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Hypocrisy Incels who aren't communists are retards

Integrating some socialist policies, at a scale that makes sense at least, may be sensible and benefit incels. But when we head into dogmatic socialism/communism/anarchism is where things go wacko and quickly turn into a hell on earth for incels, unless you're one of the top commissars.

Retard take

You can be liberal/libertarian on some issues and conservative on others.

Just because someone supports economic freedom or freedom from government, that doesn't need to mean that he supports sexual liberalism as well
The only problem with that suggestion is that political and economic liberalism necessarily reinforces sexual marketeering and vice-versa.
You can't simply keep one and do away with the other seeing as they depend on each other to function. Doesn't work like that
Under capitalism, studymaxxed incels have a chance to get rich
Same cannot be said for communism
If by a chance you mean about 1 in 14 million considering there is relatively minimal room for upward mobility for anyone without any startup capital then maybe. But even still, likely not.
I can think of more people whose lives have deteriorated rather than improved due to student debt in such cases. Never heard of any notable person these days getting rich in any noteworthy sense simply by going to school and accruing heaps of debt and a dead-end McDonald's job if lucky.
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Lol let’s look at communist theories.
“Surplus Value”
The idea the workers deserves full compensation for the profit. Also that person who came up with the idea and the people who make sure the workers are doing their job don’t get profit. Basically it implies workers are not getting the profit they deserve but the workers themselves agreed to work to get compensation of the profit that goes to the owner.
“Dialectical Materialism”
Dialectical Materialism is the belief everything in life is determined by material conditions. It’s probably more complicated than that and there’s definitely a spiritual essence. Also that genetics play a role however I guess a lot would consider that a material condition.
“Labor theory of value”
The theory the value of a product isn’t how valuable it is to the market. Instead its value is determined by how many hours it took to produce this product. But if you produce a useless product and it took a few hours why should it be more valuable than a more useful product that took less hours.
“Theory of alienation”
The theory that the workers is alienated from being human from being subjugated to worker conditions. This may be true in some circumstances but not in all circumstances. Also this is kind of dated as this problem was heavily due to the industrialization in society.
  1. Surplus-Value: Wages are not compensation, rather they are the opposite. They are purely for bare minimum sustensnace of the worker so that they may continue to generate profit (stolen wages) gratis for the capitalist, who, like a grifter, contributes absolutely nothing of value to the labor process save from lording and freeloading. Wage labor does not exist in some separate eternal dimension freed of all social conditions which make it necessary, it is simply a direct byproduct of existing capitalist relations; wage-labor did not exist for the majority of human history and it will cease to exist in the future. And no, wage-labor is not completely voluntary, unless you'd define voluntary as coercion (ex. Work and Slave away the rest of your existence just to barely get by week-to-week, or Suffer on the steets and Starve to Death). Doesn't sound very voluntary or even desirable.
  2. Dialectical Materialism (DiaMat): DiaMat is quite a bit more complicated than that. It is by no means completely deterministic and Marx explicitly denounced simplistic theories of vulgar-materialism for a good reason. There is a very significant difference between the two.
  3. Labor Theory of Value (LToV): Ah yes, the infamous "Das Mudpie" argument. Problem is, Marx made it undeniably clear in the beginning of the first volume of capital that labor which creates no value does not count as labor. So the 'mudpie' argument is lazy and unintellegent. And quite simply incorrect.
  4. Theory of Alienation: No, it is still quite true and applicable in nearly all circumstances regarding contemporary wage-labor positions. It is not dated, it is actually much worse today in some aspects.
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Finally someone actually responded to my arguments. @Pandaemonium it seems that book reading payed off greycel. What are you politically? Like Marxist Leninist?
  1. Surplus-Value: Wages are not compensation, rather they are the opposite. They are purely for bare minimum sustensnace of the worker so that they may continue to generate profit (stolen wages) gratis for the capitalist, who, like a grifter, contributes absolutely nothing of value to the labor process save from freeloading. Wage labor does not exist in some separate eternal dimension freed of all social conditions which make it necessary, it is simply a direct byproduct of existing capitalist relations; wage-labor did not exist for the majority of human history and it will cease to exist in the future. And no, wage-labor is not completely voluntary, unless you'd define voluntary as coercion (ex. Work and Slave away the rest of your existence or Suffer on the steets and Starve to Death). Doesn't sound very voluntary or even desirable.
  2. Dialectical Materialism (DiaMat): DiaMat is quite a bit more complicated than that. It is by no means completely deterministic and Marx explicitly denounced simplistic theories of vulgar-materialism for a good reason. There is a very significant difference between the two.
  3. Labor Theory of Value (LToV): Ah yes, the infamous "Das Mudpie" argument. Problem is, Marx made it undeniably clear in the beginning of the first volume of capital that labor which creates no value does not count as labor. So the 'mudpie' argument is lazy and unintellegent. And quite simply incorrect.
  4. Theory of Alienation: No, it is still quite true and applicable in nearly all circumstances regarding contemporary wage-labor positions. It is not dated, it is actually much worse today in some aspects.
greycels can't lose
You think women are going to do work in a communist society?

Communism isn't a utopia where everybody does work equally and lives in peace. In practice it's where the elite enslave everyone else at gunpoint. Implementing communism will end society as we know it. Women will be the rulers in such a society.and incels will absolutely be put in shackles for life.
Finally someone actually responded to my arguments. @Pandaemonium it seems that book reading payed off greycel. What are you politically? Like Marxist Leninist?
I'd say I started off as a standard Marxist-Leninist. Granted, I still hold MLism as the basis of my personal ideology, although I've also recently taken to the study of Maoism and Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as well. But yes. :feelsstudy:
You think women are going to do work in a communist society?

Communism isn't a utopia where everybody does work equally and lives in peace. In practice it's where the elite enslave everyone else at gunpoint. Implementing communism will end society as we know it. Women will be the rulers in such a society.and incels will absolutely be put in shackles for life.
The Communism understander has logged in. CIA Koolaid works well I see
The very definition of Communism is a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless, Post-Scarcity society in which all labor is common. But I would've thought that'd be common knowledge. Suppose not.
Communism is a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless, Post-Scarcity society in which all labor is common.
That's a lie that woke leftists use to promote communism. Real communism is authoritarian enslavement - eg. Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba. You should try living a year in a communist country before supporting woke ideology.
You think women are going to do work in a communist society?

Communism isn't a utopia where everybody does work equally and lives in peace. In practice it's where the elite enslave everyone else at gunpoint. Implementing communism will end society as we know it. Women will be the rulers in such a society.and incels will absolutely be put in shackles for life.
Women were forced to work under communism. The AK-47 factories were staffed by women. From a purely economical standpoint, socialism is the least cucked system. The problem is letting women choose who to fuck.
The Communism understander has logged in. CIA Koolaid works well I see
The very definition of Communism is a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless, Post-Scarcity society in which all labor is common. But I would've thought that'd be common knowledge. Suppose not.
Let's not be obtuse here, Marxists call centrally organised worker led societies as socialist but the word socialism and communism is used interchangably.

It'd be easier to communicate using "Soviet economy" and "star trek economy"
The Communism understander has logged in. CIA Koolaid works well I see
The very definition of Communism is a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless, Post-Scarcity society in which all labor is common. But I would've thought that'd be common knowledge. Suppose not.
Oh cool, you're into Juche? Incelistan will need to be Juche
That's a lie that woke leftists use to promote communism. Real communism is authoritarian enslavement - eg. Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba. You should try living a year in a communist country before supporting woke ideology.
I suppose that's why 77.85% of people voted in favor of keeping the USSR during the 1991 Referendum. And yet it was illegally dissolved against the will of the vast majority of people who would have preferred that didn't happen. Same goes for nearly every other Eastern European country around that time. "Ask the people who lived under Communism!" and you'll get far more positive feedback than you'd expect.

Have you ever wondered why both Communism and National Bolshevism are still incredibly popular there today? It is for a very good reason. The cucked west destroyed the only way of life that was beneficial to the common Soviet man and replaced it with capitalist degeneracy. Almost any Russian or Eastern European will tell you how miserable and brutally dogshit the 1990's were. Capitalism in those countries is a resounding failure. It's of no surprise that people want that back.

Good try though kid.
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I suppose that's why 77.85% of people voted in favor of keeping the USSR during the 1991 Referendum. And yet it was illegally dissolved against the will of the vast majority of people who would have preferred that didn't happen. Same goes for nearly every other Eastern European country around that time. "Ask the people who lived under Communism!" and you'll get far more positive feedback than you'd expect.

Have you ever wondered why both Communism and National Bolshevism are still incredibly popular there today? It is for a very good reason. The cucked west destroyed the only way of life that was beneficial to the common Soviet man and replaced it with capitalist degeneracy. Almost any Russian or Eastern European will tell you how miserable and brutally dogshit the 1990's were. Capitalism in those countries is a resounding failure. It's of no surprise that people want that back.

Good try though kid.
Your IQ is causing my phone battery to overheat
To Houellebecq, the horror of the modern world is that market forces have pervaded all facets of our lives. The sexual revolution was a failure because it broke down the last barriers preventing market forces from dominating the sexual market. Now, sexuality is a system of social hierarchy. We incels are the victims of the hierarchization, we are the sexual proletariat. Foids are at the top of the hierarchy, as owners of the means of reproduction. The incel cause is to seize the means of reproduction.

It makes no sense to be critical of one hierarchy while defending the other, especially since they are "nearly identical" as Houellebecq points out. I don't think you can even be blackpilled as a capitalist, because if you support hierarchies, you in some way accept your inceldom as justified (cuck mentality). The only thing that gives inceldom and blackpill significance is the ideal of a classless society.

At the same time, reddit leftist cucks are also retards for hating incels. At the end of the day, we share one struggle. Most of them are also incel JFL
I will seize the means of reproduction and redistribute genetic wealth
communism just doesn't work because it denies the basic nature of humans - that we are materialistic and crave shiny shit

That, and it goes against basic economics. Supply and demand can't be denied. No supply = high prices
communism just doesn't work because it denies the basic nature of humans - that we are materialistic and crave shiny shit

That, and it goes against basic economics. Supply and demand can't be denied. No supply = high prices
Buddhists in the East and Stoics in the West have talked about how chasing shiny shit just leads to unhappiness. We can just look at all of the normies chasing sex, money, and likes on Instagram, and see that they're deeply unhappy. Even they're complaining about it.

I want shiny shit. I want a vr headset. I also want a boss that isn't an asshole, coworkers that aren't gossipy snakes, wages high enough to have security, job security, a city that isn't filled with smog, ads that don't bombard me with Chads and Stacey's.

And most of all, I want a virgin wife who can't cheat on me and can't leave me.

Think about everything that men sacrifice for female approval. Marxism Rodgerism will offer virgins to immigrants. The feminist world will collapse as men flock to us.
Buddhists in the East and Stoics inthe West have talked about how chasing shiny shit just leads to unhappiness. We can just look at all of the normies chasing sex, money, and likes on Instagram, and see that they're deeply unhappy. Even they're complaining about it.
I agree with this, chasing material shit in the end doesn't make a difference. But it's hard to fight human nature. As a kid all I wanted was expensive toys

I want shiny shit. I want a vr headset. I also want a boss that isn't an asshole, coworkers that aren't gossipy snakes, wages high enough to have security, job security, a city that isn't filled with smog, ads that don't bombard me with Chads and Stacey's.
Unfortunately looking at the track record of places like USSR, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba etc, a Marxist system wouldn't give us most of those. Maybe job "security" but it wouldn't pay anything, nor would there be any worthwhile products to buy. VR headsets wouldn't even exist

If anything China has as big of an incel problem as the west does (OK, they aren't truly communist anymore). Maybe in the USSR days you could find a tradwife, but in China now they've all got smartphones, apps etc that corrupt modern women
communism just doesn't work because it denies the basic nature of humans - that we are materialistic and crave shiny shit

That, and it goes against basic economics. Supply and demand can't be denied. No supply = high prices
Marxists believe labour is the limiting factor in supply in the absence of droughts, floods, etc. Karl Marx was really thorough in describing multiple contingencies, he even talked about what would happen if the Suez Canal was blocked which ended up happening in real life.

We also have to talk about the elasticity of demand. If something is too expensive, poor men will just forgive about buying it. Pussy is expensive, so poor men are going MGTOW.

If you ban something, black market prices go up. Gorbachev banned alcohol and the black market flourished with vodka.
I agree with this, chasing material shit in the end doesn't make a difference. But it's hard to fight human nature. As a kid all I wanted was expensive toys

Unfortunately looking at the track record of places like USSR, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba etc, a Marxist system wouldn't give us most of those. Maybe job "security" but it wouldn't pay anything, nor would there be any worthwhile products to buy. VR headsets wouldn't even exist

If anything China has as big of an incel problem as the west does (OK, they aren't truly communist anymore). Maybe in the USSR days you could find a tradwife, but in China now they've all got smartphones, apps etc that corrupt modern women
That's why I'm Marxist-Rodgerist. Synthesing Marxism with the Blackpill.
I agree with this, chasing material shit in the end doesn't make a difference. But it's hard to fight human nature. As a kid all I wanted was expensive toys

Unfortunately looking at the track record of places like USSR, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba etc, a Marxist system wouldn't give us most of those. Maybe job "security" but it wouldn't pay anything, nor would there be any worthwhile products to buy. VR headsets wouldn't even exist

If anything China has as big of an incel problem as the west does (OK, they aren't truly communist anymore). Maybe in the USSR days you could find a tradwife, but in China now they've all got smartphones, apps etc that corrupt modern women
All those countries suffered invasions and civil wars. Russia lost badly in WW1, got invaded by America "Polar Operation", civil war, World War 2 where it lost like the population of Australia in a few years, 80% of 18 year old men literally died, they still became a superpower and made Tetris and shit
I agree with this, chasing material shit in the end doesn't make a difference. But it's hard to fight human nature. As a kid all I wanted was expensive toys

Unfortunately looking at the track record of places like USSR, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba etc, a Marxist system wouldn't give us most of those. Maybe job "security" but it wouldn't pay anything, nor would there be any worthwhile products to buy. VR headsets wouldn't even exist

If anything China has as big of an incel problem as the west does (OK, they aren't truly communist anymore). Maybe in the USSR days you could find a tradwife, but in China now they've all got smartphones, apps etc that corrupt modern women
Not you too with this shit...

While I agree economic commusims is what incels should promote, usually communist are also very unfair in a lot of other things like giving women extra treatment, pormoting gays and trannies, laughing at ugly males etc.
That's not the result of capitalism, that's literally the result of socialist ideologies like feminism and cultural Marxism.

Hypergamy is a zero sum game, capitalism is a zero sum economic system. In order to have a strong male movement to counteract against western feminism you need collectivism. Extreme rugged individualism is flawed. :feelsjuice:
Hypergamy is extremely negative sum. 90%er chad fucks the majority, which means a lot of both men and women are left in the wind, because chad pumps and dumps a whole lot of deluded women who think he's going to stick around ( :feelskek: ) and the men, of course, get scraps or nothing.

Chad's gain != the loss of others. Chad's gain is far less than that.

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