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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] You Aren't The Protagonist Of The Story, You're Being Misled By Your Ego (One's Genetics Determines Their Role In The Story)



Feb 28, 2018
This thread is inspired by one of the most pathetic and egoistically deluded threads on the forum (ironically in the "Must-Read Content" section):
This thread is also shares the same message as a thread I made before:

There's this weird and common contradiction that I see among incels, and for as enlightened and self aware as so many of you claim to be, most of you fail to recognize this contradiction or even acknowledge it.

I've talked about it before in another thread I made:

I think for this thread it needs to be reiterated at the start, before I delve into the actual topic, because it is very relevant to men seeing themselves as "the good guy" / "the protagonist".

It's so weird to see incels obsess about a woman "loving" them or "validating" them, when a few minutes before making that post you can see another post by them that;
Belittles women
Says they are illogical
Says they can't be trusted
Says they aren't empathetic
Says they only value physical attraction
Says they are all whores
Etc, etc, etc

They spend hours DEGRADING THE VALUE OF WOMEN, and then IN THE SAME BREATH, they then spend hours speaking about women AS IF THEIR JUDGEMENTS OF MEN ARE EVEN VALID.

So which is it?

You do realize you can't have it both ways, right?

Ask yourself a simple question:
Of what worth is the judgement of someone who you yourself has judged to be unfit to judge others?

Would you trust / value the reflection of a broken mirror to gauge your own appearance?

Of course you wouldn't, that would be stupid, that would be illogical.......... and yet so many of you do this very thing when it comes to women.

You should atleast be logically consistent. You can't degrade women's value and then argue that female validation is valuable.



If women are everything bad that you say about them, then their validation is as worthless as they are. So stop obsessing over not getting it, or else you are contradicting yourself.

If you want to assert that female validation is valuable, then stop degrading women's value as a whole. You can't value their judgement of you, or else you are contradicting yourself.

Now, onto the main argument.

It always baffles me how so many incels are obsessed with women being attracted to them or women validating them, and it just makes me think that they see themselves as the "protagonist of their own story", but that's deluded when you think about it.

Because if you really look at any protagonist you've read about or seen in media, they look nothing like you and their origins are nothing like yours.

Your genetics will determine how people treat you, if people will help you grow and become stronger/smarter, if people are willing to accept you in leadership roles, etc.


Here's a good example:
[UWSL]58% of CEOs of [UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Fortune 500 companies[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL] are over 6 feet tall, compared with the general American population in which only 15% of men are over 6 feet tall.[/UWSL]

You won't get to be the "hero" / "leader" that guides a company towards success, and everybody looks up to you, BECAUSE NOBODY IS GOING TO CHOOSE YOU FOR THAT ROLE DESPITE YOU HAVING THE QUALITIES FOR IT, OR BEING BETTER SUITED TO THE ROLE THAN A MORE ATTRACTIVE MAN.


So why focus so much on attraction and validation (with respect to women OR ANYTHING) as if you are the protagonist, when you know deep down you aren't?

Why not just go after your desires through alternative means and forget about these handicaps and moral limitations (that only really benefit the people "above" you anyways)?

Like I've said in a thread I made before, morality only really benefits the genetically superior ("winners" in society), because these people are usually the "haves" while the genetically inferior are usually the "have nots".

Complaining and obsessing over not being able to get the things you want in life "like a protagonist", is like complaining about the fact that you don't have keys to a door, WHEN YOU HAVE A LOCK PICK, OR A CROWBAR, OR A SLEDGE HAMMER, ETC.

lol. Just break down any barriers in your way.

Too many men are egotistically obsessed with being in the role of "protagonist" or "the good guy" in every aspect of life. So they refuse to pursue alternative means of acquiring their desires, just because those methods don't stroke their ego or make them feel like "a good person".

Get over yourself, it's time to grow up.

Can't attract women?, don't attract them then. Buy them, rent them, do whatever the fuck you want, take whatever you want, gain power and influence. So long as you have the resources and you are in the right countries/places, or you have the right connections, all of these things are possible.

Why are so many men stuck in this "role" of trying to be "the protagonist"?

Why are so many of you trying to be "the nice guy" despite how much that role / persona has failed you in your life?

"I want to be a good person :cryfeels:"

While the entire world walks all over you and treats you like trash.

It's pathetic.



Ever notice how in basically all stories the hero is handsome and/or a descendant of some grand lineage/bloodline/legacy (indicators of high genetic quality)?

You have to be BORN "THE PROTAGONIST".


Trying to be one when you don't have the genetics suited for it, is you handicapping yourself. You're doing yourself a disservice.

You're really just delusional for not realizing one simple fact.


This also reminds me of another thread I made which is related to this:

An incel trying to be the "hero" / "protagonist" / "good guy" in this world, is like starting off an RPG game as a mage class, but you are so stubborn and ego obsessed when it comes to being a "warrior", that you pump points into strength and buy warrior armor and weapons, even though you'll never perform optimally.

When you try to force your way into being in the role of "the good guy", the people around you resent you on a subconscious level. Because to them it's like you are violating some kind of natural law.

It's like how women get pissed off when an unattractive man approaches them. It's a "know your place" kind of reaction.

It's like when an short man tries to get into a high level leadership role in a company. People are very likely not going to vote for you, and will instead vote for a taller guy who isn't even as skilled or knowledgeable as you. That's because they can "imagine him in that role", but when they close their eyes, they don't see you at all. In fact they don't want to see you, you are an eye sore.

They want you to have "background character roles".



You will then convince yourself that this is "good enough" and cope till the day you die.

Me personally, I kinda like the idea of "being the villain". Always related to them more, they are just more interesting characters, and they have actual plans and more interesting motivations than the cliche protagonist "I must do X, because X is good".

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My life is full of anime protagonist syndrome delusions. And ironically I do often see myself as "enlightened" and "self aware"
If women are everything bad that you say about them, then their validation is as worthless as they are. So stop obsessing over not getting it, or else you are contradicting yourself.

If you want to assert that female validation is valuable, then stop degrading women's value as a whole. You can't value their judgement of you, or else you are contradicting yourself.
Agreed. Caring what a woman thinks about you is beyond stupid. For me, I just observed that they are objectively inferior to men in virtually every way, then worked back from that conclusion - basically asking myself, "Would I care what a stupid, weak, unaccomplished MAN thought of me? No? Then why should I care what a stupid, weak, unaccomplished, emotional WOMAN thinks of me?"

As for not doing things like an NPC just cos they are the "good" thing I agree, but what you said about not pursuing leadership positions because of the genetic hand you were dealt, do you not mean to go about them in an alternate way (that utilises methods NPCs will deem "immoral"), or simply don't pursue those types of roles ever? There are a handful of incel-tier in looks males who have made it to the top, e.g. Bezos, most of whom undoubtedly will have done so by employing some of those alternate means to cut through all the competition
I just observed that they are objectively inferior to men in virtually every way, then worked back from that conclusion - basically asking myself, "Would I care what a stupid, weak, unaccomplished MAN thought of me? No? Then why should I care what a stupid, weak, unaccomplished, emotional WOMAN thinks of me?"
Exactly, the analogy I like to use is - "Would you trust / value the reflection of a broken mirror to gauge your own appearance". Women are so flawed themselves that there's no reason to place value on their equally flawed judgements.

My life is full of anime protagonist syndrome delusions. And ironically I do often see myself as "enlightened" and "self aware"
I had that shit when I was younger, but it became obvious how deluded I was as time went on and I went deeper and deeper into the black pill.
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So long as you have the resources and you are in the right countries/places, or you have the right connections, all of these things are possible.
What if you don't have these factors? What options then, are left available to you?
@BlkPillPres i remember This thread very clearly cuz it was one of the thread that was my turning point to blackpill , it’s been more than a year now

This nigga has 600k and he’s crying like a bitch on this forum:feelstastyman:

I’d have this amount of money my face would be in a constant state of perpetual grin:feelskek:
Caring what a woman thinks about you is beyond stupid. For me, I just observed that they are objectively inferior to men in virtually every way, then worked back from that conclusion - basically asking myself, "Would I care what a stupid, weak, unaccomplished MAN thought of me? No? Then why should I care what a stupid, weak, unaccomplished, emotional WOMAN thinks of me?"
I think it’s even simple than that , at a stage in your life as an unattractive man , you must realize entering relationships with a woman is only cons for you :

I’am so used to be on my own and be my own ruler, having a women constantly on my space would make me on edge

Spending thousands dollars ( more than that) on someone who can bounce any time because she doesn’t have her tingles
seems like nightmare fuel to me
what do you think about the idea that humans are monkeys that cannot overcome such biases :feelsclown:
i dont assign any value to being an antagonist in another persons 'story'. Incels simply often are because npc goals, belief copes, and priorities clash with my goals of sex. For example they currently don't have to feel bad about causing sexlessness, doing so would not benefit them. Most often people that like a users posts feel validated by what they say, and people that do not would lose something if they are right. All interaction is clashes and validations of self bias.

just because nobody agrees the world revolves around you does not mean you should value others, just that they are equally selfish. You are still the perceiver of the world, the only conciousness you know is your own. While protagonist syndrome can handicap you, to me the learning is more to be aware that nobody will ever do anything that doesnt help them or make them feel better about themselves.
What do you mean they don't feel bad about causing sexlessness? Incels created their own sexlessness?

And how can protagonist syndrome handicap you? Blinded by your ego and making decisions because of your ego I suppose? Sorry, just curious
I'm the main character
If you're friends with a severely autistic or mentally handicapped incel who is rich, will you take advantage of him?
I think it’s even simple than that , at a stage in your life as an unattractive man , you must realize entering relationships with a woman is only cons for you :

I’am so used to be on my own and be my own ruler, having a women constantly on my space would make me on edge

Spending thousands dollars ( more than that) on someone who can bounce any time because she doesn’t have her tingles
seems like nightmare fuel to me
Reminds me of the this one video I saw last night, where a guy approaches couples and gets them to switch their phones and scroll through their chat logs. 70% of the time, the female was talking to some other guy. I kinda felt lucky that some of those women rejected me.
I remember when I was a teenager, playing Wind Waker, I listened to Ganondorf talk about the winds, and how the Royal Family denied him and his people the sweet, life-giving, refreshing and welcoming winds of Hyrule, leaving them only with the bitter, harsh, scorching, biting winds of the desert, by keeping him and his people oppressed and shunted aside. I remember identifying with him when he gave this final speech, relating to the experiences and values of the human condition, and how I felt denied, and yet, what did I do? In my ignorance, and my desperation to be the protagonist, I sided with Link, and Hyrule, against the man that represented everything about the deprived life I led outside the games. I'm ashamed it took me this long to see things for how they really are.

When Ganondorf was denied the life-giving winds of Hyrule, did he try to be a "good" person, did he try to play things fair, and reason with the royal family, about splitting territory where these life-giving winds blew between the people of the sand and the people of Hyrule? Did he take stock in the perceptions the citizens of Hyrule would have in him? No. He went ahead and took what he wanted. What he deserved. He ripped it all away from Hyrule to benefit himself, other people's moral qualms be damned. You're absolutely right; morality serves the genetically superior, and I have, in my infinite naivety, served as a slave to morality my entire life. Playing by the rules. Playing by the book. No more. I'm a free man, and I will do what I can, whatever I can, to benefit myself moving forward.

Apologies for going a little too heavily into my autistic metaphor with a video game. That's just how my brain works to understand things. Because it's inferior. But it's important I understand this, and use this knowledge to my advantage going forward, to secure the future I want for myself. This was a real eye-opener. Thank you.
If you're friends with a severely autistic or mentally handicapped incel who is rich, will you take advantage of him?
You have to, if you want to succeed. And if I ever wind up as that rich autist, I have to be prepared for such stunts, and protect myself by keeping you at bay, and learning how not to allow you to take advantage of me.
High IQ and based. Bookmarked.

I kinda like the idea of "being the villain".
You either die a hERo, or live long enough to become the villain.
sexhavers dont care (or have to care) about causing sexlessness sorry i type poorly

if you have true protagonist syndrome it prevents you from thinking about other peoples selfishness, you might clash with them for no gain or be worse at getting what you want from them
Ah I see. So you should be self aware that everyone else is very individually motivated aswell. Got ya!
What if you don't have these factors? What options then, are left available to you?

I'd say it's virtually impossible for the average man in the West to not gain access to these factors in 15+ years (if a guy is 20, he has till 35 to gain access to these factors).

Oh and the factors depend on where you live. 12K US per year is the poverty line in American, but in a country like Brazil you'd be living pretty decently if you were making 12K US per year through a remote job.

So all a man has to do is establish a stable career in a remote field, and move to a country with a low cost of living and advantageous exchange rate.

Those are the only factors you need. That isn't hard to get at all, it's just that too many men are focused on trying to "make it" in the West, and they treat the West like it's the only option and everything else is worthless.

Those guys will likely fail and just live miserable lives, good luck to them. This would be a perfect example of a man letting his ego get in the way of his own
If you're friends with a severely autistic or mentally handicapped incel who is rich, will you take advantage of him?
Depends on how rich were talking. If he makes hundreds of thousands a year basically doing nothing because he was born into wealth. I'm gonna borrow 5K from him to do the investing and training I need for specific things, and then pay him back when I'm profitable. But I don't see myself trying to skim off someone else's money, I want to be self sufficient so that I can enjoy my money and be carefree.

I don't want to just "get rich", I want to get valuable skill sets that can keep me rich. Who knows what can happen. You could own real estate and then the housing market crashes or something. But so long as you have in demand skills, especially those that can generate passive income. You can go back to zero and quickly get back to where you were.

This is why I like the idea of being a day trader. If you were a skilled professional day trader. You could be taken and dropped in a random developed country with no money, and in a year you'll be back to living the lifestyle you were before. There's just this feeling of security that can't be replaced when you know you have the knowledge and skills to provide for yourself. When I imagine being at that point in life, it feels amazing.

Apologies for going a little too heavily into my autistic metaphor with a video game.
I understand completely lol. For me, I draw a lot of parallels from the Berserk anime:

There's this scene that really stuck out to me with Guts and Griffith. It was after the found Griffith when he was in the torture chamber. Guts was rushing towards Griffith to embrace him after he tried to kill himself near the watery area, and he basically said to himself that if Guts touched him right now in his lowest moment, he wouldn't be able to forgive him.

In the series Griffith is given a Behelit, which is basically this RED demonic looking orb (that's like the red pill).

Guts (the BLACK swordsman) is basically the black pill. Throughout the series he has been around him after he found the Behelit (red pill), he only realizes what Guts means to him in the end before his transformation, when he accepts the black pill.

I explain it much better in the thread (with timestamps).
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This thread is inspired by one of the most pathetic and egoistically deluded threads on the forum (ironically in the "Must-Read Content" section):
This thread is also shares the same message as a thread I made before:

There's this weird and common contradiction that I see among incels, and for as enlightened and self aware as so many of you claim to be, most of you fail to recognize this contradiction or even acknowledge it.

I've talked about it before in another thread I made:

I think for this thread it needs to be reiterated at the start, before I delve into the actual topic, because it is very relevant to men seeing themselves as "the good guy" / "the protagonist".

It's so weird to see incels obsess about a woman "loving" them or "validating" them, when a few minutes before making that post you can see another post by them that;
Belittles women
Says they are illogical
Says they can't be trusted
Says they aren't empathetic
Says they only value physical attraction
Says they are all whores
Etc, etc, etc

They spend hours DEGRADING THE VALUE OF WOMEN, and then IN THE SAME BREATH, they then spend hours speaking about women AS IF THEIR JUDGEMENTS OF MEN ARE EVEN VALID.

So which is it?

You do realize you can't have it both ways, right?

Ask yourself a simple question:
Of what worth is the judgement of someone who you yourself has judged to be unfit to judge others?

Would you trust / value the reflection of a broken mirror to gauge your own appearance?

Of course you wouldn't, that would be stupid, that would be illogical.......... and yet so many of you do this very thing when it comes to women.

You should atleast be logically consistent. You can't degrade women's value and then argue that female validation is valuable.



If women are everything bad that you say about them, then their validation is as worthless as they are. So stop obsessing over not getting it, or else you are contradicting yourself.

If you want to assert that female validation is valuable, then stop degrading women's value as a whole. You can't value their judgement of you, or else you are contradicting yourself.

Now, onto the main argument.

It always baffles me how so many incels are obsessed with women being attracted to them or women validating them, and it just makes me think that they see themselves as the "protagonist of their own story", but that's deluded when you think about it.

Because if you really look at any protagonist you've read about or seen in media, they look nothing like you and their origins are nothing like yours.

Your genetics will determine how people treat you, if people will help you grow and become stronger/smarter, if people are willing to accept you in leadership roles, etc.


Here's a good example:
[UWSL]58% of CEOs of [UWSL][UWSL][UWSL]Fortune 500 companies[/UWSL][/UWSL][/UWSL] are over 6 feet tall, compared with the general American population in which only 15% of men are over 6 feet tall.[/UWSL]

You won't get to be the "hero" / "leader" that guides a company towards success, and everybody looks up to you, BECAUSE NOBODY IS GOING TO CHOOSE YOU FOR THAT ROLE DESPITE YOU HAVING THE QUALITIES FOR IT, OR BEING BETTER SUITED TO THE ROLE THAN A MORE ATTRACTIVE MAN.


So why focus so much on attraction and validation (with respect to women OR ANYTHING) as if you are the protagonist, when you know deep down you aren't?

Why not just go after your desires through alternative means and forget about these handicaps and moral limitations (that only really benefit the people "above" you anyways)?

Like I've said in a thread I made before, morality only really benefits the genetically superior ("winners" in society), because these people are usually the "haves" while the genetically inferior are usually the "have nots".

Complaining and obsessing over not being able to get the things you want in life "like a protagonist", is like complaining about the fact that you don't have keys to a door, WHEN YOU HAVE A LOCK PICK, OR A CROWBAR, OR A SLEDGE HAMMER, ETC.

lol. Just break down any barriers in your way.

Too many men are egotistically obsessed with being in the role of "protagonist" or "the good guy" in every aspect of life. So they refuse to pursue alternative means of acquiring their desires, just because those methods don't stroke their ego or make them feel like "a good person".

Get over yourself, it's time to grow up.

Can't attract women?, don't attract them then. Buy them, rent them, do whatever the fuck you want, take whatever you want, gain power and influence. So long as you have the resources and you are in the right countries/places, or you have the right connections, all of these things are possible.

Why are so many men stuck in this "role" of trying to be "the protagonist"?

Why are so many of you trying to be "the nice guy" despite how much that role / persona has failed you in your life?

"I want to be a good person :cryfeels:"

While the entire world walks all over you and treats you like trash.

It's pathetic.



Ever notice how in basically all stories the hero is handsome and/or a descendant of some grand lineage/bloodline/legacy (indicators of high genetic quality)?

You have to be BORN "THE PROTAGONIST".


Trying to be one when you don't have the genetics suited for it, is you handicapping yourself. You're doing yourself a disservice.

You're really just delusional for not realizing one simple fact.


This also reminds me of another thread I made which is related to this:

An incel trying to be the "hero" / "protagonist" / "good guy" in this world, is like starting off an RPG game as a mage class, but you are so stubborn and ego obsessed when it comes to being a "warrior", that you pump points into strength and buy warrior armor and weapons, even though you'll never perform optimally.

When you try to force your way into being in the role of "the good guy", the people around you resent you on a subconscious level. Because to them it's like you are violating some kind of natural law.

It's like how women get pissed off when an unattractive man approaches them. It's a "know your place" kind of reaction.

It's like when an short man tries to get into a high level leadership role in a company. People are very likely not going to vote for you, and will instead vote for a taller guy who isn't even as skilled or knowledgeable as you. That's because they can "imagine him in that role", but when they close their eyes, they don't see you at all. In fact they don't want to see you, you are an eye sore.

They want you to have "background character roles".



You will then convince yourself that this is "good enough" and cope till the day you die.

Me personally, I kinda like the idea of "being the villain". Always related to them more, they are just more interesting characters, and they have actual plans and more interesting motivations than the cliche protagonist "I must do X, because X is good".

Bro my stance is to not be incel anymore. Let's all go MGTOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ahegao::feelsohh::feelsUgh::feelswhat::feelswhat::dafuckfeels::shock::shock::worryfeels::feelsohgod:
Exactly but many incel youtubers got mad because of MGTOW redditors who boasted about their sex life, hence the controversy
Most MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) are actually MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way). Don't let the few stories of a few divorced Chads and Chadlites, and some stories that are lies, convince you otherwise. The average MGTOW is a loser who never had a chance in the West anyways, and that's exactly why he's "going" his own way.
I feel like your ego gets destroyed significantly once you've been on a plane, you know just how little blame you get.

I'd actually written a post about airplanes and the point was to basically say that when you're high up there looking onto the city you realize how little control you have over everything around you and how small and tiny you are, how destructive you are, it just shows something can happen anytime and imagine the ocean waters just cover all of us and those of us who were outside we're just swarm by the sea and some ancient creature, some dragonsnake or something emerges from the water and makes itself visible to you and takes you into darkness or toxic venom, poison what have you.

For me, the realization of just how big the sea is, massive, it just scares me even today just to think of how small and tiny I am and what lurks below, no one knows, maybe some creature is down there to just wipe away civilization and intoxicate us or just bring us to a torture island full of snake. Anyway, these are few of the fears I have and I've always feared this feeling of helplessness it's like when you've got to save someone but you're aware there's very little you can do even though you give it a hundred and ten percent, you let go of your actual ego and thinking you're all this. Just the realization that what I've done will be swept away at some point of time by some weird disaster just makes me want to contribute less and less, for me the record is really important, as your bravery or whatever is recognized and in history and history is removable and flushable, whoosh it's all gone, it's just terrifying, I strongly believe in aliens and creatures who control us or know more than us, I thought this must all be fictional garbage but once you get on a plane, you see, how little and powerless you are and whatever the big towers and what not are, you just know you ain't shit.
Most MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) are actually MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way). Don't let the few stories of a few divorced Chads and Chadlites, and some stories that are lies, convince you otherwise. The average MGTOW is a loser who never had a chance in the West anyways, and that's exactly why he's "going" his own way.
oh ofcourse I've seen the memes of incel vs mgtow how chadlites identify themselves as self proclaimed incels

I'd say it's virtually impossible for the average man in the West to not gain access to these factors in 15+ years (if a guy is 20, he has till 35 to gain access to these factors).

Oh and the factors depend on where you live. 12K US per year is the poverty line in American, but in a country like Brazil you'd be living pretty decently if you were making 12K US per year through a remote job.

So all a man has to do is establish a stable career in a remote field, and move to a country with a low cost of living and advantageous exchange rate.

Those are the only factors you need. That isn't hard to get at all, it's just that too many men are focused on trying to "make it" in the West, and they treat the West like it's the only option and everything else is worthless.

Those guys will likely fail and just live miserable lives, good luck to them. This would be a perfect example of a man letting his ego get in the way of his own
I am 33, and have completely and utterly failed to gain access to any of my own resources or any professional connections. I'm afraid I've made far too many mistakes in my lifetime, and may have screwed myself over permanently.
sexhavers dont care (or have to care) about causing sexlessness sorry i type poorly

if you have true protagonist syndrome it prevents you from thinking about other peoples selfishness, you might clash with them for no gain or be worse at getting what you want from them
high IQ perception
I am 33, and have completely and utterly failed to gain access to any of my own resources or any professional connections. I'm afraid I've made far too many mistakes in my lifetime, and may have screwed myself over permanently.
You don't have any skills that could help you start a career in a remote field?

Digital Marketing (lowest barrier to entry, even with a highschool level of education you can start in this field)

lol. That's nice!
What I have learn is most here are incels physically but mentally still normies. If most here were given the looks and lifestyle all of the blackpill will dissolve like salt in hot water.

They aren’t truly invested, they still think they are part of the 'game' they’re still are invested in politics and invested in racial allegiance and want to 'save' a society that doesn’t want to be 'save'
You have to be BORN "THE PROTAGONIST".

pretty much almost every main shonen e.g Naruto was born to win literally related to sage of six paths and is a reincarnation of his son.

Ichigo is mixed with everything and is basically a pseudo soul king. Was destined for greatness and his dad came from a Nobel clan.

Orochimaru and Aizen are much more relatable.

I honestly can’t stand shonen anymore.
What I have learn is most here are incels physically but mentally still normies.

This is the one thing that I started to realize more and more as I spent years on this forum, and it just made me lose faith in "incels" as a collective completely.

You really have to just focus on yourself and work towards your own goals. Maybe I'll start a small group of select incels one day, and we can do meetups, network, etc. But for the most part, most of us can't be saved, because we don't want to be saved.

Most incels just want to wallow in self pity, and have someone console them and tell them that it's alright for them to feel and act that way.

Orochimaru and Aizen are much more relatable.
This, I can only relate to these types of characters anymore.

My favorite character in naruto is Orochimaru and my favorite character in bleach is Aizen.

Another anime series you should check out is Guyver. I won't give any spoilers, but there's another character like that in the series.

I honestly can’t stand shonen anymore.
There are still a few good ones that come out every once in a while.

I actually found a chinese anime that was really good, one of the best I've seen so far. I was actually pissed when I finished the final episode. It was better than a lot of Japanese anime (which was shocking because most chinese anime is trash).

It's called Da Wang Rao Ming:

View: https://youtu.be/Z7CZdVV8xmg?t=6
You really have to internalize that this world favours No one but Woman and the Like. And that you should act / do Like you want.

Most man arent even aware their Pity and canonfooder. While a Fat OF Whore[UWSL] Makes trice Times the Money you gain with your Labor " [/UWSL]

[UWSL]theres seriously Something wrong with this world , No reason to Play fair " at this point really [/UWSL]

This is the one thing that I started to realize more and more as I spent years on this forum, and it just made me lose faith in "incels" as a collective completely.

You really have to just focus on yourself and work towards your own goals. Maybe I'll start a small group of select incels one day, and we can do meetups, network, etc. But for the most part, most of us can't be saved, because we don't want to be saved.

Most incels just want to wallow in self pity, and have someone console them and tell them that it's alright for them to feel and act that way.

This, I can only relate to these types of characters anymore.

My favorite character in naruto is Orochimaru and my favorite character in bleach is Aizen.

Another anime series you should check out is Guyver. I won't give any spoilers, but there's another character like that in the series.

There are still a few good ones that come out every once in a while.

I actually found a chinese anime that was really good, one of the best I've seen so far. I was actually pissed when I finished the final episode. It was better than a lot of Japanese anime (which was shocking because most chinese anime is trash).

It's called Da Wang Rao Ming:

View: https://youtu.be/Z7CZdVV8xmg?t=6

Don’t compare yourself with Escobar what the fuck:feelskek: ,it’s 100 leagues above you

You guys realized by 26 ,he was already a millionaire in one of the poorest place in Colombia ,far before doing cocaine.

He only did cocaine for the lulz and the thrill.

Incel can dark triad but not in the typical criminal world .

High inhib autistic guys in their late twenties jumping in the criminal world as a rookie, what could possibly go wrong?:feelshaha:
Me personally, I kinda like the idea of "being the villain". Always related to them more, they are just more interesting characters, and they have actual plans and more interesting motivations than the cliche protagonist "I must do X, because X is good".

when bluepilled you see yourself becoming the protag hero , when blackpilled you realize you were meant to be the villain all along
The part where you said you’re the antagonist of everyone else’s story isn’t true because people really don’t give a fuck about us enough to be an antagonist. We are just wastes of space in their eyes i believe you have to have some sort of status and looks to even qualify as being the antagonist most times and we don’t even have that
The part where you said you’re the antagonist of everyone else’s story isn’t true because people really don’t give a fuck about us
Other peoples awareness of you is not what makes you the antagonist.

Was society aware of Elliot Rodger before his mass shooting?

He already assumed the role of the antagonist even before he started planning the attack, even before he started writing his manifesto.

Your genetics decide your role, whether you excel or fail at it, depends on how early you accept that reality and how much you mentally adapt to it.
You really have to just focus on yourself and work towards your own goals.
I became a much more tough individual when I swallow that pill

I remember a thread you developed a certain idea that became like the core of why I get up every morning :

Human are the only animals on the planet that can sit theirs ass on the sofa and say : I’am not motivated , I give up.

There is no such thing in the wilderness, you can’t give up cuz the other way is death

A gazelle while being hunt down by a lion can’t think : well I’am not motivated
The motivation is the big ass Lion :feelshaha:

[UWSL]I was watching some documentaries about a polar bear the other day and his situation was like an analogy of blackpilled incel :[/UWSL]


I found that so pure , you fail you die
Other peoples awareness of you is not what makes you the antagonist.

Was society aware of Elliot Rodger before his mass shooting?

He already assumed the role of the antagonist even before he started planning the attack, even before he started writing his manifesto.

Your genetics decide your role, whether you excel or fail at it, depends on how early you accept that reality and how much you mentally adapt to it.
Ahh ok I see your point now. If you’re born an ugly loser might as well embrace the role of antagonist because that’s all society will ever see you as anyways
Ahh ok I see your point now. If you’re born an ugly loser might as well embrace the role of antagonist because that’s all society will ever see you as anyways
Exactly. If you try to play a role you aren't suited for, all you'll end up being is a mediocre half assed version of that thing. If you had instead focused on excelling what you are suited for, you could be one of the best at that.

An Ethiopian man can try to become a pro football player (as in American football), but his genetics aren't suited to it and he will likely fail. If he instead chooses to be a marathon runner, he will do better than most people without even trying.

A Simoan man can try to become a marathon runner, but his genetics aren't suited to it and he will likely fail. If he instead chooses to be a pro football player, he will do better than most people without even trying.

It's the same thing when it comes to attractiveness too. If you don't have the "looks" to be a protagonist, you will likely fail and on top of that, people will work against you because they don't want to see you in that role. That goes even for the people you are trying to help.
Exactly. If you try to play a role you aren't suited for, all you'll end up being is a mediocre half assed version of that thing. If you had instead focused on excelling what you are suited for, you could be one of the best at that.

An Ethiopian man can try to become a pro football player (as in American football), but his genetics aren't suited to it and he will likely fail. If he instead chooses to be a marathon runner, he will do better than most people without even trying.

A Simoan man can try to become a marathon runner, but his genetics aren't suited to it and he will likely fail. If he instead chooses to be a pro football player, he will do better than most people without even trying.

It's the same thing when it comes to attractiveness too. If you don't have the "looks" to be a protagonist, you will likely fail and on top of that, people will work against you because they don't want to see you in that role. That goes even for the people you are trying to help.
Just wanted to say that your threads are really motivational and sometimes even toughen me up when It comes to life. Whenever I feel low and weak in life. I Sometimes read some of your threads that I bookmarked that really wake me up to the Blackpill and toughen me up again. Reminding me not to wallow in self pity. They are so many quotes that you've made on this forum that are really quite memorable. Your inspiring brocels.

Appreciate what your doing man.
You don't have any skills that could help you start a career in a remote field?

Digital Marketing (lowest barrier to entry, even with a highschool level of education you can start in this field)
I have software skills, but I think I'm incompetent, because I can't seem to pass a single technical interview.

I've never heard of digital marketing.
I became a much more tough individual when I swallow that pill

I remember a thread you developed a certain idea that became like the core of why I get up every morning :

Human are the only animals on the planet that can sit theirs ass on the sofa and say : I’am not motivated , I give up.

There is no such thing in the wilderness, you can’t give up cuz the other way is death

A gazelle while being hunt down by a lion can’t think : well I’am not motivated
The motivation is the big ass Lion :feelshaha:

[UWSL]I was watching some documentaries about a polar bear the other day and his situation was like an analogy of blackpilled incel :[/UWSL]


I found that so pure , you fail you die

I feel sorry for the polar bear. Animal Kingdom truly is amazing. Where can I find more of these documentaries? I wanna go on a binge watch
I feel sorry for the polar bear. Animal Kingdom truly is amazing. Where can I find more of these documentaries? I wanna go on a binge watch
With this kind of ending ?
YouTube I guess

Animal kingdom is really pure & beautiful, the bear fail that means no second chance , it’s death.

Don’t be too sorry, you would be here , the menu would switch from walrus to incel
I've never heard of digital marketing.
Look into it, maybe you can get hired for an entry level position at a company, from there you can work your way up. It's a completely skill based job, no education is even required, everything you need to know can be learned on the job.

I feel sorry for the polar bear.
Ironically polar bears are one of the few animals known to stalk and hunt humans. That bear wouldn't feel sorry for you, it would kill you in the most painful way and begin eating your innards while you are still alive to feel the pain.
With this kind of ending ?
YouTube I guess

Animal kingdom is really pure & beautiful, the bear fail that means no second chance , it’s death.

Don’t be too sorry, you would be here , the menu would switch from walrus to incel
I felt like the polar bear was the protagonist of that mini documentary. Regardless,I still find animal kingdom amazing because it really captures the term "survival of the fittest" in its raw form and is quite entertaining.

Of course I wouldn't be rooting for the polar bear if my ass was in the same situation as that walrus. But from a third person pov, I wanted to see the Polar bear win.
Of course I wouldn't be rooting for the polar bear if my ass was in the same situation as that walrus. But from a third person pov, I wanted to see the Polar bear win.
I was really just surprised when the guy said the bear couldn't bite into the Walruses flesh. Animals are just so much more durable that humans, you wouldn't think something that looks that defenseless and weak had such high survivability traits.
I was really just surprised when the guy said the bear couldn't bite into the Walruses flesh. Animals are just so much more durable that humans, you wouldn't think something that looks that defenseless and weak had such high survivability traits.
I know, never judge a book by it's cover. But imagine having dozens of food surrounding you and not even being able to catch one. And slowly dying right Infront of your enemy/food. Imagine all the walruses laughing and cracking jokes whilst staring at that polar bear die slowly.

Polar Bear: (In his last moments) *cough cough* somebody please help! *cough cough*

Walrus: die slowly nigga! :feelshaha:
I know, never judge a book by it's cover. But imagine having dozens of food surrounding you and not even being able to catch one. And slowly dying right Infront of your enemy/food. Imagine all the walruses laughing and cracking jokes whilst staring at that polar bear die slowly.

Polar Bear: (In his last moments) *cough cough* somebody please help! *cough cough*

Walrus: die slowly nigga! :feelshaha:
Thank you mr BlkPIllPress

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