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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] - Looksmaxxing As A Black Piller Is Ironic Since You Are Essentially Emulating That Which You Hate (Women)



Feb 28, 2018
I've always found men looksmaxxing to be very ironic, because one of the things we often complain about is the female behaviour and mindset, and looksmaxxing is men essentially emulating that

I'm not saying men shouldn't trying to "look good", but men are seriously taking this shit to feminine levels, deeply cosmetic, men knowing which colour clothing "brings out their eyes" and what hair style pairs well with what look, etc is feminine as fuck, men should not be focusing on such trivial shallow and pointless things, were becoming like women, which makes our criticism of them ever more ironic. At the current rate things are going, the next generation of men will begin trying to normalize men wearing makeup, then we'll be lying just as much as them

Ironically in our attempts to "keep up" with women and meet their standards, we are basically becoming them in the process, were becoming the bitches

Men "beautifying" themselves like bitches competing for "looks points" trying to 1up each other like women typically do is very pathetic and emasculating when you think about it, next thing you know guys are gonna be starting threads about what type of jeans makes their butt look good

This is why I never took part in any of this looksmax nonsense, I just dressed regularly and practiced basic hygiene, all the other stuff just felt ironic and pathetic

The worst part about it, is that even after all that, after betraying yourself and doing all that emasculating shit, you still aren't even guaranteed sex, after all that time and effort you can still be rejected, and if you are the average incel, you likely will be rejected, as many men's base looks mog your looksmaxxed self, its an endless uphill battle

Looksmaxxing is a waste of time, money and dignity lol
So instead of actually putting in your best effort to try and escape Inceldom, just give up because, "lol women looksmaxx too"

Incredible argument, but I guess a sex having fakecel wouldn't care much about improving their looks especially when they aren't interested in a real relationship.
NVM Looksmaxxers arent a complete waste, they weed out the trucels from fakcels like fattallcels who become lean chadlite.
Extreme above the average intelligence post. looksmaxxing is not worth it.

Depending on how bad you look yeah. If you're a truecel tier 1-3/10 then looksmaxxing won't do you much good. If you're 4-5/10 then it might allow you to escortcel.
Depending on how bad you look yeah. If you're a truecel tier 1-3/10 then looksmaxxing won't do you much good. If you're 4-5/10 then it might allow you to escortcel.
Edited my post. I still think looksmaxxing is a waste if you know you are trucel and hopeless. I guess if you really wanted an escort go for it
Edited my post. I still think looksmaxxing is a waste if you know you are trucel and hopeless. I guess if you really wanted an escort go for it

I agree that fatcel is volcel. Take a look at Boogie. You can tell beneath all that fat he has a decent bone structure. He's normie tier.


I've said this multiple times. The ultimate black pill is that even if you "ascend" you will never be chad. In other words, your girl will most likely monkey branch from you eventually when the opportunity is right. That, and the black pill never leaves you. It's everywhere.
So instead of actually putting in your best effort to try and escape Inceldom, just give up because, "lol women looksmaxx too"

Escape inceldom into what?


90% of the guys that "ascend" are just going to get cucked and/or cheated on anyways, whats the point of all that wasted time and effort

Ascension is a waste of time, its better to descend

Incredible argument, but I guess a sex having fakecel wouldn't care much about improving their looks especially when they aren't interested in a real relationship.

I can have sex because I'm objective and I haven't placed illogical emotionally based egotistical mentalcel restrictions on myself, if you are unwilling to pay for sex because you want to "feel wanted", then that's your fault for valuing things of subjective worth rather than things of objective worth, its not my fault you are an idiot lol

Like I keep saying guys like you are InLon (Involuntarily Lonely) not InCel (Involuntarily Celibate), you are obsessed more with being in a relationship than actually getting sex, that's a mindset fit for being a cuck that's alright with his girl "having a little fun" as long as he gets some every now and then

You might very well be the kind of guy I am talking about above, who "ascends" into "cuckdom", that isn't an upgrade, like many users have said before

Better incel than cuck

I've said this multiple times. The ultimate black pill is that even if you "ascend" you will never be chad. In other words, your girl will most likely monkey branch from you eventually when the opportunity is right. That, and the black pill never leaves you. It's everywhere.

This, basically the same thing I just told @BrendioEEE

I've made threads about how pointless ascension is:

I think people should be healthmaxxing, that means not being fat.
Interesting thread.

I agree that the whole looksmaxing concept is far from being something of male essence but thing is, we're unfortunately living in a time where your only value as a man (sexually and even socially-wise) pertains more tham ever around how good-looking you are. Therefore, if you don't reach a certain threshold when it comes the physical appearance, you will simply be doomed. We're simply not the 1950's anymore.

I don't think it's right for society to shame men who are willing to go full-escortcelling mode but at the same time, society shouldn't shame or ridicule men who wants to try to reach their full-potential by going to the looksmaxing route.
I think people should be healthmaxxing, that means not being fat.

That I'd agree with, one should focus on improvements THAT ACTUALLY BENEFIT YOUR EXISTENCE, if only that was the primary focus of looksmaxxing, maybe I'd be a part of it, I do plan on healthmaxxing when I move out from my parents house, I want to try this carnivore diet thing and see if it goes anywhere
This, basically the same thing I just told @BrendioEEE

I've made threads about how pointless ascension is:

High IQ. That's the price of taking the black pill. You are succumbing to nihilistic thinking. Your best bet is to find a good cope that makes you happy and not worry about "ascending." That is the best advice you can give anyone here.
High IQ. That's the price of taking the black pill. You are succumbing to nihilistic thinking. Your best bet is to find a good cope that makes you happy and not worry about "ascending." That is the best advice you can give anyone here.

You just pointed out something obvious that I fail to mention in my threads against all these blue pilled arguments I see, the key trait all of these users are missing is NIHILISM, none of these guys are truly nihilistic yet, that's why they are coping like this, thats why they can't be indifferent

If you aren't a nihilist, then you haven't fully accepted the black pill
Escape inceldom into what?


90% of the guys that "ascend" are just going to get cucked and/or cheated on anyways, whats the point of all that wasted time and effort

Ascension is a waste of time, its better to descend
We've gone through this so many times already. You only get cucked if you don't ascend with a virgin, you can cope and say virgins don't exist or love doesn't exist to justify your own fakecel hedonism, but it's just simply not according to the statistics of people who do marry virgins.

So no ascension isn't a waste of time, at least proper ascension with a virgin woman, we have the data to back this up, really the only reason you would willfully deny this, is because you are happy having hedonistic sex because you're not an Incel, you are a sex having degenerate hedonist who is not interested in a relationship even if there is proof you can get one with a virgin and live happily ever after not getting cucked.
I can have sex because I'm objective and I haven't placed illogical emotionally based egotistical mentalcel restrictions on myself, if you are unwilling to pay for sex because you want to "feel wanted", then that's your fault for valuing things of subjective worth rather than things of objective worth, its not my fault you are an idiot lol
You can have sex because you're a fakecel
Like I keep saying guys like you are InLon (Involuntarily Lonely) not InCel (Involuntarily Celibate), you are obsessed more with being in a relationship than actually getting sex, that's a mindset fit for being a cuck that's alright with his girl "having a little fun" as long as he gets some every now and then

You might very well be the kind of guy I am talking about above, who "ascends" into "cuckdom", that isn't an upgrade, like many users have said before
Cept you're not cucked if you're having sex daily with a girl you married as a virgin, again you can pretend these relationships can't happen, or they're not real, but this is simply not the case.
Better incel than cuck
Yeah I agree, that's why I wouldn't be a massive cuck fakecel like you who pays women for sex when he could use those resources and effort to get a relationship but chooses not to because he's not interested in one and pretends its not possible because he's satisfied with his hedonistic lifestyle.
just look like shitmaxx bro
We've gone through this so many times already. You only get cucked if you don't ascend with a virgin


Dude I have to go sleep for work tomorrow so I'll stop on that one and end my night on a good note with a good laugh, I won't be going at your entire post, I don't have enough time right now

I like how you just rolled that line out, like it can just "be done", like its even plausible in this day and age

With every response you guys prove to me that you are illogical and hopelessly chasing pipe dreams

Guys like you aren't even willing to become amish and go live with those people, to become a muslim and move to an islamic state, etc, you aren't willing to actually make any sacrifices to get what you want, all guys like you ever do is complain about what you don't have, because its easier to complain

What are you even doing currently in your life to make your pursuits of a virgin wife possible?

If the answer is nothing, then STFU about it, you aren't being realistic

chooses not to because he's not interested in one and pretends its not possible because he's satisfied with his hedonistic lifestyle.

I swear my threads are made for illogical idiots like yourself who were indoctrinated by society

And yes you used the right words, SATISFACTION is my goal, not subjective BS, I don't want to be BETTER THAN anyone, I want to be BETTER OFF THAN them

I don't have pride in anything period, pride is for egoists, it will only blind you and hold you back.

Don't be proud of things, be SATISFIED with how much they benefit your existence, pride is just subjective BS that will lead to one making emotionally based decisions, rather than logically based decisions.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically SATISFIED" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).
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Improving looks=improving chances
high IQ bro

looksmaxxing is a huge cope unless you are a 6 or higher
If Boogie is above average height then he could definitely get a gf after losing weight. Being obese isn't good anyways, else youll end up on my 600 lbs life

And not live past 50... not that I want to anyways. But yeah, it's still better to just be healthy.
So instead of actually putting in your best effort to try and escape Inceldom, just give up because, "lol women looksmaxx too"

Incredible argument, but I guess a sex having fakecel wouldn't care much about improving their looks especially when they aren't interested in a real relationship.
Looksmaxing and "ascending" will do what boyos? Take the black pill out of the world? Stop chad from getting all the women? Stop your girl from leaving you for the better deal?

Make you a "normie?" What will it do? It's a blue pilled cope to think that looksmaxing will change anything. EVERYTHING is cope. When you accept the blackpill, you accept nihilism. Find your best cope that doesn't revolve around "ascending" that is all you can do as an incel.
Depending on how bad you look yeah. If you're a truecel tier 1-3/10 then looksmaxxing won't do you much good. If you're 4-5/10 then it might allow you to escortcel.
I'd argue even if you are awful looking looksmaxxing is important. You will be treated better as a 3 than a 1.
The only form of looksmaxxing that is legit for ugly men is surgery.
Looksmaxing is legit my friend, but only if you're dedicated and want some real skin in the game. Softcore looks"max"ing won't do shit for getting you any closer to getting laid. I don't do looksmaxing because I want to become a chad, I do it because I want a better life than the shit one that I currently have. I'm okay with not being the top tier man, I just want to have some experience with sex and to have an easier time getting a job.

Even if looksmaxing doesn't bring in all the pussy, I'd say it's still worth it just because of the increase in self-confidence and better treatment you get from everyone. It also brings you closer to being able to get it without escorts. I actually went up to looking like a normie almost from looksmaxing, but I think that's because I didn't really take care of my skin or anything before. I just followed bluepilled normie advice such as "just wash your face and shower and your acne will go away hurr" and picked at my acne all the time.

All I'm really doing at this point is trying to get rid of acne scars and trying to fix my bad teeth and poor jaw development. I'm hoping I'll ascend once I get in touch with some good orthotropists and get some appliances to change my facial development.

I think it's kind of tragic that taking care of yourself should be seen as feminine and petty. It really isn't, and it shouldn't have to be either of those things.
The only form of looksmaxxing that is legit for ugly men is surgery.
Also this.
Like I've said, you have to be seriously committed if you want to actually ascend. I think that's why one article was so asshurt over men getting surgery, because it was good enough to genuinely fool them.
Looksmaxing is legit my friend, but only if you're dedicated and want some real skin in the game. Softcore looks"max"ing won't do shit for getting you any closer to getting laid. I don't do looksmaxing because I want to become a chad, I do it because I want a better life than the shit one that I currently have. I'm okay with not being the top tier man, I just want to have some experience with sex and to have an easier time getting a job.

Even if looksmaxing doesn't bring in all the pussy, I'd say it's still worth it just because of the increase in self-confidence and better treatment you get from everyone. It also brings you closer to being able to get it without escorts. I actually went up to looking like a normie almost from looksmaxing, but I think that's because I didn't really take care of my skin or anything before. I just followed bluepilled normie advice such as "just wash your face and shower and your acne will go away hurr" and picked at my acne all the time.

All I'm really doing at this point is trying to get rid of acne scars and trying to fix my bad teeth and poor jaw development. I'm hoping I'll ascend once I get in touch with some good orthotropists and get some appliances to change my facial development.

I think it's kind of tragic that taking care of yourself should be seen as feminine and petty. It really isn't, and it shouldn't have to be either of those things.

Also this.
Like I've said, you have to be seriously committed if you want to actually ascend. I think that's why one article was so asshurt over men getting surgery, because it was good enough to genuinely fool them.
Bravo my friend. I couldn't say it better. I feel like those who say things like looksmaxing is cope or that it's useless are either incels that don't wish other to ascend via this route or are unfortunately too fucked looks-wise and they know that it isn't a viable option for them. Some are typical lazycels.

In fact, you can reap the benefits of high level of looksmaxing (refering to surgeries) if in the first place, you are around a 4-5 on the looks scale. If you are a sub4, I'm not saying that it would be impossible but very difficult to reach the threshold to make it. For others, it's just absolutely pointless indeed.
The worst part about it, is that even after all that, after betraying yourself and doing all that emasculating shit, you still aren't even guaranteed sex, after all that time and effort you can still be rejected, and if you are the average incel, you likely will be rejected, as many men's base looks mog your looksmaxxed self, its an endless uphill battle
The worst of all is that we cannot apply to them the same unrealistic demands that they make to us which makes it more rage inducing.
What I always wondered about incels possibly ascending through looksmaxxing is, what if you do get a gf or even a wife? Do you tell her that your current looks are a result of surgery? Do you show her what you looked like pre-surgery?
Women feel attracted to attractive men because they want to create babies with them that carry their high-quality genes so I question if they'd still be sexually attracted to you if they knew what you'd really look like.
the worst part about these retardmaxxed threads is that you post too many of them for it to be a joke
the thing that bothers me most about them is that the person making them either actually believes this or tells themselves that believing this stream of consciousness makes them high IQ for ego purposes. Either way I don't wish that retardation on anyone, including you man, so please get better soon. I don't think they do lobotomies anymore so you're out of luck when it comes to a quick fix.
I'd argue even if you are awful looking looksmaxxing is important. You will be treated better as a 3 than a 1.
If foids fraud why men not? Of course is a waste of time if you don't get results, but maybe some incels can ascend through that way.
Dude I have to go sleep for work tomorrow so I'll stop on that one and end my night on a good note with a good laugh, I won't be going at your entire post, I don't have enough time right now
You've never addressed any of my arguments without massive amount of coping/logical fallacies/etc, because you can't, it's clear that if you were forced to address my arguments from beginning to end without your emotional hedonistic degenerate lense, you would be forced to recognize your hypocrisy, and that you don't even belong in this community even as a non incel blackilled normie.
Looksmaxxing is legit but give paycels a break, they are just trying to cope.
You've never addressed any of my arguments without massive amount of coping/logical fallacies/etc, because you can't, it's clear that if you were forced to address my arguments from beginning to end without your emotional hedonistic degenerate lense, you would be forced to recognize your hypocrisy, and that you don't even belong in this community even as a non incel blackilled normie.

I don't think even you understand the words you are using, just seem like you are stringing together words lol, what hypocrisy?, please be specific

Also lets make this straight forward and simple, list your questions and i'll answer them, number them, for question one put "1.", and so on, because we all know what you're saying is complete BS and guys like you avoid being precise and specific in your arguments for that very reason.
I've always found men looksmaxxing to be very ironic, because one of the things we often complain about is the female behaviour and mindset, and looksmaxxing is men essentially emulating that

I'm not saying men shouldn't trying to "look good", but men are seriously taking this shit to feminine levels, deeply cosmetic, men knowing which colour clothing "brings out their eyes" and what hair style pairs well with what look, etc is feminine as fuck, men should not be focusing on such trivial shallow and pointless things, were becoming like women, which makes our criticism of them ever more ironic. At the current rate things are going, the next generation of men will begin trying to normalize men wearing makeup, then we'll be lying just as much as them

Ironically in our attempts to "keep up" with women and meet their standards, we are basically becoming them in the process, were becoming the bitches

Men "beautifying" themselves like bitches competing for "looks points" trying to 1up each other like women typically do is very pathetic and emasculating when you think about it, next thing you know guys are gonna be starting threads about what type of jeans makes their butt look good

This is why I never took part in any of this looksmax nonsense, I just dressed regularly and practiced basic hygiene, all the other stuff just felt ironic and pathetic

The worst part about it, is that even after all that, after betraying yourself and doing all that emasculating shit, you still aren't even guaranteed sex, after all that time and effort you can still be rejected, and if you are the average incel, you likely will be rejected, as many men's base looks mog your looksmaxxed self, its an endless uphill battle

Looksmaxxing is a waste of time, money and dignity lol
I agree that it's feminine. But we have no choice. We are trying to ascend lookswise in hopes of getting laid. If rape was legal I would give af about looksmaxxing. But honestly I'm still looksmaxxing
I agree that it's feminine. But we have no choice. We are trying to ascend lookswise in hopes of getting laid. If rape was legal I would give af about looksmaxxing. But honestly I'm still looksmaxxing
I know of two choices:
1. Locationmaxxing - If by "ascend" you mean marriage and a family, build your wealth and career, buy assets, move to a country with a strict traditional culture and community. It will be 100 times easier to find a wife and to date there, and depending on the laws you won't have to worry about being divorce raped. The women also don't expect you to "beautify" yourself, men are men and women are women in these cultures.

Just talk to western men who have travelled to countries like Colombia, they never want to go back to the west but they don't have the resources to stay. The women there are submissive and understand their role (because they have to). Remember all women are the same, the only difference is the options they have available, the options determine their behavior. This is why you can't take that wife and bring her to the West.

2. Prostitution - If by "ascend" you mean get laid, simply fuck prostitutes, you can do Locationmaxxing for that to so that you can get greater quality for way less money.
2. Prostitution - If by "ascend" you mean get laid, simply fuck prostitutes, you can do Locationmaxxing for that to so that you can get greater quality for way less money.
What's the best place to locationmaxx for prostitutes (meaning where they are the cheapest you can get for the safest)? Thailand?
I know of two choices:
1. Locationmaxxing - If by "ascend" you mean marriage and a family, build your wealth and career, buy assets, move to a country with a strict traditional culture and community. It will be 100 times easier to find a wife and to date there, and depending on the laws you won't have to worry about being divorce raped. The women also don't expect you to "beautify" yourself, men are men and women are women in these cultures.

Just talk to western men who have travelled to countries like Colombia, they never want to go back to the west but they don't have the resources to stay. The women there are submissive and understand their role (because they have to). Remember all women are the same, the only difference is the options they have available, the options determine their behavior. This is why you can't take that wife and bring her to the West.

2. Prostitution - If by "ascend" you mean get laid, simply fuck prostitutes, you can do Locationmaxxing for that to so that you can get greater quality for way less money.
Anything short of locking women inside is a recipe for failure over the span of multiple generations. I'm not being edgy here, I seriously think that decline in sexual mores is inevitable without Ancient Greek style imprisonment of women.
What's the best place to locationmaxx for prostitutes (meaning where they are the cheapest you can get for the safest)? Thailand?
I haven't done much research but based on what I've heard, I think it actually is Thailand.
looksmaxxing is a waste as a sub-5

I go around with my hair that needs a haircut since a month ago and I don't give a single fuck, I dress old clothes, etc.

It's liberating in that sense.

You see all these npc's busting their bodies at the gym while I am at home enjoying my nintendo switch emulator, then eating good pizza slices while smoking fat joints.

fuck looksmaxxing, only foids should take care of being feminine, submissive pretty.

cheers! :blackpill:
looksmaxxing is a waste as a sub-5

I go around with my hair that needs a haircut since a month ago and I don't give a single fuck, I dress old clothes, etc.

It's liberating in that sense.

You see all these npc's busting their bodies at the gym while I am at home enjoying my nintendo switch emulator, then eating good pizza slices while smoking fat joints.

fuck looksmaxxing, only foids should take care of being feminine, submissive pretty.

cheers! :blackpill:
Only reason to work out is to not get bullied by normies, there's no hope of ascending
Only reason to work out is to not get bullied by normies, there's no hope of ascending
This isn't even an issue for adults. There is no "bullying" in the adult world. Only full on violent crime, and having muscles isn't going to protect you from a knife or a gun.

The only reason to work out is to be healthy for your own sake so you can enjoy life.

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