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Experiment How shy or socially anxious or bad at social skills are you? (EVERYONE GTFIH)

Do you have social anxiety/social phobia, bad social skills, or a lot of shyness?

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Somewhat I guess? Not too terrible, even though I haven't taken to anyone in years now.

Taken you mean talking?
@SocialzERo @Albatros @FUCKITALLREEE @ihaveno1 @Animecel2D @Caesercel
One time in school my teacher complemented my schoolwork; I just happened to have a crush her and felt like complementing her, instead of saying thank you I said: "Those are biggest titties I've ever seen Ms." I fucking ran out the classroom so I didn't get reported luckily it was the last day of school.
@ERadicator @existentialhack @SlayerSlayer
My social skills are acceptable when it comes to speaking via VoIP, "bad" when it comes to talking face-to-face. For me it's not about social phobias per say, it's about whether people accept me as part of their community, in which case they don't, because of my face and obviously there's nothing I can do about that.
I didn't use to be, but cause of corona and not having talked to anyone in almost a year irl, I have become socially retarded
All of the above op.
@Edmund_Kemper Thoughts on my post?
haven't cold approached in years.
But I'll be trying again soon,
hitting on girls at parks/malls/stores.

I'll just run the numbers game,
I'm 5'6(5'8 with lifts)
i'm extremely sociable and rarely if ever open my mouth around strangers. which gives off the false impression of being introverted. if an introvert barely talks in a certain situation, then i don't talk at all in that same situation.

i have to constantly exert effort around others to uphold this 'stoic' calmness to not make scenes, draw attention or talk too much especially what i want to say because usually whenever i do i become the center of attention quickly. which can be the positive or negative kind of attention depending on the crowd. most often it's been the positive kind except for early school life, but i still have multiple reasons why i avoid being outgoing or even interacting with others at all if not absolutely necessary.

the most common misinterpretation i get is that of being considered "shy", which I'm not. i have to hold myself back from commenting on people, pointing out their flaws or even outright just insulting them.

here is how that can affect daily life.
i work at a company, my coworkers are nice people that i could theoretically get along with, during work i talk to them about the work at hand and occasionally they will bring up small-talk topics or jokes get thrown around. i make an occasional remark jokingly to participate in the least amount of effort necessary for it to seem like I would be a chill person to be around if only i talked more, but not show enough active engagement for them to want to engage more with me than is already the case. the pause starts and we head off to eat somewhere, i will drill around for a few topics to talk about and vice versa, but will avoid any forms of hobby alignments. for example my coworkers mention that they play games, they'll list the games they play and report about their experiences, i will act desinterested and be quiet even though i know the games and could share and discuss a lot about them.

every time that i was outgoing around strangers it was just for utilitarian reasons. unlike with hand-picked individuals, usually exactly 1 person that I'd talk to within a given role to become closer friends. I only talk to strangers openly and genuinely when i deem them kindred spirits. it doesn't need a word to be said to recognise such anymore, when you find someone who is like you, you can notice rather quickly now. i hate humans with a passion and i don't mean that statement in the way normies do. normies will give that same statement when they want to express how rude, hard to deal with or a thorn in their side other people can be. and i literally mean if my death could lead to human extinction, i would not hesitate for a second to end my life.

i also talk way more formal online than outside the net. which i prefer tbh, it is a far better reflection of my arrogance than my otherwise laid back tone.
no I am very confident around lolis. sometimes I even get to talk to one for a few minutes if she doesn't run away
I used to be anxious. I'm not super anxious anymore, I just don't know what to talk about. I can't talk about weather or sports like most normies. I'm just like "so what's your opinion on the parallels between Ancient Rome and modern civilization?"
I used to be anxious. I'm not super anxious anymore, I just don't know what to talk about. I can't talk about weather or sports like most normies. I'm just like "so what's your opinion on the parallels between Ancient Rome and modern civilization?"
i guess your social skills are bad
@THE TRUE HONKLER @PM_ME_STRIPPERS @ReturnOfSaddam @StSausageCel @Gymcelled @Forum_User_2345 @Neggr @Uglyme @Hyperwristcel @yikerinos @Boardwalkcel @Lookscel

How old were you?

It takes less than 1 second for a normie to realise that im an very " introverted " person.

That's how I would describe my social skills
It's over for me. I cannot even go to grocery shopping without feeling anxiety.
It's the reason i never go outside.
I go out to the store every week, but if i can get it delivered i will. I quit my job mid december and have left the house 6 times since then.
I can’t find a job under covid
i voted yes, because of my overprotective single mother and her parenting. i was never involved or allowed to participate in any sports or activities, had absolutely 0 males to interact with.
i just don't have much to say, i could never relate to the other boys simply because i was an outcast and bullied amongst them, i was also afraid of women because of how they treated me and emasculated me but being rejected by the other boys was the final nail in the coffin for me to grow up and be unsocial. i wish i had 1 male whilst i was growing up so he could have taught my mother the importance of being social for young boys which can be achieved through physical activities. she would often compare me to her athlete brother and praise him but would never allow her son to participate in any sports this was demoralizing. my only outlet as a child was to play video games since i wasn't allowed to try and be good in real life.
Similar story
Social skills are bad because autism and zeroinhib. I dont understand or can relate to anyone they seem from a different planet with minds residing in a different dimension and frequency (like a radio or walkietalkie needs to be in the same frequency between sender and receiver so must humans aswell to really communicate). Ive never been able to relate to anyone in my life. Im an existential outcast and programming error of the universe. My software is bugged beyond repair.

Im not shy or anxious and have no inhibitions. Which may work for a Chad but not for an odd weird piece of shit like me. Btw thanks for the tag its really touching for me that someone recognizes my existence.
I can be social if I need to but I hate doing it if it's with normans. They're just fucking unbearable to speak to because they're all incredibly retarded. Socializing with most people isn't something I like to do but I can do it if necessary.
@Alone75 @ihaveno1
@SocialzERo @Albatros @FUCKITALLREEE @ihaveno1 @Animecel2D @Caesercel
Its hard to say. There are many aspects to it. I was pretty much a loner in teen years. I have learned how to act like a sociable normie but its only surface level. Beyond a time almost everyone realizes I am an awkward weirdo. I have a hard time keeping conversations. Hard time maintaining friendships and mateships. Hard time to get people to like me and want to interact with me more. And a real hard time with confrontations. I am better at it now than I was before but its still unsustainable.

I believe because of childhood trauma I have trouble trusting people and seeing them as opportunities instead of threats. I generally see people as wanting to laugh at me or hurt me or use me. Maybe that's not true, but its still a deep seated issue which hampers my social life. I don't have many friends. Just a couple long term ones. One big trouble I have is relating to normies and portraying myself as relatable to them.

Basically the exact opposite of @Diocel
i guess your social skills are bad
They are somewhat bad tbh. I don't like bust out talking about weird topics though. I mainly keep them to myself. I just have trouble finding normal things to engage people in conversation about.
I am alright at social interactions but of course due to my looks soicety shun me automatically.
I have no choice but rather forced to be alone.
Having good social skills is a fakecel trait. Anyone who's ugly will have faced bullying and ostracization, which will in turn have an impact on your brain and stunt your social growth.
I'm sure I'd be fine if...
>My cub scout den mother hadn't physically abused me
>Children my age didn't bully me for everything I did just to watch me sperg out
>Autism didn't present legitimate neurological barriers to my social development
>Being ugly meant everything I said or did was seen as inferior in its intent
>My youth group when I was 16 hadn't formed a dedicated bully circle to try and pressure me into suicide because they were mad that my dad made more money than was mormal in the area
>I never felt consistently deeply removed from every meaningful source of encouragement around me
>and a couple other things
Other than that I'd be fine!
My social skills are good, but my ugliness makes me look bad and I end up being too quiet almost always, but at the same time I'm not shy at all, if I have to say something I say it and that's it .When I have tried to be cheerful and talkative I have noticed that others make fun of me and not with me, they see me as an imbecile clown, when I am serious they have some fear of me I think, they see me as the old, ugly and strange guy and they get away from me. I prefer that way , they see me with fear sincerely, this is why I have been very serious since many years in public.
@Blackpill Rage
Have a voice disorder. Nobody can understand me when I speak so I don't bother. I go weeks and months literally without saying a word to anyone.
You know, sometimes we say some stuff here with some exaggeration to a certain degree, to make it more funny or whatever, but I'm being truly honest now, no exaggeration of self deprecation, I've never seen someone "normal" (as in not autistic or with any kind of mental retardation) with worse social skills than me.

I'm apparently not autistic, I've already thought a lot about how I ended up sucking so bad at it, and I'm pretty sure it was a lot of little things that kept happening thanks to how I was raised, to how the world reacted to me (thanks 3/10 subhuman looking face and gay ass voice)... Due to these little "mental scars" fucking my communication skills I can be easily considered a mentalcel, and I don't even get the sympathy/pity autistic or retarded guys get sometimes, just shitty treatment all the time thanks to how I look and how a monkey corpse has more social skills than me (first exaggeration so far, I swear).

I observe other people a lot in social situations, I see how naturally the flow of their conversation goes, how easily it comes to them what to say next. But I shit you not, my brain just seems to not have that area developed. It's not that I'm shy or whatever, and tbh I wish it was the case because at least it would be easier to fix, but I honestly just don't know what to say, how to make it go naturally, how to make it not seem like I'm interviewing the other person. It doesn't come to me, and on top of that I'm subhuman looking (my eyes look like they're tired all the time so my face looks antipathic), my voice is really bad, I stutter a lot and fumble words up, and I have some weird "maneirisms" that happen sometimes when I talk. It is just a disaster tbh, whenever I try to talk to someone it just makes me want to die because of how bad it goes.

This is why I say Mentalceldom is the most cruel, because if you're incel you can still make some friends, but when you are mental, you are doomed to loneliness, no friends and obviously no girls. I personally could live with the pain of not having a woman by my side, it hurts but at least I'd be able to satisfy my urges with hookers. But this creeping reminder that I'm going to end totally alone, this lack of deeper relationships, this inability to talk even the most basic stuff, I've been dealing with this my whole life and I'm 100% sure if it doesn't change (and I know it won't) I'm going to kill myself because of it, everyday it becomes harder to deal with and I know it will only get worse as I get older.

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