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Discussion I don’t understand why people think that bullying “builds character”



Dec 27, 2021
I was bullied quite a bit. I was an awkward autistic teenager and a lot of people clowned on me hard.

That said, I’m not really angry about it because at the end of the day a lot of bullies use bullying as a coping mechanism for feelings of inadequacy or weakness. I’ve also been a bully as well (although I mostly bullied foids not other incels).

But I don’t see how bullying really “builds character”. If anything it just creates more bullies because you are hurting someone’s self esteem which causes them to lash out at other people, repeating the cycle. That or they straight up kill themselves.

I do think some people are so stupid they deserve to be bullied though. But picking on someone just because they have awkward speech patterns or behavioral tendencies is just fucked up tbh. Or picking on people because they can’t get laid
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The people who think that are usually cuckservative idiots who should be gassed in a chamber like the jews in the holocaust
Yeah a lot of conservatives think that men who are bullied are weak bitches and need to toughen up. Whereas females who are bullied are precious angels who need to be protected at all costs (ignoring the fact that a lot of women are bullies themselves)
it definitely builds character, like a school shooter for example
Everyone that says that are divided into two groups:

- Niggas that never been bullied or even made fun of a single day of their life.

- And people that have, but are having a poor time coping with it. Wishful thinking, basically.
Its bullshit to excuse bullying as rite of passage and not sadistic perversion. It will either turn you into a doormat or neurotic crazy person.
Everyone that says that are divided into two groups:

- Niggas that never been bullied or even made fun of a single day of their life.

- And people that have, but are having a poor time coping with it. Wishful thinking, basically.
They always be like “yeah the people who bullied me probably have shitty lives or i’m going to somehow become a millionaire CEO and they are gonna end up a broke junkie living on the streets”

It’s all just wishful coping that people who were bullied use to deal with the fact that their life was made hell by people who were better than them, and they are never going to see justice for it
bullies are very bad people. they deserve a beating if they keep it up. if society wont do anything, be a fucking man and do whatever.
It's desperate cope to deal with the fact that bullies will never be punished or suffer because of their actions, no matter what they do to their victims.

In most of the world, the number of bullying victims is counted in the double digit percentages, and in the few high-income countries that bother keeping tabs on this, it's been repeatedly found that bullying victims are several times more likely to kill themselves than non-victims, in addition to the host of other traumas and negative effects bullying has on someone. Yet, how many times have you heard of bullying victims taking revenge, or of bullies suffering due to being bullies? Almost never, bullies go on to have nice lives while their victims suffer for the crime of being too weak to defeat their tormentors, that's why retards at least repeat this stupid cope.


They always be like “yeah the people who bullied me probably have shitty lives or i’m going to somehow become a millionaire CEO and they are gonna end up a broke junkie living on the streets”
It's transparent cope from people that watch too much Anime. Where everything works out fine, and karma is a thing.

In real life, the "villain" will win. 90% of the time.
It’s all just wishful coping that people who were bullied use to deal with the fact that their life was made hell by people who were better than them, and they are never going to see justice for it
Unless they do justice themselves.

Which guess what, people have done that many times.

They are either in Jail, universally hated and misunderstood, or dead.

The Hyenas of society aren't allowed to bite back.
Nowadays retards think a shit life builds "character", same way people living in a ghetto shithole are considered mentally tough (despite objectively being weaker minded)
I got bullied as a teenager and it didn't make me a better person, it just made me more aggressive towards people as an adult. I don't bully people myself, but I am quick to lash out if I feel like someone is trying to bully me or insult me.
People who say that are either low IQ retards or bullied people who try to think about something positive on why they got bullied
Generally it's how people cope being a pussy their whole lives.
Your either a shitter that Shits on Others or the shitter that gets shitted on.

Karma and Justice are concepts .
The problem is the people who should be bullied (fags, soys, foids) are not. We are told to accept, be nice to them as they are products of soyciety bSo the only people that end up being bullied are the one's humbled by life anyway (manlets, autists, ugly men).
They are the same scum which also say living in poverty makes you grateful too.
True bullying does not build character.
It's because the people who say that never experienced real bullying. Some normie will make fun of another normie's shoes and call that bullying.
Bullying is something very paradoxal, because actually can't do anything about it. It's like a yo-yo, it comes and goes, even if you try do take revenge, it can put you in a worse situation.
It builds character....the character of the bully
Rhetoric pushed by former bullies to justify actions.

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