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Female sells her LITERAL SHIT for a 6figure salary. HER SHIT IS WORTH MORE THAN SUB8s



Nov 8, 2017

This is VILE.

Cucks buy her FECES at $80/shit or $20/ poo-nut butter cup...

Octopusgun2 said:
Where you been?

I'm not a huge fan of the forum format tbh, primarilyy reside on another incel site, but post the good stuff here



SaintMarcLepine said:




Every female should be roped and the world should be brought to an end
Society is just done for. Pack it up boyos, this ride is over.
mental_out said:
These cucks are actual human trash and are directly responsible for womens privilege. The fuck honestly goes wrong inside someones head that makes them want to purchase shit?

 Society is done for. 

CUCKS have allowed women's waste to be worth more than the average man. CUCKS AND FEMOIDS NEED TO BE ROPED
I dunno why I even try anymore. I should just ldar and wait to die. This is high grade suicide fuel. Good find.
Thanks for no NSFL tag. That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life, and I've pretty much seen all the gore there is. Really did not want to see that.
Curry said:
I dunno why I even try anymore. I should just ldar and wait to die. This is high grade suicide fuel. Good find.

It's very potent suicide fuel. A female can make 6 figures by just selling her bowl movements.

That is female privilege.

jagged0 said:

IT's so over. A female's shit is worth more than us
RippedRichandIncel said:
It's very potent suicide fuel. A female can make 6 figures by just selling her bowl movements.

That is female privilege.

IT's so over. A female's shit is worth more than us

This is the hardest blackpill I've ever had to shallow.
jagged0 said:
This is the hardest blackpill I've ever had to shallow.

I'm sorry to have to deliver it to you, but severely potent blackpills are my speciality
I don't know who to be angrier at: the women that make money doing this, or the men that pay for her to do it. Fucking cucks.

I don't mean to deflect blame; but the men are mostly at fault. That's how business works: if there wasn't a market demand for it...it wouldn't exist.

But we have beta-male faggots that worship and send gifts to shitty female Twitch "gamers". And that's why you can make a living being a slutty girl on Twitch. Cuck men enable all of this degenerate behaviour by women.

By extension, the reason this girl can do what she does is because there's enough cuck men faggots out there who are into scat and other shit. It's vile, disgusting, and I wish I hadn't seen it. Jesus fucking Christ.
How is this even legal? I really did not need to see this.

And this is what hypergamy does. Creates a vast pool of men desperate for any sex whatsoever so they resort to porn and become increasingly more desperate and perverted. The end result is shit like this.

I guarantee you that all those men buying her feces are incel. 100%
This shit is worse than necrophilia
Some men buy it, put it all over them and think she is "with" them
I'm just going to interject for a moment.
I understand that scat fetish is not for everyone, but you should understand that it's not really about women being on a pedestal or anything.
I, as a scat fetishist, am happy that it's beginning to become more acceptable.
This woman in particular is not that pretty and the price is too high, and I'm not sure about shipping. I just hope that someday I will be able to buy vacuumed shit from some young pretty roastie. I don't think it has to do with inceldom, just a fetish. I was into it since I was like 13 (and not blackpilled back then).

Generally, it's the same as with prostitution. Being a shut-in, I was not able to find a prostitute for me, but I would be happy if I could.
Buying shit or some other fetish stuff online seems like a good idea though. (But speaking of used panties for example, it pretty much the same as with prostitution, too many scams, and the demand is way higher then you'd expect. Hope it's not going to be like this with shit)
Women cant lose at life it's impossible
A man wants to make six figures he has to go to law school or something and hope for the best. A woman wants to make six figures and all she has to do is sell her shit to desperate betas (also see betas paying money for dirty underwear). And they say men are "privileged."
fucking hell with the kosher fetishes, I just ate..
this is decent blackpill material, though, thanks
How the fuck did you even find this shit? (pun intended)
LMFAO! I just bursted out laughing at my job, how fucking pathetic of human trash do you have to be to purchase another person's shit, you are literally lower than dirt, lower than shit, lower than the tiniest particle in the universe. You dont deserve to exist amongst even the same physical plane as normal people. Lmao, I can't stop laughing.
I am actually quite impressed by the size, quality and consistency of her turds.
And you people STILL oppose the Islamic State. 

Jfl. You asked for this to be in your society.
ohboku said:
I'm just going to interject for a moment.
I understand that scat fetish is not for everyone, but you should understand that it's not really about women being on a pedestal or anything.
I, as a scat fetishist, am happy that it's beginning to become more acceptable.
This woman in particular is not that pretty and the price is too high, and I'm not sure about shipping. I just hope that someday I will be able to buy vacuumed shit from some young pretty roastie. I don't think it has to do with inceldom, just a fetish. I was into it since I was like 13 (and not blackpilled back then).

Generally, it's the same as with prostitution. Being a shut-in, I was not able to find a prostitute for me, but I would be happy if I could.
Buying shit or some other fetish stuff online seems like a good idea though. (But speaking of used panties for example, it pretty much the same as with prostitution, too many scams, and the demand is way higher then you'd expect. Hope it's not going to be like this with shit)

Dude, wtf....
Nautica1983 said:
Dude, wtf....

Nothing I can do about it, nothing I want to do about it really.
You can call me [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]literally lower than dirt, lower than shit, lower than the tiniest particle in the universe or anything, but that's what I am.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]And I don't think that people on this forum are considering themselves some higher beings, so whatever. I am genetical waste, why can't I enjoy some fetishes?[/font]
>women have it so hard guys
women can not be unappreciated, unloved, unwanted, etc. Now I've learned that any female who is remotely attractive can do stuff like this and make loads of money as well.

I'm about to sell my shit and see how much people wanna pay for it. PS:Any takers?
Dude, what in the actual fuck..
ohboku said:
Nothing I can do about it, nothing I want to do about it really.
You can call me [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]literally lower than dirt, lower than shit, lower than the tiniest particle in the universe or anything, but that's what I am.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]And I don't think that people on this forum are considering themselves some higher beings, so whatever. I am genetical waste, why can't I enjoy some fetishes?[/font]
Fair enough, enjoy your poop brother.
opsec said:
And you people STILL oppose the Islamic State. 

Jfl. You asked for this to be in your society.

no thanks...we all know what kinds of societies Islam produces. Backward, impoverished and pitifully regressive stone age societies where the most basic freedoms are curtailed. Just go to any shithole muslim country to see the wonders of Islam...No thx jeff
This is going to be a great business model to boost the economy of curryland, lots of shits are already get wasted on the streets there. We can collect and export them to the west, I am sure there will be many cucks with currybitch shit fetish. Moreover, white bitch's shit will be extremely bland and stinky (dairy product like cheese and shit), but curryshits are generally spicy and flavorful, also they look better. Curry shits generally come as brown with a pinch of yellow shades, they are never black. Because of the abundance, we can set the price way lower. I can smell cash right there.

ohboku said:
I'm just going to interject for a moment.
I understand that scat fetish is not for everyone, but you should understand that it's not really about women being on a pedestal or anything.
I, as a scat fetishist, am happy that it's beginning to become more acceptable.
This woman in particular is not that pretty and the price is too high, and I'm not sure about shipping. I just hope that someday I will be able to buy vacuumed shit from some young pretty roastie. I don't think it has to do with inceldom, just a fetish. I was into it since I was like 13 (and not blackpilled back then).

Generally, it's the same as with prostitution. Being a shut-in, I was not able to find a prostitute for me, but I would be happy if I could.
Buying shit or some other fetish stuff online seems like a good idea though. (But speaking of used panties for example, it pretty much the same as with prostitution, too many scams, and the demand is way higher then you'd expect. Hope it's not going to be like this with shit)

Do you like curryshits? just curious.
Our society summarized in one website

i'll make my own poo-nut butter and give it some roasties in the office
jamho22 said:
no thanks...we all know what kinds of societies Islam produces. Backward, impoverished and pitifully regressive stone age societies where the most basic freedoms are curtailed. Just go to any shithole muslim country to see the wonders of Islam...No thx jeff

Lol ok buddy. Your tax money supports women who sell shit. 

Islam is honor and dignity. I'll take poverty.
opsec said:
And you people STILL oppose the Islamic State. 

Jfl. You asked for this to be in your society.

Prophet Mo's follower Abdullah-bin-umar had some scat fetish, read here: https://sunnah.com/bukhari/4/11
Prophet Mo used to feed his piss to his followers, read here: https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/02/benefits-of-drinking-the-blessed-urine-of-our-holy-prophet-s/

Both are narrated from authentic hadith.

No, we don't need Islam, Islam is dogshit.
chudur-budur said:
Prophet Mo's follower Abdullah-bin-umar had some scat fetish, read here: https://sunnah.com/bukhari/4/11
Prophet Mo used to feed his piss to his followers, read here: https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/02/benefits-of-drinking-the-blessed-urine-of-our-holy-prophet-s/

Both are narrated from authentic hadith.

No, we don't need Islam, Islam is dogshit.

First link...? It's a Hadith of why we face AWAY from the kaaba when using the bathroom. And to cover yourself when using the bathroom. 

This particular Hadith focuses on wudu. Cleanliness. Cleanliness is extremely important in Islam. 

Second link..... lol. The slanderers of the prophets could only fabricate such illusions. Of course a simple minded person like you probably legitimately believes it. You'll take that link with 1000000% certainty but not the Quran. 

You yourself seek kufr and ignore the words of Allah SWT.

Crawl back into the recesses of your society filled with shit selling women.
"Luis (verified owner) – March 30, 2016:

Received my product in a week, very discreet, and when i opened my package her radiance poured out, the smell instantly made me hard. I will enjoy eating this for dessert tonight!"
Elvinbob (verified owner) – May 9, 2016:

I just receive it today and believe thats truly divine!!! The flavours of choco, sweet and shit are perfect combo :). Love Rachelle you are sublime, superb and everything from you is so good. I recommend others to purchase these marvelous cookies. <3"

"I have ordered these twice, they are so delicious. the taste of Chelle’s shit is so yummy and favorable. this is a treat that I cannot pass up and will always order!"

This is too fucking funny!
opsec said:
First link...? It's a Hadith of why we face AWAY from the kaaba when using the bathroom. And to cover yourself when using the bathroom. 

This particular Hadith focuses on wudu. Cleanliness. Cleanliness is extremely important in Islam. 

Second link..... lol. The slanderers of the prophets could only fabricate such illusions. Of course a simple minded person like you probably legitimately believes it. You'll take that link with 1000000% certainty but not the Quran. 

You yourself seek kufr and ignore the words of Allah SWT.

Crawl back into the recesses of your society filled with shit selling women.

"Cleanliness" my ass, answer these:

  1. Why did Mo not notice someone was watching him?
  2. Why he would take shit in an open place?
  3. Although it says there was a fucking curtain, but if there was one how did that prick umar able to see him?
  4. What does this mean? There was no curtain, right? or if there were, it did not serve its purpose, at least
  5. It's a clear sign of some weird shit fetish and voyeurism.
  6. Was Mo or his companion into some shit fetish?
I used to do full time dawah, so your fucking mind games and mental gymnastics won't work with me.

You hypocrites discard hadiths when you seem fit, and then if something fuckedup stuffs are quoted from quran, you fuckers say "you won't understand". I used to do these shit as well.

Fuck allah and eat Mo's shit and piss, fucking betas. If Mo was still alive and wanted to fuck your mom, you could never stop him. Mo could fuck whoever bitch he wanted and muslims are nothing but Mo's cuck.
chudur-budur said:
"Cleanliness" my ass, answer these:

  1. Why did Mo not notice someone was watching him?
  2. Why he would take shit in an open place?
  3. Although it says there was a fucking curtain, but if there was one how did that prick umar able to see him?
  4. What does this mean? There was no curtain, right? or if there were, it did not serve its purpose, at least
  5. It's a clear sign of some weird shit fetish and voyeurism.
  6. Was Mo or his companion into some shit fetish?
I used to do full time dawah, so your fucking mind games and mental gymnastics won't work with me.

You hypocrites discard hadiths when you seem fit, and then if something fuckedup stuffs are quoted from quran, you fuckers say "you won't understand". I used to do these shit as well.

Fuck allah and eat Mo's shit and piss, fucking betas. If Mo was still alive and wanted to fuck your mom, you could never stop him. Mo could fuck whoever bitch he wanted and muslims are nothing but Mo's cuck.

1) How did you even find this?

2) The wage gap debate has been ended here, once and for all.

3) Pornography should be a capital crime.
opsec said:

Kek, I am a half hafeez, my early 8 years of education was in madrasah. Don't remember the full of that quran shit because I don't recite that crap anymore.
FHOs can sell anything and make good money from it. It's fucking over.
chudur-budur said:
Kek, I am a half hafeez, my early 8 years of education was in madrasah. Don't remember the full of that quran shit because I don't recite that crap anymore.

Get on discord and recite al fatihah. You won't.
opsec said:
Get on discord and recite al fatihah. You won't.

I remember every ayah of al bakarah, just saying (and not bragging tbh). I don't care enough about you to lie to you.

In hifz madrasah, every student memorizes the quran, it's nothing new. Looks like you never heard of hifz madrasah.

And I am not willing to recite on discord, fucking moron.
chudur-budur said:
I remember every ayah of al bakarah, just saying (and not bragging tbh). I don't care enough about you to lie to you.

In hifz madrasah, every student memorizes the quran, it's nothing new. Looks like you never heard of hifz madrasah.

And I am not willing to recite on discord, fucking moron.

Lmao buddy EVERYTHING you're typing right now is pure copypasta. Half the shit you say makes no sense or even relate to each other.
opsec said:
Lol ok buddy. Your tax money supports women who sell shit. 

Islam is honor and dignity. I'll take poverty.

You don't think Islamic countries have people with scat fetish? The only difference is that such fetishes aren't commoditized. That's why there is a black market for them. Here is the key difference between shithole islamic countries and western countries. Some of the moral decadence you find in western societies comes at the cost of having freedom. Everything that does not inflict harm by usurping ones rights, is liberally done in the open without government intrusion. In Islamic countries, promisciuty, alchohol consumption, beastiality and sexual acts that are declared forbidden, are all done behind closed doors, far outside the prying watch of some totalitarian government. If you are rich and powerful though, you can do all those things with the complicity of the government!! Gota  love the hypocracy of muslims.  LOL don't come here and give a fucking sermon about the superiority of Islamic values and cultures. I'm an ex muslim and i will call you the fuck out. Im always at awe over why muslims flee their shitty countries to live in western ones, and then proselytize the superiority of sharia law and Islamic principles/culture.

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