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Serious Elliott Rodger was neither ugly nor blackpilled. Therefore he was not an incel in the TRUEST sense of the word.



Jun 12, 2023
He was never rejected because of his looks.

He never saw himself as ugly.

He did not suffer from self esteem issues arising due to ugliness.

He was not blackpilled.

He did not once refer to the blackpill or a concept similar to it.

In fact, he saw himself as the "supreme gentleman" and believed that he deserved a GF.

He was perplexed about the fact that he did not have a GF.

He lamented the fact that those he deemed inferior had GFs.

In terms of looks, he was a mid to high tier normie.

He had the looks, wealth and status. Life handed him everything he needed to ascend but he still screwed up.

His "inceldom" wasn't caused by his looks but rather by his untreated mental issues.

Elliott Rodger was neither ugly nor blackpilled. Therefore he was not an incel in the TRUEST sense of the word.
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And don't forget that his victims were incels.
Yeah he was just a fakecel normies like to mention because he was a mass murderer but not incel
Cope he was non NT and MTN AT BEST. Muhh not ugly giga cope he was realistically incel tier aka High LTN to low MTN
Virgin but not incel? :soy:
He wasn't really decent looking to begin with.
ER was ugly. Please stop coping. This is how brutally women rate men:
He was never rejected because of his looks.

He never saw himself as ugly.

He did not suffer from self esteem issues arising due to ugliness.

He was not blackpilled.

He did not once refer to the blackpill or a concept similar to it.

In fact, he saw himself as the "supreme gentleman" and believed that he deserved a GF.

He also seemed perplexed about the fact that he did not have a GF.

He lamented the fact that those he deemed inferior had GFs.

In terms of looks, he was a mid to high tier normie.

He had the looks, wealth and status. Life handed him everything he needed to ascend but he still screwed up.

His "inceldom" wasn't caused by his looks but rather by his untreated mental issues.

Elliott Rodger was neither ugly nor blackpilled. Therefore he was not an incel in the TRUEST sense of the word.
be was not attractive
he was non NT

Doubt it. He was extremely well spoken, well groomed and confident and carried himself with class and elegance. He was aware of it, which is why he called himself the "supreme gentleman".
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He was never rejected because of his looks.

He never saw himself as ugly.

He did not suffer from self esteem issues arising due to ugliness.

He was not blackpilled.

He did not once refer to the blackpill or a concept similar to it.

In fact, he saw himself as the "supreme gentleman" and believed that he deserved a GF.

He was perplexed about the fact that he did not have a GF.

He lamented the fact that those he deemed inferior had GFs.

In terms of looks, he was a mid to high tier normie.

He had the looks, wealth and status. Life handed him everything he needed to ascend but he still screwed up.

His "inceldom" wasn't caused by his looks but rather by his untreated mental issues.

Elliott Rodger was neither ugly nor blackpilled. Therefore he was not an incel in the TRUEST sense of the word.
Well said.
ER was ugly. Please stop coping. This is how brutally women rate men:

Just because ER wasn't a Chad doesn't mean he was "ugly".

And the opinions of narcissistic women with impossibly high standards do not reflect reality.
He could easily pull bitches in SEA but he wanted the tall blonde gigastacies
He lived in a white society, he was a subhuman by white standards.
He couldn't attract women. Women never approached him.
He was a mentalcel, high inhib and low T.
He suffered from bullying.
He could easily pull bitches in SEA but he wanted the tall blonde gigastacies

Imo he didn't even need to SEAmax. He could have stayed in America and easily landed a decent 7/10 woman.

Also ERs father worked in the film industry. In other words, ER actually had the opportunity to get into showbiz and meet beautiful women on a daily basis.

He had it all and threw it all away.
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Doubt it. He was extremely well spoken, well groomed and confident and carried himself with class and elegance. He was aware of it, which is why he called himself the "supreme gentleman".
Bro he sounded like a fucking aspie all that well spoken and confidence he has WAS ASPIE AS FUCK. No nt person talks like him
He was a mentalcel.
he was a stacy only fake cel
he was a stacy only fake cel

Exactly. It's quite likely that he dismissed every girl who was not a Stacy and ended up isolating himself. His loneliness was most probably self inflicted.

But he wasn't ugly. And he most certainly wasn't a sub5.
You cope, ER was truecel in America. He's like me in a lot of ways, we both have a lot of the same failos. His shit tier height, godawful childlike frame and "cute" like appearance killed him. Apart from his severe autism, yeah he was sorta a standardscel. He could've ascended in SEA but was definitive truecel in America
His standards were too high, but then again.. dude was the son of the producer of the Hunger Games, so he probably thought he "deserved" the "tall hot blonde babes". Most men have a variety of types of women they are attracted to, but Elliot wouldn't take any other type of woman. I bet he rejected other women, especially since he'd be around them all the time, Hollywood-esque parties and shit. Dude had opportunities with his status. But whatever.
His nose was his biggest failo tbh, If he had a better looking one he would ascend easier
His standards were too high, but then again.. dude was the son of the producer of the Hunger Games, so he probably thought he "deserved" the "tall hot blonde babes". Most men have a variety of types of women they are attracted to, but Elliot wouldn't take any other type of woman. I bet he rejected other women, especially since he'd be around them all the time, Hollywood-esque parties and shit. Dude had opportunities with his status. But whatever.

It's also possible that he overestimated his looks and sought women who were way above his league. Granted, he wasn't a Chad but he was still good looking enough to land a pretty GF.
It's also possible that he overestimated his looks and sought women who were way above his league. Granted, he wasn't a Chad but he was still good looking enough to land a pretty GF.
Agreed. He didn't take into consideration that he was aiming too high.
He was a shy introverted, neurotic mentalcel
He was never rejected because of his looks.

He never saw himself as ugly.

He did not suffer from self esteem issues arising due to ugliness.

He was not blackpilled.

He did not once refer to the blackpill or a concept similar to it.

In fact, he saw himself as the "supreme gentleman" and believed that he deserved a GF.

He was perplexed about the fact that he did not have a GF.

He lamented the fact that those he deemed inferior had GFs.

In terms of looks, he was a mid to high tier normie.

He had the looks, wealth and status. Life handed him everything he needed to ascend but he still screwed up.

His "inceldom" wasn't caused by his looks but rather by his untreated mental issues.

Elliott Rodger was neither ugly nor blackpilled. Therefore he was not an incel in the TRUEST sense of the word.
well what about incels who are averege or goodlooking who struggle to get grils plus most women want 20 percent of guys and not averege men plus grils want a man that abuses them.
well what about incels who are averege or goodlooking who struggle to get grils

Incels who are objectively good looking are very rare and should be regarded as extreme outliers.... just like the legendary 'short ugly guy who ends up with a 9/10 Stacey'.

They are, for all intents and purposes, irrelevant to any serious discussion about the blackpill and inceldom.

plus most women want 20 percent of guys and not averege men plus grils want a man that abuses them.

What women "want" and what they actually get are two very different things.
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He was ugly, severely mentally ill, and definitely not rich.
Was invention of media propaganda to make Incels look bad
ER was an incel in the United States because short, feminine, skinny, and Asian men are the least desired people in that country. In the USA, the white Chad's are on top. Ethnic males like ER are at the bottom. This is how American women divide men based on looks
OP is a GrAY in the truest sense of the word
ER was an incel in the United States because short, feminine, skinny, and Asian men are the least desired people in that country. In the USA, the white Chad's are on top. Ethnic males like ER are at the bottom. This is how American women divide men based on looks

ER wasn't a Chad but he also wasn't hideous looking either.

Not being a Chad =/= ugly.

He was at least a mid-tier normie... with wealth and connections to Hollywood.

He could have easily acquired a very pretty GF if only he played his cards right.

Also, ER was racially ambiguous. In fact, he looked more white than Asian. Imo he could have easily passed for an Eastern European or Ukrainian.

He most certainly was not an ethnic male at the bottom.
Cope he was non NT and MTN AT BEST. Muhh not ugly giga cope he was realistically incel tier aka High LTN to low MTN
Given his height and frame he was definitely LTN max
Was invention of media propaganda to make Incels look bad

Exactly. If they wanted a poster boy for inceldom they could have picked one of the countless ugly young men suffering from depression and loneliness, leading empty unfulfilled lives.

But instead, they chose ER because they just wanted to push the narrative that incels are dangerous and violent.
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He was a normie that only wanted Stacies. He was just a retard, that's it.
He was a normie that only wanted Stacies.

Yep. That's what I think as well.

Who exactly were the women he was interested in? Has it been documented anywhere??

Given his looks and status, he probably could have found girls within his league who were genuinely interested in him. But he probably rejected them all thinking he deserved only the 8s and above. (That might explain why he flaunted his car and clothing).

And then when he was rejected by the Stacies he was chasing, he made it look like he was rejected all his life.
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I agree, too many ER cocksuckers on this forum. I suspect the feds like pushing for shooter worship, it gives them something to monitor.
He was never rejected because of his looks.

He did not suffer from self esteem issues arising due to ugliness.

He did not once refer to the blackpill or a concept similar to it.

In terms of looks, he was a mid to high tier normie.

He had the looks, wealth and status. Life handed him everything he needed to ascend but he still screwed up.

His "inceldom" wasn't caused by his looks but rather by his untreated mental issues.

Elliott Rodger was neither ugly nor blackpilled. Therefore he was not an incel in the TRUEST sense of the word.
You clearly didn't read his manifesto, GrAY. Everything I kept in this quote above is untrue. The only thing you can say about him is that he was a standardscel.

175cm and half ricecel.
Trust me brah he was fakecel,you can trust a GrAY
The only thing you can dislike him for was not killing all blond stacies in dormitory
View attachment 971895
Based and cool video.
You clearly didn't read his manifesto, GrAY. Everything I kept in this quote above is untrue. The only thing you can say about him is that he was a standardscel.

The bottom line is that he was not blackpilled. And he never thought of himself as ugly. (Objectively speaking, he was not ugly). On the contrary he believed he was good looking enough to be deserving a girlfriend.

"Mr.Supreme Gentleman" also believed the blue pilled idea that wearing nice clothes and and driving a fancy car would help get him a GF.

That's simply not how incels think or act.

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