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Serious If you have never approached a woman before, what kind of dating life do you actually expect?

This is why some incels here feel triggered when they see an ugly guy with a gf. Because it shits on their cope that "it's over for sub8s and putting any effort into dating is 100% guaranteed to fail if you are sub8". It fucks with their worldview.

I feel intrigued and confused when I see an ugly guy with a gf, but not triggered cuz it reminds me that I have a 0.00000001% chance of lucking out too.

But back on topic. Incels on this forum believe the following:

1. If you have to approach, it's over. Approaching is 100% pointless without getting an IOI first.
2. Women only approach chads.
3. Normie men can get a GF.

Well, someone is breaking the ice. If it isn't the woman, it has to be the normie guy.
What do you expect your dating life to be like if you've approached ~100 women before?

I expect the jump off the bridge to be very painful until my brain stem finally snaps.
The girl must approach me otherwise we wouldn’t be compatible for a relationship. I need an alpha woman to dominate me.
too high inhib now, i remember back in college i was walking towards the parking lot and this girl was walking in front of me, she literally turned back to me and said "youre making me uncomfortable" i didnt approach them since fuck that
you need to be confirmed ugly for that though. not self proclaimed ugly.
A lotta times you see people who claim to be ugly as sin turn out to be average looking dudes.

Faceandlms's advice is legit for insecure 18yo incels with average looks.

That's also the reason you see so many people on IT, "I was BIGGEST TRUECEL up until 22 and now I got a gf, let me tell you how"
you go through his post history, find his picture and surprise suprise that self proclaimed sub3 is actually a 5/10 white kid.

This ^ I haven’t given up hope yet.
yeah it messes up with intricate set of copes shut in people developed over the years.
they usually resort to one of the other copes

>muh betabux
you prove that the dude is broke
>will get cucked anyways

they give error screen when you point out that fallacy

Well, whats your excuse then? Why aren't YOU in a relationship?

"I'm ugly"

So are the people who you claim have gfs.
i ve NEVER seen a dude as ugly as me has a gf in my whole entire life
(pictures/stories on internet excluded)

Of course lmao.

So ugly guys get gfs when it's convenient for your worldview but don't when it's not.

I'm afraid you might just be coping.
If a woman doesn't show you interest at first, then approaching is useless.
@FACEandLMS made a very good question. It's a bit frustrating to see 6/10 mentalcels criticizing people who still approach. An ugly guy who spam approaches tons of women and gets rejected 100% of the time, by even landwhales, is MUCH MORE of a truecel than some dumb 6/10 mentalcel who thinks women must approach him (it's not gonna happen for average or just a bit above average men, forget about it).

Women only ever approach insanely above average men, tattoo this shit if you need to. The average normie with GF statistically made the first move.
@FACEandLMS made a very good question. It's a bit frustrating to see 6/10 mentalcels criticizing people who still approach. An ugly guy who spam approaches tons of women and gets rejected 100% of the time, by even landwhales, is MUCH MORE of a truecel than some dumb 6/10 mentalcel who thinks women must approach him (it's not gonna happen for average or just a bit above average men, forget about it).

Women only ever approach insanely above average men, tattoo this shit if you need to. The average normie with GF statistically made the first move.

So we're going to reward being a fucking dumbass now? LMAO, by all means, ruin your reputation. Your call.
@FACEandLMS made a very good question. It's a bit frustrating to see 6/10 mentalcels criticizing people who still approach. An ugly guy who spam approaches tons of women and gets rejected 100% of the time, by even landwhales, is MUCH MORE of a truecel than some dumb 6/10 mentalcel who thinks women must approach him (it's not gonna happen for average or just a bit above average men, forget about it).

Women only ever approach insanely above average men, tattoo this shit if you need to. The average normie with GF statistically made the first move.
Thank you!
no, i am not coping. You resort to "move the goalpost" fallacy now

your first argument that got BTFO by me and invisible was "it is over for sub8, it is pointless to approach if you are normie in looks"

now you use a confirmed subhuman like me as an example to prove your point. Of course the chances of success are very very slim for people as ugly as me. that wasnt even the discussion. I've stated that in the beginning

and for the record I am not kidding. I very rarely see a young male thats as ugly as me. And when I do , they are single.

LMAO, In what fucking universe did I get "BTFO"?

You don't have a SINGLE argument against me, I was arguing that cold approaching is retarded. I was arguing that approaching is pointless for incels. I said that if you're average and friendless, you won't get ANYTHING.

Whats your argument? "Muh normies..."


If you're too thick to understand that and think going around flailing around womyn as an ugly guy will get you laid then good luck.

If you're so sure about guys like you being single, then why are you advocating people waste their time approaching? Go tell that to the bluepilled idiots and /r/FA and meatheads at /r/TRP, maybe they'll take your "JUST APPROACH!" talk seriously.
So we're going to reward being a fucking dumbass now? LMAO, by all means, ruin your reputation. Your call.
If you're below 3/10, I can agree that trying to approach is just dumb. But if you're between 3 and 5 it's theoretically possible to get results from approaching. You can argue it's not worth it, because the results will be extremely rare and inconsistent, but what options do 3-5/10 men have? Cold approach >>> Tinder/warm approach in that range.

If you're between 5/10 and 8/10 you definitely can get results from approaching, that's why I think mentalcels are dumb. If I were a, let's say, 6/10 mentalcel, I would just take whichever drug I needed to become remotely NT and low-inhib for a while and mass approach while at that.

Above 8 you don't need to approach, obviously.

And no, before someone says it, I don't support the PUA scam industry, I was crushed by it for years before the blackpill and their "techniques" are 100% scam. I agree. But approaching in general is not a scam, expecting females to always make the first move is dumb and goes against biology. Your oodds are much higher when you take the initiative.
If you're below 3/10, I can agree that trying to approach is just dumb. But if you're between 3 and 5 it's theoretically possible to get results from approaching. You can argue it's not worth it, because the results will be extremely rare and inconsistent, but options do 3-5/10 men have? Approaching >>> Tinder in that range.

If you're between 5/10 and 8/10 you definitely can get results from approaching, that's why I think mentalcels are dumb. If I were a, let's say, 6/10 mentalcel, I would just take whichever drug I needed to become remotely NT and low-inhib for a while and mass approach while at that.

Above 8 you don't need to approach, obviously.

And no, before someone says it, I don't support the PUA scam industry, I was crushed by it for years before the blackpill and their "techniques" are 100% scam. I agree. But approaching in general is not a scam, expecting females to always make the first move is dumb and goes against biology. Your oodds are much higher when you take the initiative.

Obviously, but if you're going to approach strangers as a 4/10 guy then you're just holding up a sign that says "shoot me".

Think about it, the only way this would work is if all the guys she knew were 3/10 or below. Why would she pick your ugly ass when she has MUCH better looking guys on hand?

At least if you know her you know who her friends are and maybe can find out if you mog her "guy friends" or not.

But approaching a literal STRANGER? Unless she's so intoxicated she can barely walk, I don't think so.
Obviously, but if you're going to approach strangers as a 4/10 guy then you're just holding up a sign that says "shoot me".

Think about it, the only way this would work is if all the guys she knew were 3/10 or below. Why would she pick your ugly ass when she has MUCH better looking guys on hand?

At least if you know her you know who her friends are and maybe can find out if you mog her "guy friends" or not.

But approaching a literal STRANGER? Unless she's so intoxicated she can barely walk, I don't think so.
Yes, if you're 4/10, definitely aim for drunk/ugly/fat/high femoids.

Nobody said it was easy or that it works all the time, far from that. But it's:

1) theoretically feasible
2) pretty much the only option as a non Chad guy nowadays

I personally know around 4/10 men who got at least kisses from cold approaching. Again, you can argue a lot of stuff, "it's too much effort for poor results"= I agree, "it's dangerous"= I agree if you live in a cucked place like Toronto or something, but again, it can work and there's no other options for subpar but not hideous men.
As a medcel, the time I have to myself isn't much and I have neither the desire nor the patience to jump through hoops just to get some cunt to look in my general direction. I'd much rather do something that actually brings me joy in my free time, which I have too little of anyway.
Are you medceling to statusmax? Or do you enjoy the profession. It was a path I was considering once
And once again, none of you realize the consequences of spamming approaches.

You want to know what happens if you ask out 100 girls randomly without knowing them? Here's what will happen :

Your name will be PLASTERED all over facebook etc, you'll be known as the creep who doesn't know boundaries. You'll start getting deragrtory comments from everyone, you'll be shunned before people even properly know who you are. Every womyn in your area will know how desperate you are, and they will treat you accordingly.

And approaching someone at a party or club (JFL if you think ANY female goes to hobby clubs to find guys) isn't the same, it just isn't. You're not really strangers there, odds are your friends WILL overlap and you'll instantly have something to connect on. It's as much of an "approach" as is just saying "hello". Most of the work has already been done, now all that matters is your appearance.

Am I saying not approach? No, if you're in a party with close friends and everyone in the room knows you somewhat, by all means go all out, you have NOTHING to lose.

But if you don't have close friends, if you don't go to parties and if the girl has NO IDEA who you are or anything about you, then don't even bother. You're just wasting your time. She doesn't date ugly strangers.

From what I've seen, the guy just screams incoherent shit and insults everyone, including the girl they're talking to.

I always use a FAKE NAME when sarging. I approached close to 5000 sets without anything significantly bad ever happening. If you use ur real name then yes chances are your name will be tarnished

One day I was kinda pissed and kept talking at this female who clearly wasn't interested, she looked down at her phone, gave me 1 word. Answers etc... but I continued to talk at her ingnoring her signals on purpose cuz I was mad.

She ends up showing me "911" on her iPhone screen, so I racewalk out of there as fast as I can.
Not even normies approach anymore. They use tinder or get dates while socializing with friends. If you want a confirmation of your subhuman looks go on tinder, but don't approach unless you're really good at socializing (which isn't a learn-able trait).
Nah gave up on that shit tbh, also too low iq to study max and dedicate my life to research.
Not rhetorical. Read just the bold if you are ADHD.

What do you expect your dating life to be like if you haven't approached a woman before? Do you expect women to approach you? Srs question. You know that women only approach guys above their looksmatch or Chads. You also know that ugly guy outliers who have a gf exist. For you to be an outlier as a subchad, you'd have to approach women. And not like 4, but quite a few.

So again, I haven't said anything you don't already know ITT. So what really do you expect your dating life to be like if you haven't approached before.

inb4 sperging and reeing. I am not saying that approaching is efficient or even likely to help you, but I am just wondering what you expect. Let's say that getting a Masters is hard af. I wouldn't expect a 70-IQer to be successful getting a Masters. But if he said: "I am depressed because I can't get a Masters", it would be logical to ask if he had tried in any way whatsoever to get one. And even that example isn't good because a Masters takes knowledge, study, etc, whereas getting a gf for some ugly men is a case of pure luck, number's game, social circle, etc.

So if you have never approached a woman before, do you feel like your dating life reflects the effort you have put into making it out of inceldom?
in what way has approaching women made your life better OP?
"Dating" shouldn't even take effort. If you already believe that finding someone takes work, then you're far too gone.

Truth is 99% of people meet accidentally through parties, things they already do all the time, classes etc.

How many people you know ACTIVELY WORK on finding partners? That includes doing shit that you don't like and don't really want to do, i.e exactly what work is.

Nearly everyone who I know (which isn't a lot of people) put absolutely ZERO work into their "approaches" and shit. They just met up, got along and started hanging out and talking on FB. It takes no effort whatsoever.

If you have to put in "effort", then I'm sorry you'll never find anyone who actually loves you. Because they don't love you, they love your "work" which mostly means, your money.
The truth has been spoken.
in what way has approaching women made your life better OP?

If I hadn't approached 100s of women, I'd be a KHHV. But that was before Tinder and smartphones. And before I went NW4, etc. And my standards have always been low (overweight single mums anyone?). But there are 17yos on this forum who have given up before trying.

These are the 17yos who make us look aspie when their pics leak, they are revealed to be 4-6/10 and so normies extrapolate that we are all decent-looking.

Look, I am not saying "run around approaching women", esp if you are hideous. All I am asking is, if you haven't approached a woman before, what do you expect to happen? If you have suffered rejections, then I totally get you giving up.

Women won't approach a 5/10 guy but a 5/10 guy can get a gf.

I have approached and interacted with enough foids to know they find me hideous.

If I hadn't approached 100s of women, I'd be a KHHV. But that was before Tinder and smartphones. And before I went NW4, etc. And my standards have always been low (overweight single mums anyone?). But there are 17yos on this forum who have given up before trying.

These are the 17yos who make us look aspie when their pics leak, they are revealed to be 4-6/10 and so normies extrapolate that we are all decent-looking.

Look, I am not saying "run around approaching women", esp if you are hideous. All I am asking is, if you haven't approached a woman before, what do you expect to happen? If you have suffered rejections, then I totally get you giving up.

Women won't approach a 5/10 guy but a 5/10 guy can get a gf.

I have approached and interacted with enough foids to know they find me hideous.

My romantic/sexual life story is a lot like yours. I'm also a guy who would be a KHHV had I never approached (I'm a virgin outside of prostitutes though), and my looks were also demolished once and for all by baldness and other shit that came with age. I was low tier normie and now I'm definitely incel tier.
I'm far too shy to approach them. I've got the balls of a bitch.
>if you're average and friendless,
then you have nothing to blame but yourself. Shouldnt have been shut in.

There you have it boyos!

How would it feel if I called your ugliness "all your fault"?

"b-b-but it was out of my control!" SO ARE OUR SHITTY SOCIAL LIVES!

You seriously think we CHOSE to be shut-ins?????

And now watch as you bring out shit like "just talk to people bro", "just join clubs bro".
Then don't blame your looks for it. You said average looking people. If you are average looking and still friendless shut in, don't blame your looks for it.

and unlike my looks, being friendless is much more easily fixable.
I got 2 surgeries on my face to rectify it. I literally risked going blind with lazy eye correction surgery.

What do these average looking dudes do to escape inceldom ? What do they risk ?
nothing, absolutely nothing.
when their problems are easier to fix than mine.
"hurrr durrr if you need to approach, then it is over"

Well I'm not average anyway, I was using it as an example. I'm eastern-euro ugly and friendless as well.

What my point was, being friendless is a killer to anyone but Chad. But it's just added insult to injury if you're ugly.
Which is why I'm saying that approaching is stupid without having friends.

I'd rather be ugly with friends than ugly without friends, but I can't change that. I don't have anything to lean on, so any approaching is out of the question. I assume you have friends, so at least if your surgeries turn out well you'll have the full package. Risk vs reward.

All I wanted to prove is not approaching doesn't make you any less of an incel. If you have the ability to approach without consequences, be happy. You have a privilege not many people have. You have a shot at escaping.

But shitting on people who are "beneath" you for not having your privileges is egotistical and shallow.
I'm far too shy to approach them. I've got the balls of a bitch.

This is what @13k and I are talking about, @VLÖ . This guy is too shy to approach. So what TF does he expect? Women to approach and rape him?

I am not talking about guys who have had their subhumanity confirmed by femshits.
This is what @13k and I are talking about, @VLÖ . This guy is too shy to approach. So what TF does he expect? Women to approach and rape him?

I am not talking about guys who have had their subhumanity confirmed by femshits.

But WHY is he shy? What made him be shy? That's the key.

Shyness could come from anywhere. If he's "shy" because he got bullied to shit then obviously even if he wasn't shy he'd still be just as miserable and alone.

If he's "shy" due to people treating him like shit then it's just natural defense mechanisms kicking in. Your body KNOWS that approaching will end horribly, so it tries to stop you. This is triggered by bad past experiences.

You can take drugs to kill whatever mood you have anyway, but if it lands you in deep shit then that's your own responsibility.
Tried nearly 100 times with zero success.
If you're attractive, girls come to you. You ATTRACT them.
if you've never tried asking out a female you can't be a trucel, you might think you are ugly but you have no proof besides self analysis. You only have to look at that ratings thread so see how normie tier looking alot of guys here are.

I've asked out over 70-80 females in my life with a mix of online/real life/social gathering and have 100% rejection so I know I am unattractive to women.

that's why incel life is easier for me to accept, i'm not thinking "what if", guys that have never asked girls out will always be plagued by insecurity about if they are ugly or not because they never got that real life experience of multiple rejections to confirm they are ugly
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you're one of the more sensible people on this site. But I have to ask what you mean by approaching? I don't think cold approaches are effective in most settings.
If I hadn't approached 100s of women, I'd be a KHHV. But that was before Tinder and smartphones. And before I went NW4, etc. And my standards have always been low (overweight single mums anyone?). But there are 17yos on this forum who have given up before trying.

These are the 17yos who make us look aspie when their pics leak, they are revealed to be 4-6/10 and so normies extrapolate that we are all decent-looking.

Look, I am not saying "run around approaching women", esp if you are hideous. All I am asking is, if you haven't approached a woman before, what do you expect to happen? If you have suffered rejections, then I totally get you giving up.

Women won't approach a 5/10 guy but a 5/10 guy can get a gf.

I have approached and interacted with enough foids to know they find me hideous.


I have seen your picture you are indeed below average but you look intimidating and masculine your height and race halo you, you ran BBC thug game, that's why you were successful. I am not denying there are a lot of average or attractive White guys here who could definitely get laid if they tried, but the whole you need to approach to know if it is over is wrong. For most if not all below average non Black ethnics it is definitely over. It is enough to have your pictures rated a few times online and if other people think you are below average then it is definitely hopeless.

The only way these guys could get laid is if they were extremely rich or high status and that would only be because females want to use them for resources, no women could ever be attracted to us and ultimately beta buxxing leads to bad outcomes it is better to remain incel than be a beta cuck, which might not even be possible.

For someone like me there is no need to approach or talk to females, their looks of disgust and feeling of discomfort in my presence or during casual conversation is enough to realize I have no chance. With such a hopeless outcome there is no point in trying.
This is exactly why I will approach 1000 women.

I don't care about "my name"

I don't care about shit tbh

I have become so low inhibition that it feels like I am not even myself anymore.
Are you medceling to statusmax? Or do you enjoy the profession.
Both, I guess. Though the last few months it has become increasingly hard for me to muster up any motivation to study - I just don't see the point in wasting away my 20s if the end result at best would be me marrying a used up cumdumpster in her 30s with emotional baggage and mileage on her pussy.
This is why some incels here feel triggered when they see an ugly guy with a gf. Because it shits on their cope that "it's over for sub8s and putting any effort into dating is 100% guaranteed to fail if you are sub8". It fucks with their worldview.

I feel intrigued and confused when I see an ugly guy with a gf, but not triggered cuz it reminds me that I have a 0.00000001% chance of lucking out too.

But back on topic. Incels on this forum believe the following:

1. If you have to approach, it's over. Approaching is 100% pointless without getting an IOI first.
2. Women only approach chads.
3. Normie men can get a GF.

Well, someone is breaking the ice. If it isn't the woman, it has to be the normie guy.
If you're attractive, girls come to you. You ATTRACT them.

But guys over a 4 can get a gf too. You are conflating chad-godmode -- being approached -- with average guys who still can get a gf, albeit hardfought, infrequent, etc.
But guys over a 4 can get a gf too. You are conflating chad-godmode -- being approached -- with average guys who still can get a gf, albeit hardfought, infrequent, etc.
Gigachad gets the most approaches but even Chadlites and some normies get approached by women. If you're fuckable, women will let you know. Don't need to approach.
what's even the point of approaching them?
If Invisible (The OP) asked this 10 years ago, I'd say good question. Approaching is useless in today's world when she has Chad or simply a better option than you at her disposal. While I will die untouched, I know that I gave it my best shot by approaching hundreds and hundreds of women. Would not recommend trying this in 2018 with dating apps and #MeToo.
Gigachad gets the most approaches but even Chadlites and some normies get approached by women. If you're fuckable, women will let you know. Don't need to approach.
You are deluded. Most women won't approach even if you are chad. The most they will do is giving you indicators that they want to be approached by you e.g giving you eye contact or standing near you to make it easier for you to approach. In rare cases a women might approach you if you are good looking but they will do it very indirectly and they will still expect you to carry the conversation afterwards and make things happen. If you want consistent results with women you either need a good social circle or approach regardless of your looks. So if you aren't completely hideous and haven't tried approaching it's completely your fault tbh.
You are deluded. Most women won't approach even if you are chad. The most they will do is giving you indicators that they want to be approached by you e.g giving you eye contact or standing near you to make it easier for you to approach. In rare cases a women might approach you if you are good looking but they will do it very indirectly and they will still expect you to carry the conversation afterwards and make things happen. If you want consistent results with women you either need a good social circle or approach regardless of your looks. So if you aren't completely hideous and haven't tried approaching it's completely your fault tbh.

Women approach all the time. Trust me I know this.
Maybe not in the 1950s when women were expected to act very lady like.

Not these days. Women are thirsty for dick, the dick of an ATTRACTIVE man.
If you need to approach first, it's over. Women approach the men they fancy.
Why would a women approach a men. The average women that goes out occasionally gets hit on roughly 20 times a week. She has enough options as it is. There is no reason for her to approach. In addition women have the fear to be labeled as sluts by society which lowers their social status. A women gains literally no benefit from approaching.
If you need to approach first, it's over. Women approach the men they fancy.
Someone who gets it.
Why would a women approach a men. The average women that goes out occasionally gets hit on roughly 20 times a week. She has enough options as it is. There is no reason for her to approach. In addition women have the fear to be labeled as sluts by society which lowers their social status. A women gains literally no benefit from approaching.
Approached by 20 subhumans a week. They don't even count that.

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