, in fact if anything it just makes me more of a high-inhib faggot who overthinks things. You can try to productivity cope all you want, but you can't skip steps in your hierarchy of needs, if you're a leper who has a fucked up mind that puts you into fight or flight mode constantly you aren't going to be capable of doing anything. All the epic MGTOW gang retards talk about fags like Isaac Newton and Nietzsche, sure maybe they accomplished quite a bit, but they lived lives of extreme anguish anyway, pretty sure Nietzsche ran around his village naked screaming at one point because that was his only cope in the 18th century jfl.

Probably for every high IQ super achiever like Newton or Tesla, the rest were just inventing / working on useless shit that quickly become obsolete and surpassed.

Google used to be full of high IQ "10x" engineers, but almost everything produced aside from search and android was just thrown away.
good thread but I disagree.

we just live in a society that doesn't select for intelligence any more.

think about evolution in these terms: tigers are fucking huge. that's because in evolution speaking, tigers are selected for strength and brute force.

same with most predators.

humans aren't.

humans have no claws. relatively weak and fragile bodies.

no human is winning an unarmed, one on one fight with a wolf or a lion.

humans selected for group co-operation and intelligence.

except with the advent of agriculture, suddenly intelligence is bad because you need millions of stupid hamster humans who can pick fruit and veg all day.

in an intelligence based society, low iq tyrone rappers would be unsuccessful because they'd be culled.

people arent attracted to intelligence, but the results of immoral intelligence are very attractive
This makes a lot of sense. Maybe the IQ distribution is so asymmetrical because you need (((massas))) to organize the labor. We should all be super intelligent, if it was important to the fitness of our offspring.
This makes a lot of sense. Maybe the IQ distribution is so asymmetrical because you need (((massas))) to organize the labor. We should all be super intelligent, if it was important to the fitness of our offspring.

there's probably only so many super high IQ roles to fill in society

people with less specialized skills are easier to produce, train, and place in job roles
Low iq theory tbh.

What if the 5 feet guy is trying to enter a small crevis and since he is 5’2 framecel he can enter the crevis but the 6’2 chad can’t cuz he is too big.

So the 6’2 chad invents a shrinking machine that can shrink him to a size of ant man.

In girls eyes the 6’2 chad will get a noble prize and they will praise his intelligence
I’m surprised that this got so few responses
I’m surprised that this got so few responses

Im not so surprised. High IQ threads usually get ignored or get few replies while low-effort, low IQ threads which are not interesting nor provide insight into any new knowledge or information, get like 2K views and 100 replies. That's the state of this forum.

I'd say the 80/20 rule applies on this site in terms of IQ. 80% of incels on this site are low to average IQ, while 20% of incels here are above-average to high IQ
Im not so surprised. High IQ threads usually get ignored or get few replies while low-effort, low IQ threads which are not interesting nor provide insight into any new knowledge or information, get like 2K views and 100 replies. That's the state of this forum.

I'd say the 80/20 rule applies on this site in terms of IQ. 80% of incels on this site are low to average IQ, while 20% of incels here are above-average to high IQ
I know that high IQ/high quality threads get ignored, that’s a given considering the user base. I was moreso referring to the fact that @BlkPillPres usually revives a lot of replies whenever he makes a thread
Good thread.

The only time intelligence can match the importance of capability is when it can GIVE capability (eg using technology and science to make yourself bigger, stronger, faster and better-looking).
The only time intelligence can match the importance of capability is when it can GIVE capability

Low iq theory tbh.

What if the 5 feet guy is trying to enter a small crevis and since he is 5’2 framecel he can enter the crevis but the 6’2 chad can’t cuz he is too big.

So the 6’2 chad invents a shrinking machine that can shrink him to a size of ant man.

In girls eyes the 6’2 chad will get a noble prize and they will praise his intelligence

I can't tell if you are trolling or you are legit this stupid, what kind of retard analogy is this
You're right, I was thinking this just the other day actually. High IQ for sure.
Unexpected Dickpill

It hit me hard dude but this makes so much sense. I wish had that IQ
:feelscry: because I am not able to do or learn a lot of useful things/skills. I know looks are everything, but when you lack IQ as well, it's beyond over
Unexpected Dickpill

It hit me hard dude but this makes so much sense. I wish had that IQ
:feelscry: because I am not able to do or learn a lot of useful things/skills. I know looks are everything, but when you lack IQ as well, it's beyond over

All you really need is average intelligence and not be born in a shithole country, if you have an internet connection you can pretty much torrent all the resources you need to teach yourself something or to create something
Im not so surprised. High IQ threads usually get ignored or get few replies while low-effort, low IQ threads which are not interesting nor provide insight into any new knowledge or information, get like 2K views and 100 replies. That's the state of this forum.

I'd say the 80/20 rule applies on this site in terms of IQ. 80% of incels on this site are low to average IQ, while 20% of incels here are above-average to high IQ
if they are so smart , why cant they get laid ? teehee
I can't tell if you are trolling or you are legit this stupid, what kind of retard analogy is this

Lol dude nobody agrees with your shitty theory it makes no sense.

I don’t blame you tho. Being incel lowers a persons IQ a lot. Especially ethnics since we already have low IQ to begin with
What about the research that says attractive people have on average 11-13 iq points higher than average? Given the assumption on here that incels have to find some way to cope and adapt, shouldn't that make them higher iq than others since the claim is that Chads and Stacies coast through life with ease? I think intelligence says a lot about genetic superiority as well. (Not that I'm missing the point of your post).
When was the last time you saw giga chad do something embarrassing in public?
Im not so surprised. High IQ threads usually get ignored or get few replies while low-effort, low IQ threads which are not interesting nor provide insight into any new knowledge or information, get like 2K views and 100 replies. That's the state of this forum.

I'd say the 80/20 rule applies on this site in terms of IQ. 80% of incels on this site are low to average IQ, while 20% of incels here are above-average to high IQ
Isn't IQ based on standard deviation though? Half of the people on here are low iq, half are high iq. Perhaps you were referring to general intelligence. I think what you are talking about applies more to the post distribution rather than individuals on this site.
Literally the majority of comments posted are those agreeing with me, again I ask are you retarded?

JFL speak for yourself
Should i report this?
Should i report this?
nevermind, nothing said breaks the rules.
BUT STILL, why should lower someone's IQ?
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Literally the majority of comments posted are those agreeing with me, again I ask are you retarded?

JFL speak for yourself

Lmao nah bro. Gl with your autistic posts tho. Reminds me of trp posters who write essays upon essays to jerk their own cock.

Your post is low iq and you should feel ashamed of it. Just cuz ppl on this forum agree with you doesn’t mean you are right. Ppl would litterly think you are retarded if they heard your theory irl. That’s how stupid it is.

“Intelligence is just a substitute for capability” jfl. That sounds dumb as fuck. Do you hear yourself? You are literally saying if you are not capable of something then you need to compensate for it by being intelligent.

Your whole theory can be debunked just by this example. If The 5’7 short guy is 10/10 chad and the tall guy is incel. The 5’7 chad will look good for his intelligence despise tall guys natural capability.

Another example:

Short guys are naturally able to lift more weight cuz of their Center of gravity so if tall guys want to lift more then short guys they need to come up different solutions like build more muscles or take steroids or try different forms.

Short guy was capable of lifting more weight but because of tall guys quick thinking and intelligence he is now also able to lift more weight.

Now who looks good in front of the society? Yes the tall guy cuz now he is tall and able to lift same as the short guy. Ppl will give him applause for his intelligence.

Anyways a low iq Autist like you won’t be able to understand this.
I've said this before and i'll say it again, intelligence is nothing but a substitute for actual ability, so even from an evolutionary perspective one being high in intelligence is more of an indicator to females that said individual lacks the physical capability to take or attain what they want by force, which is likely why women aren't really attracted to intelligence and are actually somewhat turned off by it, a man with power doesn't need intelligence.

To make a simple example that you could all understand, lets say you're 5ft 7in and working in the storage room at a supermarket, there's something on a shelf out of your arms reach (even if you "tip toe"). There are females present watching and doing basically nothing (as always JFL). You do the smart thing and you go and get a ladder to give yourself a "height boost", before you can prop it up a 6ft 3in guy who also works in stock just walks up to the item and grabs it.

Your actions showed your adaptability and quick thinking but guess who looks better, exactly, the guy with the ABILITY to attain/take what he wants regardless of intelligence because that speaks to his genetic quality in its truest sense (physical capability).

Its pretty obvious when you think about it.

I think people (especially race obsessed whites) take too much pride in intelligence, intelligence is really just a substitute for "actual power".

Even in the Bible God didn't create the universe using intelligence and designing each facet bit by bit, he just said "let there be light" lol, he's just so powerful he can will his mental constructs into existence, there's no reason to assume God is intelligent, everything in the bible just alludes to him being powerful, intelligence is just a substitute for power. Humans crafted weapons for hunting because we lack claws, fangs and physical strength to kill efficiently, we created planes because we lacked the ability of flight.

Lets say we woke up tomorrow and all humans on earth had strong telekinetic psychic abilities, strong enough that we could effortlessly propel ourselves safely through the air at the speed of a jet engine, lift extremely heavy loads, etc, all with our minds. Do you realize how pointless planes would be at that point, would we even bother using machinery for construction, I doubt it, guns for wars..... complete waste of time, every person can deflect bullets. I hope you get the point I'm making.

Intelligence is just a substitute for actual power, we create things using intelligence ONLY BECAUSE we lack the abilities that would make such creations unnecessary.

Lets use an example more relevant to our pathetic lives, sex. Everytime I mention my penis size online (5 inches) people always say - "just get good at oral", so I have to now learn techniques for something (intelligence) because I lack the ability (capability) to be good at sex without them, if I had 10 inches there'd be no need to be good at anything other than hip thrusts.

Intelligence (knowledge) is just a substitute for ability

Like @chudur-budur said in a post that led to me creating this thread (I remembered I made a few posts stating this, and thought might as well make a thread)

Being genetically superior in intelligence is useful, but it isn't the be all end all factor by which you can judge genetic superiority, no point being smart if a disease that specifically kills individuals with recessive genes pops into existence, your intelligence won't really do shit for you then. Of course you can work on a cure using said intelligence, but whose to say you will even have the time, it might be spreading too fast, it might be air born, your race might have to stay quarantined and will ironically have to leave it up to the "low IQ" races to help you solve the problem.

This isn't correct. God is very intelligent, the Bible says he is "all knowing". And the Jews beating the Aryans in the game of life shows intelligence beats natural ability
Lmao nah bro. Gl with your autistic posts tho. Reminds me of trp posters who write essays upon essays to jerk their own cock.

Your post is low iq and you should feel ashamed of it. Just cuz ppl on this forum agree with you doesn’t mean you are right. Ppl would litterly think you are retarded if they heard your theory irl. That’s how stupid it is.

“Intelligence is just a substitute for capability” jfl. That sounds dumb as fuck. Do you hear yourself? You are literally saying if you are not capable of something then you need to compensate for it by being intelligent.

Your whole theory can be debunked just by this example. If The 5’7 short guy is 10/10 chad and the tall guy is incel. The 5’7 chad will look good for his intelligence despise tall guys natural capability.

Another example:

Short guys are naturally able to lift more weight cuz of their Center of gravity so if tall guys want to lift more then short guys they need to come up different solutions like build more muscles or take steroids or try different forms.

Short guy was capable of lifting more weight but because of tall guys quick thinking and intelligence he is now also able to lift more weight.

Now who looks good in front of the society? Yes the tall guy cuz now he is tall and able to lift same as the short guy. Ppl will give him applause for his intelligence.

Anyways a low iq Autist like you won’t be able to understand this.

Dude what the fuck are you saying? @BlkPillPres is easily the most high IQ, based and blackpilled poster on this forum. You might not agree with him, but calling him low IQ means that you're subterranean level IQ lmao.

Why are you bringing appearance into your example? This thread is comparing the variables of intelligence and capability, assuming all other variables (appearance, money, status) are equal for the 2 men in the example. So in the example OP gave, we're assuming that both the 5'7 man and 6'3 man are equal in SMV- appearance (for that to be the case the 5'7 man would need a much better face than the 6'3 man to compensate for shortcomings in height so that both can be of equal SMV). They also have same money and status.

All other variables being equal and constant for the 2 men, if they have different levels of intelligence and capability, the female will be attracted to the capability.
What about the research that says attractive people have on average 11-13 iq points higher than average? Given the assumption on here that incels have to find some way to cope and adapt, shouldn't that make them higher iq than others since the claim is that Chads and Stacies coast through life with ease? I think intelligence says a lot about genetic superiority as well. (Not that I'm missing the point of your post).
When was the last time you saw giga chad do something embarrassing in public?

I think its a chicken before the egg type deal. Depression does lower IQ. A chad who gets constant support and validation based on his looks will be more confident taking risks, learning new things, etc. Plus, they are not really challenged, so unlike the incel who maxxes to compensate/cope, Chad does it out of boredom and to prove he's not all looks. The lack of stress, natural physical health, most likely from a mid to upperclass background are all factors. Tflers and incels usually have some form of PTSD and resultant brain damage.

So basically, society makes us dumb and rewards 10s.

Gigachad does plenty of cringy shit, its just halo effect protects him. Whos that bodybuilder dude who repelled off a cliff and tore his quads? If normans took pictures shirtless in that monotone gigachad way, theyd be laughed at.
God is very intelligent, the Bible says he is "all knowing".

That's like saying a guy who can use telekinesis is "very strong" because he can lift very heavy objects with his mind

Strength is a measure of ones use of their physical body, their muscles

Intelligence is a measure of ones use of their mind, their brain

If God is all knowing, that is more a feat of "magic/power" than "intelligence", because intelligence doesn't make you magically be able to pknow the future, that's something outside the realm of intelligence, remember it doesn't say he's "predicting" things, it says he is "all knowing", as in "he just knows", that's not intelligence, by your logic anybody who is in front of a computer with internet is very intelligent since they can tap into a giant database of information at will to retrieve the answers they need

God just knows everything that will happen, as if he's accessing a database of future events, that doesn't make him intelligent, that makes him powerful, the fact that he JUST KNOWS, is exactly why that isn't a feat of intelligence, its a feat of power, he didn't have to utilize any mental power to "figure something out" HE JUST KNOWS.
That's like saying a guy who can use telekinesis is "very strong" because he can lift very heavy objects with his mind

Strength is a measure of ones use of their physical body, their muscles

Intelligence is a measure of ones use of their mind, their brain

If God is all knowing, that is more a feat of "magic/power" than "intelligence", because intelligence doesn't make you magically be able to pknow the future, that's something outside the realm of intelligence, remember it doesn't say he's "predicting" things, it says he is "all knowing", as in "he just knows", that's not intelligence, by your logic anybody who is in front of a computer with internet is very intelligent since they can tap into a giant database of information at will to retrieve the answers they need

God just knows everything that will happen, as if he's accessing a database of future events, that doesn't make him intelligent, that makes him powerful, the fact that he JUST KNOWS, is exactly why that isn't a feat of intelligence, its a feat of power, he didn't have to utilize any mental power to "figure something out" HE JUST KNOWS.

>"Intelligence (knowledge) is just a substitute for ability"

You literally defined intelligence by knowledge, all knowing = all knowledgeable
Dude what the fuck are you saying? @BlkPillPres is easily the most high IQ, based and blackpilled poster on this forum. You might not agree with him, but calling him low IQ means that you're subterranean level IQ lmao.

Why are you bringing appearance into your example? This thread is comparing the variables of intelligence and capability, assuming all other variables (appearance, money, status) are equal for the 2 men in the example. So in the example OP gave, we're assuming that both the 5'7 man and 6'3 man are equal in SMV- appearance (for that to be the case the 5'7 man would need a much better face than the 6'3 man to compensate for shortcomings in height so that both can be of equal SMV). They also have same money and status.

All other variables being equal and constant for the 2 men, if they have different levels of intelligence and capability, the female will be attracted to the capability.

2F4BC388 B8AE 404C A445 06EB008541E3
80 IQ with no ADHD mogs 100 IQ with ADHD or some other learning disability
Intelegence IS a power lol
What is intelligence? It is an escape into one's self, into one's own mind. Instead of satisfying the physical and the external, which requires power, weak people retreat inside when faced with their inability to satisfy themselves in any other way.
Just look at how society worships raw Chad violence in sports like football and rugby.

But when incels use weapons, techniques or strategies people shit on it as cowardice/cheating etc.
Just look at how society worships raw Chad violence in sports like football and rugby.

But when incels use weapons, techniques or strategies people shit on it as cowardice/cheating etc.
Yeah exactly, when someone goes ER, which takes balls, it's "cowardly"
Im not so surprised. High IQ threads usually get ignored or get few replies while low-effort, low IQ threads which are not interesting nor provide insight into any new knowledge or information, get like 2K views and 100 replies. That's the state of this forum.

I'd say the 80/20 rule applies on this site in terms of IQ. 80% of incels on this site are low to average IQ, while 20% of incels here are above-average to high IQ
Interesting how this hasn't changed at all. Prolly it happens cus of the vast majority of this forum has a lot of ADHD (like me) and are just too tired altogether to make high effort posts.
Some just want to achieve new ranks and shit (like me again ngl), while the others want to have enlightened conversations and analyze.
In my experience your IQ starts to degrade after too much LDARing and social rejection. There even was a study about it iirc.
Just look at how society worships raw Chad violence in sports like football and rugby.

But when incels use weapons, techniques or strategies people shit on it as cowardice/cheating etc.

JFL exactly, things that require cunning and planning are seen as "cowardly" or "cheating" because its men violating the system and not letting their genetics determine their success

If you use your teeth in a fight (which is actually smart) that's "lame" because you are supposed to "fight like a man", in other words let the guy who is physically superior beat you "like he's supposed to", nah fuck that shit, I'm fighting dirty, teeth, going for the groin, I'll spit in your eyes to blind you even, I'm not fighting to "look cool", I'm trying to hospitalize anybody I'm fighting so I don't have to fight them in the near future
Yeah exactly, when someone goes ER, which takes balls, it's "cowardly"
It’s actually the least cowardly thing you could do, it’s basically sticking up for yourself to the highest possible way you can
I think its more accurate to say "Money is a substitute for capability".

  • you aren't capable of building a house? Pay property developer MONEY to build it for you.
  • you aren't capable of curing any illness/disease/medical ailment etc? Pay a doctor MONEY to cure you
  • you aren't capable of manufacturing a car? Pay car manufacturer MONEY to create car for you.
  • you aren't capable of electrical/plumbing work? Pay an electrician/plumber MONEY to do the work for you
List goes on.

If you have money, you dont need to know how to do certain things, you can just pay someone who has expertise or knowledge in that field/area to perform certain tasks for you.
I think its more accurate to say "Money is a substitute for capability".

  • you aren't capable of building a house? Pay property developer MONEY to build it for you.
  • you aren't capable of curing any illness/disease/medical ailment etc? Pay a doctor MONEY to cure you
  • you aren't capable of manufacturing a car? Pay car manufacturer MONEY to create car for you.
  • you aren't capable of electrical/plumbing work? Pay an electrician/plumber MONEY to do the work for you
List goes on.

If you have money, you dont need to know how to do certain things, you can just pay someone who has expertise or knowledge in that field/area to perform certain tasks for you.

Well in certain cases, in the cases I used for examples money wasn't a factor it was just the persons ability to think:
To make a simple example that you could all understand, lets say you're 5ft 7in and working in the storage room at a supermarket, there's something on a shelf out of your arms reach (even if you "tip toe"). There are females present watching and doing basically nothing (as always JFL). You do the smart thing and you go and get a ladder to give yourself a "height boost", before you can prop it up a 6ft 3in guy who also works in stock just walks up to the item and grabs it.

Your actions showed your adaptability and quick thinking but guess who looks better, exactly, the guy with the ABILITY to attain/take what he wants regardless of intelligence because that speaks to his genetic quality in its truest sense (physical capability).
Well in certain cases, in the cases I used for examples money wasn't a factor it was just the persons ability to think:

True, i think intelligence and money are both substitutes for capability. Anyway, intelligence and money are connected. We need to utilize our intelligence in a way which creates monetary value, and then we can enjoy life
All of this wall of text just to explain that nerds = unattractive and chad jocks = only people able to fuck pussy
All of this wall of text just to explain that nerds = unattractive and chad jocks = only people able to fuck pussy

its deeper than that, you just dont have the intelligence nor the capability to understand :feelskek: :feelskek:
its deeper than that, you just dont have the intelligence nor the capability to understand :feelskek: :feelskek:
Couldn’t care less you fucking nerd :feelsautistic:
keep sucking BlkPillPres cock you dickriding faggot
Couldn’t care less you fucking nerd :feelsautistic:
keep sucking BlkPillPres cock you dickriding faggot

you are the kind of guy to associate intelligence with being a nerd. There are many purposes for the use of intelligence, a nerd is just a person who uses his intelligence to get good grades so that he can become a good slave for corporations and government, a Machiavellian psychopath however will use his intelligence to play mind games with members of society in an effort to elevate themselves to a position of success.

Keep coping by thinking that having intelligence automatically makes someone a nerd. In a few years, BlkPillPres and I will have successfully wealthmaxxed and be fucking Stacies whilst you continue rotting on this forum, discussing blackpill and complaining about "muhhhh chad fucking all d womenz".

You are just a low IQ faggot who is jealous of those who possess greater intellectual faculties than you. Kill Yourself
This is true intelligence, brutally devastating truthpill.
you are the kind of guy to associate intelligence with being a nerd. There are many purposes for the use of intelligence, a nerd is just a person who uses his intelligence to get good grades so that he can become a good slave for corporations and government, a Machiavellian psychopath however will use his intelligence to play mind games with members of society in an effort to elevate themselves to a position of success.

Keep coping by thinking that having intelligence automatically makes someone a nerd. In a few years, BlkPillPres and I will have successfully wealthmaxxed and be fucking Stacies whilst you continue rotting on this forum, discussing blackpill and complaining about "muhhhh chad fucking all d womenz".

You are just a low IQ faggot who is jealous of those who possess greater intellectual faculties than you. Kill Yourself
You are so fucking bluepilled and delusional. You realize that intelligence ≠ doing good in school right? Getting good grades in school does not mean you’re intelligent. It means you just memorize useless information. Memorizing garbage means absolutely nothing in terms of intelligence. Also higher iq means you are more high inhib and get less pussy, it isn’t even a question that low inhib dumbass chads slay pussy while you cry on this forum to BlkPillPres about “muh high iq, hew hew hew”

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