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JFL Fed-up single woman, 32, furious over 'atrocious' dating scene: 'I get ghosted by so many men, do better!'



Jan 16, 2023

A single woman has detailed how 'atrocious' and 'grim' the dating scene is in Australia - and she's not the only one.
Kim, 32, claims she's constantly ghosted and gaslit soon after meeting new people and is urging men to 'do better' when it comes to dating.
The gorgeous blonde from Melbourne said she's become 'mentally drained' from getting to know new singles only for any initial spark to fizzle out.
'It's honestly such an absolute s*** show,' Kim said in a TikTok video.
'I'm 33 this year and thought by this age I would've met someone... It's honestly so, so bad out there. Last year I was ghosted by so many different men.'

Kim continued by explaining how singles eager to meet the right person need to be attentive when it comes to dating.
But meeting new potential partners can be physically and mentally draining over time.
Kim claims she's been ghosted, gaslit, manipulated and has also dealt with liars.
'I have been made to feel so bad by guys for communicating my basic needs, putting personal boundaries in place. I've had them gaslight me for doing this. I've had them then ghost me for doing this,' she continued.
'It is literally atrocious. I think people think there's so many other options out there.
'Don't get me wrong I think the dating apps and social media have definitely given that [idea] to people. It does portray that there is so many options.'
The fed-up single said she feel 'mentally drained' she is from the entire ordeal and is only left disappointed.
'I'm sick of having guys chase me, pursue me, want something, tell me all these amazing things, and make me think they're interested - and then as soon as I get close to them, slightly let my walls down and be vulnerable, they retract,' she said.
'How is this still happening at my age?? Do better guys! Please! Because I'm so so sick of this.'

After sharing the three-minute video, other women came forward and agreed with Kim by sharing their own dating stories.
'[I'm] 46 in Adelaide and it's an absolute s*** show out there. It's happening everywhere, dating apps have ruined everything!!!' one woman commented.
'And most think they're god's gift when they're barely a 2/10! They're always chasing the next best thing,' another said.
A third added: 'Options are addictive, apps give too many options.'
'I'm 43 in Melbourne. No conversation and the flaking out on dates, it does my head in,' another said.
Others added they've accepted being single rather than to continue to search for a real connection.


Holy fuck, 32? She looks 42. I tell you why they are ghosting you, foid, because you hit the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL. But seriously, foids will never understand. Imagine being 32, looking ten years older than you are, slut tats on your arms, and thinking men from Tinder are gonna use you for anything more than an easy lay. She probably thinks she is an 8, too. Standards are probably 6'+ with 7" dick, 6 fig salary and Hollywood star face. Listen, foid, if you wan to settle down you will drop your standards, learn to cook and clean, get those awful tatoos removed and MAYBE some decent man will take you for a wife, but at this rate? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

tl;dr walled no eggs foid wonders why chad doesn't want to put a ring on it.
She needs to work on her personality and stop blaming men. Take a shower, get more haircuts, spin plates, and then rope
her looksmatch is hanging with us
Old hag needs to off herself.
dnr hope someone throws a spear at her head
No Chads for her ass, no one wants to betabuxx a single mom if they don't have to.
'I have been made to feel so bad by guys for communicating my basic needs, putting personal boundaries in place. I've had them gaslight me for doing this. I've had them then ghost me for doing this,' she continued.
This totally doesn't sound like she has unrealistic standards.
Take a shower, get more haircuts, spin plates, and then rope
:feelshaha: last part killed me.
'I'm sick of having guys chase me, pursue me, want something, tell me all these amazing things, and make me think they're interested - and then as soon as I get close to them, slightly let my walls down and be vulnerable, they retract,' she said.
Disturbing. I wonder what she means by "get close to them" and "be vulnerable"? Perhaps spreading her legs on the first date? Either way, those tattoos signal that this is exactly what you want from a partner, inked up trash. Disgusting.
communicating my basic needs, putting personal boundaries in place. I've had them gaslight me for doing this.
slightly let my walls down and be vulnerable, they retract
I'm so fucking sick of hearing this shit about "boundaries" and "vulnerability." These are all intentionally vague buzzwords meant to signal to other foids that she's also part of the feminist man-hating club and to get le heckin updoots.

You can also tell from these buzzwords how much therapy she's been through and that she sees herself as superior to whoever she dates and wants to larp as a therapist for her relationship too. She wants to "talk about the relationship" constantly because it gives her a feeling of power and makes her think she's crushing the patriarchy, one tinder match at a time.
Stop calling women with 3 inches of fakeup and filtered pictures gorgeous
If all the men are ghosting you, YOU'RE the problem.

Listen: It doesn't matter how rich your homeland is. Any dark-pigmented Curry on this forum with above average IQ can effortlessly denigrate you and flaunt their own superior knowledge.
If a guy gets ghosted, its his own fault. If a woman gets ghosted, men just need to do better cos men ain't shit.
JFL. Also considering she's not ugly she must have an absolutely abhorrent personality if men aren't willing to stick with her.
I don't think she looks bad, but she is an entitled trainwreck of a person because of being a single mom. Tatoos also help scare guys off. And guys a right to ghost the bitch. Notable mention to those that pump-and-dump her too. That's what she is at best.

All this complaining and this is just a fraction of what non-chad men endure in dating apps. I've been ghosted mid conversation, dealt with an infinite number of flakes, got stood up, got rejected by fat foids and singles moms. Women don't get to complain about dating. The hold all the power and if they lose at their own game they deserve it.
How many fellas you think she ghosted?

A single woman has detailed how 'atrocious' and 'grim' the dating scene is in Australia - and she's not the only one.
Kim, 32, claims she's constantly ghosted and gaslit soon after meeting new people and is urging men to 'do better' when it comes to dating.
The gorgeous blonde from Melbourne said she's become 'mentally drained' from getting to know new singles only for any initial spark to fizzle out.
'It's honestly such an absolute s*** show,' Kim said in a TikTok video.
'I'm 33 this year and thought by this age I would've met someone... It's honestly so, so bad out there. Last year I was ghosted by so many different men.'

Kim continued by explaining how singles eager to meet the right person need to be attentive when it comes to dating.
But meeting new potential partners can be physically and mentally draining over time.
Kim claims she's been ghosted, gaslit, manipulated and has also dealt with liars.
'I have been made to feel so bad by guys for communicating my basic needs, putting personal boundaries in place. I've had them gaslight me for doing this. I've had them then ghost me for doing this,' she continued.
'It is literally atrocious. I think people think there's so many other options out there.
'Don't get me wrong I think the dating apps and social media have definitely given that [idea] to people. It does portray that there is so many options.'
The fed-up single said she feel 'mentally drained' she is from the entire ordeal and is only left disappointed.
'I'm sick of having guys chase me, pursue me, want something, tell me all these amazing things, and make me think they're interested - and then as soon as I get close to them, slightly let my walls down and be vulnerable, they retract,' she said.
'How is this still happening at my age?? Do better guys! Please! Because I'm so so sick of this.'

After sharing the three-minute video, other women came forward and agreed with Kim by sharing their own dating stories.
'[I'm] 46 in Adelaide and it's an absolute s*** show out there. It's happening everywhere, dating apps have ruined everything!!!' one woman commented.
'And most think they're god's gift when they're barely a 2/10! They're always chasing the next best thing,' another said.
A third added: 'Options are addictive, apps give too many options.'
'I'm 43 in Melbourne. No conversation and the flaking out on dates, it does my head in,' another said.
Others added they've accepted being single rather than to continue to search for a real connection.

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Holy fuck, 32? She looks 42. I tell you why they are ghosting you, foid, because you hit the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL. But seriously, foids will never understand. Imagine being 32, looking ten years older than you are, slut tats on your arms, and thinking men from Tinder are gonna use you for anything more than an easy lay. She probably thinks she is an 8, too. Standards are probably 6'+ with 7" dick, 6 fig salary and Hollywood star face. Listen, foid, if you wan to settle down you will drop your standards, learn to cook and clean, get those awful tatoos removed and MAYBE some decent man will take you for a wife, but at this rate? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

tl;dr walled no eggs foid wonders why chad doesn't want to put a ring on it.
You're not entitled to a man sweaty!! :soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:
'm sick of having guys chase me, pursue me, want something, tell me all these amazing things, and make me think they're interested - and then as soon as I get close to them, slightly let my walls down and be vulnerable, they retract,'
"WAAAA, why won't Chad commit to me after I let him hit it on the first date."
Used up old whore doesn't realise she's a used up old whore

Ok what else is in the News?
they are always the victims. every time.
and look at the tattoos on that jezebel. into the trash it goes
It's because she's going for white chads. Nonwhites would simp for her.
she does not look 30
Go to therapy you toilet
No Chads for her ass, no one wants to betabuxx a single mom if they don't have to.
If you read between the lines, of "chemistry" then "phizzle out", she's fucking giga Chads but she can't get them to stay. Meanwhile ignoring all the guys on her level.

She's such a trashy skank. I hate girls with tattoos. As part of my looksmaxing journey, I had to get all tatted up but it's such a sickeningly degenerate look. I got a couple compliments from women (women are dumb and attracted to degeneracy), but it wasn't enough to make me chad. lol
Another day another foid rejected by chad. :feelsjuice:
Didn’t read.

Hope she burns in hell soon, kek
32, single, posting on tiktok, covered in generic whore tattoos, and has the mentality of "if men don't like me they need to do better"

can't imagine why she's having trouble getting any long term relationships with men
No Chads for her ass, no one wants to betabuxx a single mom if they don't have to.
Oh she's getting chads in her ass, its just none wants to stay too long. :feelskek:
She should get a puppy...

Dnr. Anything that emmits from foid's mouths is sheer mental projection. Also, "why so bitter Sweetie? Who hurt you?"
White genocide is a self inflected wound
Did you seriously get tattoos to looksmaxx?
I got a full sleeve. I'm going to looks max until I die. But we would need some serious scientific breakthroughs to fix me enough to obtain a girlfriend, and I'd also need to get lots of money.
And I agree tattoos are degenerate, especially on a foid. They’re probably the reason she looks 50 when shes only 30.
Girls with tattoos often get drunk every weekend and smoke pot or cigarettes. Their shitty lifestyle ages them fast.

The problem with tattoos is the ones who appreciate it the most are these degenerates slugs who have tattoos themselves. It's enough for them to look at me in the gym or wherever, but not enough for me to outcompete their phones full of chads. Or they're looking at me because I look interesting, not attractive.

That's the shittiest thing that most guys don't understand. You can be eyecandy for women and still be incel because they ALL literally have phones full of gigachads on call at any moment. Even the girls who don't use online dating.
if a foid asked me out i would never ghost her:feelsbadman:. would even pay for the entire meal (if it's some place cheap like burger king:bigbrain::feelskek:)
I really feel bad for her p00r sn0w flake, no good man(Chad) that will love me, support me, pay for another chads spawn, and hold my mental bagge.
Clown world.
Did you get more attention after getting tattoos?
A fat guy and an old lady complimented my tattoos at the grocery store in the three years since I got them. Also a kinda cute girl at the gym, but then I got a boner when we were talking so I had to not look at her, and it was awkward and then she said she had to go. Actually another girl grabbed my arm and turned it around to look at them. I got her snapchat but then she found a chad and ghosted me, as they always do. I'm a poorcel without a car or any money to spend on a date, so I'm screwed in many ways.

So kinda. But generally not from the people I wanted to get attention from. The girl at the gym had plenty of tattoos and was planning on getting more. The other girl, had tattoos maybe, but I heard her showing other girls her nipple piercing, so she had that.

But like 99% of the time, I don't get any extra attention.
That's the shittiest thing that most guys don't understand. You can be eyecandy for women and still be incel because they ALL literally have phones full of gigachads on call at any moment. Even the girls who don't use online dating.
This will get you hate here but yeah, foids have too many options. Ive gotten looks as well but it doesn’t matter. Foids are never single and always have chads and normies messaging them and just waiting to ask her out once she’s single within 24 hours jfl
This will get you hate here but yeah, foids have too many options. Ive gotten looks as well but it doesn’t matter. Foids are never single and always have chads and normies messaging them and just waiting to ask her out once she’s single within 24 hours jfl
The solution is to increase the supply of women.

Unfortunately we have to make do with low quality imitations: Stories, videos, images, comics, games (dating sims), sex dolls.

Over time, and with the help of Ai and other technologies, these will gradually increase in quality. Until a threshold is crossed and they are superior to non-synthetic women in every way. We can even grow brain matter to connect to computer chips (it's already possible) if we believe that consciousness is a product of brain chemistry and want to add that in.

Women are an overvalued shit-coin. The humanoid equivalent to fiat. Their reign of power will come to an end when they can no longer use their possession of a scarce resource to wield god like power over nearly all men.

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