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Discussion Even Historically Western Women were not Oppressed if you compare their lives to the Average Man



Dec 3, 2020
All western women today believe that women were oppressed by men historically and beyond that they believe that this oppression was just done due to men's selfishness rather than for some kind of practical reason. Most of them are convinced that they are still oppressed by men today.

None of that is true if you stop and think about it for just a moment.

Let's go back to the around the early and mid 20th century decades. Let's step back in time before the modern feminist movement and look at western countries and the lives of men and women.

1) Women were placed under societal pressure to be wives and mothers -- they were pressured to bare and raise children

Yes they were. But they always leave out that men were placed under social pressure to work themselves to the bone in jobs that were often dirty, dangerous, and unpleasant so that they could provide and serve the greater good.

For example, men were the ones who built the railroads. Men were the coalminers. Men were the farmers. Men were the builders.

Ask yourselves this, would you rather be down in a fucking coal mine, literally killing yourself to provide for your family -- or would you rather be at home raising the kids, cooking dinner, doing the laundry, and so on? Seriously, consider that. Yes, those tasks were more difficult before the advent of modern technology like dish washers/washing machines and such, but there simply is no comparison to be made here. Not really.

If you were to give the women of the time a choice between going out to do backbreaking labor on the railroads for 10 hours a day or being the stay at home mom, the choice is very very obvious what they would choose.

2) Men beat up their wives with no reason and the women were powerless to do anything

Some men surely did, but in reality this was never "normal". This is an example of women taking what is in reality a small subset of men and amplifying it as though it represented most families. That is hogwash.

Most men love their wives and children and seek to make them happy and take care of them. This is true now and it was true then. I also take issue with the claim that women were powerless to do anything about it. They could talk to their fathers or the church -- there was recourse where family would sit that guy down and straighten him out.

Today we've created the complete opposite problem where a woman can just lie and claim that her husband hurt her and when the cops come out they always, always assume that the guy is evil and that he's done wrong. Even if didn't or the woman was hitting him or otherwise just lying. I have seen this with my own eyes in my own family and the truth is women know that this bias exists and a lot of them leverage it at their own convenience (I grew up with a single mother and several sisters, i've seen my fair share of this kind of shit -- one example is where they were beating me with their shoes so I hugged one of them to stop them/restrain them then the other called the cops -- pure madness).

3) Today Women have a Choice, Men do not -- same as we never did.

Women today can choose a career or to be a mother. They have a real choice. Men do not.

The reality is most women will not accept a stay at home dad, they want a provider and if someone is staying home 9/10 (maybe more) it's going to be the woman. Largely because that's what women want. You think men wouldn't jump at the chance to be a stay at home dad? Many definitely would, but our society looks down on you if you don't provide and so do most women.

Because nobody acknowledges the ways men were railroaded back then too, nobody acknowledges how they're still railroaded now.

4) Just a lose point on western religion, western did not only oppress women. It had strict expectations for both men and women -- not one or the other. There were gender roles, yes. But by and large they were pretty sane gender roles and you'd have a fucking retard to think most men and most women aren't better suited to different kinds of tasks. Gender roles worked which is why they were normal for thousands of years.

5) Women see the restrictions placed on them in the past and think this was done for no reason or due to the selfishness of others. This is nonsense and all you need to do to see that is look at the dating/sex landscape today -- look at online dating, look at speed dating -- go to the statistics. Notice how much easier, trivial it is for women to get laid and to hop into a new relationship compared to the average guy.

This is a huge reason women's pernicious tendencies like hypergamy were restrained by broad society. Also whoring around was shamed rightfully because:
A) You'd get pregnant in those days without a support structure and daddy government wouldn't bail you out at everyone else's expense (personal responsibility! For women? *gasp*)
B) Spread of disease (this is still relevant, look at the disease ridden filth that the gay community spreads around -- those butt fuckers are solely responsible for the spread of AIDS for example).
C) Pair Bonding is real and with more relationships comes more cynicism and comparison which damages future relationship prospects.
D) If women are given total control and no outside influence in choosing their relationships then we devolve into pseudo harems -- like many other mammals. The statics bare this out. A common trend is that eventually as the woman's value deteriorates they may "settle" unhappily with what we know as a "betabux". Not a good outcome for anybody tbh

These restrictions weren't done for "no reason", they were done for a very good set of reasons.

And guess what? Men had and still have their own unique set of pernicious tendencies restrained by broad society for the greater good. For example, men commit more violent crime, men have the advantage of being bigger and physically stronger (though that advantage is muted in modern systems and with modern weapons). Our societies harshly clamp down on those things. Men are expected to behave and we are expected to never use those tools to gain an advantage over women in any way. Women on the other hand no longer have any restraints on them like they used to which is why we're in such a massive imbalance right now. But if you point any of this out, you're just evil and sexist :feelsseriously:

6) In the event of disaster, men must bare the burden -- men must go and fight and die in the trenches or war. Men must stay behind when the titanic sinks for the benefit of women.

7) Women act like now is better because they don't have to depend on men anymore -- well, instead of being dependent on your husband who loves you and wants to take care of you, now these women are dependent on profit driven 3rd parties who wouldn't care if they died in the gutter and would just replace them like a gear. Is that better than it was before? Truly?

8) The wage gap is a myth -- it exists because those studies were not taking into account things like experience in the same job, education level, or the different kinds of jobs men and women gravitate towards. Yet shockingly a huge cohort of women believe this is real and parrot it every chance they get. News flash, women are entirely unwilling to work dirty jobs that you need to keep your society's infrastructure running. Women in construction? Women as garbage men? Women as plumbers? You almost never see this.

The feminists complain nonstop about how the high paying jobs go to men while not seeing that most men are working in these poor conditions. Basically what I'm saying is that feminists make the Apex Fallacy with respect to men as a group constantly and that shit's retarded. Funny, it's basically the same as with their mate choice/tendencies -- most men are invisible.


TLDR: Men and women are different physically and psychologically. Gender roles are and have always been a positive thing. Men and women need some reasonable restrictions on our unique and pernicious tendencies for the great good of broad society. None of that is "Oppression" and the feminists are delusional fools with no basic grasp on reality.

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No chance that they would want a stay-at-home dad. On top of it, they want their partner to have a higher income than them also.

Another thing to point is that women have become less happier overtime as with men.

It seems that even women don't know the own chaos they concoct or create and don't realize how bad it is for them, but regardless they will still blame men.
Agreed. Male "privilege" isn't the problem, it's female entitlement. So many of them act like spoiled children these days because of it.
Excellent thread, pin worthy
Based thread brocel. Men should never accept the feminist false narrative that women had it oh so bad, cause it's the very foundation of their present day hubris and male devaluation. It's more of a hate narrative than a victim narrative and indeed, when you put things into perspective, relationships today are completely dominated by the woman and their so called "freedom" has nefarious effects.

By the way lurking soys, this is why i like this forum despite the edgy violent stuff i'm not in favor of. Maybe you shouldn't put non-hating of themselves, sensible men against the wall like you do with your soy bullshit running rampant in soyciety everywhere. :feelshaha:
read every word
Agreed. Male "privilege" isn't the problem, it's female entitlement. So many of them act like spoiled children these days because of it.
Yep. Female entitlement is crazy anymore
Pin worthy tbh
I agree
They just lie about "oppression" so they can get and do whatsoever they want in soyciety
One of the few posters that write threads worth a read:feelsokman:
If you don't hate yourself and don't accuse your own gender of every debauchery under the sun you're a misogynist. :soy:
All western women today believe that women were oppressed by men historically and beyond that they believe that this oppression was just done due to men's selfishness rather than for some kind of practical reason. Most of them are convinced that they are still oppressed by men today.

None of that is true if you stop and think about it for just a moment.

Let's go back to the around the early and mid 20th century decades. Let's step back in time before the modern feminist movement and look at western countries and the lives of men and women.
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1) Women were placed under societal pressure to be wives and mothers -- they were pressured to bare and raise children

Yes they were. But they always leave out that men were placed under social pressure to work themselves to the bone in jobs that were often dirty, dangerous, and unpleasant so that they could provide and serve the greater good.

For example, men were the ones who built the railroads. Men were the coalminers. Men were the farmers. Men were the builders.

Ask yourselves this, would you rather be down in a fucking coal mine, literally killing yourself to provide for your family -- or would you rather be at home raising the kids, cooking dinner, doing the laundry, and so on? Seriously, consider that. Yes, those tasks were more difficult before the advent of modern technology like dish washers/washing machines and such, but there simply is no comparison to be made here. Not really.

If you were to give the women of the time a choice between going out to do backbreaking labor on the railroads for 10 hours a day or being the stay at home mom, the choice is very very obvious what they would choose.

2) Men beat up their wives with no reason and the women were powerless to do anything

Some men surely did, but in reality this was never "normal". This is an example of women taking what is in reality a small subset of men and amplifying it as though it represented most families. That is hogwash.

Most men love their wives and children and seek to make them happy and take care of them. This is true now and it was true then. I also take issue with the claim that women were powerless to do anything about it. They could talk to their fathers or the church -- there was recourse where family would sit that guy down and straighten him out.

Today we've created the complete opposite problem where a woman can just lie and claim that her husband hurt her and when the cops come out they always, always assume that the guy is evil and that he's done wrong. Even if didn't or the woman was hitting him or otherwise just lying. I have seen this with my own eyes in my own family and the truth is women know that this bias exists and a lot of them leverage it at their own convenience (I grew up with a single mother and several sisters, i've seen my fair share of this kind of shit -- one example is where they were beating me with their shoes so I hugged one of them to stop them/restrain them then the other called the cops -- pure madness).

3) Today Women have a Choice, Men do not -- same as we never did.

Women today can choose a career or to be a mother. They have a real choice. Men do not.

The reality is most women will not accept a stay at home dad, they want a provider and if someone is staying home 9/10 (maybe more) it's going to be the woman. Largely because that's what women want. You think men wouldn't jump at the chance to be a stay at home dad? Many definitely would, but our society looks down on you if you don't provide and so do most women.

Because nobody acknowledges the ways men were railroaded back then too, nobody acknowledges how they're still railroaded now.
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4) Just a lose point on western religion, western did not only oppress women. It had strict expectations for both men and women -- not one or the other. There were gender roles, yes. But by and large they were pretty sane gender roles and you'd have a fucking retard to think most men and most women aren't better suited to different kinds of tasks. Gender roles worked which is why they were normal for thousands of years.

5) Women see the restrictions placed on them in the past and think this was done for no reason or due to the selfishness of others. This is nonsense and all you need to do to see that is look at the dating/sex landscape today -- look at online dating, look at speed dating -- go to the statistics. Notice how much easier, trivial it is for women to get laid and to hop into a new relationship compared to the average guy.

This is a huge reason women's pernicious tendencies like hypergamy were restrained by broad society. Also whoring around was shamed rightfully because:
A) You'd get pregnant in those days without a support structure and daddy government wouldn't bail you out at everyone else's expense (personal responsibility! For women? *gasp*)
B) Spread of disease (this is still relevant, look at the disease ridden filth that the gay community spreads around -- those butt fuckers are solely responsible for the spread of AIDS for example).
C) Pair Bonding is real and with more relationships comes more cynicism and comparison which damages future relationship prospects.
D) If women are given total control and no outside influence in choosing their relationships then we devolve into pseudo harems -- like many other mammals. The statics bare this out. A common trend is that eventually as the woman's value deteriorates they may "settle" unhappily with what we know as a "betabux". Not a good outcome for anybody tbh

These restrictions weren't done for "no reason", they were done for a very good set of reasons.

And guess what? Men had and still have their own unique set of pernicious tendencies restrained by broad society for the greater good. For example, men commit more violent crime, men have the advantage of being bigger and physically stronger (though that advantage is muted in modern systems and with modern weapons). Our societies harshly clamp down on those things. Men are expected to behave and we are expected to never use those tools to gain an advantage over women in any way. Women on the other hand no longer have any restraints on them like they used to which is why we're in such a massive imbalance right now. But if you point any of this out, you're just evil and sexist :feelsseriously:

6) In the event of disaster, men must bare the burden -- men must go and fight and die in the trenches or war. Men must stay behind when the titanic sinks for the benefit of women.
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7) Women act like now is better because they don't have to depend on men anymore -- well, instead of being dependent on your husband who loves you and wants to take care of you, now these women are dependent on profit driven 3rd parties who wouldn't care if they died in the gutter and would just replace them like a gear. Is that better than it was before? Truly?

8) The wage gap is a myth -- it exists because those studies were not taking into account things like experience in the same job, education level, or the different kinds of jobs men and women gravitate towards. Yet shockingly a huge cohort of women believe this is real and parrot it every chance they get. News flash, women are entirely unwilling to work dirty jobs that you need to keep your society's infrastructure running. Women in construction? Women as garbage men? Women as plumbers? You almost never see this.

The feminists complain nonstop about how the high paying jobs go to men while not seeing that most men are working in these poor conditions. Basically what I'm saying is that feminists make the Apex Fallacy with respect to men as a group constantly and that shit's retarded. Funny, it's basically the same as with their mate choice/tendencies -- most men are invisible.


TLDR: Men and women are different physically and psychologically. Gender roles are and have always been a positive thing. Men and women need some reasonable restrictions on our unique and pernicious tendencies for the great good of broad society. None of that is "Oppression" and the feminists are delusional fools with no basic grasp on reality.
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It has always made me laugh that white Western feminist women have become part of the Wake culture. Like, shouldn't slavery, colonialism, and other crimes blamed on whites also be passed on to white Western women. Being a white Western woman is winning the lottery, because you are at the same time an oppressed feminist who hates straight white men, but when you are attacked by a nigger robber, a huge crowd of white knights of the cuckservatives run to save you and sacrifice their lives for you.
Incredible thread my good sir
Agreed. Male "privilege" isn't the problem, it's female entitlement. So many of them act like spoiled children these days because of it.
Men's privilege is to be forcibly sent to war in order to die or become disabled. As in Ukraine today, a man from 18 to 60 years old is deprived of the opportunity to legally leave the territory of his country, in fact slavery.
All western women today believe that women were oppressed by men historically and beyond that they believe that this oppression was just done due to men's selfishness rather than for some kind of practical reason. Most of them are convinced that they are still oppressed by men today.

None of that is true if you stop and think about it for just a moment.

Let's go back to the around the early and mid 20th century decades. Let's step back in time before the modern feminist movement and look at western countries and the lives of men and women.
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1) Women were placed under societal pressure to be wives and mothers -- they were pressured to bare and raise children

Yes they were. But they always leave out that men were placed under social pressure to work themselves to the bone in jobs that were often dirty, dangerous, and unpleasant so that they could provide and serve the greater good.

For example, men were the ones who built the railroads. Men were the coalminers. Men were the farmers. Men were the builders.

Ask yourselves this, would you rather be down in a fucking coal mine, literally killing yourself to provide for your family -- or would you rather be at home raising the kids, cooking dinner, doing the laundry, and so on? Seriously, consider that. Yes, those tasks were more difficult before the advent of modern technology like dish washers/washing machines and such, but there simply is no comparison to be made here. Not really.

If you were to give the women of the time a choice between going out to do backbreaking labor on the railroads for 10 hours a day or being the stay at home mom, the choice is very very obvious what they would choose.

2) Men beat up their wives with no reason and the women were powerless to do anything

Some men surely did, but in reality this was never "normal". This is an example of women taking what is in reality a small subset of men and amplifying it as though it represented most families. That is hogwash.

Most men love their wives and children and seek to make them happy and take care of them. This is true now and it was true then. I also take issue with the claim that women were powerless to do anything about it. They could talk to their fathers or the church -- there was recourse where family would sit that guy down and straighten him out.

Today we've created the complete opposite problem where a woman can just lie and claim that her husband hurt her and when the cops come out they always, always assume that the guy is evil and that he's done wrong. Even if didn't or the woman was hitting him or otherwise just lying. I have seen this with my own eyes in my own family and the truth is women know that this bias exists and a lot of them leverage it at their own convenience (I grew up with a single mother and several sisters, i've seen my fair share of this kind of shit -- one example is where they were beating me with their shoes so I hugged one of them to stop them/restrain them then the other called the cops -- pure madness).

3) Today Women have a Choice, Men do not -- same as we never did.

Women today can choose a career or to be a mother. They have a real choice. Men do not.

The reality is most women will not accept a stay at home dad, they want a provider and if someone is staying home 9/10 (maybe more) it's going to be the woman. Largely because that's what women want. You think men wouldn't jump at the chance to be a stay at home dad? Many definitely would, but our society looks down on you if you don't provide and so do most women.

Because nobody acknowledges the ways men were railroaded back then too, nobody acknowledges how they're still railroaded now.
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4) Just a lose point on western religion, western did not only oppress women. It had strict expectations for both men and women -- not one or the other. There were gender roles, yes. But by and large they were pretty sane gender roles and you'd have a fucking retard to think most men and most women aren't better suited to different kinds of tasks. Gender roles worked which is why they were normal for thousands of years.

5) Women see the restrictions placed on them in the past and think this was done for no reason or due to the selfishness of others. This is nonsense and all you need to do to see that is look at the dating/sex landscape today -- look at online dating, look at speed dating -- go to the statistics. Notice how much easier, trivial it is for women to get laid and to hop into a new relationship compared to the average guy.

This is a huge reason women's pernicious tendencies like hypergamy were restrained by broad society. Also whoring around was shamed rightfully because:
A) You'd get pregnant in those days without a support structure and daddy government wouldn't bail you out at everyone else's expense (personal responsibility! For women? *gasp*)
B) Spread of disease (this is still relevant, look at the disease ridden filth that the gay community spreads around -- those butt fuckers are solely responsible for the spread of AIDS for example).
C) Pair Bonding is real and with more relationships comes more cynicism and comparison which damages future relationship prospects.
D) If women are given total control and no outside influence in choosing their relationships then we devolve into pseudo harems -- like many other mammals. The statics bare this out. A common trend is that eventually as the woman's value deteriorates they may "settle" unhappily with what we know as a "betabux". Not a good outcome for anybody tbh

These restrictions weren't done for "no reason", they were done for a very good set of reasons.

And guess what? Men had and still have their own unique set of pernicious tendencies restrained by broad society for the greater good. For example, men commit more violent crime, men have the advantage of being bigger and physically stronger (though that advantage is muted in modern systems and with modern weapons). Our societies harshly clamp down on those things. Men are expected to behave and we are expected to never use those tools to gain an advantage over women in any way. Women on the other hand no longer have any restraints on them like they used to which is why we're in such a massive imbalance right now. But if you point any of this out, you're just evil and sexist :feelsseriously:

6) In the event of disaster, men must bare the burden -- men must go and fight and die in the trenches or war. Men must stay behind when the titanic sinks for the benefit of women.
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7) Women act like now is better because they don't have to depend on men anymore -- well, instead of being dependent on your husband who loves you and wants to take care of you, now these women are dependent on profit driven 3rd parties who wouldn't care if they died in the gutter and would just replace them like a gear. Is that better than it was before? Truly?

8) The wage gap is a myth -- it exists because those studies were not taking into account things like experience in the same job, education level, or the different kinds of jobs men and women gravitate towards. Yet shockingly a huge cohort of women believe this is real and parrot it every chance they get. News flash, women are entirely unwilling to work dirty jobs that you need to keep your society's infrastructure running. Women in construction? Women as garbage men? Women as plumbers? You almost never see this.

The feminists complain nonstop about how the high paying jobs go to men while not seeing that most men are working in these poor conditions. Basically what I'm saying is that feminists make the Apex Fallacy with respect to men as a group constantly and that shit's retarded. Funny, it's basically the same as with their mate choice/tendencies -- most men are invisible.


TLDR: Men and women are different physically and psychologically. Gender roles are and have always been a positive thing. Men and women need some reasonable restrictions on our unique and pernicious tendencies for the great good of broad society. None of that is "Oppression" and the feminists are delusional fools with no basic grasp on reality.
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One of the few posters that write threads worth a read:feelsokman:
Thanks Fren :feelscomfy: It’s just normal honesty in a decaying world of liars and delusion. It shouldn’t be rare but you’re not permitted to say these things anywhere standard today. And even if you could no one listens either because it doesn’t affect them, they’ve been brainwashed, or they are direct beneficiaries of things being the way that they are. Nobody really gives a shit about most young men — not even other men.

We all know women who spout this bullcrap day in day out — in our families/at work/in school. Nobody ever calls them out on it because you are torn apart for doing so. Drives me nuts hearing them talk about the past and how men were evil oppressors when they have no idea what the fuck they are talking about. Privileged rich Stacie would definitely rather die in a ditch during the war and go work in coal mine than be a stay at a home mom :feelsseriously: just the absolute bullshit of these people is astounding — and they also still think women are the oppressed gender, never even once considering the advantages they enjoy en masse in western countries. Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.
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Western women are the most privileged group of people on the planet yet they always whine and bitch for more special preferential treatment. They're the most entitled pathetic people in the world.
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Western women are the most privileged group of people on the planet yet they always whine and bitch for more special preferential treatment. They're the most entitled pathetic people in the world.
The real mystery is why anyone listens or why the judgement of so many men has been so wrong for such a long time now. A lot of this seems fairly apparent but I know a lot of guys that are basically whipped bluepillers.
Men's privilege is to be forcibly sent to war in order to die or become disabled. As in Ukraine today, a man from 18 to 60 years old is deprived of the opportunity to legally leave the territory of his country, in fact slavery.
Good point. If men love their country and have a family to protect many will willingly fight for it. The fact that young men don’t want to and that they know their governments/women beat them down and use them maybe is a good sign that the country isn’t actually worth fighting for and should be allowed to fail.
Men were also the ones paying for all the taxes and still are even today — this has been covered on many threads here with citations but men are net tax payers and women are net recipients. Has been this way since the dawn of civilization.
> “It’s because women are single mothers!”
Often times because it was more convenient for them to live off the state (eg the backs of men’s aggregate labor) than to stay with a man that gave her the “Ick” when “she could do better”.

Women claim that it’s because of abuse but the vast majorly of men are not abusers of their families and probably never were. In my family the women monkeybranch swing it’s not because they thought they could do better, they always allege abuse (even when there obviously was none) and what I’ve noticed is other women pretty much always play along with these fantasies/justifications for selfishness.

The welfare state is a big reason why any semblance of balance between men and women disappeared (among other things). Why any men out there today vote left is a mystery — in the US that’s also the party pushing DEI, tranny pronoun bullshit, and the party that blames men for everything wrong so again — clearly a big mystery to me.
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Today we've created the complete opposite problem where a woman can just lie and claim that her husband hurt her and when the cops come out they always, always assume that the guy is evil and that he's done wrong. Even if didn't or the woman was hitting him or otherwise just lying. I have seen this with my own eyes in my own family and the truth is women know that this bias exists and a lot of them leverage it at their own convenience (I grew up with a single mother and several sisters, i've seen my fair share of this kind of shit -- one example is where they were beating me with their shoes so I hugged one of them to stop them/restrain them then the other called the cops -- pure madness).
They know the bias exists which doesnt help, but even outside of that, this is just the nature of the foid, they dont win with violence, they win with socialogial warfare, even without these biases this would still be a natural inclination and some of them would still act on it and cry wolf (albeit to a lesser degree)

What i've observed in our society is that everything that is natural to women is permitted and promoted such as crying wolf about abuse or rape, yet everything natural about men is prohibited and shunned.
The wage gap is a myth
Yeah, even when I was very young it sounded ridiculous to me, because its presented at face value that women just straight up only make 77% of what men make, like they imply if 2 teens, one male and one female got a job at maccas, that they would just give the guy a higher pay rate just for being a guy, thats how its presented and its completely ridiculous.
No chance that they would want a stay-at-home dad. On top of it, they want their partner to have a higher income than them also.
Whats brutal about this is that society and the way everything is structured is all backwards, the educational statistics and initiatives to hire foids over men, at this point it feels like it would just work out easier to have a foid go out and be the bread winner (since she can perform well in education then get hired for being a woman)

However they arent attracted to this power imbalance at all, and arent attracted to a stay at home dad

So then if you want to earn more than them or have a higher level of education to be attractive, you are at a disadvantage, where it takes being a top 20% or so male to achieve these things (this will be due to a combination of IQ to learn stuff, attractiveness for social opportunities and connections in uni etc.)
Whats brutal about this is that society and the way everything is structured is all backwards, the educational statistics and initiatives to hire foids over men, at this point it feels like it would just work out easier to have a foid go out and be the bread winner (since she can perform well in education then get hired for being a woman)

However they arent attracted to this power imbalance at all, and arent attracted to a stay at home dad

So then if you want to earn more than them or have a higher level of education to be attractive, you are at a disadvantage, where it takes being a top 20% or so male to achieve these things (this will be due to a combination of IQ to learn stuff, attractiveness for social opportunities and connections in uni etc.)
A lot of womenpreach about being 'independent' and such, but they still want to be looked after by a man. It's clear that being a stay-at-home dad would be a major turn-off for them because they want you to go out and be the breadwinner to make them feel more secure.

There are more women in colleges and universities now (many of them receiving scholarships), and women often secure relatively easy or cushy jobs.

Even though many of these women might be average or subpar, they still feel they deserve a man who is significantly better in terms of income or looks. You also have to be better than her in every regard to have a chance with her.

A study has shown that 70% of women would not want to marry a man who makes less income than they do. Over time, this situation is likely to worsen, leading to more single men (there are already many, and this number will likely increase). Women often have astronomical standards. With the ongoing de-industrialization in Western countries, there will be fewer manufacturing and industrial jobs, pushing more people into the service sector where job security is minimal and wages are low. A woman in her 30s is unlikely to want to be with an Uber driver, fast food worker, or delivery driver, which will reduce dating prospects for many men.

Also, the tech sector has been laying off workers on a large scale as well.
@GeckoBus has good information on anti male laws that existed back then too. It was illegal in many countries for men to not provide for their wives; and in many societies women had full financial control over the husbands money. (Ie: France and China) It's also BS women couldn't work jobs. They very well could. Feminists protested against working jobs because women are lazy bums who want to be rewarded for existing. So now instead of working hard jobs like men women get high earning useless positions just for having a vagina.
Really nice. Making some really good points that need repeating. I especially liked point #3.

8) The wage gap is a myth -- it exists because those studies were not taking into account things like experience in the same job, education level, or the different kinds of jobs men and women gravitate towards. Yet shockingly a huge cohort of women believe this is real and parrot it every chance they get. News flash, women are entirely unwilling to work dirty jobs that you need to keep your society's infrastructure running. Women in construction? Women as garbage men? Women as plumbers? You almost never see this.
Yeah. This is so obvious. How are we still mentioning some gross misunderstanding of statistics thirty or forty years after it came about. It was debunked decades ago, and gets debunked easier than I can tie my shoe laces. (Not that you should ever think of wasting your time arguing with women and soys and men who should know better.)

4) Just a lose point on western religion, western did not only oppress women. It had strict expectations for both men and women -- not one or the other. There were gender roles, yes. But by and large they were pretty sane gender roles and you'd have a fucking retard to think most men and most women aren't better suited to different kinds of tasks. Gender roles worked which is why they were normal for thousands of years.
To add some evidence to this point: back before women could vote officially in the UK, many people don't know that the case was that only men who were thirty years or older and who owned property could vote. That was a subset of the population and not the majority. Both men and women were oppressed if you consider not having a say in something you have no investment in oppression.

(I think it was like that because there is a trend in humans politically where they vote libertarian when they are younger, and conservative when they are older and have something to protect. The idea was that only men with some skin the game could influence the government of their country.)
@GeckoBus has good information on anti male laws that existed back then too. It was illegal in many countries for men to not provide for their wives; and in many societies women had full financial control over the husbands money. (Ie: France and China) It's also BS women couldn't work jobs. They very well could. Feminists protested against working jobs because women are lazy bums who want to be rewarded for existing. So now instead of working hard jobs like men women get high earning useless positions just for having a vagina.
yes exactly, it was not bad at all. I put this info dump thread in the sewers:

If someone goes through that whole thread and reads all the sources, there is no way they can believe in historical female oppression lmfao, no fucking way.

I also made threads on it here:

Or see my lengthy replies on this shit with links, sources and book downloads like here:

A lot of this stuff is repetition from other shit, but I like to put everything in one place so people can get the full picture.
Also, for people who don't want to read, the YT channel "a shield for men" has videos with tons of sources on the topic:

It may take a few days to get through all this material, but once you do, there is no way you can believe in shit like this:

- women being forced to be stay at home moms against their will (historically both genders HAD to work)
- women not working physically demanding jobs (tons of women worked in agriculture and even coal mines. Women working in coal mines was a huge social topic in 1800s - look up "pit girls" - they worked naked in the mines cuz of the heat)
- women being raped 24/7 by men
- women not being allowed to run businesses and earn money

All thinks considered, women always had it way easier in life than men, even in the past. There was never systemic female oppression, women have always been the socially dominant gender with the most privileges compared to men. We live in a matriarchy, patriarchy is a myth that women project on men, because from their perspective they live in a matriarchy, and they know it.
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yes exactly, it was not bad at all. I put this info dump thread in the sewers:

If someone goes through that whole thread and reads all the shit sources, there is no way they can believe in historical female oppression lmfao, no fucking way.

I also made threads on it here:

Or see my lengthy replies on this shit with links, sources and book downloads like here:

A lot of this stuff is repetition from other shit, but I like to put everything in one place so people can get the full picture.
Also, for people who don't want to read, the YT channel "a shield for men" has videos with tons of sources on the topic:

It may take a few days to get through all this material, but once you do, there is no way you can believe in shit like this:

- women being forced to be stay at home moms against their will (historically both genders HAD to work)
- women not working physically demanding jobs (tons of women worked in agriculture and even coal mines. Women working in coal mines was a huge social topic in 1800s - look up "pit girls" - they worked naked in the mines cuz of the heat)
- women being raped 24/7 by men
- women not being allowed to run businesses and earn money

All thinks considered, women always had it way easier in life than men, even in the past. There was never systemic female oppression, women have always been the socially dominant gender with the most privileges compared to men. We live in a matriarchy, patriarchy is a myth that women project on men, because from their perspective they live in a matriarchy, and they know it.

Thank you for the great wealth of resources. I'm going to read through these later. I suggest others do likewise. It's always good to have the facts on hand in case you need to stomp a gynocentric cuck.

In two hundred years women will be complaining about how oppressed they were in the 21st century.
- women not working physically demanding jobs (tons of women worked in agriculture and even coal mines. Women working in coal mines was a huge social topic in 1800s - look up "pit girls" - they worked naked in the mines cuz of the heat)

In the early coal industry women and girls worked underground alongside men and boys in small coal pits. It was common practice in Lancashire and Cumberland, Yorkshire, the East of Scotland and South Wales
From the 1600s in Lancashire it was common for whole families to be employed in the pits. Colliers relied on their wives, sons and daughters who were employed as drawers.
Yes exactly. I like to bring examples like that up to demonstrate that the idea that women "had to stay home and be housewives" because "the work was too hard for women and only men could do it" is wrong.
Usually they tie these claims to other false assertions about gender roles, i.e. men being naturally more aggressive, competitive, out-going and women just being "natural home makers, conflict avoidant and nurturing nest makers."

We know from data that women are terrible at raising kids (single moms) and also abuse kids more than men:

On the subject of female aggression, anyone can look into IPV symmetry or watch this video:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37tVzgUkKIA

Also this book written by women on female aggression, academic text:

The actual data shows that it is precisely women that create and enforce these gender roles, because they benefit women. Women created the "trad" lifestyle where the guy works and she is a glorified NEET. Women collectively fought to leave the workforce, only to larp later that men barred them from working for centuries.

Myth 1: Men don’t want to stay at home​

A 2007 survey by the employment web site monster.com found that 68% percent of fathers would be a stay at home parent if money were no object. [1]
Warren Farrell reported in “The Myth of Male Power” that 80% of men he surveyed said that if they could stay at home with no loss of income and their wives approval, they would. Only 3% said they would prefer to work full-time. [2]
87% of men who did quit their job after having a child to stay at home say they are glad they did. [3]
63% fathers say they don’t spend as much time as they want with the kids, compared to 35% of mums. [5]

and lower in the article
Between 1787 to 1815 in families with unemployed children (!) wives earned 41 percent of household income. [28]
In this same period 66% of married women had a recorded occupation. [29]
In 1833 Britain, women made up 57% – the majority – of factory workers. [30] [31]
Even in labour intensive agricultural work, significant numbers of women worked. [32]

At the bottom of the article we find this:

Further reading​

Chapter 3 of The Privileged Sex by Martin van Creveld covers most of the same material.
I have linked the book he mentions a few times already, but here it is again:

Again, the info is all out there, its a lot, but he who seeks shall find. If you spend a week or two reading all this shit, watching the videos, there is no doubt that women were never systematically globally oppressed in history. It is bogus.
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