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Blackpill Incel Hypocrisy - Foid Worship

Isn't adopting the title Incel, a form of foid worship, if it means "I am unable to attract a (f*male) sexual partner but I would like one"?
Banning everything perceived or imagined as foid worship would make sense if this was volcels.is as voluntary celibacy implies that one's sexual success is only up to one self in contrast to inceldom, which implies rejection.

Regardless I think removing user's avatars is extremely petty unless it is to keep a forum sfw.
Joined Aug 30, 2021 Posts 22 Online 1d 19h 43m
And that is a good thing, not a bad thing.


I just wanted sex and a relationship with a woman who wanted me. I don't particularly feel any need to do that "in a blackpilled way"... what does that even mean?

Betrayal of the blackpill? JFC it's not the grail. You're not a knight of some holy order.



I want to ascend, in a "putting my dick in a woman who happily and willingly gives it up to me because she wants me" way. That's true. Saying it is therefore honest.

The Blackpill is a set of observations about the nature of human sexual attraction, that helps us to make sense of the way we're treated in the sex/dating/marriage market. It's not a fucking religion that anybody owes loyalty and service to.

Okay, have fun pouting and coping in your ideologically-pure tent.
Betrayal of the blackpill? JFC it's not the grail. You're not a knight of some holy order.
Funny you should mention that...

anime foids are the essence of the principles of beauty and attributes to be implemented in waifubots.
any replacement of foids takes away resources from foids.

Funny you should mention that...


Well that sounds like fun. They should wear KKK robes to make it extra legit.

Maybe conclude each meeting of their chapter by playing a game of soggy biscuits.

Unfortunately the holy order of doing my garden and fixing my roof is taking up all of of my time right now.
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aptal aptal şeyler
You can be an incel and also like women.
To one I have I to agree - I catched myself simping for anime girls, but I still was opose for the ban of anime pfps. They are dudes
To one I have I to agree - I catched myself simping for anime girls, but I still was opose for the ban of anime pfps. They are dudes
Anime boys are not a problem by themselves. The problem is that in Anime, men are represented in a very feminized way, which in itself is a sign of foid worship.
Anime boys are not a problem by themselves. The problem is that in Anime, men are represented in a very feminized way, which in itself is a sign of foid worship.
They are these way to lure foids into anime. Look at BTS and other modern guys who don't have problems with womans. Feminized slim coathangers
I think you’ve got cause and effect flipped, at least for a significant number of cases. Men turn to fantasy after the world rejects them.
I think you’ve got cause and effect flipped, at least for a significant number of cases. Men turn to fantasy after the world rejects them.
Sure, but why were they rejected in the first place?

Because so many other men have been turned into cuck white knights by foid worship of various kinds that foids can use them as foot soldiers to support their "right" to be Chad-only.

Otherwise we would still be living like 100 years ago or more and each man would have a reasonable chance to get a wife.

It is foid worship that opened the door to Chad-only polygamy in the West. Before that, the Christian West was the most sexually egalitarian society in the World. Even kings were not allowed to have Harems. Monogamy was very strictly enforced on everyone and foids therefore had to accept to have a husband, which gave a chance to almost every man.
But not simp or white knight for them
There are 2 prerequisites for inceldom, Involuntariness and celibacy. You can simp and white knight and still be an incel.
There are 2 prerequisites for inceldom, Involuntariness and celibacy. You can simp and white knight and still be an incel.

In fact foid worship - the end game to simping and white knighting - happens here more often than should be expected.
Most blackpill-oriented channels featured whores in their videos's thumbnail in order for thirsty incel men to give them views. There's a lot of female worship among men.
Yes, only by getting rid of your sex drive will you truly be free from female worship.
Yes, only by getting rid of your sex drive will you truly be free from female worship.
You just need to not simp for females.
I don't treat females any different from men.
Thank you. I'll now dominate this thread.

[inspired by this thread]

Foid worship has become the new religion of the West (and therefore of the World). It started small, among the upper classes in the early XIXth century with "Romanticism" (the actual literary movement, not the general term of today's language) Then it spread down the social ladder and gained ground as Christianity retreated. In the 60s, the boomers consecrated it as the new dominant religion. Its manifestations are:
  • Obligatory love story in every work of fiction
  • Feminism
  • Sluticism (which is, in theory, contrary to Feminism but contradiction is no bother)
  • Obligatory "niceness" in everything
  • etc.
All humans have a religion. We cannot escape it. In the West, people pretend to not have a religion because they are no longer Christians. In fact, foid worship is their religion.

Being kicked out of your religion is the worst thing that can happen to a human being. That is why excommunication was considered the worst possible punishment in Medieval Christianity. As incels we are foid worshipers, like everyone else today, because this is what we have been educated to be. However, we are being rejected by the foid-priestesses of our religion. They excommunicate us from the only religion we have.

One often hear among incels that sex is a "need", like air, food or water. This is clearly false. Non-dominant males ar barred from sex in every mammal species. They do not die as a result. Before we became farmers, humans were living like social mammals where non-dominant males didn't have sex. So we are adapted to that. Not having sex is something our nature is perfectly capable of enduring. However, what we cannot endure is being kicked out of our own religion. That is a source of major suffering and leads to death through suicide. It has always been so in every culture.

I am a foid worshiper too, but I am not in denial. I am aware of my own foid worship tendencies and trying to cure myself.

Imo, no one who refuses to swallow the foid worship pill is really blackpilled :blackpill:

Our instinct for belief/trust/faith/credit is what makes language possible (you have to believe at least some of what you are told for language to be useful). Like all instincts, this one can be masturbated because it includes a pleasure reward.

belief/trust/faith/credit masturbation is what religion is, in the largest sense. It can also be called power masturbation because power and belief/trust/faith/credit are two sides of the same coin.

If you are an SA storm-trooper marching in the streets of Nuremberg, you get a power-gasm out of your "superior Aryan race" themed credit masturbation
If you are a Christian eating the host at mass, you get a power-gasm out of your "Christ the King" themed credit masturbation
If you are a Hindu bathing in the Ganges, you get a power-gasm from your "Ganga springs from Shiva's head" themed credit masturbation

If you are a true Nihilist, you can't get any power-gasms. You become depressed and die

Nietzsche is an outward Nihilist in the sense that he denies the existence of any transcendent entity and pretends to get his gasms only from his own sense of self.

That, in my view, is a pose because our sense of self is constantly diminished by adversity. You have to feed it with confidence coming from something that is "above" it to keep it from shrinking to nothingness. In reality, Nietzsche was, like most post-romantic Germans a foid worshiper for most of his life. Unfortunately for him, he started to take his own denials seriously and as a result cut himself off from any form of credit masturbation nourishment. He became crazy and died as a result.

Fair enough

Imo, this language about "slave morality" is not credible because it comes from a man whose fate demonstrated the failure of his theories (see above)

See above

That is why foid worship appeared when it did, in the early XIXth century, when upper class men had started to be really disillusioned about Christianity. They needed to replace it by something or accept to be all annihilated by depression and suicide. Foid worship started to be a significant religious trend in the West at that moment.

Nihilism cannot be a motivator (see above), but it can be a pose, hiding something else. Men do not particularly care for pleasure and comfort. But foids do. The tendency towards these things is an indirect manifestation of foid worship.

He was, in the sense that he denies transcendence

That is a straw man Nietzsche builds up to hide his real motivation. Calling Christianity "nihilistic" robs him of any credibility.

Towards the end of his life, as he was descending into madness, he wrote letters in which he portrayed himself as Dionysos robbing Cosima away from Wagner. This means that the idea was there in his head the whole time since his youth.

And he accepted to be photographed with her holding a whip while Ree and him appeared to be pulling a chariot in which she was riding. The meaning of the whip is clear. She was playing Ree and Nietzsche against each other to her advantage. In fact, the deception was even deeper because she was banging Ree the entire time. I don't buy that Nietzsche was unaware of that. First of all, he saw the photo and, furthermore, this is just too similar to what Dostoyevski depicts in "The perpetual husband" to be innocent. The bottom line is that Nietzsche was more than happy to be whipped by a foid goddess (metaphorically or otherwise).

This is a cover for his foid worship, just like the anti-foid tirades we see continuously on this site.

Dalits ARE Hindus. As such, they WANT to enter the temple and get Prasad (= Hindu version of the Christian host) from the priests. But they are BANNED from entering because they are IMPURE.

Incels ARE foid worshipers. As such, they WANT to eat the pussy of the priestesses (= foid worshiping version of the Christian host). But they are REJECTED because they are SUBHUMAN.

[thanks to @the virgin shepherd for attracting my attention to pussy eating]

That was there yes. But remember that Hitler had to hide Eva Braun until the end. To the masses, he pretended he was "married to Germany"

Also, the propaganda was steeped in male-worship.

I think it is fair to say that publicly, the Nazi regime was male worshiping while some of its leaders were female-worshipers privately.

You have to remember that this was not new. Victorian England was also male-worshiping, and so was France before WWI

After 1945, there was a feeling along the lines of "see, we have all been male worshiping and look where it lead us!". This feeling is what started feminism on the way to the dominance it enjoys now.

Sorry, but here you are going overboard and displaying you lack of historical awareness.

"Patriarchal" is a brain-dead adjective that is too broad to mean anything. All traditional societies are "patriarchal" and yet some worship foids (like Hindus) while others don't (Islam).

What is being worshiped is not the same as how society is organized.

It is not "in your genes" to be a foid worshiper. What is in your genes is to fight other males for the right to fuck females (alpha status). But humans do not follow their instincts, at least not fully. Culture bends our instincts in order to make us behave differently. And culture changes. For example, monogamy only appeared at the start of farming.

Foid worship was a big part of many pre-Christian societies. Then Christianity stamped it out but it took a long time. Yet, Christianity is not male worship (too long to explain why here). Male worship only developed in the West in the XIXth century after Christianity had started to decline.

@ItsOver4cel Look at this pic:
View attachment 696011
It is the Hindu goddess Durga, basically unchanged from when this Sumerian foid priestess was singing hymns to her 4500 years ago. Hindus have been worshiping her the whole time.

Is she real?

Go to India, talk to curries and you will see the very real result. Curries are the biggest simps and the biggest cucks in the history of the world.

Have you become (or always were) a religioncel, or are you just interested in this scene for its philosophical value?

Both are ok with me and I am in agreement with what you wrote.

Personally, I do not think Christianity can be a "Jew lie" because there are many elements of it which are not Jewish at all. The Character of Jesus, for example, is closer to an Indian holy man or to a Greek philosopher/ascetic (think Diogenes or Pythagoras or even Socrates) than to a Jewish prophet. The whole idea of Christianity is closer to an Indian-style spiritual discipline than to worship-centric Second Temple Judaism. "Salvation" is closer to "Moksha/Nirvana" than to any other spiritual/philosophical notion. Christianity was a new thing when it appeared. It did not belong entirely to any tradition.

Last question, do you think the term "white pill" is appropriate in this context? Tbh, I am not sure myself about the value of this expression (or lack thereof), ...

I have already dealt with a number of themes you mention above on this forum some time ago. Maybe you could be interested in reading these threads:

Because it conditions you to being a simp. It is like Pavlov type shit with animals, where a mouse is made to do something when it sees a piece of cheese.

With foid worship, you are being programmed to being a simp by being repeatedly exposed to pleasurable images of foids. The "nicer" the foids are made out to be the more effectively you are being conditioned. That is why those who say that "Anime girls are nicer than irl ones" are the dumbest idiots. Sure, they are "nicer"; and this is precisely what is turning you even more surely into a white knight faggot.
Don't be fooled. Christcucks are all secret foid worshippers as well. They all worship Mary or Sophia behind the curtains. They worship the ideal of a loyal wife, of feminine virtue and family. Reality was whores were fucking Chad and betabuxxing incels for the past 2000 years anyway, despite the restraints placed on them by soyciety. Christcuckery forced men to turn a blind eye, to place doubt in their minds that women were beyond such behavior. Modern Christianity is hypercucked, just like everything else these days. There's no going back. A dead avatar for the Age of Pisces, aka the Age of Eros/Love, which is fast coming to an end, and by some measures already has ended. The social engineers pulling the strings yearn for a collectivist unification of humanity under a global government, and have already planted the seeds for such an undertaking in the Age of Aquarius. Incels who don't escape the path they already have planned for us in this totalitarian nightmare will only suffer.

My way out is prime robot pussy, living a life on the outskirts of civilization as a space pirate.
There has been a lot of excitement lately over the anime foid AVs ban
? Well shit I missed that. brb fixing the issue
fixed, enjoy my new AVI. Now I can focus on getting 9001 posts
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fuck this existence.
Death to the (weebs) animecels. Just imagine being over 20 and still watching cartoons, asian cartoons. It's pathetic. I myself I don't even watch movies let alone cartoons.

You have to be mentally handicapped to like a cartoon character and to jerk off to it. You're not a man, you're just a bitch with fantasies.

There has been a lot of excitement lately over the anime foid AVs ban. I think that the problem runs deeper. Here is my take on it.

Most incels on this forums are youngcels, who are the loudest of all to claim they are blackpilled. Yet if any one of them gets even the remotest chance of "ascending", they will go back to simping and white knighting in a split second. Of course, they will never admit to it here but that is exactly what thy will do. They will just disappear from here and melt back into the bluepilloshpere (remember Kyle Incel?)

Some Incel-tier males eventually get to have a relationship with some low-tier becky or other (or a post-wall sheboon or whatever). But, of course, that means that they will have to lick the floor in front of her. Only Chad gets to be actually blackpilled in practice with respect to foids in today's world.

So, saying "I am a blackpilled incel, but I want to ascend" is fundamentally contradictory and therefore hypocritical. For incel-tier males, ascension can only mean going back to simping and white-knighting, therefore to a betrayal of the blackpill.

The only honest attitude would be to say: "I am a blackpilled incel, and I want to ascend only if I can do so in a blackpilled way"

In practice, this means converting to Islam and living in an islamic country or maybe in some other really shitty hellhole where nobody cares about foids.

In the West, the only possibility is Volceldom. Of course, MGTOWs are also huge hypocrites, most of them, but fundamentally, they are right in principle. It is IMPOSSIBLE to interact with Western (or Western-style) foids without doing the simp/white knight dance.

Conclusion: the only honest people on this forum (and elsewhere in the "manosphere") are old (35+) Volcels or oldcels who have completely given up.


Weeb-related crap is the most obvious sign of the above hypocrisy. An incel weeb is basically someone who says to himself: "while I wait for an opportunity to grovel at the feet of an irl foid, I will do so in fantasy mode with an Anime foid". Are all weebs as self-conscious as the above suggests? Obviously not. For most, it is just a confused, back of your mind, subconscious craving to continue simping at any cost even if they have to do it in 2D.

Furthermore, weebery, is part of the myriad other bluepilled features of our society which tend to condition men into obedient foid-slaves.

Just like movies, TV series, teachers, parents, advertisement, etc, Anime foists upon you the idea of the cute-fragile-emotional-kind-righteous foid. Like so many other bluepilled cultural products, it gives you a dopamine hit by allowing you to feel, if only for an instant, that you are the savior of the damsel in distress. As such, it is addictive. As such, it conditions you to simp for foid. Because, of course, you will never be the savior. But you will have been so conditioned to have a hyper-elevated view of foids that you will be content being a slave instead.

TLDR: Weebery is part of the foid-worship entertainment industry that is the main cause of Inceldom by conditioning men into foid-slaves.
Guess I'm a simp.

Quite honestly I hope most ppl here are fakecells, I'd be happy for people that manage to "ascend" more then enraged, because the blackpil is a brutal path with no remorse or quarter.

Literally everyone wants it to be fake, everyone wants to be bluepilled.
Literally everyone wants it to be fake, everyone wants to be bluepilled.
Speak for yourself. I, for one, don't "want" it to be fake because that would be wishful thinking.
Just imagine being over 20 and still being a virgin, kissless virgin. It's pathetic.
Normie logic

Banning 2D foids here despite the huge overlap of weebs and incels is dumb. But I understand, all the anti-weebs banded together and voted on the issue so remove all the weebcontent and ignore the 30-40-something % of weebcels on the site

And mods how is AI "foid" worship foid worship? They aren't even voiced by IRL foids. The progress in AI should be celebrated. It's a great leap forward in the quest to replace real life roasties with incel friendly alternatives
I can't believe how many foid worshippers are here. The absolute state.
An incel weeb is basically someone who says to himself: "while I wait for an opportunity to grovel at the feet of an irl foid, I will do so in fantasy mode with an Anime foid".
Way to paint with a broad brush.
Like so many other bluepilled cultural products, it gives you a dopamine hit by allowing you to feel, if only for an instant, that you are the savior of the damsel in distress.
I have never felt like this despite watching at least a thousand anime.

Tbh, your exposé on "weebery" reads like an essay on incels by a foid sociologist -- i.e., your claims are overgeneralized and you don't sound like you know what you're talking about. Just theoretical mumbo jumbo divorced from reality.
Normie logic

Banning 2D foids here despite the huge overlap of weebs and incels is dumb. But I understand, all the anti-weebs banded together and voted on the issue so remove all the weebcontent and ignore the 30-40-something % of weebcels on the site

And mods how is AI "foid" worship foid worship? They aren't even voiced by IRL foids. The progress in AI should be celebrated. It's a great leap forward in the quest to replace real life roasties with incel friendly alternatives
I didn't wrote that. Why you add words and distort the whole context?

Pathetic weeb.

Original text.
"Death to the (weebs) animecels. Just imagine being over 20 and still watching cartoons, asian cartoons. It's pathetic. I myself I don't even watch movies let alone cartoons."
I have never felt like this despite watching at least a thousand anime.
If you watched a thousand anime, it means you are addicted. I then ask you this question: what is the mechanism of your addiction?
If you watched a thousand anime, it means you are addicted. I then ask you this question: what is the mechanism of your addiction?
I sincerely doubt I'm addicted. I've been watching significantly less anime in recent years.
The only good post I've seen on this forum. Most users here will depart in less than a year for obvious reasons. I've rotted on this forum since 2018 (I deleted my old account) when I was 18yo and here I am at fucking 23 years old lol
The only good post I've seen on this forum. Most users here will depart in less than a year for obvious reasons. I've rotted on this forum since 2018 (I deleted my old account) when I was 18yo and here I am at fucking 23 years old lol
Don't be fooled. Christcucks are all secret foid worshippers as well. They all worship Mary or Sophia behind the curtains. They worship the ideal of a loyal wife, of feminine virtue and family. Reality was whores were fucking Chad and betabuxxing incels for the past 2000 years anyway, despite the restraints placed on them by soyciety. Christcuckery forced men to turn a blind eye, to place doubt in their minds that women were beyond such behavior. Modern Christianity is hypercucked, just like everything else these days. There's no going back. A dead avatar for the Age of Pisces, aka the Age of Eros/Love, which is fast coming to an end, and by some measures already has ended. The social engineers pulling the strings yearn for a collectivist unification of humanity under a global government, and have already planted the seeds for such an undertaking in the Age of Aquarius. Incels who don't escape the path they already have planned for us in this totalitarian nightmare will only suffer.

My way out is prime robot pussy, living a life on the outskirts of civilization as a space pirate.
Some based pearls amongst this swine of a thread. :feelsthink:
I’ve been around on incel forums since 2017. I’m 28 it’s so over for me. I don’t think I can rope but your posts are worth reading. Thank you k9otaku for high IQ posts
I’ve been around on incel forums since 2017. I’m 28 it’s so over for me. I don’t think I can rope but your posts are worth reading. Thank you k9otaku for high IQ posts
Not specifically including that you want to ascend in a blackpilled way doesn't make anything "fundamentally" contradictory, I don't think anyone's thinking of groveling and kneeling in front of a foid to worship her greatness when they imagine ascending.
But that's just it. We are. They are. That's what is happening, it's the "how" which is allusive at first. The worship imbues the foid with credit she does not deserve. They might not think they would be groveling at her feet but if she's pretty enough they might just do exactly that in many different ways. It's not overt, it's subtle and then takes on a path of its own.
but I agree with you on people throwing away all ideas of the "blackpill" for the tiniest morsel of foid attention... :feelsjuice:.
What we're saying to them is that they aren't seeing what they are doing as worship the way they should. This is because they haven't realized what worship entails.
I think my problem is that using fantastical versions of foids you simply like the aesthetics of or the idealized characters of doesn't automatically translate to real-life foids; now, being excessive with the character like saying you would be a literal slave to them or whatever is weird as fuck since I don't watch anime at all, but I don't see that very much and I don't see it as a reason to ban all anime foid avis even if I don't use them. :feelshehe:
I don't know how to explain it on here, it's gets too personal but bottom line is, that anime is worship. Everything we do pays homage to something, and for example, people make fun of my dog pfp or my building a "temple" to canine culture of sorts. It's healthy and they deserve the love and care we can give them and that we also yearn to give some humans and mammals. It takes care of an instinctual need of sorts. So of course I'd rather be giving that energy of mine to canine or to writing a book or to explain these things to other people who have the capacity to listen rather then helping in anyway to build a temple for foid.

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