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Blackpill Female complaining about being ugly on jewtube JFL



Truecel on Fakecels.Is - On a mission to SEAmaxx
May 1, 2019
Jfl look at this shit. She can't be fucking serious. Literally download Tinder. Literally tutorial mode and still failing. Why is this shit in my recommended anyway it's not even a listed video.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n9pkOr_PxQ&ab_channel=AngelMarie

Also this is her with fakeup



Is she a virgin? Probably not so she can stfu. Her SMV mogs us all to oblivion.
She literally looks fine and normal , she is probably saying this to get compliments on the comments
looks like she had a car accident or something :feelshaha:
I'm a slim 6 with a vagina, i'm soooo ugly, pls simp me so i get my confidence backup ;_;
If she thought she was ugly she wouldn't be making videos. Guarantee she can get a 100 dates in a minute. Attention whore slut. This is just like when they complain about loneliness
I'm a slim 6 with a vagina, i'm soooo ugly, pls simp me so i get my confidence backup ;_;
She is not a 6
If she thought she was ugly she wouldn't be making videos. Guarantee she can get a 100 dates in a minute. Attention whore slut. This is just like when they complain about loneliness

She is not a 6
Depends if she is wearing fakeup or not with fakeup she could be a 6 most women are judged on their fakeup value so the numbers are fucked.
She is kinda dropped a small blackpill about the halo effect, but still come the fuck on she has nothing worth complaining about.
Those retarded 4chan criteria posts are what you base your ratings off of?? Seriously?
Women are always rated too highly
5 is average . That woman is not above average
In the end it's subjective and i don't really care how you rate women. Think what you want.
Still not seeing your point of Overrating… what's a 6 to you? how do you score her?
She can't get Giga Chads so she needs an audience of simps
Found HQ version of the pic, and yes she could easily get 1500 matches on Tinder in a week

I bet she has had a few relationships, I mean at least one. She's not ugly, while her face might not be that symmetrical. She could easily find a partner if she wants to. Plus we inkwells cannot deny the fact that she's very spot on with her statements. She seems like a decent person as well, no need to roast her my fellow brocels.
Still not seeing your point of Overrating… what's a 6 to you? how do you score her?
Not daring to answer, but spouting out a huge personal opinion. ok…
When a foid calls themselves ugly on social media:
Other Foids: "omggg nooo ur literally so perfect❤❤❤"

When an incel calls themselves ugly on the internet:
Chad: "lol true"
How did you find this so fast? shit has like 80 views.
Better yet how did cbp find it?

ofc he overrate's her.
Virtue Signaling for Attention Points
Which one of you simps liked that video? There are only 4 dislikes when I first saw this video there was 4 likes and 0 dislikes. Now there is 7 likes.

:feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

It's over for likecels.
Found HQ version of the pic, and yes she could easily get 1500 matches on Tinder in a week


Ded srs

Bitch think shes ugly attention hoe mogs me to another universe.
Which one of you simps liked that video? There are only 4 dislikes when I first saw this video there was 4 likes and 0 dislikes. Now there is 7 likes.

:feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

It's over for likecels.

Ded srs

Bitch think shes ugly attention hoe mogs me to another universe.

She's just too ugly to get Chad on a consistent basis
laughing and being positive and filming yourself,..... you can see barely got a glimpse of the life of an ugly guy

at least she knows the halo efect
She must be trolling
She must be really fucked up in her head if despite her totally normal looking appearance no Chad and not even a normie wants her around.
She must be really fucked up in her head if despite her totally normal looking appearance no Chad and not even a normie wants her around.
She is married. Not even ugly but when you need the dopamine from the attention you gotta do what you gotta do.
She's a slim blue eyed woman with a minor facial flaw and a decent face structure. With make-up she can easily look attractive but even in this state she is above average in many regards just based on body shape, race and eye color. She could also live off selling her body as an escort and make 5 times more than the average male.
Of course shes married.
She calls herself ugly but is married. It’s like calling yourself poor but living in your own house.
I am done...
That stupid whore is married... but yeah must be a really hard live on tutorial mode.

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