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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] If You Are An Incel In Your 20's Without Financial Freedom, Your Parents Failed You (Dishonest Cookie Cutter Lazy Parenting)



Feb 28, 2018
I grew up not only being on the short side (I'm really lucky that I'm even 5'7", I was really really short as a kid), and on top of that I'm not attractive facially, and then on top of that I didn't even end up with big dick despite being dark skinned as fuck (what the fuck kind of set up is that, God is seriously fucking with me here :feelskek:)

Grew up poor too

I hold no resentment for my parents for any of those things, those were outside of their control for the most part, but I definitely resent them for the fact that I had to DISCOVER THE BLACK PILL (THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE TO ME)

I definitely hold resentment towards my parents for not being honest with me about how this world works (when it comes to looks, money and status) and the importance of pursuing financial freedom rather than the safety of a 9 to 5 job by "studying hard" (which will not benefit an unattractive man in this world)

I should not have had to learn of all these harsh truths that determine my quality of life, in my 20's, from random fuckers on the internet :feelskek:




That is some sad shit

An unattractive guy can't have an enjoyable life if he is lacking resources (that is fucking rule #1 that we should have been taught from 15 years old and onward)

Guess what, our parents fucking knew that and still (like most lazy fucking parents) gave us a cookie cutter religious/moral upbringing with no focus on wealth building or investing

So now, I as an individual, has to fucking rush to try and build these high income skills and discover all these opportunities myself, so I can squeeze out some enjoyment in life before I fucking hit my 40's (before my body starts going to shit lol). Forty is a good few years away, I'm still in my 20's, but I doubt I'm going to have financial freedom before I reach my 30's

I'm never going to have any children, I don't want the burden, I've lost too many years of enjoyment already so my life will be about me and me only at this point

But if I did have a son, I would make him the luckiest son ever. I'd be honest with him about the world from the get go, no nonsense like Santa, I'd want him to "find magic in the world" not from fairy tales or religion, but from science, discovery and satisfaction in leisure.

He can do all the gaming he wants but every weekend we'd have to study trading (be it forex, stocks, etc) and some of all the other things I do to bring in money (high income skills)

I'd want him to be set up so that even if he turned out unattractive he'd never have to worry about lacking resources and opportunities, he'd never have to feel the anxiety of "running out of time" because you now have to play "catch up".

Not even "catch up" with everyone else (because we aren't even in the same plane of existence), but "catch up" relative to "incel criteria". We can cope about having the same goals as normies (wife, children, etc) but in our case they require vastly more resources to achieve

All of this because our parents refused to be honest with us

Its sad really, a lot of us were doomed because our parents wanted to paint a fairy tale world for us:
They saw how we were developing
They saw how short we were and the slow rate we were growing at
They saw how average and below average our faces were
They saw how socially awkward we were
They saw the slow social changes that were taking place in society
Etc, etc, etc

But, EVEN THEN, they still refused to try and adapt their parenting to our circumstances, so that we could build a life suited to our conditions. You know, like a caring parent actually should


They didn't tell you about Santa Claus because they felt like your belief in this being, was core to some key psychological development that you needed to prepare you to become successful in life. There was no logic or planning behind it.

They told you about Santa Claus, BECAUSE EVERYBODY ELSE'S PARENTS DOES, and because its about THEM collecting all these "cute memories" for THEMSELVES to reminisce over

A lot of people don't seem to get that your parents aren't parenting FOR YOU, they are doing it for themselves. Parenting as it stands today is a very selfish thing, the average parent deludes themselves into thinking that they do it for their child, but they are doing it because that child is their investment (those are two completely different things)

Children are "self affirming" investments. Your parents don't need you to be satisfied with life to yield a "return" on their investment, they just need you to merely be alive. That's enough to stroke their ego as "creators"

A lot of us are in fact going to end up betabuxxing some whore that jumps off the cock carousel (there are a lot of simps in the incel community), and when she gets pregnant that's another win for your parents, they don't give a fuck if that was what you wanted or the best choice for you, you getting a woman pregnant carries on their genes into the future, they win

Like I've talked about before in another thread about parents and parenting, your parents don't love you, they love the "idea of you" (what you represent):

This section from that post pertains to HOW and WHY your parents "love" you:
A lot of people need to realize that your parents don't really "love" YOU, they "love" the "IDEA OF YOU"

The ideal that you represent. You are their legacy, they can live vicariously through you and see you reach heights of success they couldn't, and in some way that makes them successful

Your parents don't really care if you are "happy" so long as you "do better than they did". So to all the incels still attached to their parents, grow up, you have to start looking out for yourself and your own dreams and desires, because your parents don't really care if you achieve them

So long as you simply exist to breed and carry on their genetic legacy they'll be alright with it, because even if you are a failure, you just having children leaves the potential for their genetics to "amount to something", and that's enough for the average parent

A lot of you are thinking "i'll never even get a woman" but most guys on this forum are pathetic and weak willed, statistically the majority of you reading this will be a betabuxx by age 30, that's just a fact

Statistically about 97 percent of men and 98 percent of women ages 25 to 44 aren't virgins (you can look it up), so most of the teens on this forum going on and on about "its over, I want to be loved" and guys in their 20's saying "its over, I want to be loved", are going to probably end up married to some used up whore at some point

That desperation and yearning to "be loved" and "feel desired" is only going to lead you to one path, betabuxx. For most of you its inevitable, you think you are never going to "make it", but what you don't realize is that years of desperation and loneliness is going to make you lower your standards over time, to where your criteria of "making it" is so low, that you'll delude yourself into believing that the crappy offer you finally accept was "a good deal"

If you are reading this, that's probably your future, that's the future of men who spend years obsessing about love and attraction, it will become your be all end all, you'll accept almost anything if you can get a taste of it, and you'll take any offers you can get after years of wanting it. Many of you are going to be "that guy" who is raising some other guys kid or dealing with some bitch with a ton of baggage and a high dick mileage, in some cases quite literally as the amount of inches of dick she's come across adds up to a mile

Here's the sad truth

Your mother doesn't care if you end up with a single mother with bastard kids so long as you JUST END UP WITH SOMEONE, and that's because like I said, your parents don't really care about YOU, they care about the IDEA OF YOU, what you represent, and what you represent is "LEGACY"

So long as your circumstances add up to a potential "continuance of legacy", they will accept the circumstances (or learn to), especially if they think you can't do any better

Your father doesn't care if you end up with a single mother with bastard kids so long as you JUST END UP WITH SOMEONE for the same reason too, in fact he'll probably tell you some BS like he's proud and it "takes a "real man" to raise someone elses kid" and that you "manned up" :feelskek:

Also if you had ended up with a hot super model he'd be saying the exact opposite and that you are a "chip off the old block", even though he wasn't even a "ladies man" and never got a woman of such quality, because again, PARENTS LIKE TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH THEIR CHILDREN

Parents don't really care as much as they think they do, this is exactly why when they have a child with the potential to become an "incel" they fail completely when it comes to raising that child to have a satisfying life, because raising such a child to have an enjoyable and successful life, requires you to make self sacrifice with certain beliefs, and be more pragmatic, objective and even COLD in what you teach them about life. It may "hurt your heart" as a parent but your son will 100% thank you for it later in life when he sees how other incels are doing when they lack resources and make blue pilled life choices

To my fellow incels, here is why your parents failed you:
Their morals wouldn't allow IT
Their religious beliefs wouldn't allow IT

By "IT", I mean them telling you the harsh objective truths of reality that parents don't want to tell their sons (the black pill), and would rather have them "figure it out later in life" (AGAIN, LAZY PARENTING)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that short guys barely get dates or sex (if any at all)?

They did, they just chose not to talk about it because its an uncomfortable truth of life that they can't "moral away" or "pray away", and telling you about it challenges those beliefs. So they'd rather mentally block out such things and leave you suffer, fail and figure it out yourself (NO GUIDANCE)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that "nice guys" get treated like trash (despite advising that you act like a "nice guy")?

Its the same thing like above, your parents can't "moral away" or "pray away" this reality. Your mother especially would rather not talk about it because it also makes her look like a "bad person". She probably only dated and fucked "bad boys", that doesn't sound so "moral" or "religious" does it? :feelskek: (which is exactly why mothers will avoid thinking about or talking about this with their sons)

Mothers also don't talk about these things because they don't want their sons to look at them in a negative light, because talking about these things brings up obvious questions: - "Mom, what kind of men did you date?"

Pretty much all of our mothers are the same kind of woman that would reject us

That's a painful irony for her. She spent years rejecting certain traits, and now she has to see these traits in her own offspring

But like most parents today, she just wanted to be able to give the lazy cookie cutter advice, and not look at the changes in the dating market, the stats for marriage and divorce, etc, and take these social changes into account when deciding how she will raise her son. Same thing with the father too.

In fact I'd argue more that your father ESPECIALLY should have done this. You can't really expect women to be forthcoming and honest, our fathers were supposed to black pill us.

Parents do LAZY PARENTING, because it requires TOO MUCH EFFORT (more effort than they are willing to put into parenting) TO PROPERLY GUIDE INCEL SONS TOWARDS A PROSPEROUS FUTURE

Yet talk to some of the incels on this site and you speak of your parents (especially your mothers) like they are saints or something. Its like you have no self awareness of how much THEY TRULY FAILED YOU




That's the scary thing about self delusion, they think they care a lot about you, but their actions reflect that they just care about THE INVESTMENT THAT IS "YOU"

Your satisfaction doesn't matter, you were "supposed to" yield "X returns" as an investment, you were supposed to be "normal" and "attractive", and only "X minimal investment" (cookie cutter upbringing) was "supposed to be" required for you to yield "X returns", and that's why they didn't take the time and effort to observe the changing world and your inferior traits, and alter your upbringing to be suited to this world

The average parent is self centered and lazy, and only having a child for the "experience of raising a child"

THEY DID NOT PUT MUCH THOUGHT INTO YOUR UPBRINGING AT ALL (and you have to come to terms with that, its the reason why your life is where it is now)

The funny thing is, now all of a sudden when I've reached this point in my life, people act like I'm supposed to have some kind of reverence for my parents

But I don't feel like that at all, I am grateful for the food, the shelter, the clothing, the opportunity to be educated, etc, but those things are all the basic bare minimum things that DON'T MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO HAVING A HAPPY LIFE AS AN UNATTRACTIVE MALE

I'll say it again, your parents aren't blind, they saw what you were growing into, they knew you would need to have money, or power, or status to even have a sex life one day, but they blocked those kinds of "negative" thoughts out because they'd much rather sacrifice you in order to cling to their morals and religious beliefs. You have to understand that your parents chose those things over you, if not you would already have been black pilled by your father and/or mother during your teens

The only thing I can do now is rush towards my goals and focus on wealthmaxxing. Be diligent so I can get to where I want to be financially as soon as possible

The moment I set myself up good, I'm gone forever from my current life, I'm not even joking

I'm changing my name
I'm leaving my country
I'm deleting all of my contacts
I'm never contacting anyone from my current life again
I'm never going back to my country or my home

I'm starting an entirely new life and leaving my old trash life behind (I'm "going ghost")

Whether my family or friends of the past are "ok" with it and can "move on" is not my concern, I'm the one who is stuck in the shitty life I am in now and has to live with it everyday

Its not an enjoyable existence to wake up everyday and think about killing yourself, think about how peaceful it would be if you just faded out of existence when you go the bed later that day. Having to push yourself forward each day for that one singular goal, that future you are working towards that you've yearned after for so many years

My incel life has literally burned away any sense of attachment that I hold for my country, my family, my friends, anything in my life period

Its like I care for them TO AN EXTENT, but I hate my existence more than I care for anything

That's why I won't feel any regret or "miss" anyone, because as far as I'm concerned this universe has robbed me of enough of my life, and all the free time and focus I have left should be about me making up for lost time and enjoying the years I have left. Not "chatting with friends" or helping family members out with their problems

The rest of my life is going to be about me and ONLY ME, because somebody has to put me first, and it isn't going to be anybody but me. To all the incels reading, you better realize that this goes for you too and start working on what you need to when it comes to your finances, because you aren't going to have even a remotely enjoyable 30's or 40's or so on without financial freedom, you are delusional if you think otherwise

A sexless life with video games, anime and porn is not something that will satisfy a man in his 30's, you can keep coping and telling yourself that it will be enough, but it won't. A lot of you guys are going to wake up trapped in a twilight zone episode. I've already spent years thinking about this shit and I can see where things are going, I will probably kill myself if I am still in my current life at the age of 30

Financial freedom is a must for unattractive males, all of our parents should have made that a focus but they didn't, so here we are, in our 20's and our lives are going nowhere with no direction except a path that leads towards wage slavery and betabuxxing a whore who gets off of the cock carousel. Things aren't looking too good for us right now

Again, statistically about 97 percent of men and 98 percent of women ages 25 to 44 aren't virgins, and most people are still getting married, so a lot of you guys reading this saying to yourself - "I would never betabuxx, I will never give up on love" is just coping, because you don't seem to realize that your obsession with "being loved" and your obsession with "female validation", IS EXACTLY WHY YOU ARE GOING TO "GIVE IN" AND END UP SETTLING FOR USED COCK CAROUSEL GOODS :feelskek:

You are going to experiences STANDARDS ATTRITION (more on that in the thread below):

This current thread you are reading is also very much related to a thread I previously made about parenting:

This section from the top of the post is very relevant:
First off let me preface this so the main concepts are understood:


1. Raising your child to be successful and advantageous, and gambling on the possibility that they will gain their moral foundations later in life

2. Raising your child to be moral and altruistic, and gambling on the possibility that they will gain their success later in life

For some reason most parents (likely due to indoctrination and thinking - "this is what my parents did") go with option #2, and when you really think about it, it doesn't make any sense. Its much easier for a person who is happy and satisfied with life to "become a good person" or even "want to be good", than for an unhappy and unsatisfied person to do so. A person who has spent their entire life being "good" and being taken advantage of, and never gaining much of any happiness, is more likely going to become bitter, envious, and hateful, and success is not a guarantee so they may never see the "silver lining"

Our parents like most parents went with strategy #2, because again, LAZY COOKIE CUTTER PARENTING - "let teens figure out all the fucked up things about reality themselves because I don't want to feel bad"

Our parents, if they were PROPER PARENTS who cared about our quality of life, should have adopted strategy #1 in our cases, because we could not afford to be raised like every other child and still have enjoyable lives, and the state of our current lives is a testament to that fact (our lives are trash and will only get worse unless we go to extremes to change it)

So yes our parents did fail us, and they will continue to fail us

Don't look to your parents for sympathy, empathy or understanding when it comes to our lives as incels


Its the reason why they refused to be honest with you about life, and accept the harsh truths we needed them to bestow upon us

Its also the same reason why they will ignore you trying to tell them about it and dismiss all the studies, facts, figures or personal experience you have

The only thing we can do is focus on the financial opportunities we have before us, and work on trying to climb our way out of our hell hole lives ourselves

But after I do all of that shit, I don't know about you guys, but I'm cutting all ties

No family or friend is going to become a burden to me, I won't be anyone's handout

After I struggle to get myself into financial freedom, my life becomes about me and only me

Only leisure, pleasure and pursuing my interests will matter to me at that stage of my life, everybody and everything else will be left behind in the past, and to me that is the most logical path for any incel to take at this point
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Too much text for GrAycel's head to read.

Are we Twins?
Read every word, even the bold red ones.
Took me a while to read all this lol

I agree, I am pursuing financial freedom as well. Hoping to retire from wagecucking by 40-45 by investing in total stock market index funds, small cap value stock funds, etc. Also paying off any debt I have.

Pretty much everything I learned about investing and money came from the internet. Maybe learned what NOT to do from my parents, lol. Like blow all your money on cars and hobbies (which depreciate). But I don't fault them, they didn't exactly make a lot of money most of my life.
I grew up not only being on the short side (I'm really lucky that I'm even 5'7", I was really really short as a kid), and on top of that I'm not attractive facially, and then on top of that I didn't even end up with big dick despite being dark skinned as fuck (what the fuck kind of set up is that, God is seriously fucking with me here :feelskek:)

Grew up poor too

I hold no resentment for my parents for any of those things, those were outside of their control for the most part, but I definitely resent them for the fact that I had to DISCOVER THE BLACK PILL (THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE TO ME)

I definitely hold resentment towards my parents for not being honest with me about how this world works (when it comes to looks, money and status) and the importance of pursuing financial freedom rather than the safety of a 9 to 5 job by "studying hard" (which will not benefit an unattractive man in this world)

I should not have had to learn of all these harsh truths that determine my quality of life, in my 20's, from random fuckers on the internet :feelskek:




That is some sad shit

An unattractive guy can't have an enjoyable life if he is lacking resources (that is fucking rule #1 that we should have been taught from 15 years old and onward)

Guess what, our parents fucking knew that and still (like most lazy fucking parents) gave us a cookie cutter religious/moral upbringing with no focus on wealth building or investing

So now, I as an individual, has to fucking rush to try and build these high income skills and discover all these opportunities myself, so I can squeeze out some enjoyment in life before I fucking hit my 40's (before my body starts going to shit lol). Forty is a good few years away, I'm still in my 20's, but I doubt I'm going to have financial freedom before I reach my 30's

I'm never going to have any children, I don't want the burden, I've lost too many years of enjoyment already so my life will be about me and me only at this point

But if I did have a son, I would make him the luckiest son ever. I'd be honest with him about the world from the get go, no nonsense like Santa, I'd want him to "find magic in the world" not from fairy tales or religion, but from science, discovery and satisfaction in leisure.

He can do all the gaming he wants but every weekend we'd have to study trading (be it forex, stocks, etc) and some of all the other things I do to bring in money (high income skills)

I'd want him to be set up so that even if he turned out unattractive he'd never have to worry about lacking resources and opportunities, he'd never have to feel the anxiety of "running out of time" because you now have to play "catch up".

Not even "catch up" with everyone else (because we aren't even in the same plane of existence), but "catch up" relative to "incel criteria". We can cope about having the same goals as normies (wife, children, etc) but in our case they require vastly more resources to achieve

All of this because our parents refused to be honest with us

Its sad really, a lot of us were doomed because our parents wanted to paint a fairy tale world for us:
They saw how we were developing
They saw how short we were and the slow rate we were growing at
They saw how average and below average our faces were
They saw how socially awkward we were
They saw the slow social changes that were taking place in society
Etc, etc, etc

But, EVEN THEN, they still refused to try and adapt their parenting to our circumstances, so that we could build a life suited to our conditions. You know, like a caring parent actually should


They didn't tell you about Santa Claus because they felt like your belief in this being, was core to some key psychological development that you needed to prepare you to become successful in life. There was no logic or planning behind it.

They told you about Santa Claus, BECAUSE EVERYBODY ELSE'S PARENTS DOES, and because its about THEM collecting all these "cute memories" for THEMSELVES to reminisce over

A lot of people don't seem to get that your parents aren't parenting FOR YOU, they are doing it for themselves. Parenting as it stands today is a very selfish thing, the average parent deludes themselves into thinking that they do it for their child, but they are doing it because that child is their investment (those are two completely different things)

Children are "self affirming" investments. Your parents don't need you to be satisfied with life to yield a "return" on their investment, they just need you to merely be alive. That's enough to stroke their ego as "creators"

A lot of us are in fact going to end up betabuxxing some whore that jumps off the cock carousel (there are a lot of simps in the incel community), and when she gets pregnant that's another win for your parents, they don't give a fuck if that was what you wanted or the best choice for you, you getting a woman pregnant carries on their genes into the future, they win

Like I've talked about before in another thread about parents and parenting, your parents don't love you, they love the "idea of you" (what you represent):

This section from that post pertains to HOW and WHY your parents "love" you:

Parents don't really care as much as they think they do, this is exactly why when they have a child with the potential to become an "incel" they fail completely when it comes to raising that child to have a satisfying life, because raising such a child to have an enjoyable and successful life, requires you to make self sacrifice with certain beliefs, and be more pragmatic, objective and even COLD in what you teach them about life. It may "hurt your heart" as a parent but your son will 100% thank you for it later in life when he sees how other incels are doing when they lack resources and make blue pilled life choices

To my fellow incels, here is why your parents failed you:
Their morals wouldn't allow IT
Their religious beliefs wouldn't allow IT

By "IT", I mean them telling you the harsh objective truths of reality that parents don't want to tell their sons (the black pill), and would rather have them "figure it out later in life" (AGAIN, LAZY PARENTING)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that short guys barely get dates or sex (if any at all)?

They did, they just chose not to talk about it because its an uncomfortable truth of life that they can't "moral away" or "pray away", and telling you about it challenges those beliefs. So they'd rather mentally block out such things and leave you suffer, fail and figure it out yourself (NO GUIDANCE)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that "nice guys" get treated like trash (despite advising that you act like a "nice guy")?

Its the same thing like above, your parents can't "moral away" or "pray away" this reality. Your mother especially would rather not talk about it because it also makes her look like a "bad person". She probably only dated and fucked "bad boys", that doesn't sound so "moral" or "religious" does it? :feelskek: (which is exactly why mothers will avoid thinking about or talking about this with their sons)

Mothers also don't talk about these things because they don't want their sons to look at them in a negative light, because talking about these things brings up obvious questions: - "Mom, what kind of men did you date?"

Pretty much all of our mothers are the same kind of woman that would reject us

That's a painful irony for her. She spent years rejecting certain traits, and now she has to see these traits in her own offspring

But like most parents today, she just wanted to be able to give the lazy cookie cutter advice, and not look at the changes in the dating market, the stats for marriage and divorce, etc, and take these social changes into account when deciding how she will raise her son. Same thing with the father too.

In fact I'd argue more that your father ESPECIALLY should have done this. You can't really expect women to be forthcoming and honest, our fathers were supposed to black pill us.

Parents do LAZY PARENTING, because it requires TOO MUCH EFFORT (more effort than they are willing to put into parenting) TO PROPERLY GUIDE INCEL SONS TOWARDS A PROSPEROUS FUTURE

Yet talk to some of the incels on this site and you speak of your parents (especially your mothers) like they are saints or something. Its like you have no self awareness of how much THEY TRULY FAILED YOU




That's the scary thing about self delusion, they think they care a lot about you, but their actions reflect that they just care about THE INVESTMENT THAT IS "YOU"

Your satisfaction doesn't matter, you were "supposed to" yield "X returns" as an investment, you were supposed to be "normal" and "attractive", and only "X minimal investment" (cookie cutter upbringing) was "supposed to be" required for you to yield "X returns", and that's why they didn't take the time and effort to observe the changing world and your inferior traits, and alter your upbringing to be suited to this world

The average parent is self centered and lazy, and only having a child for the "experience of raising a child"

THEY DID NOT PUT MUCH THOUGHT INTO YOUR UPBRINGING AT ALL (and you have to come to terms with that, its the reason why your life is where it is now)

The funny thing is, now all of a sudden when I've reached this point in my life, people act like I'm supposed to have some kind of reverence for my parents

But I don't feel like that at all, I am grateful for the food, the shelter, the clothing, the opportunity to be educated, etc, but those things are all the basic bare minimum things that DON'T MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO HAVING A HAPPY LIFE AS AN UNATTRACTIVE MALE

I'll say it again, your parents aren't blind, they saw what you were growing into, they knew you would need to have money, or power, or status to even have a sex life one day, but they blocked those kinds of "negative" thoughts out because they'd much rather sacrifice you in order to cling to their morals and religious beliefs. You have to understand that your parents chose those things over you, if not you would already have been black pilled by your father and/or mother during your teens

The only thing I can do now is rush towards my goals and focus on wealthmaxxing. Be diligent so I can get to where I want to be financially as soon as possible

The moment I set myself up good, I'm gone forever from my current life, I'm not even joking

I'm changing my name
I'm leaving my country
I'm deleting all of my contacts
I'm never contacting anyone from my current life again
I'm never going back to my country or my home

I'm starting an entirely new life and leaving my old trash life behind (I'm "going ghost")

Whether my family or friends of the past are "ok" with it and can "move on" is not my concern, I'm the one who is stuck in the shitty life I am in now and has to live with it everyday

Its not an enjoyable existence to wake up everyday and think about killing yourself, think about how peaceful it would be if you just faded out of existence when you go the bed later that day. Having to push yourself forward each day for that one singular goal, that future you are working towards that you've yearned after for so many years

My incel life has literally burned away any sense of attachment that I hold for my country, my family, my friends, anything in my life period

Its like I care for them TO AN EXTENT, but I hate my existence more than I care for anything

That's why I won't feel any regret or "miss" anyone, because as far as I'm concerned this universe has robbed me of enough of my life, and all the free time and focus I have left should be about me making up for lost time and enjoying the years I have left. Not "chatting with friends" or helping family members out with their problems

The rest of my life is going to be about me and ONLY ME, because somebody has to put me first, and it isn't going to be anybody but me. To all the incels reading, you better realize that this goes for you too and start working on what you need to when it comes to your finances, because you aren't going to have even a remotely enjoyable 30's or 40's or so on without financial freedom, you are delusional if you think otherwise

A sexless life with video games, anime and porn is not something that will satisfy a man in his 30's, you can keep coping and telling yourself that it will be enough, but it won't. A lot of you guys are going to wake up trapped in a twilight zone episode. I've already spent years thinking about this shit and I can see where things are going, I will probably kill myself if I am still in my current life at the age of 30

Financial freedom is a must for unattractive males, all of our parents should have made that a focus but they didn't, so here we are, in our 20's and our lives are going nowhere with no direction except a path that leads towards wage slavery and betabuxxing a whore who gets off of the cock carousel. Things aren't looking too good for us right now

Again, statistically about 97 percent of men and 98 percent of women ages 25 to 44 aren't virgins, and most people are still getting married, so a lot of you guys reading this saying to yourself - "I would never betabuxx, I will never give up on love" is just coping, because you don't seem to realize that your obsession with "being loved" and your obsession with "female validation", IS EXACTLY WHY YOU ARE GOING TO "GIVE IN" AND END UP SETTLING FOR USED COCK CAROUSEL GOODS :feelskek:

You are going to experiences STANDARDS ATTRITION (more on that in the thread below):

This current thread you are reading is also very much related to a thread I previously made about parenting:

This section from the top of the post is very relevant:

Our parents like most parents went with strategy #2, because again, LAZY COOKIE CUTTER PARENTING - "let teens figure out all the fucked up things about reality themselves because I don't want to feel bad"

Our parents, if they were PROPER PARENTS who cared about our quality of life, should have adopted strategy #1 in our cases, because we could not afford to be raised like every other child and still have enjoyable lives, and the state of our current lives is a testament to that fact (our lives are trash and will only get worse unless we go to extremes to change it)

So yes our parents did fail us, and they will continue to fail us

Don't look to your parents for sympathy, empathy or understanding when it comes to our lives as incels


Its the reason why they refused to be honest with you about life, and accept the harsh truths we needed them to bestow upon us

Its also the same reason why they will ignore you trying to tell them about it and dismiss all the studies, facts, figures or personal experience you have

The only thing we can do is focus on the financial opportunities we have before us, and work on trying to climb our way out of our hell hole lives ourselves

But after I do all of that shit, I don't know about you guys, but I'm cutting all ties

No family or friend is going to become a burden to me, I won't be anyone's handout

After I struggle to get myself into financial freedom, my life becomes about me and only me

Only leisure, pleasure and pursuing my interests will matter to me at that stage of my life, everybody and everything else will be left behind in the past, and to me that is the most logical path for any incel to take at this point
my father beat me me up more than try and teach me something lmao
Your parents are probably in denial themselves.
my father beat me me up more than try and teach me something lmao
Well fuck him for like beating ya up ngl

Don't look to your parents for sympathy, empathy or understanding when it comes to our lives as incels


Its the reason why they refused to be honest with you about life, and accept the harsh truths we needed them to bestow upon us

Its also the same reason why they will ignore you trying to tell them about it and dismiss all the studies, facts, figures or personal experience you have

The only thing we can do is focus on the financial opportunities we have before us, and work on trying to climb our way out of our hell hole lives ourselves

But after I do all of that shit, I don't know about you guys, but I'm cutting all ties

No family or friend is going to become a burden to me, I won't be anyone's handout

After I struggle to get myself into financial freedom, my life becomes about me and only me

Only leisure, pleasure and pursuing my interests will matter to me at that stage of my life, everybody and everything else will be left behind in the past, and to me that is the most logical path for any incel to take at this point
So this was like your descending idea you’re like going to ghost everything with no goodbye so it’s like easier on ya
My mom didnt teach me shit about financial freedom. She just opened up a credit card for me and just told me to pay on time each month, she was very vague about it.

Working dead end jobs for years with student loan debts, car payments, car repairs, credit card payments, almost 40 and still can't afford to move out on my own. Now that shes getting old, I have to stay and help her bills. so I'm stuck here.

I tried trading in stock market/crytocurrency but lost interest within a few months. I felt lost and need someone to walk me through on how to buy/hold/ when to sell and how to read charts. I bought a book on trading 101 but it was too confusing.

I went back to school to learn a trade, got a job in the field and within a few months I want to quit and go back to doing Door Dash full time. I made good money with the trade but being in a humid hangar lifting and holding heavy metal pieces, breathing in fumes being around expreinced workers who look down at me and talk shit about my subpar work was too much for my body and mind to deal with.
Absolutely agree with you bro, and feel the same
I'll always have an immeasurable amount of contempt for being born extremely poor. So many opportunities in life were missed out on because of this. I've had to work so much harder because of this

I truly despise upper class people who act like they have challenges in life :feelsseriously:

And moneymaxxing is hardly an answer because even if you get a good job you're still so far behind compared to upper class people.
You weren't born in a family that left for you a place to live? Good luck slaving away for 10-30 years to afford a roof over your head

Meawhile an upper class faggot can work a dead end job or some artsy bullshit and make several times less than you yet he'll have a better quality of life because of the assets his family left him

If you start from nothing it'll take you decades to get into a comfortable position even with a 6 figure income :feelsseriously:
I hold no resentment for my parents for any of those things, those were outside of their control for the most part, but I definitely resent them for the fact that I had to DISCOVER THE BLACK PILL (THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE TO ME)
Those were in their control, you can probably blame their genes for that. They’re responsible for bring you here, but you see most humans don’t think twice when bring someone in this world. To be fair humans are very similar to prey like rabbits in that the have to breed like retards to sustain themselves its never to the benefit of the child. You’re still make some excuses for them.
I definitely hold resentment towards my parents for not being honest with me about how this world works (when it comes to looks, money and status) and the importance of pursuing financial freedom rather than the safety of a 9 to 5 job by "studying hard" (which will not benefit an unattractive man in this world)
I’m exactly the same, they never wanted to teach me any of that shit they just told me "go to school and learn, be respectful" they never prepare me for the real world, there was no discussion of finances. They always had time to give me a whooping though, they stopped doing it now but I can’t put my finger on why.....:waitwhat:
Guess what, our parents fucking knew that and still (like most lazy fucking parents) gave us a cookie cutter religious/moral upbringing with no focus on wealth building or investing
most people from what I learn shouldn’t have children at all.
they just need you to merely be alive.
Parents do LAZY PARENTING, because it requires TOO MUCH EFFORT (more effort than they are willing to put into parenting) TO PROPERLY GUIDE INCEL SONS TOWARDS A PROSPEROUS FUTURE
Bingo on those two points.
Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that "nice guys" get treated like trash (despite advising that you act like a "nice guy")?
I already started to know when I studied the men she been with my father include who were was a bad guy. She’s now with a betabux who have children from two women who already had children from other men, brutal:feelskek: feel sorry for the nigga a bit but I kinda hate him.
The average parent is self centered and lazy, and only having a child for the "experience of raising a child"
high IQ, read everything, long as shit but was worth.
But I don't fault them, they didn't exactly make a lot of money most of my life.
They shouldn’t of had you if they didn’t have the resources then, you’re still giving them excuses.
Meawhile an upper class faggot can work a dead end job or some artsy bullshit and make several times less than you yet he'll have a better quality of life because of the assets his family left him

If you start from nothing it'll take you decades to get into a comfortable position even with a 6 figure income :feelsseriously:
You should be more angry at your parents for bring you into a shitty situation, but I get your point. But as we know most people don’t think ahead at all.
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I totally feel this because I grew up with my parents that never told me much about success in life at all. Let alone for ugly guys.

As a Christian I have to honour them. But I understand that it’s completely selfish to not tell your CHILDREN about something so important for their happiness.

One thing I would mention is, that maybe their generation was different. Women married men for money back then. Because of this, ugly men had a pass. They probably assume it’s the same now. But then again I can’t see someone being okay with betabuxxing.
"I would never betabuxx, I will never give up on love" is just coping, because you don't seem to realize that your obsession with "being loved" and your obsession with "female validation", IS EXACTLY WHY YOU ARE GOING TO "GIVE IN" AND END UP SETTLING FOR USED COCK CAROUSEL GOODS :feelskek:
This also seems important to note. Like even if we do ascend, what is waiting for us exactly?

Used goods aren’t something I’m ever going to be interested in.

Its a good thing that most real Christian girls haven’t ridden the cock carousel. So I may luck out with a virgin if I ascend.
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As a Christian I have to honour them.
:feelsseriously: Honour them for what? They choose to have you, they brought you here. You didn’t ask to be here or to have those particular parents. Honour them for giving food, shelter or something? That’s their responsibility no one put a gun to their head and forced them to have a child. There’s something very bluepilled about the concept honour. It’s like anti Escortcels who won’t get an escort because of muh honour.
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:feelsseriously: Honour them for what? They choose to have they brought you here. You didn’t ask to be here or to have those particular parents. Honour them for giving food, shelter or something? That’s their responsibility no one put a gun to their head and forced them to have them. Theirs something very bluepilled about the concepts honour.
Yeah. I totally get what you’re saying.

But it’s simply a rule ordained by God, so I have to follow it even if I don’t understand why.
So this was like your descending idea you’re like going to ghost everything with no goodbye so it’s like easier on ya
Oh I'm telling them goodbye, I'm just never contacting them again lol. Wouldn't want people to panic and think I'm a "missing person" or something, that would just be irresponsible

my father beat me me up more than try and teach me something lmao
Damn, sorry, well we all pretty much got beat by our dads, but when you say it I'm thinking about some "come home drunk" kind of abuse, I never got that, it was more like "corporal punishment"

Your parents are probably in denial themselves.
Nope, I think we like to give people the benefit of the doubt too much and excuse their actions, all of our parents are aware of the black pill to an extent, all normies are aware of the black pill to an extent, they choose to deny it for reasons of ego, morality, religion, etc

That was one of the key points of this thread, you need to understand, your parents weren't just oblivious and didn't tell you about these things because "they didn't know any better"

They willfully decided to avoid telling you these things because they refused to come to terms with how it impacted their other beliefs, in other words THEY CHOSE THEIR EGO, MORALS, RELIGION, ETC, OVER YOU

There is no avoiding that, a parent that truly cared for their child would not let such things impeded them from advising their child to the best of their capabilities

I'll always have an immeasurable amount of contempt for being born extremely poor.
:feelskek: JFL dude not everybody is going to be born rich or well off, that's not their fault, think about it, poverty is usually something "generational", your parents were probably born poor too, it takes generations to get out of poverty in some cases
I truly despise upper class people who act like they have challenges in life :feelsseriously:
This I agree with
And moneymaxxing is hardly an answer because even if you get a good job you're still so far behind compared to upper class people.
You weren't born in a family that left for you a place to live? Good luck slaving away for 10-30 years to afford a roof over your head
When I say "wealthmaxxing" I'm not talking about a job
Meawhile an upper class faggot can work a dead end job or some artsy bullshit and make several times less than you yet he'll have a better quality of life because of the assets his family left him
There will always be someone who is just born to have it better than you so its an irrelevant point in my book. One should compare themselves to where they are and where they want to be, not where someone else just randomly happened to be by sheer luck, its a waste of time thinking about such things and obsessing over it

There's no point arguing "it could have been better" because one could also argue "it could have been worse"
If you start from nothing it'll take you decades to get into a comfortable position even with a 6 figure income :feelsseriously:
Depends on what field you are working in, but most men statistically don't reach their "financial stride" till the age of 35, so a lot of us have a good few years to go

Its a good thing that most real Christian girls haven’t ridden the cock carousel
No True Scotsman fallacy on top of being delusional, nice combo :feelskek:

No such thing as "real" Christian girls, its fallacious to even argue this anymore at this point in history, every "Christian" girl I've met was not even a virgin, a friend of mines even got one of them to suck his dick on the night of their first date

You are forgetting something really simple:

When men are no longer forcing them to obey God's law through threat of violence or death, they will not adhere to it, and they will whore around, that is their nature

Christian girls are usually more repressed so they act out even more, its the reason why most girls in those "All Female" catholic schools are the biggest whores around
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I'll always have an immeasurable amount of contempt for being born extremely poor. So many opportunities in life were missed out on because of this. I've had to work so much harder because of this

I truly despise upper class people who act like they have challenges in life :feelsseriously:

And moneymaxxing is hardly an answer because even if you get a good job you're still so far behind compared to upper class people.
You weren't born in a family that left for you a place to live? Good luck slaving away for 10-30 years to afford a roof over your head

Meawhile an upper class faggot can work a dead end job or some artsy bullshit and make several times less than you yet he'll have a better quality of life because of the assets his family left him

If you start from nothing it'll take you decades to get into a comfortable position even with a 6 figure income :feelsseriously:
Spot on. There was a statistic I read that something like 60% of American households can't afford an unexpected $500 bill. 4 months of missed mortgages (if they even have a mortgage) and they are foreclosed.

Lots of people are broke and/or in debt. Have children with mediocre wages and salaries. Those children grow up and are brought into the cycle of barely getting by. A lot of the times (especially nowadays) doing worst than their parents.

Also, I simply don't buy it that a lot of poor kids end up working for google, facebook, twitter, etc... These kids came from upper middle class backgrounds and went to standford, berkeley, harvard, etc... Or if theyre a foid working there in some non-tech position, most likely have some shitty BA degree and is tens of thousands of dollars in debt. That could be paid off within two years with their salaries.
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:feelskek: JFL dude not everybody is going to be born rich or well off, that's not their fault, think about it, poverty is usually something "generational", your parents were probably born poor too, it takes generations to get out of poverty in some cases
No. My mom was upper middle class but decided to try her luck and emigrate to the west only to become bottom 5% poor there and live in squalor
But it’s simply a rule ordained by God, so I have to follow it even if I don’t understand why.
You do realize that this sounds exactly like the blue pilled morals that society tells you to believe right, why don't you follow those beliefs too then even if you don't "understand why" you should follow them? :feelskek:

At some point in your life you're going to have to stop being a hypocrite when it comes to "being logical", you can't apply logic to some things in your life, and then other things are "sacred" and "off limits", else you can't hold anyone to a standard then because whatever you are criticizing could be their "sacred thing" or their thing that is "off limits"

You can't have it both ways
No. My mom was upper middle class but decided to try her luck and emigrate to the west only to become bottom 5% poor there and live in squalor
JFL damn, but here's the thing, if she didn't do that you wouldn't have been born anyways (I guess you might see that as a good thing though)

Either way I'm glad I was born, because I know I'm not going to follow in their footsteps, I'm going to escape the rat race
I don't blame my parents for any of that. They were raised in a vastly different culture where people were married off in their late teens and early 20s at most to some partner of their parent's choosing. And that's what they planned for me and raised me to be. Betabux husband of a stay at home wife. They couldn't have anticipated the changing dating market of this era.

Same thing financially. How could they advice me about financial independence. My father made his fortune in wageslave then retired at the age of 42 putting all his earnings in funds thus achieving financial independence. He does try to get me into investing but how can he help further if he doesn't know first thing about it himself. But atleast my family has always been prudent with money so I have that.

Though wasting his time playing games is one thing my hypothetical son won't be doing. If I get the opportunity I will make sure of that.
I don't blame my parents for any of that. They were raised in a vastly different culture where people were married off in their late teens and early 20s at most to some partner of their parent's choosing.
That's not a valid excuse because parents are supposed to give GUIDANCE, something that you can't properly do if you aren't giving your children advice based on THE CURRENT REALITY

Your logic is like saying you can't blame someone for giving you an old outdated map when they send you out to find something you need, and they know full well the map is old and outdated

It is a parents DUTY to be informed about the world, current social norms, etc, in order to properly advise their children

I literally talked about this in the thread, this point you made here has already been refuted

"Were from a different time" IS NOT A VALID EXCUSE, because as a parent you have to advise your children ABOUT THE CURRENT TIME

There's a reason why "Lazy Parenting" is used throughout this thread and in the thread title, it's the "theme" of the thread

You are just excusing your parents for being lazy tbh, they didn't really care if you had an amazing and enjoyable life, like I said in the thread, you just "being alive" is enough because its proof of their success in procreating
A lot of people don't seem to get that your parents aren't parenting FOR YOU, they are doing it for themselves. Parenting as it stands today is a very selfish thing, the average parent deludes themselves into thinking that they do it for their child, but they are doing it because that child is their investment (those are two completely different things)

Children are "self affirming" investments. Your parents don't need you to be satisfied with life to yield a "return" on their investment, they just need you to merely be alive. That's enough to stroke their ego as "creators"

A lot of us are in fact going to end up betabuxxing some whore that jumps off the cock carousel (there are a lot of simps in the incel community), and when she gets pregnant that's another win for your parents, they don't give a fuck if that was what you wanted or the best choice for you, you getting a woman pregnant carries on their genes into the future, they win

Like I've talked about before in another thread about parents and parenting, your parents don't love you, they love the "idea of you" (what you represent):
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It is a parents DUTY to be informed about the world, current social norms, etc, in order to properly advise their children
They already have too much on their pallet for that. Different cultural contexts means different priorities. They prioritised the things that worked in their times
They already have too much on their pallet for that
Dude WTF are you even talking about?

The average parent is an average IQ wage slave drone, what is it that they "have on their plate" that keeps them from telling their 15 year old son that being short is going to make their life way more difficult?

You are just making some ridiculous excuses right now, and its clear that your attachment to (and reverence for) your parents is keeping you from thinking honestly about all of this

It takes literally no effort at all do anything I talked about, the average parent isn't spending all their time and brain power thinking about complicated issues, so no, I call bullshit on the "too much on their plate"

Different cultural contexts means different priorities. They prioritised the things that worked in their times
You are literally just repeating the same argument over and over

It is not a valid excuse

"They are from a different time" is not a valid excuse, because times are always changing. Your parents did many different things in life based on cultural and economic changes (choosing careers, buying a house, investments, insurance, etc), that is 100% a fact

But all of a sudden when it comes to parenting they can only parent based on old information?

Your parents have common sense when they need it but become retards when you needed their common sense?

Stop making excuses for them
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Dude WTF are you even talking about?

The average parent is an average IQ wage slave drone, what is it that they "have on their plate" that keeps them from telling their 15 year old son that being short is going to make their life way more difficult?

You are just making some ridiculous excuses right now, and its clear that your attachment to (and reverence of) your parents is keeping you from thinking honestly about all of this

It takes literally no effort at all do anything I talked about, the average parent isn't spending all their time and brain power thinking about complicated issues, so no, I call bullshit on the "too much on their plate"

You are literally just repeating the same argument over and over

It is not a valid excuse

"They are from a different time" is not a valid excuse, because times change, your parents did many different things in life based on cultural and economic changes in their life (choosing careers, buying a house, investments, insurance, etc), that is 100% a fact

But all of a sudden when it comes to parenting they can only parent based on old information?

Your parents have common sense when they need it but become retards when you needed their common sense?

Stop making excuses for them
I don't have any undue reverence for my parents. There are things they could've done to make my life a lot easier and better. And there's no excuse for that. But I can't blame them for things they didn't understand or had no control over.
But I can't blame them for things they didn't understand or had no control over.
You don't get the point


Your parents aren't retarded they are average, you think regular old people don't notice the changes in the dating world?

You are conflating their moral/religious "hang ups" with them being ignorant of social changes (moral and/or religious people deny reality)

Your (our) parents advised you (us) based on the morals and/or religious values they wanted us to have, regardless of how they knew it would have negatively impacted our "sex lives" (or our lives period). In fact they probably saw it as a good thing because a "sex life" is immoral so keeping you in that state would be a "blessing" or a "good thing"

I'll repeat it again incase you missed a key point in this thread:
To my fellow incels, here is why your parents failed you:
Their morals wouldn't allow IT
Their religious beliefs wouldn't allow IT

By "IT", I mean them telling you the harsh objective truths of reality that parents don't want to tell their sons (the black pill), and would rather have them "figure it out later in life" (AGAIN, LAZY PARENTING)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that short guys barely get dates or sex (if any at all)?

They did, they just chose not to talk about it because its an uncomfortable truth of life that they can't "moral away" or "pray away", and telling you about it challenges those beliefs. So they'd rather mentally block out such things and leave you suffer, fail and figure it out yourself (NO GUIDANCE)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that "nice guys" get treated like trash (despite advising that you act like a "nice guy")?

Its the same thing like above, your parents can't "moral away" or "pray away" this reality. Your mother especially would rather not talk about it because it also makes her look like a "bad person". She probably only dated and fucked "bad boys", that doesn't sound so "moral" or "religious" does it? :feelskek: (which is exactly why mothers will avoid thinking about or talking about this with their sons)

I'll say it again, your parents aren't blind, they saw what you were growing into, they knew you would need to have money, or power, or status to even have a sex life one day, but they blocked those kinds of "negative" thoughts out because they'd much rather sacrifice you in order to cling to their morals and religious beliefs. You have to understand that your parents chose those things over you, if not you would already have been black pilled by your father and/or mother during your teens

Don't look to your parents for sympathy, empathy or understanding when it comes to our lives as incels


Its the reason why they refused to be honest with you about life, and accept the harsh truths we needed them to bestow upon us




Your parents aren't idiots, they can see the world for what it is, they chose "God" and/or "morality" over you, over your personal satisfaction, because it was "too taboo" to discuss these harsh realities with you

Now I don't fault my parents for doing that, who am I to expect someone to choose me over GOD?


Here's the thing, like I said in my post, SOMEBODY HAS TO CHOOSE ME, so I CHOOSE ME. I'll put me first, this is exactly why I'm on the path I'm on right now

Nobody in our lives has ever really "chosen us", were going to have to choose to put ourselves first
One of the smartest on the forum.
How old are you @BlkPillPres ?

The moment I set myself up good, I'm gone forever from my current life, I'm not even joking

I'm changing my name
I'm leaving my country
I'm deleting all of my contacts
I'm never contacting anyone from my current life again
I'm never going back to my country or my home
I knew a guy on another site who grew up in a Jehovah witness cult, left it at 18 but It was already too late,the damage was done. His whole upbringing was revolved around the cult, his only friends were the other kids there,he studied and socialized with them all of his life up until 18.
But he saw that the cult was a dead end and he decided to "flip the table". Leave for another country and abandon everything.
Didnt read nigga :feelskek:
But i wouldnt say they failed me, I just dont care about independence of any type as a goal, considering it wont change shit about my inceldom
Hardwork is a fools best friend
That's what happens when you have NT parents who assume you're some NT that automatically knows to chase status and success. Even worse if they're distant from you emotionally (won't have important conversations).

Ridiculous how much we've had to figure out on our own.

Not only did they think it was a brilliant idea to pass on their awful genes, and send you to public school among other normal-looking white children, but then they also decided to not tell you about it, about how your looks were bad, about how much your entire fucking life was over from the start because of your face.

Then you had to figure it out all on your own, while being psychologically fucked beyond belief, because you didn't understand why you couldn't have a proper social life like anyone else; thus losing some of the most precious time in your life (15yo to 25yo) trying to personality-max and fashion-max.
Oh and of course they didn't tell you anything about how to make a good living, how to succeed, how to be motivated, how to chose the right path of career or wealth making. Nothing at all.

They basically just threw you in the arena and that was it. Fucking low-iq dumb fucks.

I agree with literally all you said @BlkPillPres.

Our only way out of hell is money. Get rich or rope trying.
There is literally nothing else for us to do.

Not only did they think it was a brilliant idea to pass on their awful genes, and send you to public school among other normal-looking white children, but then they also decided to not tell you about it, about how your looks were bad, about how much your entire fucking life was over from the start because of your face.

Then you had to figure it out all on your own, while being psychologically fucked beyond belief, because you didn't understand why you couldn't have a proper social life like anyone else; thus losing some of the most precious time in your life (15yo to 25yo) trying to personality-max and fashion-max.
Oh and of course they didn't tell you anything about how to make a good living, how to succeed, how to be motivated, how to chose the right path of career or wealth making. Nothing at all.

They basically just threw you in the arena and that was it. Fucking low-iq dumb fucks.

I agree with literally all you said @BlkPillPres.

Our only way out of hell is money. Get rich or rope trying.
There is literally nothing else for us to do.

The sad thing is that the greatest betrayal any of us will experience in life is knowing that our parents refused to be honest with us and give us a chance at happiness, because they wanted to cling to a sense of morality or religious beliefs

They chose these things over us, and that is betrayal

This is why I hold no allegiance even to my parents, they already abandoned me in the worst possible way, they pushed me towards a path that leads to failure, and ironically then your parents berate you for the life you have now, its like they have no self awareness that this was the result of their lack of proper guidance
I grew up not only being on the short side (I'm really lucky that I'm even 5'7", I was really really short as a kid), and on top of that I'm not attractive facially, and then on top of that I didn't even end up with big dick despite being dark skinned as fuck (what the fuck kind of set up is that, God is seriously fucking with me here :feelskek:)

Grew up poor too

I hold no resentment for my parents for any of those things, those were outside of their control for the most part, but I definitely resent them for the fact that I had to DISCOVER THE BLACK PILL (THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE TO ME)

I definitely hold resentment towards my parents for not being honest with me about how this world works (when it comes to looks, money and status) and the importance of pursuing financial freedom rather than the safety of a 9 to 5 job by "studying hard" (which will not benefit an unattractive man in this world)

I should not have had to learn of all these harsh truths that determine my quality of life, in my 20's, from random fuckers on the internet :feelskek:




That is some sad shit

An unattractive guy can't have an enjoyable life if he is lacking resources (that is fucking rule #1 that we should have been taught from 15 years old and onward)

Guess what, our parents fucking knew that and still (like most lazy fucking parents) gave us a cookie cutter religious/moral upbringing with no focus on wealth building or investing

So now, I as an individual, has to fucking rush to try and build these high income skills and discover all these opportunities myself, so I can squeeze out some enjoyment in life before I fucking hit my 40's (before my body starts going to shit lol). Forty is a good few years away, I'm still in my 20's, but I doubt I'm going to have financial freedom before I reach my 30's

I'm never going to have any children, I don't want the burden, I've lost too many years of enjoyment already so my life will be about me and me only at this point

But if I did have a son, I would make him the luckiest son ever. I'd be honest with him about the world from the get go, no nonsense like Santa, I'd want him to "find magic in the world" not from fairy tales or religion, but from science, discovery and satisfaction in leisure.

He can do all the gaming he wants but every weekend we'd have to study trading (be it forex, stocks, etc) and some of all the other things I do to bring in money (high income skills)

I'd want him to be set up so that even if he turned out unattractive he'd never have to worry about lacking resources and opportunities, he'd never have to feel the anxiety of "running out of time" because you now have to play "catch up".

Not even "catch up" with everyone else (because we aren't even in the same plane of existence), but "catch up" relative to "incel criteria". We can cope about having the same goals as normies (wife, children, etc) but in our case they require vastly more resources to achieve

All of this because our parents refused to be honest with us

Its sad really, a lot of us were doomed because our parents wanted to paint a fairy tale world for us:
They saw how we were developing
They saw how short we were and the slow rate we were growing at
They saw how average and below average our faces were
They saw how socially awkward we were
They saw the slow social changes that were taking place in society
Etc, etc, etc

But, EVEN THEN, they still refused to try and adapt their parenting to our circumstances, so that we could build a life suited to our conditions. You know, like a caring parent actually should


They didn't tell you about Santa Claus because they felt like your belief in this being, was core to some key psychological development that you needed to prepare you to become successful in life. There was no logic or planning behind it.

They told you about Santa Claus, BECAUSE EVERYBODY ELSE'S PARENTS DOES, and because its about THEM collecting all these "cute memories" for THEMSELVES to reminisce over

A lot of people don't seem to get that your parents aren't parenting FOR YOU, they are doing it for themselves. Parenting as it stands today is a very selfish thing, the average parent deludes themselves into thinking that they do it for their child, but they are doing it because that child is their investment (those are two completely different things)

Children are "self affirming" investments. Your parents don't need you to be satisfied with life to yield a "return" on their investment, they just need you to merely be alive. That's enough to stroke their ego as "creators"

A lot of us are in fact going to end up betabuxxing some whore that jumps off the cock carousel (there are a lot of simps in the incel community), and when she gets pregnant that's another win for your parents, they don't give a fuck if that was what you wanted or the best choice for you, you getting a woman pregnant carries on their genes into the future, they win

Like I've talked about before in another thread about parents and parenting, your parents don't love you, they love the "idea of you" (what you represent):

This section from that post pertains to HOW and WHY your parents "love" you:

Parents don't really care as much as they think they do, this is exactly why when they have a child with the potential to become an "incel" they fail completely when it comes to raising that child to have a satisfying life, because raising such a child to have an enjoyable and successful life, requires you to make self sacrifice with certain beliefs, and be more pragmatic, objective and even COLD in what you teach them about life. It may "hurt your heart" as a parent but your son will 100% thank you for it later in life when he sees how other incels are doing when they lack resources and make blue pilled life choices

To my fellow incels, here is why your parents failed you:
Their morals wouldn't allow IT
Their religious beliefs wouldn't allow IT

By "IT", I mean them telling you the harsh objective truths of reality that parents don't want to tell their sons (the black pill), and would rather have them "figure it out later in life" (AGAIN, LAZY PARENTING)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that short guys barely get dates or sex (if any at all)?

They did, they just chose not to talk about it because its an uncomfortable truth of life that they can't "moral away" or "pray away", and telling you about it challenges those beliefs. So they'd rather mentally block out such things and leave you suffer, fail and figure it out yourself (NO GUIDANCE)

Do you think your parents (especially your mother) didn't know that "nice guys" get treated like trash (despite advising that you act like a "nice guy")?

Its the same thing like above, your parents can't "moral away" or "pray away" this reality. Your mother especially would rather not talk about it because it also makes her look like a "bad person". She probably only dated and fucked "bad boys", that doesn't sound so "moral" or "religious" does it? :feelskek: (which is exactly why mothers will avoid thinking about or talking about this with their sons)

Mothers also don't talk about these things because they don't want their sons to look at them in a negative light, because talking about these things brings up obvious questions: - "Mom, what kind of men did you date?"

Pretty much all of our mothers are the same kind of woman that would reject us

That's a painful irony for her. She spent years rejecting certain traits, and now she has to see these traits in her own offspring

But like most parents today, she just wanted to be able to give the lazy cookie cutter advice, and not look at the changes in the dating market, the stats for marriage and divorce, etc, and take these social changes into account when deciding how she will raise her son. Same thing with the father too.

In fact I'd argue more that your father ESPECIALLY should have done this. You can't really expect women to be forthcoming and honest, our fathers were supposed to black pill us.

Parents do LAZY PARENTING, because it requires TOO MUCH EFFORT (more effort than they are willing to put into parenting) TO PROPERLY GUIDE INCEL SONS TOWARDS A PROSPEROUS FUTURE

Yet talk to some of the incels on this site and you speak of your parents (especially your mothers) like they are saints or something. Its like you have no self awareness of how much THEY TRULY FAILED YOU




That's the scary thing about self delusion, they think they care a lot about you, but their actions reflect that they just care about THE INVESTMENT THAT IS "YOU"

Your satisfaction doesn't matter, you were "supposed to" yield "X returns" as an investment, you were supposed to be "normal" and "attractive", and only "X minimal investment" (cookie cutter upbringing) was "supposed to be" required for you to yield "X returns", and that's why they didn't take the time and effort to observe the changing world and your inferior traits, and alter your upbringing to be suited to this world

The average parent is self centered and lazy, and only having a child for the "experience of raising a child"

THEY DID NOT PUT MUCH THOUGHT INTO YOUR UPBRINGING AT ALL (and you have to come to terms with that, its the reason why your life is where it is now)

The funny thing is, now all of a sudden when I've reached this point in my life, people act like I'm supposed to have some kind of reverence for my parents

But I don't feel like that at all, I am grateful for the food, the shelter, the clothing, the opportunity to be educated, etc, but those things are all the basic bare minimum things that DON'T MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO HAVING A HAPPY LIFE AS AN UNATTRACTIVE MALE

I'll say it again, your parents aren't blind, they saw what you were growing into, they knew you would need to have money, or power, or status to even have a sex life one day, but they blocked those kinds of "negative" thoughts out because they'd much rather sacrifice you in order to cling to their morals and religious beliefs. You have to understand that your parents chose those things over you, if not you would already have been black pilled by your father and/or mother during your teens

The only thing I can do now is rush towards my goals and focus on wealthmaxxing. Be diligent so I can get to where I want to be financially as soon as possible

The moment I set myself up good, I'm gone forever from my current life, I'm not even joking

I'm changing my name
I'm leaving my country
I'm deleting all of my contacts
I'm never contacting anyone from my current life again
I'm never going back to my country or my home

I'm starting an entirely new life and leaving my old trash life behind (I'm "going ghost")

Whether my family or friends of the past are "ok" with it and can "move on" is not my concern, I'm the one who is stuck in the shitty life I am in now and has to live with it everyday

Its not an enjoyable existence to wake up everyday and think about killing yourself, think about how peaceful it would be if you just faded out of existence when you go the bed later that day. Having to push yourself forward each day for that one singular goal, that future you are working towards that you've yearned after for so many years

My incel life has literally burned away any sense of attachment that I hold for my country, my family, my friends, anything in my life period

Its like I care for them TO AN EXTENT, but I hate my existence more than I care for anything

That's why I won't feel any regret or "miss" anyone, because as far as I'm concerned this universe has robbed me of enough of my life, and all the free time and focus I have left should be about me making up for lost time and enjoying the years I have left. Not "chatting with friends" or helping family members out with their problems

The rest of my life is going to be about me and ONLY ME, because somebody has to put me first, and it isn't going to be anybody but me. To all the incels reading, you better realize that this goes for you too and start working on what you need to when it comes to your finances, because you aren't going to have even a remotely enjoyable 30's or 40's or so on without financial freedom, you are delusional if you think otherwise

A sexless life with video games, anime and porn is not something that will satisfy a man in his 30's, you can keep coping and telling yourself that it will be enough, but it won't. A lot of you guys are going to wake up trapped in a twilight zone episode. I've already spent years thinking about this shit and I can see where things are going, I will probably kill myself if I am still in my current life at the age of 30

Financial freedom is a must for unattractive males, all of our parents should have made that a focus but they didn't, so here we are, in our 20's and our lives are going nowhere with no direction except a path that leads towards wage slavery and betabuxxing a whore who gets off of the cock carousel. Things aren't looking too good for us right now

Again, statistically about 97 percent of men and 98 percent of women ages 25 to 44 aren't virgins, and most people are still getting married, so a lot of you guys reading this saying to yourself - "I would never betabuxx, I will never give up on love" is just coping, because you don't seem to realize that your obsession with "being loved" and your obsession with "female validation", IS EXACTLY WHY YOU ARE GOING TO "GIVE IN" AND END UP SETTLING FOR USED COCK CAROUSEL GOODS :feelskek:

You are going to experiences STANDARDS ATTRITION (more on that in the thread below):

This current thread you are reading is also very much related to a thread I previously made about parenting:

This section from the top of the post is very relevant:

Our parents like most parents went with strategy #2, because again, LAZY COOKIE CUTTER PARENTING - "let teens figure out all the fucked up things about reality themselves because I don't want to feel bad"

Our parents, if they were PROPER PARENTS who cared about our quality of life, should have adopted strategy #1 in our cases, because we could not afford to be raised like every other child and still have enjoyable lives, and the state of our current lives is a testament to that fact (our lives are trash and will only get worse unless we go to extremes to change it)

So yes our parents did fail us, and they will continue to fail us

Don't look to your parents for sympathy, empathy or understanding when it comes to our lives as incels


Its the reason why they refused to be honest with you about life, and accept the harsh truths we needed them to bestow upon us

Its also the same reason why they will ignore you trying to tell them about it and dismiss all the studies, facts, figures or personal experience you have

The only thing we can do is focus on the financial opportunities we have before us, and work on trying to climb our way out of our hell hole lives ourselves

But after I do all of that shit, I don't know about you guys, but I'm cutting all ties

No family or friend is going to become a burden to me, I won't be anyone's handout

After I struggle to get myself into financial freedom, my life becomes about me and only me

Only leisure, pleasure and pursuing my interests will matter to me at that stage of my life, everybody and everything else will be left behind in the past, and to me that is the most logical path for any incel to take at this point
High IQ and woke. My Subhuman low IQ curry parents refused to tell me the truth. The only value an ugly shitskin has is the money in his bank account and his salary. Good thing is I am 20%-30% on the way to my financial goals. But if I had been Blackpilled earlier and forced to learn money maxxing skills back in middle school, maybe by now I would be truly financially free travel maxxing. but for now I must put up with the grind and farm money and try projects to get passive income streams running. At my current rate it will take till 45-50 to retire. I am trying my best to speed it to 40-45, hopefully I can find a way to do this. I will keep spamming ideas till I get there.
my father beat me me up more than try and teach me something lmao
same nigger was low IQ as fuck
I'll always have an immeasurable amount of contempt for being born extremely poor. So many opportunities in life were missed out on because of this. I've had to work so much harder because of this

I truly despise upper class people who act like they have challenges in life :feelsseriously:

And moneymaxxing is hardly an answer because even if you get a good job you're still so far behind compared to upper class people.
You weren't born in a family that left for you a place to live? Good luck slaving away for 10-30 years to afford a roof over your head

Meawhile an upper class faggot can work a dead end job or some artsy bullshit and make several times less than you yet he'll have a better quality of life because of the assets his family left him

If you start from nothing it'll take you decades to get into a comfortable position even with a 6 figure income :feelsseriously:
agreed it will take me another decade to two decades before I can finally free myself of financial slavery. God fucking damn it, more than. all of my young life is already gone due to wageslaving and now so will my middle aged years.
:feelsseriously: Honour them for what? They choose to have you, they brought you here. You didn’t ask to be here or to have those particular parents. Honour them for giving food, shelter or something? That’s their responsibility no one put a gun to their head and forced them to have a child. There’s something very bluepilled about the concept honour. It’s like anti Escortcels who won’t get an escort because of muh honour.
agreed I will be giving my parents a Hindu funeral as revenge for making me born as a poorfag Muslim. they hate Hindus and will get a Hindu funeral as a result.
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agreed I will be giving my parents a Hindu funeral as revenge for making me born as a poorfag Muslim.

I'm hoping I won't be around for my parents funeral so I won't even have to bother, I'd like to just leave everything behind and never look back

At my current rate it will take till 45-50 to retire.
I have once lost 75,000 usd in one day due to bad risk management and using too much margin. but thankfully was able to recover over 2 years and eventually end up gaining 150k+ total so far across 4-5 year journey of swing trading

Why 45 to 50?

Don't you already have like 150K, if you are trading then it wouldn't take you long at all even if you are trading 1% of your account, are you in your 30's already?
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My dad wasted nearly half a million in 2-3 months in Morocco spending it on hookers, expensive clothes and just the nightlife. Then he bought a house for 250k and sold it for 60k because the house got flooded. Soon after we were poor, few years later and he wasted all our savings on crypto scams. He literally fell for the BitConnect scam even though I warned him, but he's a narcissistic piece of shit so he never listened to me.

Last year he took all of our money and left, never to return.

I know all about shitty parents.
Could you please find him and kill him on my behalf lol

He owes you some money too, be sure to torture the accounts out of him before you off him

I would hold no attachments to anyone who did something like that to me
ANOTHER 5 star post homie.

that’s exactly how my parents raised me. I was something like 5th percentile in height all the way until the middle of high school, goofy looking and frail, and was bullied and friendless since PRESCHOOL, and the extent of my dad’s parenting was “ignore everything and get good grades, or else I’ll hit you”. Was always on constant punishment. Dad used to threaten me if I ever made any efforts to fit in. Grades got me nowhere. Was too demoralized by the end of high school to bother with anything, so I just dropped out. College was off the table. I legitimately would rather starve to death under a bridge than spend another second near my peers. I’m 27 now and have nothing. My peers having been fucking for the past ~12 years, some are married, some have children. My life is absolutely intolerable. The point of school was never to get good grades and studycel 24/7. It’s to have sex, making friends, hanging out, and not become a misfit. That shit is magnitudes more consequential than any GPA. What good would all the PHDs in the world do for me if I can’t even go outside without breaking out into sweats and having a panic attack? It’s pretty backwards, I could have done anything I wanted if I wasn’t handicapped by lack of social and sexual experiences, and the absence of any form of primal motivation. Simply helping me have friends and have sex would have been all the investment they ever needed to put in, as I’d have the life, energy, and vigor to do things, versus constant helicopter parenting that will probably yield a future suicide.. Parents did nothing when I went bald at 18. Dad told me to “just be happy with the way you” (he’s a 5’7” guy who is visibly dissatisfied with his height, and would do anything to become taller). Mom is as insentient as they come, and once failed the 5’2” bald Indian litmus test I gave her to gauge the degree of honesty she is willing to volunteer. She legitimately thinks women make mate choice based on personality, character, kindness, morality, and education level. Does not see the elephant in the room of her son drowning in loneliness as a direct consequence of her dysgenic mate choice. So she didn’t see a problem with my baldness. Well I’ve been bald for 9 years now, almost 10. No relationships, no experiences, and no hope to ever have them.. My dad, on top of the short height he passed to me, has Tourette’s and passed it on to my brother and I. My brother inexplicably escaped all the death sentences. His symptoms are very mild, almost unnoticeable, while mine, at times can be extremely debilitating (for a few weeks during the summer it is difficult to even speak, and sometimes some tics are actually painful to execute), he’s a chad, 17 years old now and onto his 5th or 6th girlfriend (total HQNP). I blackpilled him at 12/13 and he’s extremely grateful I did. Anyways. Parents paid zero mind to my unforgivable sexual and social death sentence traits, and just said “get good grades or else violence”. I know the importance of a father in a son’s life, but I question if I would have been better off without a dad. If random men came over to fuck my mom, maybe one or two of them could given me me something of value. The slightest modicum of practical life advice would eclipse all of my dad’s “contributions” to my life.

to this day, my parents have never approached me with something along the lines of “hey, you’re almost 28 and you’ve never had a girlfriend. What’s up?”. Even if they legitimately have no idea why I don’t have a girlfriend, it has never struck them as odd, unusual, or tragic that I find myself in this position. Their great advice for me is still “go to college and get a job”.. fuck them, they are so clueless.. Makes me sad I’ll never have kids because I would be one hell of a father.

I can’t stress how UNIMPORTANT education is compared to the myriad things that parents just assume their kids will experience. NOTHING in the universe can make up for lacking in those experiences. IT CANNOT be made up for, and you will NEVER get over it. Their consequences will become more catastrophic as you get older. It seems like parents think their kid will be “atleast average” and will be one of those people who takes relationships and experiences for granted.

it’s all fucked. Wish this site existed when I was 12. The PSLsphere has been an infinitely better father figure to me than my own father. I regret how late I discovered it. But atleast I got in in time to learn all this, figure some stuff out, and help my brother out with a wealth of knowledge about how the world works. It’s too late for me. I will be 28 In November, creeping up on norwood 4, with social anxiety and the general consequences of bullying, loneliness, and a lost youth growing in magnitude by the day. I’m on the verge of waking up in that twilight zone episode.
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ANOTHER 5 star post homie.

that’s exactly how my parents raised me. I was something like 5th percentile in height all the way until the middle of high school, goofy looking and frail, and was bullied and friendless since PRESCHOOL, and the extent of my dad’s parenting was “ignore everything and get good grades, or else I’ll hit you”. Was always on constant punishment. Dad used to threaten me if I ever made any efforts to fit in. Grades got me nowhere. Was too demoralized by the end of high school to bother with anything, so I just dropped out. College was off the table. I legitimately would rather starve to death under a bridge than spend another second near my peers. I’m 27 now and have nothing. My peers having been fucking for the past ~12 years, some are married, some have children. My life is absolutely intolerable. The point of school was never to get good grades and studycel 24/7. It’s to have sex, making friends, hanging out, and not become a misfit. That shit is magnitudes more consequential than any GPA. What good would all the PHDs in the world do for me if I can’t even go outside without breaking out into sweats and having a panic attack? It’s pretty backwards, I could have done anything I wanted if I wasn’t handicapped by lack of social and sexual experiences, and the absence of any form of primal motivation. Simply helping me have friends and have sex would have been all the investment they ever needed to put in, as I’d have the life, energy, and vigor to do things, versus constant helicopter parenting that will probably yield a future suicide.. Parents did nothing when I went bald at 18. Dad told me to “just be happy with the way you” (he’s a 5’7” guy who is visibly dissatisfied with his height, and would do anything to become taller). Mom is as insentient as they come, and once failed the 5’2” bald Indian litmus test I gave her to gauge the degree of honesty she is willing to volunteer. She legitimately thinks women make mate choice based on personality, character, kindness, morality, and education level. Does not see the elephant in the room of her son drowning in loneliness as a direct consequence of her dysgenic mate choice. So she didn’t see a problem with my baldness. Well I’ve been bald for 9 years now, almost 10. No relationships, no experiences, and no hope to ever have them.. My dad, on top of the short height he passed to me, has Tourette’s and passed it on to my brother and I. My brother inexplicably escaped all the death sentences. His symptoms are very mild, almost unnoticeable, while mine, at times can be extremely debilitating (for a few weeks during the summer it is difficult to even speak, and sometimes some tics are actually painful to execute), he’s a chad, 17 years old now and onto his 5th or 6th girlfriend (total HQNP). I blackpilled him at 12/13 and he’s extremely grateful I did. Anyways. Parents paid zero mind to my unforgivable sexual and social death sentence traits, and just said “get good grades or else violence”. I know the importance of a father in a son’s life, but I question if I would have been better off without a dad. If random men came over to fuck my mom, maybe one or two of them could given me me something of value. The slightest modicum of practical life advice would eclipse all of my dad’s “contributions” to my life.

to this day, my parents have never approached me with something along the lines of “hey, you’re almost 28 and you’ve never had a girlfriend. What’s up?”. Even if they legitimately have no idea why I don’t have a girlfriend, it has never struck them as odd, unusual, or tragic that I find myself in this position. Their great advice for me is still “go to college and get a job”.. fuck them, they are so clueless.. Makes me sad I’ll never have kids because I would be one hell of a father.

I can’t stress how UNIMPORTANT education is compared to the myriad things that parents just assume their kids will experience. NOTHING in the universe can make up for lacking in those experiences. IT CANNOT be made up for, and you will NEVER get over it. Their consequences will become more catastrophic as you get older. It seems like parents think their kid will be “atleast average” and will be one of those people who takes relationships and experiences for granted.

it’s all fucked. Wish this site existed when I was 12. The PSLsphere has been an infinitely better father figure to me than my own father. I regret how late I discovered it. But atleast I got in in time to learn all this, figure some stuff out, and help my brother out with a wealth of knowledge about how the world works. It’s too late for me. I will be 28 In November, creeping up on norwood 4, with social anxiety and the general consequences of bullying, loneliness, and a lost youth growing in magnitude by the day. I’m on the verge of waking up in that twilight zone episode.
Do you have any paths you could pursue to attain financial freedom (at least by age 35)?

You don't have to be a millionaire to start enjoying life, for me the first stage of being wealthmaxxed is having passive income enough to pay your bills, buy food, clothing, etc, and be able to pay for sex at least once a week
Do you have any paths you could pursue to attain financial freedom (at least by age 35)?

You don't have to be a millionaire to start enjoying life, for me the first stage of being wealthmaxxed is having passive income enough to pay your bills, buy food, clothing, etc, and be able to pay for sex at least once a week
sent PM
Does this also apply to 3rd worldcels? Since financial freedom is much harder to achieve
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My dad wasted nearly half a million in 2-3 months in Morocco spending it on hookers, expensive clothes and just the nightlife. Then he bought a house for 250k and sold it for 60k because the house got flooded. Soon after we were poor, few years later and he wasted all our savings on crypto scams. He literally fell for the BitConnect scam even though I warned him, but he's a narcissistic piece of shit so he never listened to me.

Last year he took all of our money and left, never to return.

I know all about shitty parents.


ANOTHER 5 star post homie.

that’s exactly how my parents raised me. I was something like 5th percentile in height all the way until the middle of high school, goofy looking and frail, and was bullied and friendless since PRESCHOOL, and the extent of my dad’s parenting was “ignore everything and get good grades, or else I’ll hit you”. Was always on constant punishment. Dad used to threaten me if I ever made any efforts to fit in. Grades got me nowhere. Was too demoralized by the end of high school to bother with anything, so I just dropped out. College was off the table. I legitimately would rather starve to death under a bridge than spend another second near my peers. I’m 27 now and have nothing. My peers having been fucking for the past ~12 years, some are married, some have children. My life is absolutely intolerable. The point of school was never to get good grades and studycel 24/7. It’s to have sex, making friends, hanging out, and not become a misfit. That shit is magnitudes more consequential than any GPA. What good would all the PHDs in the world do for me if I can’t even go outside without breaking out into sweats and having a panic attack? It’s pretty backwards, I could have done anything I wanted if I wasn’t handicapped by lack of social and sexual experiences, and the absence of any form of primal motivation. Simply helping me have friends and have sex would have been all the investment they ever needed to put in, as I’d have the life, energy, and vigor to do things, versus constant helicopter parenting that will probably yield a future suicide.. Parents did nothing when I went bald at 18. Dad told me to “just be happy with the way you” (he’s a 5’7” guy who is visibly dissatisfied with his height, and would do anything to become taller). Mom is as insentient as they come, and once failed the 5’2” bald Indian litmus test I gave her to gauge the degree of honesty she is willing to volunteer. She legitimately thinks women make mate choice based on personality, character, kindness, morality, and education level. Does not see the elephant in the room of her son drowning in loneliness as a direct consequence of her dysgenic mate choice. So she didn’t see a problem with my baldness. Well I’ve been bald for 9 years now, almost 10. No relationships, no experiences, and no hope to ever have them.. My dad, on top of the short height he passed to me, has Tourette’s and passed it on to my brother and I. My brother inexplicably escaped all the death sentences. His symptoms are very mild, almost unnoticeable, while mine, at times can be extremely debilitating (for a few weeks during the summer it is difficult to even speak, and sometimes some tics are actually painful to execute), he’s a chad, 17 years old now and onto his 5th or 6th girlfriend (total HQNP). I blackpilled him at 12/13 and he’s extremely grateful I did. Anyways. Parents paid zero mind to my unforgivable sexual and social death sentence traits, and just said “get good grades or else violence”. I know the importance of a father in a son’s life, but I question if I would have been better off without a dad. If random men came over to fuck my mom, maybe one or two of them could given me me something of value. The slightest modicum of practical life advice would eclipse all of my dad’s “contributions” to my life.

to this day, my parents have never approached me with something along the lines of “hey, you’re almost 28 and you’ve never had a girlfriend. What’s up?”. Even if they legitimately have no idea why I don’t have a girlfriend, it has never struck them as odd, unusual, or tragic that I find myself in this position. Their great advice for me is still “go to college and get a job”.. fuck them, they are so clueless.. Makes me sad I’ll never have kids because I would be one hell of a father.

I can’t stress how UNIMPORTANT education is compared to the myriad things that parents just assume their kids will experience. NOTHING in the universe can make up for lacking in those experiences. IT CANNOT be made up for, and you will NEVER get over it. Their consequences will become more catastrophic as you get older. It seems like parents think their kid will be “atleast average” and will be one of those people who takes relationships and experiences for granted.

it’s all fucked. Wish this site existed when I was 12. The PSLsphere has been an infinitely better father figure to me than my own father. I regret how late I discovered it. But atleast I got in in time to learn all this, figure some stuff out, and help my brother out with a wealth of knowledge about how the world works. It’s too late for me. I will be 28 In November, creeping up on norwood 4, with social anxiety and the general consequences of bullying, loneliness, and a lost youth growing in magnitude by the day. I’m on the verge of waking up in that twilight zone episode.

Sorry man... :cryfeels:
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I'm seriously loling hard from how long the OP is and the way he uses the red, bolded, big sized font to express his rage

@BlkPillPres never fails to surprise :feelskek:
My dad wasted nearly half a million in 2-3 months in Morocco spending it on hookers, expensive clothes and just the nightlife. Then he bought a house for 250k and sold it for 60k because the house got flooded. Soon after we were poor, few years later and he wasted all our savings on crypto scams. He literally fell for the BitConnect scam even though I warned him, but he's a narcissistic piece of shit so he never listened to me.

Last year he took all of our money and left, never to return.

I know all about shitty parents.
What a retarded subhuman your father is:feelskek:
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ANOTHER 5 star post homie.

that’s exactly how my parents raised me. I was something like 5th percentile in height all the way until the middle of high school, goofy looking and frail, and was bullied and friendless since PRESCHOOL, and the extent of my dad’s parenting was “ignore everything and get good grades, or else I’ll hit you”. Was always on constant punishment. Dad used to threaten me if I ever made any efforts to fit in. Grades got me nowhere. Was too demoralized by the end of high school to bother with anything, so I just dropped out. College was off the table. I legitimately would rather starve to death under a bridge than spend another second near my peers. I’m 27 now and have nothing. My peers having been fucking for the past ~12 years, some are married, some have children. My life is absolutely intolerable. The point of school was never to get good grades and studycel 24/7. It’s to have sex, making friends, hanging out, and not become a misfit. That shit is magnitudes more consequential than any GPA. What good would all the PHDs in the world do for me if I can’t even go outside without breaking out into sweats and having a panic attack? It’s pretty backwards, I could have done anything I wanted if I wasn’t handicapped by lack of social and sexual experiences, and the absence of any form of primal motivation. Simply helping me have friends and have sex would have been all the investment they ever needed to put in, as I’d have the life, energy, and vigor to do things, versus constant helicopter parenting that will probably yield a future suicide.. Parents did nothing when I went bald at 18. Dad told me to “just be happy with the way you” (he’s a 5’7” guy who is visibly dissatisfied with his height, and would do anything to become taller). Mom is as insentient as they come, and once failed the 5’2” bald Indian litmus test I gave her to gauge the degree of honesty she is willing to volunteer. She legitimately thinks women make mate choice based on personality, character, kindness, morality, and education level. Does not see the elephant in the room of her son drowning in loneliness as a direct consequence of her dysgenic mate choice. So she didn’t see a problem with my baldness. Well I’ve been bald for 9 years now, almost 10. No relationships, no experiences, and no hope to ever have them.. My dad, on top of the short height he passed to me, has Tourette’s and passed it on to my brother and I. My brother inexplicably escaped all the death sentences. His symptoms are very mild, almost unnoticeable, while mine, at times can be extremely debilitating (for a few weeks during the summer it is difficult to even speak, and sometimes some tics are actually painful to execute), he’s a chad, 17 years old now and onto his 5th or 6th girlfriend (total HQNP). I blackpilled him at 12/13 and he’s extremely grateful I did. Anyways. Parents paid zero mind to my unforgivable sexual and social death sentence traits, and just said “get good grades or else violence”. I know the importance of a father in a son’s life, but I question if I would have been better off without a dad. If random men came over to fuck my mom, maybe one or two of them could given me me something of value. The slightest modicum of practical life advice would eclipse all of my dad’s “contributions” to my life.

to this day, my parents have never approached me with something along the lines of “hey, you’re almost 28 and you’ve never had a girlfriend. What’s up?”. Even if they legitimately have no idea why I don’t have a girlfriend, it has never struck them as odd, unusual, or tragic that I find myself in this position. Their great advice for me is still “go to college and get a job”.. fuck them, they are so clueless.. Makes me sad I’ll never have kids because I would be one hell of a father.

I can’t stress how UNIMPORTANT education is compared to the myriad things that parents just assume their kids will experience. NOTHING in the universe can make up for lacking in those experiences. IT CANNOT be made up for, and you will NEVER get over it. Their consequences will become more catastrophic as you get older. It seems like parents think their kid will be “atleast average” and will be one of those people who takes relationships and experiences for granted.

it’s all fucked. Wish this site existed when I was 12. The PSLsphere has been an infinitely better father figure to me than my own father. I regret how late I discovered it. But atleast I got in in time to learn all this, figure some stuff out, and help my brother out with a wealth of knowledge about how the world works. It’s too late for me. I will be 28 In November, creeping up on norwood 4, with social anxiety and the general consequences of bullying, loneliness, and a lost youth growing in magnitude by the day. I’m on the verge of waking up in that twilight zone episode.

Same here basically.

Left my hometown when I was 18. Haven't spoken to my family ever since.
Had to re-educate myself entirely, because i received basically no education.

I'm 28 like you.

Even if I could make it financially, I'm not sure i could live the rest of my life with all the traumas i have, related to my wasted youth.
Same here basically.

Left my hometown when I was 18. Haven't spoken to my family ever since.
Had to re-educate myself entirely, because i received basically no education.

I'm 28 like you.

Even if I could make it financially, I'm not sure i could live the rest of my life with all the traumas i have, related to my wasted youth.
You've had a hard life, but I wouldn't give up on making your own life better, I know at this moment it feels like even if things got better it "would be enough", I have these thoughts all the time, even earlier today I felt depressed and thought "if I killed myself everything would be so peaceful"

The truth is its going to hard to get to where you want to be in life, but once you get there, you'll look back on the life you had before and laugh, and feel lucky that you didn't give up before you got to where you are now

But you have to have some means to attain that dream life, so what are you going to do?
The moment I set myself up good, I'm gone forever from my current life, I'm not even joking

I'm changing my name
I'm leaving my country
I'm deleting all of my contacts
I'm never contacting anyone from my current life again
I'm never going back to my country or my home
same but i'm too poor and mentally ill
i believe nature is more important than nurture btw
i believe nature is more important than nurture btw
Nurture is definitely stronger, you in your natural state without being thought about social norms, laws, prison, etc wouldn't be a sex starved incel, you'd be raping a woman right now

All of your morals are socialized beliefs, take away the things we were raised to believe and we become completely different people

If you were placed on an island alone with a woman and no help in sight, do you think you would care about the social norms or laws of society?

No, you'd probably rape her

Nature is just a blank slate with a few simple instructions (like firmware), nurture is like the entire operating system

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