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Discussion Every involuntary celibate(incel) should read this.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19236
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Deleted member 19236

Jun 25, 2019
From time to time, I see someone here posting "dickpill is cope, bro" or "mentalcels don't exist".

Every incel should read this:
so they don't come here spreading their "personal experience" bullshit.

you will look like this after reading it 5 times
One just doesnt "act dark triad". Either you are born one or you don't.
Yeah but naturally obly actual Chad could be born this way. But anyone may hear the word "personality" and think "oh so I can learn that" and they get bluepilled, try act alpha and get problems. Actually if you read the 12 points listed there, anyone can act like they are those people with such behaviours.
Just please guys dont read the first part about personality and go try act like an alpha. It will get you beaten up and or arrested. I explained this in my thread here: https://incels.is/threads/you-are-a-fawn-chad-is-a-wolf.180712/
The only way for ugly people to achieve any sort of status in life without demeaning themselves and making into a jester for people to laugh at is to be darktriad, rash, self-absorbed, and violent.

There are absolutely psychopathic gang leaders right now who are not near chad level and slaying. How do you think St. Bagelcel was able to achieve status despite being 4'11 gigamanlet? Getting into fights, yelling at people, and trying to start shit everywhere over his height.
Its extremely good quality and a good overview to Inceldom. Whoever wrote it is high iq :feelsokman: :feelsokman: :feelsokman:
The only way for ugly people to achieve any sort of status in life without demeaning themselves and making into a vesicle for people to laugh at is to be darktriad, rash, self-absorbed, and violent.

There are absolutely psychopathic gang leaders right now who are not near chad level and slaying. How do you think St. Bagelcel was able to achieve status despite being 4'11 gigamanlet? Getting into fights, yelling at people, and trying to start shit everywhere over his height.
Lmfao what a bluepilled cope. And where did it get him? Please, true chad, a real darktriad doesnt have to do all those things to make women know he is the fucking boss. And gang bosses/members are born into their lifetype. Nice cope though.
I thought you could only get those looks with enough showers and watching movies with strong female characters

This is the untold final step
Lmfao what a bluepilled cope. And where did it get him?
Far farther than you bud and he's 4'11.

I'm tired of all the autist lookism retards of "muh facial bones >>>>>>>>>> EVERYTHING only thing that matters." The blackpill isn't about your retarded autism it's about reality. Status and violence are real fucktard. Nikolas Cruz is incel as fuck in this modern era and he got tons of love letters.

Please, true chad, a real darktriad doesnt have to do all those things to make women know he is the fucking boss.
Chad looks != darktriad. Not every Chad is darktriad retard. You should actually learn what it means. Yes if you have model looks you will be desired by women. Has nothing to do with darktriad.

Here's a photo for all the idiots who say shit like "status is cope." "You are just :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:"


Trump is a fat, geriatric boomer who many people on this forum mog lookswise. Yet look at how these women look at him.

No woman in your entire life will ever look at you this way.
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Far farther than you bud and he's 4'11.

I'm tired of all the lookism coping retards of "muh facial bones >>>>>>>>>> EVERYTHING only thing that matters." The blackpill isn't about your retarded autism it's about reality. Status and violence are real fucktard. Nikolas Cruz is incel as fuck in this modern era and he got tons of love letters.

Chad looks != darktriad. Not every Chad is darktriad retard. You should actually learn what it means. Yes if you have model looks you will be desired by women. Has nothing to do with darktriad.

Here's a photo for all the idiots who say shit like "status is cope." "You are :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:"

View attachment 206463

Trump is a fat, geriatric boomer who many people on this forum mog lookswise.
No woman in your entire life will ever look at you this way.
Ahahahahahaha look at this bluepilled faggot ;D yeah sure buddy everone can become another Trump mhm totally. And they say us, greycels are the cancer of this board. Oldcels seem to be the most bluepilled. Literally the boomers of this board.
yeah sure buddy everone can become another Trump mhm totally.
Nice strawman fucktard. Either status matters or it doesn't.

I never said you — a genetic dead end loser — or anyone else can achieve high-status and fame. Only that it matters and saying it is :bluepill: to say that makes you look like a gigantic sperg.
Nice strawman fucktard. Either status matters or it doesn't.

I never said you — a genetic dead end loser — or anyone else can achieve high-status and fame.
Then whats your point? I dont doubt that being born with massive status and billions in bank account give you almost what chad has, this wasnt even the part of conversation. You came with this out of nowhere which clearly proves your grounds for your arguments were shaken and you had to move the goal post.

Again, get the fuck out with your bluepilled "just act like a joker and you will be successful" bullshit theory which always when put to the test ends up with charges, getting your ass beaten and put into the jail.

Mods I suggest you keep a look on this obvious bluepiller who claims you can get everything you want with just some personality tweaks.

And you dear retard stop responding to my posts in ANY thread from now on. Again, I wish there was a "ignore user" option.
It's burned into my brain
Then whats your point? I dont doubt that being born with massive status and billions in bank account give you almost what chad has, this wasnt even the part of conversation. You came with this out of nowhere which clearly proves your grounds for your arguments were shaken and you had to move the goal post.
You called it bluepilled to affirm that status and violence are real because you're a retarded autist.

Again, get the fuck out with your bluepilled "just act like a joker and you will be successful" bullshit theory which always when put to the test ends up with charges, getting your ass beaten and put into the jail.
Never told anyone to act that way. Affirming something is true != you should go and act that way.

Mods I suggest you keep a look on this obvious bluepiller who claims you can get everything you want with just some personality tweaks.
The link to the wiki that you call bluepilled is 4 spots over greycel.

And again nice strawman.
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You called it bluepilled to affirm that status and violence are real because you're a retarded autist.

Never told anyone to act that way. Affirming something is true != you should go and act that way.

The link to the wiki that you call bluepilled is 4 spots over greycel.

And again nice strawman.
nd you dear retard stop responding to my posts in ANY thread from now on. Again, I wish there was a "ignore user" option.
There is and I'll be doing it to you. Sincerely hope you don't make it out of greyceldom.
Everyone knows it deep down lets be honest. Such greed.
Reading the scientific blackpill, was for me, a life changing experience.

I don't think everyone knows it deep down. When I was done reading it, I felt like something inside me died.
Reading the scientific blackpill, was for me, a life changing experience.

I don't think everyone knows it deep down. When I was done reading it, I felt like something inside me died.
Their sub conscious obviously is not a mystery to them unless they are :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: :feelstastyman: (then again I overestimate normies a lot)

If they see a burn victum they will obviously feel disgusted despite the burn victim displaying the same personality as anyone else in that circumstance.
First I read all these. Things I gathered
  • Tall people get angrier than short people? I guess that explains my lifelong temper issues
  • Women only find toughness attractive in attractive strong men. Ugly weak men going nuts is not going to get them moist. They'll just laugh or call chad to beat us up since we're "scary" teehee.
  • Autism is a death sentence. A prison with no parole where you get NT bullies as your prison guards. Same goes for Tourette's, OCD, and schizophrenia. JFL for mentalcels afflicted with some or all of these
  • ADHD is a chad mental illness confirmed, as is psychopathy
  • Flab and being skinnyfat is not a turn on, but I already knew that
  • I noticed females treat me worse and worse as I lose more hair norwooding.
  • When I wear a hat, I can sometimes fool foids and moids to engage with me longer.
  • Mental and social deficiencies can be detected within seconds and you are quickly discarded as a potential mate or friend
  • Beyond 6'3", height really diminishes in sexual value but greatly increases in freakshow value. It's just a novelty to be freakishly tall. It is severely disabling and life-shortening to be near 8'. Humans aren't built to be that tall, nor is the world built for them.
  • Dickpill is the most brutal. If a woman can't orgasm she's likely to find someone else. The reason it is discounted is that you have to have an established relationship for it to really work in your favor. The only other ways it may help is if you have a noticeable bulge, you're on a nude beach, or word has gotten around about your endowments. But yeah, "too big" exists too. Fags are more into double digit donkey dongs than straight foids 7.5"x5.5" is around ideal, maybe 8"x6". Most women would die with 13"x7.5" Jonah Falcon sized dongs in their hole
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@GoffSystemQB @BududubNow
You both are somewhat right, just read the wiki page.

The dark triad consists of three personality dimensions:

  • Narcissism (heightened sense of self-importance)
  • Machiavellianism (manipulativeness)
  • Psychopathy (low empathy)
These traits are often quantified by a quick scoring tool called the dirty dozen:

  1. I tend to manipulate others to get my way.
  2. I tend to lack remorse.
  3. I tend to want others to admire me.
  4. I tend to be unconcerned with the morality of my actions.
  5. I have used deceit or lied to get my way.
  6. I tend to be callous or insensitive.
  7. I have used flattery to get my way.
  8. I tend to seek prestige or status.
  9. I tend to be cynical.
  10. I tend to exploit others toward my own end.
  11. I tend to expect special favors from others.
  12. I want others to pay attention to me.
In a study by Cartera et al. (2014), 128 women were presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the attractiveness of these dark traits was not explained by other characteristics like extroversion.


This suggests personality does matter to women
, but not in the manner popularly claimed. Contrary to the popular claim that women prefer nice men, they are actually the most sexually attracted to narcissistic, manipulative, and psychopathic men.

Evolutionary psychology can possibly explain this phenomenon. Women evolved to be dependent and choosy by virtue of having infants. This caused men to evolve to be taller and stronger in an evolutionary arms race competing for mating opportunities. In response to this, women are thought to have evolved to choose the strongest and most dominant man available in order to be protected from coercive and stronger contenders (bodyguard hypothesis; Wilson & Mesnick, 1997) and to get access to high quality foods and resources (Geary 2004). This dominance-vs-submission dynamic in human sexuality can be traced back to some of our oldest ancestor species, e.g. lizards in which female animals submit themselves to dominant males (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1989). Dark traits such as low empathy and cruelty may have proven useful in male intrasexual competition (Kruger & Fitzgerald 2011), so these traits and women's attraction to them might have co-evolved as a socially parasitic reproductive strategy (Gervais 2018).

Dark behavior patterns may additionally serve as honest/hard-to-fake signals of high status as only high status men can get away behaving in anti-social manner. Status in this case is not only determined by aggression and intimidation, but also by income, looks, competence etc. Men may also have been selected to mimic such dominance signals (Puts 2015). The fact that not all men exhibit dark traits indicates that men have evolved diverse strategies of status ascension (prestige vs dominance strategy; Kruger 2015, Gervais 2018).

The sensitivity of this topic could even cause women to downplay their attraction dark traits because it contradicts laws and norms against violence as well as feminist ideals that women should be the equal of men rather than submitting to them. Women may thus be even more attracted to such men than they admit (social desirability bias). Women's preferences for psychopathic men are possibly related to rape fantasies. After all, it requires low empathy to rape someone.


High DT4.441.17
Low DT3.341.17
Cohen's d = 0.94

  • From Seffrin (2016): Men who show a willingness to take risks, have a high self-esteem, and a body that is physically imposing possess qualities that women may find desirable, but these qualities are also correlated with aggressive behavior (Apicella, 2014; Baumeister, Smart, & Boden, 1996; Brewer & Howarth, 2012; Frederick & Haselton, 2007; Sellet al., 2009). […] Men who would use physical violence to gain a competitive advantage may possess other qualities that are sexually appealing to women […]. This much has been suggested in research by Rebellon and Manasse (2004) who found that highly delinquent males report relative success in attracting female dating partners. Rebellon and Manasse (2004) interpret these findings using a derivative of sexual selection theory known as the “handicap principle” (Zahavi, 1975). The handicap principle suggests that behaviors that are potentially costly to males—such as fighting and showing disregard for authority, but which are valued by females, perhaps for the strength and bravado they symbolize—will be implemented as tactics in male sexual competition (see also Palmer & Tilley, 1995). Research on sexual selection theory also suggests that a preference for these qualities may have itself been selected for in females (Puts, 2010). This would help to explain why men have a penchant for violent behavior in the first place, in the sense that male aggression, and a preference for it among females, were selected for in the course of human prehistory. Partnering with an aggressive and/or criminally involved male may have its advantages, especially in an unsafe environment where threats of violence are commonplace. Yet displays of dominance and physical aggression play just as well to an all male audience, who serve as a source of encouragement and validation, thereby reinforcing the behavior as well as its symbolic value in the peer culture (Messerschmidt, 1993).
  • Psychopathic traits (lack of morality; interpersonal hostility) are beneficial to a short-term strategy and are correlated with unrestricted pattern of sexual behaviour. (Cartera, 2014


  • Women only find toughness attractive in attractive strong men. Ugly weak men going nuts is not going to get them moist. They'll just laugh.
B-b-but GoffSystem said I can act tough and I will get holes dropping their panties for me.
@GoffSystemQB @BududubNow
You both are somewhat right, just read the wiki page.


Well, I only said that it matters not that it makes a huge difference.

IMO darktriad = status/fame seeking method. The actual personality or actions matter less. Some killers achieve fame and get love letters whilst others are forgotten with the same looks threshold.
B-b-but GoffSystem said I can act tough and I will get holes dropping their panties for me.
Since I clicked show ignored content I'll give you one last reply.

I said:
The only way for ugly people to achieve any sort of status in life without demeaning themselves
Some people can achieve some level of status/fame despite being short or unattractive by acting in such a manner. That's it. That's all I said.
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high IQ and datapilled
Mentalcels don’t exist. Looks are everything
Mentalcels don’t exist. Looks are everything
A handsome autist wouldn't know what to do with his looks and a handsome schizo would scare girls away
A handsome autist wouldn't know what to do with his looks and a handsome schizo would scare girls away
Cope foids “do the work” if the male is chad. Foids just want to fuck attractive men
read my link
scientific research says otherwise
obviously there is gonna be exceptions
Correlation vs causation can ugly NT maxxed males get foids? I don’t think so. Chad acts the way he acts and is not a “mentalcel” because of a lifetime of validation.
Mentalcels don’t exist. Looks are everything
A group of high functioning autistic men and women were evaluated and compared with healthy controls to assess their sexual and relationship desires and success/failure to achieve those desires.

44.6% of autistic men were found to still virgins among a sample with the average age being 35.7 years.

Autistic men were found to masturbate more and have a greater desire for a relationship than normal neurotypical (NT) men. However, only 16% of autistic men were in a relationship while 82% of NT men were in a relationship. NT men were 5x more likely to be in a relationship than their autistic counterparts.

Autism did not so greatly reduce women's ability to find relationships with men, as 46% of women were able to have relationships, while only 16% of men were.

This is likely due to the fact that autism reduces an individual's capacity for emotional interaction, but normal men crave emotional interaction less than normal women, so this will disproportionately impair an autistic man's attempts to find a relationship vs. an autistic woman's. It could also be that autistic men are more likely to be shunned then autistic women, either because the behavioral traits of autism are less apparent in females compared to males, or that these women are seen as having an inherent social value due to their innate reproductive resources that autistic men don't have.

Autistic men were also burdened with a dramatically greater number of paraphilias which are considered "socially taboo". These paraphilias which appear to be part of their disease state can only be imagined to make their difficulties in finding sexual and romantic success more difficult



What did they LOOK like? Were the autistic males uglier or more attractive? In general spergs are uglier than NT’s
IT wont touch this

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