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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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It's THIS that will probably hold you back from getting (but more importantly keeping) a gf.
hahah getting band isnt that easy unless u actually harass the girl, and ur statement about 2000s having a better social climate is wrong, girls are much more open now and they r very sexual, i mean just take a look at todays media, i hate most of the ideology of feminism but the good side is they r making girls more sexually free, nowadays slut-shaming doesnt even exist. To find a relationship and getting married is a difficult thing but to just get ur dick wet casually is very common practice
who let this fakecel in?
You realize you're not gonna get a girlfriend until you improve yourself right? Get a haircut, take a shower fucking retard. Guarantee end result will be 0/1000.

Get a haircut and showermax JFL :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

Could be troll. But account is from yesterday so probably a just a cuck who sneaked in here. Mods pls ban.:banhammer:
This thread is lifefuel for me to try my spam approaching 2.0 here in my new country.
The girl will realize it sooner or later, regardless of whether or not he gets laid. The gf won't be a gf for long. That kind of attitude doesn't stay hidden and private over the long term. Yes, he's not "saying it to their faces", but he says it to himself when slighted. I can imagine him saying these sorts of things to himself/or to her if embroiled in an argument with her. The anger will present itself in a different form later on.

Truth is unconcealment.

BTW, my cat's breath smells like cat food. ;)
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The girl will realize it sooner or later, regardless of whether or not he gets laid. The gf won't be a gf for long. That kind of attitude doesn't stay hidden and private oner the long term. Truth is unconcealment.

BTW, my cat's breath smells like cat food. ;)
no she won't, the second a woman takes op seriously and gives him a real chance, he'll obviously reciprocate and treat her respect, respect needs to be earned. Considering the immense amount of gut and work OP is putting into this, if he actually gets a girlfriend, she'd probably be lucky to be with him. Almost no men are this driven.
Dude, I admire your stamina. I would have roped after 10 rejections or so :feelsrope:
Uninstall, you might have shared it already, but I would like to know:

1. How tall are you?
2. Where are you located?
You realize you're not gonna get a girlfriend until you improve yourself right? Get a haircut, take a shower fucking retard. Guarantee end result will be 0/1000.
no she won't, the second a woman takes op seriously and gives him a real chance, he'll obviously reciprocate and treat her respect, respect needs to be earned. Considering the immense amount of gut and work OP is putting into this, if he actually gets a girlfriend, she'd probably be lucky to be with him. Almost no men are this driven.

thanks for the kind words :)

but foids don't see things this way
This thread is a nuclear blackpill and definitive proof that the cold approach is dead in 2018
Good luck man much respect
The Date


ballsy but a bad idea for a first date as an incel. Try initiating a hug for your next first date, then going for a kiss when you are cuddling on a future date, you can even ask to cuddle if you are watching a movie and it shouldn't backfire. Although the kiss should just happen naturally, when there's an awkward silence and you are already getting physical. If it feels like a 'move' it's probably the wrong time. Most women are frigid as fuck nowadays towards most men and like others said if she got 'turned off by your desperation' likely she was just using you for some fun.
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boyyo why the fuck did you insult and block the date? U could've had met other foids through her and expand your social circle
boyyo why the fuck did you insult and block the date? U could've had met other foids through her and expand your social circle
My pick-up master told me social circle game will get me a gf :redpill:=:bluepill:
What happened yesterday? We're all waiting for the latest episode! :(:(
Can anyone give me a TL;DR? This is why I hate forums.
Can anyone give me a TL;DR? This is why I hate forums.
>Our lord and savior Uninstall approaches roughly 10 foids a day
>Nothing for the longest time except his inhib drops and he gets better at approaching
>Gets a few Facebooks and like one phone number or two
>Ghosted or blocked on all of them
>Finally gets a date from a foid
>Things are going seemingly well, but then uninstall attempts a kiss
>She does not reciprocate
>Says something about not liking him "that way" or something like that
>Whole thing was a red herring from a disgusting bitch
>Dumb faggots in this thread try to rationalize it with bluepilled bullshit, claiming uninstall did something wrong or shouldn't have tried to kiss
>Boards divides into two groups: true blackpillers that know the date wasn't going to work out regardless, and inceltears losers claiming that uninstall just needs more "game" or some shit
>Approaches continue
>Whole thing was a red herring from a disgusting bitch
>Dumb faggots in this thread try to rationalize it with bluepilled bullshit, claiming uninstall did something wrong or shouldn't have tried to kiss
>Boards divides into two groups: true blackpillers that know the date wasn't going to work out regardless, and inceltears losers claiming that uninstall just needs more "game" or some shit
>Approaches continue

Cant but LOL at this tldr
Can anyone give me a TL;DR? This is why I hate forums.
Took 310 I think to get first number and 329 to get a date both got nowhere though
OP is now very low inhib, Quote : " I ain't loosing no staring contest"
Just approach 1000 girls theory.
Approaches 20/08/2018

1. Ignore from some ridiculous POS tbh.

2. Some foreigner. Pretended she doesn't understand.


Don't have time to approach more today tbh.

But fuck it anyway.


Approaches 21/8/2018

Let's go again buddy boyos.

Let's go....

1. Stopped some girl with headphones and glasses. Can't rate her 100% but body wise she was a 7.

I don't know why but girls with headphones react well to my approach for some reason.

I said you look sympathetic...are you?

She said I don't think so and kept walking.

But her body language was fine. Meaning she wasn't as aggressive.

2.Omega ignore. Some subtle smile.

I rate her a decent 5.

Turbo is on. Wanna go home fast.

3. Very ugly (didn't see it before approching)

Lol as l am writing this her boyfriend came and took her in the car.

Lmfao. This is why approaching foids waiting for someone is always a gamble.


Hi. You seem nice. Are you?

No. (Nastiest tone)

Me neither.

4.l am not sympathetic.

She said with a smile and bounced.

Make up maxxed 5.

5. Stopped some jail bait whose inhibition was level 99. She could not wait to leave me. Gave me a shitty short name..lmfao.

658 to go

Fuck this. I am feeling sad AF tbh.
Uninstall is a hero and a messiah, when he ascends, he will be an example for all incels, if he fails, he will confirm the blackpill once and for all and die knowing that he did his best.

I fully support you and wish you luck.
Approaches 20/08/2018

1. Ignore from some ridiculous POS tbh.

2. Some foreigner. Pretended she doesn't understand.


Don't have time to approach more today tbh.

But fuck it anyway.


Approaches 21/8/2018

Let's go again buddy boyos.

Let's go....

1. Stopped some girl with headphones and glasses. Can't rate her 100% but body wise she was a 7.

I don't know why but girls with headphones react well to my approach for some reason.

I said you look sympathetic...are you?

She said I don't think so and kept walking.

But her body language was fine. Meaning she wasn't as aggressive.

2.Omega ignore. Some subtle smile.

I rate her a decent 5.

Turbo is on. Wanna go home fast.

3. Very ugly (didn't see it before approching)

Lol as l am writing this her boyfriend came and took her in the car.

Lmfao. This is why approaching foids waiting for someone is always a gamble.


Hi. You seem nice. Are you?

No. (Nastiest tone)

Me neither.

4.l am not sympathetic.

She said with a smile and bounced.

Make up maxxed 5.

5. Stopped some jail bait whose inhibition was level 99. She could not wait to leave me. Gave me a shitty short name..lmfao.

658 to go

Fuck this. I am feeling sad AF tbh.

You're doing great, man, don't give up
wish I was this low inhib tbh
Approaches 22/8/2018

Let's hit it hard.

My inhibition has to be mega low.

1. Approached some foid while lnwas opening a pack of nuts LMFAO.

She smiled and bounced.

Fuck. I hate moving foids.

I gave her lunch break validation l guess.

2. Omega giga ultra ignore lmfao

That was fucking brutal.


3. Beta ignore

Meaning not as brutal but who gives a fuck when the result is the same.

4. Number. I repeat number.

It is real. She is a 5 but couldn't see perfectly well because she had glasses.

The number is real because she called me after I told her my number. Lmfao

She was omega nervous.

She is either a snake or a shy bitch a.k.a crypto bitch.

My tone was insane whereas she was talking omega quiet.

Anyway she is busy until September. She said l can call her for a date after her exam or some shit (didn't hear it well because she was too quiet)

Honestly, l think this is a pity number. But....still my second number after well over 300 rejections.

Better than nothing l guess.

She is only 20. Too young for me. I am practically 30. Still l gonna call her on Thursday and try to set a date for Friday or Saturday.

The hope is low but l owe it to myself to try.

Btw l opened her with u look sympathetic.

5. While eating a burger l approached a foid LMFAO

Pretty low inhibo day

She smiled and bounced.

6.Approached some legit 7 but was with glasses again so who knows the reality.

She just walked by me.

Holy fucking legs were so good.

7. Omega ignore.

I said hi. You look nice and she closed her eyes and made a face.

POS tbh

8. Hi. You look sympathetic.

I have no time for this.

POS ...

Is this how u would talk to Chad...


Just when l was on my bike...happy with this session...it turned out that my rear tire was flat...

I changed it and went back home.

It was a good day boyos.

Thank you for the insane support.

650 to go

lmfao after over 350 approaches I got 2 numbers and 3 fbs.
Too busy is the typical excuse when they aren't really interested, she would make time for chad that same day.
Congratulations on getting another number.
I don’t know how you do it man. That many rejections. Women have so much power in the dating world.
This is my favorite serie.
>Our lord and savior Uninstall approaches roughly 10 foids a day
>Nothing for the longest time except his inhib drops and he gets better at approaching
>Gets a few Facebooks and like one phone number or two
>Ghosted or blocked on all of them
>Finally gets a date from a foid
>Things are going seemingly well, but then uninstall attempts a kiss
>She does not reciprocate
>Says something about not liking him "that way" or something like that
>Whole thing was a red herring from a disgusting bitch
>Dumb faggots in this thread try to rationalize it with bluepilled bullshit, claiming uninstall did something wrong or shouldn't have tried to kiss
>Boards divides into two groups: true blackpillers that know the date wasn't going to work out regardless, and inceltears losers claiming that uninstall just needs more "game" or some shit
>Approaches continue
You forgot his signature opener:"Are you sympathetic?"
What will IT say once this experiment is over and OP is not successful?
goddamn shit and I'm depressed cz my 10 rejections in 2 years.
I just read the date part.

Holy shit @uninstall! Was that going to be your first kiss?

The fact she asked you how many relationships you had prob means she was suspecting something but idk
Daily reminder if chad approached 1000 girls he'd at least get 750/1000
Approaches 23/8/2018

Time to go again.

Let's hit it hard boyos...

Fuck. Got another pinch flat tire.

Changed the rim tape. Hope l don't have to change another tyre after this session.

1. Approached some 5 with a body 10. Complete ignore.

2. Not sure if l should count it. Approached some foid right after she got out of a bank. Maybe she thought l was money begging.

She almost ran.

U know what l will count it. Because if Chad did it she will give him money instead of running.

Best part?

She was an ugly womanlet.

3. Ultra giga Omega ignore.

No need to say no more.

It is common because l am not approaching in the metro anymore and they have room to run.


4. What do you want....

Approached some foid that looked smoking hot from the back

When l saw her face it turned out that she is a make up maxxed milf.

I said...u look nice


I will call the foid from yesterday in 20 minutes and try to set a date for Saturday.

5. Thanks I am in a hurry......

POS. Would u be in a hurry for Chad.

6. Omega ignore....she was hesitant though.

Make up maxxed 5 so a 3.

Body wise 6 or 7.


It was 7 35 p.m.

POS tbh. Deleted her number.

I am headed home. Let's hope the tyre is ok

7. Omega nasty ignore holy fuck

Those foids have no hearts.

8. She could not believe it.

As if l was a fucking alien.


Just lol

The foid called me....

She had called me 15 minutes after l called her but l didn't hear my phone.

I saw l had a missed call and called it .

I knew it was her even though l deleted the number.

I set a date for Saturday.


Second date. But this feels more legit.

But let's see what happens.....

THE PROBLEM: Her tone is really weird. Like she has zero desire to talk to me. ZERO ENTHUSIASM. Yet she agreed.

Let's see what happens. Let's see if she comes.

642 to go
Approaches 23/8/2018

Time to go again.

Let's hit it hard boyos...

Fuck. Got another pinch flat tire.

Changed the rim tape. Hope l don't have to change another tyre after this session.

1. Approached some 5 with a body 10. Complete ignore.

2. Not sure if l should count it. Approached some foid right after she got out of a bank. Maybe she thought l was money begging.

She almost ran.

U know what l will count it. Because if Chad did it she will give him money instead of running.

Best part?

She was an ugly womanlet.

3. Ultra giga Omega ignore.

No need to say no more.

It is common because l am not approaching in the metro anymore and they have room to run.


4. What do you want....

Approached some foid that looked smoking hot from the back

When l saw her face it turned out that she is a make up maxxed milf.

I said...u look nice


I will call the foid from yesterday in 20 minutes and try to set a date for Saturday.

5. Thanks I am in a hurry......

POS. Would u be in a hurry for Chad.

6. Omega ignore....she was hesitant though.

Make up maxxed 5 so a 3.

Body wise 6 or 7.


It was 7 35 p.m.

POS tbh. Deleted her number.

I am headed home. Let's hope the tyre is ok

7. Omega nasty ignore holy fuck

Those foids have no hearts.

8. She could not believe it.

As if l was a fucking alien.


Just lol

The foid called me....

She had called me 15 minutes after l called her but l didn't hear my phone.

I saw l had a missed call and called it .

I knew it was her even though l deleted the number.

I set a date for Saturday.


Second date. But this feels more legit.

But let's see what happens.....

THE PROBLEM: Her tone is really weird. Like she has zero desire to talk to me. ZERO ENTHUSIASM. Yet she agreed.

Let's see what happens. Let's see if she comes.

642 to go
Good luck, just act calm and casual the whole time, don’t try and compensate for her quietness by being over eager and excitable.
THE PROBLEM: Her tone is really weird. Like she has zero desire to talk to me. ZERO ENTHUSIASM. Yet she agreed.

Seeing how she called you back I'd say that it's unlikely for her not to show up at all - great job, I will be rooting for you!
Just hope she's not a serial killer eh.
looks like you are all volcels then :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

you just have to do 300 approaches to get a date lmao
I think I've never really apprpached a girl. They're just acting friendly and open minded naturally.
Hmm another date, if this works out (it wont) then running numbers game might have some truth to it. Her tone indicaties she see's you as nothing more than betabux.
How can you say? It is nice feature to hear a girl with neutral voice. Some of them can sound pretty annoying. Calmness could mean that she's peaceful and doesn't like much drama. Low volume points to low self-esteem which is good, cause she won't hunt chads. But overall it says nothing.
How can you say? It is nice feature to hear a girl with neutral voice. Some of them can sound pretty annoying. Calmness could mean that she's peaceful and doesn't like much drama. Low volume points to low self-esteem which is good, cause she won't hunt chads. But overall it says nothing.

she sounded weird and grumpy the whole time

anyway, ofc I will go

whatever happens happens
Deleting her number cuz she didn't picked up when u called her out of nowhere is to tough. I mean it still turned out well. But you should be more patient amd chill in the future. U almost throw away ur second date.
Good luck man. Just don't expect anything, a date means nothing.
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