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How do you behave in real life?



Feb 16, 2019
In real life, I'm much nicer to people and I'm pretty level headed. I probably come off as a hothead on here that is on the verge of snapping, but that's only because I come on here and rant whenever I need to get rid of my bottled up anger and rage after dealing with bullshit from people.
im quiet and avoidant because normies suck
Sometimes antisocial, always ugly
I am quiet and usually come off as timid. My coworkers says i am honest, so that too i guess
Normally shy and introverted, but I get erratic sometimes. People describe me as "intelligent" or a "character"
I’m quiet.
I'm a jerk in real life
I mind my own business
Quiet until spoken to, I can somewhat act normal and maintain a conversation with certain people but will never willingly go out to start a conversation
Unenthusiastic, calm and quiet around good friends not much.
Shy, silent, try to not look awkward or weird.
In real life, I'm much nicer to people and I'm pretty level headed. I probably come off as a hothead on here that is on the verge of snapping, but that's only because I come on here and rant whenever I need to get rid of my bottled up anger and rage after dealing with bullshit from people.


I can be edgy with my friends online, not the level of edge I put on this site.

In real life towards acquaintances, friends, and family, I act bluepilled / religious.
Usually im pretty high inhib but Im NT enough to hold a conversation assuming it's not about complete normie trash sports/entertainment (tbh that's what most normie speak is about though). Sometimes however i just have these moments where I stop caring and remember how illogical and absurd current societal norms are and the inhib drops and I can jestermaxx hard (e.g. roasting my comm professor when he asked for examples of logical fallacies and I turned it into a rant about how his class is shit, causing the rest of the class to bandwagon). Most of the time tough Im like those above though; high inhib and polite
Usually antisocial and apathatic
I lost my personality, very passive and boring
I already forgot who the fk am i, haven't spoke to a person for a pretty long time :feelsclown:
I avoid all eye contact
I never initiate talking
I only nod my head or use one-word replies if someone starts talking to me
I don't want to be bothered by normies and I know from experience they don't want to be bothered by me
I'm a nice guy
Keeps to myself
Abrasive and unpleasant. No friends obviously. Only reason I try to behave polite here is so that I don't get banned.
just go along with when ppl talk to me
Depressive schizo. I act significantly more schizo irl than I actually am, sometimes I even end up laughing out of nowhere or changing pitch randomly during talking. I think once I accidentally lost control in class and beat up a normie. Oddly enough, outside of normie Settings I act normal.
Low T and beta ngl :feelsbadman:
I’m an introvert at School and Extrovert at Home.
Quiet shifty-eyed oriental in the corner
depends on the situation i change my behaviour whenever i can benefit
Mostly reserved but I am kind to people I am working around or interacting with. If its a female I have to interact with I am a little bit more commanding. Not that it matters.
Polite if I have to be but mostly antisocial and introverted, extroverted with family but mainly quite alot as I find talking to people is just a waste of time as they don't listen to me and their have been times that I just walk off during mid conversation cause I just could not care about the person talking to me but my family knows that I believe violence is the only way society sits up and takes notice and I suspect they know I am an incel and I keep to myself and rarely leave my caravan if I had my way and my caravan was larger I would just lock myself inside till my death.
Think of a brown elliot rodger, who has started balding.
Now add the "confidence" of a male model.
Yes, I'm confidencemaxxed. I used to have severe anxiety, but gym+ therapy helped fix it.
I’m very very different. Some people might even describe me as talkative. I’m pretty good at social interaction and generally regarded as one of the most level headed people. However people who know me better know that I have a hidden temper. And the few people that know me better (mom, brother, and one friend) have referred to my thinking as “school shooter like” before. I feel like as of late I’ve slipped up more and people have started taking note of the frequency that I refer to acts of violence in conversation though. I’d say I have a good personality :lul: if you wanna call it that. Sadly it goes nowhere to getting laid, further proof to IT that personality means jack shit.
Quiet and introverted because normalfags are so uninteresting. Don't really want to be with other people unless it's someone I really like. Unable to really express my feelings like normies do all the time, usually just have a blank face together with a death stare. I'm also anxious about pretty much everything which means I keep living the same life everyday with little to no change, because trying new things makes me really uncomfortable.
I keep to myself mostly. I don't talk to anyone outside of my 'social circle' unless I need to.
I don't really talk or interact with that many people outside of my work but when I do I'm usually very polite unless I'm in a really bad mood. I'm friends with most of my coworkers and I believe they think I'm a nice guy. I sometimes sperg out in class but that's just normal day-to-day stuff that happens a lot in my workplace.
Quiet and shyish around new people. Always acting confident and having good conversations with most coworkers whilst I'm dying from the inside. I can't let them know I'm incel, so I just have Normie conversations with most. Fake it till I make it :kys: :feelsbadman:
Secretive and taciturn
i work from home. i dont go outside. i communicate only through emails and text
nobody even talks to me. im a hermit in all honesty

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