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Experiment How shy or socially anxious or bad at social skills are you? (EVERYONE GTFIH)

Do you have social anxiety/social phobia, bad social skills, or a lot of shyness?

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You know, sometimes we say some stuff here with some exaggeration to a certain degree, to make it more funny or whatever, but I'm being truly honest now, no exaggeration of self deprecation, I've never seen someone "normal" (as in not autistic or with any kind of mental retardation) with worse social skills than me.

I'm apparently not autistic, I've already thought a lot about how I ended up sucking so bad at it, and I'm pretty sure it was a lot of little things that kept happening thanks to how I was raised, to how the world reacted to me (thanks 3/10 subhuman looking face and gay ass voice)... Due to these little "mental scars" fucking my communication skills I can be easily considered a mentalcel, and I don't even get the sympathy/pity autistic or retarded guys get sometimes, just shitty treatment all the time thanks to how I look and how a monkey corpse has more social skills than me (first exaggeration so far, I swear).

I observe other people a lot in social situations, I see how naturally the flow of their conversation goes, how easily it comes to them what to say next. But I shit you not, my brain just seems to not have that area developed. It's not that I'm shy or whatever, and tbh I wish it was the case because at least it would be easier to fix, but I honestly just don't know what to say, how to make it go naturally, how to make it not seem like I'm interviewing the other person. It doesn't come to me, and on top of that I'm subhuman looking (my eyes look like they're tired all the time so my face looks antipathic), my voice is really bad, I stutter a lot and fumble words up, and I have some weird "maneirisms" that happen sometimes when I talk. It is just a disaster tbh, whenever I try to talk to someone it just makes me want to die because of how bad it goes.

This is why I say Mentalceldom is the most cruel, because if you're incel you can still make some friends, but when you are mental, you are doomed to loneliness, no friends and obviously no girls. I personally could live with the pain of not having a woman by my side, it hurts but at least I'd be able to satisfy my urges with hookers. But this creeping reminder that I'm going to end totally alone, this lack of deeper relationships, this inability to talk even the most basic stuff, I've been dealing with this my whole life and I'm 100% sure if it doesn't change (and I know it won't) I'm going to kill myself because of it, everyday it becomes harder to deal with and I know it will only get worse as I get older.
i hate it when people say "it always gets better"

Hey. I think i have neither.

The only thing that blocked me in my life is that i know my looks do not allow me to do specific stuff (going to parties/etc.)

I'm working from home since the last year and, since my voice is kinda nice (it's literally the only good thing i have), a lot of foid coworkers just want to interact with me. Maybe i'll show my face sooner or later, so they'll stop pestering me :feelskek:
I guess I have social anxiety because there are some things I can't do;

- Return an item after it's been purchased, especially if I have no receipt (whether I have it or not doesn't matter)

- I can't talk on the phone when I am using public transport

- I quickly look away after eye contact or I avoid eye contact altogether because I don't want to be in a fight

That's basically it.

Oh, I can think of some more examples.

- I have a hard time keeping a straight face when being talked to, presumably because I want to present myself as approachable / likeable

- During online classes, I get somewhat anxious to speak, mostly because I am not sure if I am to be understood due to using a shitty computer

- Also during online classes, I don't want to show my face because I feel too subhuman sometimes

So yeah, I don't really know if I do have social anxiety. What do you say? If I can think of more things I will make sure to add it.
It sounds like when you’re sub3 it affects your social skills negatively. That’s the impression I have from your post
Decent enough to mantain a conversation, however, I lack experience talking to people my age so possibly below average. Got rid of anxiousness long ago.
Decent enough to mantain a conversation, however, I lack experience talking to people my age so possibly below average. Got rid of anxiousness long ago.
i now have social anxiety
I think I come across as boring and having few interesting experiences/relationships so mostly just remain silent
listening to dr k improved my social skills ded srs
Never had problems like social anxiety or phobia. Maybe I am a bit introvert but I have never experienced any lack of social life or friends. As I firmly say everytime my inceldom is due of my ridicolous, grotesque and disgusting appearance.
Sort of. I’d call myself a good speaker but certain situations are alien to me.
You should join a call center. Work from home maybe as a credit caller trying to collect on unpaid bills. You end up making foids cry since they are single mothers who are poor.
It might help you train your dark triad traits from the comfort of your own home and you get to be talkative. Just work on at least sounding like a normie.
talkative with dark triad traits might not make you neurotypical but it would make you act less like a pussy. Your voice might will actually make people react (angry, sad, guilt) which helps develop your internal self-esteem regarding your voice.
i already work a help desk so I train the opposite and practice empathy. I'd rather be a credit collection instead. The clients I call just abuse me over the phone for issues I can't control. I get less angry now since their bullshit yelling and accusations just roll off me like water on duck feathers. No need for external sympathy from others. They're all trash in my eyes. I still have to lie to them. So convincing other of a lie that the issue is minor and will be fixed soon etc even if our company is going to be slow to fix it.
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I forgot to mention that everyone loves talking about things they hate. Find a common thing to hate. Better if you find both a common thing to like and common thing to hate. Just don't go into a full aspir rage mode. Just hate it and laugh about it.
It's common normie technique to start conversation.
Similarity chasing is another. So say you meet a soldier during war. You ask about each other's backgrounds until you find a weak tie. You end up bonding randomly because you are from the same city but in a different part of the world. Then you are willing to save this guy during a gun battle a bit more than the others. Do that on a smaller scale like finding out you both attended the same school and had the same bully or teacher.

the above might still get blown out because of your looks. You'll need to find people who are used to interacting with people of your looks level. Book clubs, larp cosplayers, chess, history simulations, ww2 and war enthusiasts, board gaming, rc racing and bot engineering, etc. The less attention seeking foids the better.

once you have that head start,steal other people's discussion ideas. Also Modern version of this is forwarding memes to each other. Or talking about normie news. You basically find people who have low information and feed them interesting stuff. Not too much or you end up being a jester. Just enough to get them giving back too
Yes, I did have a lot of Social Anxiety and I Still severely lack social skills. I can't even smile at people and when I have to smile, my face becomes weird. I talk in a very robotic way. But most of this happens because of our upbringing and ugliness. People don't want to talk to you anyway then how would you develop such skills. If you are ugly then your own family will not talk to you as happily as they talk to better looking kids, and it was proven in some study cited in this forum. But in Social Media, I am very Extroverted and many people like my personality. So it just shows that our ugliness really inhibits us and even if it doesn't, it causes other people to hate us which inhibits us anyway. Parents also have a great deal of responsibility in creating kids with Social anxiety. So its your ugliness and upbringing both.

Just recently I and my friends were doing a conversation and looking at that, I realised that no one actually wants to talk to me. They call each other's names and talk to each other. But will only talk to me as a reply to what I say to them. Also I have to take their name and talk so that they actually listen. And here I was not socially anxious at all, I was talking pretty well. Its just that they won't talk to me. Also there was a foid within the group and she was trying to compeletely ignore me
@Jon_Thicc @MountainGorilla @Bleachcel
I have pretty good social skills yet that doesn't help you when all your friends are assholes who end up moving or visa versa etc. Life can hand you the short end of the stick regardless! People from work are not friends either so you're pretty much screwed as far as friends go after school. Literally all my friends moved or got married or both because they're bluepilled cucks
My social skills are shit, whenever I'm in a conversation I just don't know what to say. Only once it ends and i replay it in my mind do I realise what I could've said to make the conversation better or more funny
My social skills are shit, whenever I'm in a conversation I just don't know what to say. Only once it ends and i replay it in my mind do I realise what I could've said to make the conversation better or more funny
I’m a mentalcel
Yes I have always been shy. And have issues with anxiety. At times crippling anxiety. I have had to quit several jobs due to anxiety; and it sucks because I have to make up some bs excuse to quit. If I was a woman I could say I am having issues with anxiety and would be granted time off to work on it and such, but because I’m an ugly male they would just scoff at my mental illness and insist i man up and do the job or they will find someone else that will.
I am extremely shy and am terrified of people.
Why do your threads get so many views?

I get very very anxious when it comes to social situations.
I am very adverse when it comes to social situations.
I am also very shy.

I can "come out" and be social in very very very limited situations, but only in small groups and with people who I know.
Why do your threads get so many views?

I get very very anxious when it comes to social situations.
I am very adverse when it comes to social situations.
I am also very shy.

I can "come out" and be social in very very very limited situations, but only in small groups and with people who I know.
do you have autism?
Was diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder. Tried all shticks you can think of. All a meme.
I have no social skills at all, I dont talk with anyone and when is awkward as fuck
Extreme anxiety: I feel like I'm about to choke, causing me to pace and fidget for minutes to mentally prepare myself to make a conversation with someone, every mistake in social encounters replays in my head for hours, tormenting me almost without end, my eyes twitch and eardrums become overwhelmed and make these irritating banging sounds in the worst cases, and I have panic attacks around large groups of people.

I have zero social skills because my schizo mother locked me at home for most of my childhood because of her paranoid delusions of strangers on the street and getting bullied and excluded constantly for being obese (97th BMI percentile), very short curry at school with zero friends when I was younger.

I will help you resurrect this old thread. :feelsokman:

@Intellau_Celistic @Arescel @TheDarkEnigma @kanyepilled @Mentally lost cel @highinhibition @HighTGymcel @Lonelycel

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