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Brutal "I got beaten up in front of my entire school, including my oneitis - i ended up shitting myself" - said by a looksmax.org user

  • Thread starter FuckingHateMyLife
  • Start date
im not click a fagmaxx link, GrAY
Do you have the video?
Do you have the video?
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
Original thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/i-got-...my-oneitis-i-ended-up-shitting-myself.840683/

Holy fucking shit, I literally feel so bad about this dude, probably he got a lifetime trauma now, the video about him going viral, and his nose is broken as he said. Literally ruined his whole life over a school fight. Brutal
Beyond over for him. I do feel bad for the lad, but to be honest he likely had typical manlet rage and didn't back down when he should have. Yes it sucks to be bullied and beaten by normies, but he could have saved himself from further embarrassment by walking away from the situation. Then he wouldn't have shit his pants or gotten beaten so bad he broke his nose and had to go to a hospital.

Additionally it was retarded of him to try and go for a 5'11 blonde-haired blue-eyed nordic/germanic Stacy. Especially when he is 5'5 and posting on a subhuman looksmaxxing forum. There is no way he ever had a chance so why should he embarrass himself like this.
I don't have a looksmax account if you do tell him to make an account here at least people here would show him some empathy
He should shoot up his school. Only option after that embarrassing moment
Always make sure your bowels and bladder are empty before a fight tbh
Additionally it was retarded of him to try and go for a 5'11 blonde-haired blue-eyed nordic/germanic Stacy. Especially when he is 5'5 and posting on a subhuman looksmaxxing forum. There is no way he ever had a chance so why should he embarrass himself like this.
Most subhumans simply can't face reality someone in the replies called him a shitskin so he is deathnic too he never had a chance to begin with.
This is why the blackpill can be a blessing sometimes despite it's brutality, at least most of us here know better and avoid situations like these
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
Redpillers are psychos. Those who are like Andrew Tate fans, are shallow and have no sympathies. They believe that it's a individual problem that one can fix or something. Looksmaxxing is the embodiment of applying an individual solution to a collective problem (inceldom)
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
Tbh if someone said they had a HTN face and had been talking to a 5'11 "Stacylite" here we would all probably do the same. Though it's probably megaLARP anyways. :lul:
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
They are full of foids trannies and retards what do you expect
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
It's infested with Chads and normies
when they Ganged up on him he should’ve stabbed them.
Redpillers are psychos. Those who are like Andrew Tate fans, are shallow and have no sympathies. They believe that it's a individual problem that one can fix or something. Looksmaxxing is the embodiment of applying an individual solution to a collective problem (inceldom)
They are full of foids trannies and retards what do you expect
It's infested with Chads and normies
Every time I read a looksmax thread my faith in humanity deminishes even further
Tbh if someone said they had a HTN face and had been talking to a 5'11 "Stacylite" here we would all probably do the same. Though it's probably megaLARP anyways. :lul:
Nah i believe this, hopefully this nigga gets isekaied and has better roll in his next life
Always make sure your bowels and bladder are empty before a fight tbh
Thanks for the advice, next time someone comes to fight me, I'm gonna go to the bathroom first.
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
It's infested with Chads and normies
the only difference between this forum and looksmax is that we are honest with ourselves while looksmax delude themselves constantly. the looks level or height is no different here or there, its full of larpers
They already had height advantage and still teamed him thats fucked up.
Ruthless he'll be violated to death on tiktok and x whilst the video is posted all over the Internet
Brutal. An actually realistic account of what happens when the lonely, bullied guy stands up for himself, rather than the countless "I would've completely decimated all my bullies but the teachers held me back and considered me the aggressive one," copes you see so often:feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope:.

He should shoot up his school. Only option after that embarrassing moment
Redpillers are psychos. Those who are like Andrew Tate fans, are shallow and have no sympathies. They believe that it's a individual problem that one can fix or something. Looksmaxxing is the embodiment of applying an individual solution to a collective problem (inceldom)
Self-inflicted problem. You don't chase pussy when there's a fucking gang that is out to get you. You deal with the gang first. Whatever you have to do. Find them alone and make them afraid of you.
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
Awful. Happens in every manosphere community. PUA used to be the cure for inceldom, then it got infested with normies and they banished everything that actually helps. Left only muh inner game and idolizing movie stars.
Beyond over for him. I do feel bad for the lad, but to be honest he likely had typical manlet rage and didn't back down when he should have. Yes it sucks to be bullied and beaten by normies, but he could have saved himself from further embarrassment by walking away from the situation. Then he wouldn't have shit his pants or gotten beaten so bad he broke his nose and had to go to a hospital.
A big part of this is that there is no justice in the west. A gang of people beat you up, it's your fault. He's lucky he didn't catch criminal charges. In any civilized society, a group of people beating up a single person is a huge crime and the entire group would be put behind bars. But in the west, the criminals are treated as witnesses for each other, and they all say they did nothing wrong. Case closed!
Additionally it was retarded of him to try and go for a 5'11 blonde-haired blue-eyed nordic/germanic Stacy. Especially when he is 5'5 and posting on a subhuman looksmaxxing forum. There is no way he ever had a chance so why should he embarrass himself like this.
I didn't even see these stats :feelskek: what an absolute retard. She was never into him, she just spammed friend requests so she could get in at the new school. This guy starts to think she's into a guy she has to look down at, what is he on?
I didn't even see these stats :feelskek: what an absolute retard. She was never into him, she just spammed friend requests so she could get in at the new school. This guy starts to think she's into a guy she has to look down at, what is he on?
"Yes, I need 5'5 ethnics in my life" -white JB
laughs cage GIF
Yeah sounds like a typical fagsmaxxing user to me
always preening themselves like the femoids they try to impress (ok let's say it, most of them are gay so it's for other guys)
Bruh why are lookmax niggas so heartless?
out of all the replies only one showed sympathy the rest were making fun of him, looksmax is the worst blackpill forum no actual subhuman should post there
I am going to brave it with my knowledge of the left hand path.
Most subhumans simply can't face reality someone in the replies called him a shitskin so he is deathnic too he never had a chance to begin with.
This is why the blackpill can be a blessing sometimes despite it's brutality, at least most of us here know better and avoid situations like these
I have learned too little to late.
Brutal. An actually realistic account of what happens when the lonely, bullied guy stands up for himself, rather than the countless "I would've completely decimated all my bullies but the teachers held me back and considered me the aggressive one," copes you see so often:feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope:.
yep this has happened to me it is fucked up.
I hate redpilled retards so much
Typical of normies to gang up on a smaller person. You'll quickly realize that most of them fight only when they have the numbers advantage.

The correct response should be to advise him to consider litigation, or in the alternative, to exercise his Second Amendment rights.

I see posters mentioning the race and height of his oneitis as if that is somehow material to this situation. It's true that having a oneitis is stupid and cucked. But guys, normies will chimp out regardless of whether a Stacy is present.
Typical of normies to gang up on a smaller person. You'll quickly realize that most of them fight only when they have the numbers advantage.

The correct response should be to advise him to consider litigation, or in the alternative, to exercise his Second Amendment rights.

I see posters mentioning the race and height of his oneitis as if that is somehow material to this situation. It's true that having a oneitis is stupid and cucked. But guys, normies will chimp out regardless of whether a Stacy is present.
not in my experince, I have gone one on one and still got my arss beat.
not in my experince, I have gone one on one and still got my arss beat.

If you or your family are significantly wealthier than someone else you can really fuck with their life haha.
your an asshole for saying that, nobody needs to kill themselves. We are trying to help each other out here
 No :feelsokman:

If you call yourself blackpilled, but are a pussy whipped cuckboy with a Oneitis, I wouldn't feel bad if you blew your brains out.

If that makes me an asshole, then I fully accept that title.

My way of helping niggas, is making sure they have fucking dignity. And if dignity has no value to you, then... Well, you know what I will say already.
 No :feelsokman:

If you call yourself blackpilled, but are a pussy whipped cuckboy with a Oneitis, I wouldn't feel bad if you blew your brains out.

If that makes me an asshole, then I fully accept that title.

My way of helping niggas, is making sure they have fucking dignity. And if dignity has no value to you, then... Well, you know what I will say already.
your a piece os shit fake cell fuck off from this site. for your infromation a peaceful death is the best option if you kill yourself then the normies have won to lost. If you work for wealth (as much as possible) and live luxuriaously and healthily then that is better. I am sure many can agree with me here. As for you mr psychopath fakecell you can go and fuck yourself.
your a piece os shit fake cell fuck off from this site. for your infromation a peaceful death is the best option if you kill yourself then the normies have won to lost. If you work for wealth (as much as possible) and live luxuriaously and healthily then that is better. I am sure many can agree with me here. As for you mr psychopath fakecell you can go and fuck yourself.
Mocking Andre Castro GIF by SC Braga

If anyone else agree with you, they can @ me.
It won't change my position either way.

That if you would rather cuck yourself and obsess over a woman that cares as much about you as she does for an ant that she stepped on earlier, then have some basic dignity, you should, again, kill yourself.

Also, Mr Psychopath? Really?

My god

Mocking Andre Castro GIF by SC Braga
Good. Normally I'd be sad but I'm not because he (presumably) became a nosecel like me from being beaten as a kid, just like I was, at least until he can get surgery to fix it.

The entire world should taste the brutality of noseceldom, especially if it's induced by others...
Mocking Andre Castro GIF by SC Braga

If anyone else agree with you, they can @ me.
It won't change my position either way.

That if you would rather cuck yourself and obsess over a woman that cares as much about you as she does for an ant that she stepped on earlier, then have some basic dignity, you should, again, kill yourself.

Also, Mr Psychopath? Really?

My god

Mocking Andre Castro GIF by SC Braga
yes you are a psychopath anybody that wishes death on an individual because of weakness is evil and this is how psychopaths think. ( read the satanic bible if you do not belive me This is a psychopathic religion) I did not say that I cared about females or obsess over them. I absolutely hate them deep down. yoiu have no dignity your quality of being is absolutely shit. and if there is a hellfire I will see you there.
The normies will never forget this, they are far too inclement to absolve the sod of his premature ignominy. I wonder if his Oneitis is in on it, she is probably keeping the school informed on every furtive thought of his; honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she had some involvement in the fight.

It's weird to me that she decided to befriend the short kid and even follow him on social media... It's almost as if she sensed that he's the rutt of the school and wanted to acquire an ostensible reputation as some benign personality by "taking him under her wing", so to speak.
yep it is a ploy of some sort
i love having asperger :heart: :heart: :heart: iam such a cute shy aspie boyfriend material

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