Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Inceldom Is Actually A Blessing In Disguise (If You Let It Be)

Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

I can relate to that as a 27 year old dude. My friends from university and HS are having children now. It is really soul crushing experience.

I lack behind so bad, it is depressing. Everybody moved on with their lives, and i am still here. Kissless virgin living in a condo at age 27 when people of my age are moving and progessing in life.

Most people in here will move on with their lives too. It is really brutal when you think about it. We are losers even here in this forum.

A lotta sexually frustrated kids here in this forum will reflect back on these days with sad cringe a couple years later thinking "ah, i was just an edgy sexually-frustrated teenager back then".

We are the real losers here. Suicide inducing..

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
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Very unlikely if they are very young 15 or 16, its usually the older whores (20 and up) that are riddled with stds

Serious question though, because of the threat of stds, are you seriously going to spend your entire life never knowing what it feels like to have your penis in a vagina?
Not found a whore under 20 yet, some claim 18 the legal age but rarely look it. I'm in my early 30's and libido is way lower than in my 20's, so honestly doesn't bother me. I can rape my oneitis from my teens if I have to, just to experience what rawdog feels like, but that would be risking my career that I have worked so hard to finally obtain.
Not found a whore under 20 yet

Well its not like you do much travelling anyways

I can rape my oneitis from my teens if I have to, just to experience what rawdog feels like, but that would be risking my career that I have worked so hard to finally obtain.

There really isn't any need for that, one trip to the Philippines and you'd find what you want
This is very eye opening, thank you @BlkPillPres for what you gave us to think about here. I've read everything you posted on the thread and would really like to know if your visions on the matter have changed in the past two years
This is very eye opening, thank you @BlkPillPres for what you gave us to think about here. I've read everything you posted on the thread and would really like to know if your visions on the matter have changed in the past two years

Nothing has changed for me, if anything I've become even more adamant in my beliefs

When I read two years I only just realized how much time has passed JFL, I was thinking - "What!...... two years?", had to go check the date of the post lol
not even slightly
Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
Mostly so true it gives you paths to knowledge the masses (urbanized americans möstly) will never obtain its like trauma it changes folks minds like da jokah said ""what dont kill only makes u $tranger"" but like i was saying most people dont get to :redpill:let alone :blackpill: this is a unique experience god placed us here 4 :feelsLSD: freedom thru delayed coochie gratification not that id call a used hole gratifying

Author's notes: not fixing grammar ever i dont respect this physical plane anymore ive had enough
Better to achieve some.sort of relationship. Physical contact will just be superficial satisfaction, compared to actually loving someone. God bless you bros
I wonder if the op still feels the same way. If he ever feels like he missed out on teen love and how awesome it would have been if he could experience make out and sex with the girl he was attracted to.
Better to achieve some.sort of relationship. Physical contact will just be superficial satisfaction, compared to actually loving someone. God bless you bros
Ever heard the common phrase "love is fleeting"

Ever heard another common phrase along the lines of "spicing up our sex life"

You are still mentally in blue pill mode.

Even normies know that love is nothing but our brains trying to make us bond to our partners, but the sad and funny part about our biology is that it doesn't bother to keep the illusion going. It does it for long enough to get us to fuck for the sake of reproduction, and then it pulls the plug.

That's why there's a common phrase called the "honeymoon phase".

All the feelings you experience in any relationship are fleeting and once those feelings are gone all you are left with are the complications and obligations of those relationships.

I wonder if the op still feels the same way. If he ever feels like he missed out on teen love and how awesome it would have been if he could experience make out and sex with the girl he was attracted to.
My mind is still unchanged and I doubt it will ever change.
Not a lot of people will share your feelings, many may say they do but actually feeling like this is really hard. I think it takes a certain kind of personality and the capability to enjoy things outside of relationships. We're a minority, if i had money i could care less about having a gf/wife/kids, what's more i consider them like you say a detriment and downsides.

Thing is this indeed sounds like a cope to the majority of people, you can only say you don't want something when you have the capability of obtaining it. If you say i don't want a BMW, people will asumme you're poor unless you have the finantial means to buy it. Then your opinion will matter. This is the equivalent of saying you don't want a BMW because the gas is expensive and the repairs cost a ton.

On the normie relationship aspect of things, normies love to get remarried too. And if a relationship ends badly they tend to get another one eventually, so we can assume that while the downsides may be awful, The good side is good enough to actually bear the downsides.
I see this played almost everyday i meet with this friend, he has two kids, works 9am to 8pm 6 days of the week comes home to his wife that badmouths him constantly and has to deal with a lot of shit. But even with that he seems happy and there are some times when i feel like shit being around him, not because i want what he has. But just because he feels like a truly happy person.
Interesting post. I will admit I no longer crave the normie lifestyle but I'm still somewhat bitter and angry that I wasted so many years trying to get it. Wish I could switch those feelings off but it's hard sometimes. The ego is powerful and it does it's best in trying to trip me up and take hold.

I'm glad I found the blackpill. It's some comfort knowing I'll never fall victim to a foids games or become a beta cuck/simp. Fuck giving them any attention/validation.

Blackpill knowledge is a freeing concept and it allows me to focus on other things. The careermaxxing boat may have sailed but there are other ways of enjoying and improving life. I have my plans.

Still, I can understand sympathise with the ldar types. I was that way for many years. Depression is biological, not entirely a result of circumstances and that shit can be crippling to your motivation.

Thank fuck for the blackpill. :blackpill:
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Interesting post. I will admit I no longer crave the normie lifestyle but I'm still somewhat bitter and angry that I wasted so many years trying to get it. Wish I could switch those feelings off but it's hard sometimes. The ego is powerful and it does it's best in trying to trip me up and take hold.

I'm glad I found the blackpill. It's some comfort knowing I'll never fall victim to a foids games or become a beta cuck/simp. Fuck giving them any attention/validation.

Blackpill knowledge is a freeing concept and it allows me to focus on other things. The careermaxxing boat may have sailed but there are other ways of enjoying and improving life. I have my plans.

Still, I can understand sympathise with the ldar types. I was that way for many years. Depression is biological, not entirely a result of circumstances and that shit can be crippling to your motivation.

Thank fuck for the blackpill. :blackpill:
Still, calling all that a "blessing" is going too far.

It can't be a blessing. It's just not a terminal condition/death sentence, we can be happy, but never as "normal persons" can be.
to realize that you're better off escortcelling than being in a monogamous relationship and having a family is actually a very black pill to swallow.

it's also a very black pill to swallow that humans are indeed not social beings. most people know that everything is transactional, but ya the fact that we're not social beings is pretty black pilling

i guess this is what society wanted anyway. the atomization of men. so ya whatever might as well roll with it
:blackpill: High IQ asf post - there's not a single couple I know past the age of 30 who's relationship I find enviable, and the same goes for a LOT of the couples I know in their 20s

The users here who are trying to "ascend" into a normie-style long-term relationship are in for a rude awakening - kinda reminds me of the song at the start of Casino Royale:

"If you come inside things will not be the same,
When you return to the night
And if you think you've won you never saw me change
The game that we've all been playing."
This is such desperate, weapons grade cope.

I missed out on love & sex but at least I won't get bored of my partner.

I missed out on winning the lottery, but at least I don't have to worry about putting my $7.3 million into the wrong investments.

I couldn't afford food today, but at least I didn't burn the omelette.

I'm glad the doctor amputated both my legs, now I'll never have to worry about ingrown toenails again!
Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
Yep love is an allusion entirely and most of the time you’ll settle down and be unhappy. The only good thing about marriage is financial security and being able to experience things with another person. Main part of it is sex honestly
This is such desperate, weapons grade cope.

I missed out on love & sex but at least I won't get bored of my partner.

I missed out on winning the lottery, but at least I don't have to worry about putting my $7.3 million into the wrong investments.

I couldn't afford food today, but at least I didn't burn the omelette.

I'm glad the doctor amputated both my legs, now I'll never have to worry about ingrown toenails again!
:yes: Yeah, it's a cucked mentality to try to be happy when the world barely even hands you scraps. It's also a lot easier said than done for someone who's moneymaxxed as OP. :feelsseriously:
This is a good cope.

But it's cope nevertheless. Who cares that normies have the same miserable life as incels with like 35. They spent age 15-35 NOT being miserable and enjoyed their youth, the push and pull, the drama, the innocence, the first kiss, first sex etc... all that magic.

Knowing that another person TRULY desires you in the most innocent and pure way must be an amazing and revolutionary feeling, like being truly alive. Yeah sure they will get cucked too eventually, but normies still experienced weeks, months and years of that amazing feeling and we didn't. A feeling which spawned thousands of movies, tales and songs across all cultures on earth: love. A feeling which many even think is the meaning of life.

Can we learn to not be miserable? Sure, we can become stoic and strong and enjoy our copes. But that certain feeling of being alive? That we can never experience.
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This is a good cope.

But it's cope nevertheless. Who cares that normies have the same miserable life as incels with like 35. They spent age 15-35 NOT being miserable and enjoyed their youth, the push and pull, the drama, the innocence, the first kiss, first sex etc... all that magic.

Knowing that another person TRULY desires you in the most innocent and pure way must be an amazing and revolutionary feeling, like being truly alive. Yeah sure they will get cucked too eventually, but normies still experienced weeks, months and years of that amazing feeling and we didn't. A feeling which spawned thousands of movies, tales and songs across all cultures on earth: love. A feeling which many even think is the meaning of life.

Can we learn to not be miserable? Sure, we can become stoic and strong and enjoy our copes. But that certain feeling of being alive? That we can never experience.
executing females by fire squad makes you feel way more alive than to have sex with them tho.
Anime Tea GIF - Anime Tea Sip GIFs
having an ego with the life I live, is a curse, it will never be satisfied, its like having a hunger that never kills you from starving, you just starve endlessly, its pointless to hold onto such a craving,
goodness gracious you must be a writer or something bro dropping wisdom like this, best poster on this site BY FAR
Imagine if a guy told you that he won't eat any animal he hasn't killed himself for that reason, its the same thing with guys on here that want these ego based cravings satisfied, they are illogical and they just cant see it because they are blinded by their egos. Its food, you eat it because its nutritious and tastes good, who cares what the thing you are now eating thinks about you lol.
when you are eating a steak, or some other kind of meat you enjoy, do you ever pause to think whether the animal killed would feel honoured that specifically you were eating it LOL
EXPLOSIVE TRUTH, the reason I'm on this site is the dickpill, you mightve just given me the key to move past that fear
Are you getting the point retard, maybe you should practiced writing a few more novels like myself
ahhhhhhhhh I knew it

I have a few questions tho bro.

1. Do you believe in God/Bible/Christ?
A lot of the things you say go along with Biblical wisdom.

2. How do you deal with wanting kids?
I love my mother and father to death and I view my relationship to them, for better and for worse as a service.

I help my mother mentally and father financially even when i don't want to. When they pass on I feel like the only way I could deal with that is by having children of my my own. The last thing I do in my life will be growing good children and passing on my essence. You think this isn't feasible?
I want to be loved and hugged:cryfeels:
I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much
Based post. This thread only applies to emotionless incels though. Others who crave that emotional connection would never relate to things being said. Being born as a lustcel is the easiest way to cope if you have the financial means to hire escorts.
Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED
Thats why we call you the biggest coper from .is
Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.
Have you ever wondered why single men die earlier than men with children? Or why suicide rates are the highest on single men?
Obviously not.
This is the oldest cope i have seen, its a fever dream
:blackpill: High IQ asf post - there's not a single couple I know past the age of 30 who's relationship I find enviable, and the same goes for a LOT of the couples I know in their 20s

The users here who are trying to "ascend" into a normie-style long-term relationship are in for a rude awakening - kinda reminds me of the song at the start of Casino Royale:

"If you come inside things will not be the same,
When you return to the night
And if you think you've won you never saw me change
The game that we've all been playing."
Most people here are very young and haven't interacted as much with society at large, or haven't really observed things to know this is a fact, and thus they can keep the illusion of "love" (by never experiencing it) guiding their survival instinct to not give up on life. That is the biggest cope, not BlackPillPress's view, who has a much more truthful grasp of reality. I have no illusions anymore, even if I wanted to I couldn't believe them no longer.

are you ever gonna try out drugs
Actually some escorts let you go raw, I'm currently looking for one to do that. I'm pretty sure if you came with the morning after pill and bartered for it by offering to pay extra you could get all those so called "I only do condom" whores to go raw, think about it, you are dealing with a whore here, what she'll do is all down to conveniece and price, you buying and bringing the morning after pill yourself is very convenient for her, and you paying extra is the added incentive, there are very few that would refuse.

Didn’t even know you could do that. How do you gain their trust though? Wouldn’t they think it’s laced with Ambien or some sort of tranquilizer? If they don’t allow people to bring their own condoms afraid that they punctured holes in it, I highly doubt they’d allow you to bring pills for them to take.
Actually some escorts let you go raw, I'm currently looking for one to do that. I'm pretty sure if you came with the morning after pill and bartered for it by offering to pay extra you could get all those so called "I only do condom" whores to go raw, think about it, you are dealing with a whore here, what she'll do is all down to conveniece and price, you buying and bringing the morning after pill yourself is very convenient for her, and you paying extra is the added incentive, there are very few that would refuse.
I have questions about thus
1. Do you believe in God/Bible/Christ?
A lot of the things you say go along with Biblical wisdom.
I'm agnostic, I'm don't believe in any specific God, nor am I sure any God exists. I will only live my life and make choices based on logic and reason. An incel limiting himself with religious dogma is foolish, because it's you further handicapping yourself when you were already handicapped to begin with.

2. How do you deal with wanting kids?
I don't want kids, I'm sorry if you have that problem, I wouldn't know how to help you. I know full well that my psyche is extremely different to a lot of incels on this site, so I can't relate to most of you.

For me it's like a "switch" goes off in my brain and the things I once wanted lose value and my mind just adapts to the new landscape.

I remember wanting children once, but once I became black pilled and saw what reality really was, by desire for children just waned over the years and now the idea of having children worries me and I would never do it.

My mind adapted to a "new dream" and children would only hamper that dream. A life of freedom, independence and travel.

I love my mother and father to death and I view my relationship to them, for better and for worse as a service.
I am indifferent to family and friends tbh.

I help my mother mentally and father financially even when i don't want to. When they pass on I feel like the only way I could deal with that is by having children of my my own. The last thing I do in my life will be growing good children and passing on my essence. You think this isn't feasible?
All I can say is good luck lol. But in my mind I have suffered enough in this world, and I refuse to burden myself any further than reality already has. The rest of my life is about me enjoying life, not me chasing after more "challenges", "achievements", or struggles. That is the typical path of the average man, I am trying to take the untrodden path.

goodness gracious you must be a writer or something bro dropping wisdom like this, best poster on this site BY FAR
I wish, I do have an idea for a novel, and I'm currently working on a black pill manifesto of sorts (don't worry, not planning on doing anything crazy, it's just me writing about my philosophy and beliefs)
But in my mind I have suffered enough in this world, and I refuse to burden myself any further than reality already has. The rest of my life is about me enjoying life, not me chasing after more "challenges", "achievements", or struggles.

Amen. I wish you (and any incel) success in this task.
Amen. I wish you (and any incel) success in this task.
The sad thing is a lot of incels still have this "achievement chaser" mindset, and they refuse to do anything and would rather LDAR than to stop chasing achievements that they know they will never get.
This is what gets me. I’d rather become Fritzl than know that someone other than me got to have my daughters virginity.

I agree, mostly, with everything said. However many ego stroking cucks could be satisfied as well if they had the ingenuity of Fritzl. Fritzl is life. Fritzl is love. Everything you could ever want in life comes from Fritzl. Fucking a homemade pussy shaped genetically to please you the best (or a strangers pussy that was born only to milk you if you have no daughter). Having a bed mate to talk to and cuddle. Being the only one she can see, therefore she must love you or die by going insane.

Everything boils down to Fritzl. Everything.
On the normie relationship aspect of things, normies love to get remarried too. And if a relationship ends badly they tend to get another one eventually, so we can assume that while the downsides may be awful, The good side is good enough to actually bear the downsides.
I see this played almost everyday i meet with this friend, he has two kids, works 9am to 8pm 6 days of the week comes home to his wife that badmouths him constantly and has to deal with a lot of shit. But even with that he seems happy and there are some times when i feel like shit being around him, not because i want what he has. But just because he feels like a truly happy person.

Exactly this.
Interesting post. I will admit I no longer crave the normie lifestyle but I'm still somewhat bitter and angry that I wasted so many years trying to get it. Wish I could switch those feelings off but it's hard sometimes. The ego is powerful and it does it's best in trying to trip me up and take hold.

I'm glad I found the blackpill. It's some comfort knowing I'll never fall victim to a foids games or become a beta cuck/simp. Fuck giving them any attention/validation.

Blackpill knowledge is a freeing concept and it allows me to focus on other things. The careermaxxing boat may have sailed but there are other ways of enjoying and improving life. I have my plans.

Still, I can understand sympathise with the ldar types. I was that way for many years. Depression is biological, not entirely a result of circumstances and that shit can be crippling to your motivation.

Thank fuck for the blackpill. :blackpill:
This is what gets me. I’d rather become Fritzl than know that someone other than me got to have my daughters virginity.

I agree, mostly, with everything said. However many ego stroking cucks could be satisfied as well if they had the ingenuity of Fritzl. Fritzl is life. Fritzl is love. Everything you could ever want in life comes from Fritzl. Fucking a homemade pussy shaped genetically to please you the best (or a strangers pussy that was born only to milk you if you have no daughter). Having a bed mate to talk to and cuddle. Being the only one she can see, therefore she must love you or die by going insane.

Everything boils down to Fritzl. Everything.
You're fucking wild, man :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
the wise man accepts his pain, endures it, but does not add to it.
I couldn't read the whole OP because it's just too retarded
Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
Being content with what you have is overrated. No one sees it as lacking ambition these days.

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