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News I decided to start with Java

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2686
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Deleted member 2686

Jan 8, 2018
Thanks and shout to everyone who responded in the previous thread:

I would especially like to shoutout @turbocuckcel_7000 and @RopeMaXXer for giving great advice.

Now my question is, how would I start Java? Would I take an online course, will I have to watch a video, or other means?

Also some info about me:
Have extremely limited python skills due to my professor rushing the python unit
Active learner

Also if you do recommend an online course, which specific ones for java would you recommend?

Thanks guys
Start with Object Orientated Programming principles first before you do anything or you will get bad practice. Learn about inheritance and the way Interfaces/Abstract classes work its very, VERY important.

Trust me. It is the MOST important shit you will need.

I underestimated this and when I started working I got punished for this hard and now I can't do shit because I already used to my bad practices so it's hard to unlearn.

This is very deceiving because for 99% of the shit you do at school or for yourself you won't need to use Abstract classes or Interfaces or any inheritance at all. But trust me. If you want to make an actual application that does more than returns 'hello world' you will need to have good understanding of those and follow some design philosophy or your shit will collapse under its own weight.
Start with Object Orientated Programming principles first before you do anything or you will get bad practice. Learn about inheritance and the way Interfaces/Abstract classes work its very, VERY important.

Trust me. It is the MOST important shit you will need.

I underestimated this and when I started working I got punished for this hard and now I can't do shit because I already used to my bad practices so it's hard to unlearn.

This is very deceiving because for 99% of the shit you do at school or for yourself you won't need to use Abstract classes or Interfaces or any inheritance at all. But trust me. If you want to make an actual application that does more than returns 'hello world' you will need to have good understanding of those and follow some design philosophy or your shit will collapse under its own weight.
Hey bro thanks for the feedback

Any vids, books, or articles to study?
Hey bro thanks for the feedback

Any vids, books, or articles to study?

Ok I will try to advise you, but you don't have to listen to me. It's just the way I learned most of it but you can do what you want.

Best way and the most fun way to learn Java is to learn by progressive challenges. You don't even have to know how to code anything just have the most basic understanding. I don't know how advanced you are so I can't really give you exact recommendations. Besides I'm not amazing either. I'm on the advanced beginner stages. (I wouldn't dare to say I know how to program, I think only people with 10+ years of experience can say that). I don't know how much you know. You would have to tell me in more detail so respond and say how much programming you know. I can give you tasks to do if u want lol to help you learn.

Here is what you need to know before you start with my approach. If you don't know anything I list here I suggest you read on it and more importantly play around with it in your IDE. I used eclipse when I did my work with Java. Android Studio is also a very good IDE but it's mostly for android apps.

Basics Theory of OOP.
- Inheritance, Polymorphism, etc... Don't worry if its sounds hard it's all fucking jew terms they are not that hard to understand. It's a common theme in programming fucking faggots over-engineering everything making it sound hard as fuck.
Primitive Types - Shit like Ints, doubles, floats, etc...
Basic Java Syntax - (How you define methods, how you define classes, etc... ) With curly brackets and shit like that.
How Return works. - When you define your method you can give it void so it doesn't return anything, that's ok for console apps but in real apps you wanna pass shit around so it goes to UI and stuff like this.
If/If-Else/Else Statements - How they work, everything in the brackets is a boolean it either evaluates to true or false and then it enters the if statement or not, you can make it more complicated. You can even pass methods into it if you want),
Loops - Very important to understand them. Try at least understanding for loop if you don't. It's very easy. Here is 5sec example I just made.
public class HelloWorld{

     public static void main(String []args){
        for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
          System.out.println("Hello World");
There are other loops like while loops, do while and while do. (the last two are the opposite obviously. DO while just means DO something before u check the loop condition and while do is opposite).

Collections - Arrays, ArrayLists, Lists, LinkedLists, Sets, HashSets, HashMaps, Maps, Queues, Stacks, 2DArrays. Also learn about the Collection interface and why they are so useful and why they are generic. But for started all you have to know is Arrays and ArrayLists. That will suffice. Do

Objects - You need to know how to make basic classes and instantiate them elsewhere. Also learn about modifiers like static, private, public and what they do.

Ok that's all I can think of right now. Once you know all this basic shit you make a new java project and decide what you wanna do. At first you only want to work in console output. That is all you are going to do. So User passes some data through the console (like writes "Hello") and your application will respond to that.

But for the very first task I suggest you don't even include user input. Just print out shit to the console. So Here are some template tasks for beginner I would tell you to do once you know all of the above. Pick and choose based on how advanced you are.


task 1 - Print 'Hello World' to the console
task 2 - Create a method that prints a number to the console (the number is passed to the method as an argument).
task 3 - Combine the 2 previous tasks and print to the console a string such as "Hello World" and a number that is passed to the method. So for example Hello World: (Number from the method here) like "Hello World: 3".
task 4 - Do some basic maths on a number then return it to console. For example given a number argument multiply it by 5 and then divide it by 2 then print it to the console.
task 5 - Combine all of the above.

task 1 - use conditional if statements in a method. For example write a method that accepts an integer and returns an integer if its a even number and returns a string saying "Not even" if its not an even number (use if/if-else statements).
task 2 - Write a method with a return type of int. Instead of void write int in that place then write a method that returns a * 2 of an a int number argument that you pass to that method then assign that return to a new variable of int and call that new variable of int with one of the methods from SUPER-BEGINNER task.
task 3 - Make an array. Populate the array with 5 numbers. 1-2-3-4-5. Then print all of those numbers.
task 4 - Now do the same as above using a for-loop.

Idk how much u know kind of pointless giving you tasks that are either too easy or too hard for you so tell me.

If you want. I can give you the project I did for one of my job interviews. (I failed the interview, but I passed the technical screening and got told that my solution passes all possible tests and is flawless :D). To give you the idea of what kind of shit they will ask you for interview in Java. But you can't show it to anyone. You can try to do that project yourself if you want I can give you the project files on the weekend. But it's too hard for a pure beginner. But if you want a challenge I can give it to you lol. You can always reefer to my solution for tips.


I can give you more resource later once u respond.

PS. I failed my interview because a fucking foid made me nervous on the second stage (the personality interview) and I fucking flopped that shit fuck that stupid hoe man.
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Start with Object Orientated Programming principles first before you do anything or you will get bad practice. Learn about inheritance and the way Interfaces/Abstract classes work its very, VERY important.
Interfaces and Abstract classes are easy to grasp. They're the very basics of the language.

You can start with the old calssic. Follow thenewboston tutorials until it starts feeling stale.
Interfaces and Abstract classes are easy to grasp. They're the very basics of the language.

You can start with the old calssic. Follow thenewboston tutorials until it starts feeling stale.

Ye if you are high IQ they are easy to grasp. I mean, their concept is not very difficult to understand sure but once you start mixing all that shit together it can quickly become confusing and overwhelming. Since they are so important better to spend a lot of time understanding them.
Ye if you are high IQ they are easy to grasp. I mean, their concept is not very difficult to understand sure but once you start mixing all that shit together it can quickly become confusing and overwhelming. Since they are so important better to spend a lot of time understanding them.
hold ctrl in eclipse while hovering over the method and click "show implementation"/"show superimplementation"
even if you're a brainlet you'll see what youre calling
hold ctrl in eclipse while hovering over the method and click "show implementation"/"show superimplementation"
even if you're a brainlet you'll see what youre calling
Yea but if you work in a big business then you will never know what you are calling because unless your place is different and is organized unlike mine then there will be 234982948238943852179853793579213971798591759 interfaces and classes linked to that shit and it's impossible to know how it works 100% because fucking niggers here like to make interfaces on top of interfaces just because they can instead of actually needing to. You just have to believe in what it says on the documentation and go from that lool but fucking niggers make shit documentation because they think everybody is high iq and can understand all this shit.

All Im saying is if you use shit from outside your context area/project team then unless fucking stupid niggers provide good documentation for that shit or unless u are very high iq then you will go for hours trying to understand that shit because ofc if you go that nigger he will just tell you some stupid shit in 3mins like you understand dafuq he is talkin about. They dont bother explaining it properly.

Even worse if you have a foid working with you.
Yea but if you work in a big business then you will never know what you are calling because unless your place is different and is organized unlike mine then there will be 234982948238943852179853793579213971798591759 interfaces and classes linked to that shit
Debug mode. Literally all you need is to know what type of instance you're dealing with. The fact that you're acessing it through some interface is irrelevant.
Debug mode. Literally all you need is to know what type of instance you're dealing with. The fact that you're acessing it through some interface is irrelevant.
Ye but they put me on backend. I need to fix all this shit so I need to go through it all. Also I need to change all the entity framework shit because its all fucked here
Ye but they put me on backend. I need to fix all this shit so I need to go through it all. Also I need to change all the entity framework shit because its all fucked here
same enterprise bloated shit

Yes bro

Btw tell me how many incels u have at work tell me is it true there so many fucking incels here I can't be the only one. So much recruitment material but they are so fucking bluepilled I just don't get it bro.
Btw tell me how many incels u have at work tell me is it true there so many fucking incels here I can't be the only one. So much recruitment material but they are so fucking bluepilled I just don't get it bro.
Everyone is either married or getting married. It's all boys club and they're all good dudes though.
Everyone is either married or getting married. It's all boys club and they're all good dudes though.

Do you think people like us can get a job in SEA? I wanna move to SEA to live there but I don't know how I can support myself. I don't really understand the freelance job market. I am looking for shit I can do in SEA but I don't wanna be paid like slave but then why would they hire me if they can get code monkey there for slave wage. I wanna live in China.
I don't really understand the freelance job market. I am looking for shit I can do in SEA but I don't wanna be paid like slave but then why would they hire me if they can get code monkey there for slave wage. I wanna live in China.
I've been eyeing that market for a while now. I need to build resume and experience for now.
I've been eyeing that market for a while now. I need to build resume and experience for now.

Same TBH. I intend to work here for like 1-2 years if I don't get told to fuck off and then I wanna move SEA or maybe get some other job to get extra year of experience but I wanna live in SEA before I'm 26 because by that time it's starting to get over really bad. If I don't find a wife by 30 in SEA its over, truly over.
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You mean Jaba the Hutt?

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