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Blackpill Females are Psychopaths – A Socio-Historic Review



commanded to be joyful
Apr 19, 2023
In Honor of @To_Live_is_to_Serve
Rest in Peace

Females are Psychopaths – A Socio-Historic Review

While this victim of the Jesuits was being executed, I was several times obliged to turn away my face and to stop my ears as I heard his piercing shrieks, half of his body having been torn from him, but the Lambertini and the fat aunt did not budge an inch. Was it because their hearts were hardened? They told me, and I pretended to believe them, that their horror at the wretch’s wickedness prevented them feeling that compassion which his unheard-of torments should have excited.
- Giacomo Casanova, eyewitness to the execution of Robert-Françoise Damiens (1757)

There is dancing and singing around the corpses, and benches are arranged "for the ladies," delighted to witness the killing of aristocrats... A slaughterer at the Abbaye having complained that the ladies placed at a little distance saw badly, and that only a few of those present had the pleasure of striking the aristocrats, the justice of the observation is admitted, and it is decided that the victims shall be made to pass slowly between two rows of slaughterers, who shall be under the obligation to strike with the back of the sword only so as to prolong the agony.
- Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study Of The Popular Mind” (1896)

What pissed me off the most is when I talked about my elder relative who abused me when I was young . I described this fucker as bigger , stronger and taller than me and being a dark triad monster. As I talked about that , I notice this foid’s eyes flint in excitement . It freaked me out for a moment . And this foid started twirling her hair and asking me if there’s more information about him.
- @OutcastedOutcast, describing his experience speaking to a female Psychologist (2023)


Growing up, I never experienced much warmth from my mother. Any attempt to receive positive attention from her was openly rejected. Sometimes she would hurt me on purpose. As I matured and looked around more, I found myself wondering where the much touted feminine-softness was to be found.

I couldn’t see it anywhere. I have three sisters, none of which ever cared for my little brother, me or other male family members. In fact, looking back at 100 years of family history, I only saw self-serving sluts. Sluts that hurt others, sluts that abandoned and abused children. Sluts that tortured husbands. Sluts that tried to cheat with men. Sluts that cheated on men. If anything, there only seemed to be a kind of bond between female family members in maintaining the ubiquitous sluttery. I remember getting up one night to take a leak, and finding my 50 year old mother sitting on the toilet with her phone, gossiping the most hurtful gossip with my sisters.

My austim and social rejection forced me to dive into historic literature to compensate. And even there, I only found ample evidence for what I was experiencing and not what I was taught: That women are the manipulative, cruel and cold-hearted gender. That men are self-sacrificing to the point of doggishness.
As @lifefuel quotes H. L. Mencken in one of his threads:

"Women are quite without that dog-like fidelity to duty which is one of the shining marks of men. They never summon up a high pride in doing what is inherently disagreeable; they always go to the galleys under protest, and with vows of sabotage"

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” goes the saying, but it does not end there. “No woman as lustful as one engaged or witnessing acts of violence” should be another one, based on what I have read and observed. There is something deeply wrong with women, scarily so. The more I learned, the more frightened I became.
Could it really be? That we men glibly worship and seek to co-habitate with creatures that derive pleasure from causing us suffering? That get sexually aroused by scenes of bloodshed and torture?

Unfortunately I have never seen evidence to the contrary. In this thread, I will lay out some of my findings over the years and I appeal to the reader to form his own judgments.

As a foundation for my thread I am using the revised Hare Psychopathy Checklist which lists the following Items:

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioral controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behavioral
12. Early behavior problems
13. Lack of Realistic, long-term goals
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term marital relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility

Already the astute blackpiller will recognize a number of items on this list, if not the majority, that could be attributed to females in their life. Also, most items clearly overlap, such as superficial charm, sexual promiscuity, manipulation. The mere act of a woman manipulating a man with the promise of sex combines multiple psychopathic traits.

For the sake of this thread, I have collapsed some the items into one and created this outline for my thread:

1. Narcissism
(Glibness/superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Shallow Affect;)

(Pathological lying; Parasitic lifestyle; Lack of remorse or guilt; Conning/manipulative)

3. Hypersexuality
(Promiscuous sexual behavioral; Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom; Many short-term marital relationships

4. Sadism
(Callous/lack of empathy; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility)

5. Recklessness
(Poor behavioral controls; Early behavior problems, Lack of Realistic, long-term goals Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Juvenile delinquency)

My main focus is to highlight the more violent and sexual-sadistic side of women, so some of the more obvious items like narcissism, which is congruent with psychopathy, will be tackled only briefly.
Note: “Revocation of conditional release” means they will not show mercy and give you another chance. They won’t let you go on parole. If they feel hurt, they are relentless and will stalk and pursue you until you die. @Atavistic Autist can contribute something on the psychopathic drive if he wants.
On to the first point:​

1. Narcissism
(Glibness/superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Shallow Affect)
I had all the characteristics of a human being—flesh, blood, skin, hair—but my depersonalization was so intense, had gone so deep, that my normal ability to feel compassion had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure. I was simply imitating reality, a rough resemblance of a human being, with only a dim corner of my mind functioning”
- Bret Easton Ellis, “American Psycho”

a) Obsession with Appearance
Try finding pictures of women without makeup on google. Good luck, there aren’t many. Before underinformed midwits respond with pictures of women clearly wearing foundation and other products: Study up on makeup, watch a few make-up tutorials. Even in make-up tutorials, the foids don’t start without already wearing makeup. There is almost no footage of a woman without any make-up.

How is this socially acceptable for women but not men? If a man was just a tiny bit as obsessed with his own appearance as women, he would be called gay or a narcissist.
Further, women are by far the biggest group to get plastic surgery. Many, and I mean many, women you know have gotten plastic surgery. You will not be able to tell mostly.​

Although it might seem that men are catching up quickly, when it comes to having plastic surgery, this is still a woman’s game by a very large margin. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals from its 2014 plastic surgery statistics that women accounted for 92% of all cosmetic procedures, with the remaining 8% going to men. These demographic trends spell it out in big numbers this way: 13.6 million total cosmetic procedures were performed for women in 2014, while 1.3 million total cosmetic procedures were recorded for men. That means both women and men were seeking plastic surgery as well as non-invasive cosmetic treatments.”

b) Narcissistic Supply
Women thrive on attention of any kind. They are not people. Please keep this in mind. One of the core features of narcissism is the empty core. Narcissism is a lack of personhood. Narcissists are not people, they are the sum of their sources of attention. That’s why they lash out constantly but can’t take the slightest bit of critique. Their core self is one of extreme insecurity.

That means for one that they are extremely cowardly deep down. And second it means that they depend on other peoples attention, positive or negative to feel like they are alive, like they are real even. Remember, they are not people. Cutting one of their narcissistic supply lines is akin to cutting off one of their limbs, literally. That’s why women loose their mind if their supply dies down.

You can imagine it like a coma-patient hooked up to a multitude of life-supporting hoses. If just one hose is cut, his heart monitor starts screaming. This also makes women sadistic and terrified of boredom. When they are not receiving attention, they feel as if they cease to exist. They deliberately cause others pain to avoid this feeling.
One time my entire family accidentally ignored my mother for maybe two consecutive days. She fell into a deep depression.

If you think about the implications of this, you can also see how narcissism alone leads to many features of psychopathy, like hyper-sexuality, sadism, boredom, lack of empathy etc. Hence, the two conditions are viewed as unavoidably linked by psychologists.

To give two more examples: In the past I noticed that my mother is attracted to strong emotions, including suffering. When I was in my worst state of mind and just wanted to be alone, my mother would not stop pestering me. It was scary. She could not help herself but swarm to me and the pain I was radiating. Not with empathy, I must remark, but with sheer callousness. She did not hug me or listen to me when I said I need to be alone. Instead she kept barging into the room, spouting nonsense, her face weirdly glowing, like she was feeding on my energy.
Suffice to say, I was deeply disturbed.

The user I dedicated this thread to, I @To_Live_is_to_Serve, reports similar behavior in his own mother:​
To keep in my then bedroom and leaving the rest of the house to my mother before I moved away from her wasn't enough for her; she axed her way into my bedroom when I was trying to get some rest and sleep, harassed me there when my energy was low and stole any piece of clothing I was fond of. It did not help that I let her have more than what I claimed for myself; she still tried to take everything I had and break me mentally, the latter in which she was partially successful in. I would not have been able to defend my space even if I knew everything I know know because of all the right women unfortunately have.
Source: https://incels.is/threads/women-and-normies-act-in-the-following-way.195373/

I highly recommend reading some of his threads. He had lots of high IQ takes.

I propose there is also an element of hedonistic adaption at play here: The more stimulus you are exposed to, the more you need in the future to get the same pleasure out of it. For women that means, at some point causing, watching and experiencing pain becomes the only way to feel like they exist.
I recommend watching this video:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz5CX5q2osU

She basically explains how the key to hurting a narcissist is to destroy their social network, so they have no supply and kill themselves or do something stupid.

The criteria I summed up under Narcissism include: Glibness/superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Shallow Affect.
We have already gone into superficial charm, which is just looks and maximizing your SMV to get narcissistic supply and feed their unending hunger for attention. Women do everything their power to increase sexual-dimorphism.

Esther Vilar writes in her book “The Manipulated Man”:​

THE MASK OF FEMININITY There is virtually no difference between an unmade-up, bald, naked, woman and an unmade-up, bald, naked man, except their reproductive organs. Any other difference between them is artificially produced. A man becomes a man because he develops his intelligence and, through its development, his productivity. His appearance changes very little. A woman becomes a woman by means of gradual stultification and by deliberately transforming her external appearance, and this differentiation between the sexes is prompted exclusively by woman.

The Grandiose sense of self worth is just a cope rooted in deep insecurity. They know they are garbage, they know they are evil, they know they deserve to be punted across the room like a football. Don’t be mistaken on this. Women sometimes even admit this openly. That’s why they loose their mind if you insult them. Like, if you tell a woman she has ugly ears, she will not forget that until she dies. I am not joking.
They are weak and pathetic.

Which gender constantly has to remind each other that they are queens and awesome and you deserve it all etc.

Shallow Affect, many may not be familiar with what this means, but it basically just implies that
“emotions may be felt but in shallow and fleeting ways.” If you’ve ever observed female emotional display in the wild, you will have seen this. They laugh, cry, yodel – whatever. But the moment they feel like nobody is looking, their mask drops and they show zero emotions. They display a lot of shallow emotions very openly, but they are just that: Shallow.

Men feel much deeper but rarely express themselves. When a man cries, his country probably got invaded by the Huns and 13 million people are dead.

A lot of blackpillers don’t get how deep this goes though. Very often when a woman displays emotions, she feels NOTHING. I repeat, she feels nothing. Even in casual settings. You have to learn to spot it, but they really don’t feel that much over all.

And again, I cite Esther Vilar in her own words:​
A woman with feelings would have to think and work, to take on responsibilities, and to learn to do without all the things which mean so much to her. Because she does not want this, she decides to remain callous, but she knows, at the same time, that it is necessary for woman to enact the role of a sensitive being or man would become aware of her essentially cold, calculating nature.
Still, as her emotions are always faked and never felt, she can keep a clear head. You can take advantage of someone's feelings only if you are not involved yourself. Therefore, she turns her partner's emotions to her own profit, only taking care to make sure he believes she feels as deeply as he himself, perhaps even more deeply She must make him believe she, `as a woman,' is much less stable, much more irrational, much more emotional. Only thus may her deception remain undetected. But manipulation has, in any case, already taken care of that.

It’s more like they suck up and feed on the emotions coming from the environment. This is also why changes in a woman's behavior are never found in her internal state. It’s always something external that changed. They look for new sources to feed, like a parasite looking for a host. Always look at her environment to explain changes in behavior.

This also explains why women are responsible for 80% of customer purchases:
Girl power marketing numbers


If their entire existence is externalized, then the solution to all their problems is external. Hence, they buy a lot of trash to comfort their unending desires.
They are like black holes that stop existing once they run out of things to consume. A lot of women describe their sexual needs in existential terms: “I need to feel myself, I need to feel my body.” Like what? You don’t feel your body except when you’re getting pounded and creamed? What they are actually referring to is the hyper-focused attention they get from the male during sex. It makes them feel like they exist.

That’s why gangbangs are even more arousing. It’s like all these dudes want her, only her. Women are literally machines trying to become living, sentient beings by maintaining a constant feedback loop of attention and sex. But they aren’t sentient and they aren’t beings. They are non-beings. That’s why they can’t exist in the absence of true beings like men. If they try, the fall apart.

As it says in the bible when God punishes Eve: “Your desire shall be for your husband, but he shall rule over you.” Women are trapped in a permanent attempt to actualize and become real beings, but they only tumble toss themselves into self-annihilation.

And further, their excessive social media usage. For any postmaxxers reading this: You have no idea. Women are far far worse rotters and postmaxxers than people on this forum. A lot of women have snapscores in the millions. I have observed women mindlessly browse shopping articles for 90 minutes without break.
This is another theory I want to propose here: Women are in fact driven people, but their drive is not as obvious as in male psychopaths. @Atavistic Autist sometimes talks about the psychopathic drive.

This refers to the following:
Psychopaths are extremely easily bored (they are materialistic, no internal drive, no higher values) and they get four times the dopamine out of succeeding that a normal person does.

This means, psychopaths develop what the mainstream now calls “obsessive personalities.” This refers to their obsessive drive to succeed at any cost. A good example would be Mr. Beast, a self proclaimed “obsessive personality.” Other people online have also already remarked on Mr. Beast being potentially psychopathic.
With women I think we see similar drives but they are out of the purview of men, so we are largely blind to them. One example I already cited is their insane social media abuse. To quote myself here: “A womans entire life is a myopic chase of maximizing socio-sexual satisfaction.” Women treat life like a video game, where you min-max your character stats to get as much attention as possible. They are very driven in the pursuit of this.

In a reply on one of @lifefuels threads I also talked about how they even plan their weddings ahead since early childhood and pick betabuxxers to exploit 20 years in advance. They are extremely single-minded and driven in their pursuit of the few things they are interested in, which are mostly sex, attention and material pleasures. And they do not compromise. Women’t don’t accept bad deals. Women don’t grind smash bros for months. Either they have a 100% chance shot at reaching the goal or they give up immediately.

That also means that when they select a male to betabuxx from their thousands of orbiters, they are making a very deliberate choice. They basically set up an obstacle course to find the best victim to exploit. They pick the guy that they know will let them get away with their behavior. It is very evil. If you have a father, he was most likely selected for being a giga simp, I am sorry.

Examples would be:
Jordan Peterson talking about how his wife picked him as a child and said she would marry him.
My father telling me exactly the same story about a girl he used to play with as a toddler.
And MGTOW fathers reporting their young daughters saying things like: “Some men are for fun, some are for marriage.”
The later statement alone is so heinous that it should warrant an ISIS style execution.

I have seen this IRL where girls keep folders of pictures of dresses and wedding rings. They think about who is going to be at the wedding and so forth. They are like five years old when they do this.

As a man, you can not out-maneuver a womans social planning, you are fucked. Stop thinking you can you doofus. Your only advantage as a man is violence but even then, I am not so sure women don’t enjoy being violently assaulted. I say that because another feature of psychopathy is that not feeling anxiety. Even at gunpoint, they only get a kick out of the adrenaline. Their brain does not connect the rush of adrenaline to the fear response most people would have. With women, you sometimes see the same thing. A few years ago there was this online trend where women talked about wanting their BF to put a loaded gun to their head because it turned them on. I am not joking. They enjoy dangerous situations way too much IMO.

And they act reckless when in them. There used to be a video on BestGore where this bitch had an argument on the street with two criminals and they backed down and went to their car. Women don’t understand mercy, they only understand punishment-reward (more on that later). So when the two cartel dudes backed down and went to their car, she felt encouraged to keep arguing. They are that dumb. She ran after the guys and one of them snapped and shot her like 12 times.​

2. Manipulation
(Pathological lying; Parasitic lifestyle; Lack of remorse or guilt; Conning/manipulative)

This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, “I have done no wickedness.”
- Proverbs 30:20, NKJV

Some time ago @Gymcelled made this thread:

Like I already wrote, a lot of people don’t understand just how much women lie. A woman will literally post on some feminist subreddit about how women are sexually objectified while doing anal IRL. The chad will watch her post and she will put her phone down and suck his dick. They don’t understand the concept of hard values. To them, virtue signaling is the same as being a good person. I have seen this behavior in real life, where a girl gave a whole speech in class about being inclusive of people with mental health issues, and only 20 minutes later she openly made fun of an autistic man she knew (she even mentioned he had autism). They see nothing wrong with this.

So, anything they say, any values they espouse to have, anything really – You can safely ignore it. Just ignore it, it means nothing. When they tell you a tale of someone being mean to them or something – they are narcissists. They will never admit fault so they are lying.
I want to introduce another metric here: The Kohlberg Morality Test

@Cybersex is our hope made a thread on this long ago:

In summary: Women do not score above toddler level in attempted measurements of moral development. In Practice this means that they respond to punishment and reward. And more importantly, the two interlink: Not being punished becomes equal to being rewarded. Listen to this drunk woman spill the beans. She basically says, if you can get away with something, you would be stupid not do it.​

They derive pleasure from getting away with playing the villain. I want you to try something on social media: Write a random women something like “I know what you did” and then ignore her or remove her from your contacts. In experiments conducted by me and fellow blackpillers, these women will desperately try to reach out to you, sometimes for months. They keep sending friend requests and such. There is an old saying that goes: “Beat your wife once a week, if you don’t know why, she does.

This is true. You can put any woman on the spot simply by implying you know something she has done. They all have done really messed up stuff that they are hiding. All of them.

Another video worth watching and saving:

Colltaine observes that movies aimed at primarily female audiences follow a predictable pattern: The female villain arc. The main character, with which the audience identifies mind you, is usually a sexually promiscuous, manipulative female that does all kinds of shenanigans, often times encouraged and supported by other women. Eventually however, all her evil has no impact, she lands the man of her desire and the story concludes. They love being the villain and getting away with it.
Art imitates life gentlemen.

I’ve already cited Esther Vilar as a woman taking a shot at women earlier. Another, less well known one is Michelle Langley. She wrote two very important books called “Women’s infidelity I” and “Womens infidelity II.” As I mentioned before, everything I bring up can be found at the end of thread in a mega.nz file, including these books. In her books, Michelle Langely lays out exactly how women don’t commit to the choices they make and instead prefer to be in what she calls “limbo.” Basically they refuse to admit they are making choices while making them. This also gives them plausible deniability – “I didn’t like him anyway.”

Another thing this gives women is control. When you are not emotionally invested into something, you can destroy and manipulate it at will. Things having labels such as “husband” or “child” does not matter. It’s an object. It’s interesting how this lines up with Vilars quote from earlier, that women only display pretend emotions to manipulate, but feel nothing in reality.

I’ve already explained in my other thread on masculinity being a social construct, how women view men as an out-group. Aka, we are strangers.


Langley does not talk about these findings but observes behaviors in women that obviously relate o them. Women do not view men holistically. Men are placed on a linear spectrum that ranges from “money” to “penis.” You either benefit her materially or sexually. If you don’t benefit her, you may as well be dead. Case in Point: Many men report being left by their women the second they fell on hard times.

Again, this is psychopathy. They view other people in terms of what they can do for them. To a woman, you are not Johnny. You are “the guy who can fix my roof.” Or, “the guy that buys sandwiches.” You are not a person. Like I said, they treat life like a video game, min/maxxing their stats as they go along. “How much penis can I risk while keeping 1100 dudes in orbit and being in a “committed” relationship?” These are the kind of calculations a woman does.

Langley’s books are structured in a sort of socractic dialogue, where she engages in a back and forth with a female. She points out how women will often say they are doing things for the kids or to avoid hurting their husband, but really, they only fear loosing control. They have a control fetish.
I could go on and on, the books are a goldmine.

I have not talked much about specific manipulation methods at this point but a classic one is DARVO – Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Anyone who has ever argued with a woman or seen a woman argue with a man has seen this. First they deny guilt, then accuse you of something you did (often completely unrelated), then they start crying and pretend to be the victim (BUHUUU WHY ARE YOU YELLING BUUHUUU).

People should really stop shitting on MGTOW and start reading about these guys hands-on experience with women. It’s a goldmine. You will never want to be in a relationship again and you will clearly see the patterns of manipulation in your own family. Like with your mom and dad for instance.
Things I have observed:

1. They start fights because it’s pleasurable to them. Check point four on sadism for more.
2. A woman always tries to find out what hurts you the most emotionally. Then she will keep that in mind and use it against you at will. They know exactly where to stab you to cause maximum pain.
3. “A relationship with a woman is a cult of two” – This is the literal truth.

Let’s do a side by side comparison between cults and male-female relationships:

1. Cults look for vulnerable targets to exploit – Depressed people, people that struggle in life, people looking for purpose. Lonely people. They then do what is called “love bombing.” This means they shower the victim in unconditional affection and adoration for a while to get them addicted.

Women target men to betabuxx that have been kept in permanent sexual-deprivation their entire life. Then they give them the best sex they’ve ever had and completely disable the mans thinking brain.

Quote my mom: “You (my dad) only came over for that one thing (sex).”
She later said to me and my sister: “I only married your dad because I thought he would be rich.”
During the love-bombing period women also pretend to be interested in you, your hobbies etc. They may even join your religion. Hence, the term “chameleons” originates with MGTOW not incels, since its a phenomenon mostly betabuxxers are subjected to, not men that never get sex anyway.

2. Stage two of the assault is to slowly withdraw affection and start making demands. In cults this usually takes the form of the person having to cut off all contact with family and friends. They also ask you to demonstrate your commitment somehow, by handing over all your money for instance.

Women do this in the exactly the same manner. They begin by withdrawing sexual access and validation. The man, ever the helpful dog, will beg her to tell him what’s wrong. At this point she demands something like marriage, money or something else. They try to draw you into their grasp by baiting you into making gradually bigger commitments, until the final commitment, marriage, is no longer a leap of faith, but a walk of faith.

This psychological trick is also used in marketing:

What the technique entails is that the step from accepting a small deal to accepting a very big deal is tiny. So when you get someone to make a small commitment, the likelihood of getting them to make a huge one skyrockets.

One of my favorite studies demonstrating this involves having people agree to sign a petition that driver safety is important. Then two weeks later, they ask for the larger request. All told, 76% agreed to place a billboard in their yard. Yes, you read that correctly: a BILLBOARD (Freedman & Fraser, 1966).

Case in Point: Even my simp dad couldn’t believe when an engineer with a doctorate wifed up my whore sister. When he questioned the guy, he said this: “After eight years it didn’t make much of a difference.” Meaning, after being a betabuxxer for eight years, putting a ring on it didn’t make much of a difference. It’s a huge step to sign a marriage contract. But she had successfully conned him into mentally downplaying what he was about to do.
Usually however, women bait the man into marriage using sex or by getting pregnant on purpose. Then they start making more overt threats. This is where the cultic nature really becomes apparent:

3. Stage Three:
They ask the buxxer to leave his friend group and move to another country or state. I have seen this multiple times in my life.
The man looses all his friends, the woman finally becomes his only supply of validation.
Further, she threatens him by saying he has to be more mature, think of the kids, and so on. A classic manipulation tactic is by making people feel more responsible than they are. It makes the victim feel powerful but really, they are being conned into servitude.

- A guy I knew in school, his neurotic mental case mom made the dad move from Germany to Canada
- My Dad lost his entire friend group after my mom made him move
- and the cream de la cream: I had someones mother openly admit to me that she said to her husband, and I quote: “I told him, if he doesn’t leave the military and moves to another state with me, I am divorcing him and taking the kids.”

Michelle Langley talks about how women are not committed to relationships at all. For a woman relationships are emotions. For a man, it is duty. A man will stick to a relationship like a captain going down with the ship. This also means,

a) The woman can cheat on you simply by loosing feelings and having feelings for another man.
b) Women know that men will not leave and abuse this knowledge mercilessly. They know that their buxxer will forgive if they cheat. They know that unlike her, he cares about the children and will stay to be the father, no matter what.

I already laid it out when I mentioned Kohlbergs morality scale and how women think you are weak for letting them manipulate you. She resents the husband for letting her get away with her behavior. From his perspective, he has a duty to stay in this relationship so he doubles down no matter what. Its like two animals locked in combat, neither willing to let go. Somethings got to give and usually the foid pulls the trigger and divorces or cheats.

Again, psychopathy, you can’t win with these creatures.
Another heinous psychopathic behavior we already tackled under the label of “Revocation of conditional release” shall be briefly examined here. The term means simply that they don’t let you go. There’s no probation when you hurt a woman. There’s no mercy. They want you dead and their resentment lasts a lifetime.

Comedian Patrice O’Neal occasionally talked about this and said, women will not leave you before they have destroyed you. This is very very true. I have already explained that women always try to do maximum emotional damage. For their pleasure and to hurt you, depends, really they enjoy it both ways. This includes figuring out what things you care about and then destroying or damaging them.

For instance, they kill your pets. Or your car. Or they try to get the dog in the divorce settlement and then have it put down. My mom deliberately crashed multiple of my dads favorite vehicles to hurt him. Another case from MGTOW circles, this guy had a pet tarantula for 10 years, was really attached to it. Finally found a girl, she took it while he was gone and stomped on it and threw it in the trash.

Terrence Pop on youtube, decorated war veteran of the Gulf War. Recorded his wife cheating by bugging her phone. Court dismissed it and threatened him with additional charges for exposing his wifes cheating. Then she got the dog in the divorce and killed it.

IRL I knew someone who’s aunt said her long-term boyfriend “suddenly went mad and dumped all her shit outside her workplace.” Some digging revealed that “he was mad because his stupid parrot died.” No comment.

Another thing Michelle Langley talks about is that women would rather have their partner die in an accident, than to break up with them openly. Because breaking up is a pro-active, negative behavior and women always have to maintain the women-are-wonderful facade. That’s why they slander the man after breaking up with him and even before. They need plausible deniability, so they tell everyone how he is abusive and psycho and so on.

One of the more terrifying realizations about my mom’s first marriage is that she potentially attempted to kill her first husband by having him beat up. She says of him that he was poor and she didn’t want to stay anyway. They had two kids already. The story goes that he worked in a bar and tried to break up a fight but was knocked out. Then they stomped on his neck. He was in a coma. My mother recounts:

“I got the call and went to the hospital. When I saw him hooked up to all the hoses I thought, he’s going to die anyway.” So she divorced him right there. He made a full recovery and never paid child support, which is also odd. Maybe he’s not the father of my step sisters either.
I can’t imagine what’s really going on there, but people have said I look nothing like my biological siblings either. Fuck women.

To go back to “Revocation of conditional release,” many men also report their ex-wives stalking them. Stalking is another female projection, we now have studies that show that women stalk more than men.

Like I said, everything they say is a lie or projection. Same for rape, only this year I saw someone post studies here showing women rape more than men also, they watch rape porn at disproportional rate, I linked that below.

So, men report their ex-wives stalking them. Revocation of conditional release means that they will forever be resentful of their ex. Additionally, many women do worse after divorce than before. This goes into my last point, “recklessness” – psychopaths lack empathy even for their future self, meaning, they are terrible at considering future consequences for their behavior. Another highly recommended video where it is mentioned how women do worse financially after divorce:

This is why they try to destroy you after you leave them. They are never responsible (narcissism), then they do worse and blame you. And because they can’t let go (revocation of C.L), they try to destroy you. Often times men report their ex wives stalking them on social media and then attacking them with false rape accusations years later. Or trying to hurt the kids on purpose to hurt him. Or setting up a meeting with the kids and then calling the police and having them arrest the father. Everyone here has seen video footage of that.

So much of what women say is projection. Even the much memed “take a shower” accusation has turned out to be a mere projection.
Majority of UK women don't bathe or take a shower daily

The same goes for rape-propaganda and the much touted insatiable male sex drive. We never hear men say this of themselves. And pornhub released user statistics that clearly demonstrate that

a) women DO watch porn, many on a weekly basis
b) a truckload of it is rough porn, BDSM and rapeplay


Historically speaking, actual rape is exceedingly rare. How many of us could even get an erection from seeing a woman crying? Especially since studies have shown that female tears lower testosterone:

In this interesting blog post from 2011, the writer cites a now defunct website that lists the executions in an english town over a 700 year period, alongside the crimes. As it turns out, rape is exceedingly rare and if it happens at all, it usually happens in conjunction with far more violent crimes. What isn’t so rare at all is women killing their babies and getting promptly send to their maker by the medieval justice system.

The website the gentleman cites can still be found on archive.org, link below:

I will write more about women killing children under point four, “sadism.” Stick around.
At this point it should be obvious a lot of psychopathic traits naturally evolve from narcissism. Women don’t commit to anything. And being manipulative gives them pleasure, as I just laid out. They are not even there, making choices. You are not talking to person. It’s like the American Psycho quote,

...there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.”

Just like Patrick Bateman, who is so narcissistic that he becomes the hapless sum of his pop-culture environment, women loose their self in an endless stream of externalities, until they finally surrender their personhood and are “simply not there.” Just automatons, spouting slogans, “fitting in,” and causing massive suffering all round them to feel like they exist. Women walk the earth creating storms, hoping to get hit by lightning.

I feel reminded of the Michael Ende novel, “The Never Ending Story.” Most people only know the kitsch movies. However, the novel has deep esoteric themes. One of the main storylines is that of loss of self through constant self-gratification. The main character is placed in a world where he is God. Any wish he makes is instantly granted. However, in return he looses a memory for each wish. Eventually, he is burned out, barely remembers himself.

At the end of their own fantasy journey through la-la land, women end up in a similar position. They are burned out, can’t even feel pleasure anymore. In order to feel alive at this point, they resort to extreme violence in the bedroom or outright disgusting acts like animal sex. Most can barely feel any pleasure at all anymore. There is nothing to envy about them at this point. Miserable creatures they are, and miserable they shall be, forevermore.
3. Hypersexuality
(Promiscuous sexual behavioral; Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom; Many short-term marital relationships)

I’m going to blow some minds now: Women are sexual creatures. Yeah I know, stunning right. Not so stunning is the fact that you still see retards in our circles propagate the myth of the low female sex drive, often citing self-reported studies to boot. I am past the point where I want to curb stomp people like this, so I will just lay out why this can not be true. In fact, let us start with an internal critique and let you, the reader, be the judge:
I claim that even if their sex drive was lower than mens, they would have much more sex.

Let’s replace sex with bread to illustrate:
A man’s hunger for bread is 80%. But he doesn’t really care about baking, bakers, the baking process that much. A man does not define himself by his hunger for bread. Further, his access to bread is severely restricted. Most men of his standing actually have to bribe bakers to even get bread. Additionally, the man is interested in many things besides bread, like engineering, history, video games. Maybe he just likes to sit on his ass and daydream about playing in the NFL, like Patrice O’Neal said long ago.

Let’s assume a woman’s hunger for bread is only 40%. But all she cares about is baking, making bread, bakers, grain. She defines herself by her interest in bread. Everything is bread. Further, bakers literally throw bread at her in public. They scream TAKE MY BREAD LADY, LOOK, DELICIOUS BREAD. Additionally, the woman has no interest whatsoever in anything outside bread. Anything non-bread-related she does ultimately is underpinned by her wish for more bread.

Which gender will eat more bread at the end of the day? The gender that doesn’t even have access to bread, or the gender that literally has people throwing bread at them in public, every single day of their life? And recall, I am granting my opposition their presupposition here, that women have a lower sex drive than men. This also implies women don’t have sex for love and intimacy, but just for pleasures sake. When they get bored, they don’t think about playing a match in StarCraft II. They think about sex. Real sex is the female equivalent of male masturbation. And they get bored a lot, which is a trait of psychopathy. Also, they may even get the 4x higher dopamine from sex, bitches be screaming yo.

Also, “serial monogamy” (lmao) is the most popular form of relationship these days. Aka, being in a short, faux-monogamous relationships (the term monogamy becomes void once you’ve had more than one partner, but let retards dream).

Suffice to say, they have every motivation to cheat and be sexual at their leisure.
Additionally we now have studies from Porn sites that show that women watch porn frequently, a lot on a weekly basis. Who constantly screams about rape again? Men or women? Who constantly says men only care about sex? Which gender? I don’t hear men say that about men.

Another thing. In the below study, they didn’t let people self-report. Instead they measured genital arousal, which is much more reliable, to establish what people were sexually attracted to. The way they did it was like this: They made participants report their sexual orientation: Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual. Then they showed them arousing pictures of homosexuality, heterosexuality, lesbianism and even animals.

The results were stunning. The men reported truthfully, i.e. If they said they were gay, only gay images aroused them. The women on the other hand were aroused by everything. Even animals.​
"The women in the study, on the other hand, didn't react as predictably. While they reported feeling aroused in the ways you might expect (straight women were turned on by men, lesbians by women), measurements of their vaginal blood flow showed that they were physically aroused by all the forms of coupling they saw — even the bonobos.”
The study concludes in a really funny quote by one of the female researchers:
"There's the possibility that genital response for women is not necessarily imbued with meaning about her sexual interests," says Chivers. She also emphasized that her findings do not imply women harbor a latent desire for lesbian sex or bestiality."

So far we have established:
a) Women have a much higher incentive to be sexual than men, even if their sex drive is low.
b) Women are aroused by everything that moves
c) Women are not capable of monogamy

I rest my case.

4. Sadism
(Callous/lack of empathy; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility)

Oh boy, one of my favorites. The reason I made this thread:
I already cited Casanova and Le Bon at the beginning of this thread. I’ve also given examples of why and how women deliberately cause other people pain to achieve their desired ends. I’ve also quoted @OutcastedOutcast and his experience with a female psychologist that got a rise out of listening to his tale of being abused by a bigger male.

Of course this lines up perfectly with what I have recounted, about my mother feeding off my suffering, as well as what I cited from dead user @I_only_serve_now and his mother. It obviously lines up because women as a whole display psychopathic traits, one of which is sadism.

I think it is safe to say that sadism is like the opposite of empathy. Not only does it describe a lack of empathy but rather the enjoyment of the pain of others. I will lead you into this bit by bit, starting with this little article here, titled “Women gain happiness from seeing their partner upset - because it 'shows their relationship is strong.'”

The study was based on brainwave monitoring.​
Lead researcher Shiri Cohen of Harvard Medical School explained why women's brains showed a positive reaction to seeing their husband or partner upset. She said: 'It could be that for women, seeing that their male partner is upset reflects some degree of the man's investment and emotional engagement in the relationship, even during difficult times.”

Unrelated video of two foids talking about how they hate seeing happy men. Joy is offensive to these creatures:

And another interesting video, please pay attention to the wifes facial expressions while watching her husband go through excruciating pain:

View: https://youtu.be/lgrz-QBrqqc

Relevant timestamps: At 1:45 she is still bored. By 4:40 she's getting wet. At 5:30 she is smiling a big smile.

Like with the animal-arousal study I cited earlier, the findings are deliberately downplayed or misinterpreted. Women take pleasure in torturing their men = They actually love them. What a joke. How would they react if we said, being raped is actually a sign men find you attractive, you should be glad you got raped.
I have included the study in the mega.nz. Fellowcels that want to read and stay informed, download all information at your leisure from sci-hub or libgen and safe, safe, safe all you got. In my time online, I’ve found that sometimes studies don’t get published that contain critical info. For instance, there was one study where they found that parents didn’t care if their sons died. The researcher was a weirdo who spent years testing trolley safety for super markets, the finding was coincidental. It was never released.

Now I would like to introduce you to something else: The Milgram Experiment.
The Milgram experiment tells us something about normies. But when the ABC Channel repeated the experiment a few years ago, it also pointed to something interesting about women, can you guess what?

The experiment is conducted as follows:
An actor pretends to be electrocuted by screaming while participants turn a dial to control how much shock he receives. Most people turn the dial a little bit, hear him scream and stop. The research assistant standing next to them then says: “The experiment requires that you continue.” Over 70% of the people involved promptly turn the shock up to a lethal dose. In the ABC Channel’s recreation of the experiment, it turned out that women were more likely than men to electrocute a man to death. Shocker, forgive my pun, but in the light of what I’ve laid out so far, is this surprising in the least?

Interesting comments:


Water wet:



Further, in other repeats of the study where they replaced the actor with an actress, people refused to shock her to a higher degree.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnYUl6wlBF4

Historic sources also talk about how native americans would hand prisoners over to their women to be tortured. And Otto Weininger suggests in “Sex and Character” that women work in nursing because they remain unaffected by the suffering they are witnessing:​

It is short-sighted to regard women’s nursing as a proof of their compassion, because it indicates the precise opposite. A man would never be able to watch the torments of the sick. He would be so worn down by suffering with them that he would be totally unable to care for them. If one observes female nurses one is astonished to see how calm and “gentle” they remain, even when faced with the most terrible spasms of the dying, and this is just as well, because men, who cannot stand pain and death, would make bad nurses. A man would want to alleviate the agony, delay death, in a word, help. Where no help is possible he has no place: that is where nursing comes into its own, and for nursing only women are suitable

Nursing constantly involves “benevolent torture.” The routine act of shoving a catheter up a mans urethra alone is extremely painful. The stereotype of the slutty, hypersexual nurse is also rooted in reality. I will explain this using Lindy effect in my epilogue. Also, I now want to introduce the legend of Shrek6:
Shrek6 is a man in his 60s from Australia who was married twice, has multiple kids and posts on avoiceformen.com. He gives us this interesting historical tidbit:

Shrek6s comment

Note how the women are used to find new victims because people trust women more and aren’t suspicious of single women. Female evil is often overlooked because they unfold it under the authority of a male. The male then gets blamed. @Idotms is an expert on the study of cults and can confirm that often times the cult leaders most psychopathic and sadistic helpers are the women closest to him. They supply him with victims and participate in the torture.
There are many such ways in which women hide their evil under the auspices of authority.​

On Criminal versatility:
For women this so called versatility is mostly rooted in them being female and neotenous. A reddit thread from the Mens Rights Subreddit sheds light on the issue:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/xyl5wb/statistics_cited_women_are_more_likely_to_commit/

Of special note is this reply:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/xyl5wb/comment/irj8kv9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

To sum it up: The poster recounts working as a store detective and being instructed to have confirmation bias for ethnic minorities when making arrests. However, the FBI statistics they were trained on showed that the most common shoplifter was “a 22 year old white woman with at least two years of college.”

Late 1800s psychologist Gustave Les Bons also tells of gynocentric bias in the court system:​
Like all crowds, juries are very strongly impressed by senti mental considerations, and very slightly by argument. "They cannot resist the sight," writes a barrister, "of a mother giving its child the breast, or of orphans." "It is sufficient that a woman should be of agreeable appearance," says M. des Glajeux, "to win the benevolence of the jury."

Without pity for crimes of which it appears possible they might themselves be the victims—such crimes, moreover, are the most dangerous for society—juries, on the contrary, are very indulgent in the case of breaches of the law whose motive is passion.

They are rarely severe on infanticide by girl-mothers, or hard on the young woman who throws vitriol at the man who has seduced and deserted her, for the reason that they feel instinctively that society runs but slight danger from such crimes, and that in a country in which the law does not protect deserted girls the crime of the girl who avenges herself is rather useful than harmful, inasmuch as it frightens seducers in advance.

Again, this issue of female criminality follows the same logic as the sex-drive question.
If they solely respond to punishment and reward, if they are the majority of customers and only interested in material things… if they can get away with it...and if they feel rewarded for getting away with a crime since they are not capable of abstract guilt…
I rest my case.

Another thing I would like to tackle is the murder and abuse of children at the hands of women. Again, this is counter intuitive for most normies because they were raised by women who indoctrinated them with women-are-wonderful effect. But for me, who’s mom was not present, cold and abusive, I was spared such biases.
The historic record is very clear: Women fucking hate children XD. Like, holy fuck, do they ever harbor a hatred of children. When studying this topic, you better brace for blackpill impact. The wikipedia articles on infanticide and the history of abortion alone read like a long version the “total nigger death” copypasta, only that it’s real and it’s women killing babies.

Killing babies by roasting them in the sun, Killing babies by stepping on their neck (japan). Killing babies by headshotting them with sewing needles after birth. Killing babies by burning them in ovens. Killing babies by staving them to death. Killing babies by throwing them in rivers. Killing babies by throwing them on dungheaps. The list goes on and on. These are not isolated incidences gentlemen, these are historic trends that were so prevalent that contemporary historians remarked on them each time. You would think that abortions were rare before modern medicine but you are wrong. They had their methods and women don’t give a fuck, simply put. They would have a train run over their pregnant gut if it got rid of the little tyke standing between them and their pleasure.


Basically, before modern abortion, women formed entire businesses around covertly killing their offspring. You would hand your baby to a “baby farm” under the pretense of foster care, and they would kill it for you. This is reminiscent of when the christian church tried to reduce infanticide by granting women the option of anonymously handing their newborns over to monasteries. They didn’t realize they were dealing with total ingrates. Soon after, monasteries and related nurseries were overflowing with even more babies. The situation was horrible. To this day they find mass graves of dead babies around monasteries.

I think people underestimate the amount of baby murder in the past. Yes, we now have 60 million abortions a year, but when looking up some statistics from the victorian era, it’s not that different:​
[5] It is estimated that the abortion rate jumped from one abortion in every 25-35 live births during 1800-1830 to one in every 5-6 live births by 1850. These figures may be a bit high (evidence is still sketchy), but are indicative of a trend. — Timothy Crumrin

Another thing I have become doubtful off is the sky-high child mortality rate people had back in the day. My suspicions were further corroborated when was reading up on witch hunts and came across one of the most famous medieval documents on witch hunts: The “Hammer of Witches.” The document is shit and for good reason. It was written to save someones ass in a hurry. But that does not mean we can not derive value from it. It's basically is a laughable collection of folklore, local jokes about witchcraft and real documented court cases of child murder. These later ones are what caught my attention and I cite:​

... (that in various ways midwife sorceresses kill the fetuses in the womb and cause miscarriages, and when they do not do this, they offer the new-borns to demons

Another midwife (this one in the diocese of Strasburg) confessed that she had killed countless children (there was no agreement as to the number). She was caught in the following way. She had been summoned from one town to another to serve some woman as midwife, and at the end of the job, she wished to return home. As she passed out through the town gate, by chance the arm of a newborn child fell to the ground from the linen cloth in which she was wrapped and in which the arm had been rolled up. This was seen by people sitting within the gateway, and after she passed, they lifted what they thought to be a piece of meat from the ground and looked at it quite carefully.

After they realized by the joints that it was not a piece of meat but the arm of a child, they had a meeting with the chief magistrates. When it was discovered that a baby had died before baptism and was lacking an arm, the sorceress was arrested. Exposed to questioning under torture, she revealed the crime. In this way, as has already been said, she confessed that she had killed babies without number.

Furthermore, as was made clear in part one of the work f rom the confession of the serving girl who was induced to repent in Breisach, greater losses are inflicted on the Faith by midwives in connection with this Heresy of Sorceresses, and this has also been proven by the confession of certain others who were later burned to ashes. In the town of Thann in the diocese of Basel one midwife who was burned to ashes confessed to having killed more than forty children by the following method. When they emerged from the womb, she would stick a pin into their heads through the crown straight down into the brain.

This method of pushing a large needle through the babies still soft skull after birth, often done by the midwife in agreement with the mother, still lingered until the 19th century. On the unknownmisandry.blogspot.com website I linked earlier for instance, we find this cited under the list of murder methods employed by the women convicted: Needle into heart° – Makin (needle, heart), Mittlestedt (darning needle, heart)

I can only recommend reading the links I provided, very interesting. This thread is too long already but as I said, the fiery pit is endless and female abandon knows no limits. Let’s look at a statistic to finalize this point:

71% of Children Killed by One Parent are Killed by Their Mothers; 60% of Victims are Boys

Additional studies can easily procured from sites like this:

We have plenty of finding at this point that show that women are just as violent as men and that the majority of child sexual abuse is committed by women. Even when it comes to sexual assault, women get the highscore.​
In studies with college-aged samples, between 18.2% (Russell & Oswald, 2001) and 49.5% of women reported using some form of sexual coercion to obtain sexual contact (e.g., kissing, petting, and forced intercourse; Carvalho & Nobre, 2015; Schatzel-Murphy et al., 2009; Struckman-Johnson et al., 2003).

Everyone should thank @WorthlessSlavicShit for bringing this data to our attention. Thread below.

Another one everyone here already knows is hybristophilia, female attraction to violence:

Another way women try to release their innate desire for gore is by consuming medical dramas to a high degree. Author Lawrence Shannon talks of this in his book “the predatory female” which was published in the 1980s:
Q What is the doctor's role in the life of the predatory female?

A. Doctors are a big part of the predatory female's security. Consequently, predatory females are very doctor oriented and engage in a continuous form of doctor worship. A trait of predatory females is that they perpetually "seek to the physicians." This trait is encouraged by the matriarchal system which is the foundation of the doctor cult. The system encourages a constant barrage of doctor-idol TV serials and soap operas

He goes in depth of how women have this odd sexual relationship with their gynecologist, who in essence is a high status figure that gets to fingerbang them on a regular basis. The book is a very light read, I can recommended it to everyone. You can read it in a few hours.

Maybe all of this obsession with medical shit, doctors etc. is rooted in them bleeding once a month, who knows. Also, all the romance novels women consume are full of rape, violence, gore, just think about 50 shades of grey. One time I read one of my step sisters thriller novels and it was just horrible. It was like a spinning wheel of graphic violence, graphic sex, chad abusing subhumans, rinse repeat.

I have also read quora posts of women admitting being turned on by violence on TV, like scenes of bullying. I experienced this IRL when a tallfag bully beat me up in gradeschool and multiple girls were standing right next to him, encouraging him and saying hit him harder and shit. Lest anyone scoff at this, he gave me a concussion another time which was confirmed by a local doctor. In russian videos where girls bully boys, we also often see older boy standing in the background, covering for the girls as they do their torturing. I have already described this and pointed to @Idotms as an expert on the study of cults and how women try to hide under authority to cover their crimes.

One more anecdote from my wagie days: One day my boss told the staff how he and his wife went to a talk by a child psychologist recently. The psychologist asked the audience which gender they thought had the worse child bullies. The consensus was male but he admonished them. Little girls, he explained, are fare more advanced in their bullying than boys. He said even very young girls meet up before school, discuss who they will bully that day and how.

Ironically I got to see exactly this behavior just a few months after, when a group of office whores bullied a giga manlet truecel and eventually got him fired. It was a group effort and I was privy to their planning as they were chatting about it in the office.
I think we have done enough at this point to establish that women love to hurt other people for pleasures sake.

5. Recklessness
(Poor behavioral controls; Early behavior problems, Lack of Realistic, long-term goals Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Juvenile delinquency)

We just talked about how even little girls engage in extremely calculated bullying of other kids. As we all know, women get away with more stuff than men their entire life. Various MRA outlets have documented, how it used to be permissible for teachers to beat boy students, but not girl students for instance. So it stands to reason that women have a higher chance of showing early behavior problems and getting away with it.

I want to shine light on another often overlooked aspect of psychopathy: Self Destruction.
Most people think of psychopaths as successful people, in the sense of financially successful. This is hogwash. First off, dark triad traits can become a disadvantage if you are too ugly, study below:​

Aggression was associated with a reduction in popularity for adolescents low on facial attractiveness. However, popularity did not decrease as a function of aggression for adolescents high on facial attractiveness.

Another problem that comes with the lack of empathy characteristic of psychopathy is a lack of empathy for the future self. This means psychopaths often take risks without considering future implications. This can lead to drug-abuse, alcoholism and in the moment reckless decision like jumping from your roof and doing a backflip into a leaf pile.

We see this behavior in women, who destroy perfectly fine marriages only to be financially worse off later. Or have reckless unprotected sex and then act like they had no choice but to drive 300 miles and fuck chad for nine hours. They don’t think of themselves as being in control, they think shit just happens, yet they claim rights lmao.
You can put a woman in a perfect situation, perfect life, and they will still find a way to be miserable and destroy it. Contrary to many incels belief, women are not happy, despite enjoying the most luxurious lifestyles in human history. This creature can not be happy.

Another outbirth of innate lack of empathy for your future self is their enjoyment of dangerous men, who end up murdering them or being otherwise dangerous. I guess this could be put under the category of “early behavior problems.” One of my stepsisters had a horrible, drug fueled orgy of a teen life and yet ended up betabuxxing a doctor and having two children. All she did was to move 500km to escape the warzone she created. This by the way, is another psychopath trait, frequent moving after people catch on to you. There’s a reason why women like to outsource their fuckery by traveling a lot. Nobody knows what you did in a french hotel room with six chads. And for women, if nobody knows, its morally ok. If they can get away with something, they feel rewarded.

A relevant reddit thread:
“No-one regrets their "baddie days" once they get older”

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/12uxkmo/noone_regrets_their_baddie_days_once_they_get/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=action_bar

A lot of women have very horrible pasts like that, you can’t tell outwardly really.
Like the shit they do in their youth is mindblowningly fucked up. Only to settle later and live perfectly normal lifestyle, not because of merit, but because the system saves them from themselves. We have seen what happens when these safety mechanisms are eliminated. Like in that survival-show from a few years ago where the female group walked in circles until they almost perished from dehydration after succumbing to constant infighting and bickering. The crew had to intervene to help them.

To sum up this entire thread: There is overwhelming evidence that women as a group demonstrate psychopathic traits. If any men even remotely behaved like the average woman, he would be incarcerated in no time.​

“The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford” is a movie about a man being set up to fail. His juvenile search for glory ends up earning him nothing but scorn and finally death. The villain mass murderer is glorified and becomes a national idol. His killer becomes a social pariah. Eventually some retarded normie trying to virtue signal guns him down in public. Then NPCs vote to get the normie out of prison. It’s a slow and sad movie.​

Similarly, many men have tried to take down the female idol in history but earned nothing but hatred. The female idol only emerges from the fire unscathed and within one generation everything has blown over. But strewn throughout culture remain seeds that lead people like us to rediscovering the work of these men.
These seeds are part of what is called the Lindy effect.​

Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, the longer its remaining life expectancy. Longevity implies a resistance to change, obsolescence or competition and greater odds of continued existence into the future.[2]

The idea is simple. Things that are true stick around. If something is true, it does not automatically invalidate itself over time in contact with reality. If somehow everyone were to think chinese people have big noses, that belief would not last for 100 years because it would invalidate itself upon contact with chinese people or images of chinese people.

The fact that the things we talk about have been observed since the beginning of recorded history lends credence to their validity. In our modern times, we can see this very nicely. When the media stopped covering covid for a few days, everyone forgot about it immediately and stopped caring. There was simply no IRL evidence of it existing, so the belief in covid died. Jaques Ellul writes in his book “Propaganda - The formation of Mens Attitudes” about this phenomenon and the need for constant reinforcement of propaganda:
A good example is Khrushchev’s ultimatum at the beginning of 1959, when he set a time limit of three months to solve the Berlin problem. Two weeks passed; no war broke out. Even though the same problem remained, public opinion grew accustomed to it and lost interest—so much so, that on the expiration date of Khrushchev’s ultimatum (27 May 1959), people were surprised when they were reminded of it.

When talking about things like female cruelty or promiscuity, they seem to be permanently embedded in the zeitgeist of Humanity. Throughout the ages, everyone and their mom remarked on how women are callous, unforgiving and hyper-sexual. The idea that women are less sexual than men is not what people believed through most of human history. It’s just an outgrowth of our time. Take the ancient greek tale of Tiresias turning into a woman. After he turns back into a man Tiresias is asked which gender enjoys sex more and replies: "Of ten parts a man enjoys one only."


As everyone reading this knows, we see all female behaviors clearly on display in historic sources. In the Genesis 39, first book of the bible, Potiphars wife tries to cheat on her husband with Joseph, who is described as handsome. When he denies her, she accuses him of rape and her cuck husband has him thrown in prison. Or take the tale of Lots wife, who longingly looks back at the degenerate shitholes of Sodom and Gomorrah and turns to salt as punishment.

Back to the Lindy effect. Natural stereotypes that are not reinforced by the Golem of modern media are true because they are reinforced by reality.
When people observe women being cruel, manipulative and backstabbing, then this stereotype is reinforced and eventually enters the cultural zeitgeist forever. Its like releasing a bunch of animals into the wild and seeing which ones survive. The ones that are the most fit and adapted to the current environment will make it. Its the same with beliefs. Everytime a woman is cruel and psychopathic, her victims will begin looking for exactly these traits in other women. If they see them confirmed, the belief solidifies. Hence we have a millenia long trend of people calling women manipulative, callous, resentful, vengeful, cruel and highly promiscous.

What can be done? Nothing. Unfortunately the Lindy effect also reveals to us that there has never been a solution, or we would already be privy to it. We are at the mercy of our captors. They control the vast majority of the spending, they control the majority of men, and the jew mob running the asylum knows this too. Once you digest all of this, the world has nothing to offer. They can’t offer me anything I want, there is not even anything I want. I just want to stop existing and get the fuck out of this place already. As always,​

It’s over.

@Cybersex is our hope

mega.nz link with all books, videos, texts mentioned:

In Honor of @To_Live_is_to_Serve
Rest in Peace

Females are Psychopaths – A Socio-Historic Review

While this victim of the Jesuits was being executed, I was several times obliged to turn away my face and to stop my ears as I heard his piercing shrieks, half of his body having been torn from him, but the Lambertini and the fat aunt did not budge an inch. Was it because their hearts were hardened? They told me, and I pretended to believe them, that their horror at the wretch’s wickedness prevented them feeling that compassion which his unheard-of torments should have excited.
- Giacomo Casanova, eyewitness to the execution of Robert-Françoise Damiens (1757)

There is dancing and singing around the corpses, and benches are arranged "for the ladies," delighted to witness the killing of aristocrats... A slaughterer at the Abbaye having complained that the ladies placed at a little distance saw badly, and that only a few of those present had the pleasure of striking the aristocrats, the justice of the observation is admitted, and it is decided that the victims shall be made to pass slowly between two rows of slaughterers, who shall be under the obligation to strike with the back of the sword only so as to prolong the agony.
- Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study Of The Popular Mind” (1896)

What pissed me off the most is when I talked about my elder relative who abused me when I was young . I described this fucker as bigger , stronger and taller than me and being a dark triad monster. As I talked about that , I notice this foid’s eyes flint in excitement . It freaked me out for a moment . And this foid started twirling her hair and asking me if there’s more information about him.
- @OutcastedOutcast, describing his experience speaking to a female Psychologist (2023)


Growing up, I never experienced much warmth from my mother. Any attempt to receive positive attention from her was openly rejected. Sometimes she would hurt me on purpose. As I matured and looked around more, I found myself wondering where the much touted feminine-softness was to be found.

I couldn’t see it anywhere. I have three sisters, none of which ever cared for my little brother, me or other male family members. In fact, looking back at 100 years of family history, I only saw self-serving sluts. Sluts that hurt others, sluts that abandoned and abused children. Sluts that tortured husbands. Sluts that tried to cheat with men. Sluts that cheated on men. If anything, there only seemed to be a kind of bond between female family members in maintaining the ubiquitous sluttery. I remember getting up one night to take a leak, and finding my 50 year old mother sitting on the toilet with her phone, gossiping the most hurtful gossip with my sisters.

My austim and social rejection forced me to dive into historic literature to compensate. And even there, I only found ample evidence for what I was experiencing and not what I was taught: That women are the manipulative, cruel and cold-hearted gender. That men are self-sacrificing to the point of doggishness.
As @lifefuel quotes H. L. Mencken in one of his threads:

"Women are quite without that dog-like fidelity to duty which is one of the shining marks of men. They never summon up a high pride in doing what is inherently disagreeable; they always go to the galleys under protest, and with vows of sabotage"

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” goes the saying, but it does not end there. “No woman as lustful as one engaged or witnessing acts of violence” should be another one, based on what I have read and observed. There is something deeply wrong with women, scarily so. The more I learned, the more frightened I became.
Could it really be? That we men glibly worship and seek to co-habitate with creatures that derive pleasure from causing us suffering? That get sexually aroused by scenes of bloodshed and torture?

Unfortunately I have never seen evidence to the contrary. In this thread, I will lay out some of my findings over the years and I appeal to the reader to form his own judgments.

As a foundation for my thread I am using the revised Hare Psychopathy Checklist which lists the following Items:

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioral controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behavioral
12. Early behavior problems
13. Lack of Realistic, long-term goals
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term marital relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility

Already the astute blackpiller will recognize a number of items on this list, if not the majority, that could be attributed to females in their life. Also, most items clearly overlap, such as superficial charm, sexual promiscuity, manipulation. The mere act of a woman manipulating a man with the promise of sex combines multiple psychopathic traits.

For the sake of this thread, I have collapsed some the items into one and created this outline for my thread:

1. Narcissism
(Glibness/superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Shallow Affect;)

(Pathological lying; Parasitic lifestyle; Lack of remorse or guilt; Conning/manipulative)

3. Hypersexuality
(Promiscuous sexual behavioral; Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom; Many short-term marital relationships

4. Sadism
(Callous/lack of empathy; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility)

5. Recklessness
(Poor behavioral controls; Early behavior problems, Lack of Realistic, long-term goals Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Juvenile delinquency)

My main focus is to highlight the more violent and sexual-sadistic side of women, so some of the more obvious items like narcissism, which is congruent with psychopathy, will be tackled only briefly.
Note: “Revocation of conditional release” means they will not show mercy and give you another chance. They won’t let you go on parole. If they feel hurt, they are relentless and will stalk and pursue you until you die. @Atavistic Autist can contribute something on the psychopathic drive if he wants.
On to the first point:​

1. Narcissism
(Glibness/superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Shallow Affect)
I had all the characteristics of a human being—flesh, blood, skin, hair—but my depersonalization was so intense, had gone so deep, that my normal ability to feel compassion had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure. I was simply imitating reality, a rough resemblance of a human being, with only a dim corner of my mind functioning”
- Bret Easton Ellis, “American Psycho”

a) Obsession with Appearance
Try finding pictures of women without makeup on google. Good luck, there aren’t many. Before underinformed midwits respond with pictures of women clearly wearing foundation and other products: Study up on makeup, watch a few make-up tutorials. Even in make-up tutorials, the foids don’t start without already wearing makeup. There is almost no footage of a woman without any make-up.

How is this socially acceptable for women but not men? If a man was just a tiny bit as obsessed with his own appearance as women, he would be called gay or a narcissist.
Further, women are by far the biggest group to get plastic surgery. Many, and I mean many, women you know have gotten plastic surgery. You will not be able to tell mostly.

b) Narcissistic Supply
Women thrive on attention of any kind. They are not people. Please keep this in mind. One of the core features of narcissism is the empty core. Narcissism is a lack of personhood. Narcissists are not people, they are the sum of their sources of attention. That’s why they lash out constantly but can’t take the slightest bit of critique. Their core self is one of extreme insecurity.

That means for one that they are extremely cowardly deep down. And second it means that they depend on other peoples attention, positive or negative to feel like they are alive, like they are real even. Remember, they are not people. Cutting one of their narcissistic supply lines is akin to cutting off one of their limbs, literally. That’s why women loose their mind if their supply dies down.

You can imagine it like a coma-patient hooked up to a multitude of life-supporting hoses. If just one hose is cut, his heart monitor starts screaming. This also makes women sadistic and terrified of boredom. When they are not receiving attention, they feel as if they cease to exist. They deliberately cause others pain to avoid this feeling.
One time my entire family accidentally ignored my mother for maybe two consecutive days. She fell into a deep depression.

If you think about the implications of this, you can also see how narcissism alone leads to many features of psychopathy, like hyper-sexuality, sadism, boredom, lack of empathy etc. Hence, the two conditions are viewed as unavoidably linked by psychologists.

To give two more examples: In the past I noticed that my mother is attracted to strong emotions, including suffering. When I was in my worst state of mind and just wanted to be alone, my mother would not stop pestering me. It was scary. She could not help herself but swarm to me and the pain I was radiating. Not with empathy, I must remark, but with sheer callousness. She did not hug me or listen to me when I said I need to be alone. Instead she kept barging into the room, spouting nonsense, her face weirdly glowing, like she was feeding on my energy.
Suffice to say, I was deeply disturbed.

The user I dedicated this thread to, I @To_Live_is_to_Serve, reports similar behavior in his own mother:

Source: https://incels.is/threads/women-and-normies-act-in-the-following-way.195373/

I highly recommend reading some of his threads. He had lots of high IQ takes.

I propose there is also an element of hedonistic adaption at play here: The more stimulus you are exposed to, the more you need in the future to get the same pleasure out of it. For women that means, at some point causing, watching and experiencing pain becomes the only way to feel like they exist.
I recommend watching this video:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz5CX5q2osU

She basically explains how the key to hurting a narcissist is to destroy their social network, so they have no supply and kill themselves or do something stupid.

The criteria I summed up under Narcissism include: Glibness/superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Shallow Affect.
We have already gone into superficial charm, which is just looks and maximizing your SMV to get narcissistic supply and feed their unending hunger for attention. Women do everything their power to increase sexual-dimorphism.

Esther Vilar writes in her book “The Manipulated Man”:

The Grandiose sense of self worth is just a cope rooted in deep insecurity. They know they are garbage, they know they are evil, they know they deserve to be punted across the room like a football. Don’t be mistaken on this. Women sometimes even admit this openly. That’s why they loose their mind if you insult them. Like, if you tell a woman she has ugly ears, she will not forget that until she dies. I am not joking.
They are weak and pathetic.

Which gender constantly has to remind each other that they are queens and awesome and you deserve it all etc.

Shallow Affect, many may not be familiar with what this means, but it basically just implies that
“emotions may be felt but in shallow and fleeting ways.” If you’ve ever observed female emotional display in the wild, you will have seen this. They laugh, cry, yodel – whatever. But the moment they feel like nobody is looking, their mask drops and they show zero emotions. They display a lot of shallow emotions very openly, but they are just that: Shallow.

Men feel much deeper but rarely express themselves. When a man cries, his country probably got invaded by the Huns and 13 million people are dead.

A lot of blackpillers don’t get how deep this goes though. Very often when a woman displays emotions, she feels NOTHING. I repeat, she feels nothing. Even in casual settings. You have to learn to spot it, but they really don’t feel that much over all.

And again, I cite Esther Vilar in her own words:

It’s more like they suck up and feed on the emotions coming from the environment. This is also why changes in a woman's behavior are never found in her internal state. It’s always something external that changed. They look for new sources to feed, like a parasite looking for a host. Always look at her environment to explain changes in behavior.

This also explains why women are responsible for 80% of customer purchases:
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If their entire existence is externalized, then the solution to all their problems is external. Hence, they buy a lot of trash to comfort their unending desires.
They are like black holes that stop existing once they run out of things to consume. A lot of women describe their sexual needs in existential terms: “I need to feel myself, I need to feel my body.” Like what? You don’t feel your body except when you’re getting pounded and creamed? What they are actually referring to is the hyper-focused attention they get from the male during sex. It makes them feel like they exist.

That’s why gangbangs are even more arousing. It’s like all these dudes want her, only her. Women are literally machines trying to become living, sentient beings by maintaining a constant feedback loop of attention and sex. But they aren’t sentient and they aren’t beings. They are non-beings. That’s why they can’t exist in the absence of true beings like men. If they try, the fall apart.

As it says in the bible when God punishes Eve: “Your desire shall be for your husband, but he shall rule over you.” Women are trapped in a permanent attempt to actualize and become real beings, but they only tumble toss themselves into self-annihilation.

And further, their excessive social media usage. For any postmaxxers reading this: You have no idea. Women are far far worse rotters and postmaxxers than people on this forum. A lot of women have snapscores in the millions. I have observed women mindlessly browse shopping articles for 90 minutes without break.
This is another theory I want to propose here: Women are in fact driven people, but their drive is not as obvious as in male psychopaths. @Atavistic Autist sometimes talks about the psychopathic drive.

This refers to the following:
Psychopaths are extremely easily bored (they are materialistic, no internal drive, no higher values) and they get four times the dopamine out of succeeding that a normal person does.

This means, psychopaths develop what the mainstream now calls “obsessive personalities.” This refers to their obsessive drive to succeed at any cost. A good example would be Mr. Beast, a self proclaimed “obsessive personality.” Other people online have also already remarked on Mr. Beast being potentially psychopathic.
With women I think we see similar drives but they are out of the purview of men, so we are largely blind to them. One example I already cited is their insane social media abuse. To quote myself here: “A womans entire life is a myopic chase of maximizing socio-sexual satisfaction.” Women treat life like a video game, where you min-max your character stats to get as much attention as possible. They are very driven in the pursuit of this.

In a reply on one of @lifefuels threads I also talked about how they even plan their weddings ahead since early childhood and pick betabuxxers to exploit 20 years in advance. They are extremely single-minded and driven in their pursuit of the few things they are interested in, which are mostly sex, attention and material pleasures. And they do not compromise. Women’t don’t accept bad deals. Women don’t grind smash bros for months. Either they have a 100% chance shot at reaching the goal or they give up immediately.

That also means that when they select a male to betabuxx from their thousands of orbiters, they are making a very deliberate choice. They basically set up an obstacle course to find the best victim to exploit. They pick the guy that they know will let them get away with their behavior. It is very evil. If you have a father, he was most likely selected for being a giga simp, I am sorry.

Examples would be:
Jordan Peterson talking about how his wife picked him as a child and said she would marry him.
My father telling me exactly the same story about a girl he used to play with as a toddler.
And MGTOW fathers reporting their young daughters saying things like: “Some men are for fun, some are for marriage.”
The later statement alone is so heinous that it should warrant an ISIS style execution.

I have seen this IRL where girls keep folders of pictures of dresses and wedding rings. They think about who is going to be at the wedding and so forth. They are like five years old when they do this.

As a man, you can not out-maneuver a womans social planning, you are fucked. Stop thinking you can you doofus. Your only advantage as a man is violence but even then, I am not so sure women don’t enjoy being violently assaulted. I say that because another feature of psychopathy is that not feeling anxiety. Even at gunpoint, they only get a kick out of the adrenaline. Their brain does not connect the rush of adrenaline to the fear response most people would have. With women, you sometimes see the same thing. A few years ago there was this online trend where women talked about wanting their BF to put a loaded gun to their head because it turned them on. I am not joking. They enjoy dangerous situations way too much IMO.

And they act reckless when in them. There used to be a video on BestGore where this bitch had an argument on the street with two criminals and they backed down and went to their car. Women don’t understand mercy, they only understand punishment-reward (more on that later). So when the two cartel dudes backed down and went to their car, she felt encouraged to keep arguing. They are that dumb. She ran after the guys and one of them snapped and shot her like 12 times.​

2. Manipulation
(Pathological lying; Parasitic lifestyle; Lack of remorse or guilt; Conning/manipulative)

This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, “I have done no wickedness.”
- Proverbs 30:20, NKJV

Some time ago @Gymcelled made this thread:

Like I already wrote, a lot of people don’t understand just how much women lie. A woman will literally post on some feminist subreddit about how women are sexually objectified while doing anal IRL. The chad will watch her post and she will put her phone down and suck his dick. They don’t understand the concept of hard values. To them, virtue signaling is the same as being a good person. I have seen this behavior in real life, where a girl gave a whole speech in class about being inclusive of people with mental health issues, and only 20 minutes later she openly made fun of an autistic man she knew (she even mentioned he had autism). They see nothing wrong with this.

So, anything they say, any values they espouse to have, anything really – You can safely ignore it. Just ignore it, it means nothing. When they tell you a tale of someone being mean to them or something – they are narcissists. They will never admit fault so they are lying.
I want to introduce another metric here: The Kohlberg Morality Test

@Cybersex is our hope made a thread on this long ago:

In summary: Women do not score above toddler level in attempted measurements of moral development. In Practice this means that they respond to punishment and reward. And more importantly, the two interlink: Not being punished becomes equal to being rewarded. Listen to this drunk woman spill the beans. She basically says, if you can get away with something, you would be stupid not do it.​

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They derive pleasure from getting away with playing the villain. I want you to try something on social media: Write a random women something like “I know what you did” and then ignore her or remove her from your contacts. In experiments conducted by me and fellow blackpillers, these women will desperately try to reach out to you, sometimes for months. They keep sending friend requests and such. There is an old saying that goes: “Beat your wife once a week, if you don’t know why, she does.

This is true. You can put any woman on the spot simply by implying you know something she has done. They all have done really messed up stuff that they are hiding. All of them.

Another video worth watching and saving:

Colltaine observes that movies aimed at primarily female audiences follow a predictable pattern: The female villain arc. The main character, with which the audience identifies mind you, is usually a sexually promiscuous, manipulative female that does all kinds of shenanigans, often times encouraged and supported by other women. Eventually however, all her evil has no impact, she lands the man of her desire and the story concludes. They love being the villain and getting away with it.
Art imitates life gentlemen.

I’ve already cited Esther Vilar as a woman taking a shot at women earlier. Another, less well known one is Michelle Langley. She wrote two very important books called “Women’s infidelity I” and “Womens infidelity II.” As I mentioned before, everything I bring up can be found at the end of thread in a mega.nz file, including these books. In her books, Michelle Langely lays out exactly how women don’t commit to the choices they make and instead prefer to be in what she calls “limbo.” Basically they refuse to admit they are making choices while making them. This also gives them plausible deniability – “I didn’t like him anyway.”

Another thing this gives women is control. When you are not emotionally invested into something, you can destroy and manipulate it at will. Things having labels such as “husband” or “child” does not matter. It’s an object. It’s interesting how this lines up with Vilars quote from earlier, that women only display pretend emotions to manipulate, but feel nothing in reality.

I’ve already explained in my other thread on masculinity being a social construct, how women view men as an out-group. Aka, we are strangers.


Langley does not talk about these findings but observes behaviors in women that obviously relate o them. Women do not view men holistically. Men are placed on a linear spectrum that ranges from “money” to “penis.” You either benefit her materially or sexually. If you don’t benefit her, you may as well be dead. Case in Point: Many men report being left by their women the second they fell on hard times.

Again, this is psychopathy. They view other people in terms of what they can do for them. To a woman, you are not Johnny. You are “the guy who can fix my roof.” Or, “the guy that buys sandwiches.” You are not a person. Like I said, they treat life like a video game, min/maxxing their stats as they go along. “How much penis can I risk while keeping 1100 dudes in orbit and being in a “committed” relationship?” These are the kind of calculations a woman does.

Langley’s books are structured in a sort of socractic dialogue, where she engages in a back and forth with a female. She points out how women will often say they are doing things for the kids or to avoid hurting their husband, but really, they only fear loosing control. They have a control fetish.
I could go on and on, the books are a goldmine.

I have not talked much about specific manipulation methods at this point but a classic one is DARVO – Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Anyone who has ever argued with a woman or seen a woman argue with a man has seen this. First they deny guilt, then accuse you of something you did (often completely unrelated), then they start crying and pretend to be the victim (BUHUUU WHY ARE YOU YELLING BUUHUUU).

People should really stop shitting on MGTOW and start reading about these guys hands-on experience with women. It’s a goldmine. You will never want to be in a relationship again and you will clearly see the patterns of manipulation in your own family. Like with your mom and dad for instance.
Things I have observed:

1. They start fights because it’s pleasurable to them. Check point four on sadism for more.
2. A woman always tries to find out what hurts you the most emotionally. Then she will keep that in mind and use it against you at will. They know exactly where to stab you to cause maximum pain.
3. “A relationship with a woman is a cult of two” – This is the literal truth.

Let’s do a side by side comparison between cults and male-female relationships:

1. Cults look for vulnerable targets to exploit – Depressed people, people that struggle in life, people looking for purpose. Lonely people. They then do what is called “love bombing.” This means they shower the victim in unconditional affection and adoration for a while to get them addicted.

Women target men to betabuxx that have been kept in permanent sexual-deprivation their entire life. Then they give them the best sex they’ve ever had and completely disable the mans thinking brain.

Quote my mom: “You (my dad) only came over for that one thing (sex).”
She later said to me and my sister: “I only married your dad because I thought he would be rich.”
During the love-bombing period women also pretend to be interested in you, your hobbies etc. They may even join your religion. Hence, the term “chameleons” originates with MGTOW not incels, since its a phenomenon mostly betabuxxers are subjected to, not men that never get sex anyway.

2. Stage two of the assault is to slowly withdraw affection and start making demands. In cults this usually takes the form of the person having to cut off all contact with family and friends. They also ask you to demonstrate your commitment somehow, by handing over all your money for instance.

Women do this in the exactly the same manner. They begin by withdrawing sexual access and validation. The man, ever the helpful dog, will beg her to tell him what’s wrong. At this point she demands something like marriage, money or something else. They try to draw you into their grasp by baiting you into making gradually bigger commitments, until the final commitment, marriage, is no longer a leap of faith, but a walk of faith.

This psychological trick is also used in marketing:

What the technique entails is that the step from accepting a small deal to accepting a very big deal is tiny. So when you get someone to make a small commitment, the likelihood of getting them to make a huge one skyrockets.



Case in Point: Even my simp dad couldn’t believe when an engineer with a doctorate wifed up my whore sister. When he questioned the guy, he said this: “After eight years it didn’t make much of a difference.” Meaning, after being a betabuxxer for eight years, putting a ring on it didn’t make much of a difference. It’s a huge step to sign a marriage contract. But she had successfully conned him into mentally downplaying what he was about to do.
Usually however, women bait the man into marriage using sex or by getting pregnant on purpose. Then they start making more overt threats. This is where the cultic nature really becomes apparent:

3. Stage Three:
They ask the buxxer to leave his friend group and move to another country or state. I have seen this multiple times in my life.
The man looses all his friends, the woman finally becomes his only supply of validation.
Further, she threatens him by saying he has to be more mature, think of the kids, and so on. A classic manipulation tactic is by making people feel more responsible than they are. It makes the victim feel powerful but really, they are being conned into servitude.

- A guy I knew in school, his neurotic mental case mom made the dad move from Germany to Canada
- My Dad lost his entire friend group after my mom made him move
- and the cream de la cream: I had someones mother openly admit to me that she said to her husband, and I quote: “I told him, if he doesn’t leave the military and moves to another state with me, I am divorcing him and taking the kids.”

Michelle Langley talks about how women are not committed to relationships at all. For a woman relationships are emotions. For a man, it is duty. A man will stick to a relationship like a captain going down with the ship. This also means,

a) The woman can cheat on you simply by loosing feelings and having feelings for another man.
b) Women know that men will not leave and abuse this knowledge mercilessly. They know that their buxxer will forgive if they cheat. They know that unlike her, he cares about the children and will stay to be the father, no matter what.

I already laid it out when I mentioned Kohlbergs morality scale and how women think you are weak for letting them manipulate you. She resents the husband for letting her get away with her behavior. From his perspective, he has a duty to stay in this relationship so he doubles down no matter what. Its like two animals locked in combat, neither willing to let go. Somethings got to give and usually the foid pulls the trigger and divorces or cheats.

Again, psychopathy, you can’t win with these creatures.
Another heinous psychopathic behavior we already tackled under the label of “Revocation of conditional release” shall be briefly examined here. The term means simply that they don’t let you go. There’s no probation when you hurt a woman. There’s no mercy. They want you dead and their resentment lasts a lifetime.

Comedian Patrice O’Neal occasionally talked about this and said, women will not leave you before they have destroyed you. This is very very true. I have already explained that women always try to do maximum emotional damage. For their pleasure and to hurt you, depends, really they enjoy it both ways. This includes figuring out what things you care about and then destroying or damaging them.

For instance, they kill your pets. Or your car. Or they try to get the dog in the divorce settlement and then have it put down. My mom deliberately crashed multiple of my dads favorite vehicles to hurt him. Another case from MGTOW circles, this guy had a pet tarantula for 10 years, was really attached to it. Finally found a girl, she took it while he was gone and stomped on it and threw it in the trash.

Terrence Pop on youtube, decorated war veteran of the Gulf War. Recorded his wife cheating by bugging her phone. Court dismissed it and threatened him with additional charges for exposing his wifes cheating. Then she got the dog in the divorce and killed it.

IRL I knew someone who’s aunt said her long-term boyfriend “suddenly went mad and dumped all her shit outside her workplace.” Some digging revealed that “he was mad because his stupid parrot died.” No comment.

Another thing Michelle Langley talks about is that women would rather have their partner die in an accident, than to break up with them openly. Because breaking up is a pro-active, negative behavior and women always have to maintain the women-are-wonderful facade. That’s why they slander the man after breaking up with him and even before. They need plausible deniability, so they tell everyone how he is abusive and psycho and so on.

One of the more terrifying realizations about my mom’s first marriage is that she potentially attempted to kill her first husband by having him beat up. She says of him that he was poor and she didn’t want to stay anyway. They had two kids already. The story goes that he worked in a bar and tried to break up a fight but was knocked out. Then they stomped on his neck. He was in a coma. My mother recounts:

“I got the call and went to the hospital. When I saw him hooked up to all the hoses I thought, he’s going to die anyway.” So she divorced him right there. He made a full recovery and never paid child support, which is also odd. Maybe he’s not the father of my step sisters either.
I can’t imagine what’s really going on there, but people have said I look nothing like my biological siblings either. Fuck women.

To go back to “Revocation of conditional release,” many men also report their ex-wives stalking them. Stalking is another female projection, we now have studies that show that women stalk more than men.

Like I said, everything they say is a lie or projection. Same for rape, only this year I saw someone post studies here showing women rape more than men also, they watch rape porn at disproportional rate, I linked that below.

So, men report their ex-wives stalking them. Revocation of conditional release means that they will forever be resentful of their ex. Additionally, many women do worse after divorce than before. This goes into my last point, “recklessness” – psychopaths lack empathy even for their future self, meaning, they are terrible at considering future consequences for their behavior. Another highly recommended video where it is mentioned how women do worse financially after divorce:

This is why they try to destroy you after you leave them. They are never responsible (narcissism), then they do worse and blame you. And because they can’t let go (revocation of C.L), they try to destroy you. Often times men report their ex wives stalking them on social media and then attacking them with false rape accusations years later. Or trying to hurt the kids on purpose to hurt him. Or setting up a meeting with the kids and then calling the police and having them arrest the father. Everyone here has seen video footage of that.

So much of what women say is projection. Even the much memed “take a shower” accusation has turned out to be a mere projection.
Majority of UK women don't bathe or take a shower daily

The same goes for rape-propaganda and the much touted insatiable male sex drive. We never hear men say this of themselves. And pornhub released user statistics that clearly demonstrate that

a) women DO watch porn, many on a weekly basis
b) a truckload of it is rough porn, BDSM and rapeplay


Historically speaking, actual rape is exceedingly rare. How many of us could even get an erection from seeing a woman crying? Especially since studies have shown that female tears lower testosterone:

In this interesting blog post from 2011, the writer cites a now defunct website that lists the executions in an english town over a 700 year period, alongside the crimes. As it turns out, rape is exceedingly rare and if it happens at all, it usually happens in conjunction with far more violent crimes. What isn’t so rare at all is women killing their babies and getting promptly send to their maker by the medieval justice system.

The website the gentleman cites can still be found on archive.org, link below:

I will write more about women killing children under point four, “sadism.” Stick around.
At this point it should be obvious a lot of psychopathic traits naturally evolve from narcissism. Women don’t commit to anything. And being manipulative gives them pleasure, as I just laid out. They are not even there, making choices. You are not talking to person. It’s like the American Psycho quote,

...there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.”

Just like Patrick Bateman, who is so narcissistic that he becomes the hapless sum of his pop-culture environment, women loose their self in an endless stream of externalities, until they finally surrender their personhood and are “simply not there.” Just automatons, spouting slogans, “fitting in,” and causing massive suffering all round them to feel like they exist. Women walk the earth creating storms, hoping to get hit by lightning.

I feel reminded of the Michael Ende novel, “The Never Ending Story.” Most people only know the kitsch movies. However, the novel has deep esoteric themes. One of the main storylines is that of loss of self through constant self-gratification. The main character is placed in a world where he is God. Any wish he makes is instantly granted. However, in return he looses a memory for each wish. Eventually, he is burned out, barely remembers himself.

At the end of their own fantasy journey through la-la land, women end up in a similar position. They are burned out, can’t even feel pleasure anymore. In order to feel alive at this point, they resort to extreme violence in the bedroom or outright disgusting acts like animal sex. Most can barely feel any pleasure at all anymore. There is nothing to envy about them at this point. Miserable creatures they are, and miserable they shall be, forevermore.
3. Hypersexuality
(Promiscuous sexual behavioral; Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom; Many short-term marital relationships)

I’m going to blow some minds now: Women are sexual creatures. Yeah I know, stunning right. Not so stunning is the fact that you still see retards in our circles propagate the myth of the low female sex drive, often citing self-reported studies to boot. I am past the point where I want to curb stomp people like this, so I will just lay out why this can not be true. In fact, let us start with an internal critique and let you, the reader, be the judge:
I claim that even if their sex drive was lower than mens, they would have much more sex.

Let’s replace sex with bread to illustrate:
A man’s hunger for bread is 80%. But he doesn’t really care about baking, bakers, the baking process that much. A man does not define himself by his hunger for bread. Further, his access to bread is severely restricted. Most men of his standing actually have to bribe bakers to even get bread. Additionally, the man is interested in many things besides bread, like engineering, history, video games. Maybe he just likes to sit on his ass and daydream about playing in the NFL, like Patrice O’Neal said long ago.

Let’s assume a woman’s hunger for bread is only 40%. But all she cares about is baking, making bread, bakers, grain. She defines herself by her interest in bread. Everything is bread. Further, bakers literally throw bread at her in public. They scream TAKE MY BREAD LADY, LOOK, DELICIOUS BREAD. Additionally, the woman has no interest whatsoever in anything outside bread. Anything non-bread-related she does ultimately is underpinned by her wish for more bread.

Which gender will eat more bread at the end of the day? The gender that doesn’t even have access to bread, or the gender that literally has people throwing bread at them in public, every single day of their life? And recall, I am granting my opposition their presupposition here, that women have a lower sex drive than men. This also implies women don’t have sex for love and intimacy, but just for pleasures sake. When they get bored, they don’t think about playing a match in StarCraft II. They think about sex. Real sex is the female equivalent of male masturbation. And they get bored a lot, which is a trait of psychopathy. Also, they may even get the 4x higher dopamine from sex, bitches be screaming yo.

Also, “serial monogamy” (lmao) is the most popular form of relationship these days. Aka, being in a short, faux-monogamous relationships (the term monogamy becomes void once you’ve had more than one partner, but let retards dream).

Suffice to say, they have every motivation to cheat and be sexual at their leisure.
Additionally we now have studies from Porn sites that show that women watch porn frequently, a lot on a weekly basis. Who constantly screams about rape again? Men or women? Who constantly says men only care about sex? Which gender? I don’t hear men say that about men.

Another thing. In the below study, they didn’t let people self-report. Instead they measured genital arousal, which is much more reliable, to establish what people were sexually attracted to. The way they did it was like this: They made participants report their sexual orientation: Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual. Then they showed them arousing pictures of homosexuality, heterosexuality, lesbianism and even animals.

The results were stunning. The men reported truthfully, i.e. If they said they were gay, only gay images aroused them. The women on the other hand were aroused by everything. Even animals.

The study concludes in a really funny quote by one of the female researchers:

So far we have established:
a) Women have a much higher incentive to be sexual than men, even if their sex drive is low.
b) Women are aroused by everything that moves
c) Women are not capable of monogamy

I rest my case.

4. Sadism
(Callous/lack of empathy; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility)

Oh boy, one of my favorites. The reason I made this thread:
I already cited Casanova and Le Bon at the beginning of this thread. I’ve also given examples of why and how women deliberately cause other people pain to achieve their desired ends. I’ve also quoted @OutcastedOutcast and his experience with a female psychologist that got a rise out of listening to his tale of being abused by a bigger male.

Of course this lines up perfectly with what I have recounted, about my mother feeding off my suffering, as well as what I cited from dead user @I_only_serve_now and his mother. It obviously lines up because women as a whole display psychopathic traits, one of which is sadism.

I think it is safe to say that sadism is like the opposite of empathy. Not only does it describe a lack of empathy but rather the enjoyment of the pain of others. I will lead you into this bit by bit, starting with this little article here, titled “Women gain happiness from seeing their partner upset - because it 'shows their relationship is strong.'”

The study was based on brainwave monitoring.

Unrelated video of two foids talking about how they hate seeing happy men. Joy is offensive to these creatures:
View attachment 748171

And another interesting video, please pay attention to the wifes facial expressions while watching her husband go through excruciating pain:

View: https://youtu.be/lgrz-QBrqqc

Relevant timestamps: At 1:45 she is still bored. By 4:40 she's getting wet. At 5:30 she is smiling a big smile.

Like with the animal-arousal study I cited earlier, the findings are deliberately downplayed or misinterpreted. Women take pleasure in torturing their men = They actually love them. What a joke. How would they react if we said, being raped is actually a sign men find you attractive, you should be glad you got raped.
I have included the study in the mega.nz. Fellowcels that want to read and stay informed, download all information at your leisure from sci-hub or libgen and safe, safe, safe all you got. In my time online, I’ve found that sometimes studies don’t get published that contain critical info. For instance, there was one study where they found that parents didn’t care if their sons died. The researcher was a weirdo who spent years testing trolley safety for super markets, the finding was coincidental. It was never released.

Now I would like to introduce you to something else: The Milgram Experiment.
The Milgram experiment tells us something about normies. But when the ABC Channel repeated the experiment a few years ago, it also pointed to something interesting about women, can you guess what?

The experiment is conducted as follows:
An actor pretends to be electrocuted by screaming while participants turn a dial to control how much shock he receives. Most people turn the dial a little bit, hear him scream and stop. The research assistant standing next to them then says: “The experiment requires that you continue.” Over 70% of the people involved promptly turn the shock up to a lethal dose. In the ABC Channel’s recreation of the experiment, it turned out that women were more likely than men to electrocute a man to death. Shocker, forgive my pun, but in the light of what I’ve laid out so far, is this surprising in the least?

Interesting comments:


Water wet:



Further, in other repeats of the study where they replaced the actor with an actress, people refused to shock her to a higher degree.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnYUl6wlBF4

Historic sources also talk about how native americans would hand prisoners over to their women to be tortured. And Otto Weininger suggests in “Sex and Character” that women work in nursing because they remain unaffected by the suffering they are witnessing:

Nursing constantly involves “benevolent torture.” The routine act of shoving a catheter up a mans urethra alone is extremely painful. The stereotype of the slutty, hypersexual nurse is also rooted in reality. I will explain this using Lindy effect in my epilogue. Also, I now want to introduce the legend of Shrek6:
Shrek6 is a man in his 60s from Australia who was married twice, has multiple kids and posts on avoiceformen.com. He gives us this interesting historical tidbit:

View attachment 748165

Note how the women are used to find new victims because people trust women more and aren’t suspicious of single women. Female evil is often overlooked because they unfold it under the authority of a male. The male then gets blamed. @Idotms is an expert on the study of cults and can confirm that often times the cult leaders most psychopathic and sadistic helpers are the women closest to him. They supply him with victims and participate in the torture.
There are many such ways in which women hide their evil under the auspices of authority.​

On Criminal versatility:
For women this so called versatility is mostly rooted in them being female and neotenous. A reddit thread from the Mens Rights Subreddit sheds light on the issue:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/xyl5wb/statistics_cited_women_are_more_likely_to_commit/

Of special note is this reply:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/xyl5wb/comment/irj8kv9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

To sum it up: The poster recounts working as a store detective and being instructed to have confirmation bias for ethnic minorities when making arrests. However, the FBI statistics they were trained on showed that the most common shoplifter was “a 22 year old white woman with at least two years of college.”

Late 1800s psychologist Gustave Les Bons also tells of gynocentric bias in the court system:

Again, this issue of female criminality follows the same logic as the sex-drive question.
If they solely respond to punishment and reward, if they are the majority of customers and only interested in material things… if they can get away with it...and if they feel rewarded for getting away with a crime since they are not capable of abstract guilt…
I rest my case.

Another thing I would like to tackle is the murder and abuse of children at the hands of women. Again, this is counter intuitive for most normies because they were raised by women who indoctrinated them with women-are-wonderful effect. But for me, who’s mom was not present, cold and abusive, I was spared such biases.
The historic record is very clear: Women fucking hate children XD. Like, holy fuck, do they ever harbor a hatred of children. When studying this topic, you better brace for blackpill impact. The wikipedia articles on infanticide and the history of abortion alone read like a long version the “total nigger death” copypasta, only that it’s real and it’s women killing babies.

Killing babies by roasting them in the sun, Killing babies by stepping on their neck (japan). Killing babies by headshotting them with sewing needles after birth. Killing babies by burning them in ovens. Killing babies by staving them to death. Killing babies by throwing them in rivers. Killing babies by throwing them on dungheaps. The list goes on and on. These are not isolated incidences gentlemen, these are historic trends that were so prevalent that contemporary historians remarked on them each time. You would think that abortions were rare before modern medicine but you are wrong. They had their methods and women don’t give a fuck, simply put. They would have a train run over their pregnant gut if it got rid of the little tyke standing between them and their pleasure.


Basically, before modern abortion, women formed entire businesses around covertly killing their offspring. You would hand your baby to a “baby farm” under the pretense of foster care, and they would kill it for you. This is reminiscent of when the christian church tried to reduce infanticide by granting women the option of anonymously handing their newborns over to monasteries. They didn’t realize they were dealing with total ingrates. Soon after, monasteries and related nurseries were overflowing with even more babies. The situation was horrible. To this day they find mass graves of dead babies around monasteries.

I think people underestimate the amount of baby murder in the past. Yes, we now have 60 million abortions a year, but when looking up some statistics from the victorian era, it’s not that different:

Another thing I have become doubtful off is the sky-high child mortality rate people had back in the day. My suspicions were further corroborated when was reading up on witch hunts and came across one of the most famous medieval documents on witch hunts: The “Hammer of Witches.” The document is shit and for good reason. It was written to save someones ass in a hurry. But that does not mean we can not derive value from it. It's basically is a laughable collection of folklore, local jokes about witchcraft and real documented court cases of child murder. These later ones are what caught my attention and I cite:

This method of pushing a large needle through the babies still soft skull after birth, often done by the midwife in agreement with the mother, still lingered until the 19th century. On the unknownmisandry.blogspot.com website I linked earlier for instance, we find this cited under the list of murder methods employed by the women convicted: Needle into heart° – Makin (needle, heart), Mittlestedt (darning needle, heart)

I can only recommend reading the links I provided, very interesting. This thread is too long already but as I said, the fiery pit is endless and female abandon knows no limits. Let’s look at a statistic to finalize this point:

71% of Children Killed by One Parent are Killed by Their Mothers; 60% of Victims are Boys

Additional studies can easily procured from sites like this:

We have plenty of finding at this point that show that women are just as violent as men and that the majority of child sexual abuse is committed by women. Even when it comes to sexual assault, women get the highscore.

Everyone should thank @WorthlessSlavicShit for bringing this data to our attention. Thread below.

Another one everyone here already knows is hybristophilia, female attraction to violence:

Another way women try to release their innate desire for gore is by consuming medical dramas to a high degree. Author Lawrence Shannon talks of this in his book “the predatory female” which was published in the 1980s:

He goes in depth of how women have this odd sexual relationship with their gynecologist, who in essence is a high status figure that gets to fingerbang them on a regular basis. The book is a very light read, I can recommended it to everyone. You can read it in a few hours.

Maybe all of this obsession with medical shit, doctors etc. is rooted in them bleeding once a month, who knows. Also, all the romance novels women consume are full of rape, violence, gore, just think about 50 shades of grey. One time I read one of my step sisters thriller novels and it was just horrible. It was like a spinning wheel of graphic violence, graphic sex, chad abusing subhumans, rinse repeat.

I have also read quora posts of women admitting being turned on by violence on TV, like scenes of bullying. I experienced this IRL when a tallfag bully beat me up in gradeschool and multiple girls were standing right next to him, encouraging him and saying hit him harder and shit. Lest anyone scoff at this, he gave me a concussion another time which was confirmed by a local doctor. In russian videos where girls bully boys, we also often see older boy standing in the background, covering for the girls as they do their torturing. I have already described this and pointed to @Idotms as an expert on the study of cults and how women try to hide under authority to cover their crimes.

One more anecdote from my wagie days: One day my boss told the staff how he and his wife went to a talk by a child psychologist recently. The psychologist asked the audience which gender they thought had the worse child bullies. The consensus was male but he admonished them. Little girls, he explained, are fare more advanced in their bullying than boys. He said even very young girls meet up before school, discuss who they will bully that day and how.

Ironically I got to see exactly this behavior just a few months after, when a group of office whores bullied a giga manlet truecel and eventually got him fired. It was a group effort and I was privy to their planning as they were chatting about it in the office.
I think we have done enough at this point to establish that women love to hurt other people for pleasures sake.

5. Recklessness
(Poor behavioral controls; Early behavior problems, Lack of Realistic, long-term goals Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Juvenile delinquency)

We just talked about how even little girls engage in extremely calculated bullying of other kids. As we all know, women get away with more stuff than men their entire life. Various MRA outlets have documented, how it used to be permissible for teachers to beat boy students, but not girl students for instance. So it stands to reason that women have a higher chance of showing early behavior problems and getting away with it.

I want to shine light on another often overlooked aspect of psychopathy: Self Destruction.
Most people think of psychopaths as successful people, in the sense of financially successful. This is hogwash. First off, dark triad traits can become a disadvantage if you are too ugly, study below:

Another problem that comes with the lack of empathy characteristic of psychopathy is a lack of empathy for the future self. This means psychopaths often take risks without considering future implications. This can lead to drug-abuse, alcoholism and in the moment reckless decision like jumping from your roof and doing a backflip into a leaf pile.

We see this behavior in women, who destroy perfectly fine marriages only to be financially worse off later. Or have reckless unprotected sex and then act like they had no choice but to drive 300 miles and fuck chad for nine hours. They don’t think of themselves as being in control, they think shit just happens, yet they claim rights lmao.
You can put a woman in a perfect situation, perfect life, and they will still find a way to be miserable and destroy it. Contrary to many incels belief, women are not happy, despite enjoying the most luxurious lifestyles in human history. This creature can not be happy.

Another outbirth of innate lack of empathy for your future self is their enjoyment of dangerous men, who end up murdering them or being otherwise dangerous. I guess this could be put under the category of “early behavior problems.” One of my stepsisters had a horrible, drug fueled orgy of a teen life and yet ended up betabuxxing a doctor and having two children. All she did was to move 500km to escape the warzone she created. This by the way, is another psychopath trait, frequent moving after people catch on to you. There’s a reason why women like to outsource their fuckery by traveling a lot. Nobody knows what you did in a french hotel room with six chads. And for women, if nobody knows, its morally ok. If they can get away with something, they feel rewarded.

A relevant reddit thread:
“No-one regrets their "baddie days" once they get older”

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/12uxkmo/noone_regrets_their_baddie_days_once_they_get/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=action_bar

A lot of women have very horrible pasts like that, you can’t tell outwardly really.
Like the shit they do in their youth is mindblowningly fucked up. Only to settle later and live perfectly normal lifestyle, not because of merit, but because the system saves them from themselves. We have seen what happens when these safety mechanisms are eliminated. Like in that survival-show from a few years ago where the female group walked in circles until they almost perished from dehydration after succumbing to constant infighting and bickering. The crew had to intervene to help them.

To sum up this entire thread: There is overwhelming evidence that women as a group demonstrate psychopathic traits. If any men even remotely behaved like the average woman, he would be incarcerated in no time.​

“The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford” is a movie about a man being set up to fail. His juvenile search for glory ends up earning him nothing but scorn and finally death. The villain mass murderer is glorified and becomes a national idol. His killer becomes a social pariah. Eventually some retarded normie trying to virtue signal guns him down in public. Then NPCs vote to get the normie out of prison. It’s a slow and sad movie.​

View attachment 748175

Similarly, many men have tried to take down the female idol in history but earned nothing but hatred. The female idol only emerges from the fire unscathed and within one generation everything has blown over. But strewn throughout culture remain seeds that lead people like us to rediscovering the work of these men.
These seeds are part of what is called the Lindy effect.


The idea is simple. Things that are true stick around. If something is true, it does not automatically invalidate itself over time in contact with reality. If somehow everyone were to think chinese people have big noses, that belief would not last for 100 years because it would invalidate itself upon contact with chinese people or images of chinese people.

The fact that the things we talk about have been observed since the beginning of recorded history lends credence to their validity. In our modern times, we can see this very nicely. When the media stopped covering covid for a few days, everyone forgot about it immediately and stopped caring. There was simply no IRL evidence of it existing, so the belief in covid died. Jaques Ellul writes in his book “Propaganda - The formation of Mens Attitudes” about this phenomenon and the need for constant reinforcement of propaganda:

When talking about things like female cruelty or promiscuity, they seem to be permanently embedded in the zeitgeist of Humanity. Throughout the ages, everyone and their mom remarked on how women are callous, unforgiving and hyper-sexual. The idea that women are less sexual than men is not what people believed through most of human history. It’s just an outgrowth of our time. Take the ancient greek tale of Tiresias turning into a woman. After he turns back into a man Tiresias is asked which gender enjoys sex more and replies: "Of ten parts a man enjoys one only."


As everyone reading this knows, we see all female behaviors clearly on display in historic sources. In the Genesis 39, first book of the bible, Potiphars wife tries to cheat on her husband with Joseph, who is described as handsome. When he denies her, she accuses him of rape and her cuck husband has him thrown in prison. Or take the tale of Lots wife, who longingly looks back at the degenerate shitholes of Sodom and Gomorrah and turns to salt as punishment.

Back to the Lindy effect. Natural stereotypes that are not reinforced by the Golem of modern media are true because they are reinforced by reality.
When people observe women being cruel, manipulative and backstabbing, then this stereotype is reinforced and eventually enters the cultural zeitgeist forever. Its like releasing a bunch of animals into the wild and seeing which ones survive. The ones that are the most fit and adapted to the current environment will make it. Its the same with beliefs. Everytime a woman is cruel and psychopathic, her victims will begin looking for exactly these traits in other women. If they see them confirmed, the belief solidifies. Hence we have a millenia long trend of people calling women manipulative, callous, resentful, vengeful, cruel and highly promiscous.

What can be done? Nothing. Unfortunately the Lindy effect also reveals to us that there has never been a solution, or we would already be privy to it. We are at the mercy of our captors. They control the vast majority of the spending, they control the majority of men, and the jew mob running the asylum knows this too. Once you digest all of this, the world has nothing to offer. They can’t offer me anything I want, there is not even anything I want. I just want to stop existing and get the fuck out of this place already. As always,​

It’s over.

@Cybersex is our hope

mega.nz link with all books, videos, texts mentioned:

What exactly did i do?
i have a high read capacity but this is way above my level
good work
Bookmarked, copy pasted, and saved just in case. I'll return if I have any commentary on this.
Bookmarked, copy pasted, and saved just in case. I'll return if I have any commentary on this.
theres a mega link at bottom where you can download entire zip archive with everything. For you its gonna be a whole lotta water wet tbh but yeah.
i have a high read capacity but this is way above my level
good work
This is a treat, mayne. I'm looking forward to reading it later...

thanks, this must go to Must Read
Going to be bookmarking this and give this the proper read it deserves in the morning
Read it, simply amazing. Deserves to be in must read.
What can be done? Nothing. Unfortunately the Lindy effect also reveals to us that there has never been a solution, or we would already be privy to it. We are at the mercy of our captors. They control the vast majority of the spending, they control the majority of men, and the jew mob running the asylum knows this too. Once you digest all of this, the world has nothing to offer. They can’t offer me anything I want, there is not even anything I want. I just want to stop existing and get the fuck out of this place already. As always,​
Spread it as far and wide as possible. Even if few are blackpilled, it's still a good start.
On Criminal versatility:
For women this so called versatility is mostly rooted in them being female and neotenous. A reddit thread from the Mens Rights Subreddit sheds light on the issue:
This point in particular would be a good start, when you remove their "muh violence" argument, they have nothing left.
This is a treat, mayne. I'm looking forward to reading it later...

Ok lmao

Spread it as far and wide as possible. Even if few are blackpilled, it's still a good start.
This point in particular would be a good start, when you remove their "muh violence" argument, they have nothing left.
Idk, arguing with normies on this stuff is often pointless because they are too comfortable in their own skin. Winners in a rigged game think the game is fair, right? So when you approach a normie with this stuff, they instantly jump from judging the message to judging the messenger.
They think you are trying to mog them or make them miserable on purpose. And even if they agree with you, why change anything if they are comfortable?

It takes a lot for people to change. Depressed people are more receptive to new information and more realistic about life, but that's not the majority of people. Most people are pretty comfortable and highly optimistic.

This is an interesting finding here. Basically they found that depressed people make more realistic judgements of their own performance, whereas non-depressed people brutally overrated themselves across the board.

This goes hand in hand with another finding, that depressed people are actually better at naturally assessing social matters:

So yeah, it's really hard to break through to people. And idk if its worth it or a good thing. Like I wrote in OP, I don't think anything will ever change. In the future, some autist fuckup like us will find some of our posts, or screenshots of old threads, and he will dig up more stuff and eventually blackpill himself. We are spreading the seeds for the next generation of people like us.

But I don't think there will be big change across the board. It would be interesting though, if the blackpill actually becomes mainstream lmao. I dont see how though.
Idk, arguing with normies on this stuff is often pointless because they are too comfortable in their own skin. Winners in a rigged game think the game is fair, right? So when you approach a normie with this stuff, they instantly jump from judging the message to judging the messenger.
They think you are trying to mog them or make them miserable on purpose. And even if they agree with you, why change anything if they are comfortable?
You should try to keep arguing to a minimum, and instead focus on getting the information out there. Plant the seeds in their mind.
And normie men aren't exactly "winners" either, they're constantly being treated like shit by a system that favors foids through job and education quotas for example (Do you have anything on this topic btw?).
It takes a lot for people to change. Depressed people are more receptive to new information and more realistic about life, but that's not the majority of people. Most people are pretty comfortable and highly optimistic.
I don't know man, with the increased use of the internet more people are realizing the true state of the world and are starting to open up. The media is constantly flooding the minds of normies with doomporn 24/7, which obviously has an effect on them. Depression is increasing.
So yeah, it's really hard to break through to people. And idk if its worth it or a good thing. Like I wrote in OP, I don't think anything will ever change. In the future, some autist fuckup like us will find some of our posts, or screenshots of old threads, and he will dig up more stuff and eventually blackpill himself. We are spreading the seeds for the next generation of people like us.
We should break that cycle. Earlier generations of people didn't have the modern tools we have at our disposal, that's why their work was forgotten easily. If enough men know about this, it can finally start perpetuating itself.
Incredible job. Definitely will save this to read it all later (skipped large parts of this now unfortunately) and to have the link at hand in the future, and I fully agree that this needs to be moved into the must-read section.

You should try to keep arguing to a minimum, and instead focus on getting the information out there. Plant the seeds in their mind.
Exactly. I've already mentioned this, but just about any part of this could change the worldview of any average normie that stumbles upon it. Just keep spreading info like this, and when sufficiently intrigued, at least some normies are bound to search for more on their own.

This is a treat, mayne. I'm looking forward to reading it later...

this must go to Must Read
Deserves to be in must read.
Incredible job. Definitely will save this to read it all later (skipped large parts of this now unfortunately) and to have the link at hand in the future, and I fully agree that this needs to be moved into the must-read section.
in my defense, formatting something like this for a forum is difficult. If you check the mega link at the end of the thread, there is a pdf with the thread in bare text form. Its easier to read. I also put all the books, articles etc I mention in the mega folder.
in my defense, formatting something like this for a forum is difficult. If you check the mega link at the end of the thread, there is a pdf with the thread in bare text form. Its easier to read. I also put all the books, articles etc I mention in the mega folder.
No reason to apologize for the formatting, I see nothing wrong with it, don't worry. And yeah, I just checked the mega link, picked a rather random part and... damn, it's more brutal than I've expected:worryfeels:.
Damn I'm not even done reading and I have so much to say. I literally JUST met a female who confirms all of this, even the wording she used to describe herself....this needs to be published somewhere, but I guess this place suffices for now.
As everyone reading this knows, we see all female behaviors clearly on display in historic sources. In the Genesis 39, first book of the bible, Potiphars wife tries to cheat on her husband with Joseph, who is described as handsome. When he denies her, she accuses him of rape and her cuck husband has him thrown in prison. Or take the tale of Lots wife, who longingly looks back at the degenerate shitholes of Sodom and Gomorrah and turns to salt as punishment.

Only a male can handle this problem.

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Are you a Christian? Let me quote something from the Bible:\n\n\"He makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, \u201cSave me! You are my god!\". They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand.\n\nSuch a person feeds on ashes; a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, \u201cIs not this thing in my right hand a lie?\u201d - Isaiah 44\n\nFor everyone else:\n\nhttps://ralphnaderradiohour.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-trump-voter/ https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/inside-the-mind-of-a-trump-voter/",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 18:22:42 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Allow me to erase the cognitive dissonance and open the eyes of Republicans:\n\n\"That leaves the Congress with which he toys. The Republicans are frightened chickens in a coop, peering out at the insatiable Fox. When they look back at their place in history, they\u2019ll have to squint. Sycophants all, except for the late Rep. Walter Jones and Rep. Justin Amash.\n\nAs for the Democrats, Trump is blocking subpoenas and orders for witnesses to testify. Trump is also turning down major demands for documents from several House Congressional Committees. Exercising their constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch, the Committee Chairs are filing one law suit after another. Trump laughs and tells his attorneys to keep stonewalling and appealing\u2014which can mean years. That\u2019s how he operated during his sordid failed business career.\n\nTrump has neutralized our country\u2019s checks and balances and separation of powers, including judicial accountability. He adds to his monarchal presidency by unleashing the Republican Party\u2019s suppression of the vote and other electoral shenanigans.\n\nIf the law ever catches up to Trump, he has many toadies who are willing to engage in \u201cwag the dog\u201d distractions. They are his war-hawk on steroids, national security advisor lawless John Bolton and the militaristic Secretary of State Michael Pompeo who travels the world threatening half of it. The new Secretary of Defense, from the Raytheon Corporation, presents no restraint in contrast to his predecessor Jim Mattis, cashiered by Trump.\n\nIf Trump wins, America loses. The outcome is up to you in November 2020. Be alert and prepared for tumultuous upheavals should Trump lose by a narrow margin.\"",
"headline": "Rep. Ilhan Omar On Trump Impeachment: 'It's Not If... It's When'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/rep-ilhan-omar-trump-impeached-025845801.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Sep 17 18:10:18 UTC 2019"
I once planned to work as a diener ( it turned to be a failure although ) so I searched info about autopsy performance and forensic field.
One Russian author wrote that in the XIX century there were cases of women ( village? ) burying unwanted babies alive.
Excellent post. Thank you.

Keep up the good work.
No reason to apologize for the formatting, I see nothing wrong with it, don't worry. And yeah, I just checked the mega link, picked a rather random part and... damn, it's more brutal than I've expected:worryfeels:.
I did not include everything. I just took the 3-4 days I was banned to write this based on some notes. There is so much more. So much more. I can't stress how much historic evidence there is for stuff like women murdering babies LMAO. That's why I just provided links for further study, like the two wikipedia articles about abortion. It's too much. Basically a whole books worth of information on women murdering children and the like. It goes very deep.

Another thing is that historically, nothing has ever changed. Women were always extremely privileged as you know. I did not even go into that and how it relates to women getting away with being evil.

A lot of incels still believe the fairy tale of the golden age of patriarchy. This is utter delusion. Human nature does not change. People always treat women the same, irrespective of what the law says. The law could say "you have to beat your wife 15 times every Wednesday" and men would either not do it or just like pat her on the head 15 times. Just look at islam or india. Muh arranged marriage. Their gender relationships are horrific.

The fundamental issue is that men are simply benevolent creatures with dog like obedience. They will not hurt women, no matter what. And women know this about men, exploit it but resent men for letting them exploit them. It is viscous.

Anyway i will give an to give an example of how women getting pregnant as a get-out-of-jail-free card is extremely common. They view children as tools. And female behavior is identical on global scale. I remember google translating youtube comments of foids form other countries in the past, and I was surprised to find that they use exactly the same language as my mother and other women I know. Like word for word.

To give two historic examples of the same behavior, centuries apart:

1. A lesbian pirate foid. Gets caught, deliberately gets pregnant to avoid execution while her male counterparts are executed:

Rackham and his crew were arrested and brought to trial in what is now Spanish Town, Jamaica, where they were sentenced to hang for acts of piracy, as were Read and Bonny. However, the women claimed they were both "quick with child" (known as "pleading the belly"), and received temporary stays of execution.[14]

2. And what do you know:

Just like Mary Read in the 18th century, Holmes is leveraging her children to get a lenient sentence. As far as I understand, she will be sent to a facility that allows family visits and the like. Meanwhile her male counterpart is getting free skin tuba lessons from Aryan Brotherhood member Jimmy Jenkins.
Last edited:
I once planned to work as a diener ( it turned to be a failure although ) so I searched info about autopsy performance and forensic field.
One Russian author wrote that in the XIX century there were cases of women ( village? ) burying unwanted babies alive.

It is documented in places I linked like here:

Screenshot from 2023 05 07 09 48 13

If you are squeamish, There are photos of half-dead babies that were saved at the bottom of page.
Also some contemporary news clippings.

Absolutely amazing read. Not only is it insightful blackpilled content but it was also very well written. Genuinely enjoyed taking my time to dive into this.

Unfathomably based.
Nice thread brocel.

Only a psycho would ruin the gods granted image that is their own body on purpose. Yesterday I met a nicotine-addicted dyed hair wearing septum wearing tattooed foid. I'd say she descended hard, I could see the foundation of a Stacylite by looking at her face, but she just had to destroy her own body. What a shame.

The ass was fat, so I still would. Unfortunately I'm a wristcel Aspergian so I'll never hit that. If she needed all that stuff in order to be comfortable, she's just signalling she's Chad only. Any other kind of man would see the mental illness and walk away.

Maybe this is a psychopath trait, maybe I'm just rambling. Oh yeah, this falls under recklessness, doesn't it? I mean, who in their right mind will wife a woman who looks like that? If she were the same age but 50 years ago she would have turned into a cat lady.
Read some of it and it’s actually quite an interesting text. I’ll try to read the whole thing later
Absolutely amazing read. Not only is it insightful blackpilled content but it was also very well written. Genuinely enjoyed taking my time to dive into this.

Unfathomably based.
@Mortis thx :feelsaww:

Nice thread brocel.

Only a psycho would ruin the gods granted image that is their own body on purpose. Yesterday I met a nicotine-addicted dyed hair wearing septum wearing tattooed foid. I'd say she descended hard, I could see the foundation of a Stacylite by looking at her face, but she just had to destroy her own body. What a shame.

The ass was fat, so I still would. Unfortunately I'm a wristcel Aspergian so I'll never hit that. If she needed all that stuff in order to be comfortable, she's just signalling she's Chad only. Any other kind of man would see the mental illness and walk away.

Maybe this is a psychopath trait, maybe I'm just rambling. Oh yeah, this falls under recklessness, doesn't it? I mean, who in their right mind will wife a woman who looks like that? If she were the same age but 50 years ago she would have turned into a cat lady.
yeah i also have bitch wrists. Someones mom even comment on it once. I remember years ago when ppl were kekking at wristpill. They've stopped kekking.
Also, I never understood piercings. I don't even understand earrings. I remember when piercings were rare, around the year 2010. I had a female maths teacher with a tiny nose piercing and it weirded me out a lot. The septum piercing noserings are next level though. It just looks grotesque.

Maybe this is a psychopath trait, maybe I'm just rambling. Oh yeah, this falls under recklessness, doesn't it? I mean, who in their right mind will wife a woman who looks like that? If she were the same age but 50 years ago she would have turned into a cat lady.
You are actually demonstrating the opposite of recklessness because you are thinking about your future self and the consequences of marrying a woman like that would have.

Read some of it and it’s actually quite an interesting text. I’ll try to read the whole thing later
@the.oracle thx, get back to me when done.
Did read. This is why ascension won't make your life better in the long term and you're just better off avoiding foids as much as possible except for prostitution. Very high effort and high iq thread, it did change my views on MGTOW movement.

@Komesarj should have read this but he nuked his account because of 19 yo virgin pussy, the blackpill will come to collect.

Bookmarked it and I will re-read it every now and then because it's a full depiction of the blackpill and sometimes I forget about all the details.
Just write War and Peace - theory
Did read. This is why ascension won't make your life better in the long term and you're just better off avoiding foids as much as possible except for prostitution. Very high effort and high iq thread, it did change my views on MGTOW movement.

@Komesarj should have read this but he nuked his account because of 19 yo virgin pussy, the blackpill will come to collect.

Bookmarked it and I will re-read it every now and then because it's a full depiction of the blackpill and sometimes I forget about all the details.
Thx for reading. I understand its very long. All the books sources and so forth can be downloaded from mega folder at end of thread for posterity.

On the mgtow thing. Yes. People dont understand that mgtow has been around for over 25 years. Their IQ used be extremely high before they got diluted and then destroyed internally. Their descriptions of betabuxx relationships are just straight up horrific. Unfortunately a lot of incels still dont get this. You mention @Komesarj as an example.

My OP is 12000 words long, so there was simply no space to explain the full MGTOW position and why its simply impossible to even consider a relationship with a woman. It goes a lot deeper than that, all the manipulation methods they use, like marking their territory, taking over the house. There is also this interesting stockholm-syndrom bond they deliberately create between themselves and the children.
The father also has stockholm syndrome for his wife, but he only has access to his children by paying a ransom. It's a hostage situation.

This is also why in street interviews, surveys and studies children consistently report loving their mom more than their dad. Logically this makes no sense since the father is the better parent. Just think about the negative impact of single motherhood on children. Fatherhood is the only thing that makes a positive impact. They even found that the more time the dad spends with the child, the higher the childs IQ becomes.

All the nurturing features we attribute to mothers can only be found in fathers. Provision, care, heck- even cooking. So many mgtow fathers and even my own father have stories about their wifes horribly misfeeding their kids. My mom raised my siblings on breakfeast cereal and ice cream until my dad intervened. I recall another mgtow father on a forum saying he was on a business trip an dhis children called him and asked if they could have real food when he comes back.

This is very common behavior.
So why do children love their mom more? From what I have seen it is essentially brainwashing by the mom. The mom triggers the dad on purpose, then portraits him as the bad guy to the children. My own mother, blunt as she ever is, simply told us kids: "Your dad is evil, he may not seem like it but I know him, hes evil deep down."

There is so much more to this position but most incels and blackpillers know next to nothing about this. There is so much torture that normie males endure in relationships, you wouldn't imagine. Some people even suggest that men are masochists and not women, because men take all this punishment from women without reacting.

So as you say, Pay to get your rocks off, and outside that, you loose out on nothing as a subhuman male.
I've personally experienced all of those traits and have seen them throughout all women I've known or known about. I don't believe most of "mental illnesses" exist, the traits related to a personality type are just traits related to innate characteristics and their relationships with the environment.

The "psychopatic" traits are actually just traits related to female characteristics when maximized. Since female ontology exerts itself indirectly on nature (primarily because of their lack of physical and ambiental abilities compared to males), they need to rely on men to do those things that bring them material life.

Because of this, women's survival mechanism induce them to develop their interior world based on social manipulation - and to do this, they need to be hyper aware of their own world and necessities, and those of others who can provide for them, in order to close the math and bring them material security - thus the well known solipsistic nature of women's thinking and that of the psychopath.

Men, on the other hand, are more capable of handling material reality, and thus, out of their own necessity and survival mechanism, are induced into developing their interior world and its relationship with external objects based on the rational distribution of resources in order to provide himself with material security. Thus, men create the division of labour in order to maximize and rationalize its power over material resources - it is "civilization" itself.

Both have purpose, but one's is only to leech, the other's is to build.

Anyways, this all relates to how you see all of those researchs saying positions of power in both government and private entities are held by "narcissistic" people. Many say these positions are filled with "psychopaths". Are they women? No. They're mostly men who were so "feminine" in their internal world that they mastered the skill that is most needed to succeed in an increasingly modern world where the division of labour has been internalized - deception. You win not by force, but by manipulating the masses (third parties) into exerting their physical power onto others. Thus, the most powerful men are those that can manipulate those into government to use police or army force on citizens and foreign powers. All through deception, propaganda, and the tactics of manipulation to keep all of those Universe 25 experiments you see around the world. Only because the "tip of the spear" low value males on the army and police dumbingly enforce the rules because they are so deprived of purpose and a lot of time material resources to build instead of mindlesly destroy.

This is what the women's ontology is based on.

It is why women are natural lawyers, politicians, psychologists, teachers. They are masterful at manipulating and making it seem like they are the ones being manipulated on. They are not logical for some things, but for others, they are extremely logical. They know in law what matters is the logic of voluntary serfdom. So what matters is the credibility of those that hold the power to say what is the truth, women can analyse what is being valued (instead of making their own metrics of what's valuable or not), so they learn how to cater to the narrative and manipulate their particular narrative to fit that. That's exactly why women succeed at both pretending to be perfect whores or pretending to be perfet wives, sometimes at the same time (madona-whore complex), even if they are not inately either - they are what the environment tells them to do.

This is why they need external stimulation so relentlessly - it is what makes their survival instict react. Men, on the other hand, are naturaly integrated with "nature" material reality, their brain is made to think of how to manipulate it, and for what end, purpose. It is ontologically structural-oriented.

Male politicians and private billionaires, just as the most heinous low-level criminals, are all obsessed with status and aesthetics (banging JBs for instance). Patrick Bateman is a perfect depiction of a psychopath. It's funny that many bluepilled retards think it's made to look men look bad at how their supposed narcissism is - but Patrick Bateman is the most "feminine" man you can think of. It is actually a depiction of how women in general (and male "psychopaths", those who have an inner world which is like that of a woman) view the world and interact with it. They could fuck Chad for their own mental pleasure and for the status it gives her in her mind and in seconds later slaughter them with a chainsaw if it is what is needed, both literally and figuratively.

This is the reason why modernity comes with political and private power being superficially "given" to women. Women manipulate the masses easier, thus making it even easier for the true elites to control all of the cattle (including women). It is a tendency that is not going to go backwards, tradcels.

Unfortunately, this current moment of the world's existential zeitgeist leaves those men that are more inclined and even more able at the building-oriented trait (instead of the social/third-party manipulative one) means two things:

1) The first class of men will be punished;
2) The second class of men will be rewarded.

In a world where the manipulation of physical reality is scarcely needed because of technology, traits related to social manipulation are more prone to be developed by people. Thus, males become feminized (just see the physical difference between a man 5000 years ago and today), in all aspects, including being more manipulative than builders. More men want to leech off the government and private entities.

Is there a tipping point? I don't know. Judging by history, it just gets progressively worse. The less individual power a man as a individual is able to have. This is the reason why in the beginning of times men who were leaders actually needed to show competence at bulding skills, because power was so dispersed that it required ability to gather it together. Today, power is monolithic and there is nothing a single individual can do to change how it works or reclaim his personal power.

Therefore, what matters is how to engage in the big gear (the established social contract) and how to benefit from it using the least amount of personal resources. It is a logic that is itself based on leeching.

Of course, this also means it is naturally inclined to decline. Thoughout history, though, it seems the mechanics just keep reinventing itself in order to preserve itself. It is why a decline in birth rates is irreversible and the natural conclusion of this. Division of labour made it able that humans itself are no longer needed in big collective settings for the optimal reproduction of life. You can have a world inhabitated by 500.000 humans of excellent genes being procreated by powerful DNA-editing machines and it all works fine. Isn't it funny that the Georgia Guidestones exist? Hahaha.

I don't know. Even as a complete nihilist it still somehow makes sense the story in the bible. Or the one told by most religions really. Some form of eschatology. My summed up reading of the Bible is that the beginning itself is the start of the end. The moment Adam and Eve ate the apple, the moment we were thrown into the world, it was the beginning of the decay. Nothing can be changed. Things are just reacting, the same way energy dilates and dissipates, it's a cycle made of cycles. All we see are temporary ends that only become new beginnings. I fear it looks like a circular thing, an eternal reocurrence. And we're all fascinated and fearful at the same time of this nature.

I don't know, yesterday I looked closely into my cat's eyes and felt a deep sense of inexistence. It made me think >why< - for what reason - "we" are "born" into this physical world just to be so bound to its immutable nature. If you we powerless as a human today, imagine being such a fragile and simplistic being. All they do (the "domestic", "tamed by civilization" ones...) is play all the time to fight boredom until they die because of a simple flu. Existence is just terrifying and laughable at the same time hahahaha. Makes me think it's some sort of simulation in the end. The lack of sense in its sense just doesn't add up.

It's over.
Thx for reading. I understand its very long. All the books sources and so forth can be downloaded from mega folder at end of thread for posterity.

On the mgtow thing. Yes. People dont understand that mgtow has been around for over 25 years. Their IQ used be extremely high before they got diluted and then destroyed internally. Their descriptions of betabuxx relationships are just straight up horrific. Unfortunately a lot of incels still dont get this. You mention @Komesarj as an example.

My OP is 12000 words long, so there was simply no space to explain the full MGTOW position and why its simply impossible to even consider a relationship with a woman. It goes a lot deeper than that, all the manipulation methods they use, like marking their territory, taking over the house. There is also this interesting stockholm-syndrom bond they deliberately create between themselves and the children.
The father also has stockholm syndrome for his wife, but he only has access to his children by paying a ransom. It's a hostage situation.

This is also why in street interviews, surveys and studies children consistently report loving their mom more than their dad. Logically this makes no sense since the father is the better parent. Just think about the negative impact of single motherhood on children. Fatherhood is the only thing that makes a positive impact. They even found that the more time the dad spends with the child, the higher the childs IQ becomes.

All the nurturing features we attribute to mothers can only be found in fathers. Provision, care, heck- even cooking. So many mgtow fathers and even my own father have stories about their wifes horribly misfeeding their kids. My mom raised my siblings on breakfeast cereal and ice cream until my dad intervened. I recall another mgtow father on a forum saying he was on a business trip an dhis children called him and asked if they could have real food when he comes back.

This is very common behavior.
So why do children love their mom more? From what I have seen it is essentially brainwashing by the mom. The mom triggers the dad on purpose, then portraits him as the bad guy to the children. My own mother, blunt as she ever is, simply told us kids: "Your dad is evil, he may not seem like it but I know him, hes evil deep down."

There is so much more to this position but most incels and blackpillers know next to nothing about this. There is so much torture that normie males endure in relationships, you wouldn't imagine. Some people even suggest that men are masochists and not women, because men take all this punishment from women without reacting.

So as you say, Pay to get your rocks off, and outside that, you loose out on nothing as a subhuman male.
Actually caring for others is long-term thinking. You as a man aim at development and self-sufficiency. A woman thinks short-term because of its inability to build upon time. It only cares superficially in how it affects her directly. This is why in Universe 25 you see mothers and females being aggressive towards their children and males. When it becomes so easy for women to exist they start to be hostile (external exertion of power) and males start to become autistic and get out of social interaction (except the psychopaths who hold all the harems and the control of violence, of course).
I'm going to spitball some thoughts I had while reading this.

Shallow Affect:

-I just met a whore I was chadfishing last night. She had very shallow affect. Virtue-signaling SJW type. I told her she seemed really cool about being catfished and she said "internally, not cool". This goes to show how women wear a mask. The moment she was out of my sight she called me and asking me to give her money to get back home. The moment I denied her she said I'm an ugly piece of shit and a loser. Before this she was really nice and chill. This chick was just out to get some chad strange in the middle of the night and wipe her mouth and declare that she did nothing wrong. I don't even think she remembered what the chad I was using even looked like. I unmatched her early on but gave her my number first only for this bitch to randomly text me for the first time like a week later to setup a hookup. A lot of these catfish whores will pretend to be hurt but they really don't care about being catfished. Or they will pretend not to be upset but they are. These creatures have no identity. They are duplicitous. Society would look so much different if men behaved even a little bit like women.

-It's crazy how easy it is for women to randomly hookup with dudes and the world is none the wiser. Women constantly crave sexual validation and are always having "dick crises". After they're done virtue signaling about how they don't need a man, they're hitting up some random guy to come fuck them after going 1 week without sex. Women only take breaks from sex when they're so smutted out from getting trains ran on them that they need to chill and pretend to be an actual human for a while and not a fleshlight. Even the thrill of sex dissipates sometimes.

-Men only caring about sex is total projection. Women compartmentalize men as "sex only" "friendzone" etc, happily. If a man puts a woman in the sex only category it's for a damn good reason. But men generally want holistic experiences, which is why so many of us aren't OK with whoremaxxing. Probably the best argument for whoremaxxing is that you can NEVER achieve such an experience with women, only a simulation. It's just that some women are better than others at pretending. "All women are gold diggers, some of just better at hiding the shovel". Whoremaxxing is the most raw iteration of what male-female relations generally boil down to: a man gives a woman who doesn't like him his resources in order to access her used up hole. The only real modifiers here are if the guy is chad and the woman is a virgin, and even those could easily become obsolete eventually.

-About this this hispanic whore I catfished. I showed her my real pic and she says "I'm not really into black guys". Literally moments after saying this she tells me a black guy gave her genital herpes and she likes to lick black women's pussies. You can't trust a SINGLE THING THAT WOMEN SAY. I know these vindictive creatures I catfish will not hesitate to destroy my life if they can, probably for their own amusement. But my life is already destroyed for even having to exist on the same planet as these morally bereft retards.

-They say a woman's tears are only real when she's alone.


"Beat your woman twice a week. If you don't know why you're doing it, she will."

-This narcopath toilet sent me a video of herself getting fucked, almost with the specific intent to mock me. I did exactly what I know a woman would've done: I saved the video and kept it for black mail purposes. Her family hadn't found out yet how much of a whore she was, and this girl would constantly tell me to delete the video, even getting another girl who I was previously on amicable terms with me to start harassing me. Of course I never deleted it. Never give up leverage with them. They would never give up even a millimeter of leverage they have over you.

"There’s no probation when you hurt a woman. There’s no mercy. They want you dead and their resentment lasts a lifetime."

-They're even like this with each other. I have female family that got into one fight probably like 20 years ago and don't talk to each other to this day. Neither of them is humble enough to go to the other and try to make amends. And let's face it, women are useless anyways, so I guess it's pointless to rekindle the relationship. This is why a lot of "lesbians" eventually end up with men. They have to cash in on male utility eventually.

"Another thing Michelle Langley talks about is that women would rather have their partner die in an accident, than to break up with them openly. Because breaking up is a pro-active, negative behavior and women always have to maintain the women-are-wonderful facade"

-This is why they always say "it was mutual" when you ask why their relationship ended. They always give some vague bullshit story with little to no specifics or details. It's obvious they're simply avoiding their accountability in the failure of the relationship. I saw a TikTok where a woman claimed she interviewed 100 men and 100 women about previous relationships. Every single man accepted his accountability for the relationship ended. I don't think a single woman accepted hers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ItrF1kCm2F4

-Women are definitely way bigger stalkers and it's largely for the fact that they can get away with it like many other things. A man being stalked is a "lucky guy" or it's cute or whatever. But bluepillers see a woman being stalked as a victim. Even though women lowkey enjoy it, especially if the guy is good looking. Women deliberately create opportunities for men to stalk them, at any given time a women is leading on and teasing countless male orbiters so they can lure them into traps. Look at OnlyFans whores who get killed. All it takes is one obsessive bluepilled maniac who believes her women-are-wonderful facade and sees it shattered by some random stimuli. Could be something as simple as finding out she's married.

-They can't stand the idea of missing out on the benefits of the relationship or being the loser. They always want to maintain some tether to their exes so they can keep receiving benefits from them (attention, money, sex etc).When a woman breaks up with a guy she sees it as only her giving up her relationship responsibilities--which she never bought into in earnest anyways. It's just now she doesn't have to pretend. They believe in one-sided relationships where the man does everything they want but they do what they feel like doing. I remember hearing a bitch say something like "I can cheat, HE can't!". This was during a conversation about her boyfriend messing around with other girls. Women's demands of monogamy are meaningless. Clearly it's not cheating that bothers them on principle, they always have excuses for a woman's cheating. It's just that when the man does it to her. These are the same girls that will never snitch on their girlfriends who cheat. As you said relationships for women are feelings, for men it's duty. A man can cheat on his wife and still do his "duty" and feel the same. When a woman cheats, she's simply chasing a new high. At once she has many feelings but also none.

-I saw a TikTok of a bunch of faggots shaming the Tyrone in the group for not wanting to be monogamous. You never see females shame other females like this.

-The only reason women aren't the biggest consumers of porn is because they actually get the opportunities to live out their sexual fantasies in real life. Even with that, female porn consumption is almost same as men in some countries. Women watch porn way more than people think. But they don't discuss it as openly. It's also worth noting again that plenty of "non-pornographic" things turn women on. Animal documentaries are porn to women. So is Bojack Horseman. Women are definitely aroused by animals. I've heard random things from whores like "monkeys are hot". Of course we all know about the dogfucking, horsefucking, etc.

-Random: I would bet my left testicle that women are more likely to moan during casual sex than in their relationships. They love the disassociation and "freedom" of casual encounters. Many women report enjoying them more because they don't have to see the person again. They can be "themselves". This is only because the natural state of women is a total fraud. They feel more comfortable around strangers because the stranger is a "clean slate"; fresh meat that doesn't know how shitty a person she is yet. A new person to con. As you said, this is also why a lot of women like to travel to distant places where no one knows them and their reputation cannot follow them. Why do so many girls intentionally go to college on the other side of the country? What exactly is in Iowa that's so great? Work and school are just places women go to meet new people to fuck.

"Women gain happiness from seeing their partner upset - because it 'shows their relationship is strong."

-Part of the reason they love bad boys and "abusers". They emotionally abuse and bait men into getting emotional so they can see how invested he is in the relationship. In other words, how strongly she has him in her draconian claws. I've actually been saying this for a while, I didn't even know about that study verifying it. Also women respond more to men who aren't smiling on their dating profile.

"Female evil is often overlooked because they unfold it under the authority of a male. The male then gets blamed"

-Epstein and Maxwell basically. She is actually supposed to be the person who got Epstein all of his high level connections. She was the one with the connections and power. Behind every male rapist, trafficker, child molester and pimp is a "bottom bitch". And she is probably the one really running the show.

-Yes they enjoy seeing men in pain. They will say this is because of revenge for patriarchy or dumbfuck shit but I think it's really because, like any bully, they are insecure and need to feel better about themselves by laughing at the misfortune of others. I was with an older female relative once and there was this little boy learning how to rollerskate. He kept falling and she could barely even contain her laughter, where I actually felt really bad for the kid. Sometimes all it takes is the slightest misfortune, or misstep; maybe you tripped or something, for all the the femmeroids in the vicinity to erupt with laughter. As anyone on this forum knows, even your mere existence can be enough to get hyenas cackling about your appearance, making jokes, etc.

-They're just vile creatures who need to be put to death or locked in cages somewhere.

-Random: Women are major hypochondriacs and are more of a burden on the medical system.

"You can put a woman in a perfect situation, perfect life, and they will still find a way to be miserable and destroy it."

-Not hard to find articles like this: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/...e-I-thought-I-better-Now-Im-childless-42.html

-This other girl once was absolutely bawling her eyes out in front of me. Unlike female homo sapiens, I'm actually a human being so it took a lot for me to sit there stoically and say nothing: my instinct was to console her. Even knowing everything I know, it was shocking to see how quickly she turned the waterworks off and went back to business as usual. She saw it wasn't working. I genuinely think she was more attracted to me after seeing this. That same cold callousness; when they see it in men it makes them like us more. Psychopathic presentation is probably the only thing that can make an ugly or unremarkable man more genuinely sexually attractive to a reptilian femmerhoid.

-This is why women "like" dangerous men, even "incels" lowkey. It's like taming a wild, free horse (in a pirated copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC). They enjoy the challenge, and at the same time they manipulate men into being this way with their emotional abuse, both in the micro and macro. These are basically men who have moral autonomy and haven't totally submit to conventional values of contemporary society, which is obviously gynocentric (The definition of being a "real man" to society is just being an enabler and slave to women.) So women both hate us but remain obsessed with us. Since they can't "have" us in the ways they typically would have a man. Obviously, because we're too ugly to fuck, but also too awakened to be submissive beta orbiters. Unfortunately the later doesn't apply to all of us.

-Women put men in potentially life-threatening situations just by existing and being stupid whores, knowing that you are the one who will have to be accountable for her stupid behavior and put your life on the line for her. They won't feel anything if they see someone else destroy you, while trying to make it seem like you are the one who is a threat. It's not unlike what various people have tried to do to me in my life. Black women are especially bad with this. I remember reading this story about a black girl who's friend was having a squabble with her boyfriend. So she calls her OWN boyfriend to go and handle the situation, only for one boyfriend to end up dead and the other to end up in prison. Shit like this is common even though it doesn't necessarily always escalate to that point. I guarantee you both of those girls already moved on to new dick.

-There's another story of this immigrant who came to America to work and send money back home to his family (no doubt some older or infirm female relatives included). He was apparently standing "too close" to some female mammal and she called her pseudo-masculine boyfriend to come "handle" the situation, in other words, shoot the guy to death.

-Again these bitches eat, wipe their mouths and declare they've done nothing wrong. They have zero conscience and can simply move on after leaving a total shipwreck behind them. Speaking of ships that whole redpill thing about the man being the captain and a woman being first mate is bullshit. Women are terrible first mates. They are the first to abandon ship or mutiny.

Holy FUCK this ended up long. :worryfeels::worryfeels::worryfeels:
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I've personally experienced all of those traits and have seen them throughout all women I've known or known about. I don't believe most of "mental illnesses" exist, the traits related to a personality type are just traits related to innate characteristics and their relationships with the environment.

The "psychopatic" traits are actually just traits related to female characteristics when maximized. Since female ontology exerts itself indirectly on nature (primarily because of their lack of physical and ambiental abilities compared to males), they need to rely on men to do those things that bring them material life.

Anyways, this all relates to how you see all of those researchs saying positions of power in both government and private entities are held by "narcissistic" people. Many say these positions are filled with "psychopaths". Are they women? No. They're mostly men who were so "feminine" in their internal world that they mastered the skill that is most needed to succeed in an increasingly modern world where the division of labour has been internalized - deception. You win not by force, but by manipulating the masses (third parties) into exerting their physical power onto others. Thus, the most powerful men are those that can manipulate those into government to use police or army force on citizens and foreign powers. All through deception, propaganda, and the tactics of manipulation to keep all of those Universe 25 experiments you see around the world. Only because the "tip of the spear" low value males on the army and police dumbingly enforce the rules because they are so deprived of purpose and a lot of time material resources to build instead of mindlesly destroy.

Male politicians and private billionaires, just as the most heinous low-level criminals, are all obsessed with status and aesthetics (banging JBs for instance). Patrick Bateman is a perfect depiction of a psychopath. It's funny that many bluepilled retards think it's made to look men look bad at how their supposed narcissism is - but Patrick Bateman is the most "feminine" man you can think of. It is actually a depiction of how women in general (and male "psychopaths", those who have an inner world which is like that of a woman) view the world and interact with it. They could fuck Chad for their own mental pleasure and for the status it gives her in her mind and in seconds later slaughter them with a chainsaw if it is what is needed, both literally and figuratively.

This is the reason why modernity comes with political and private power being superficially "given" to women. Women manipulate the masses easier, thus making it even easier for the true elites to control all of the cattle (including women). It is a tendency that is not going to go backwards, tradcels.

Unfortunately, this current moment of the world's existential zeitgeist leaves those men that are more inclined and even more able at the building-oriented trait (instead of the social/third-party manipulative one) means two things:

1) The first class of men will be punished;
2) The second class of men will be rewarded.

In a world where the manipulation of physical reality is scarcely needed because of technology, traits related to social manipulation are more prone to be developed by people. Thus, males become feminized (just see the physical difference between a man 5000 years ago and today), in all aspects, including being more manipulative than builders. More men want to leech off the government and private entities.

Is there a tipping point? I don't know. Judging by history, it just gets progressively worse. The less individual power a man as a individual is able to have. This is the reason why in the beginning of times men who were leaders actually needed to show competence at bulding skills, because power was so dispersed that it required ability to gather it together. Today, power is monolithic and there is nothing a single individual can do to change how it works or reclaim his personal power.

Therefore, what matters is how to engage in the big gear (the established social contract) and how to benefit from it using the least amount of personal resources. It is a logic that is itself based on leeching.

Of course, this also means it is naturally inclined to decline. Thoughout history, though, it seems the mechanics just keep reinventing itself in order to preserve itself. It is why a decline in birth rates is irreversible and the natural conclusion of this. Division of labour made it able that humans itself are no longer needed in big collective settings for the optimal reproduction of life. You can have a world inhabitated by 500.000 humans of excellent genes being procreated by powerful DNA-editing machines and it all works fine. Isn't it funny that the Georgia Guidestones exist? Hahaha.

I don't know. Even as a complete nihilist it still somehow makes sense the story in the bible. Or the one told by most religions really. Some form of eschatology. My summed up reading of the Bible is that the beginning itself is the start of the end. The moment Adam and Eve ate the apple, the moment we were thrown into the world, it was the beginning of the decay. Nothing can be changed. Things are just reacting, the same way energy dilates and dissipates, it's a cycle made of cycles. All we see are temporary ends that only become new beginnings. I fear it looks like a circular thing, an eternal reocurrence. And we're all fascinated and fearful at the same time of this nature.

I don't know, yesterday I looked closely into my cat's eyes and felt a deep sense of inexistence. It made me think >why< - for what reason - "we" are "born" into this physical world just to be so bound to its immutable nature. If you we powerless as a human today, imagine being such a fragile and simplistic being. All they do (the "domestic", "tamed by civilization" ones...) is play all the time to fight boredom until they die because of a simple flu. Existence is just terrifying and laughable at the same time hahahaha. Makes me think it's some sort of simulation in the end. The lack of sense in its sense just doesn't add up.

It's over.
Actually caring for others is long-term thinking. You as a man aim at development and self-sufficiency. A woman thinks short-term because of its inability to build upon time. It only cares superficially in how it affects her directly. This is why in Universe 25 you see mothers and females being aggressive towards their children and males. When it becomes so easy for women to exist they start to be hostile (external exertion of power) and males start to become autistic and get out of social interaction (except the psychopaths who hold all the harems and the control of violence, of course).

Thank you for high effort and high IQ replies.

On saying that you have seen these traits in every female: Almost all the info we have is just observations people have made for millennia. It really is just looks that covers up female behavior. Jews act like women in many ways but people relentlessly shit on them, very often this includes pointing to jewish looks.

Also, on mental illness not being real, that's a very interesting topic. Theres of course the ongoing replication crisis in the social sciences and psychology has been under critique since its very inception. @Atavistic Autist knows more on that. As well as @JayGoptri.

On Patrick Bateman being a picture perfect depiction of femininity, I also agree. I wrote about this recently somewhere, how ironic it is that zoomers meme him but he's exactly what they are. That's also why I included the American Psycho Quotes in my OP. It's very fitting, the way he describes himself is essentially how women experience the world and themselves.

Male politicians and private billionaires, just as the most heinous low-level criminals, are all obsessed with status and aesthetics (banging JBs for instance). Patrick Bateman is a perfect depiction of a psychopath. It's funny that many bluepilled retards think it's made to look men look bad at how their supposed narcissism is - but Patrick Bateman is the most "feminine" man you can think of. It is actually a depiction of how women in general (and male "psychopaths", those who have an inner world which is like that of a woman) view the world and interact with it. They could fuck Chad for their own mental pleasure and for the status it gives her in her mind and in seconds later slaughter them with a chainsaw if it is what is needed, both literally and figuratively.
This is a very good paragraph.
This kind of complete switch in personality is also often observed by men in relationships.
Often we read "it was like I woke up next to a different person."
Though, even that is a misnomer. There was never a person there. Only a container pretending to be. The woman you knew back in HS does not exist anymore. She's gone now. They are a container with constantly changing content. The bottom leaks, new stuff gets filled in on top. Eventually the whole content has been replaced.

Also a good point on the entire earth being turned into a "Universe 25" experiment. Yes, we are living under "full spectrum dominance." The biggest social experiment ever. Maybe you are familiar but look into Malthusianism and the experiments Malthus conducted. Somewhat of a predecessor to the universe 25 experiments.

I don't know, yesterday I looked closely into my cat's eyes and felt a deep sense of inexistence.

Thank you for high effort and high IQ replies.

On saying that you have seen these traits in every female: Almost all the info we have is just observations people have made for millennia. It really is just looks that covers up female behavior. Jews act like women in many ways but people relentlessly shit on them, very often this includes pointing to jewish looks.

Also, on mental illness not being real, that's a very interesting topic. Theres of course the ongoing replication crisis in the social sciences and psychology has been under critique since its very inception. @Atavistic Autist knows more on that. As well as @JayGoptri.

On Patrick Bateman being a picture perfect depiction of femininity, I also agree. I wrote about this recently somewhere, how ironic it is that zoomers meme him but he's exactly what they are. That's also why I included the American Psycho Quotes in my OP. It's very fitting, the way he describes himself is essentially how women experience the world and themselves.

This is a very good paragraph.
This kind of complete switch in personality is also often observed by men in relationships.
Often we read "it was like I woke up next to a different person."
Though, even that is a misnomer. There was never a person there. Only a container pretending to be. The woman you knew back in HS does not exist anymore. She's gone now. They are a container with constantly changing content. The bottom leaks, new stuff gets filled in on top. Eventually the whole content has been replaced.

Also a good point on the entire earth being turned into a "Universe 25" experiment. Yes, we are living under "full spectrum dominance." The biggest social experiment ever. Maybe you are familiar but look into Malthusianism and the experiments Malthus conducted. Somewhat of a predecessor to the universe 25 experiments.

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Thanks for the reply, wish I could ramble less and write better paragraphs but it is what it is, you understood the message
Also, for the video, yes, it was a weird feeling like watching these women laugh in uniformity, like an uncanny valley type of feeling
My OP is 12000 words long
Women use 20k words per day and all of it is useless drivel.
The father also has stockholm syndrome for his wife, but he only has access to his children by paying a ransom. It's a hostage situation.
You even see this with animals. I was randomly watching this thing about owls raising their kids and anytime the male owl come to roost and bond with the baby owls she would chase him away and make him get more food.
All the nurturing features we attribute to mothers can only be found in fathers. Provision, care, heck- even cooking. So many mgtow fathers and even my own father have stories about their wifes horribly misfeeding their kids.
Yeah they're lazy as fuck and will gladly dump their kids in front of an iPad or TV screen and let that do the parenting. It's also sickening how many mothers essentially wean their kids on shitty, unhealthy foods. Then these morons wanna be mad when their kids are chronically overweight.
This is very common behavior.
So why do children love their mom more? From what I have seen it is essentially brainwashing by the mom. The mom triggers the dad on purpose, then portraits him as the bad guy to the children. My own mother, blunt as she ever is, simply told us kids: "Your dad is evil, he may not seem like it but I know him, hes evil deep down."
See it with single moms especially. "Your dad doesn't love you, he ain't shit." etc.

Good read, but your examples from anecdotes draw a lot upon your mom and family. I have many good examples of interactions from girls from uni that could be used as arguments that they are inclined to psychopathy
I'm going to spitball some thoughts I had while reading this.

Shallow Affect:

-I just met a whore I was chadfishing last night. She had very shallow affect. Virtue-signaling SJW type. I told her she seemed really cool about being catfished and she said "internally, not cool". This goes to show how women wear a mask. The moment she was out of my sight she called me and asking me to give her money to get back home. The moment I denied her she said I'm an ugly piece of shit and a loser. Before this she was really nice and chill. This chick was just out to get some chad strange in the middle of the night and wipe her mouth and declare that she did nothing wrong. I don't even think she remembered what the chad I was using even looked like. I unmatched her early on but gave her my number first only for this bitch to randomly text me for the first time like a week later to setup a hookup. A lot of these catfish whores will pretend to be hurt but they really don't care about being catfished. Or they will pretend not to be upset but they are. These creatures have no identity. They are duplicitous. Society would look so much different if men behaved even a little bit like women.

-It's crazy how easy it is for women to randomly hookup with dudes and the world is none the wiser. Women constantly crave sexual validation and are always having "dick crises". After they're done virtue signaling about how they don't need a man, they're hitting up some random guy to come fuck them after going 1 week without sex. Women only take breaks from sex when they're so smutted out from getting trains ran on them that they need to chill and pretend to be an actual human for a while and not a fleshlight. Even the thrill of sex dissipates sometimes.

-Men only caring about sex is total projection. Women compartmentalize men as "sex only" "friendzone" etc, happily. If a man puts a woman in the sex only category it's for a damn good reason. But men generally want holistic experiences, which is why so many of us aren't OK with whoremaxxing. Probably the best argument for whoremaxxing is that you can NEVER achieve such an experience with women, only a simulation. It's just that some women are better than others at pretending. "All women are gold diggers, some of just better at hiding the shovel". Whoremaxxing is the most raw iteration of what male-female relations generally boil down to: a man gives a woman who doesn't like him his resources in order to access her used up hole. The only real modifiers here are if the guy is chad and the woman is a virgin, and even those could easily become obsolete eventually.

-About this this hispanic whore I catfished. I showed her my real pic and she says "I'm not really into black guys". Literally moments after saying this she tells me a black guy gave her genital herpes and she likes to lick black women's pussies. You can't trust a SINGLE THING THAT WOMEN SAY. I know these vindictive creatures I catfish will not hesitate to destroy my life if they can, probably for their own amusement. But my life is already destroyed for even having to exist on the same planet as these morally bereft retards.

-They say a woman's tears are only real when she's alone.


"Beat your woman twice a week. If you don't know why you're doing it, she will."

-This narcopath toilet sent me a video of herself getting fucked, almost with the specific intent to mock me. I did exactly what I know a woman would've done: I saved the video and kept it for black mail purposes. Her family hadn't found out yet how much of a whore she was, and this girl would constantly tell me to delete the video, even getting another girl who I was previously on amicable terms with me to start harassing me. Of course I never deleted it. Never give up leverage with them. They would never give up even a millimeter of leverage they have over you.

"There’s no probation when you hurt a woman. There’s no mercy. They want you dead and their resentment lasts a lifetime."

-They're even like this with each other. I have female family that got into one fight probably like 20 years ago and don't talk to each other to this day. Neither of them is humble enough to go to the other and try to make amends. And let's face it, women are useless anyways, so I guess it's pointless to rekindle the relationship. This is why a lot of "lesbians" eventually end up with men. They have to cash in on male utility eventually.

"Another thing Michelle Langley talks about is that women would rather have their partner die in an accident, than to break up with them openly. Because breaking up is a pro-active, negative behavior and women always have to maintain the women-are-wonderful facade"

-This is why they always say "it was mutual" when you ask why their relationship ended. They always give some vague bullshit story with little to no specifics or details. It's obvious they're simply avoiding their accountability in the failure of the relationship. I saw a TikTok where a woman claimed she interviewed 100 men and 100 women about previous relationships. Every single man accepted his accountability for the relationship ended. I don't think a single woman accepted hers.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ItrF1kCm2F4

-Women are definitely way bigger stalkers and it's largely for the fact that they can get away with it like many other things. A man being stalked is a "lucky guy" or it's cute or whatever. But bluepillers see a woman being stalked as a victim. Even though women lowkey enjoy it, especially if the guy is good looking. Women deliberately create opportunities for men to stalk them, at any given time a women is leading on and teasing countless male orbiters so they can lure them into traps. Look at OnlyFans whores who get killed. All it takes is one obsessive bluepilled maniac who believes her women-are-wonderful facade and sees it shattered by some random stimuli. Could be something as simple as finding out she's married.

-They can't stand the idea of missing out on the benefits of the relationship or being the loser. They always want to maintain some tether to their exes so they can keep receiving benefits from them (attention, money, sex etc).When a woman breaks up with a guy she sees it as only her giving up her relationship responsibilities--which she never bought into in earnest anyways. It's just now she doesn't have to pretend. They believe in one-sided relationships where the man does everything they want but they do what they feel like doing. I remember hearing a bitch say something like "I can cheat, HE can't!". This was during a conversation about her boyfriend messing around with other girls. Women's demands of monogamy are meaningless. Clearly it's not cheating that bothers them on principle, they always have excuses for a woman's cheating. It's just that when the man does it to her. These are the same girls that will never snitch on their girlfriends who cheat. As you said relationships for women are feelings, for men it's duty. A man can cheat on his wife and still do his "duty" and feel the same. When a woman cheats, she's simply chasing a new high. At once she has many feelings but also none.

-I saw a TikTok of a bunch of faggots shaming the Tyrone in the group for not wanting to be monogamous. You never see females shame other females like this.

-The only reason women aren't the biggest consumers of porn is because they actually get the opportunities to live out their sexual fantasies in real life. Even with that, female porn consumption is almost same as men in some countries. Women watch porn way more than people think. But they don't discuss it as openly. It's also worth noting again that plenty of "non-pornographic" things turn women on. Animal documentaries are porn to women. So is Bojack Horseman. Women are definitely aroused by animals. I've heard random things from whores like "monkeys are hot". Of course we all know about the dogfucking, horsefucking, etc.

-Random: I would bet my left testicle that women are more likely to moan during casual sex than in their relationships. They love the disassociation and "freedom" of casual encounters. Many women report enjoying them more because they don't have to see the person again. They can be "themselves". This is only because the natural state of women is a total fraud. They feel more comfortable around strangers because the stranger is a "clean slate"; fresh meat that doesn't know how shitty a person she is yet. A new person to con. As you said, this is also why a lot of women like to travel to distant places where no one knows them and their reputation cannot follow them. Why do so many girls intentionally go to college on the other side of the country? What exactly is in Iowa that's so great? Work and school are just places women go to meet new people to fuck.

"Women gain happiness from seeing their partner upset - because it 'shows their relationship is strong."

-Part of the reason they love bad boys and "abusers". They emotionally abuse and bait men into getting emotional so they can see how invested he is in the relationship. In other words, how strongly she has him in her draconian claws. I've actually been saying this for a while, I didn't even know about that study verifying it. Also women respond more to men who aren't smiling on their dating profile.

"Female evil is often overlooked because they unfold it under the authority of a male. The male then gets blamed"

-Epstein and Maxwell basically. She is actually supposed to be the person who got Epstein all of his high level connections. She was the one with the connections and power. Behind every male rapist, trafficker, child molester and pimp is a "bottom bitch". And she is probably the one really running the show.

-Yes they enjoy seeing men in pain. They will say this is because of revenge for patriarchy or dumbfuck shit but I think it's really because, like any bully, they are insecure and need to feel better about themselves by laughing at the misfortune of others. I was with an older female relative once and there was this little boy learning how to rollerskate. He kept falling and she could barely even contain her laughter, where I actually felt really bad for the kid. Sometimes all it takes is the slightest misfortune, or misstep; maybe you tripped or something, for all the the femmeroids in the vicinity to erupt with laughter. As anyone on this forum knows, even your mere existence can be enough to get hyenas cackling about your appearance, making jokes, etc.

-They're just vile creatures who need to be put to death or locked in cages somewhere.

-Random: Women are major hypochondriacs and are more of a burden on the medical system.

"You can put a woman in a perfect situation, perfect life, and they will still find a way to be miserable and destroy it."

-Not hard to find articles like this: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/...e-I-thought-I-better-Now-Im-childless-42.html

-This other girl once was absolutely bawling her eyes out in front of me. Unlike female homo sapiens, I'm actually a human being so it took a lot for me to sit there stoically and say nothing: my instinct was to console her. Even knowing everything I know, it was shocking to see how quickly she turned the waterworks off and went back to business as usual. She saw it wasn't working. I genuinely think she was more attracted to me after seeing this. That same cold callousness; when they see it in men it makes them like us more. Psychopathic presentation is probably the only thing that can make an ugly or unremarkable man more genuinely sexually attractive to a reptilian femmerhoid.

-This is why women "like" dangerous men, even "incels" lowkey. It's like taming a wild, free horse (in a pirated copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC). They enjoy the challenge, and at the same time they manipulate men into being this way with their emotional abuse, both in the micro and macro. These are basically men who have moral autonomy and haven't totally submit to conventional values of contemporary society, which is obviously gynocentric (The definition of being a "real man" to society is just being an enabler and slave to women.) So women both hate us but remain obsessed with us. Since they can't "have" us in the ways they typically would have a man. Obviously, because we're too ugly to fuck, but also too awakened to be submissive beta orbiters. Unfortunately the later doesn't apply to all of us.

-Women put men in potentially life-threatening situations just by existing and being stupid whores, knowing that you are the one who will have to be accountable for her stupid behavior and put your life on the line for her. They won't feel anything if they see someone else destroy you, while trying to make it seem like you are the one who is a threat. It's not unlike what various people have tried to do to me in my life. Black women are especially bad with this. I remember reading this story about a black girl who's friend was having a squabble with her boyfriend. So she calls her OWN boyfriend to go and handle the situation, only for one boyfriend to end up dead and the other to end up in prison. Shit like this is common even though it doesn't necessarily always escalate to that point. I guarantee you both of those girls already moved on to new dick.

-Again these bitches eat, wipe their mouths and declare they've done nothing wrong. They have zero conscious and can simply move on after leaving a total shipwreck behind them. Speaking of ships that whole redpill thing about the man being the captain and a woman being first mate is bullshit. Women are terrible first mates. They are the first to abandon ship or mutiny.

Holy FUCK this ended up long. :worryfeels::worryfeels::worryfeels:

This is an A+++++ Reply

I agree with everything single thing and I also really appreciate the inputs from experience.
I was the zoo with my little sister and mom recently and when I read your reply, multiple things instantly stood out.
1. My sister seeing a goats nuts and going "wow did you see how big the balls are" -> I did not even notice it was a male goat
2. My mom passive aggressively attacking my sister by leaking that she broke up with her BF who was 2m tall
3. You wrote they always act like the breakup was mutual -> Thats exactly what she did! She said it was mutual and they just went apart. She also named like 5 dudes she visited after the break up lmao.

The Kevin Samuels clip made me laugh. Theres nothing they fear more than the truth.
This is one thing that I hate about women and effeminate soys: They are blabbermouths. They always talk super vague and it just keep going on and on. Like Samuels did in that clip, when you pin them down they recoil like you threw holy water on them.

A lot of these catfish whores will pretend to be hurt but they really don't care about being catfished. Or they will pretend not to be upset but they are. These creatures have no identity. They are duplicitous. Society would look so much different if men behaved even a little bit like women.
Even knowing everything I know, it was shocking to see how quickly she turned the waterworks off and went back to business as usual.
-Yes they enjoy seeing men in pain. They will say this is because of revenge for patriarchy or dumbfuck shit but I think it's really because, like any bully, they are insecure and need to feel better about themselves by laughing at the misfortune of others. I was with an older female relative once and there was this little boy learning how to rollerskate. He kept falling and she could barely even contain her laughter, where I actually felt really bad for the kid. Sometimes all it takes is the slightest misfortune, or misstep; maybe you tripped or something, for all the the femmeroids in the vicinity to erupt with laughter. As anyone on this forum knows, even your mere existence can be enough to get hyenas cackling about your appearance, making jokes, etc.
-They're just vile creatures who need to be put to death or locked in cages somewhere.

This is the kind of thing that makes me terrified of foids ngl.
As a human being with actual emotions you have to constantly remind yourself that they don't feel anything. It's so easy to fall for them as a man. A blackpill a day...

Also them laughing at people in pain. I have been a victim of of this since childhood. One time this tallfag beat me up in school and girls were laughing and telling him to hit me harder. On a different occasion he gave me a concussion. Most people can relate to the physical pain of others, because we all have a body. But with women, this doesn't seem to be the case. I gave the example of nurses and how foids are suited for nursing because they are not affected by seeing someone in pain.

"As chicken is not a bird, woman is not a human being." - Old Russian Proverb

Why do so many girls intentionally go to college on the other side of the country? What exactly is in Iowa that's so great? Work and school are just places women go to meet new people to fuck.
I've literally seen women psychopathically conspire and get a subhuman janitor guy fired at my job, only to randomly leave the company like one month later while bragging about landing the new job through nepotism ("my friend works there and she talked to her boss and he said its ok"). Once they've done their evil they just leave and find new killing fields.

Anyway, extremely good reply, enhanced thread a thousandfold.

Women use 20k words per day and all of it is useless drivel.

You even see this with animals. I was randomly watching this thing about owls raising their kids and anytime the male owl come to roost and bond with the baby owls she would chase him away and make him get more food.

Yeah they're lazy as fuck and will gladly dump their kids in front of an iPad or TV screen and let that do the parenting. It's also sickening how many mothers essentially wean their kids on shitty, unhealthy foods. Then these morons wanna be mad when their kids are chronically overweight.

See it with single moms especially. "Your dad doesn't love you, he ain't shit." etc.

Interesting I didn't know that about the owls.
The 4chan screenshot -> Thats another thing. Often times women will talk the most brutal shit about men at their job or whatever.
But then you meet the guy IRL and hes actually a nice person. My dad made that experience. For years he bought into my moms constant lying about how negative her coworkers are. Then he picked her up from work one day and bumped into one of them. He said he was super nice and shit and he was shocked lmao.
Thanks for the reply, wish I could ramble less and write better paragraphs but it is what it is, you understood the message
Also, for the video, yes, it was a weird feeling like watching these women laugh in uniformity, like an uncanny valley type of feeling
No your reply is good and its high effort.
The video is a recreation I attempted of a video I saw years ago on 8chan. Basically when you watch footage of women without sound, they are super alien. Like they don't have individual emotions. @lifefuel
For instance you always catch them looking at other people first, so they can see their reaction. And then they mimic that reaction. But not before looking around. They don't generate any emotional energy from the inside, it's all extrinsic. They are like aliens.

Good read, but your examples from anecdotes draw a lot upon your mom and family. I have many good examples of interactions from girls from uni that could be used as arguments that they are inclined to psychopathy
Yes, I am a subhuman autist with limited social experience.
Im curious about your Uni experience, write a reply about it. I would greatly appreciate it.
I used to live with this schizophrenic woman. Chainsmokes all day, walks around, always asks me for money with no intention of paying me back, makes as much unnecessary noise as possible with jewelry and slippers. You can even see the scratches on the floor from her walking up and down all day and staring in the mirror like the quintessential narcissist. She is also leechmaxxed to the Nth degree, and of course has a bunch of kids that she parasites off of. There was even talk of doing some legal thing like what Britney Spears' dad did to her (conservatorship). No doubt this guy had some Illuminati connections to pull something like that off in clown world.

That's exactly what these women need. They have no business being in positions of authority or heads of households. You wouldn't let your kid be in charge of the house. Women are just children with adult privileges. It's truly sick.

She even talks loudly; the whole nine. House was a total pigsty. She doesn't clean for shit and then makes food and offers me some (for validation). I never accept because why the fuck would I eat from someone who keeps their kitchen looking like a heap of trash with roaches everywhere. She probably spit in that shit anyways. I heard Haitian voodoo women put blood and piss in a man's food to make him fall in love with her.

I can go on and on about this woman and how she tried to kick me out literally a month after I moved in because she "feels like there's people in and out of the house" and her "enemies are out to get her". I hardly even go out, naturally.

Very common archetype with old spinsters. I have a friend who's mom is almost the exact same archetype.
Women can have less maximum babies in their life-times then men. This caused evolution to instill in them higher standards for mate selection. Twice as many women have reproduced as men, on average, but that counts historical periods of enforced monogamy. In periods without culturally or legally enforced monogamy about 1 male reproduced for every 8 women. Post tinder, it is certainly worse, or getting worse.

So biology plays it safe with women. Their development gives them a high probability of being intelligent enough to leech off society and men, but doesn't take risks on biology that could develop extra intelligence (and other capabilities).

The top men get all the women, so biology does high stakes gambling with the development of men. Male biology is such that rarely under certain environmental conditions they will become Chad, but mostly they will become incels. Any genetic line that didn't evolve this, would result in many average men that did not reproduce.

So back to women. Because they do not have the energy capacity (lung capacity, heart capacity, etc.), let alone intelligence to acquire substantial resources on their own they must leach of society and men. Their evolved instinct is also to gather resources for their offspring (modern equivalent is shopping).

In the animal kingdom a good equivalent is the spider. The female spider will eat the male after sex. The male doesn't know this is going to happen. This is the nature of the female to acquire resources for their offspring at the expense of men.

As far as morality, women can not survive on their own. This is why they derive their "moral" impulses entirely from the tribe. They don't possess the capacity to start a new tribe either. In the modern globally connected gynocentric culture, with high rate information evolution, this results in memes (mind viruses) decoupling from reality and hyper-evolving far past the point of insanity, being perpetuated by female minds.

Male minds can not put this in check, because of women's desire for status, their impulses have made them the masters of the internet, and the internet has become the backbone of global culture, which has resulted an irreversible global insanity. Other factors such as economic incentives and tragedy of the commons feed off this and amplify it.

What I find most interesting out of all of this is that males for the most part have lived in complete obliviousness to female nature. Nature is full of deception. With animals that have evolved to deceive other animals. Looking like a plant and then attacking. Or looking like the offspring of another species to get the other species to raise it, after it's killed the other species children. And so on. Deception is a go to strategy in nature.

But within the human species this evolutionary evolved deception has been necessary to maximize the perpetuation of human beings. I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing. I pass no moral judgements. While low IQ cucks might pass off everything I've said as pseudo-intellectual dribble. It is in fact the truth.
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They have retard brains.
I used to live with this schizophrenic woman. Chainsmokes all day, walks around, always asks me for money with no intention of paying me back, makes as much unnecessary noise as possible with jewelry and slippers. You can even see the scratches on the floor from her walking up and down all day and staring in the mirror like the quintessential narcissist. She is also leechmaxxed to the Nth degree, and of course has a bunch of kids that she parasites off of. There was even talk of doing some legal thing like what Britney Spears' dad did to her (conservatorship). No doubt this guy had some Illuminati connections to pull something like that off in clown world.

That's exactly what these women need. They have no business being in positions of authority or heads of households. You wouldn't let your kid be in charge of the house. Women are just children with adult privileges. It's truly sick.

She even talks loudly; the whole nine. House was a total pigsty. She doesn't clean for shit and then makes food and offers me some (for validation). I never accept because why the fuck would I eat from someone who keeps their kitchen looking like a heap of trash with roaches everywhere. She probably spit in that shit anyways. I heard Haitian voodoo women put blood and piss in a man's food to make him fall in love with her.

I can go on and on about this woman and how she tried to kick me out literally a month after I moved in because she "feels like there's people in and out of the house" and her "enemies are out to get her". I hardly even go out, naturally.

Very common archetype with old spinsters. I have a friend who's mom is almost the exact same archetype.
Reminds me of a story my dad told me. He used to live above this old foid, she was his landlord. And she had these insane delusions about him stealing her underwear for some reason. She would keep going on about it.
I didn't know conservatorship was a thing, interesting.

Yes, they really are not fit to lead in any capacity. They should be legal tender.

Oh fuck no, dont accept any food from a foid! I've seen my mom fuck with food before serving it to my dad, who she of course hates. Like my sister took a piece and my mom took it from her and was like "no thats the bad piece, thats for your dad" :worryfeels:
I dont even wanna know.

At other times I saw her take a shit and not wash her hand before making food.
They also spit in it and few years ago there was this whole thing about foids putting period blood in their partners food. Like, fuck no, im not eating anything a foid was in 10 mile radius off.

I can go on and on about this woman and how she tried to kick me out literally a month after I moved in because she "feels like there's people in and out of the house" and her "enemies are out to get her". I hardly even go out, naturally.
JFL bitch thinks shes sarah conner or smn

Very common archetype with old spinsters. I have a friend who's mom is almost the exact same archetype.
Hoarders are mostly older women living alone. They go apeshit once they become uglier and cant fuck no more. My dad used to work for company that was built around cleaning dead peoples homes and the old foids would just have shit stacked to the ceiling.

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