Anger for me is a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. I can have it in situations of unfairness. Hate is even more deep longer seated continuous disdain and hostility. I don't have that last one often, i tend to get depressed and tired in stead. All three are emotions that are a step, before several other stages of emotions, like acceptence. I don't judge about feelings. I am not a god, just the same as you, maybe I am less hatefull, maybe more sad, maybe more accepting, but I am not here to change you. You ask me so i answer. And I appreciate being here, even if i am more depressed then angry.
and whish they get killed by a meteor?
For laughs saying it, yes, thats ok.
But for real, its not according to the rules of this forum to say it like you mean it. According to the law its illegal i guess, don't know.
I think its for sure: not nice. But I don't judge you for what you think or say. Decide yourself.
Also its a group thing to say some stuff for fun, or for venting frustrations it might be helpfull.
If you want my oppinion, the answer is no, it doesn't help me really.
If i know its a joke, it can make me laugh.
also is it ok to hate people of color ?
No. Hating for the reason of skincolor only seems strange to me. I myself love living in a country with all kinds of colors.
It has nothing to do with being an incel. Having said that, al kinds of joking can be funny.
But I am not here to judge you. You asked my personal oppinion.
No. Double no.
(Unappropriate jokes aside, when very very very clear its a joke, and you mean well, then it can be funny, for instance when you yourself are of color, or when you have friends of color and they also laugh about it, you ask me this so i answer. This is not on topic about inceldom, so next time maybe in another forum, greetings)
also do you have a girlfriend?
No. But i accept it.
What else?