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Serious If you saw a stranger foid getting raped, how would you react?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21219
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See heading

  • Keep walking. Why the fuck should i care?

    Votes: 94 76.4%
  • Id prolly join in

    Votes: 22 17.9%
  • Id do everything i can to help the foid

    Votes: 7 5.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's none of my business, I'm not getting stabbed for some random hole so she can ask me for money for a cab and go on her big date with Chad 5 minutes later. I guess you can say I'm not getting a hole for a hole. I didn't swear any oath, it's the cops job to catch him, not mine.

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6 rapists so far JFL. Rapists.co
Who would actually help her wtf?
Id probably help. not because of her tho i couldnt care less. it would be a dopamine rush to do something "heroic"
The last time a normie got his ass kicked and after that the chick went on a date with her abuser...
I would get a panic attack and i would start laughing. I would run.
If the rapist is a chad it is not a rape i wouldnt wanna get stabbed.
Id just mind my own business tbh.
Incel tears taught me that nobody is entitled to anything, so I’d walk away
I'll go with the serious answer even if this is shitpost: i'd probably call the police, even if it really depends on the situation.

If i see a scantly dressed young slut i could even choose to not give a fuck, but if it's a normal woman and he's clearly being raped i could definetly call someone.

I don't think i'd ever intervene in person, but dunno.
cheer or keep walking.
I'll go with the serious answer even if this is shitpost: i'd probably call the police, even if it really depends on the situation.

If i see a scantly dressed young slut i could even choose to not give a fuck, but if it's a normal woman and he's clearly being raped i could definetly call someone.

I don't think i'd ever intervene in person, but dunno.

Thats a weird answer tbh. What does her dress have to do with it?
I can't believe we have 4 white knights here.
Thats a weird answer tbh. What does her dress have to do with it?

Because i'd be inclined to say that if you are scantly dressed you've kinda asked for it, especially if you went alone through some unsafe street at night.

If it's a normal woman, maybe not even good looking, on her way to home... that's when i'd feel some empathy.
Because i'd be inclined to say that if you are scantly dressed you've kinda asked for it, especially if you went alone through some unsafe street at night.

If it's a normal woman, maybe not even good looking, on her way to home... that's when i'd feel some empathy.

Well, the point of this was not to find out if youre morally for or against rape. I personally am not in favor of it. It was meant to find out how many men would risk their lives to save a foid, given their chance to have a meaningful live with one is extremely low.
2. If you both happily team up its harder to keep track of what you did and what to clean up, unless you both plan on exchanging contact information after killing her and disposing of the body, you will likely get caught and then arrested as you can't keep your stories straight, one mistake and you're fucked

For me its more of a moral choice. But i dont have to help. Also stick to escorts. Raping is a shit cope tbh.
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Recording it, posting it here, and getting permabanned.
Jk, i would call the police while i run as fast as i can from the place. I dont want to get raped, sorry.
But in real life if I saw a girl getting raped in an alley and I could actually save her (because I have an open carry license for my gun) I wouldn't help her.

If i had a gun, i would help her just for the rush of adrenaline
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Recording it, posting it here, and getting permabanned.
Jk, i would call the police while i run as fast as i can from the place. I dont want to get raped, sorry.

If i had a gun, i would help her just for the rush of adrenaline
this made me lol :lul:
none of my buisness.
Steal the foid and continue the rape :feelzez:


This meme cracked me up laughing ngl.
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I'm too high inhib to do anything, even if I wanted to (which I don't)
The most I would do is call the police, as I'm leaving the place, and mostly because is kinda of a legal requirement.
Nobody cares about me so why would I care about others?
I'd use the opportunity to snatch her purse while she's getting raped and run away with it.
id record it and say nigger things then upload like everyone else
I mean I wouldn't even consider gender as a factor in whether or not I'd help the person. I for one would be pretty distressed if I was being raped by a psychotic dude in an alleyway, so if I witnessed a person in that situation I would want to help them out. plus, I would feel pretty guilty if I didn't. I'd probably just call the authorities and let them deal with it in that scenario
Realistically, I'd get my face punched in by rapist chad. Also, no foid would lift a finger to help me. No playing hero for me.
I will just proceed with whatever kind of business I've been having before the spectacle, probably walk away at speed. I don't want to get myself killed just because some foid refused to spare a 10 mins' deal for a fellow brocel.
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Call the police and keep walking.
I'll go with the serious answer even if this is shitpost: i'd probably call the police, even if it really depends on the situation.

If i see a scantly dressed young slut i could even choose to not give a fuck, but if it's a normal woman and he's clearly being raped i could definetly call someone.

I don't think i'd ever intervene in person, but dunno.
:soy: :bluepill::soy:
Call the police and keep walking.
lmao at you guys calling yourself Blackpilled.
I'm incel man, if I tried helping I'd get my ass kicked and wind up blamed for the rape. Gotta look out for myself and keep walking. I've been around long enough to know no good deed goes unpunished when you're incel.
I'd stop the rapist and rape the bitch myself just walk, it's none of my problem.
Join in since i'll get in trouble anyway just for being a witness, even the 3rd option can land your ass in jail if the rapist is Chadlite
I really hate lines...


Since I'm here already...


Id probably help. not because of her tho i couldnt care less. it would be a dopamine rush to do something "heroic"

1. Stop fucking lying to yourself, your statement is completely contradictory, because if you see saving her as something "heroic", that implies that you do care about her safety

2. Do enjoy the feeling of a blade puncturing your kidneys, the woman will think about you for 5 mins after your funeral, then proceed to blow a Chad later that day, you will surely be missed
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I'd use the opportunity to snatch her purse while she's getting raped and run away with it.

I see you are also a man of culture

I chose to keep walking, but in reality I'd probably do a slight variation of two of them, I'd wait till the rape was finished, when the guy leaves, rush her and knock her out, take whatever cash she has on her and split JFL
record and jerk off to it later
I'll go with the serious answer even if this is shitpost: i'd probably call the police, even if it really depends on the situation.

If i see a scantly dressed young slut i could even choose to not give a fuck, but if it's a normal woman and he's clearly being raped i could definetly call someone.

I don't think i'd ever intervene in person, but dunno.

Incels in other threads: "Pretty much all women are whores, even the women who dress conservatively and act cute are whores for Chad, cute and innocent is just an act, and its to attract Chad not you, to help chad live out his "violating innocence" fetish"

Incels in threads like this one: "Well clearly women are only whores if they are dressed a certain way, I can use my mind reading powers to tell if a woman was sucking Chad's cock last night and is a whore who rides the cock carousel, so based on how she's dressed I'd call the police"

Dude stop making fucking excuses so you can "feel alright with" helping a woman, just be honest with yourself, you'd probably help any woman regardless because your criteria is sloppy and is nothing but an excuse

The scantily dressed bitch could be a kindergarten teacher and the woman dressed conservatively could be an instagram model or an actual stripper

You are just giving yourself a "mental out" so no matter what happens you can feel alright with helping them, when you see the scantily dressed woman getting raped you'll probably just tell yourself - "I have a sister, I have to call", or some other excuse

Just stop it, I hate seeing cognitive dissonance, especially with incels, were supposed to be the self aware ones
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do a running commentary like al michaels or cris collinsworth
If you saw a stranger foid getting raped, how would you react?
Raping is a shit cope tbh.

TBH I think were missing out, it may be the most arousing, most sexually gratifying experience a man can have. The feeling of dominance is the most significant factor in arousal for men (well usually), and for women its the reverse, this is why women want to be choked, slapped, etc. "Man handled" in bed.

For a man, there is probably nothing more enjoyable than rape, because that's the peak of sexual dominance, all this S&M. bondage and "rape fantasy" BS is just men clawing at their own fantasies, getting a taste enough to enjoy without "crossing the line", but they know what they really want, society and its laws "keep men in check" (well the majority), but currently it lets women roam free to do whatever the fuck they want

IDK man, I feel like you have to do it once before you die :feelskek: , its pretty much a right of passage as a man (i'll probably try to do it in my 50's or something, I won't give a fuck about jail time around then, if I get arrested I'll just off myself)

A switch/signal probably goes off when a woman's hymen is broken and their brain "logs it" in some way as a marker of sexual maturity, probably to trigger some biological event like the release of some hormone or something

I have a feeling the male equivalent for that, is more to do with the simultaneous experience of hormones related to aggression and arousal, like there's some mental state you'll never attain until you've committed a rape JFL

It's more likely the case that a "moralfag" is the one who started this poll just to confirm their own worldview that "incels are degenerates and dangerous to society"

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, but here's the thing, what difference would that make, lets say they get their "worldview confirmed", do they get an extra life or something?, money?, super powers?

Are you getting my point, they get nothing, what you stated here is a non-point it doesn't fucking mean anything at all, nobody can be arrested for a thought crime, so they get nothing out of it

Maybe they get to bask in a feeling of self righteousness, good for them, I wish them all the best, hope they enjoy it
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TBH I think were missing out, it may be the most arousing, most sexually gratifying experience a man can have. The feeling of dominance is the most significant factor in arousal for men (well usually), and for women its the reverse, this is why women want to be choked, slapped, etc. "Man handled" in bed.

For a man, there is probably nothing more enjoyable than rape, because that's the peak of sexual dominance, all this S&M. bondage and "rape fantasy" BS is just men clawing at their own fantasies, getting a taste enough to enjoy without "crossing the line", but they know what they really want, society and its laws "keep men in check" (well the majority), but currently it lets women roam free to do whatever the fuck they want

IDK man, I feel like you have to do it once before you die :feelskek: , its pretty much a right of passage as a man (i'll probably try to do it in my 50's or something, I won't give a fuck about jail time around then, if I get arrested I'll just off myself)

A switch/signal probably goes off when a woman's hymen is broken and their brain "logs it" in some way as a marker of sexual maturity, probably to trigger some biological event like the release of some hormone or something

I have a feeling the male equivalent for that, is more to do with the simultaneous experience of hormones related to aggression and arousal, like there's some mental state you'll never attain until you've committed a rape JFL

There are two reasons why a guy might rape, sexual gratification or sexual sadism. The former are the common rapists that you see in the news. These guys are extremely sexually frustrated and go to rape as a last resort of sorts.

The sexual sadists, on the other hand, get off on the violence and the abuse part of it, not so much the act of sex itself.

From an evolutionary point of view though, one way to look at it is to view all men as potential rapists. There is a benefit and a cost to the act of raping. Modern societies control this by making the benefit less (abortions, etc) and the cost high (imprisonment) to the point where rape in the modern society is all but a vestige of our evolutionary past, serving no real purpose.

You can take a look at this study that corroborates this view

If you saw a stranger foid getting raped, how would you react?


That 6 "Id do everything i can to help the foid" voters, show yourselves so that I can execute you
Gun pointed you big man goatee points his to looks getting angry make sure do whatever says st
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Modern societies control this by making the benefit less (abortions, etc) and the cost high (imprisonment) to the point where rape in the modern society is all but a vestige of our evolutionary past, serving no real purpose.

The "purpose" of sex is not reproduction, the purpose is pleasure, I think people often forget that our brains and our personage (consciousness) are not really pursuing the same goals, our brains create the framework that our desires revolve around, and uses that design to get us to do WHAT IT WANTS

When a male is aroused, its not really thinking - "man I want to get this female so pregnant, I just want so many kids" JFL

There's the "core motivation" and then there's the "surface motivation"

The "core motivation" is what our body/brain wants, the "surface motivation" (OUR ACTUAL MOTIVATION) is what we (person/consciousness) wants

So I guess it could be argued that there are multiple purposes, but viewing things from the perspective of the person, reproduction is not why we really have sex, our "purpose/reason" for it, IS PLEASURE

Imagine if sex was EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL (for both sexes), do you really think humans would be as obsessed as we are with baby making?, I doubt it, people would hate sex, and only do it to have children, which would be more like a right of passage, and it would be like a "duty" performed by humans to keep the species alive, we'd all love a "one child policy" then :feelskek:
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Just go about my day like nothing happened like a boss.
The "purpose" of sex is not reproduction, the purpose is pleasure, I think people often forget that our brains and our personage (consciousness) are not really pursuing the same goals, our brains create the framework that our desires revolve around, and uses that design to get us to do WHAT IT WANTS

When a male is aroused, its not really thinking - "man I want to get this female so pregnant, I just want so many kids" JFL

There's the "core motivation" and then there's the "surface motivation"

The "core motivation" is what our body/brain wants, the "surface motivation" (OUR ACTUAL MOTIVATION) is what we (person/consciousness) wants

So I guess it could be argued that there are multiple purposes, but viewing things from the perspective of the person, reproduction is not why we really have sex, our "purpose/reason" for it, IS PLEASURE

Imagine if sex was EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL (for both sexes), do you really think humans would be as obsessed as we are with baby making?, I doubt it, people would hate sex, and only do it to have children, which would be more like a right of passage, and it would be like a "duty" performed by humans to keep the species alive, we'd all love a "one child policy" then :feelskek:

Blindly following your instincts would make you no better that foids and animals tbh.
Blindly following your instincts would make you no better that foids and animals tbh.

Why is it people only say this when it comes to sex? lol

Why not apply this logic to food, don't blindly eat food that stimulates a "feel good" sensation and tastes good, only eat food that is extremely healthy and tastes bad

Why not apply this logic to entertainment, don't blindly consume entertainment that you actually enjoy, one should only take in educational material

How come in the pursuit of everything else we enjoy as humans, its "just what we do" and we don't consider it blindly following what our bodies want, but when it comes to sex, now were just blindly following our instincts

I have a news flash for you - ALL WE DO IS FOLLOW OUR INSTINCTS

When you entertain yourself because you're bored, eat because it tastes good, work to attain resources, its all connected to your instincts, which are all related to pursuing pleasure and ensuring survival, that's what it means to be a biological creature

Either way I don't get the "blind" part, a lot of thought goes into these choices

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