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SuicideFuel I NEED a pretty blonde girlfriend NOW



Mar 24, 2018
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse
What's your height?
95AA77A7 D727 47C3 9508 FAD18F4B4260

“How about you just stop,son”
I need any girlfriend.
What's your height?
Read his sig
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse
Dude it's over. Hope that you'll find a 2/10 4'11" girl at the very most.

If you want the cheerful but difficult answer, put in a lot of effort in ascension. Make yourself look like a god by any means including surgerymaxxing. If you fail after that then at least you've tried. Then suicide is warranted.
Every man deserves his looksmatch. Society is more productive with monogamy. Biggest reason? Post 35 year old normie men stop chasing or pleasing and focus on improving efficiency in society.

Men are lookist towards men because they want rich Chad to betabuxx their sisters and daughters. Male on male Lookism can be eliminated almost entirely if a central organisation determines who pairs up with whom. When you abandon lookism and destroy any opportunity for women to cheat, eventually looksmatching will become irrevelant and people will be paired off by compatibility.

The Soviet Union was able to beat Nazi Germany because the planned economy encouraged macro co-operation instead of macro competition. If we combined Soviet economic techniques and anti-lookism, we could create the most attractive ideology for men so far known. We could take over decaying empires and enforce anti-lookiwm to the best of our ability. Imagine Boko Haram with science and factories instead of knock off Norinco rifles and the polygamous Islam.

Marxism-Rodgerism is the key to global peace and prosperity.

edit: male on male lookism, not all lookism
"Tfw no gf syndrome" :feelscry:
We all slip back into this state from time to time... Cope brother.
There is still hope that some high iq ricecel invents gf AI and a robo wife body.
With that height, it's gonna be tough. Good luck.
Sorry, pretty blonde gf's are reserved for Chad and Tyrone exclusively.
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse
5'2 and balding? I'll give you a ginger persons prayer
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse
Stop watching those clips. The pain only gets worse the more you are reminded of the women you can't have.
5'2 and balding but you NEED a pretty blonde girlfriend? Don't torture yourself.
Idk what your looksmatch would be, but I hope you get her.
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse
>Being with a blonde thot

Pick one.
get a syrian bride. Thank me on the wedding day.
Every man deserves his looksmatch. Society is more productive with monogamy. Biggest reason? Post 35 year old normie men stop chasing or pleasing and focus on improving efficiency in society.

Men are lookist towards men because they want rich Chad to betabuxx their sisters and daughters. Male on male Lookism can be eliminated almost entirely if a central organisation determines who pairs up with whom. When you abandon lookism and destroy any opportunity for women to cheat, eventually looksmatching will become irrevelant and people will be paired off by compatibility.

The Soviet Union was able to beat Nazi Germany because the planned economy encouraged macro co-operation instead of macro competition. If we combined Soviet economic techniques and anti-lookism, we could create the most attractive ideology for men so far known. We could take over decaying empires and enforce anti-lookiwm to the best of our ability. Imagine Boko Haram with science and factories instead of knock off Norinco rifles and the polygamous Islam.

Marxism-Rodgerism is the key to global peace and prosperity.

edit: male on male lookism, not all lookism

Very High IQ post. As a person from the former USSR, I can say this is true.
I just wish I could attain my looks match. But then I remember I can't attain anybody. :feelscry:
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse

Cope till you rope, I know its hard brother, but don't aim for what you can't get. We all know you can't get that.

PRO TIP: Don't listen to trash romantic music and videos, all created by normies as a lie to persuade everyone that "There is someone for everyone" which is totally untrue.
I just wish I could attain my looksmatch.

Very High IQ post. As a person from the former USSR, I can say this is true.
Thank you. Wondering if your life and recollections from grandparents, etc can prove a hypothesis - did lowering income inequality, rising living standards, as well as male casualties from Civil+Great Patriotic War cause hypergamy to be dampened? And did Kruschev's market 'socialism' help ugly guys after the wars to betabuxx roasties? Since university was harder to enter, did that decrease the no. of years women could ride the cock carousel? What age were women expected to settle down by?
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Sorry, pretty blonde gf's are reserved for Chad and Tyrone exclusively.
If you can't understand that are really expect a hot blonde then you have learned nothing from what happend to Elliot because of his desire for a pretty blonde (keep in mind, Elliot wasn't even ugly or excessively short)
I want to live on a ring of Saturn too
Hehe, I threw a tantrum earlier tonight. I was on Fetlife, and I saw this girl that looked angelic. Like, 9/10. And this girl had pictures of herself being gang-banged on her profile. I felt so envious, I cannot express....
I cant take it anymore i keep watching romantic video clips listening to romantic songs fuck i hate being so subhuman i never stood a chance i dont want to wait like 20 years until scientists find a cure for manletism fuck this fucking curse
I don't know how to respond in a way that would make you feel better, so I'll just say the truth- I know 100% how you feel. I used to listen to Rimsky-Korsakov 's romantic pieces as well as the Butterfly Lovers Violin, but when I realised I'll never find The One, I could't bear to listen to my favourite pieces any more. From now on, it's only Holst's Mars.

[warning, nsatube]
why do you need a blonde? are you blonde?
I didn't know nsatube caused video embed, incels better use RequestPolicy or something.
The Soviet Union was able to beat Nazi Germany because the planned economy encouraged macro co-operation instead of macro competition. If we combined Soviet economic techniques and anti-lookism, we could create the most attractive ideology for men so far known. We could take over decaying empires and enforce anti-lookiwm to the best of our ability. Imagine Boko Haram with science and factories instead of knock off Norinco rifles and the polygamous Islam.
Jesus fucking Christ you're dumb as shit don't ever make comparisons like that again.

USSR beat Germany because of extensive lend lease and other strategic factors, not because of some skewed macro competition.
In terms of millitary they behaved mostly the same, both had competition for best suited weapons in all sectors.

In any case competition is good, were just complaining here about getting the short end of the stick, and the insane standards women have. I'd be perfectly happy with my looksmatch
Thank you. Wondering if your life and recollections from grandparents, etc can prove a hypothesis - did lowering income inequality, rising living standards, as well as male casualties from Civil+Great Patriotic War cause hypergamy to be dampened? And did Kruschev's market 'socialism' help ugly guys after the wars to betabuxx roasties? Since university was harder to enter, did that decrease the no. of years women could ride the cock carousel? What age were women expected to settle down by?

Well, since people were more or less earning the same amount of money, everyone's betabuxx capability was more or less the same. When all the men died in the wars, that created a shortage, so males were at an advantage. Albeit, they had just come back alive from literally the worst war in human history, but they were able to come back being able to get an average woman without any difficulty. That's really the only realistic way that incels and lower than 5/10 men can easily get women without betabuxx or jumping through hoops is if tens of millions of men die at war. I'm not personally advocating for this, War is horrible, and despite what many people might say on this forum, I wouldn't want tens of millions of my own country's men, my brothers dying at war again like they were during WW2.
take a break from the self torture. if you were rich you could get a woman but without that you getting even a plain gf will be hard.
Jesus fucking Christ you're dumb as shit don't ever make comparisons like that again.

USSR beat Germany because of extensive lend lease and other strategic factors, not because of some skewed macro competition.
In terms of millitary they behaved mostly the same, both had competition for best suited weapons in all sectors.

In any case competition is good, were just complaining here about getting the short end of the stick, and the insane standards women have. I'd be perfectly happy with my looksmatch
Wehraboo cope. Soviets made and fought in their own tanks. Most lend lease shit arrived at the end of the war and the machinery was shitty and fuel inefficient. Only good thing that came out of LendLease was the fucking boots. It was probably more of an attempt to please Amerikkkan capitalists and stimulate amerikkkan economy. Hitler always made two groups do the same job seperately, creating unneccesary wastes. Soviets put in there all to fight back against the oppressor. Hitler confessed in interviews that he couldn't believe the incredible production capabilities of the USSR. Or was that just manufactured jewish propaganda according to you? hmm?
Well, since people were more or less earning the same amount of money, everyone's betabuxx capability was more or less the same. When all the men died in the wars, that created a shortage, so males were at an advantage. Albeit, they had just come back alive from literally the worst war in human history, but they were able to come back being able to get an average woman without any difficulty. That's really the only realistic way that incels and lower than 5/10 men can easily get women without betabuxx or jumping through hoops is if tens of millions of men die at war. I'm not personally advocating for this, War is horrible, and despite what many people might say on this forum, I wouldn't want tens of millions of my own country's men, my brothers dying at war again like they were during WW2.
Because of Lenin, pay was generally split into four tiers with bonuses offered as incentives. So one the one hand doctors and engineers could betabuxx better, but because of Soviet feminism they had more incentive to marry a woman of equal educational experience rather than dating down. Miners probably haf an easier time getting pussy as well, just guessing.

To prevent future wars we need Marxism Rodgerism to give everyone access to the means of reproduction.
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Marxism was created on request of Anglo-Saxons to bring down European empires. In reality it doesn't work.
I want a brunette with light eyes qt3.14 gf. If i be good i wonder if santa clause can help me out.
Every man deserves his looksmatch. Society is more productive with monogamy. Biggest reason? Post 35 year old normie men stop chasing or pleasing and focus on improving efficiency in society.

Men are lookist towards men because they want rich Chad to betabuxx their sisters and daughters. Male on male Lookism can be eliminated almost entirely if a central organisation determines who pairs up with whom. When you abandon lookism and destroy any opportunity for women to cheat, eventually looksmatching will become irrevelant and people will be paired off by compatibility.

The Soviet Union was able to beat Nazi Germany because the planned economy encouraged macro co-operation instead of macro competition. If we combined Soviet economic techniques and anti-lookism, we could create the most attractive ideology for men so far known. We could take over decaying empires and enforce anti-lookiwm to the best of our ability. Imagine Boko Haram with science and factories instead of knock off Norinco rifles and the polygamous Islam.

Marxism-Rodgerism is the key to global peace and prosperity.

edit: male on male lookism, not all lookism

Fuck off you low IQ Communist cretin. JFL @ being both a currycel AND Communist. The only thing that'd make it worse is if you were Muslim.
What’s your update on your Binaural Beats mission?

height - 1.5cm increase

eyes - eyes gotten noticably lighter. thicker limbal rings.

hair - hard to tell but i feel like i have more hair at the front than usual. my sides are a bit thicker too.
why do you need a blonde? are you blonde?
Because they are the prettiest ones
I didn't know nsatube caused video embed, incels better use RequestPolicy or something.
5'2 and balding but you NEED a pretty blonde girlfriend? Don't torture yourself.
Idk what your looksmatch would be, but I hope you get her.
No point in being with someone you are not attracted to yeah i know suicide is the way to go in my case
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Fuck off you low IQ Communist cretin. JFL @ being both a currycel AND Communist. The only thing that'd make it worse is if you were Muslim.
communism built Sputnik, invented laser surgery, etc. It's clearly a viable and productive system. What's your argument against it?
Because they are the prettiest ones


No point in being with someone you are not attracted to yeah i know suicide is the way to go in my case
Macbook iq cel, youtube spies on people.
communism built Sputnik, invented laser surgery, etc. It's clearly a viable and productive system. What's your argument against it?

Macbook iq cel, youtube spies on people.
Stalinism was the pinnacle of human civilization. Lol at these tards who claim to love the free market liberal economic system because they live in the 1st World but get angry by having the same free market system used in the dating market.
Yeah i used to listen to love songs. They brainwashed me in to thinking a girl could love me and i got super fucked up when reality hit. Just stop doing it.
Wehraboo cope. Soviets made and fought in their own tanks. Most lend lease shit arrived at the end of the war and the machinery was shitty and fuel inefficient. Only good thing that came out of LendLease was the fucking boots. It was probably more of an attempt to please Amerikkkan capitalists and stimulate amerikkkan economy. Hitler always made two groups do the same job seperately, creating unneccesary wastes. Soviets put in there all to fight back against the oppressor. Hitler confessed in interviews that he couldn't believe the incredible production capabilities of the USSR. Or was that just manufactured jewish propaganda according to you? hmm?

Because of Lenin, pay was generally split into four tiers with bonuses offered as incentives. So one the one hand doctors and engineers could betabuxx better, but because of Soviet feminism they had more incentive to marry a woman of equal educational experience rather than dating down. Miners probably haf an easier time getting pussy as well, just guessing.

To prevent future wars we need Marxism Rodgerism to give everyone access to the means of reproduction.

Politics is Cope
Remove "pretty" and "blonde" from your title you fakecel.
"Tfw no gf syndrome" :feelscry:
We all slip back into this state from time to time... Cope brother.
There is still hope that some high iq ricecel invents gf AI and a robo wife body.
Litteraly my only hope. I cant wait for the complete virtual gf pack (doll + VR + AI)

I just wish I could attain my looks match.
Same :feelsbadman:

Every man deserves his looksmatch. Society is more productive with monogamy. Biggest reason? Post 35 year old normie men stop chasing or pleasing and focus on improving efficiency in society.

Men are lookist towards men because they want rich Chad to betabuxx their sisters and daughters. Male on male Lookism can be eliminated almost entirely if a central organisation determines who pairs up with whom. When you abandon lookism and destroy any opportunity for women to cheat, eventually looksmatching will become irrevelant and people will be paired off by compatibility.

The Soviet Union was able to beat Nazi Germany because the planned economy encouraged macro co-operation instead of macro competition. If we combined Soviet economic techniques and anti-lookism, we could create the most attractive ideology for men so far known. We could take over decaying empires and enforce anti-lookiwm to the best of our ability. Imagine Boko Haram with science and factories instead of knock off Norinco rifles and the polygamous Islam.

Marxism-Rodgerism is the key to global peace and prosperity.

edit: male on male lookism, not all lookism
Nah, its not going to happen. The rest of the bluepilled and cucked countries would invade and destroy our new incelistan to restore "democracy" and "women rights" like retards. The "virtual gf complete pack" is better, more realistic and probably legal in most countries.
But i would love to read more about it ngl.
That's really the only realistic way that incels and lower than 5/10 men can easily get women without betabuxx or jumping through hoops is if tens of millions of men die at war. I'm not personally advocating for this,
Agree. The traditional and natural way to improve SMV of males in a country is by war. We have a very low SMV naturally, and being too many just destroys that few value.
Hehe, I threw a tantrum earlier tonight. I was on Fetlife, and I saw this girl that looked angelic. Like, 9/10. And this girl had pictures of herself being gang-banged on her profile. I felt so envious, I cannot express....

I want to live on a ring of Saturn too
Me too buddy, me too. What can we do though? :blackpill:
Nah, its not going to happen. The rest of the bluepilled and cucked countries would invade and destroy our new incelistan to restore "democracy" and "women rights" like retards. The "virtual gf complete pack" is better, more realistic and probably legal in most countries.
But i would love to read more about it ngl.

All good points, which require careful consideration before action.

The U.S. Empire is going to fall. There are already proxy wars between U.S. and China inside of Africa. There will be a lot of destabilization and chaos. Incels, even white ones in first world countries, are going to suffer the ill effects of this. The number of sexless men is going to increase in all countries, and Africa + SEA will be hit pretty bad.
Converting the local populaces of these nations to Marxism Rodgerism will kill two birds with one stone - the conflict between the haves and have-nots, and the conflict between men to get a spouse. Without mate competition, there wouldn't be mass rape attacks and nomadic vs. farmer tribe battles.
It also solves the problem of how to motivate people. Leftists find it hard to motivate the working class without a foreign threat such as the Kaiser, or the European colonialists, etc. Then they end up having brutal civil wars that no body wanted because they don't know how to dislodge religion and landlords. This is because previous Marxists have always been feminists.

Marxism Rodgerism fixes the most unattractive facet of communism and turns it into an advantage. It could even be the answer to world peace.

Edit: To clarify, we are in a do or die situation where we can either win or end up even worse than we are atm. All men die, so you can either die homeless after you get evicted after a financial crash while the landlord auctions off your sex dolls or you can fight for a better tomorrow that ends inceldom for all of humanity.
Concepts like democracy and socialism seemed as fantastical in the past. Even Soviet-style healthcare was decried as impossible under capitalism until the British adopted it as the NHS after the Second World War. What impossible political actions will be achieved after the next Cold War?

Here are some youtube videos I would recommend (use hooktube or youtube-dl):
Pentagon Admits the US Empire is Failing

Johan Galtung: The American Empire Will Fall in 2020
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Damn strong bump.
Ditto. I deserve it after all I went through.

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