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Blackpill How come guys would 100% be willing to date any ethnic girl but girls refuse to date ethnics only white guys?



Feb 20, 2018
why exactly are white guys prefered by all races of girls?

"Because white guys are the most attractive!"
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Colonial mentality. Women have historically always gone to the dominant group, which has been whites since most of recent history as they were the conquerors. Men are known to subjugate other groups so don't mind marrying outside race.

Because white guys are the most attractive. Stop looking for a reason, it's obvious.

Shut the fuck up with this "whites are hotter hurr durr" bullshit. Why do ugly ass white guys find gfs and decent ethnics suffer?
Colonial mentality. Women have historically always gone to the dominant group, which has been whites since most of recent history as they were the conquerors. Men are known to subjugate other groups so don't mind marrying outside race.
I want the Mongols to come back in power again so @sadricecel will be the most sought-after man.
Because females have the option to be picky, as getting into relationships is easy for them.
I want the Mongols to come back in power again so @sadricecel will be the most sought-after man.

Well China is rising and Kpop is becoming more popular. So it might happen!
White girls seem more sexually attracted to black guys ime
How come white girls refuse to date me and I'm white.
we have to defeat our greatest (((enemy))) to liberate us ethnics
There aren't many of (((them))) anyway, if we can get rid of our law institutions, we can get rid of (((them))).
I want the Mongols to come back in power again so @sadricecel will be the most sought-after man.
Muslims must take over the world, so that us shitskinned curries and arabs have some sort of status.
Giga cope, not objectively speaking. Colonialism + Hollywood.
Not really. Whites are on average the tallest, the most financially successful, etc. When women think of a desireable mate they envision a 6'2 white man not a 5'7 Latino or 6'5 Black Lanklet. I don't think it has much to do with cultural brainwashing but that is an interesting idea. Women probably arent subconsciously associating whiteness with dominance or being dominated or whatever, they probably just find them more attractive. Could be a cope but so is telling yourself that white guys are preferred for stuff other than than their on average, superior looks and height, imo. More data / evidence needs to be looked up but I'm too lazy
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you guys are hallucinating. I've been living in sweden for over two decades. The only non-white women i see with white guys are asian women. I almost never see any other race of women with white guys. maybe it's different in america i don't know.
Muslims must take over the world, so that us shitskinned curries and arabs have some sort of status.
Law institutions prevent anyone from taking over the world. :(
There aren't many of (((them))) anyway, if we can get rid of our law institutions, we can get rid of (((them))).
iits not about their population its their craftiness. For some reason they have too much power in the media, banks, and governments around the world

"There is no better side of Hollywood. You have to be Jewish to be in Hollywood, at any level. I see racial discrimination in Hollywood all the time. The big studios are controlled by Jews. The won't let others get in. Unless you're Jewish, you're nobody in Hollywood" - Bollywood Producer Raj Fosaac

kek not all girls prefer white cumskins. blacks, latinas and some arabs prefer goodlooking men in there own race, its only the cucked indians and asians, but goodlooking ethnics are not as common as goodlooking whites, but once a godly looking ethnic of the same race as the bitch appears on the bitches radar than whites guys become invisble to that ethnic bitch
Not really. Whites are on average the tallest, the most financially successful, etc. When women think of a desireable mate they envision a 6'2 white man not a 5'7 Latino or 6'5 Black Lanklet. I don't think it has much to do with cultural brainwashing but that is an interesting idea. Women probably arent subconsciously associating whiteness with dominance or being dominated or whatever, they probably just find them more attractive. Could be a cope but so is telling yourself that white guys are preferred for stuff other than than their on average, superior looks and height, imo
Nah man, it's definitely a number of factors, colonialism included. Otherwise non-whites would have been outbred a long time ago. White people are the most represented in the media; people are definitely influenced through pop-culture. Same reason why black people have become desired over the years, thanks to the music industry. If it weren't for those hip-hop artists, black men would have had a lower SMV. That's also the reason why Indians and Asians are the least desired: they have little representation. Whether it's in Hollywood or in music. Name at least 10 Indian musicians that are popular in the west as well as 10 Asians off of the top of your head. Pro-tip: you can't. And when they do get used in Hollywood, they are used as stereotypes, which keeps their SMV low.
iits not about their population its their craftiness. For some reason they have too much power in the media, banks, and governments around the world

"There is no better side of Hollywood. You have to be Jewish to be in Hollywood, at any level. I see racial discrimination in Hollywood all the time. The big studios are controlled by Jews. The won't let others get in. Unless you're Jewish, you're nobody in Hollywood" - Bollywood Producer Raj Fosaac


Money is power. (((They))) have a lot of money, and therefore power. They control basically everything (in the west, that is). The media, the banks, etc. Even supermarket products. Through lobbyists, they can influence governments to propose and subsequently accept bills. Once you take away the value of money, they become powerless. I'd say money is the worst thing that happened to mankind.
Money is power. (((They))) have a lot of money, and therefore power. They control basically everything (in the west, that is). The media, the banks, etc. Even supermarket products. Through lobbyists, they can influence governments to propose and subsequently accept bills. Once you take away the value of money, they become powerless. I'd say money is the worst thing that happened to mankind.
holefully when ethnics get more money we can buy out the entire west

holefully when ethnics get more money we can buy out the entire west

Either that, or our savior Kim Jong-un nukes the west (Israel included). KEK.
Multiple factors:
Western society is the wealthiest
White men are the most common in western society.
Women only want the most attractive of men
Women want the wealthiest men
So in western society, the most attractive and wealthiest men are going to be white. Then you have to realize females are retarded trend followers. Since the most attractive and wealthiest men in western society are white, every other white male benefits from being closer to that ideal. This is also why whites slay in eastern countries; the eastern girls are projecting all the rich white celebrities they see in hollywood onto that white male.
And the nail in the coffin is that white males are just have better aesthetics than other races. For instance, you'll never hear a woman say "I want a guy with short nappy hair." The blacks who try their hardest to get away from that ( mixed blacks, blacks with dreads ) are also more successful with women.
JFL. My chadlite white friend is dating a petite ethnic girl (she has no tits and no ass).

Dating is hard for all men. Tutorial island for all femoids.
girls are willing to date ethnics if they're physically attractive

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