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Venting I feel tired of living



Hentai Enthusiast
Jun 7, 2021
It's as if all of my zest for life has simply faded away.

I sleep for over 12 hours a day, yet I still feel completely exhausted whenever I wake up. (Before anyone goes "try sleeping less!!" I did and I feel just as tired as before) I have constant brain fog were I forget things that happened seconds ago and I am basically unable to focus on anything. It's as if I'm living completely on autopilot, I don't even have an inner monologue anymore like I used to. (Instead, I just kind of do things without thinking)

The few times I do actually get to think, all I can think of is all of my failures and regrets. (AKA my entire life) I can't even slept most nights because my mind comes up with at least 30 things I did or said "incorrectly" during the day. It doesn't even end there, these thoughts eventually trace all the way back to elementary school. The only way I am able to sleep is if I'm extremely tired and I've coomed at least once, leaving my brain scrambled enough where I can't think anymore and just fall asleep. Anxiety isn't the only thing I constantly feel though, the second one is anger. I just feel pissed off all the time, like I want to punch someone in the face for no reason.

None of my copes work anymore, mainly because they only serve as reminders of my subhuman nature. I used to do a lot of digital art, but now I don't anymore because I hate all of my drawings and consider them to be terrible. While I still write (mainly fantasy stories) and play video games from time to time, I don't actually enjoy either of those things that much anymore because I feel like my skills are lacking compared to other people. It's not enough that I was born an ugly subhuman, but I can't even experience a SINGLE moment where I actually feel proud of myself.

I'll be 23 and already I feel as if my entire existence is completely pointless. I keep telling myself every year "this is the year you'll finally kill yourself" but I always chicken out in the end. (I can't even succeed in killing myself, jfl) All of this suffering wouldn't even be so bad if I knew that it was actually worth it, that there is a light at the end of this incredibly dark tunnel. There is no "light" though, since I am basically cursed to have terrible luck no matter what I do. Every single time I've tried setting a goal, I always fail. (Which makes me regret trying to begin with) If God actually exists, he is a complete asshole who wants me to be miserable for all eternity.

What's even there to look forward to? If I get a job, (Which isn't likely, considering my social anxiety makes it impossible for me to interact with people) it will be some shitty physically demanding job that I'll despise. (It's not like I'll even be able to support myself with such a small income, since the prices over here have reached absolutely astronomical levels) I'll obviously be alone for the rest of my life, and society is only getting more and more degenerate as time goes on, especially since most of my generation is already knee deep into all SJW bullshit you see everywhere.

Unfortunately, normies don't understand how difficult it is for many of us to simply go on living. I've been constantly accused of being an asshole because I don't contribute anything or because I don't put in enough effort, even though doing something as simple as holding a conversation with a family member or getting out of bed at all feels almost impossible at times because of how physically and mentally exhausted I am.

It's over, it never even began for any of us. :blackpill:
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You already know I used to live a similar life and attempted to off myself three times by now. So I know how you feel. Whatever happens though, I'll be by your side always, because you're my bro.
Whenever im not working on my computer I just ldar. Normies always ask these retarded questions like what do you do in your free time, what are your hobbies? My therapist even asked my what things I "savor" in life. Jfl at hedonism and normies with unlimited energy who are completely caught up in the world.

Anyway, I have experienced enough to know that they are living lies, and the truth is much more sinister. If you are not suffering you are doing something wrong. So I congratulate everyone who is in a similar situation to OP.
Over for depressioncels.
Concentrate on what you do best and find you a MILF BBW for warm hugs/tendies.
Normies always ask these retarded questions like what do you do in your free time
Yeah this. Normies act like everyone should be doing stuff 24/7 but doing nothing has value as well and is what humans have been doing most of the time historically.

I owe fucking nobody anything. I do the bare minimum to survive, fuck the rest.
Yeah this. Normies act like everyone should be doing stuff 24/7 but doing nothing has value as well and is what humans have been doing most of the time historically.

I owe fucking nobody anything. I do the bare minimum to survive, fuck the rest.
Yes exactly. It is like normies take no time for introspection, process their feelings, dwell, think and ponder, etc. They need constant stimulation and can't be alone, and if they aren't stimulated they get bored and in turn they get angry and if possible they will blame someone for it.

And it is like the things they do are only used for bragging, putting photos on instagram, farming validation, etc. They always need something to show for it
Last stage LDAR.
It's fine, everything will be alright, nothing to be afraid of.
At least you have artistic inclination, that's a lot of incels who can't have that luxure of having some productive hobbie.
Be proud of your genetics bro.
Anyway, I have experienced enough to know that they are living lies, and the truth is much more sinister. If you are not suffering you are doing something wrong. So I congratulate everyone who is in a similar situation to OP.
what do you mean?
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What method of off your self you tried?
N.S is pretty usefull if you are afraid of violent dead
Not trying to promote suicide but i feel your pain im not still in that bottom but im burning options and im afraid of end up like that very very soon

P.s. stay strong OP
relatable. everything I do is on autopilot. I no longer feel human but a soulless automaton.
I ldar everyday,the only thing that seems realistic to me is the nightmares,It's real like in a way that my heartbeats almost got shut down :worryfeels:
Shit scary but at least real .
I have to wagecuck tomorrow and I feel like roping right now
The past never existed, I'm sorry.
Same,it's very hard to concentrate on anything,nothing interests me anymore,questioning what's the point of living this pointless life.
Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and keep your head up bro. Things will get better, you just have to give it time
If God actually exists, he is a complete asshole who wants me to be miserable for all eternity.
True. I always think of this whenever I see injustice before my eyes.
I sleep for over 12 hours a day
That's literally the problem.
Psychologists have known for DECADES that reducing your sleep helps with depression. Try limiting your sleep to 8 hours a day and don't sleep in the afternoon if you do.
That's literally the problem.
Psychologists have known for DECADES that reducing your sleep helps with depression. Try limiting your sleep to 8 hours a day and don't sleep in the afternoon if you do.

It's not. I sleep four hours per day and feel exactly like OP.
It's not. I sleep four hours per day and feel exactly like OP.
Four hours? How are you still alive?
I know it's *enough* but you're sleep-anorexic, basically
Same here, man. I’m just waiting to die at this point. I’m just tired of life.
Four hours? How are you still alive?
I know it's *enough* but you're sleep-anorexic, basically

I think It's a genetic mutation. I'm also unironically bordering anorexic.
Four hours? How are you still alive?
Very far from being a fan of hers but I believe that was Margaret Thatcher's routine.
I too hate living. I'm white and no woman wants anything to do with me.

No woman wants to invite me over to her place.

No woman wants to kiss me.

No woman wants to break the ice with me.

It's all for chad.

I hate my life.
Also stop whining or off yourself if your life is that bad
"I'm sO TIrEd!!"
do something interesting for once, try a drug you haven't tried before, try to learn a new sport or a video game
Also stop whining or off yourself if your life is that bad
"I'm sO TIrEd!!"
do something interesting for once, try a drug you haven't tried before, try to learn a new sport or a video game


Not in touch with humanity​

I used to do a lot of digital art, but now I don't anymore because I hate all of my drawings and consider them to be terrible. While I still write (mainly fantasy stories) and play video games from time to time, I don't actually enjoy either of those things that much anymore because I feel like my skills are lacking compared to other people. It's not enough that I was born an ugly subhuman, but I can't even experience a SINGLE moment where I actually feel proud of myself.
I can relate, although you've probably practiced harder than me. I recently saw that someone has drawn a whole manga at age 20; meanwhile I'm 25 and I've been mostly LDARing for the past few years and I practiced art a lot only during my late teens. Every time I get motivated to work towards a goal and improve my skills, I then ask myself "and then what?"/"what for?" and remember that even if I somehow become skilled, I'll still die without ever having been seen as a human being by most people while Chad is perfectly content not honing any skills because he can get free validation left and right, probably also halomogging me if we happen to be in the same field. :feelsbadman: My own mind comes up with the worst ropefuel and sabotages whatever delusions I have.

Maybe at least there's some hope in us brocels encouraging each other to get better at our hobbies and being interested in each other's progress; I think it's way harder to keep doing something if you're doing it in a vacuum with no one to share it with. Far from a perfect solution, though, I know.
You can DM me. We can talk.
I feel no hope and like my life is fallen apart. Wait. #more than a feeling

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