Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Inceldom Is Actually A Blessing In Disguise (If You Let It Be)

Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

I can relate to that as a 27 year old dude. My friends from university and HS are having children now. It is really soul crushing experience.

I lack behind so bad, it is depressing. Everybody moved on with their lives, and i am still here. Kissless virgin living in a condo at age 27 when people of my age are moving and progessing in life.

Most people in here will move on with their lives too. It is really brutal when you think about it. We are losers even here in this forum.

A lotta sexually frustrated kids here in this forum will reflect back on these days with sad cringe a couple years later thinking "ah, i was just an edgy sexually-frustrated teenager back then".

We are the real losers here. Suicide inducing..

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
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Looking at the replies...So many 2017/18cels are not with us anymore, either banned or vanished...:feelswhere:

Anw @BlkPillPres do u still agree with what u wrote 2 years later or have any adjustments in your views?
In conclusion is over if you are not incel...
Jfl at writing a novel which only purpose is to justify our inability to get laid. Actually it’s a good read and a perfect guide for anyone who reached 5th stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, since these people have options to follow any path they want, unlike us. “Love and belonging” is a fundamental human need that is extremely hard to bypass and the only way to inflate its value is to actually experience it yourself, so you can’t really replace it with copes. In the conclusion- this article is only for VOLCELS, not INCELS
Although this article is high IQ, it will never help us overcome our problem
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Great post! Definitely a must read!

That vantablack pill, reminds me of, Deseato (sp?) Hotblack's, "sun diver" spaceship, from (original bbc tv series) "the hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy." It's so black you can't see it, and it's so frictionless that you can't touch it.

In a way, the same benefits of Inceldom as described in the op, can also be applied to neetdom!

I've mostly been self employed and my time was my own. And regular people hated me for it! Even now, as a old poor cripple they hate the fact that I DON'T NEED all the fancy stuff they busted their ass to go into debt for!

Unfortunately, i don't have the desire (or time left) to bust ass and moneymaxx. I mostly just wanted peace of mind, so that was my life goal. Lucky for me it was cheap.

Great post @BlkPillPres!

You are truly a great man! You will succeed because


(I sure am glad i didn't have to necropost you say THANKS for this post)

Jfl at writing a novel which only purpose is to justify our inability to get laid. Actually it’s a good read and a perfect guide for anyone who reached 5th stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, since these people have options to follow any path they want, unlike us. “Love and belonging” is a fundamental human need that is extremely hard to bypass and the only way to inflate its value is to actually experience it yourself, so you can’t really replace it with copes. In the conclusion- this article is only for VOLCELS, not INCELS
Although this article is high IQ, it will never help us overcome our problem
So i suppose you won't let your/our problem be a blessing in disguise? Can't see the vantablack? Can't touch it because it's so frictionless?
Great post! Definitely a must read!

That vantablack pill, reminds me of, Deseato (sp?) Hotblack's, "sun diver" spaceship, from (original bbc tv series) "the hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy." It's so black you can't see it, and it's so frictionless that you can't touch it.

In a way, the same benefits of Inceldom as described in the op, can also be applied to neetdom!

I've mostly been self employed and my time was my own. And regular people hated me for it! Even now, as a old poor cripple they hate the fact that I DON'T NEED all the fancy stuff they busted their ass to go into debt for!

Unfortunately, i don't have the desire (or time left) to bust ass and moneymaxx. I mostly just wanted peace of mind, so that was my life goal. Lucky for me it was cheap.

Great post @BlkPillPres!

You are truly a great man! You will succeed because


(I sure am glad i didn't have to necropost you say THANKS for this post)

So i suppose you won't let your/our problem be a blessing in disguise? Can't see the vantablack? Can't touch it because it's so frictionless?
Jfl at “blessing in disguise”, it’s a obvious cope with low-effort disguise. It’s like saying that being disabled is blessing. How our situation is better than that?
@BlkPillPres is definitely a larping gigachad
Well, almost everyone here is larping so doesn’t matter
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my life is a living hell though
Jfl at “blessing in disguise”, it’s a obvious cope with low-effort disguise. It’s like saying that being disabled is blessing. How our situation is better than that?
@BlkPillPres is definitely a larping gigachad
Well, almost everyone here is larping so doesn’t matter
Of course it's a cope!

Everything is
Jfl at “blessing in disguise”, it’s a obvious cope with low-effort disguise. It’s like saying that being disabled is blessing. How our situation is better than that?
@BlkPillPres is definitely a larping gigachad
Well, almost everyone here is larping so doesn’t matter
Only the weak, they are the ones who can never change anything.
Only the weak, they are the ones who can never change anything.
Ok, can you grow a chiseled jawline and change your canthal tilt? Or maybe you can change your height? Or change your frame? Just fucking lol, bro.
How do I abandon ego
Jfl at “blessing in disguise”, it’s a obvious cope with low-effort disguise. It’s like saying that being disabled is blessing. How our situation is better than that?
@BlkPillPres is definitely a larping gigachad
Well, almost everyone here is larping so doesn’t matter
Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
This ^ High IQ As Always
only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years.

My parents never talked to me about that, but I see them together happy as a couple, how they love each other and enjoy just chilling and cuddling talking about stuff.

Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE,

As I mentioned earlier, I live with my parents, so I am with them everytime they are together (except when they go on walks). The only argue about menial shit and at worst they sleep seperate (very rarely).

People do have this, there are even better couples than my parents, there are couples that dance together and all that shit even.

All that your post has said proves SUB-8 LAW, that's true for SUB-8 ONLY.
My parents never talked to me about that, but I see them together happy as a couple, how they love each other and enjoy just chilling and cuddling talking about stuff.

As I mentioned earlier, I live with my parents, so I am with them everytime they are together (except when they go on walks). The only argue about menial shit and at worst they sleep seperate (very rarely).

People do have this, there are even better couples than my parents, there are couples that dance together and all that shit even.

All that your post has said proves SUB-8 LAW, that's true for SUB-8 ONLY.
Yes, this article is actually only for the top 2%
Ok, can you grow a chiseled jawline and change your canthal tilt? Or maybe you can change your height? Or change your frame? Just fucking lol, bro.
You can continue to drown in the "injustice" of genetic determinism, or try something at least by other means. Several truecels have done it, several people destined to lose have done something about it. Me and several of us are doing something, you can excuse yourself calling it "cope" but everything is that in the long run. You only see the leaf, not the forest found out. Pathetic.
Pretty good cope, ive stopped giving a shit about a normie life that is unattainable for me anyway long ago
How do I abandon ego
You don't, it's a meme saying.
You can continue to drown in the "injustice" of genetic determinism, or try something at least by other means. Several truecels have done it, several people destined to lose have done something about it. Me and several of us are doing something, you can excuse yourself calling it "cope" but everything is that in the long run. You only see the leaf, not the forest found out. Pathetic.
I’ve tried lol. It will all come back anyway. That’s why term “midlife crisis” exists. It comes all over again so you can feel your subhumanity in more painful way as you age.
Our lives are destined to be pathetic in the long run, because of genetics. If I get enough money I would rather consider outcastmaxxing to not ever be able experience the pain that society brought to me. I wish I was the creature on my avi. It’s a paradise to live among the ugly fish like you and never see any Chad sharks.
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I know this thread is 2 years old but I still want to thank you for saving my evening. I was pretty depressed all night but this post reminded me of the good things about my life and the bullshit I'm missing out, its the exact opposite of the thoughts that plague my mind otherwise. Your arguments and the way you articulate them makes this honestly the best post I ever read here.
the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better.

I can corroborate this fully. See my post gap Fall 2018 to Spring 2020. I was busy lifemaxxing. I almost forgot about this place even.
I do not disagree that this is a cope, but I don't envy the guys that are led by their balls because they don't want their wives to divorce rape them in court. Or the cucks raising spawn that are not their own (whether knowingly or unknowingly). Nor do I envy the guys that can't get up and leave shitty jobs because of their demanding bitches (who in some cases outearn them but still expect the guy to pay for everything)
Wow this was really opening, also OP you have essentially broke my psuedo pretentious value system even more. It's bittersweet I know this at 15, welp I'll focus on moneymaxxing, also status.
Wow this was really opening, also OP you have essentially broke my psuedo pretentious value system even more. It's bittersweet I know this at 15, welp I'll focus on moneymaxxing, also status.
Congratulations, you’re delusionmaxxing. Money and Status won’t change anything. It will just make you feel a bit more comfortable. No money for your face and no status for your height
Congratulations, you’re delusionmaxxing. Money and Status won’t change anything. It will just make you feel a bit more comfortable. No money for your face and no status for your height
I don't care tbh I'll use what i have, I'm 5'10 lol, im not that small.
I don't care tbh I'll use what i have, I'm 5'10 lol, im not that small.
5’10 is actually fine, especially at 15 lol. You’re still growing, also how come did you end up here when you’re even younger than 18?
5’10 is actually fine, especially at 15 lol. You’re still growing, also how come did you end up here when you’re even younger than 18?
Because this site is informative, if I'm being honest.
Jfl at “blessing in disguise”, it’s a obvious cope with low-effort disguise. It’s like saying that being disabled is blessing. How our situation is better than that?
@BlkPillPres is definitely a larping gigachad
Well, almost everyone here is larping so doesn’t matter

It's not cope, retard. you are obviously just too low IQ to understand the premise of the thread.

The point of the thread is that we are obsessing too much over the "positives" of normie lifestyle because normies only ever show the positive aspects of their life on social media, they only ever talk about the positives in their regular day to day interactions with others.

Normies realise that human beings' PERCEPTION is based on APPEARANCES rather than REALITY. So they make their life "APPEAR" as being all positive with no negatives, even though the REALITY is that there are MANY NEGATIVES associated with normie lifestyle (raising children, paying mortgage, being cheated on by their partner, various tasks/responsibilities etc.)

Normies might seem like they are living the perfect life on the SURFACE, but we are only seeing the aspects of their life that they WANT US TO SEE. There are so many other aspects of their life that they are hiding from us to create the illusion of their life being "perfect". Dont be fooled by appearances, base your evaluation on reality.
IDK about y'all but I want someone to love me
My misery comes from being an autistic sub human, not from my lack of sex. All I have to look forward to is jew pills and isolation
It's not cope, retard. you are obviously just too low IQ to understand the premise of the thread.

The point of the thread is that we are obsessing too much over the "positives" of normie lifestyle because normies only ever show the positive aspects of their life on social media, they only ever talk about the positives in their regular day to day interactions with others.

Normies realise that human beings' PERCEPTION is based on APPEARANCES rather than REALITY. So they make their life "APPEAR" as being all positive with no negatives, even though the REALITY is that there are MANY NEGATIVES associated with normie lifestyle (raising children, paying mortgage, being cheated on by their partner, various tasks/responsibilities etc.)

Normies might seem like they are living the perfect life on the SURFACE, but we are only seeing the aspects of their life that they WANT US TO SEE. There are so many other aspects of their life that they are hiding from us to create the illusion of their life being "perfect". Dont be fooled by appearances, base your evaluation on reality.
Lol, you copy-pasted your response to my post. I’ve already replied to it. Don’t want to waste time doing this again:
You cannot change your "default mindset". It's natural and subconscious. OP just got lucky that his is more compatible with inceldom.

Foids constantly try to change their default from "wanting marriage and kids from Chad" to "getting fucked by Chad" since the latter is all most of them are going to get, and while it's satisfying short term it doesn't stick over time. Most still become jaded and bitter about it long term.

If I had the power to change everything I want from women I would also be able to just make myself asexual and be done with it. But that's just not how life works.
Why necropost?
Also, cope
Lol, you copy-pasted your response to my post. I’ve already replied to it. Don’t want to waste time doing this again:

And i'll say it again, normies dont live any better lives than us. As blkpillpres said, we are living the "inverse" life of normies.

We incels start off with a shit life. We have no social or sexual life in our youth, but once we finish wealthmaxxing we get to enjoy a pleasurable life.

Normies start off with a pleasurable life in their youth, but once they become middle-aged, they end up with numerous problems in their life (having to fund their children- education, housing, clothes, food etc., paying the bills of their female partner, worrying about whether their son is a faggot or if their daughter is a slut, worrying about whether their children are even theirs JFL)

This thread would have been cope if blkpillpres said that incels live equally enjoyable or better lives than chads and foids.

Whereas he simply pointed out the FACT that objectively, normies dont live any better lives than incels. Incels and Normies live a life of relatively equal enjoyment and suffering, the only difference is the 'timing' of the enjoyment and suffering being opposite for us.
And i'll say it again, normies dont live any better lives than us. As blkpillpres said, we are living the "inverse" life of normies.

We incels start off with a shit life. We have no social or sexual life in our youth, but once we finish wealthmaxxing we get to enjoy a pleasurable life.

Normies start off with a pleasurable life in their youth, but once they become middle-aged, they end up with numerous problems in their life (having to fund their children- education, housing, clothes, food etc., paying the bills of their female partner, worrying about whether their son is a faggot or if their daughter is a slut, worrying about whether their children are even theirs JFL)

This thread would have been cope if blkpillpres said that incels live equally enjoyable or better lives than chads and foids.

Whereas he simply pointed out the FACT that objectively, normies dont live any better lives than incels. Incels and Normies live a life of relatively equal enjoyment and suffering, the only difference is the 'timing' of the enjoyment and suffering being opposite for us.
Ok, I got the point from your initial response. But what is preventing normies from welthmaxxing lol? They will have everything weathmaxed incel has plus ability to get laid with non-escorts, so once again, we incels are the LOWEST ABILITY GROUP from these three. I’m not saying that you should rope because everything is fucking useless, I just want you to admit the uncomfortable truth. Yes, majority of normies live the live that is described by @BlkPillPres but I’m saying that they do have more abilities than we have.
nice Perspective. I could accustom with that.
Quite an interesting and eye opening thread tbh everyone should read it.
Ok, I got the point from your initial response. But what is preventing normies from welthmaxxing lol?

Nothing, its just that most tend not to, and also their lives tend to result in a lot of enormous financial obligations, so they'd have to wealthmaxx at least 3 times as much as any of us to maintain a certain lifestyle, such success is rare
Nothing, its just that most tend not to, and also their lives tend to result in a lot of enormous financial obligations, so they'd have to wealthmaxx at least 3 times as much as any of us to maintain a certain lifestyle, such success is rare
Cope. Nothing really forbids them for instance not to marry and not to have children hence not have additional expenses. Normies can go our route, but we can’t go theirs. They can wealthmaxx and do whatever they want and they will never be ostracized and rejected by the society. But we will always be on the bottom no matter what we do, that’s the true blackpill
Cope. Nothing really forbids them for instance not to marry and not to have children hence not have additional expenses

I never claimed that anything did, but you'd be lying if you said that the average person doesn't have a set path in life with respect to dating, followed by marriage and then children, the average person is going to do "what their parents did" due to the values they were instilled with

Since all they got was mostly positive reinforcement of those values, they believe in them completely and will therefore be more likely to go down that cliche debt ridden path

Normies can go our route

Possible yes, probable no

Just like a rich person can live in a shitty beaten down apartment and save a ton of money not living in a big house or fancy apartment, by why would they when they don't have to and their lifestyle and values are more attuned with certain choices ("living well")

Its like you are speaking as if observable trends don't exist

But we will always be on the bottom no matter what we do, that’s the true blackpill

The bottom in what respect?

With respect to dating and relationships yes, with respect to wealth and influence (illegal or otherwise) its not set in stone, you can decide that for yourself but don't go deciding that for everyone else, were not all just a bunch of LDAR idiots who enjoy coming online everyday to complain about how bad their lives are
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The bottom in what respect?
Since this forum is contributed to inceldom issues (dating and relationships), I am obviously referring to the social hierarchy based on looks. Also, I don't support LDAR since it literally destroys your life. And regarding wealth and influence - your career opportunities are extremely limited (unless you really have high IQ and can create valuable stuff) as an incel because of HR lookism.
Trust me marriage really is a fucking cope. My parents are prime example and they are arranged. They both wish to live separate lives and now my mum isn't talking to my dad solely because he can't stop smoking (which I fucking detest myself). Sure they had their good times but they don't last for long just like every other good time. My mum always said my dad just wants to live the bachelor life only and that's all but I guess I fueled it even further by being a failure in education sense as I'm not in university nor do I tend to, since it would only be worse and I would be in pointless debt for the career I want which is primarily tech alongside other subjects such as maths and science.
I'm bumping this lifefuel thread
Well, its better than being a soyboy betacuck but this does not change the fact that our lives are in misery compared to Chad's
Actually some escorts let you go raw, I'm currently looking for one to do that. I'm pretty sure if you came with the morning after pill and bartered for it by offering to pay extra you could get all those so called "I only do condom" whores to go raw, think about it, you are dealing with a whore here, what she'll do is all down to conveniece and price, you buying and bringing the morning after pill yourself is very convenient for her, and you paying extra is the added incentive, there are very few that would refuse.

HIV and all that comes with it are not worth the experience of going rawdog.
HIV and all that comes with it are not worth the experience of going rawdog.

Very unlikely if they are very young 15 or 16, its usually the older whores (20 and up) that are riddled with stds

But dude I don't really give a fuck about that to be honest, I've already wanted to kill myself, I still do everyday that I'm not wealthmaxxed, I'm not worried of fearful about dying at all so if I get HIV, I just fuck for a few more years and then off myself, I can't be bothered

Serious question though, because of the threat of stds, are you seriously going to spend your entire life never knowing what it feels like to have your penis in a vagina?

Sorry I can't do that, from my perspective as a male human you only really get 3 decades of "actual living" (20's to age 50), after that its all down hill, I'm in my 20's already, I don't have much time, I don't care if I get a life threatening disease because I don't have much life left to live anyways, I'd rather live like a king for a year than live like a pleb for 80+ years

A lot of you guys aren't attached to LIFE you are attached to LIVING

Sounds like the same thing but it really isn't, living is just existence, and many of you are so afraid of death that just living is enought for you, to the point that you'd accept any living conditions just to keep existing, I think that's pathetic and I would never subject myself to that, I'd gladly die and live a short life if its an enjoyable one

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