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English chased away East Euros replaced with nigeers, sandniggers and pakis and wonder why productivity has sunk away



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
English were shouting Brexit brexit, fuck Europeans,to hell with Europe. They did Brexit and chased away Polish, Latvians etc and replaced them with niggers and pakis, somalis and sandniggers.

Surprise, surprise the replacements prefer to live on welfare, social housing and benefits. The productivity in Britain has gone down since Brexit and now they call the consequences of a less productive economy(less taxes, less gdp etc) "a cost of living crisis", and blame the government :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

What did they think would happen? The government has to get money some how if taxes are declining so they raise energy prices and ciggarette prices where the extra price is basically tax, then food prices go up, transport goes up and the common business is also forced to raise prices.

Imagine chasing away young Polish babes to replace them with subhuman ethnics at your workplace:lul::lul::lul:then the subhumans as soon as they are entitled to welfare stop working:lul::lul::lul:

English chased away East Euros replaced with nigeers, sandniggers and pakis and wonder why productivity has sunk away​

tbh. Slavs >>>>> Pajeets
tbh. Slavs >>>>> Pajeets
not always. There are high IQ currys doing science, medicine etc etc make no mistake .

Thing is though an economy needs common skilled workers. Skilled Stone masons, skilled care workers, skilled machine operators and currys just cant do the manual labour and be as productive as a Slav male do back breaking chores years on end. Eventually the curry gets joint pains, back problems, hernia and ends up on welfare:blackpill::blackpill::lul::lul::lul: Niggers fuck everything up, Sandniggers dont like such jobs

Those jobs are either for working class Brits or Slavs but they chased away the Slavs and now struggling:lul::lul::lul::lul:

The exact same thing happend in Germany :lul: :lul: :lul: the sandniggers refuse to be productiuve and instread prefer to rape, steal, sell drugs, lay about on welfare
As if Slav doctors and engineers don't exist.
They prefer to stay home . I don't know maybe they do go to UK but I think it's more a curry thing to study then run away to Uk, Canada etc
Where the British cells at?
classic britbong logic: reject hardworking slavs for lazy, low iq niggers and pakis
They left the EU cause senile old fucks are allowed to vote
Did the old people prefer nigs and pakis over poles?
Their dumbasses thought banning EU migration meant banning ethnics. They're genuinely retarded.
Nigers and Pakistanis are former citizens of the British Empire, so they are closer to English people than some Czech or Pole who went to work. I can't understand the logic.
Their dumbasses thought banning EU migration meant banning ethnics. They're genuinely retarded.
so they chased away the young blonde East Euro babes and East Euro male workers in manufacturing and blue collar industries to replace them wih subsaharan African foids and Pakis? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: who did they think would replace the East Euro cheap labour? A Brit agreeing to work for low wages? Thats what they thought?
so they chased away the young blonde East Euro babes and East Euro male workers in manufacturing and blue collar industries to replace them wih subsaharan African foids and Pakis? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: who did they think would replace the East Euro cheap labour? A Brit agreeing to work for low wages? Thats what they thought?
I remember some old farts on the news being asked about why they're voting leave and they started mumbling crap about muslims coming over. Retards.
I remember some old farts on the news being asked about why they're voting leave and they started mumbling crap about muslims coming over. Retards.
Hmm oh well too late now , its sad watching UK turn to a proper shithole.
i know one thing is for certain with curry workers. they never get my orders right.

they like to work at 7/11 for a very good reason. margins are high because they like to charge an exorbitant amount on goods and very minimal work is actually required. they're physically weaker so they don't like to do hard strenuous work. just sweeping the floors and restocking the items.

as for blacks and hispanic workers, when things get busy around 5-8pm, the businesses that they work at basically fall apart lol

so if you extrapolate that into the larger society and economy, its reasonable to believe that productivity will decrease because of them

on top of that you have crime, corruption, low trust, and scamming
Nigers and Pakistanis are former citizens of the British Empire, so they are closer to English people than some Czech or Pole who went to work. I can't understand the logic.
Ah yeah boomer logic still living in the 60's, 7o's and 80's when Britain still had some few territories and influence/power on the world stage. Imagine leaving the EU, a market of 380 million to prefer Pakistan and Zimbabwe/Nigeria as trading partners :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::soy::soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:
i know one thing is for certain with curry workers. they never get my orders right.

they like to work at 7/11 for a very good reason. margins are high because they like to charge an exorbitant amount on goods and very minimal work is actually required. they're physically weaker so they don't like to do hard strenuous work. just sweeping the floors and restocking the items.

as for blacks and hispanic workers, when things get busy around 5-8pm, the businesses that they work at basically fall apart lol

so if you extrapolate that into the larger society and economy, its reasonable to believe that productivity will decrease because of them

on top of that you have crime, corruption, low trust, and scamming
Yep its strenuous production jobs that also require a high degree of learnt mastery/skills,coordination,organisation, communication. You cant just import a replacement and everything is okay.

Brexit was deided around 2017 something like that? Thats 8 going on 9 years now. Come on dude seriously thats more than enough time to import a subsaharan, sandnigger or curry , train him and upskill completely in the job ,organise a team of subsaharan and currys/sandniggers and get them producing.

Looking at the figures its 100% clear by now after all is said and done you cant build a competitive ,productive, modern economy with currys, sandniggers and niggers:lul::lul::lul::lul::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Albanians mate we managed to chase the Polish (sound cunts) out and replaced them with the same Albanian Mafia blair made us bomb Serbia for #kosovoisserbia
Albanians mate we managed to chase the Polish (sound cunts) out and replaced them with the same Albanian Mafia blair made us bomb Serbia for #kosovoisserbia
why are the Poles cunts? Didnt their foids have sweet pussies for Brits?
why are the Poles cunts? Didnt their foids have sweet pussies for Brits?
They’re sound I liked them ‘sound cunts’ mean they’re decent ‘cunts’ mean cunts.
They didn’t for me sadly most of the Polish birds like other Polish Men or Mediterranean European some like light skin
They’re sound I liked them ‘sound cunts’ mean they’re decent ‘cunts’ mean cunts.
They didn’t for me sadly most of the Polish birds like other Polish Men or Mediterranean European some like light skin
Did cost of living and quality of life decrease after Brexit r improve?
Did cost of living and quality of life decrease after Brexit r improve?
Was done wrong by cope out Tory talkers and CINOs (if buts and maybes I know)
‘Brexit has failed’ Nigel Farage and I’m a Farage supporter
Nigers and Pakistanis are former citizens of the British Empire, so they are closer to English people than some Czech or Pole who went to work. I can't understand the logic.
You are retarded for this statement
Go stormfront you neonazi biological trash
Fuck u ,u shit trash subhuman

472597839 591853923602765 1472505436254695524 n
Fuck u ,u shit trash subhuman

View attachment 1403842
"BrOoTheeEr! I can't get laid and people treat me like shit because im ugly and short!" but then also
"Kill niggers bro! they are so subhuman! Look at this cherry picked video i took from a filthy nigger beating up a white dude (without even previous context teehee). Kill all ethnics europe for europeans white supremacy bro!"

Hypocrite Irrational neocuck scum
"BrOoTheeEr! I can't get laid and people treat me like shit because im ugly and short!" but then also
"Kill niggers bro! they are so subhuman! Look at this cherry picked video i took from a filthy nigger beating up a white dude (without even previous context teehee). Kill all ethnics europe for europeans white supremacy bro!"

Hypocrite Irrational neocuck scum
Fuck off back to your country u fucking nigger. Shut the fuck up

462633046 507614028786514 8183295994114284604 n
why? Explain?
One or 2 centuries of colonial history does not come close to the cultural compatibility of different European ethnicities.
Plus most of the time you could not tell the ethnicities apart.
A second gen pole is basically fully assimilated and barely disguishable, a sand nigger will always be a sand nigger and a nigger will always be a nigger.
And race mixing is a disgrace so I wouldn't even want them to assimilate, I want them concentrated so that they will be easier to remove.
"BrOoTheeEr! I can't get laid and people treat me like shit because im ugly and short!" but then also
"Kill niggers bro! they are so subhuman! Look at this cherry picked video i took from a filthy nigger beating up a white dude (without even previous context teehee). Kill all ethnics europe for europeans white supremacy bro!"

Hypocrite Irrational neocuck scum
would you rather have fucking Indonesian shit subhuman foids working with you or hot babes from central Asia like Khazakstan, Uzbekistan? Would you rather have shit subsaharan nigger foids working with you or Ethiopian hot babes?

I dont give a fuck about Indonesian foids that look like monkeys and i dont give a fuck about subsaharan nigger foids that look like gorillas. They are ugly like subhumans so fuck off i dont care whta you think of me if i dont like such ugly rubbish women. Take those rubbish to your country and your workplace and keep them there. Thank you very much

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTDJoAAxJAA
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I want them concentrated so that they will be easier to remove.
you and which army? The current white man is cucked beyond repair the way things are going. Which army exactly that form a mjority will help you remove them? I dont see that happening at all.
you and which army? The current white man is cucked beyond repair the way things are going. Which army exactly that form a mjority will help you remove them? I dont see that happening at all.
Not saying it will happen just what I want
would you rather have fucking Indonesian shit subhuman foids working with you or hot babes from central Asia like Khazakstan, Uzbekistan? Would you rather have shit subsaharan nigger foids working with you or Ethiopian hot babes?

I dont give a fuck about Indonesian foids that look like monkeys and i dont give a fuck about subsaharan nigger foids that look like gorillas. They are ugly like subhumans so fuck off i dont care whta you think of me if i dont like such ugly rubbish women. Take those rubbish to your country and your workplace and keep them there. Thank you very much

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTDJoAAxJAA

@Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 This faggot is literally a lookist his whole argument is not some neonazi crap but blatant lookism. He literally hates ethnics because HOW THEY LOOK. HE HATE UGLY PEOPLE. Ban worthy?
@Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 This faggot is literally a lookist his whole argument is not some neonazi crap but blatant lookism. He literally hates ethnics because HOW THEY LOOK. HE HATE UGLY PEOPLE. Ban worthy?
Oh yeah ban me for thinking exactly what everybody else thinks. Just ban me from thinking.
Probably you are not going to get banned because you are 2021cel you LOOKIST normalSCUM
They did Brexit and chased away Polish, Latvians etc
Kek, imagine having such cucked of a nation that you regret chasing away the slavshites.
THE BETTER QUESTION HOWEVER: Are eastern european gypsies better than nigs and jeets?
Probably you are not going to get banned because you are 2021cel you LOOKIST normalSCUM
fuck u, I am just as fucked up and ugly and a wristcel, framecel as well. So fucking what, It doesnt change the fact that I prefer seeing an ethiopian babe bend over in front of me to pick up something at work and make me cum in my pants looking at her crack and pussy bulge through the trousers, better still if its see through then i can even faint on the spot .

I dont give a fuck if u hate me for prefering that you fucking cunt
Oh yeah ban me for thinking exactly what everybody else thinks. Just ban me from thinking.
No, some neocuckcels at least have some documented and somewhat logically consistent arguments that sre not LOOKIST to defend their beliefs.

NOT EVERYONE THINKS LIKE YOU DO YOU NORMALSHIT LOOKIST! And of everyone did, the world would be more doomed than it is already.

"Just ban me from thinking" Don't you dare strawman me you normshit. Holy fuck you act like a typical normal gaslighter.
Never said to ban you from thinking.
You are a lookist
@Fat Link @proudweeb @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 This faggot is literally a lookist his whole argument is not some neonazi crap but blatant lookism. He literally hates ethnics because HOW THEY LOOK. HE HATE UGLY PEOPLE. Ban worthy?
Kek. Don't post here is you do not have thick skin. People are allowed to have subjective opinions of their own. His productivity argument is sound however, people from foreign cultures lower the productivity in the workplace.
Kek. Don't post here is you do not have thick skin. People are allowed to have subjective opinions of their own. His productivity argument is sound however, people from foreign cultures lower the productivity in the workplace.
He is just obviously a cel from a single mother household arguing on feelings not logic. Its fact that Indonesian foids are the lowest foids in Asia, this is fact and its fact that Ethiopian foids have sweet pussies better than Congolese foids. Its my opinion and this cunt wants me banned for having preferences because he is "emotional" about it and i should be "tolerant" and love "LGBTQ" and everybody must get a participation medal, fucking cunt
Kek. Don't post here is you do not have thick skin. People are allowed to have subjective opinions of their own. His productivity argument is sound however, people from foreign cultures lower the productivity in the workplace.
What? muh you are too sensitive bro!!

YOU RETARD. Why the fuck the rule of not having females or soy bluepill faggots its a RULE? BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT RETARDED NORMSHITS BOTHERING US HERE! In the same way, I don't want a fucking LOOKIST bothering me here and spreading his harmful baseless lookist shit here. He hates ugly people. He is a fucking lookist.
Kek, imagine having such cucked of a nation that you regret chasing away the slavshites.
THE BETTER QUESTION HOWEVER: Are eastern european gypsies better than nigs and jeets?
Gypsys are worse than jeets and niggers. At least jeets can drive delivery, work in supermarket on the till, niggers can do cleaning jobs and driving bus. East Euro Gypsys are the worst of the whole bunch, they will never work and have 20 children on welfare :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Gypsys are worse than jeets and niggers. At least jeets can drive delivery, work in supermarket on the till, niggers can do cleaning jobs and driving bus. East Euro Gypsys are the worst of the whole bunch, they will never work and have 20 children on welfare :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Real. You know.
@Mr. Agent Clark you mutha fucka where do you live? Lets fight, i will show you who is boss my boy , dont try me


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