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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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Keep the torch burning OP. You are an inspiration :fire:
I like the irony that your blow-off line is, "Good luck in the fight against autism," and the girl you went on a date with is literally autistic.

Anyway, you already hit the insights I would've shared. Such as asking yourself if she would treat Chad the way she is treating you. Chad always attracts women, thus if a girl is attracted to you, she will treat you like Chad.

You also predicted that as this girl is picked apart by Chads and Chad-lites she will gradually un-autist, and start her ride on the cock carousel.

Good luck continuing. I'm surprised you scored any dates at all, and you haven't even reached 400 approaches yet. Maybe you should get your next date drunk (or roofied).
I like the irony that your blow-off line is, "Good luck in the fight against autism," and the girl you went on a date with is literally autistic.

Anyway, you already hit the insights I would've shared. Such as asking yourself if she would treat Chad the way she is treating you. Chad always attracts women, thus if a girl is attracted to you, she will treat you like Chad.

You also predicted that as this girl is picked apart by Chads and Chad-lites she will gradually un-autist, and start her ride on the cock carousel.

Good luck continuing. I'm surprised you scored any dates at all, and you haven't even reached 400 approaches yet. Maybe you should get your next date drunk (or roofied).

thought the same thing about the irony you pointed out

still, that does not make the bitches who keep looking at their phones to avoid the slightest bit of social pressure any less aspie that they were before
5.hi. you seem attractive and l decided to say hi

She made a grimace like a lot of am trying to rob her. Then she didn't say anything for a 7 seconds or so. I was looking in her eyes the whole time.

Then l said. I get it.

You must be one of those. The autists.
I was actually walking through a mall today. I looked at some foids and imagined what it would actually be like to cold approach. Christ you have balls of steel op.
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Maybe she didnt pick up cause she was out. From your narrative of the date it sounds like you freaked her out. Its not compulsory to establish physical contact on first date.
Maybe she didnt pick up cause she was out. From your narrative of the date it sounds like you freaked her out. Its not compulsory to establish physical contact on first date.

Never touched her

Simply moved a little closer for a split second

Didn't creep her out tbh

She was insane already
I was actually walking through a mall today. I looked at some foids and imagined what it would actually be like to cold approach. Christ you have balls of steel op.

Well everything is hard until u try and try again

Once reading was difficult for all of us as kids
She sounds super weird tbh dude, who knows -- maybe she will call.
AWALT - she said the dat was 8/10 - but apparently she lied - like all women do to save face;

Honestly, the date was 4/10 for me because she was boring, stupid and hard to talk to.

It's a weird feeling when you realise how much effort and mental energy you've been putting into trying to impress and hold onto and figure out the inner workings of some bitch you don't even like -- has nothing to say, is unpleasant to you, is average-looking or worse, isn't rich or talented. It's like a weird mix of self-hatred, absurdity and cope.
Even Autistic girls reject incels
OP dont give up so quickly, call at least one more time
OP dont give up so quickly, call at least one more time

She saw the call so what's the point? If she isn't interested then the best case scenario is that she'll ghost him after a fruitless second date.

Are you really the type to throw away all your self-respect hoping for pity sex?
Holy shit. OP, what you have to do is make her feel comfortable, once you managed that you will be able to do pretty much anything with her. You have to confidently take initiative while paying attention to her needs to break her autism.
jfl to break someone's autism as high inhib incel
My ugly friend seemed to have the most luck with insane sluts. The more guys she's fucked and the crazier she is, the better his chances of fucking her were.
Sucks that the autistic foid bailed. I was hoping you'd ascend.

Well, we'll always have your back.
Good that you dont call her back
Uninstall I think the unfortunate thing is the 2 dates you have worked so hard to get have been squandered. Not your fault - as you lack experience - the one thing you need to convert dates into sex is experience and knowledge of how to deal with different types of women. A man of similar appearance to you with the right moves would have laid both these women. In view of your lack of experience - you might want to be a bit more cautious in future and give the girl a chance to get to see what a nice guy you are. You cant go on averaging at 1 date in 100 approaches and then fluffing the date. When you are with the girl aim at getting to know her - rather than thinking all the time - when shall I kiss her etc. Opportunities are rare so you must make the most of them. I know what I'm talking about - I am much older than you and messed up many fine chances when i was younger.
If she is showing signs of personality disorder and or mental illness - do you think it's a good idea to pursue this?
hey man, the dude has to start SOMEWHERE. Even Chad dated autistic women, when he was 12
Uninstall I think the unfortunate thing is the 2 dates you have worked so hard to get have been squandered. Not your fault - as you lack experience - the one thing you need to convert dates into sex is experience and knowledge of how to deal with different types of women. A man of similar appearance to you with the right moves would have laid both these women. In view of your lack of experience - you might want to be a bit more cautious in future and give the girl a chance to get to see what a nice guy you are. You cant go on averaging at 1 date in 100 approaches and then fluffing the date. When you are with the girl aim at getting to know her - rather than thinking all the time - when shall I kiss her etc. Opportunities are rare so you must make the most of them. I know what I'm talking about - I am much older than you and messed up many fine chances when i was younger.

The level of bluepillness is insane in this forum :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
Uninstall I think the unfortunate thing is the 2 dates you have worked so hard to get have been squandered. Not your fault - as you lack experience - the one thing you need to convert dates into sex is experience and knowledge of how to deal with different types of women. A man of similar appearance to you with the right moves would have laid both these women. In view of your lack of experience - you might want to be a bit more cautious in future and give the girl a chance to get to see what a nice guy you are. You cant go on averaging at 1 date in 100 approaches and then fluffing the date. When you are with the girl aim at getting to know her - rather than thinking all the time - when shall I kiss her etc. Opportunities are rare so you must make the most of them. I know what I'm talking about - I am much older than you and messed up many fine chances when i was younger.

are u for real?

if u think there is some magic way to turn every date into sex...you are up for a big surprise
I'm glad for you. I wish ı had a good face like you

People on this board accuse of me autism, but in comparison to this girl I am the most NT creature in the universe.

This is the first time in my life when I talk to such a shy creature. People may tell you that I am shy but this girls beats me by a mile.


What happened?

We met at a place that I have chose strategically - it's not far away from a GREAT PARK - great nature, great benches, NOT many people and it's 100% secured because there are cameras everywhere. She can't feel threatened.

The goal was to take her there and kiss her.

We started walking in that direction. When we met she said - let's take a walk in the area - PERFECT for my EVIL plan.

On the way there her shyness + autism showed - she was talking sluggishly, quietly, murmuring - it was very painful to follower her thought Honestly, I couldn't hear at least 50% of the shit her mouth was producing BECAUSE SHE WAS TALKING TOO DAMN QUIETLY.

Nevertheless, I was making an effort and fitting the pieces together.

The whole time I was trying to establish as much eye contact as possible - it was working fairly well.

But sometimes I couldn't understand anything she was saying. I am not sure even if she was understanding it - quiet, illogical, weird.

Holy fuck

So we arrived at my park, but she didn't like it and didn't want to stay.

Maybe I was supposed to fucking BREAK HER FRAME TRP STYLE and make her....

Just kidding, that's bullshit.

So, we left.

And walked the same amount of distance to another park (or something resembling a park)

so we sat on a bench and we talked about school (she is 2nd year college student)

I told her some of my stories from college...etc.

It was somewhat easier to understand her because we weren't walking.

But still it was very painful.

Leading a conversation with that foid was quite the effort.

After a while, I decided that's its time.

And decided to simply get a little closer to her.

I did, BUT she GRABBED HER BAG and put it in front of her like a fucking ARMOR or some shit

it happened like a reaction - LMFAO

this is when I understood that any attempt would be an EPIC failure.

After a while she said that she wants to go

IT WAS 17 10

we had fucking met at 16


it is summer and 17 10 on a Saturday and that foid wants to go

I said fine and escorted her to the local metro station - it was 5 minutes away.

She murmured some more bullshit that I pretended to understand - something about her exams - I couldn't understand more.

Then while waiting for the metro I asked her - how do you rate our date from 1 to 10.

She murmured some bullshit that ofc I couldn't hear.

I asked her what what what

She sad 8/10.

It was a shock....

Then I ask her do you want to meet again?

she murmured some bullshit that I couldn't understand

So i asked her - WHAT and got closer to her

She sad YES.

Then I said I will call you.

She didn't seem too enthusiastic tbh.

Then she got on the metro and left.

I started an approach session that I will describe later.



Not because they don't exist but because online every foid wants chad.

This foid is CUTEEEEEE and went on a date WITH MEEEEEEEEEE. NOT CHAD.

She came to the date, she doesn't have a bf or so she says.




I have this theory where she is a virgin - NOT FUCKING KIDDING. If I have to pick up a foid that could be virgin its her.

But then again - she is a CUTE FOID and is 20 - highly unlikely to be 100% virgin but......miracles do happen.


The cons

- her personality (lmfao) is pretty MEH tbh

Every word she say is full of autism, shyness and general lack of interest. Never met a woman like that before.

More than likely she will un-autist herself sooner and start riding the cock carousel.


what will i do?

I will call her after 2 days (i am traveling for 2 days) and try to set another date for Saturday.

If she agrees and we go I go 100% for the kiss.


Approaches 25/8/2018

That autismo overload date let me hanging at 17 30 so l decided to do an approach session.

Ate 2 muffins. Let's hit it hard.

1. Make up maxxed 7


Do we know each other?

No. You seem sympathetic. Are you?

I can't say but let's end this conversation right now.

2. Some foid was eye balling me.

And l made a crucial mistake.

I approached her.



So I went to this foid and opened her with hi, you look sympathetic with the lowest voice l can produce.


I was like WTF...


She was eye balling me not because she likes me but because she was observing a creepy freak.

Fuck this POS . I ain't stopping.

3. Went to some foid on her phone

Said. Hi. She pretended she is not hearing me.


I said. You look nice. Are you?

She moved away while keeping her eyes on her phone.

I said good luck in the fight against autism and left.

Mall infiltration initiated

4. Saw a cute foid and started walking faster to reach her.

First time l do this.

She was happy to be approached but her second line was l have a boyfriend.


5.She smiled and walked by me. She was on the ugly side.

6.u seem nice...are you?


628 to go
Maybe I've been watching too much anime but:
>too afraid to even kiss you

I love that kinda stuff. It's like, yeah, she's not overly receptive, but at the same time she's not detested by your existence, just shy and embarrassed.
Even Autistic girls reject incels
Uninstall said she was cute, so she might have seen herself as above people like us regardless.
Maybe I've been watching too much anime but:
>too afraid to even kiss you

I love that kinda stuff. It's like, yeah, she's not overly receptive, but at the same time she's not detested by your existence, just shy and embarrassed.

Uninstall said she was cute, so she might have seen herself as above people like us regardless.

she did for sure

she insulted one of her professor at uni with something like - this 60y.o. mummy. because he didn't let her and 16 other students pass and now they have to take an exam this autumn - whichi I think is why she was in town

She doesn't have any brothers or sisters and is daddy and mommy's little spoiled princess

I have zero doubt in my mind that the only reason she isn't in some crazyhouse is because she has a pussy pass and is not ugly.

If that was a man, he would be a cemented incel unless he was 2 points in looks above her.

Ofc, I was shy too and still am, but even at 20, I wasn't nearly as autistic as this foid.

Well, I can't say I am suprised anyway.

Just another rejection out of hundreds.
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hey man, the dude has to start SOMEWHERE. Even Chad dated autistic women, when he was 12
Maybe try down syndrome then because autistic cuties seem a bit above his level. As you say - got to start somewhere.
are u for real?

if u think there is some magic way to turn every date into sex...you are up for a big surprise

I didn't say every date - but you are never going to get above 0% if you dont wise up and change your strategy.

Wouldnt you feel better if both these girls you torpedoed were still on good terms with you and there was the possibility of ascending?
The level of bluepillness is insane in this forum :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

approaching girls with the hope to find a GF is bluepill. what do you expect in this thread?
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Although as a 3 i totally believe in lookism, what (and how) you say is definitely a factor. Uninstall talks alot ab he eye contact and intonation And maybe its random but his batting avg is up the last 100 foids. So i believe mr 100 has some merit even if looks is weighted heavier than anything else.

One thing to think ab is the greatest motivator - fear. I can kinda understand why a foid would be nervous to get physical with a non-chad in the first few hrs, especially if it isnt incremental. So theres the fear of her feeling cheap (which a chad can overcome with brute strength looks), and slight fear of something horrible happening(she doesnt know you really), quell those fears. Make her feel comfortable and build sexual tension, it works. You have no other choice bc your not Chad. Youre not a support, youre a carry.
Approaches 28/8/2018

Let's hit it like a rocket launcher boyos.

Offtopic. My shoes are not the best but let's face it.

It ain't gonna matter anyway.

Today l will approach max with a bigger filter.

I want approach fat swine's but l will definitely hit some trash l would not otherwise.

1. Some foid with pants covered in flowers. She was flicking her har teeeheeee and l approached her on the street. She ignored me.

Maybe it was my opener. If by opener you mean l am not bradd Pitt Chad and the circumstances weren't perfect...you would be right boyo.

Many foid look good from away but when u get close the terror strikes.

2. Some foid waiting in front of some bullshit H&M store.

Hi. You look sympathetic.

(At this point my eye contact is insane. I can keep it for minites.)

She got a little scared but then cool off.

When l asked her what's her name she said:

This is one of the most unexpected stoppings in my life.

It was obvious that she was not going to tell me anything so l just said:

U will need to pray for a miracle like that to happen again.


Best Part - she was ugly - make up maxxed, crooked teeth...etc.

Fuck her tbh.

Let's go boyos.

Let's test those bitches.

0. Had a ring. Saw it too late not counting it

3. She ignored me.

I said blow me but l don't think she heard me.

Best part? She was ugly.

4. Happy to be approached and cute too.

Rejected me like l am a POS.

5. Another ignore.

The street is fucking cruel today. Fuck this shit

6. Another autistic POS that can't lead a 3 second convo that is not full teheeee

I am so sick of validating those bitches. They don't fucking it deserve it one bit.

POS born with vaginas.

This isbitbforbtoday. They are too hostile. Tomorrow, I am bringing the bazooka.

622 to go
Try and get some clever and new pick up lines.
Try and get some clever and new pick up lines.

Pick up lines are my last trouble.

Clever pick up lines will make a foid laugh...but they are not enough to seal the deal

Your looks and confidence do.
If she is really autistic and shy you can try chatting with her. Maybe you get to know more of her interests that you could talk about IRL. That could help against her "boring" personality.
Approaches 29/8/2018

Today l will approach in a different area because l want to go to a shop to buy a back pack.

Let's see what kind of bitches are there.

Approaching in a mall. I hate it. I am here to check a back pack.

1. Insane sign of disgust

One of the strongest l have ever received. She turned her head and make that ewww face.

2. Hi.

Do we know each other?

We will know each other after you tell me your name.

(Face of disgust)

Then she said something and moved away. I approached her in some clothing store.

My intonation was not the best but my experience protected me from a complete breakdown.

I am weaker than before. Like l am out of shape.

She was make up maxxed 5. So I reality a 3.

3. Clothes maxxed 5. She had a wedding ring and ignored.

Her facial expression was ever so slightly more positive.

4. Hi. How are you?

I am great (said with a nasty tone)

You are stupid. (I just had to say it.)

Complete ignore.cx ct

5. Approached a foid in the center where l am looking for a bag. She was pushing bher bike. She was very welcoming. We talked a little but she quickly told me that she is in rush.

Would you be in a rush for Chad?

6. Stopped my bike. Approached a foid smoking a cigarette.

She laughed at me.

7. Approached ultra giga Make up maxxed 5.

At first bshe didn't stop but the she did. I think she was ever so slightly pregnant.

I bounced.

615 to go
Approaches 29/8/2018

Today l will approach in a different area because l want to go to a shop to buy a back pack.

Let's see what kind of bitches are there.

Approaching in a mall. I hate it. I am here to check a back pack.

1. Insane sign of disgust

One of the strongest l have ever received. She turned her head and make that ewww face.

2. Hi.

Do we know each other?

We will know each other after you tell me your name.

(Face of disgust)

Then she said something and moved away. I approached her in some clothing store.

My intonation was not the best but my experience protected me from a complete breakdown.

I am weaker than before. Like l am out of shape.

She was make up maxxed 5. So I reality a 3.

3. Clothes maxxed 5. She had a wedding ring and ignored.

Her facial expression was ever so slightly more positive.

4. Hi. How are you?

I am great (said with a nasty tone)

You are stupid. (I just had to say it.)

Complete ignore.cx ct

5. Approached a foid in the center where l am looking for a bag. She was pushing bher bike. She was very welcoming. We talked a little but she quickly told me that she is in rush.

Would you be in a rush for Chad?

6. Stopped my bike. Approached a foid smoking a cigarette.

She laughed at me.

7. Approached ultra giga Make up maxxed 5.

At first bshe didn't stop but the she did. I think she was ever so slightly pregnant.

I bounced.

615 to go
Oh boy, can’t wait for what happens next episode.
Approaches 29/8/2018

Today l will approach in a different area because l want to go to a shop to buy a back pack.

Let's see what kind of bitches are there.

Approaching in a mall. I hate it. I am here to check a back pack.

1. Insane sign of disgust

One of the strongest l have ever received. She turned her head and make that ewww face.

2. Hi.

Do we know each other?

We will know each other after you tell me your name.

(Face of disgust)

Then she said something and moved away. I approached her in some clothing store.

My intonation was not the best but my experience protected me from a complete breakdown.

I am weaker than before. Like l am out of shape.

She was make up maxxed 5. So I reality a 3.

3. Clothes maxxed 5. She had a wedding ring and ignored.

Her facial expression was ever so slightly more positive.

4. Hi. How are you?

I am great (said with a nasty tone)

You are stupid. (I just had to say it.)

Complete ignore.cx ct

5. Approached a foid in the center where l am looking for a bag. She was pushing bher bike. She was very welcoming. We talked a little but she quickly told me that she is in rush.

Would you be in a rush for Chad?

6. Stopped my bike. Approached a foid smoking a cigarette.

She laughed at me.

7. Approached ultra giga Make up maxxed 5.

At first bshe didn't stop but the she did. I think she was ever so slightly pregnant.

I bounced.

615 to go
Have you ever tried just saying 'I saw you over there and think your stunning, it would mean the world if I could get your number', starting with a hi or something like that is a bit shit, because they have a reason to just shrug you off, go straight in for the kill mate.
Have you ever tried just saying 'I saw you over there and think your stunning, it would mean the world if I could get your number', starting with a hi or something like that is a bit shit, because they have a reason to just shrug you off, go straight in for the kill mate.
that sounds beta AF
Have you ever tried just saying 'I saw you over there and think your stunning, it would mean the world if I could get your number', starting with a hi or something like that is a bit shit, because they have a reason to just shrug you off, go straight in for the kill mate.
that sounds beta AF
@uninstall I love you no homo. maybe tomorrow bro;)
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Have you ever tried just saying 'I saw you over there and think your stunning, it would mean the world if I could get your number', starting with a hi or something like that is a bit shit, because they have a reason to just shrug you off, go straight in for the kill mate.

That sounds fucking terrible lol
That sounds fucking terrible lol
Its how you say it, if you say it like a shy freak, its shit but if you just say it likes it nothing its better than 'hello, how are you'. Fucking hell boys im just trying to give a bit of constructive critisism, poor lads had 450 rejections, better than trying nothing.
there is no way in hell that not 1 girl in 1000 will like me

so far

I have approached 22

978 to go

Talk about a SERIOUS waste of time!! Why torture yourself? Life is too short for that!
If you think that is gonna work, you're delusional. Cold-approaching girls in public just creeps them the fuck out.
One of the reasons i made this account was to tell you too keep it up man.
Your posts are both sui and life fuel, and you're funny as hell too man.
I really hope this manga gets animated.
Talk about a SERIOUS waste of time!! Why torture yourself? Life is too short for that!


He's had 2 dates which if he'd been a little smarter - could have resulted in something.

I dont think he will find a g/f - as he has demonstrated - he has no idea how to be with a woman even if he does get further dates. He is not prepared to charm and sweet talk a girl, flatter a little - flirting skills - he doesnt have it and all women see is an awkward angry young man which they can do without.
I think flirting skills are least problem in case of uninstall.
He's had 2 dates which if he'd been a little smarter - could have resulted in something.

I dont think he will find a g/f - as he has demonstrated - he has no idea how to be with a woman even if he does get further dates. He is not prepared to charm and sweet talk a girl, flatter a little - flirting skills - he doesnt have it and all women see is an awkward angry young man which they can do without.

Can u stop bothering us with ur red-/bluepilled shit. "Flirting skills" JFL.
Go and waste ur time watching RSD pick up videos again. But don't try to scam us with this bullshit.
“Hey I’m _____ are
you single by chance?”
-no -walk away
-yes- we should get drinks/lunch/dinner sometime can I get your number?

If you say this you will sound normal. You’re not gonna talk your way into pussy if you haven’t figured that out yet so cut the conversations. it sounds a thousand times better than “you look sympathetic” that’s the single most retarded line I’ve ever heard. I really hope that’s a translation from another language.
And the struggle continues.
gl bro. try approaching the 1/10s or the ugliest female u can find in the area and tell us how it goes
gl bro. try approaching the 1/10s or the ugliest female u can find in the area and tell us how it goes

he did - had a fattie approach session - no go
“Hey I’m _____ are
you single by chance?”
-no -walk away
-yes- we should get drinks/lunch/dinner sometime can I get your number?

If you say this you will sound normal. You’re not gonna talk your way into pussy if you haven’t figured that out yet so cut the conversations. it sounds a thousand times better than “you look sympathetic” that’s the single most retarded line I’ve ever heard. I really hope that’s a translation from another language.

yes well that line got him 1 date per hundred approaches.
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