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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Inceldom Is Actually A Blessing In Disguise (If You Let It Be)

Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

I can relate to that as a 27 year old dude. My friends from university and HS are having children now. It is really soul crushing experience.

I lack behind so bad, it is depressing. Everybody moved on with their lives, and i am still here. Kissless virgin living in a condo at age 27 when people of my age are moving and progessing in life.

Most people in here will move on with their lives too. It is really brutal when you think about it. We are losers even here in this forum.

A lotta sexually frustrated kids here in this forum will reflect back on these days with sad cringe a couple years later thinking "ah, i was just an edgy sexually-frustrated teenager back then".

We are the real losers here. Suicide inducing..

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
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yawn, oldest cope in the book. Trying to claim everyone in a relationship is miserable so we're not actually missing anything

JFL at trying to live a healthy life without a good relationship. Humans are social beings and need human connections which you can’t get from just fucking hookers. You’ll still be depressed as a rich guy with hookers, doesn’t change anything from our current situation. Also you’re coping by sayin relationships all end poorly and having kids or a nucleus family is bad. Just accept your fate OP it’s over for us boyo.
Tbh familam I would love my life if I got a wife by 35. I don't like being single but I like the person who was created due to the life of being an incel. I am extremely grateful that I was force fed the blackpill otherwise I would've turned into one of those broke as fuck liberal cucks who whiteknights women every chance he gets.
normie life sounds like shit. im just going for one LTR and thats it.
JFL at trying to live a healthy life without a good relationship.
Objectively define "good relationship", also I like how some of you so called black pillers contradict yourself, the same guys that will say women don't really love men and are incapable of it, and at the end of the day its all really prostitution (trading your material resources for her sexual and reproductive resources), are the same guys saying you need to have a "good relationship" LOL XD. By the very concept of the black pill THERE IS NO SUCH THING, its an illusion, love doesn't exist, women pair with men for their physical attractiveness and/or their utility (how well you can serve her), please explain to me in which context is this "good".

Humans are social beings and need human connections which you can’t get from just fucking hookers.

Lol no no no no no friend, like I've said ad nauseum, that's your ego talking, male animals get by just fine, happy as can be, just being on a farm and breeding left and right, no "real connection" to the females is formed, because they don't really have egos, they don't have a "strong sense of self" as humans do, they don't have a "high opinion of themselves" so they never get blinded by egotistical BS constructs like most humans do, like you are doing right now. I don't feel this "social need", never have, any depression I've felt has literally been to simply not having access to pleasures, the things I enjoy, entertainment, sex, food, etc. Once you abandon your ego, even you will come to this understanding, you're not special, you don't mean anything, you need any "special bond" to simply enjoy physical stimulus.

Like I said before, when you are eating a steak, or some other kind of meat you enjoy, do you ever pause to think whether the animal killed would feel honoured that specifically you were eating it LOL, no of course not, in that same sense I don't care if I am admired or desired by a woman I want to/am having sex with, I'm just eating meat because its nutritious and tastes good.

You and many others on the site are suffering from VBS - https://incels.is/threads/many-ince...g-with-vestigial-bluepill-syndrome-vbs.30628/

You’ll still be depressed as a rich guy with hookers, doesn’t change anything from our current situation. Also you’re coping by sayin relationships all end poorly and having kids or a nucleus family is bad. Just accept your fate OP it’s over for us boyo.

Lol the only people its over for is egoists like yourself, a craving that will never be satisfied is but a curse, to latch onto it is an idiots task, like holding onto a hunger that never starves you to death, you will never truly have your ego stroked like chad will, or even a normie will, but yet you cling to it, and cling to the desires of being admired or loved that it foists upon you, knowing full well you will likely never get those things. Why are you wasting your time, its so pointless. But no I'm the one in denial, KEEP ON CHASING THE CARROT, YOU'LL GET IT ONE DAY (very unlikely).


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I would love my life if I got a wife by 35

What's the highest age you are willing to settle for?
What's the lowest "league" you are willing to settle for (5/10, 10/10)?
Is Virginity mandatory

Because this is marriage here, as in likely for life, I want to see where you are going with this.

For me to even consider marriage she has to be very young, I'm talking 16 (maybe even lower), a virgin, at least 5/10, living in a rural community away from modern influences. That's the only way i'd even consider it, anything else is a waste of time and has too much risk involved with not enough reward.
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What's the highest age you are willing to settle for?
What's the lowest "league" you are willing to settle for (5/10, 10/10)?
Is Virginity mandatory

Because this is marriage here, as in likely for life, I want to see where you are going with this.

For me to even consider marriage she has to be very young, I'm talking 16 (maybe even lower), a virgin, at least 5/10, living in a rural community away from modern influences. That's the only way i'd even consider it, anything else is a waste of time and has too much risk involved with not enough reward.

I am a bit of a weirdo who likes older women. Women aged 25-35 were always my ideal age but I am also fine with a woman who is in her 40s. Looks don't really matter as long as she isn't so ugly that I am ashamed to be with her in public. I guess a 4/10 who isnt fat? Don't care about virginity but I don't want her to sleep around. Second I find out she is cheating she is gone and I'll just resign to jerking off for the rest of my life.
this high iq philosophy is cope at the end of the day incels have the worst lives the normies always win
I am a bit of a weirdo who likes older women. Women aged 25-35 were always my ideal age but I am also fine with a woman who is in her 40s. Looks don't really matter as long as she isn't so ugly that I am ashamed to be with her in public. I guess a 4/10 who isnt fat? Don't care about virginity but I don't want her to sleep around. Second I find out she is cheating she is gone and I'll just resign to jerking off for the rest of my life.

My god what are you even doing here, your standards are so low you should just go and be a beta provider, like seriously just get a good career and dress decently and you can make this happen because the standards for this dream are really really low, the part that's kinda angering me is the age part, not caring if she's a virgin, that I can let go, but literally seeking out a depreciating asset with which you will have to pour your time and resources into, it just gets me pissed, its like a guy who has already been cheated by life (on an incel forum) decides to take on from where the universe left off and cheat himself again smh.

I kinda like the milf thing too dude, older women are somewhat sexy, but here's the thing, I also understand that its a "sweet spot" kinda thing and it doesn't last. Take a look at Lisa Ann, one of the hottest milf porn stars, just give it 10 years and watch her become completely undesirable, you are kinda setting yourself up for failure because you'll be into her a few years into the marriage and then she'll start looking like an old hag and you'll be endlessly chasing another bitch in the "sweet spot" of being "hot and old". Its a phase that only lasts like 5-8 years, 10 if you're lucky, don't let those heavy makeup applications fool you, Lisa Ann looks absolutely terrible without makeup, most old pornstars do. Womens looks are a depreciating asset, would you buy up stock that I told you was going to tank next week, no you wouldn't, marrying an old woman is basically doing just that.
this high iq philosophy is cope at the end of the day incels have the worst lives the normies always win
Lol dude I can't even take your posts seriously to even try to explain how you're wrong, every single one of them is some LDAR shit on every thread I've ever been on, like why don't you just kill yourself already, you don't even see the contradiction in your actions and your words.

"This is all pointless, my life will always be shit"

Ok just kill yourself already, because you aren't going to do anything to change your life, so just end it now, get it over with

"Nah, I'll just keep browsing forums online to endlessly complain about how bad my life is and how pointless it is to keep trying, and no effort will ever change my life"

*Face Palm*

Lol what?, just kill yourself already, you guys don't make any sense.
Hey man, older ladies just get my dick hard. I do have standards, they are just... odd.

I won't settle for being a beta provider, though. Won't marry a woman who isn't willing to put in her part.
Lol dude I can't even take your posts seriously to even try to explain how you're wrong, every single one of them is some LDAR shit on every thread I've ever been on, like why don't you just kill yourself already, you don't even see the contradiction in your actions and your words.

"This is all pointless, my life will always be shit"

Ok just kill yourself already, because you aren't going to do anything to change your life, so just end it now, get it over with

"Nah, I'll just keep browsing forums online to endlessly complain about how bad my life is and how pointless it is to keep trying, and no effort will ever change my life"

*Face Palm*

Lol what?, just kill yourself already, you guys don't make any sense.

JFL at you wtf do you know you sound like normie with your muh high iq ramblings like you are the omniscient god of incels you are probably a fakecel yourself since you have so many of these normie friends also why are you called blkpill when are preaching these bluepilled copes giving false hope to incels learn a thing or two about the real world before you talk shit .
I won't settle for being a beta provider, though. Won't marry a woman who isn't willing to put in her part.

Have you ever had sex with an average 40 year old, I haven't but I'm pretty sure the pussy is loose as fuck, are you sure that's all you require from a woman to stake your life in being with her, old used up loose pussy. I'd quicker marry a 20-25 year old stacey that has fucked over 100 men than marry a 40 year old virgin female, she's still gonna be looser than the 25 year old slut, that's how hard the wall hits women.

Maybe you've just met some prime middle aged women and that's shaped your mental construct of them, I sure haven't.

Think I just came up with a term for guys like you, its something like "cradle robbers", i'll call it "wall climbers" lol
JFL at you wtf do you know you sound like normie with your muh high iq ramblings like you are the omniscient god of incels you are probably a fakecel yourself since you have so many of these normie friends also why are you called blkpill when are preaching these bluepilled copes giving false hope to incels learn a thing or two about the real world before you talk shit .

1. Think of this as a small test of intelligence, can you spot the contradiction

"you are probably a fakecel yourself since you have so many of these normie friends"
"learn a thing or two about the real world before you talk shit"

Like seriously I can't tell if you are trolling me right now larping as an idiot or this is really you

The reason why I have so many "normie friends" (more like associates) is because I WORK, I don't even go out, I've just worked a lot of different jobs and met a lot of different people. Are you seeing the contradiction yet...... the irony of you telling me to learn more about the real world while also criticizing me for basically INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE IN THE REAL WORLD lol. Damn the irony, yeah you of all people should be the last to tell me how the real world works when you obviously don't go out into it and learn anything.

2. Its not blue pilled, you are just an idiot that defines anything that revolves around giving up and doing nothing as black pilled, really and truly its just being pathetic and lazy. Can you even tell me what about my statements are blue pilled or is what you're saying just true because you say so?

I agree that it is false hope, for pathetic lazy fucks like yourself, for guys willing to put in the effort its a plausible path to a happy and successful life.
1. Think of this as a small test of intelligence, can you spot the contradiction

"you are probably a fakecel yourself since you have so many of these normie friends"
"learn a thing or two about the real world before you talk shit"

Like seriously I can't tell if you are trolling me right now larping as an idiot or this is really you

The reason why I have so many "normie friends" (more like associates) is because I WORK, I don't even go out, I've just worked a lot of different jobs and met a lot of different people. Are you seeing the contradiction yet...... the irony of you telling me to learn more about the real world while also criticizing me for basically INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE IN THE REAL WORLD lol. Damn the irony, yeah you of all people should be the last to tell me how the real world works when you obviously don't go out into it and learn anything.

2. Its not blue pilled, you are just an idiot that defines anything that revolves around giving up and doing nothing as black pilled, really and truly its just being pathetic and lazy. Can you even tell me what about my statements are blue pilled or is what you're saying just true because you say so?

I agree that it is false hope, for pathetic lazy fucks like yourself, for guys willing to put in the effort its a plausible path to a happy and successful life.

there is no contradiction about what i said you are bluepilled normie living in fantasy land with your normie butt buddys . i have also interacted with normies in the real world enough to know that they are all scumbags and btw telling incels to improve themselves by putting in effort and taking showers is the definition of bluepill you dont think we have tried that already it doesnt work incels lose normies win get that thru your thick skull
If youre Chad you can live "incel" lifestyle and dont have to settle down and worry about mortgage and school supplies for children so Chad wins anyway. But there is a lot of truth to what you wrote.
If youre Chad you can live "incel" lifestyle and dont have to settle down and worry about mortgage and school supplies for children so Chad wins anyway. But there is a lot of truth to what you wrote.

True but as a consequence of being chad, chad is inherently blue pilled so 9/10 he ends up married and trapped in his own life, some get screwed over immensely, best case I'd say is brendan fraiser, literally became a meme because of how much he got fucked by being blue pilled and getting married.

there is no contradiction about what i said you are bluepilled normie living in fantasy land with your normie butt buddys

Lol why do you sound jealous

telling incels to improve themselves by putting in effort and taking showers is the definition of bluepill you dont think we have tried that already it doesnt work

I'm not telling you to improve to get laid so I don't know where the showers bit came out, I'm telling you to focus on building wealth, all this broke LDAR, "I'm a neet" shit is retarded. If you've already decided you're going to amount to nothing and suffer through life, then just kill yourself. Its really simple if you think about it.

incels lose normies win get that thru your thick skull
Weak willed incels like yourself lose, you'll see in the coming years (If you haven't offed yourself by then) what I was talking about.
Yeah. At least you don't have to get boggled down to handle other responsibilities, e.g. wife, kids, friends, bills, time, ..., etc. If you're single it's also easier to achieve your goals since being in a relationship stunts your development and personal growth, and goals. Also if you're single, your free to do anything you want and that's freedom I love, and cherish to have.

Maintaining marriages and relationships take a lot of work to maintain, it's just mentally, and emotionally draining. Also there's still a big chance for your partner to cheat on you anyways. A lot of them tend to be ungrateful fuckwits anyways

Having sex satisfies the base of your existence, this goes back to the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Looks you've already had gotten it solved through ultilizing escorts. Love is overrated and it's almost just as a myth of believing in the tooth fairy.

Good job, OP.
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Nice post, although I disagree with some degeneracy parts, but I see where your coming from, especially in the west where slutty behavior is encouraged and traditionalist values are discarded.
sorry but cope thread. you are probably fairly young with average looks and also autistic who can't connect with people.

every person who is in relationship being miserable is a huuuuge cope. This is a cope I've heard before too.

There's always exceptions to the rule, but most of them are indeed miserable, well in the end, relationships and marriages lasted longer way back when only because people had social and financial constraints that forced them to stick it out. Its not a coincidence that as technology advanced and the laws changed women.... started divorcing more and men started marrying less.

Humans are social animal, normal non autistic arent supposed to go through life alone. when you get older and and lose your parents and u end up alone when your peers have people who care about them , who they care about, the reailty will hit you hard.

I think this is the ultimate repeated lie, the most CLICHE NORMIE BS, and you sound like a normie who can't think for yourself when you say this BS. If humans are so social then why are we becoming less and less social as a collective as technological advancements are made, and it becomes more and more convenient not to deal with other people, don't you think if we had this innate desire to be social we'd circumvent these things?.

The truth is were not social animals, NO ANIMAL IS A "SOCIAL ANIMAL", here's something you likely NEVER thought about with that limited box you have your head in called "reality". You ever think that THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE FOR ANIMALS TO DO OTHER THAN SOCIALIZE. Think about it, what else is there for animals to do, animals that aren't human ONLY HAVE ONE SOURCE OF ENTERTAINMENT.... INTERACTING WITH OTHER ANIMALS. They don't have anything else available, so isn't it a little too convenient to observe this and say "well animals enjoy and crave social interaction". Its not true, it really isn't, social interaction IS JUST THE DEFAULT MEANS OF ENTERTAINMENT AND ACQUIRING RESOURCES AND SECURITY.

Saying that "animals are social" is like saying "women enjoy being virginal and monogamous", that only SEEMED TO BE TRUE because in the past THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY OPTIONS, in pops feminism and the "sexual revolution" and look at that, turns out they were all really just huge sluts that were doing what they had no choice but to do. Humans are not social, we just don't have any good alternatives/choices right now outside of socializing. When we got computers, internet, etc we started to become less social because we now had reasonable alternatives. When the artificial womb technology is perfected and humans reach the point of traveling to and occupying different planets, reproducing the original way will be seen as inefficient and obsolete, sex will be solely for physical pleasure, there will always be a few people trying to do it "the way we really want to" but as time goes on their numbers will become fewer. Were not social, NO ANIMAL IS ACTUALLY SOCIAL, we just don't have any convenient alternatives to interacting with eachother face to face FOR EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES. Pretty soon, 100 or so years its going to be common place to go to a fast food restaurant and interact NOT WITH A PERSON BUT A ROBOT, you'll select food items, pay for it, and you're done. At first there will be push back because people like yourself will be saying "oh the humanity" not aware that humans aren't really social, we just have no choice but to be, and when presented with more convenient alternatives we gladly accept the change OVER TIME.



Think about how naive that was, what you're saying is naive as that, saying that someone is naturally inclined to THEIR ONLY OPTION lol, that's BS.

You wait a little and you'll turn into a 30-35 yo sad mofo with no one.
I agree, if I just wait around and do nothing like some of you guys I will turn into a 30-35 year old sad mofo
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Yeah. At least you don't have to get boggled down to handle other responsibilities, e.g. wife, kids, friends, bills, time, ..., etc. If you're single it's also easier to achieve your goals since being in a relationship stunts your development and personal growth, and goals. Also if you're single, your free to do anything you want and that's freedom I love, and cherish to have.

Maintaining marriages and relationships take a lot of work to maintain, it's just mentally, and emotionally draining. Also there's still a big chance for your partner to cheat on you anyways. A lot of them tend to be ungrateful fuckwits anyways

Having sex satisfies the base of your existence, this goes back to the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Looks you've already had gotten it solved through ultilizing escorts. Love is overrated and it's almost just as a myth of believing in the tooth fairy.

Good job, OP.


I truly think this cliche often repeated lie of "muh social animal" is the biggest joke and is naive as saying women are naturally drawn to being virginal and monogmous, something men decades before us actually thought WHILE CONVENIENTLY DENYING WOMEN THE SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM TO BE WHORES lol. Feminism was a good thing in a sense because it took the blinders off, it erased the illusion of women being these beautiful and kinds beings that are so virtuous and pure.

I'll say it again and I'm sure it will need to be repeated again against people arguing against the logic of this thread repeating this overused nonsense - THERE ARE NO SOCIAL ANIMALS, ONLY ANIMALS WHOSE MEANS OF ACQUIRING ENTERTAINMENT, RESOURCES AND SECURITY ARE LIMITED TO SOCIAL INTERACTION. The moment humans find a non social alternative to something that is efficient, we do away with the original social method, that's not a coincidence, we aren't social, we just haven't completely discovered great alternatives to social interaction for other various aspects of our lives.

But lets be honest, most of the guys speak against this aren't actually talking, its their ego talking, they just want to feel desired, admired, lusted after, etc by women, so no matter what I say from their perspective my line of reasoning is a cope, because they are the type that "enjoy the hunt" more than "enjoy eating the meat". I'm not an egoist, I don't care about whether the thing I'm eating felt honored by me killing it, or if it feared and respected me, I just want to eat the meat because its provides nutrition and tastes good. These guys are still hung up on the hunting aspect of acquiring food EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T HUNTERS in this society.
Look OP I usually dont post and never had an account here since the reddit shutdown migration.
I just want to say that a lot of the stuff you say hold water but you've fallen into a trap. I have many an hours tried to 'solve the key to happiness' as you sell it.

But you're wrong about key factors needed to pursue this course of action and it is called free will. For we do not have free will and our actions are controlled by our environment and neurotransmitter activity and some other basic needs. Therefore inceldom is not a blessing in disguise in any way. There simply exists No such thing as 'lazyness' in the Way you describe it.
Sorry to rain on your parade but people here do not have the same possibilities or options as you do and to assume so exposes your young age.
Also careful with the stimulant usage, your body does not handle it Well in larger doses over time.

Good monday to you.
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i'm not reading these walls of text you've posted after the OP, but i'll agree that normies don't have the great lives some people in incel circles strangely believe they do. They're nowhere near chad who can get sex at will, if they want to get laid they have to put in a lot of effort and probably will still end up cucked and divorce raped. Still better than an incels though in that they can even attract women in the first place.
<insert another 5 paragraphs of rambling verbal hemorrhaging that includes several bolded and capitalized words>
when I reach the age where I'm unable to wipe my own ass I'd prefer to die lol. Also as a parent I could not even do something that so fucked up, guilting your children into wasting the time of their good years taking care of you due to some moral obligation is just fucked up.

I agree 100%. Unless I commit suicide in the near future, I will seriously start to consider it in my 40s.
The only problem might be that not many people want to kill themselves in their 50s. They would rather rot in a retirement home. Still I think its immoral to "force" your children to take care of you just because you're family.

Another thing that came to mind
True but as a consequence of being chad, chad is inherently blue pilled so 9/10 he ends up married and trapped in his own life, some get screwed over immensely,
Okay, If chad is bluepilled, then he can be blackpilled or redpilled as well. There exist MANY incels who are bluepilled(r/forever alone, r/short, etc), so chad can be blackpilled just as easily.

Also, because of my LOOKS(and my childhood and environment) I have no friends and I have no network = I have nothing lol. It will be EXTREMELY hard to get a good job and become rich but Im not giving up yet, dont worry. I just realize that more attractive people would not have to work so damn hard just to live a simple life. An attractive person who has had no friends for whatever reason, will easily make new friends and be accepted into a new environment. However, I will have to learn social skills from scratch and master charisma(which is draining and doesnt fit my base personality), just to be on a NEUTRAL level with people. I often hear adults say "I got the job because i was a close friend blah blah" so being neutral with people wont get you far in life. I cant even befriend people, acquaintances is the best I've achieved, but then lost them as well. Besides, my "personality" wont show in a picture, when people see a picture of me. So Im fucked either way. Im sorry if this comes off as complaining, but Im trying to describe my Experience to you and tell you how hard life CAN be as an incel.

Like Ive said in my previous comments, I would love to be a chadlite and live a simple life. The reason why I wouldnt want to be a normie, let alone an INCEL(inceldom can go deeper than just celibacy), is because I believe that everyone should be 6, IF NOT 7+/10. Notice how you look at dogs for example, theyre cute and you want to take care of them. Thats simply because they are attractive(not in a weird furry way).
I dont believe in the saying "if everyone is attractive, no one is." That's a cope, because if something is attractive, it IS attractive.

I got side tracked there. But I read all your comments and agree with most if not all of them, But something's missing.
To let go of your ego is to stop existing, because its impossible to let go of something like emotions or feelings without dying. If I walk on the street and people stare at me or I get rejected in social situations, that will be a constant reminder of just HOW unwanted I am, and it hurts. I have worked hard on letting go of people's opinions about me, and it has helped me FEEL better. As in, I can walk on the street because I dont care what anyone thinks about me. HOWEVER, its a completely different story when it comes down to interacting with others and possibly GETTING A JOB. I can not give a fuck about opinions all I want, but I cant CHANGE someone's opinion about me. IF a person thinks I look like genetic trash then Im less likely to become their friend. Just because I dont give a fuck about what someone thinks does not mean that that person wants to be my friend. So I will still be friendless despite thinking positively about myself. And no matter how hard I let go of my ego, It will only work if Im a millionaire and financially independent.

--------TLDR----------: As long as Im dependent on another person, I'd rather be good-looking. I could live by the mountains and be an ugly fuck and it wouldnt matter because I'd be alone, but I have no money for that. And as long as I need money, I need looks. Its easy to say incels are "free" from marriage and responsibilities, but can I get a well-paying job with this face, or will I rot to death? Im figuring that out in a few years.
By the way, I have had jobs but they have been 7$ an hour so it doesnt count as moving up in life.

What do you think? did this expand your views on this topic? Although I must say that you are already extremely enlightened.
For we do not have free will and our actions are controlled by our environment and neurotransmitter activity and some other basic needs.

This is just borderline retarded, of course we have free will, ironically the fact that you messaged me is proof of that, there was nothing driving you to message you, you chose to do it.

Sorry to rain on your parade but people here do not have the same possibilities or options as you do

Strawman, I never claimed they did, obviously not, I'm average looking, many have admitted to being like 3/10, of course I have more options than them, but still doing nothing to even attempt to change your life is completely idiotic, just kill yourself and get it over with if you plan on doing nothing anyways.

Also careful with the stimulant usage, your body does not handle it Well in larger doses over time.

What the fuck does this even mean? (this came out of nowhere)
Objectively define "good relationship", also I like how some of you so called black pillers contradict yourself, the same guys that will say women don't really love men and are incapable of it, and at the end of the day its all really prostitution (trading your material resources for her sexual and reproductive resources), are the same guys saying you need to have a "good relationship" LOL XD. By the very concept of the black pill THERE IS NO SUCH THING, its an illusion, love doesn't exist, women pair with men for their physical attractiveness and/or their utility (how well you can serve her), please explain to me in which context is this "good".

Lol no no no no no friend, like I've said ad nauseum, that's your ego talking, male animals get by just fine, happy as can be, just being on a farm and breeding left and right, no "real connection" to the females is formed, because they don't really have egos, they don't have a "strong sense of self" as humans do, they don't have a "high opinion of themselves" so they never get blinded by egotistical BS constructs like most humans do, like you are doing right now. I don't feel this "social need", never have, any depression I've felt has literally been to simply not having access to pleasures, the things I enjoy, entertainment, sex, food, etc. Once you abandon your ego, even you will come to this understanding, you're not special, you don't mean anything, you need any "special bond" to simply enjoy physical stimulus.

Like I said before, when you are eating a steak, or some other kind of meat you enjoy, do you ever pause to think whether the animal killed would feel honoured that specifically you were eating it LOL, no of course not, in that same sense I don't care if I am admired or desired by a woman I want to/am having sex with, I'm just eating meat because its nutritious and tastes good.

You and many others on the site are suffering from VBS - https://incels.is/threads/many-ince...g-with-vestigial-bluepill-syndrome-vbs.30628/

Lol the only people its over for is egoists like yourself, a craving that will never be satisfied is but a curse, to latch onto it is an idiots task, like holding onto a hunger that never starves you to death, you will never truly have your ego stroked like chad will, or even a normie will, but yet you cling to it, and cling to the desires of being admired or loved that it foists upon you, knowing full well you will likely never get those things. Why are you wasting your time, its so pointless. But no I'm the one in denial, KEEP ON CHASING THE CARROT, YOU'LL GET IT ONE DAY (very unlikely).
Dam well if you wanna compare us to animals breeding fucking prostitutes is still just another failure. Because we won’t get a child which is why animals are happy breeding because they are programmed to reproduce and pass on their genes. Biologically speaking that is why we get pleasure from sex, to reproduce.

But yeah you are spot on with the other points chasing the carrot is one of my copes. I still wouldn’t fuck a prostitute cause I know it won’t bring me happiness
Sticky this to the top.

This is gold.

But it won't make it to the top because we have to many people here that are satisfied with NEETdom


The worst thing a man can do to himself is be satisfied with mediocrity.
This is just borderline retarded, of course we have free will, ironically the fact that you messaged me is proof of that, there was nothing driving you to message you, you chose to do it.

Strawman, I never claimed they did, obviously not, I'm average looking, many have admitted to being like 3/10, of course I have more options than them, but still doing nothing to even attempt to change your life is completely idiotic, just kill yourself and get it over with if you plan on doing nothing anyways.

What the fuck does this even mean? (this came out of nowhere)

You have archieved wisdom and write some good stuff, but your standing towards this philosophical question of free will means you have not actually put any practice into your theories.

You calling my second argument a strawman is wrong because again you are telling people to kill themselves instead of ‘giving up’, which automatically means you assume everyone is where they are in life because they have not ‘tried hard enough’, yet most people try to the best of their ability at the time before giving up.

I’m referring to stimulant usage, because your posts reek of something a stimulant user would write.

Again you have not managed to change my opinion of you, your arguments have been very weak towards my main points of criticism.

The worst thing a man can do to himself is be satisfied with mediocrity.
I really admire your persistance. Lets have a rational argument for the reason your logic is flawed.

Happiness is the quality of a whole human live. Hapiness is not something that we can find in one moment and not in an other. The aristotelian notion of happiness is the only true, and sound doctrine of moral philosophy. A man can not be depraved of all the worldly goods and still be considerad a happy man. We all have natural needs that are deeply ingrained in us after the moment of birth. To truely be happy, you need your fair share of the goods this life have to offer you. Your logic is equivalent to a homeless man saying stating his happy even though he lacks the goods of friends, family, health etc. I don't believe we human only live for the simple pleasure. Unlike animals we have the logos. Only animals pertain to the pleasure and pain.

Money is only a means to something else. Money in itself is not going to fullfill your life, since you can't obtain all the other goods by it. The ideas of merely reproducing is not the end goal.
you are telling people to kill themselves instead of ‘giving up’

Your logic is so confusing here, killing yourself IS GIVING UP, its just the FINAL STEP IN GIVING UP. So i'm not telling them to do something INSTEAD of giving up, I'm telling them to take "giving up" all the way to its LOGICAL CONCLUSION, don't half ass "giving up", commit the FINAL ACT OF "GIVING UP" (kill yourself).

which automatically means you assume everyone is where they are in life because they have not ‘tried hard enough’, yet most people try to the best of their ability at the time before giving up.

Do I think some of them here "haven't really tried"? yes, but that's not my real point, I'm saying that if you have given up, WON'T EVEN TRY ANYMORE, then its best if you just kill yourself, if you aren't going to keep trying why come here everyday to repeat the same BS that you aren't going to try anymore, even Einstein said that true insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, its not going to make you feel better or grant any wish. So I think its just more logical to kill yourself and stop wasting time if you've given up on trying.

Think about what a computer does (well what its programmed to do), if it encounters an error in a programm it will "troubleshoot" it using various solution attempts and then if it fails IT WILL "KILL THE PROCESS" (actual terminology btw lol). Computers are designed around logic because that's the only way they can work properly. Now imagine if somebody designed a computer to literally just stop trying to fix the error on top of never giving you the option to kill the process, but IT KEEPS SPAMMING A POPUP MESSAGE THAT THE PROGRAM IS MALFUNCTIONING lol, can you imagine how stupid and pointless such a design that would be, that is what a lot of incels do on this site.

I’m referring to stimulant usage, because your posts reek of something a stimulant user would write.

Again you have not managed to change my opinion of you, your arguments have been very weak towards my main points of criticism.

Sorry I don't know where you're getting that, never drank, smoked, or used any kind of drug, after I took my first taste of alcohol I was confused about it and the average person because it tastes like shit and from everything that I heard about the drink it makes you act stupid (was like 12 or 13, something like that), never drank again, seemed pointless, not beneficial in anyway.

I don't see how I can change your opinion nor is it relevant for me to change just your opinion, especially via words, in the coming years I will change the opinions of many on this site via my actions.
Your logic is equivalent to a homeless man saying stating his happy even though he lacks the goods of friends, family, health etc.

Yeah that's a strawman, an extremely false comparison, my logic literally has everything to do with having wealth so why the hell would you structure your comparison to make the subject in it (said man) in the lowest state of poverty (homeless). Seems like a really disingenuous way to structure an analogy. In a proper analogy it would be a rich man without friends and family, he'd still have his health, and guess what, that doesn't sound so bad to me, which is probably why you didn't structure it properly lol. Anyone can just get more friends later in life.

I don't believe we human only live for the simple pleasure. Unlike animals we have the logos. Only animals pertain to the pleasure and pain.

I believe that thing humans have you mention is something I already mentioned, EGO. When you strip a man of his ego he truly starts living FOR HIMSELF, because what others think of him AND EVEN WHAT HE THINKS OF HIMSELF is no longer relevant.

Money is only a means to something else. Money in itself is not going to fullfill your life, since you can't obtain all the other goods by it.

Lol do you know how ironic it is that this is an extremely normie sounding statement, like when they say - "you can't buy love" and romantic relationships LITERALLY FUNCTION UNDER A MODEL OF PROSTITUTION. Its just "covert prostitution". The difference between a man taking a woman out on a date that costs $500 to get sex, and a man simply paying said women $500 directly to get sex, is SEMANTICS. At the end of the day $500 was spent in the effort to get sex. Just yesterday a female co-worker of mines said that she couldn't "lay down" with a man that was stingey when it comes to spending money on her, I laughed and told her to listen to what she just said and how is that any different than prostitution, she got quiet and walked off. Everything on this planet is basically bought and sold in some form, but please go ahead, tell me WHAT GOODS I CAN'T BUY WITH MONEY.
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Nice wall of text, but all I can see Is COPE COPE COPE written everywhere.
Needs a [Bluepill] tag
[QUOTE="Lol do you know how ironic it is that this is an extremely normie sounding statement, like when they say - "you can't buy love" and romantic relationships LITERALLY FUNCTION UNDER A MODEL OF PROSTITUTION. Its just "covert prostitution". The difference between a man taking a woman out on a date that costs $500 to get sex, and a man simply paying said women $500 directly to get sex, is SEMANTICS. At the end of the day $500 was spent in the effort to get sex. Just yesterday a female co-worker of mines said that she couldn't "lay down" with a man that was stingey when it comes to spending money on her, I laughed and told her to listen to what she just said and how is that any different than prostitution, she got quiet and walked off. Everything on this planet is basically bought and sold in some form, but please go ahead, tell me WHAT GOODS I CAN'T BUY WITH MONEY.[/QUOTE]

Prostitution and marriage are not the same thing. Because in the latter scenario there is genuin desire and money is merely an instrument to lead a good life with your spouse. While in the former case its only the carnal pleasures. Sex has more than one dimension. Our ego is the basis for our human conduct. Imagine trying to surpress the value system in us. There is nothing left to be desired if that what your going to do. If you crush your ego you don't have any value system. Also why trying to convice your self that you don't crave human affection when its a part of your natural needs? I dont believe in moral relativism, which is what your defending. If what tormented us is the result of our ideas/value of things and not the ideas itself. everbody could easily change ones belief system and convince himself to be happy, but that rarely the is the case.
Prostitution and marriage are not the same thing.

Am I really supposed to argue against such a blue pilled statement, even damn redpillers admit this is prostitution, dude you are even beneath red pillers, you are literally blue pilled, no denying it now.

Because in the latter scenario there is genuin desire and money is merely an instrument to lead a good life with your spouse.

1. If what you're saying is true, then why is the flow of money usually mono-directional and one sided, its usually men spending their money on women, whether its dating or marriage, so if it isn't simply men paying women for sex and companionship, why isn't it a norm yet that women are paying men even a quarter as much as men pay women?

2. Let me explain it to you this way, do you know what "barter" is, when "bartering" is an exchange of goods and services that usually excludes money, when I was still in school I'd go to the classes of my other friends during free periods (the interesting classes) and sit it, even take notes. The teacher even said that money is merely THE MODERN UNIT OF BARTER, so were still bartering today, just with a "universal unit". So if we look at physical attractiveness and money as simply seperate units in barter, then you "genuine desire" bullshit gets thrown out of the window, you see its not that an attractive male isn't paying (attractive men still have to spend money on women for sex, but that's another point entirely), its that his physical attractiveness is also treated as a unit of barter, lets say the price of getting a woman to marry you would be $10000, an attractive man has basically had around $8000 of that automatically paid off via his looks, as though it has automatically been "added to the total sum".

I've said this before, its basically like a difference in currency, I'm using money, attractive men are using a currecny called "looks" lol, I'm not sure on the specifics of the exchange rate, but I have to pay $10000 then its like he has to pay $2000 because he has L8000, I basically have like maybe L100 so my L is disregarded and I have to pay in $, so I pay with $10000, do you get the point, its not that attractive men aren't paying and the "desire is genuine", their looks (L), is basically a currency. One day if I get the money to fund i'd like to do a study on this, and actually try to in some way quantify looks relative to modern day currencies and establish the difference in pay rates between attractive and unattractive men, that would be an interesting thing to study.

Sex has more than one dimension
Lol you sound like a hardcore feminist right now, you realise that right?

If you crush your ego you don't have any value system.

Please explain and justify this statement because I call bullshit, me not thinking highly of myself, and disregarding self worth, doesn't by some magic make $100 not be percieved as $100 to me, it doesn't make my hunger go away so food is still highly valued, it doesn't get rid of thirst so water is still highly valued, it doesn't get rid of sexual urges so sex is still highly valued, ones value system for the most part IS BIOLOGICAL (PHYSICAL), and our egos are MENTAL.
Any tips for moneymaxxing?

1. Get really good at doing something thats valuable, solve problems and/or improve stuff.
2. Work smart. Try to get as much done as possible with the minimum amount of effort or time.
3. Work hard in addition to working smart. 80-100 hours per week. If you're awake you're eating, shitting or hustling.
4. When something works and produces results, do more of it, build on it, milk it for every penny.
5. If you fail, get up and try again, maybe try something new next time, or from a different perspective.
1. Get really good at doing something thats valuable, solve problems and/or improve stuff.
2. Work smart. Try to get as much done as possible with the minimum amount of effort or time.
3. Work hard in addition to working smart. 80-100 hours per week. If you're awake you're eating, shitting or hustling.
4. When something works and produces results, do more of it, build on it, milk it for every penny.
5. If you fail, get up and try again, maybe try something new next time, or from a different perspective.
Thanks mentorcel, I can LDAR in style after hustleceling for years.
How the fuck do you adjust to loniless?
I feel like this is MGTOW.
1. If what you're saying is true, then why is the flow of money usually mono-directional and one sided, its usually men spending their money on women, whether its dating or marriage, so if it isn't simply men paying women for sex and companionship, why isn't it a norm yet that women are paying men even a quarter as much as men pay women?

Women are hypergamous by nature, thus always seeking a higher level then they currently operate on. And also the qualities of men and women are intrinsically different. E.g courage in a men and a women are completly different. In women it is obedience and in man it is leading. Don't conflate the qualities of a man and a women.

2. Let me explain it to you this way, do you know what "barter" is, when "bartering" is an exchange of goods and services that usually excludes money, when I was still in school I'd go to the classes of my other friends during free periods (the interesting classes) and sit it, even take notes. The teacher even said that money is merely THE MODERN UNIT OF BARTER, so were still bartering today, just with a "universal unit". So if we look at physical attractiveness and money as simply seperate units in barter, then you "genuine desire" bullshit gets thrown out of the window, you see its not that an attractive male isn't paying (attractive men still have to spend money on women for sex, but that's another point entirely), its that his physical attractiveness is also treated as a unit of barter, lets say the price of getting a woman to marry you would be $10000, an attractive man has basically had around $8000 of that automatically paid off via his looks, as though it has automatically been "added to the total sum".

Of course everything matters. You can't escape the fact that there must be external condition meet before there is any "desire" taking place. In order to desire something you must wish or want something. And looks is part of the "genuine desire" but personality also. Im strictly speaking about the case where money isn't involve. If the relationships is composite of 80% money than that not genuine, but if its lesser then 30% that is. Of course there must be criterion meet if anything is to be considerad desirabel - rather its the precentage we're defanding here.

Please explain and justify this statement because I call bullshit, me not thinking highly of myself, and disregarding self worth, doesn't by some magic make $100 not be percieved as $100 to me, it doesn't make my hunger go away so food is still highly valued, it doesn't get rid of thirst so water is still highly valued, it doesn't get rid of sexual urges so sex is still highly valued, ones value system for the most part IS BIOLOGICAL (PHYSICAL), and our egos are MENTAL.[/QUOTE]

Your inate natural needs are not something you can depreciate. Getting rid of your ego is trying to accept/cope with something that is out of your control. ego correlates with your value. Your ego is only acting upon your value of things. if you value friendship you can't depreciate it by destroying your ego. If you value love you can't depreciate it by destroying your ego. Your ego is a direct mirror of your value. Thats why i can't cope with having been depraved of intimacy since i value it above everything else.
Guess everything has a bright side. Kids in the Ronald McDonald House/Last Wish foundation, etc dying from cancer get to stay in 5 star hotels, get celebrity attention, etc.
Your ego is a direct mirror of your value. Thats why i can't cope with having been depraved of intimacy since i value it above everything else.

No your ego is how you percieve yourself, it has nothing to do with your physical needs, its all mental. Once you disregard and abandon it, the only thing that matters is having your physical needs met, that's my point. Of course I don't think anyone can just wake up and abandon their ego, its more like the things that ones ego revolves around (relationships, love, etc) have been "soured"/"ruined" for me, so you may think its like me "forcing myself" or "coping" not to care about these things but I'm not, that would require too much effort, I genuinely no longer care for these things because I've looked at them, done a cost/benefit analysis, and deemed them pointless and unnecessary, I could literally wake up chad tomorrow and my mindset would remain unchanged, it'd just be easier for me to get laid now, but that's it, I've already thought this through for years, there's no going back.

Oh and can you use the damn quote syntax properly lol, I would not have even seen this if not for checking back on the page randomly
Everything in life is a tradeoff.

You can either have relationships, money or free-time. Pick 2.

If you're ugly maybe the choice was made for you.

But there are plenty of happily divorced men in their 40's and 50's who love the bachelor lifestyle.

"Everyone should marry as virgins at 18 and live together forever."

Lots of people have done that and practically bit their arm off to escape.

Henry the 8th got signatures from every bishop in the country to get a divorce, and the Pope said "No." So he started the Church of England just to give himself a right to get a divorce.

Black and white thinking and extremism doesn't get you far.

As my father would say, "nothing in life requires brute force."

If you're ripping open a milk carton, it's because you're opening it fucking wrong.

Slow down. Relax. Don't spaz out.

Its all been done before, you're not the first and you won't be the last.

Maybe you'll finally "ascend."

Maybe you won't.

Either way it's ok.

Maybe you'll "ascend" and see it's not all rainbows and lollipops. Relationships take work, they take time and energy, there are tradeoffs.

Maybe you want to come home from work and relax, but your kids need to go to the dentist, or it's PTA night, or your wife wants to go to the mall, or she needs you to run out and get groceries.

Kids are expensive. You have guys with debt up to their eyeballs who can't afford to retire.

Every man I know in his 40's and 50's is divorced and would never go back.

They like having peace and quiet, and spending weekends biking.

The bachelor lifestyle is very attractive.
When you die, everything that you have ever experienced dies with you. The worms that eat your brain don't give a shit about how many women you have screwed; they just enjoy the fatty acids they find in your skull cavity. For them, a neuron with a memory of two vaginas is the same one as a neuron with a memory of one vagina: tasty molecules.

Which means that in the end, nothing you did when it comes to "pleasure" and "experience" really mattered. It may have mattered for you, but now you're nothing. You're now indistinguishable from the lowest slave who lived the lowest existence.

A man's life, before the 1960s cultural revolution, was about leaving stuff behind; leaving a legacy behind (children, works of art and literature, scientific discoveries, kingdoms and empires). When philosophers and rulers realized that this was too hard to do for most men, they invented the idea of the eternal soul. This became the legacy of the commoner. The goal was to go to heaven and avoid hell. Probably beats trying to screw as many escorts as possible, even if you don't believe in heaven and hell. At least you avoid STDs.

A profoundly deep and disheartening post. Good stuff Fontaine
@SergeantIncel Must read Content

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