Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill Inceldom Is Actually A Blessing In Disguise (If You Let It Be)

Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

I can relate to that as a 27 year old dude. My friends from university and HS are having children now. It is really soul crushing experience.

I lack behind so bad, it is depressing. Everybody moved on with their lives, and i am still here. Kissless virgin living in a condo at age 27 when people of my age are moving and progessing in life.

Most people in here will move on with their lives too. It is really brutal when you think about it. We are losers even here in this forum.

A lotta sexually frustrated kids here in this forum will reflect back on these days with sad cringe a couple years later thinking "ah, i was just an edgy sexually-frustrated teenager back then".

We are the real losers here. Suicide inducing..

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
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As 40-year old I can attest that looking at my university colleagues now and a couple of friends(I don't have too many) , the whole sex thing is just conditioning to get them trapped in marriage or relationship with a femoids and have children. They are absolutely tortured and mind broken after this. Some try to escape only to find they can't others indoctrinate themselves into believing they have higher purpose by sniffing shit stained diapers and being a slave for couple of brats. I know a guy who went from "I hate my life because I married a hag" to "My wife is an angel and my kids my life". He works 16 hours per day including weekends. Turned into a cultish type of breeder who attacks anyone without children.

You have to understand normies are slaves to the concept of society which it itself is a virtual organism demanding obedience.

This is wisdom:
hay man I am 38 right now would it be o.k to follow?
i've been ldar'ing but think i'mma start hobby maxxing
totally agree with OP. it's a nice back up plan anyway if u can't ascend normally
All that being incel brings is perspective and knowledge, that you're powerless to apply to anything since you're an incel.

It's like the monk who reaches enlightenment and just dies.
Being incell means that I accepted the reality that women don't like unattractive losers like me. I can't even ask girls out I don't want to because just talking to girls in real life is weird and they will destroy my soul if I get attached to them.
All that being incel brings is perspective and knowledge, that you're powerless to apply to anything since you're an incel.

It's like the monk who reaches enlightenment and just dies.
we could always just go to war
All that being incel brings is perspective and knowledge, that you're powerless to apply to anything since you're an incel.

It's like the monk who reaches enlightenment and just dies.
I have come to the concusion that this is what we all are, we have been sent from heaven to preserve the balance on earth, but the balance is not there anymore that is why we now need to depart from this world.
At least we wouldn’t contract STD’s from some skank.
The normie (not specifically psl normie) lifestyle does suck tbh. I’d probably go here’s Johnny in that situation. The goal is to ascend then live on your terms
The normie (not specifically psl normie) lifestyle does suck tbh. I’d probably go here’s Johnny in that situation. The goal is to ascend then live on your terms
Despite how much being deformed sucks and kills my dating life, there's definitely one blessing in here - I'm not stuck in a shitty marriage with someone who merely settled for me. Being alone is preferable to that. I've seen too many relationships like this, where I knew both the guy and the girl really well, and both confided in me things they didn't want to tell their partner. Each time, I was able to finesse the truth out of the woman - she NEVER, AT ANY TIME DURING THE RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE had genuine sexual desire for the guy!! And THAT was the fundamental root cause of ALL those relationships' problems! When women settle for a guy they're not physically attracted to, they eventually resent him because they know deep down they've reduced themselves to a sex worker and can't keep up the "I'm-in-love-with-you" charade anymore. This underlying resentment is where the bitchy attitudes, relentless "shit testing" and constantly starting drama comes from. It's also why these girls are often so demanding and expect to be pampered - you're expected to "compensate" for her shitty sex life. She resents the fact that she's prostituting herself and demands high compensation. Then there's the eventual dead bedroom, plus high cheating and divorce risk. This is what "sub-6/10" guys get to look forward to if they play the dating/mating game. Yeah, ugly guys can get girls...if they play the beta role and essentially BUY them. But she'll never have the same respect for him as she would toward a guy she's physically attracted to, the sex will be rationed, of low quality, with a limited "menu", and only with several strings and conditions attached, she'll have VERY high demands and expectations to "compensate" for the lack of sexual desire, and as I already explained at length, she will eventually resent him. Those of you would would willingly, knowingly marry a woman whose settling for you, please think twice. I've seen - SEVERAL TIMES - how these relationships play out, and it ain't worth it. I can promise you that. If you're below a "6" in looks, or below 5'6" in height, or are physically disabled, DO NOT get married!
Normies can larp all they want the data shows they do not get laid much and dead bedrooms is pretty standard. If it was a choice between being a normie cuck fucking some landwhale who used to be thin and chad only, hates my guts and misses her chad chasing vs inceldom Id honestly choose the latter (not that I have a choice anyway so kind of moot)
Despite how much being deformed sucks and kills my dating life, there's definitely one blessing in here - I'm not stuck in a shitty marriage with someone who merely settled for me. Being alone is preferable to that. I've seen too many relationships like this, where I knew both the guy and the girl really well, and both confided in me things they didn't want to tell their partner. Each time, I was able to finesse the truth out of the woman - she NEVER, AT ANY TIME DURING THE RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE had genuine sexual desire for the guy!! And THAT was the fundamental root cause of ALL those relationships' problems! When women settle for a guy they're not physically attracted to, they eventually resent him because they know deep down they've reduced themselves to a sex worker and can't keep up the "I'm-in-love-with-you" charade anymore. This underlying resentment is where the bitchy attitudes, relentless "shit testing" and constantly starting drama comes from. It's also why these girls are often so demanding and expect to be pampered - you're expected to "compensate" for her shitty sex life. She resents the fact that she's prostituting herself and demands high compensation. Then there's the eventual dead bedroom, plus high cheating and divorce risk. This is what "sub-6/10" guys get to look forward to if they play the dating/mating game. Yeah, ugly guys can get girls...if they play the beta role and essentially BUY them. But she'll never have the same respect for him as she would toward a guy she's physically attracted to, the sex will be rationed, of low quality, with a limited "menu", and only with several strings and conditions attached, she'll have VERY high demands and expectations to "compensate" for the lack of sexual desire, and as I already explained at length, she will eventually resent him. Those of you would would willingly, knowingly marry a woman whose settling for you, please think twice. I've seen - SEVERAL TIMES - how these relationships play out, and it ain't worth it. I can promise you that. If you're below a "6" in looks, or below 5'6" in height, or are physically disabled, DO NOT get married!
thank you so much mate for this may I follow you?
thank you so much mate for this may I follow you?
Sure, you're welcome to. And glad you found my post useful :). I sincerely believe incels would benefit a LOT from recognizing that being single - even permanently so - is still better than playing Beta Bucks for some settling whore and then getting thrown into a life of poverty after the inevitable divorce. It's not uncommon to pay half your income in outrageous "child support" payments and lifetime alimony. A guy being "good enough" to play Beta Bux is definitely NOT something to be jealous of :).
Inceldom is a blessing in disguise because you have peace and quiet. You also don't have to put up with annoying cunts, Cheating and gynocentric laws.
Made this thread to respond to a specific post that I thinks need to be addressed because it reflects the general mindset of a lot of the incels on this site (incels in general actually). Its a false mindset, you guys clearly haven't "studied" and interacted with normies enough to see whats really going on.

Thread here - https://incels.is/threads/my-whole-fucking-life-is-done.31324/#post-534850

Your standards are too high, and I don't mean for choosing women, I mean for what you expect from life, you have to adapt, we weren't born in the 50's, we were born in the era of whores (in my 20's), I've never felt love, only lust, never really wanted to get married all that much, only thought about it because parents try to poke that shit into their childrens heads over the years. I've started to realize that I'm not suffering as much as many of the incels on this site because I had the best "default mindset" for someone who would grow to be incel.

I only want sex, I don't want to feel desired, or admired, etc, I abandoned my ego years ago, I just want to enjoy the physical feeling that comes when you ejaculate into a womans body, and for that there's escorts, if I had your financial means I likely would have never even found this site because I'd be too busy, watching anime, playing games and fucking whores happily to care. Glad I found the site though.

Change your standards, not for women, but for life, latching onto normie standards when you clearly aren't one is illogical, the moment you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better. Also you are only getting to see the surface level of all the "happy family" BS that your friends ALLOW YOU TO SEE, most everything normies do is all about appearances, you see the smiling faces in images of vacations and family trips, you don't see the arguments your friend has with his wife about how little sex they have these days, that he suspects she's cheating, that he's worried about his son possibly being gay, that he thinks his daughter is no longer a virgin, the arguments that comes with the financial stress of having a family (mortgage, vehicles, tuition, school supplies, etc). You don't see all that shit, because they don't want you to, they only let you see "the good shit".

Most of the happiness normies get from the things you THINK you are missing out on IS SHORT LIVED, that's the great irony, we didn't really lose out on anything (inb4 this is cope), the only parts we legit missed out on were the PHYSICAL PARTS, the parts they enjoyed in their youth, most of which was an illusion anyways that they could only enjoy in blissful ignorance. Love isn't even a real thing, its just a chemical reaction in the brain, they weren't "teens in love", they were "teens in lust", but we only get to see those relationships from the outside looking in, so it looks so "magical" and "grand", again you didn't hear about all the bad shit, you never do, because normies don't like airing out their dirty laundry for others to see.

I have a friend that was going to be a doctor, complete normie coper, had "inspirational quotes" and shit on his book covers, studied hard, way smarter than me, would have definitely became a doctor, got all the necessary qualifications to pursue his university degree. The girl he was with for years cheated on him and he rebounded quick, he wasn't careful and a few months after he got his rebound pregnant when he was trying to get into university, guess who had to drop out and become a cuck, that's right him, in a lot of his images all I can see now is depression, he tries to hide it but he can't hide it well, met him in person at a store once too, he's now TRAPPED IN HIS OWN LIFE. Is sex enjoyable yes, and that's the only part of relationships that were really missing out on (unless you are some kind of idiot egoist that just wants to have their ego stroked, if so fuck off, this post is not for you, you will never be satisfied). Guess what, how much time for sex do you think people have when they have a child to worry about....... are you getting the point yet, the path that all normies take IRONICALLY LEADS THEM TO BE JUST AS UNHAPPY AS WE ARE.

I don't understand how you guys are so blind, WE ARE LIVING THE INVERSE LIVES OF NORIMES (Can't you see it?)

Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.

We however are somewhat cursed with how our lives began, but IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. We got black pilled early on all the shit that normies will end up learning ONLY WHEN ITS TOO LATE, we don't have to end up "trapped in our own lives". Don't get married, dont have children, just spend your years having sex with random beautiful women and enjoying your hobbies (whether you're paying for it (escorts), or looks/wealth maxxing to coerce women into fucking you). We've only failed at life here if we fail to take advantage of the benefits that come with having been incel, and that benefit is KNOWLEDGE.

Why do you guys think a mid life crisis is a "normal" and culturally known thing for men?, its because many men only start considering the shit we already thought of years ago, in their old age, when its too late to make changes because you have commitments to fulfill. So they perform copes like "buying a nice car" or "dressing differently", or the most outright admission of what I talked about above in relation to sex - THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR. They realize too late in life that one woman isn't enough.

I could never admire normies, not at this point, I already know how most of my other friends lives are going to end up, most of them are gonna be beta providers for some used up whore, have a few kids that will be hard to raise in this shitty era (kids might not even be theirs), probably get cheated on years into the marriage and maybe never find out because "tee hee, its for the best, I don't want to hurt you, I love you". Normiedom is the biggest long con, we ironically got screwed out of making a shitty deal, but again, we can only make this into a positive with effort and applying the black pill mindset practically. If you just LDAR, be a neet, don't work and build your wealth, then you're just going to remain a poor sex starved suidical poor sap, but if you do the opposite you'll actually look back on the days laughing at when you envied normies.

This isn't cope, this is reality, and I know I can't be the only person who has come to this realization, I have to work and talk to normies everyday so I have to learn to "blend in" and talk to them, every single damn relationship is terrible and the only glue that holds it all together IS SEX. Their lives are very "fragile". I know a guy right now (normie) who a month before was telling me about how great his GF is and how perfect she is and that they're getting married, last week he cheated on her with some random how who he ADMITS ISN'T AS ATTRACTIVE lol. He still plans on marrying her, do you see how much of a joke this BS fake illusion of the magical lives you think they're living is, stop fooling yourself, I could literally just message this girl and destroy his entire "construct" of "normie life" and let he know he cheated and who he did it with. But I won't because I don't care enough about his life to do it, I'm focusing on building my wealth, and fighting some normie right now isn't to my benefit, I just laugh and observe at these peoples lives, they project this air of happiness, especially online, but they are miserable, they are all LITERALLY COPING WITH THE JAIL CELL THAT IS THEIR ADULT LIFE (especially the ones with children, when you have kids ITS OVER).
There's something hilarious about normies thinking their family will be the perfect one. Like, do you remember as a kid when you'd accidentally walk in on your parents fucking? Remember having them fart in front of each other and get turned on by it? They thought that they were beautiful too, and you found it disgusting. Your children will see you and mommy and think that about you, and rightfully so, because they aren't blinded by the illusion of love and lust, unless you guys are part of a cult in Mississippi or some other fucked up shit. Sex is degenerate and animalistic.
Sure, you're welcome to. And glad you found my post useful :). I sincerely believe incels would benefit a LOT from recognizing that being single - even permanently so - is still better than playing Beta Bucks for some settling whore and then getting thrown into a life of poverty after the inevitable divorce. It's not uncommon to pay half your income in outrageous "child support" payments and lifetime alimony. A guy being "good enough" to play Beta Bux is definitely NOT something to be jealous of :).
thanx man
Not a blessing in disguise but a curse in plain sight
Sure, you're welcome to. And glad you found my post useful :). I sincerely believe incels would benefit a LOT from recognizing that being single - even permanently so - is still better than playing Beta Bucks for some settling whore and then getting thrown into a life of poverty after the inevitable divorce. It's not uncommon to pay half your income in outrageous "child support" payments and lifetime alimony. A guy being "good enough" to play Beta Bux is definitely NOT something to be jealous of :).

That’s true, I always think of
Cost/benefit and I prefer to be single over getting married because I believe that the costs of marriage outweigh the benefits.

Yeah sure you get unenthusiastic starfish sex once a week (which doesn’t feel any different to masturbation), but you have to turn into a full-time wageslave to fund your wife’s whore lifestyle, as she either works part-time or not at all, and spends her time (and YOUR money) partying with chads and getting fucked by chads.

As you mentioned, divorce is costly so the man finds himself stuck in the marriage as he is in a lose-lose situation, he is stuck between a rock and “a hard place” lol. Only when he is stuck in marriage does he realise the situation he’s in but it’s too late by then.

Good thing I’m blackpilled, I’ll never myself getting my life destroyed like that if I remain single, seeing the occasional prostitute once a fortnight is enough to satisfy my urges.
To paraphrase OP:

You will achieve greater than average male normie net brain reward state by living a life of freedom travel and whoremaxing. This is because when you do this your brain thinks you are spreading your genes far and wide and so your brain rewards you with a reward function as gene propagation is the main driving force of biological life. Normies who have settled down and are bluepilled follow a different path that is mentally qualitatively different in it's reward function and come with negative reward states.

You must moneymax and whoremax/escortmax to ascend in this manner. IT IS a fever dream for those who can't moneymax but possibly you could just moneymax a little and travel to SEA. You can get a 20 year visa for Thailand for like 100K.

edit: net reward state is the addition of all positive and negative reward states that occur in your consciousness and is the most fundamental aspect of general intelligence.
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To paraphrase OP:

You will achieve greater than average male normie net brain reward state by living a life of freedom travel and whoremaxing. This is because when you do this your brain thinks you are spreading your genes far and wide and so your brain rewards you with a reward function as gene propagation is the main driving force of biological life. Normies who have settled down and are bluepilled follow a different path that is mentally qualitatively different in it's reward function and come with negative reward states.

You must moneymax and whoremax/escortmax to ascend in this manner. IT IS a fever dream for those who can't moneymax but possibly you could just moneymax a little and travel to SEA. You can get a 20 year visa for Thailand for like 100K.

edit: net reward state is the addition of all positive and negative reward states that occur in your consciousness and is the most fundamental aspect of general intelligence.
or become a serial rapist and murderer
Normies start off having amazing lives, thrilling "emotions", great sex lives, having fun, but part of being a normie is "settling down", they are all followers because part of normie life is "fitting in", so they all mostly follow that road. As they reach the "settling down" phase their lives slowly become like ours, especially more so for the men, their sex lives dry up, they stop feeling less for the person they "love" and get hit with the black pill that even feelings fade over time because the human brain is wired to grow accustomed too and "bored" of similar stimuli.

Can you fap to the same porn video, every single day for for a month and REALLY get off to it, no, by the second week it won't be as enjoyable, now imagine the reality of this, but applied to a person OVER YEARS. That's the first black pill normies are forced to accept in their later years, you not only get bored of a person over time, but you get bored of "loving them" and eventually want someone else. Your brain is wired to do this, its part of our biological imperatives, monogamy is a forced thing, it isn't even normal for most other animals.
i can see clearly, its all about ego, my autism dont let me care enough about the loneliness that followed me in my whole life, in bars, stores, cars, sidewalks, everywhere. So its just about my ego, desire to be desired, but that will not fucking happen

i need copium or a gun
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you focus on what you can enjoy in this life rather than what you can't enjoy you'll stop wasting time and feel a lot better.
But then you just look like the autist lost in his own little world, as someone who's been there I can tell you for me the copes don't fulfill that void long term. There's always going to be an empty space or the feeling that you're just distracting yourself with hobbies or work whilst missing out on what life really has to offer.
i can see clearly, its all about ego, my autism dont let me care enough about the loneliness that followed me in my whole life, in bars, stores, cars, sidewalks, everywhere. So its just about my ego, desire to be desired, but that will not fucking happen

i need copium or a gun
shut the hell up do not say that to him, what happens if he goes and actually does it? you will feel guilty for the rest of your life.
Oh whoops I wasn’t thinking. I was rly thinking about him getting into guns as a cope
Oh whoops I wasn’t thinking. I was rly thinking about him getting into guns as a cope
oh o.k I see what you mean now, wish I could do that I live in shitty UK
I mean u have a point dere, m8.

It's not the normies I envy though, it's the chads like Leonardo DiCaprio. We all know the normie life is a joke.
I mean u have a point dere, m8.

It's not the normies I envy though, it's the chads like Leonardo DiCaprio. We all know the normie life is a joke.
The normies get women too its us we do not get jack shit
Same, I think its more like they "enjoy the hunt" more than "eating the meat", which again adds to my argument that they are driven by ego and blinded by it, I care nothing for the hunt, I have no problem just buying the meat at a store lol, its not going to taste any better because unlike normies I can't season the meat with my ego, its long gone.
They are fuck tarded
All that being incel brings is perspective and knowledge, that you're powerless to apply to anything since you're an incel.

It's like the monk who reaches enlightenment and just dies.
Apply it to war maxxing
Least I wouldn't have to be a betabuxx.
my dad seems pretty incel as a short and ugly betabuxxer
Regardless, I would never betabuxx for cheap sex from some already worn out woman :feelsjuice: No offense chico, just making an analog.
Regardless, I would never betabuxx for cheap sex from some already worn out woman :feelsjuice: No offense chico, just making an analog.
oh yea.

just saying my dad seems very incel esque despite being married
Still amazing that there are many "incels" that think love is real and shiet. This is just the hard red pill stuff or some surface level black pill (all basic stuff that we should all know, but however it's surprising others don't know this). Anyways, the OP still makes a lot of sense, and what he wrote was well-put.

I honestly thought we were over that hump in 2018, but looks we're like not, especially as there have been some guys that yap about their oneitis', and so on.

A foid is only physically attracted to you (or "loves" you) because subconsciously in her mind that entails her offsprings having better genes. However, it's all just lust at the end of the day, and "love" truly doesn't exist... just a figment of our imaginations and movies telling lies about being "love" being real.

There's also been many arranged marriages (which still exists to this day but of a lesser extent in Western societies), even people within their mutual friend groups and, try to match-make each others friend. This has always been the case.
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No wonder we lost the war, Mr. P.O.W. No. 1. Although I am a mere merchant, I know how to commit hara-kiri. A man who does not know what shame is, is a beast. If you want to die now, I will gladly come and show you how it's done.

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