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JFL "Femcel" complaint in a reddit post



Feb 8, 2022
I don't know where this appeared but I could not care less to bother with Reddit which is a communist hivemind. I closed my banned account there after 12 years.

News to bluepilled lurkers and commie authoritarians: no such thing as "femcel."

Yikes, I’m getting huge femcel vibes from her. A relationship isn’t something you’re entitled to sweety. Maybe work on your personality and shower first?

Her looksmatch is rotting somewhere on this forum. I wonder how many reddit numales are hitting her up in direct messages, and how many of them she didn’t respond to(all of them). Females only lose in life if they put themselves in that position.
Replace "husband" with "gigachad" For foids 7/10 is the average because bellow 6 is completely invisible to them.
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She wants a chad to commit. That's all. If she really wanted to get married, she just needs to say yes to one of her beta orbiters.
Stupid fucking toilet deserves it. She’s 29, what about all of the incels she passed up who would’ve loved to be her husband over the last 11 years. She wants this family with Chad only. This is what she gets for riding the cock carousel until her prime years have gone. This is the fate of so many women these days and I can’t wait for reality to hit these toilets like a truck
I wonder how much DM she got
So she admits the halo effect and the fact that she only goes off on looks? :feelswhere:

JFL at the biggest problem "femcels" face being not able to find someone Chad enough to have kids with. :feelshaha:
rip in pieces her inbox
female depression and loneliness is a myth
I can guarantee you that her inbox is flooded with cucks offering the exact thing she is asking for and she's just going to ignore all of them.
Won't read.

Has a vagina = Life on easy-mode
either something is horribly wrong with her or it's LARP
Should have asked before she rejected thousands of incels and low tier normies.
She obviously only wants chad when she herself is 3/10 used up slut
weird how IT won't repost this, claiming she's an evil terrorist child molester
it's almost like IT is a hate group that bullies ugly men and they don't have any real ideology beyond being bullies
Yikes, I’m getting huge femcel vibes from her. A relationship isn’t something you’re entitled to sweety. Maybe work on your personality and shower first?
Maybe she should try showering, and going to the gym to change numerically measurable traits about her body, maybe she shouldn't view men as objects to provide her with children, maybe she should get a haircut. Clearly a horrible person because as well know thanks to the wisdom of the bluepill ( :feelspuke: feels gross even saying that), the only reason someone cant find a partner is if they're a horrible evil person who doesnt shower.
it's almost like IT is a hate group that bullies ugly men and they don't have any real ideology beyond being bullies
Maybe she should try showering, and going to the gym to change numerically measurable traits about her body, maybe she shouldn't view men as objects to provide her with children, maybe she should get a haircut. Clearly a horrible person because as well know thanks to the wisdom of the bluepill ( :feelspuke: feels gross even saying that), the only reason someone cant find a partner is if they're a horrible evil person who doesnt shower.
All they have to do is follow their own advice. If it doesn’t work out Id have to wonder why. :waitwhat::waitwhat:
Yes, men leave too. But they do not have the power to rinse their wife dry of her resources. Women can, and do, to their husbands.
That's true and a good reason to sympathise with MGTOW's even though some of them are hardcore coping
probably a 400lbs landwhale

there's only one kind of femcel, landwhales lol
weird how IT won't repost this, claiming she's an evil terrorist child molester
it's almost like IT is a hate group that bullies ugly men and they don't have any real ideology beyond being bullies
There's several active fem"cel" subs on Reddit right now, but IT never bothers with them.
If you actually talk with them and propose to go on a date in a public place they will reject you.
I met a femcel and she ruined my life. She made me believe she isn’t chad only but in the end she was

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