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Blackpill "Hating foids" is a cope and a lie. It is part of a long list of Incels' self-defeating behaviors



Sep 30, 2019
This is in part a response to this old thread:

Nobody hates women as such. We all want the intimacy and the tenderness. And of course we want to ascend. Any guy here who would get the chance to fuck a girl would, despite anything they might have said in the past.

It is ok, of course to hate how women behave nowadays. No question about that. Women today, especially young ones, are hypocritical, without morals, deceitful, manipulative, back stabbers, etc, etc. The list is endless.

But saying "Muh, women's nature is bad, always been bad; their genes are evil" is a ridiculous cope.

And in fact it is hypocritical. People who say this sort of thing are generally young idiots who want to act tough. More often than not, this kind of statement is part of an Ersatz Chad routine. It is the most retarded kindergarten-level reaction to feminism. Feminists say "Women good, Women fantastic, Women always right" (which is of course dumb as shit) and then our own little micropenis virtual chadlets reply "Women bad, Women bad, Women bad' just to piss them off, like 5 year-olds annoying girls at recess. Dumber than shit.

Women's behavior, like our own is a composite of instincts and upbringing. Instincts are not "good" or "bad" per se, they are just the result of natural evolution to a set of living conditions that we have moved past millennia ago. So of course, instincts generally need to be reined in to make civilization possible. The biggest single problem is the alpha male instinct and the attraction females have for the alpha. That problem is dealt with by most cultures through rather strict sexuality control rule and enforced monogamy. In our culture, boomers came up with the genius idea that "liberating" sexuality would be great. Sure! It just made us revert to cavemen behavior. Women today are simultaneously trying to be cavewomen (fuck the alpha) while pretending to be supremely sophisticated. Naturally, the result is repulsive hypocrisy.

But that is a cultural problem. It has nothing to do with women's nature (instincts). Men's nature is just as "bad". When men regress to cavemen level, like Ghetto blacks have, it is not pretty either. And when men pretended to be unfettered alphas while pretending to be supremely sophisticated (Nazis, SS), it was even worse.

Human life is about figuring out how to deal with our instincts. Some cultures do (or did) it reasonably well and others (like our present one) do a piss poor job of it.

Hate our culture, not women. Do something real; stop coping.

Now, my reply to the above thread:
I all too often see this argument from coping incels saying that they "moved past" their hatred and treat their lack of hate like its an achievement or something, or they speak about their lack of yearning for sex as though they've attained some new "level of existence" JFL
Having no desire for sex and moving past hatred are 2 completely different things.

I, for one, still fap often and enjoy the occasional escort. But I have indeed moved past my hatred of women

Yes. They are more mature.

I have a rude awakening for these types of incels, you didn't move past anything, you didn't achieve anything, IT HAPPENED NATURALLY (NOT THROUGH EFFORT), as it even happens for Chad as the years go by
So ? A good thing that happens without effort is still a good thing.

Of course, those who pretend they are heroes because they have become "impervious" to hatred or sexual urges are hypocrite copers. But genuinely not hating women is good. Forever impotent hatred is a sure recipe for deepening depression.

Holding onto hate requires effort, it requires will power, because it is tiring in a sense.
Cope. Hypocrisy. Effort? Yielding to your impotent craving for fake toughness is an effort? Okay ...

You have to hold onto it with the mindset and belief that one day you will get to release it in the form of vengeance,
Fantasizing about vengeance is lame cope. No wonder societies who practice honor killings and vendettas are the most primitive.

that's the only way it feels worth holding on to, that's the only way you can have the will to do so, as feeling hatred is literally stressful
No shit.

If you've "given up on hate" its merely because you've gotten tired of holding onto it, because you no longer see the possibility of revenge in your future, and/or you are just tired of feeling angry in general, YOUR WILL WAS BROKEN
Yes, and that is good. Often, our will is wrong. We desire things that are not good for us. The sooner that kind of "will" is broken, the better.

As for yearning for sex its the same thing, you got tired of yearning because the possibility of ever releasing your sexual urges seems impossible to you, with the added fact that your libido becomes weaker over time
Mine did not, so far. Again, nothing to do with moving past hatred.

I know for a fact as I approach my 30's my libido is going to get lower and lower and I'm going to think less and less about sex and women, that won't mean that I've achieved something and nor will I delude myself into thinking otherwise as some kind of pathetic cope, I will actually feel worse when that happens because I'll realize that I've missed out on the short time frame I had to even enjoy having a sex life in its peak
Frightened of getting older? This has a name. It is called "Peter Pan syndrome"

I will probably go ER like Sodini then JFL, IDK

Either way I just want this nonsense lie that keeps being parroted to end


We say everything we want on this forum and that is what makes it great. You don't get banned here for being unorthodox.

As an aside, I think that thiis is at least in part due to this place being run by the FBI. They want to know what Incels think (to monitor us) and so are unlikely to want anybody banned for what they say. An ironic avatar of "Free Speech", to be sure.
There is nothing more cucked than being incel and not hating foids
Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you
Woah there buddy ol pal from IT you sure aren't even trying anymore with this aren't you.
Woah there buddy ol pal from IT you sure aren't even trying anymore with this aren't you.
How don't you realize that IT LOVES the kind of cucked "hatred of women" idiotic outbursts that are so common on this forum?

Each time someone does something like that on here, it makes their day. They can securely think they are on the right side ...

Exposing foids' misbehavior is another matter. That is something they generally hate and keep quiet about.

But idiotic rants about how women are genetically inferior and their nature is bad; that they love.
Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you
Hahaha, it’s not an act. I truly hate those foul beasts. I know someone like you would find it hard to believe.
Hahaha, it’s not an act. I truly hate those foul beasts. I know someone like you would find it hard to believe.
It is a cope and a lie. You would act all nice an tender if you thought you had the slightest chance of ascending with a foid
How you can compare men and women? Then I for example say that I don't like unhealthy obese women or women with very short hair this is how it is. Im not virtue signalling "oh, I like morbidly obese women but only if they have good personalities.". I don't care about their personality. When a woman sais she likes ugly guys with good personalities she is lying and virtue signalling. She actually saying "I am not interested in ugly guys sexually but if they have resources or are useful for me then I will give them a chance, while having sex with Chad on the side".
How you can compare men and women? Then I for example say that I don't like unhealthy obese women or women with very short hair this is how it is. Im not virtue signalling "oh, I like morbidly obese women but only if they have good personalities.". I don't care about their personality. When a woman sais she likes ugly guys with good personalities she is lying and virtue signalling. She actually saying "I am not interested in ugly guys sexually but if they have resources or are useful for me then I will give them a chance, while having sex with Chad on the side".
In what way is this contrary to what I said?

Of course, foids' behavior is outrageous nowadays,

But that does not mean their nature is bad. Everyone can be corrupted by a bad culture, including men.
It is a cope and a lie. You would act all nice an tender if you thought you had the slightest chance of ascending with a foid
I am nice and tender to everyone cause I’m a beta. I’m an oldcel, I’m past thinking I will ascend
In what way is this contrary to what I said?

Of course, foids' behavior is outrageous nowadays,

But that does not mean their nature is bad. Everyone can be corrupted by a bad culture, including men.
It is in their nature to virtue signal.
A lot of what we lament is the shifting cultural goalposts that increasingly promote degeneracy, hypocritical inequality, and a meaningless atomized society.

You are absolving women of the responsibilities they have to themselves and their ideals to be more respectable and forthright the way men are encouraged to be
It is in their nature to virtue signal.
You think Cro-Magnon women had an instinct to wear ethical clothing?

Virtue signaling is a cultural thing. Btw, many men also virtue signal.

A lot of what we lament is the shifting cultural goalposts that increasingly promote degeneracy, hypocritical inequality, and a meaningless atomized society.
You said "cultural", right
You are absolving women of the responsibilities they have to themselves and their ideals to be more respectable and forthright the way men are encouraged to be
I am not absolving them of anything. Everyone has a duty to go against what is wrong in culture. Both women and men. Culture is not an excuse.

But that does not mean that, given the proper culture, women could not be good.
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I really don't care about the bigger picture of culture or society as a whole. I don't really care who is right or wrong about nature or true women/men instincts. You are right now in need of ascension and waiting, thinking doesn't help. Stop bullshiting. Wait any longer and you will lose all your chances.

Actions of a single incel doesn't change the history. Society doesn't care about you too. Being opportunist and egoist(all people are egoists), following my natural flow, is what defines me. Hating women doesn't imply that we would behave like that in front of female that soon will give us chance to ascend. Just don't be total cuck and you're fine.

"Be yourself" is a meme. For different goals and in different situations we use different mask. Exploiting the culture of those masks is one way to ascend (trannies fucking women in jail, using jbw card, etc.)

Here just people are tired of wearing those masks so they freely release their emotion.
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I really don't care about the bigger picture of culture or society as a whole.
You not caring for it will not make it disappear. Culture and Society is what determines your life.

I don't really care who is right or wrong about nature or true women/men instincts. You are right now in need of ascension and waiting, thinking doesn't help. Stop bullshiting. Wait any longer and you will lose all your chances.
It is over already. Most of us have 0 chances. Stop panicking.

Hating women doesn't imply that we would behave like that in front of female that soon will give us chance to ascend.
That is being hypocritical and manipulative. You are no better than the foids you criticize, if you do that.

"Be yourself" is a meme. For different goals and in different situations we use different mask. Exploiting the culture of those masks is one way to ascend (trannies fucking women in jail, using jbw card, etc.)
Same as above. Hypocrisy

Here just people are tired of wearing those masks so they freely release their emotion.
So for you it is ok to be as manipulative and hypocrite as a women, provided you have a chance to let off steam once in a while?

That is exactly how women behave nowadays.
Hating wome will get you laid.
I really don't care about the bigger picture of culture or society as a whole. I don't really care who is right or wrong about nature or true women/men instincts. You are right now in need of ascension and waiting, thinking doesn't help. Stop bullshiting. Wait any longer and you will lose all your chances.

Actions of a single incel doesn't change the history. Society doesn't care about you too. Being opportunist and egoist(all people are egoists), following my natural flow, is what defines me. Hating women doesn't imply that we would behave like that in front of female that soon will give us chance to ascend. Just don't be total cuck and you're fine.

"Be yourself" is a meme. For different goals and in different situations we use different mask. Exploiting the culture of those masks is one way to ascend (trannies fucking women in jail, using jbw card, etc.)

Here just people are tired of wearing those masks so they freely release their emotion.
This. People will only show their true face when they wear a mask. Only here you can freely vent about frustrations and without social restriction (at least to some degree).
That is being hypocritical and manipulative. You are no better than the foids you criticize, if you do that.

Same as above. Hypocrisy

So for you it is ok to be as manipulative and hypocrite as a women, provided you have a chance to let off steam once in a while?

That is exactly how women behave nowadays.
It's either kill or be killed. Arms race. Survival of the fittest. Women do the same. I do the same. Opposite forces. The difference is, I am true about myself and don't hide behind being virtuous. Also, any male here deserves more since only men are capable of creating well functioned society where eventually no-one would need to be ""evil"" person like me. Women are not. Manipulation is just a weapon. In men hands this weapon may bring much more profit for us all.

The future I am talking about not gonna come in my lifetime. My actions won't really change it to happen faster so I am opportunitymaxxing.

Too bad I speak too much like I care for society. Maybe hypocrisy, but I don't care how people see me.
I hate women not because they won't fuck me, I hate women because they're shallow, they lack any sort of intellectualism or genius and they're sociopathic in nature with no loyalty whatsoever.

What forms a society is group loyalty and foids totally lack loyalty any at all and will abandon her tribe at the drop of a hat.

Women are anti-civilization.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BIWnf2tqpa63/
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Forever impotent hatred is a sure recipe for deepening depression.
Everything is impotent. The idea that any positive changes can be made is cope. The problems we lament about now will only worsen for the remainder of our lifetimes at the very least.

You and on the other side of the coin tradcucks, stormcels, etc. criticize trends from a strategic perspective when the reality is that there's no win condition here.

How don't you realize that IT LOVES the kind of cucked "hatred of women" idiotic outbursts that are so common on this forum?

Each time someone does something like that on here, it makes their day. They can securely think they are on the right side ...

Exposing foids' misbehavior is another matter. That is something they generally hate and keep quiet about.

But idiotic rants about how women are genetically inferior and their nature is bad; that they love.
They would just false flag those posts if nobody made them with sincerity.
Why do you make several threads with always the same content? Is your life so pathetic and boring? Are you a narcissist?

And again. I don’t hate women because they don’t want to have sex with me. I hate them because they are privileged. Most women don’t have trouble with finding a significant other while many men are suffering with loneliness.
Women are privileged and it’s ok to hate privileged people.
I hate the pedestal they’ve been put on. They’re airheads strutting around like hot shit. Fucking annoying.
That guy is an annoying know-it-all.
I hate women not because they won't fuck me, I hate women because they're shallow, they lack any sort of intellectualism or genius and they're sociopathic in nature with no loyalty whatsoever.

What forms a society is group loyalty and foids totally lack loyalty any at all and will abandon her tribe at the drop of a hat.

Women are anti-civilization.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BIWnf2tqpa63/

Retarded IT fuel

Everything is impotent. The idea that any positive changes can be made is cope. The problems we lament about now will only worsen for the remainder of our lifetimes at the very least.

You and on the other side of the coin tradcucks, stormcels, etc. criticize trends from a strategic perspective when the reality is that there's no win condition here.
I do not argue from a "strategic" perspective, or maybe one that will encompass the next 1000 years, way after my death.

My immediate concern is peace and reasonable contentment (not happiness) in this world now. That is the pov I am arguing from. Not any of the 2 you mention above

They would just false flag those posts if nobody made them with sincerity.
Sure, but it makes them feel morally superior to see that they don't even need to do that.
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Tldr fakecel.
Why do you make several threads with always the same content? Is your life so pathetic and boring? Are you a narcissist?
I am just trying to make a few things clear. A single thread is not enough for that. Each time, I try to make myself clearer by taking into account the kind of responses I got previously. Actually, this one was made at the express request of someone who asked me on DM to comment on @BlkPillPres thread from a year ago.

And again. I don’t hate women because they don’t want to have sex with me. I hate them because they are privileged. Most women don’t have trouble with finding a significant other while many men are suffering with loneliness. It’s ok to hate privileged people.
No it is not ok. It is called envy. It is ok to argue against privilege. Not to hate privileged people. That is retarded and petty.

"Hate the sin, not the sinner", as Christians used to say (I am not one)
Why is this faggot not banned yet? :feelsseriously: @SergeantIncel
I truly hate them whether you can understand that or not
I hate women as much as I hate my baldness. Fuck you OP
no problem i hate everyone :blackpill:
sounds IT to me
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It is a cope and a lie. You would act all nice an tender if you thought you had the slightest chance of ascending with a foid
Speak for yourself soyfaggot
No it is not ok. It is called envy. It is ok to argue against privilege. Not to hate privileged people. That is retarded and petty.
It’s not envy because to be loved is a basic human need. Feeling lonely and depressed are the results of missing out love. Arguing against privileged people won’t do shit. Hate is the Answer.
Another annoying right-wingcel who try to justify "muh womyn" and their hypergamy because "it's natural" lmao
Oh well....I just told this foid on whisper who had a high body count that she's a slut and that her actions will have consequences :p
Hey I know what you can do. Why not start a forum called "Incelswithouthate", you can find likeminded good little soycels there.

Every female from every culture displays the same hypocrisy of going after Chad whilst saying they want x,y,z sensitive guy, poetry blah,blah blah.

Change the brackets from blackpill to cope.
You don't need to be full of hate 24/7 but having some sort of resentment is normal.
Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you
Everything you said in this thread I disagree with but I had no problem with it

But when you start throwing around normie tier insults like this you start to look really suspicious and like someone that should be banned

How the hell does anything he just said indicate having a "micropenis", you are sounding a lot like a woman right now, because that's the kind of insults women use, we could be arguing about something in physics and women will immediately go to insulting your masculinity with relation to sex

"You can't get laid"
"Your dick must be small"

You need to ease up there or your ban will be soon to come, don't let the larp mask fall off so easily

This is in part a response to this old thread:

Nobody hates women as such. We all want the intimacy and the tenderness. And of course we want to ascend. Any guy here who would get the chance to fuck a girl would, despite anything they might have said in the past.

It is ok, of course to hate how women behave nowadays. No question about that. Women today, especially young ones, are hypocritical, without morals, deceitful, manipulative, back stabbers, etc, etc. The list is endless.

But saying "Muh, women's nature is bad, always been bad; their genes are evil" is a ridiculous cope.

And in fact it is hypocritical. People who say this sort of thing are generally young idiots who want to act tough. More often than not, this kind of statement is part of an Ersatz Chad routine. It is the most retarded kindergarten-level reaction to feminism. Feminists say "Women good, Women fantastic, Women always right" (which is of course dumb as shit) and then our own little micropenis virtual chadlets reply "Women bad, Women bad, Women bad' just to piss them off, like 5 year-olds annoying girls at recess. Dumber than shit.

Women's behavior, like our own is a composite of instincts and upbringing. Instincts are not "good" or "bad" per se, they are just the result of natural evolution to a set of living conditions that we have moved past millennia ago. So of course, instincts generally need to be reined in to make civilization possible. The biggest single problem is the alpha male instinct and the attraction females have for the alpha. That problem is dealt with by most cultures through rather strict sexuality control rule and enforced monogamy. In our culture, boomers came up with the genius idea that "liberating" sexuality would be great. Sure! It just made us revert to cavemen behavior. Women today are simultaneously trying to be cavewomen (fuck the alpha) while pretending to be supremely sophisticated. Naturally, the result is repulsive hypocrisy.

But that is a cultural problem. It has nothing to do with women's nature (instincts). Men's nature is just as "bad". When men regress to cavemen level, like Ghetto blacks have, it is not pretty either. And when men pretended to be unfettered alphas while pretending to be supremely sophisticated (Nazis, SS), it was even worse.

Human life is about figuring out how to deal with our instincts. Some cultures do (or did) it reasonably well and others (like our present one) do a piss poor job of it.

Hate our culture, not women. Do something real; stop coping.

Now, my reply to the above thread:

Having no desire for sex and moving past hatred are 2 completely different things.

I, for one, still fap often and enjoy the occasional escort. But I have indeed moved past my hatred of women

Yes. They are more mature.

So ? A good thing that happens without effort is still a good thing.

Of course, those who pretend they are heroes because they have become "impervious" to hatred or sexual urges are hypocrite copers. But genuinely not hating women is good. Forever impotent hatred is a sure recipe for deepening depression.

Cope. Hypocrisy. Effort? Yielding to your impotent craving for fake toughness is an effort? Okay ...

Fantasizing about vengeance is lame cope. No wonder societies who practice honor killings and vendettas are the most primitive.

No shit.

Yes, and that is good. Often, our will is wrong. We desire things that are not good for us. The sooner that kind of "will" is broken, the better.

Mine did not, so far. Again, nothing to do with moving past hatred.

Frightened of getting older? This has a name. It is called "Peter Pan syndrome"

We say everything we want on this forum and that is what makes it great. You don't get banned here for being unorthodox.

As an aside, I think that thiis is at least in part due to this place being run by the FBI. They want to know what Incels think (to monitor us) and so are unlikely to want anybody banned for what they say. An ironic avatar of "Free Speech", to be sure.
Lastly, when it comes to hating women, there really isn't any reason to stop hating women, of course it depends on what hate means to someone, to me every person that I have truly hated I became INDIFFERENT to their existence, as in I don't care what does or doesn't happen to them so long as it doesn't impact my life

That is how my hatred is for women, so I don't see any reason to not hate them

There is such a thing as "irrational hate"

For example there are incels here who will refuse to pay for sex because they "hate" women whilst ironically making the contradictory complaint of not being able to have sex, that's irrational hate, that's hate which is making you think in an illogical way, the kind of hate that makes you "cut your nose off to spite your face"

My hatred is rational, I know how I have been treated by most women, and I know how most women view me

To me it makes perfect sense to pay a woman for sex, because that is the truest form of objectification, and based on where you are paying for sex you are pretty much robbing these women because its dirt cheap (e.g. SEA or EE)

You'll notice that a lot of incels that CLAIM they "hate" women ironically say they couldn't enjoy paid for sex especially if they see a look of disgust on the woman's face

For me its the opposite, I'm indifferent to women and their plight, I only care about my own pleasure, and based on how I've been treated by them, a look of disgust from a whore would be more gratifying to me, so I'd enjoy the sex more

When you think about it, their hate doesn't make sense, because if they actually hated women, wouldn't a look of disgust feel like some kind of "revenge", wouldn't you enjoy it more?

It stands to reason that these men are lying to themselves and they actually care deeply about women, and their claim of hatred is just a coping mechanism. Men like this likely haven't had many negative experiences with women, they are they guys who "had a oneitis" and approached like 3 to 5 women and then stopped.

Though quantity is not required but also "quality", if a boy was embarrassed by a stacey who was "pretending to like him" and then outed him publicly for "thinking he had a chance", he would definitely hate and distrust women from now on, and I wouldn't blame him. Luckily I've never had anything like that happen to me, my "persecution" by the female collective was more "quantity" than "quality"

Hatred can be rational, and your entire argument is pretty much irrational because its like you are saying - "there's no reason one should keep hating women"

What if that hatred benefits your existence?, isn't that an objective reason to keep hating women?

The hatred I have for women comes from experiences, and we all learn from our experiences, they form our world view, and that's a good thing, one should learn from their mistakes, and if your experiences have shown you that it is a mistake to see women as individuals that "care about you" then one should operate based on those experiences, there's no reason for someone to artificially force themselves to "one day" stop hating women when that hatred has led to rational life choices that have benefited their existence

The black pill and my "hatred" (indifference) of women has led me on a path that so far has been very productive

I went from being a jobless, virgin with crappy social skills and no wealth building knowledge and skills, to a guy who has been promoted and given raises, lost his virginity by paying for sex (stopped thinking of women "as people" but instead as "an outlet"), has decent social skills from all the jobs he's worked and women he's interacted with and is probably on their path to becoming wealthy

All of that was because of the black pill and hatred, it was only when I discovered the black pill and accepted how women and society saw me, that I started making objective, "cold" and calculated life decisions. Before that I was just some hopeless blue pilled idiot who was "trying to be nice", the kind of guy who would tell himself "not to hate"

So your entire thread just sounds ridiculous to me, if you have a strategy that is working you should never abandon it unless it stops, and my strategy and mindset for life is definitely working right now, there's no reason to change, there's no reason to "stop hating"

When the world changes I will, because that's what I did the first time around. My world/reality changed when the black pill was revealed to me, when the truth was revealed to me, and it hasn't been disproved yet, so when the world changes again and the black pill is proven false, I'll change my perspective again (but we both know that change is never going to happen lol, the black pill is an unchanging fact of reality that is hidden from all men because it would cause widespread anarchy)

What you need to do is differentiate between the incels that hate irrationally and those that don't, there's a huge difference in life choices and perspective between these two groups

Most that I've spoken to with "irrational hate" are the LDAR type, all they plan to do is come online everyday and rage at the existence of women and attractive men, they have no path in life, they have no goal other than to just keep existing (and many of them are just lying to themselves about their hatred for women)

The incels who I have spoken to with "rational hate" treat their hatred of more of "an understanding of women", its really more like distrust and indifference than just "pure hatred", and these men all have goals, are wealthmaxxing or wealthy already, etc. They see women as an outlet for sexual urges, not an enemy to obsess over and complain about for years online






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Holy fuck this is one of the most cucked threads I have seen in a while. Hating foids is a cope? Jfl gtfo here with that bullshit.
Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you
Foid tier insult
Kys Faggot
Foid tier insult
At this point I'm pretty sure @K9Otaku is a woman, they literally can't resist making these kinds of insults, and they don't understand that insults like this "come out of nowhere" so its a dead giveaway

No man speaking about a topic like this just randomly decides - "You know what, I'll insult his dick size and try and emasculate him"

That is completely random

Knowing this forum it'll take like half a year for her to be banned though JFL
At this point I'm pretty sure @K9Otaku is a woman, they literally can't resist making these kinds of insults, and they don't understand that insults like this "come out of nowhere" so its a dead giveaway

No man speaking about a topic like this just randomly decides - "You know what, I'll insult his dick size and try and emasculate him"

That is completely random

Knowing this forum it'll take like half a year for her to be banned though JFL
Me too. Especially with her profusely defending foids and trying to blame literally anything else but foids. And yeah, only foids randomly start talking about dick size. Even normies think it’s weird to bring it up without any context.

The sad thing is that she probably won’t even get banned at all. It took literal months for sillytruecel (who didn’t even put any effort into LARPing) to get banned. There is also some retard ass_f who I am pretty sure is a foid that makes roastie tier attention whore threads and is into tranny shit.
I said it before. I dont hate whamen. I hate blue pill cucks and simps. With a passion. Its them that enable foids worst behavior.
At this point I'm pretty sure @K9Otaku is a woman, they literally can't resist making these kinds of insults, and they don't understand that insults like this "come out of nowhere" so its a dead giveaway

No man speaking about a topic like this just randomly decides - "You know what, I'll insult his dick size and try and emasculate him"

That is completely random

Knowing this forum it'll take like half a year for her to be banned though JFL

Me too. Especially with her profusely defending foids and trying to blame literally anything else but foids. And yeah, only foids randomly start talking about dick size. Even normies think it’s weird to bring it up without any context.

The sad thing is that she probably won’t even get banned at all. It took literal months for sillytruecel (who didn’t even put any effort into LARPing) to get banned. There is also some retard ass_f who I am pretty sure is a foid that makes roastie tier attention whore threads and is into tranny shit.

@JayGoptri claims to have talked to OP over the phone tho. I'll just assume they're both from IT until proven otherwise :feelshaha:
Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you

Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you

Spoken like a true micropenis cucked subhuman fake tough guy. Stop the act. Nobody believes you

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