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Experiment Incel psychology poll: what do incels truly want in women?

Which one would you rather have?

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Isn’t the second option what Chads and Tyrones doing that’s causing pussflation? Why contribute to that?
If you had the choice, which would you rather have?

1) KHHTV loyal traditional wife who genuinely loves you and will never leave your side (unless you cheat, beat her, etc).

2) New woman to fuck everyday, and you will have an unlimited supply. You will never fuck the same woman twice, and women are crazily lusting for your dick.
I think what most people would probably want is #2 for a window of time then eventually you find an actual good woman to marry and raise a family with. This is basically trajectory that the very top men go through naturally.

Women “sort of” go through this trajectory nowadays fucking top men only like rabbits in their youth but the difference is when they eventually get married it’s often seen by them as “settling” for mr betabux who they will gleefully divorce rape down the road. I really don’t think men are like that to nearly the same degree.

Of course if you can only have one of the two then #1 is superior and it’s not even close. Many men eventually wind up feeling like they’d rather have number 2 but I think that’s typically because they have become so cynical and so burned by their attempts at real love that they give up.
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I think what most people would probably want is #2 for a window of time then eventually you find an actual good woman to marry and raise a family with. This is basically trajectory Chad goes through anyway.

Women “sort of” go through this trajectory nowadays fucking like rabbits in their youth but the difference is when they eventually get married it’s often seen by them as “settling” for mr betabux who they will gleefully divorce rape down the road.
Yes, but the point of this poll was to see what incels would rather have if they had the choice to pick one.
Bro I'll take damn near anything at this point. Except fat bitches. I already got a bad back.
Yeah, if one is obese themselves then I think it makes sense to aim for your looksmatch (or perhaps higher if you bring a ton of value to the table through status/money whatever) but really incels if they’re going to give landing a woman a serious shot are just gonna have to lose weight or there’s no hope.

People like Elon Musk clearly got jaw surgery and hair plugs and it worked wonders for him lookswise. I’ve considered the surgery route tbh but my god is it expensive and it probably wouldn’t last, at least the hair part wouldn’t. I can’t afford that.

Anyway, yeah — landwale women still find partners and if a man is thin/in decent shape then not wanting to date or fuck an obese lardass is more than reasonable.
why would you want a relationship with a foid? i rather fuck as many as possible
Unrelated but the “gookcel” in your tag made me laugh — I love how self deprecating our group is and how unlike the wokies we embrace the “mean names”.

I think for your question it’s a matter of goals and how much faith one has lost in the idea of family. What I really want is a good job that doesn’t make me want to kill myself where I earn enough and feel respected — then adjacent to that I want a wife that genuinely loves and respects me to have kids with and to make my own family. I can tell you right now neither of these things is going to happen and that’s basically why I’m miserable in a nutshell. My dream is hopeless and there’s not even a consolation prize like #2.

#2 is very appealing in its own right, but in the long run I think it would feel empty and meaningless. Still a blast but not as fulfilling over time. A lot of men become cynical and disillusioned and thus their “dream” of #1 is shattered or they fear getting divorce raped (rational of course) so they give up and just try for casual sex. Don’t get me wrong #2 would be awesome though — I can’t even imagine how incredible it must feel to have multiple hot women genuinely feel lust for you. Must be magic.

The sad reality is that many marriages have dead bedrooms so it really does matter whether the other person is attracted to you and whether they bother to stay in shape and such.
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Unrelated but the “gookcel” in your tag made me laugh — I love how self deprecating our group is and how unlike the wokies we embrace the “mean names”.

I think for your question it’s a matter of goals and how much faith one has lost in the idea of family. What I really want is a good job that doesn’t make me want to kill myself where I earn enough and feel respected — then adjacent to that I want a wife that genuinely loves and respects me to have kids with and to make my own family. I can tell you right now neither of these things is going to happen and that’s basically why I’m miserable in a nutshell. My dream is hopeless and there’s not even a consolation prize like #2.

#2 is very appealing in its own right, but in the long run I think it would feel empty and meaningless. Still a blast but not as fulfilling over time. A lot of men become cynical and hate women and thus their “dream” of #1 is shattered or they fear getting divorce raped (rational of course) so they give up and just try for casual sex. Don’t get me wrong #2 would be awesome though — I can’t even imagine how incredible it must feel to have multiple hot women genuinely feel lust for you. Must be magic.
Wokies only want you to use racist terms they invented, like BIPOC.
Normies gonna be on suiwatch seeing the results of the poll
If that loyal wife doesn't have a sex drive, I'm going to live like a fuckboy for life, I'm starving for sex and I hate I can't have it, if I could I would prove every sex position, I would fuck with white women, asian women, even black women with curly hair if I find them either cute or hot, I don't give a shit. I would collect fwb, I would have threesomes, I would make sure I'm less innocent than the people who want to bully me because I'm a nerd, I would show them I experienced more animalistic things than them.

And also, to be honest, I'm not sure if I want a conservative wife since I'm not too conservative myself. I would want to have a wife only if I know her well and I can trust her, and of course, if she's a fucking nympho.
Normies gonna be on suiwatch seeing the results of the poll
They will just get mad at the khhtv part and say “see, this is why you misogynists will die alone. Expecting a woman to be virgin is worse than being a serial rapist and killer”
They will just get mad at the khhtv part and say “see, this is why you misogynists will die alone. Expecting a woman to be virgin is worse than being a serial rapist and killer”
I can imagine many of them short circuiting when the notion they hold dear that "they just want secs and to abuse girl" is shattered
If you had the choice, which would you rather have?

1) KHHTV loyal traditional wife who genuinely loves you and will never leave your side (unless you cheat, beat her, etc).

2) New woman to fuck everyday, and you will have an unlimited supply. You will never fuck the same woman twice, and women are crazily lusting for your dick.
1 easy. i just want genuine affection
I can imagine many of them short circuiting when the notion they hold dear that "they just want secs and to abuse girl" is shattered
i dont expect the average person to be able to name where Poland is on a map, let alone understand the actual nuance to the incel status that exists
I have both sides, the slimy hopeless romantic and the dominator/conqueror, but if I had to choose I'd go for two, the urge to fuck and dominate I think is a little bit more urgent in some way, it would suck though that I couldn't fuck them repeatedly though, I'd want a harem of bitches I can fuck again and again.
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a trad wife that I’m attracted to
Realistically #2 is going to be std ridden, fat, ugly, toxic, man-hating, feminist, drug-addicted, woke, disrespectful, hairy, sjw slobs. If you really need sex it might be ok for a little while, but after a while their hatred and soulesness will irritate you and they'll become disgusting and repulsive to you.

A woman that has the emotional capacity for monogamy is going to be a better human being over all. Then there's all the hobbies we can enjoy together such as cooking, hiking, movies, camping, pick-nicks, exploring new places, and so on. It really would be much better in the long run.
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i dont expect the average person to be able to name where Poland is on a map, let alone understand the actual nuance to the incel status that exists
Tbh, most people are utterly clueless when it comes to this situation
Realistically #2 is going to be std ridden, fat, ugly, toxic, man-hating, feminist, drug-addicted, woke, disrespectful, hairy, sjw slobs. If you really need sex it might be ok for a little while, but after a while their hatred and soulesness will irritate you and they'll become disgusting and repulsive to you.

A woman that has the emotional capacity for monogamy is going to be a better human being over all. Then there's all the hobbies we can enjoy together such as cooking, hiking, movies, camping, pick-nicks, exploring new places, and so on. It really would be much better in the long run.
100% agree

Tbh, most people are utterly clueless when it comes to this situation
Tbh idk where Poland is on the map exactly either jfl
Tbh, most people are utterly clueless when it comes to this situation
agreed. and just utterly clueless in general, but that probably has to do with dropping iq scores due to female mate selection making us more dysgenic.
agreed. and just utterly clueless in general, but that probably has to do with dropping iq scores due to female mate selection making us more dysgenic.
That might explain the reverse flynn effect
That might explain the reverse flynn effect
helps to explain it, along with the fact of immigration into the United States by 3rd world migrants who tend to have lower iqs has increased drastically
helps to explain it, along with the fact of immigration into the United States by 3rd world migrants who tend to have lower iqs has increased drastically
I’ve read it’s decreasing even when other things are controlled for apparently, even race.
"A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones." Proverbs 12:4
"A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones." Proverbs 12:4
Too bad that just like the biblical stories, a noble wife is just mythical.
Big universe my friend. You mean to tell me I can't find my loyal anime waifu?
Waifu coping is a whitepill that I recently learned about myself. Life changing cope
She's out there somewhere. I will find her just as she is trying to find me.
I have already found my waifu love.
100% agree
Some would consider us Syndical and Jaded. I think the one super power incels develope is seeing the world more objectively.

Chads, and all women are treated kinder and nicer than any of us, so they don't see how toxic most western women have become.
What's her name?
I don’t want to say it because I don’t want others to have her.

Some would consider us Syndical and Jaded. I think the one super power incels develope is seeing the world more objectively.

Chads, and all women are treated kinder and nicer than any of us, so they don't see how toxic most western women have become.
Only blackpilled incels. There’s lots of incels who are incels in denial, like many posters on reddit.
lol. That's true. I admire their low IQ and ability to stick with the delusions.
Many probably do know but can’t cope with the reality, so they lie to themselves to prevent suicide.
Many probably do know but can’t cope with the reality, so they lie to themselves to prevent suicide.
There's a maintenance guy at my apartment complex I talk to from time to time. He's late twenties. and still trying at dating but not yet successful. He believes god has the right girl waiting for him.

We're maybe the same SMV. When he hears that I've completely given up on dating (in the west) I can kinda see it on his face, like he's trying to figure out if I just threw in the towel early and we still have a chance, or if I can see reality a little better than he can.

Even if they cope, there's some small part of them that senses something is off. It's the almost good looking enough that's most brutal. When you're good looking enough for girls to sometimes flirt with you, but never their best option so you never wind up with anyone, and always get ghosted, that feels the most painful. Because your mind is internally split. Then you have male biology that makes us overestimate our own attractiveness.
There's a maintenance guy at my apartment complex I talk to from time to time. He's late twenties. and still trying at dating but not yet successful. He believes god has the right girl waiting for him.

We're maybe the same SMV. When he hears that I've completely given up on dating (in the west) I can kinda see it on his face, like he's trying to figure out if I just threw in the towel early and we still have a chance, or if I can see reality a little better than he can.

Even if they cope, there's some small part of them that senses something is off. It's the almost good looking enough that's most brutal. When you're good looking enough for girls to sometimes flirt with you, but never their best option so you never wind up with anyone, and always get ghosted, that feels the most painful. Because your mind is internally split. Then you have male biology that makes us overestimate our own attractiveness.
It seems like more males are god coping these days than female. Truly a neutered gender.
A girlfrend. A one single fucking girlfriend
Normgroids will spin this in either way doesn't matter.

"Oh you just want a woman to control, that's why you want a virgin wife as you are insecure"

"You just see women as sex objects instead of actual human beings that is why you would rather have sex with a different girl every day"
Yeah there is no way to win here.
If you had the choice, which would you rather have?

1) KHHTV loyal traditional wife who genuinely loves you and will never leave your side (unless you cheat, beat her, etc).

2) New woman to fuck everyday, and you will have an unlimited supply. You will never fuck the same woman twice, and women are crazily lusting for your dick.
chads who hate whores fuck them, incels are shamed for being mad that there is not a virgin in sight anymore
I don't even like people. Let alone being with a new one every day.
I just want someone to lie on the couch with and watch our favorite shows together.
Someone to go to the restaurant with from time to time and watch her eat. And then she eats my fries and I get mad but it's okay.
like others on here i just want somebody to hang out with. Somebody to play video games, watch anime etc etc you get the point
But i am not picky i would take anything regardless of race age or even weight
like others on here i just want somebody to hang out with. Somebody to play video games, watch anime etc etc you get the point
But i am not picky i would take anything regardless of race age or even weight
What about morbidly obese abo woman?

I don't even like people. Let alone being with a new one every day.
I just want someone to lie on the couch with and watch our favorite shows together.
Someone to go to the restaurant with from time to time and watch her eat. And then she eats my fries and I get mad but it's okay.
Sadly, no life partner for subhumans.

chads who hate whores fuck them, incels are shamed for being mad that there is not a virgin in sight anymore
Never be ashamed for not wanting sluts (ie non khhtv women).
Women can't love men so why not just choose the 2nd option :feelshehe::feelzez:
If you had the choice, which would you rather have?

1) KHHTV loyal traditional wife who genuinely loves you and will never leave your side (unless you cheat, beat her, etc).

2) New woman to fuck everyday, and you will have an unlimited supply. You will never fuck the same woman twice, and women are crazily lusting for your dick.
2 is literally the shit that chads do and the only women that I would get to fuck every if I picked 2 are annoying shitskin whore Latina stacys, therefore I voted 1.
Everyone who choses option 1 is deeply delusional cuck who lives in a fuckin disneyland

If you choose option one and claim to be blackpilled you are foid tier iq

I specifically said KHHTV woman who will be forever loyal. What’s cucked about that?
In my teenage years and most of my 20s I would've voted for the first option.
Now I'm too broken anyway, so this is why I chose the second.
Everyone who choses option 1 is deeply delusional cuck who lives in a fuckin disneyland

If you choose option one and claim to be blackpilled you are foid tier iq

I've noticed most new users who joined the forum since second half of 2022 are :bluepill: af. The forum is dying. Nearly all the original blackpillers from pre-summer 2022 are gone. Might have to leave this site soon. I'm sure if this same poll was done 2 - 3 years ago, the results would be different (like 60/40 or 55/45). Look at the user names who chose 1, more than half of them joined in 2023 or second half of 2022. The :blackpill: is too much for most people to tolerate; the :bluepill: will always manage to have its way with them
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