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Serious If you have never approached a woman before, what kind of dating life do you actually expect?

Why would a women approach a men. The average women that goes out occasionally gets hit on roughly 20 times a week. She has enough options as it is. There is no reason for her to approach. In addition women have the fear to be labeled as sluts by society which lowers their social status. A women gains literally no benefit from approaching.
she does. Choosing the one she wants rather than the 20 she doesn't.
I think a lot of us reach a point with black pill where dating is no longer an option. You cant sit across from whores knowing what we know
Someone who gets it.

Approached by 20 subhumans a week. They don't even count that.
do you even go out? Most ugly guys don't approach. In a club you usually only see average and above guys approach.
she does. Choosing the one she wants rather than the 20 she doesn't.
she doesn't do that by approaching. She does this by giving the guys indicators that she wants to be approached by him. Women are addicted to social status, that's why they love celebrities so much. A guy approaching her increases her status. If she approaches a guy on the other hand she lowers her social value. She also risks rejection which further lowers her value. That's why they send indicators.
approaching is a waste of time and energy under a certain level of looks
do you even go out? Most ugly guys don't approach. In a club you usually only see average and above guys approach.

she doesn't do that by approaching. She does this by giving the guys indicators that she wants to be approached by him. Women are addicted to social status, that's why they love celebrities so much. A guy approaching her increases her status. If she approaches a guy on the other hand she lowers her social value. She also risks rejection which further lowers her value. That's why they send indicators.

this makes a lot of sense

but many guys on here rationalize why they don't even try be focusing on some anecdotal evidence - i have a friend who knows a chad who got a blow job on his way to buy an ice cream

like the faggots who have a friend who benches 225lbs without even training...yet that same faggot has spent 5 years in the gym
do you even go out? Most ugly guys don't approach. In a club you usually only see average and above guys approach.
We ARE incels, UGLY guys.
That's also why the original premise, that we don't approach, isn't the cause of our lack of success.

she doesn't do that by approaching. She does this by giving the guys indicators that she wants to be approached by him. Women are addicted to social status, that's why they love celebrities so much. A guy approaching her increases her status. If she approaches a guy on the other hand she lowers her social value. She also risks rejection which further lowers her value. That's why they send indicators.
So if you don't get such indicator, DON'T approach. Simple.
Never got an IOI in my life,if I did,I would approach her.
You need to actually receive signals from a woman before you approach her otherwise it'll end in disaster. There's no point in approaching women who've shown shit all interest in you

cope nigga

accumulate posts here while I approach max and ascend
If you have to put in "effort", then I'm sorry you'll never find anyone who actually loves you. Because they don't love you, they love your "work" which mostly means, your money.
Truth. If you have to put an effort, it's over. I'm not talking about Chads, femoids chase them, more about normies. They just live their lives, and experience first love/first kiss and then accidentaly meet somebody to have romantic relationships with. It's obvious that if you missed these things, something is going wrong.
Truth. If you have to put an effort, it's over. I'm not talking about Chads, femoids chase them, more about normies. They just live their lives, and experience first love/first kiss and then accidentaly meet somebody to have romantic relationships with. It's obvious that if you missed these things, something is going wrong.
The average male has 6 sexparters in their ENTIRE LIFE. The average normie doesn't get laid as much as you might think. Also normies put in effort to get laid (gym, onlinedating, careermaxing, some approach). Thinking you don't have to put in effort is delusional. Ever since mankind existed women were resources and males were competing to acquire those resources and women choose the best partner to ensure her and the kid's survival. There is a reason men protect women. It's because their reproductive value is essential for the preservation of the species. You only need one men to preserve a population. If you only had 1 women on the other hand the population would die out in 1 generation. This means that the value of the women is inherently high just because she has a vagina. This makes her a valuable resource and you will have to compete with other men and put in effort unless you are in the top 10% of men of course. EVERYONE want a girlfriend and that's why EVERYONE will put in at least some effort to get one. If you factor in the male sexdrive which is about 6 time as strong as women's it's insane to think that it's over if you have to put in effort. I agree though that if you are hideously ugly it's over and it's best not to waste anymore time with it BUT before that you have to try to looksmaxx and approach.
The average male has 6 sexparters in their ENTIRE LIFE. The average normie doesn't get laid as much as you might think. Also normies put in effort to get laid (gym, onlinedating, careermaxing, some approach). Thinking you don't have to put in effort is delusional. Ever since mankind existed women were resources and males were competing to acquire those resources and women choose the best partner to ensure her and the kid's survival. There is a reason men protect women. It's because their reproductive value is essential for the preservation of the species. You only need one men to preserve a population. If you only had 1 women on the other hand the population would die out in 1 generation. This means that the value of the women is inherently high just because she has a vagina. This makes her a valuable resource and you will have to compete with other men and put in effort unless you are in the top 10% of men of course. EVERYONE want a girlfriend and that's why EVERYONE will put in at least some effort to get one. If you factor in the male sexdrive which is about 6 time as strong as women's it's insane to think that it's over if you have to put in effort. I agree though that if you are hideously ugly it's over and it's best not to waste anymore time with it BUT before that you have to try to looksmaxx and approach.
Please consider that average is nowhere to represent number on partners of any actual individual, i.e. normie has say 20 partners, two incels had nothing, so average would be 6,66(6), not even a whole number, lol.
Also, as this thread goes, effort was meant to be "approaching", so no actual gymcelling or cereermaxing is acceptable to list here. People do it for themselves, not for something else. I'm gymcelling, but for myself only, as i realise that i will have zero success either way.
As to approaching, if we take normal life with normally developed sociall skills and social experiences, there's very little to none chance (it may change soon, as femoids tend to chase Chads more and more), that no relationships will be created throughout normie's life. They have it much easier than we do, and you don't have to be a wizard or some sort of supermind to understand that it's over when you haven't got at least ROMANTIC experiences till ages of 18-20. Clearly something is going wrong with your development, as you're not getting what everyone else's getting by default, simple as that.
Please consider that average is nowhere to represent number on partners of any actual individual, i.e. normie has say 20 partners, two incels had nothing, so average would be 6,66(6), not even a whole number, lol.
Also, as this thread goes, effort was meant to be "approaching", so no actual gymcelling or cereermaxing is acceptable to list here. People do it for themselves, not for something else. I'm gymcelling, but for myself only, as i realise that i will have zero success either way.
As to approaching, if we take normal life with normally developed sociall skills and social experiences, there's very little to none chance (it may change soon, as femoids tend to chase Chads more and more), that no relationships will be created throughout normie's life. They have it much easier than we do, and you don't have to be a wizard or some sort of supermind to understand that it's over when you haven't got at least ROMANTIC experiences till ages of 18-20. Clearly something is going wrong with your development, as you're not getting what everyone else's getting by default, simple as that.
You said if you have to put in effort it's over. It's over = nothing you can do about it. First of all the normie is gonna put in some kind of effort to get laid as well. Most people have a job and do some kind of workout. Also an incel with average looks who is incel due to lack of social skills can get the results of the normie if he practices his social skills (e.g by approaching or socializing in general). If he has the social skills but is simply below average looking he can easily get to average by putting in EFFORT (style, gym etc). There are things that can be changed. Yes you should have some kind of romantic experiences by the age of 20 and yes something is wrong with you if you don't and thats why you have to put in effort to change whats wrong with you. In some cases (severe mental illness or hideous looks) the problem is not fixable and it's truly over but just because you actually have to work on yourself and put in some effort doesn't mean it's over. Yes life is not fair some people have it easier than others but you shouldn't give up before trying. Also if you worked for it you will appreciate and enjoy it much more than the person who just got it handed to them.
You keep repeating about job and gym as some sort of mantra before sleep, as i said effort = first steps, approaching, whatever that shit is called. Yet you'll notice when femoid is actually interested in you, because if she really is, her hints would be quite obvious for you to catch up.
Also an incel with average looks who is incel due to lack of social skills can get the results of the normie if he practices his social skills (e.g by approaching or socializing in general).
You try turn my statement about lack of social skills to that "personality" crap, mentalcel thing basically, but you must consider that it was not my meaning. Lack of social skills happens to kids being heavily mocked because of looks, yet making it even worse for them, so situation was never about "just be confident". It was about being unable to develop any social skills, as you simply don't develop normally as a kid. If you don't develop normally, then you have no idea how to approach, so you have to try, but you can't even try, that's why it's over. 'Twas my meaning.
If he has the social skills but is simply below average looking he can easily get to average by putting in EFFORT (style, gym etc). There are things that can be changed.
It is called "looksmaxing". Plenty of incels currently doing it.
Yes you should have some kind of romantic experiences by the age of 20 and yes something is wrong with you if you don't and thats why you have to put in effort to change whats wrong with you.
Glad that you admit it. Age of 25 is generaly considered to be the point of no return, so you have like 5 years left to realise all your problem (most of them would be barely fixable, if not being non-fixable at all.) and try to looksmax, then you have to approach. Or you can simply give up.
Yes life is not fair some people have it easier than others but you shouldn't give up before trying.
That is what blackpill about. Yet numale idiots try to deny it, claiming everyone and everything is equal, while it clearly isn't.
Also if you worked for it you will appreciate and enjoy it much more than the person who just got it handed to them.
Never denied that fact.
Cold approached a woman designed from my dreams yesterday and received the "I have a boyfriend" lie
I notice people ITT saying "parties count as approaches bro!" when no incel would ever be invited to a party due to being too ugly or too autistic. After graduating school, we're stuck with cold approaches or nothing.

Approaching without IOIs is selling out to foids. Especially if you're not super ugly, because then you'll fluff up her ego.
I'm not 5/10 lmao. And they didn't get their GF from spamming approaches either.

Cold approaching works for NOBODY except 8/10 Chads. Not even normies do it, because they know it's pointless. They stick to whats safe, i.e classes, whatever social circle they have etc.

If you try spamming cold approaches as an average male, you deserve to be incel. You're validating every womyn you see while shooting yourself in the foot.

Have you actually watched PUA videos. The Chad success rate is like 2% lmao. Cold approach is retarded period, ugly incels should just stay inside.
This is why some incels here feel triggered when they see an ugly guy with a gf. Because it shits on their cope that "it's over for sub8s and putting any effort into dating is 100% guaranteed to fail if you are sub8". It fucks with their worldview.

I feel intrigued and confused when I see an ugly guy with a gf, but not triggered cuz it reminds me that I have a 0.00000001% chance of lucking out too.

But back on topic. Incels on this forum believe the following:

1. If you have to approach, it's over. Approaching is 100% pointless without getting an IOI first.
2. Women only approach chads.
3. Normie men can get a GF.

Well, someone is breaking the ice. If it isn't the woman, it has to be the normie guy.
But you had a girlfriend so suck my fuck off toes
Not rhetorical. Read just the bold if you are ADHD.

What do you expect your dating life to be like if you haven't approached a woman before? Do you expect women to approach you? Srs question. You know that women only approach guys above their looksmatch or Chads. You also know that ugly guy outliers who have a gf exist. For you to be an outlier as a subchad, you'd have to approach women. And not like 4, but quite a few.

So again, I haven't said anything you don't already know ITT. So what really do you expect your dating life to be like if you haven't approached before.

inb4 sperging and reeing. I am not saying that approaching is efficient or even likely to help you, but I am just wondering what you expect. Let's say that getting a Masters is hard af. I wouldn't expect a 70-IQer to be successful getting a Masters. But if he said: "I am depressed because I can't get a Masters", it would be logical to ask if he had tried in any way whatsoever to get one. And even that example isn't good because a Masters takes knowledge, study, etc, whereas getting a gf for some ugly men is a case of pure luck, number's game, social circle, etc.

So if you have never approached a woman before, do you feel like your dating life reflects the effort you have put into making it out of inceldom?
Every girl over the age of 18 is taken in my country. I have to be a gigaChad with a car and a lot of money to take any given girl from heat boyfriend. I'm not a gigaChad. Why the hell should I try when chances are against me and I have a lot to lose (being fiercely rejected)?

Women approach all the time. Trust me I know this.
This is true, they approach a lot. I work with a couple of guys that women are really attracted to. On occasion, I have witnessed women initiate conversation with these guys. Women will also give these guys their numbers without being asked. It’s actually kind of fun to watch because these guys treat these women in the same manner that women treat us.
Approaching a femoid without receiving IOI's first is retarded.

This. If she doesn't smile uncontrollably when you look at her, there is a 99% chance she will reject your advances.
This is true, they approach a lot. I work with a couple of guys that women are really attracted to. On occasion, I have witnessed women initiate conversation with these guys. Women will also give these guys their numbers without being asked. It’s actually kind of fun to watch because these guys treat these women in the same manner that women treat us.
Exactly what I'm talking about.
I expect a shit-tier relationship that ends after 18 months because of my insecurities and her desire to stop dating a loser. The only high point will be the sex and finally getting to look non-socially retarded to normies
You're like 6ft4. Who the fuck wouldn't approach at that height.
I will answer:

I want to have the dating life I see my friends having. Oh, one cute classmate, oh it just happened. Oh we met at a party.

Hell, I go to a party, I hold conversation for 2 hours and when you ask for the number "right now they are not looking", half an hour later they are making out with some rando.

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